@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ.------ --- -  Bob Dole collection - Ascii.

         ( oO )
      / _.    .____/o-'
     <  \_     \
      \_oO------'  basic!ascii presents a collie by biOgenesis..
      bm/   |   \
       /____|____\         `bob dole, owning you like #ascii' -cn

              ........................:....    :.................
        ______:                 ......:...:                     :
      ///    /:   _______       :  ___:_        ________ _ _____:__
      / ____/_:___\_    /_______:__\  _/________\ ___  /__     _  /____
     /  \_____     /  ///       \\    \____  \   /____/   \____/ /_   /
    /       ______/\  /    __    \_____       \\     ______\  /     ///
   /________\ :     \/____________\   /________\_____\       /______/
      squish  :      \          :     :                         :
              :       \         :.....:.........................:       _ ___
              :        .              :                              _ __\
              :         _ ___________ : __ ___   biogen   _ _________\
              :.......................:      /___ ________\

                       by biOgenesis of basic produkshuz?!

                 `dole like's this stuff. dole is oldage style'

index info.. 'dole says it's time for some for more whores' _ ______l ;;;::::::
logo title..              requestor..              group..          ::::::::::'
drop zone                someone                something           :;;;;;;::::
mass distortion          biOgenesis             something           :;;;;;;::::
soft machine             someone                something           :;;;;;;::::
moslem                   emmjay                 something           :;;;;;;::::
mystical descent         someone                something           :;;;;;;::::
singe                    someone                something           :';;;;;::::
black hole               iceman-                food.coder          :;;;;;;;;::
black hole               iceman-                food.coder          :;;;;;;;;::
black hole               iceman-                food.coder          :;;;;;;;;::
sneakers                 lordnito               food.coder          :;;;;;;;;::
sneakers                 lordnito               food.coder          :;;;;;;;;::
earth bound              melfarr                bbs boy             :;;;;;;;;::
mass distortion          biOgenesis             basic!food          ':::;;;;;::
tek autosig              tk-                    serial!more         ::::;;;;;::
drop zone menu           someone                something           ::::;;;;;::
blank                    someone                something           :::::::::::
jagoff land/2            hiro-p                 remorse!qd-p!food   :::::::::::
_______________________________________  they all talk like dole..  ::::::::;::
 ____________________________________  \____________________________l ;;;::::::
                                     \______________________________ ;; ;::::::

.---------------------- -------------------------------------------\/---------.
|     ___   -+-      drop zone logo `dole need depends'       -+-             |
`--- -\/------------------------------------------------ - ---------- - ------'

               |                           |  d r(o)  p?!
           ____l____   __________          |       __________
            \      /___\___     //_________l______/        /    _ _______ __-_
      _______\\    \      /____/__    __    \      __     /      \\     _
     /              \_____        \\         \\   \_______\\    __\   _/_
    /    //  _______/biO!/         \_________/       \_         _ _\  /__
  //________/  |       //___________\      //_________\   ____.   \\\/
               |                                          \
               l                      _____________________\\
               ¦         .___________///

.----------------------------- - ----------------------------------\/---------.
|     ___   -+-        mass distortion `dole is plain'        -+-             |
`--- -\/------------------------------------------------ - ---------- - ------'

                          |                      l
                  _______ l          ____________: ________
   ____  _  ___   \     /_:__________\\  _______ /_\      /  ___ __ _
  \\         ______\     \ _________/_______    ___      /_____      //__
    \     ///             \\       /             //            \\\
     \ _   /     /  ________________     _______/_______        \    ___
       /  /_________\b10! :         \_______/    :____ /_________\      \
      /_____________      :                                ______________\
                          l  +o biogen    ________________///

.----------------------------- - ----------------------------------\/---------.
|     ___   -+-      soft machine menu `dole has menu?'       -+-             |
`--- -\/------------------------------------------------ - ---------- - ------'

  :::..  ..::......     ________ s oft  m(a)chi ne ________  ...::.::::.
        .:::   ___:_____/     _/___________________/     _/__:__  ::    .:::
..: .:  .::...//       /      /______   \     _____\          //......:::::.
::::::::...:::.\         /        --    /          /    _\     \ .::::....:::::
===============*\     \_/_______________________________/       \=============*


.----------------------------- - ----------------------------------\/---------.
|     ___   -+-         moslem `dole wants icecream'          -+-             |
`--- -\/------------------------------------------------ - ---------- - ------'

   \   ___/_ __
  __\  __/_   _ ___________________________ _ _________  _ _____ _
        /_ ______________________________________________\_____________ _
       /          ..............                          \_________ _
 _____/  _________:      ______:____  _______       _______\__         ________
________/        /:_____/    ______/__\    ///   ___\   __   /________/
\              //       \_______   ____    /_____\     _____/_\              //
 \        /    /    --   \     /    //            \            \        /    /
  \     \/_________________    __________________________________     \/____/
  \\____/         :        \______/                             \\____/
     _ ___/_______:___________: ___    m  oS  l e+ m             \
         / .......:...........:  /                                \

.----------------------------- - ----------------------------------\/---------.
|     ___   -+-    mystical descent `dole has been there'     -+-             |
`--- -\/------------------------------------------------ - ---------- - ------'

                                ___:___       :_______
                       ________/       \_______\      \ \\  \  \\   \
         /   //   //  /       /        /              /     ....,
                      \         /    //   //         /......:...:
        ...............\     \_/______\        ______\          :
        :...:          /______l~~~~~~~~\______lBIO~~~~
            :                 :      ....:
                    ..........:      :    mYSTICAL dESCENT?!
                    :...:            :.................. ...  .

.----------------------------- - ----------------------------------\/---------.
|     ___   -+-        singe `new age dole uses dope'         -+-             |
`--- -\/------------------------------------------------ - ---------- - ------'

      ______    |                            |
  ____\         |     s in g+ e              |  ____________________
  \     ________l__________________      ____l_       ________     /
       /     _______/_____/       /______\  _/________\ ___  /___   ______
  ___  \_________   \     \   _  /_   /     \____  \   /____/    \       /
 /     /     ______/_______\__/      /______        \      _______\     /
 \     \_______/|            \______/      /_________\_____\           /
  \_________    |    ___                                        ______/
                |       \_______________________________________\

.----------------------------- - ----------------------------------\/---------.
|     ___   -+-       black hole no. 1 `dole is a nig'        -+-             |
`--- -\/------------------------------------------------ - ---------- - ------'

:::::::::::  black hOle.                      ____________________ /      /
:::::::::::          _______    _ ____________\     ______\       / _____/
::::::_________     _\     /_______\_______    \      \   \\_____        \
::::::\\      /______ \\            \     /   __\___________\   /         \\
:::::::/               \_____      __\___________\             /___________\
::::::/_____    /    __/bio!/________\
::::::::::: \__________/                +o iceman-      ____________________\
:::::::::::                ____________________________/
:::::::::::  \____________/

.----------------------------- - ----------------------------------\/---------.
|     ___   -+-     black hole no. 2 `dole like's whores'     -+-             |
`--- -\/------------------------------------------------ - ---------- - ------'

                         .........                  ..........
               __________:       :  ___________     :        :
               \       _/_____   :...\        /.....:........:
                \           //___:____\       \_____:______
      <<========/     \      \    __   \       \  \___    /========>>
               //_____/       \         \       \  \_____/___
              :      >>_______/---------/        \ ___        \
              :        :           _______________\biO\_______>>
              :........:  blAck [Ho le   .............:
                             +o iceman-
.----------------------------- - ----------------------------------\/---------.
|     ___   -+-         black hole no. 3 `dole rules'         -+-             |
`--- -\/------------------------------------------------ - ---------- - ------'

 __________           ___________                               _____ _
 \       _/_____       \        /                 __  _    /\   \  // // /
  \           _/________\       \____________  __ __ _/\\ //\\   \/
  /     \      \    __   \       \____ __   /_____\     \//__ \______    ______
 //_____/       \         \       \  \_____/___                     \\  //    |
  |    >>_______/---------/        \ ___        \  bl aC k+ h(o) le   \/      |
  |                  _______________\biO\_______>>                            |
  |                                                                           |
  |       node 1: you-want           sop: iceman  -- expand boxx              |
  |       node 2: you-need           affils: stuff / dogs / fish              |
  |___    nup: fishie-wh0rd          more stats, elite infoz.              ___|
 _/__//                                                                    \\_\

.----------------------------- - ----------------------------------\/---------.
|     ___   -+-       sneakers no. 1 `dole@hotmail.com'       -+-             |
`--- -\/------------------------------------------------ - ---------- - ------'

 _____________             ____________               ________/      >>,:::::::
     _______>>_      ______\    __  __>>_ ____________\      / _____/::::::::::
   \_____  ___/_______\      \  /_____/   \ _______    \____        \ + erZ::::
       \|      \             //            \     <<        /         \\':::::::
 _ ____________/______/      /-------------/______________/           \,:::::::
                 biO-/------/                            /_____________\:::::::
  sneaKErs > +o lordnitrO!?                node 1: way2-fst         ;;;;;::::::
  hell no we are fabricy freSH!            node 2: foo-fght         ;;;;;::::::
_______________________________________    fOod mbr / artz / etc    ;;;;;::::::
_____________________________________  \____________________________l ;;;::::::
                                     \______________________________ ;; ;::::::

.----------------------------- - ----------------------------------\/---------.
|     ___   -+-      sneakers no. 2 `dole wears nike's'       -+-             |
`--- -\/------------------------------------------------ - ---------- - ------'

 +o lordnitro                      ______
    _____________________________ 3\\   /_
   /   _____________/           /__ \\//\/=====================================
   \ ________        \       __      \/  "mE aND BOBZ wE wORe sNEAKERS, wH0rd"
 ____     ___________/ _______/        /=======================================
   \___________/biO?         /--------/
     2                                                             1

.----------------------------- - ----------------------------------\/---------.
|     ___   -+-        earth bound `dole is from mars'        -+-             |
`--- -\/------------------------------------------------ - ---------- - ------'

       .......                    :...:
       :.....:.......      .....      :............  .......
       ___________  :......:...: _____:___     :..:  : ____:____
    ___________   \_:____________\____    \__________:/       _______
        \_________/  \_______  \     /____/__        /       /_____
     _________       /     _/   \____        \      /      __      \
         : \________/______         /         \____/______/       ______
         :          :   /__________/___________\:::::..  /___________\
         :..........:      :         :       :............................
                           :.........:             ....:           :.....:

.----------------------------- - ----------------------------------\/---------.
|     ___   -+-      mass distortion `dole like's mess'       -+-             |
`--- -\/------------------------------------------------ - ---------- - ------'

       ..:.. .:.. ..:.... .......  ...:........... ..
              :  ________            __________     __________
        ______:__/     _>____________\   _____>___ _\   _____>___ ¯ ¯¯ ¯
       //       /      / _\_______ \ ________     \ ________     \
       .\         /        ______   \      /       \      /       \_
        É\     \_/______   \_        \_______      _\_______       /
    \    /______l _____ \_____________\ _____\_____/ ______ \_____/

.----------------------------- - ----------------------------------\/---------.
|     ___   -+-        tek autosig `dole like's birds'        -+-             |
`--- -\/------------------------------------------------ - ---------- - ------'

              __\/             ....
       ____   \/    ...........:..: _______
    __/   /____   __:_____ ____:____/     //
    \   ______/__/  __ ___\__      / ____/...................
   //   \        \_ /_____/  \___      .\  tk@hotmail.com   :  ....
   /     \ _______/          // /       \\ ....................:  :
   \______\   .   \__________/ /__________\                    :..:
       :......:...        :       :
              :..:        :.......:

.----------------------------- - ----------------------------------\/---------.
|     ___   -+-        drop zone `dole will drop you'         -+-             |
`--- -\/------------------------------------------------ - ---------- - ------'

                  _________   __________                  __________
                   \      /___\___     //_________ ______/        /
             _______\\    \      /____/__    __    \      __     /
.-----------/              \_____        \\         \\   \_______\\-----------.
|          /    //  _______/biO!/         \_________/       \_                |
|        //________/          //___________\      //_________\                |
|                                                                             |
|   a · alter flagged files  l · list users         w · write user settings   |
|   b · bulletins            m · color [On/Off]     x · expert [On/Off]       |
|   c · comment to staff     n · new files          z · zippy file search     |
|   d · download files       o · page SysOp         fr · reverse file list    |
|   e · enter a message      p · read messages      rl · re-Logon             |
|   f · file listings        q · user statistics    olm · online message      |
|   g · goodbye [logoff]     r · local time         who · who is online       |
|   i · desire info          s · upload files       chat · multinode chat     |
|   j · join a conference    t · view a textfile    open · external doors     |
|                                                                             |

.----------------------------- - ----------------------------------\/---------.
|     ___   -+-         blank `dole is always blank'          -+-             |
`--- -\/------------------------------------------------ - ---------- - ------'

       ___ __ _____________                                      ____ _ ____ __
______________/           _____________________________________.
                          // /                                 |
    _________     ________  |   b   la  n+    k    ___________ |    ________
    \\      /______\     /__|_______________________\        /_|____/      //
     /              \\           \_______    \       \\     /      / _____/
    /_____    /      \_____       \     /    \\_____/      /______        \
          \__________/bio!/________\___________\   /______/    | /_________\\
____ ____                                                      |
         \                              ______ _____ _ ___     §

.----------------------------- - ----------------------------------\/---------.
|     ___   -+-          modem land `vote for dole'           -+-             |
`--- -\/------------------------------------------------ - ---------- - ------'

           _____    /\       _____________ ________           _________
      _____\    \\ //\\_____\\_______\       --\ //----->>+   \\-     /____
     \\_    _____\//_                           \/    _ _______\\  _______//__
   ____|____|   _   /___________     ________ _____________        |   __    /
  //        |  /   /     _    //_____|___    \_ _______   /________|  /     /
   \    ___ ' /___/___________  :       /    /    \______/  :  ___ | /_____/
    \      \_/  m         o  \______________/_______________      \_/    |
     \______l                               e              /_______l     |_
       |        _______      d  ________     __________  m   ________    _//
     __|       \\   __/_________\\___  \\____\        /______|__    /_  \\
     \\__      /    \_      /      \|    |   \\      /         /     /   _)
       |_     /______/     /        |    |__\       /_______________/    |__
        _)      ___ /_____/\_____________|   \_____/         ____________  /
        \\______\ // _______        _______________  +o hiro \ bio&mj   \\/
                 \/   l     \  _____\       d     //__________\
                           a \/      n
.----------------------------- - ----------------------------------\/---------.
|     ___   -+-       `dole really needs some dope now'       -+-             |
`--- -\/------------------------------------------------ - ---------- - ------'

greets section... `dole like's little boys. dole also like's little girls'

      cain, blind man, mjay, mso, eweat juarez, squish, necrom, black jack
       hiro-p, drax, pariahFAT, bds, deathnite, discyple, crash, ack, mhz
      empty, enig, lethal injection, catharis, mekong, mess, spinn, shamen,
     psyko, crash, drax, sodom, tEk, cannabis, prodigy, serial2n, black dawn
     sleep, insight, kelthar-, hstate, holocuast, wh0re, d2-Rn, infect, omi,
        endless, spear, flame, xavii, souljah, ur-hex, revert, and g0at.

credits.. `dole likes to thank people for sexual donations'

ascii niggah bitch -- blindman(bsc)
biogenesis ascii -- squish(srl)
mass distortion ad -- cain(kwst)
dole quotes -- bob dole(oldage)

    m  a  s    s   d   is   t  /  \     o   r  t      i   o n     _______
               ______________ /    \___________________       ____\      \
     _________/           ___   /\   ____________      \------\   _______/
     \                      /  /  \  \________    _____/       \     \_____
   ___\                    /          \       \        \       /      \    \
   \   \        \  /       \__________/       /        /______________/    /
    \   \        \/________/cn        \---------------/                   /
     \   \_______/                              \  +o biOgenesis---------/

           `dole say's time to go. dole would like to see you again?'

* best viewed in edit.com..