
@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ _______ ___ ____________________________
    ____(  /       ____                 /
    \     /_______(  _|______    bc!   /
   _/     \\     \           \_       /
 __\______/___________________/ _____/
  BRAINLEZ CODERS 1993 - 1998  [____]

  the good shephard - collection by h7

  few requests, gifts and file_id.diz's

           h7 \\ bc!^charm^aqua^ankkaryhmae  -  up with the shephard

                             .-------( X )-------.
                       ___ __|                   |
                      (___\\ | hey you farmerboy |
                            \. where are my      |
                             |           SHEEPS? |
                             |                   |
                             |  ___              |
                             |  \ |____()____,   |_
                             |  ¯ |   (__)       :/
                             |    |    |\      _ /_
                             |    |    |/      \/|
                             |    "   _|`-       |
                    ___  __ _|_                 _|_ __  ___
         .----------\__)-)/-)__)               (__(-\(-(__/----------.
         |                                                           |
         |                                                           |
         |            (The Jaws-theme on the background)             |
         |                                                           |
         |                                                           |__
         |                                                             /_ __
        _|                                                           .//_))/
        \|                                                           |
        _\ _                                                         |
         :\/                    IS IT A PLANE?                       |
         |                                                           |
         |                      (you say NO!)                        |
         |                                                           |
       __|                                                           |
   __ _\                                                             |
   \((_\\.                                                           |
         |                                                           |
         |                                                           |
         |            IS IT JAY LENO IN WOMENS UNDERWEAR?            |
         |                                                           |
         |                      (you say NO!)                        |
         |                                                           |
         |                                                           |
         |                                                           |__
         |                                                             /_ __
         |                                                           .//_))/
         |                                                           |
         |                                                           |
         |                                                           |
         |                      IS IT JESUS?                         |
         |                                                           |
         |                   (you say HELL NO!)                      |
         |                                                           |
         |                                                           |
       __|                                                           |
   __ _\                                                             |
   \((_\\.                                                           |
         |                                                           |
         |                                                           |
         |                                                           |
         |                      MY GOD, IT'S                         |
         |                                                           :
         :                                                           ·
         . ___ __ _       .       _ __ ___                   _ ... __.
     ._____\__\\_\\\  . ..ø.. .  ///_//__/_____.   _____   _/ \|||/  \
    _|                    ·                    |_ // __\\  \  .-._.  /
 ._\   · t h e   g o o d   s h e p h a r d ·   / \\_// ))  ) |.|.| ( _______.
  | _________.--. __.       ___    ___   _________ ¯ ¯ _|| ·  l_l_|  \       |
  | \__  __/ |  |/_ |--.  ./ _/--./   \_/   \_____\.  (_)()__.-(_)-.__·      |
  |  |   _|  _  l_\_|  |  l_ L   |    _|    _|   '_|  (_) |__(_____)__\      |
  |  l__/ l__|--' \____|    \____l___/ l___/ l___/    (_)_) / L_|   \/ )     |
  |                                                   (_)| /         \/      |
  ·___       ___.----. ____   ______________.----.     _||/_____    __\______·
 ./__/_____./   |    |/___/---\_______  \   |    |----(__\_____ )---\_______ \.
 l____     |         | _/      |    ____/        |   )    |          |     '  |
  |  ]     |    T    |         |       |    T    |        |   T      |        |
  |      __|    |    l_        |     __|    |    |      __l___|      |      __|
         :                                                           .
         :                                                           :
         |      yes. this is what you get when you put a pc-toid     |
         |      do some amiga-based ascii ...                        |
         |                                                           |
         "         .                                          .      "
                   .                                          .
              _ ___|__                                      __|___ _
              \ \__.__\               humm                 /_____/ /
                   |                                          |
                   |__________________     ___________________|
                   "                 (_ ø _)                  "
                                      _ | _

                                  jeesjees, its

                                       ::::::   ···::::::
                     ....:::            :::::.     ::::::
                      ::::::           .::::::    .:::::
                       ::::::   ....::::::::::    ::::::
           __ _ ____   :::::::::::::::::::·      .:::::   ____ _ __
         .-\((_\\___)-- ::::::·· -- :::::: ----- ::::::--(___//_))/--.
         |              ::::::      ::::::    ..::::::..             |
         |               ::::::    ::::::       ::::::               |
         |               ::::::    ::::::      .::::::               |
         |                         ::::::           ··               |
         |                                                           |
         |   H7 aka SEVEN of  [BRAINLEZ C!^CHARM^AQUA^ANKKARYHMAE]   |
         |                                                           |

                           aawh no bullshit this time

                 ._  |__ ._
                 [_, [ ] [/_
                 ._ . ._ .\' ._
         _______ [- [ [ '[_\ [_, _ _  ____________________(\  ________
         \*-     _ . _ ___ ._  __..\'                 _  __ \_)    -*/
         |       [_|_] [_] [ ' [_][_\                 \\ \ \         |
        _|                                             ¯  ¯¯         |_ __
     ___\:                                                           ._))/ /
     \__\\ _                                                         |
         .\/ welcome to my second ascii collection. This time I do   |
         :   not bother to introduce myself in other ways than in-  _:_
         |   forming you that I do my asciis with PC, and I also     |
         |   draw ansi and pc-newschool ascii in groups called       |
         |   CHARM and AQUA. When I released my first collection,    |
        _|   called R.A.K.A.S, I wasn't that familiar with ascii-  __|
        \_)  scene as I'm now. Still, I don't consider myself as   \ :
         |   a person who knows all about it. I also don't expect   \_
         |   you to like my asciis, afterall, I truly am a begin-    |
         |   ner, and some logos might look ugly as hell. But still, |
         |   try to enjoy this collection and check out my pc-works  |
         |   too if possible :)                                      |
         |                                                           |
         |      humm .. some words maybe about this collection. The  |
         |   theme is a _bit_ religious, but if it offends you in    |
         |   some way then too bad. There's nothing else behind      |
         |   the theme but a movie called Pulp Fiction. And that's   |
         |   all. This collection was put together with INTEL P90,   |
         |   just to inform you. I used topaz font supplied by       |
         |   Venturus so thanks for that. Software was pure q-edit   |
         |   and to gather this shit up I used MS-DOS EDIT 7.00      |
         |                                                           |
         |              «----< bitter small speech >----»            |
         |                                                           |
         |      Some ascii artists say that one should be nice to    |
         |   beginners. Too damn shame that they seem to forget it   |
         |   more and more often when they get a bit of reputation.  |
         |   I'm lucky to have friends who have supported me, like   |
         |   Venturus^/\t and Orthex^peak comm. Thanks guys for      |
         |   believing in me =)                                      |
         |                                                           |
         |     Carry on!                                             |
         |                                                           |
         |                           With Love & Respects,           |
         |                           Seven - icq # 6826730           |
        /* .___                                                 ___. *\
        ¯¯¯|__ ) _____________________________________________ (___|¯¯¯
           "  /__)                                           (__\  "

                           [  bet the shephard was

                           lonely. The sheeps were

                           his only comfort at the

                           night-time. rah rah ...

                               . .__ __: ._  \/
                               [ | ] [_| [/_ /\ 

                        __.                        .__
                    «---\-| .--------------------. |-/---»
                         \| ||¯ ___              | |/
                            |:  \ |____()____,   |_
                            |.  ¯ |   (__)        /
                            |     |    |\      _ /_
                            |     |    |/      \/|
                 __   _ _ __|     "   _|`-       |__ _ _   __
                 \*---\-\\\((___.            .___))///-/---*/
 ................ |             :            :             | .................
    ··::::::::::: |                                        | :::::::::::··
         ·::::::: |                                        | :::::::·
            ·:::: |  LOGO THAT SAYS         AND IT'S FOR   | ::::·
              ·:: |                                        | ::·
                : |                                        | :
                  |  aerosouls              hash           |
                  |  artificial             sperm whale    |
                  |  artificial #2          sperm whale    |
                  |  bates motel            psyko          |
                  |  boheme                 boheme         |
                  |  brainlez coders        bc! crew       |
                  |  charm                  charm crew     |
                  |  damage                 venturus       |
                  |  evidence               evidence crew  |
                  |  fear factory           zeus           |
                  |  jedi^arts              ja! crew       |
                  |  krishna                holmez         |
__ ______ ____ ___|  low profile            lp! ninjas     |___ ____ ______ __
\\ \_____\\___\\__.  motorola inside        MI organizing  .__//___//_____/ //
                  |  ntr                    neurotrance    |
                  |  pro^arts               p^a crew       |
                  |  rectum cauda           yitzhaq        |
                  |  sperm whale            sperm whale    |
                  |  style                  style crew     |
                  |  tpolm                  tpolm moomins  |
                  |  twilight               tl! gangsters  |
                  |  ural 13                u13 dj's       | 
                  |  valley of darkness     ?              | 
                  |  venturus               venturus       |
                  |  zeus                   zeus    __ __  |_
                  |                                 \((_/  |/
                  |    ___ __   25 logos                 _ /
                  |    \_//__)                           \/|
                  |   :                                :   |
                 ¯|¯¯¯^¯¯ ¯                        ¯ ¯¯^¯¯¯|¯
                  |          :__ ._  .__   __ |_,          | 
                  |          [_] [ ' [_/_ [_| | ]          |
                  |                                        |
                 ¯:¯¯¯ ¯                              ¯ ¯¯¯:¯
                  |                                        |
                  |  file_id.diz collection, for groups I  |
                  |  happen to like or groups i RESPECT..  |
                  |                                        |
                  |                                        |
                  |  FILE_ID THAT SAYS      AND IT'S FOR   |
                  |                                        |
                  |                                        |
                  |  aerosol                aerosol crew   |
                  |  aurinko                aurinko crew   |
                  |  brainlez coders        bc! crew       |
                  |  compressor             wind^cmp       |
                  |  evidence               evidence team  |
                  |  haciend                just for me    |
                  |  jedi^arts              ja! crew       |
                  |  krishna                holmez         |
                  |  low profile            lp! ninjas     |
                __|_ nup                    nup           _|__
          _    /\ :  pmc                    snake man      : /\    _
   «-----(/\/\/  \_  pro^arts               p^a crew       _/  \/\/\)-----»
                  |  style                  style crew     |
                  |  tehdas                 squarepusher   |
                  |  twilight               tl! gangsters  |
                  |  ural 13                u13 dj's       |
                  |                                        |
                  |                                        |
                  |  total 16 file_id's                    |
                  |                                        |
                  |  all counted together: 41 logos        |
                  |                                        | 
                  |                                        |
                 /*---------( offical h7 -design )---------*\
                 ¯¯¯¯¯¯)____.--            _ __--.____(¯¯¯¯¯¯
                           (|:¯¯ ¯             : |)
                            |·     _____  __   · |
                            |·    /     \/     · |
                            |     \_____/\__     |
                         ___|                    |___
                  «------\_((________.  :________))_/------»
                                     :  |
                                   __|  |__
                                   \__  __/



                   .                                          .
                   .                                          .
              _ ___|__ __                                __ __|___ _
«-------------\-\_____\\(   let's get on with the show   )//_____/-/----------»
                   -                                          -

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  logo: AEROSOULS                                   |

                                  /\ __ _
                                 /  \\((_)
                                /    \\
                               /      \
                           h7 /        \ bc!
                             /          \   _______.
          _____         ___ /\   ___     \ |       |
       _(( _. /_____ __(__//  \_(__/______\|       |
____ _/    \|       \\   _/    \     _     \   O   |   .______
\___\\______|                    ____|         -   |___|     ( ____.
            |                    \   |___________._|   |     /     |
            |          /      ...:::...          ·     |     |     |
            :___      /  ..::::::·····:::. ______:_____|     |  ___|
           _(__/_______.::::::·  .  ..  ·::\     :     |     |_(__/_______
           \_         /::::::·  ·:   :.  ·::\    |    __       _         /____
            .\_______/·::::::.   ::  ::. .::(_________)(_______/\_______//___/
            |_____/    ·::::::.  ··: ·  .::'       \_______________| 
            "    /       ··::::::......:·'          \              "

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  logo: ARTIFICIAL                                  |

                                                                      |    |
        _____   ___       __   /\   _________  ____      ____    _____|    |
    __(( _. /__(__/____ _/  \_/  \_(    ___ /_(  _/___ _(__ /__(( _. /|    |
_ _/     \|       _    \\    /         _| (//    \|   \\  (/      \|       |_ _
\\\_______|       |_________/_____.    |___________________________|________///
          |       |               |    | h7/bc!                    :
----------'       `---------------'    `---------------------------------------
                       ·· A R T I F I C I A L  I N S E M I N A T I O N ··
----------.       .------------------------------------------------------------

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  logo: ARTIFICIAL #2                               |

_____________________ _(  )_ __________________  ______________________________
        _____         \    / ___          ____ /\       ________.  ____
      __\__ /_ _______(    )(__/______ _((  _//  \______\       |_(__ /__
___ _/    (/  \\     \     ._         \\    _/          \\//        (/   \_ ___
\__\\_________________\    | )______________        _____\/     __________//__/
            ______    |    |               /________\    /      |   ______
            \    /    |    |        __    /\   ____ .___/____   |   \    /
     _____ _(    )_ __| _. |___ ___/  \__/  \_(__ /_|       |___|_ _(    )_
___ _\    \\      //    \|              /    \  (/      o         \\      /____
\__\(_______\    ________|             /_____________   -   .________    //___/
             \  /        |            /             |       | h7/bc! \  /
--------------\/---------'           `--------------'       `---------\/--------
                 ·· A R T I F I C I A L  I N S E M I N A T I O N ··

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  logo: BATES MOTEL                                 |


         ._  |__  ___
         [_, |  ] [_/_
       __ __ ____             ____         __   /\     ____ /\    ___
       )((__))   \ ______ __(( _. \____ __/  \_/  \ _((  _//  \ _(__/_______
            _\    \\     \\    \|      \\     /    \\    _/    \\_         /
            \______\____________|            /____________________\_______/
 ...........            ._______|___________/     ... )     |              ...
 :::::::::::::::::::::: |     _  | ....  .....::::' ` \     | ::::::::::::::::
 ::::::::::::::' _______|_   (_) |__`` /\ `` _____ /\ |     | ::::::::::::::::
 :::::::::' ____(  _     /      _/  \_/  \ _(   _//  \|     | ::::::::::::::::
          _(    \\//    /_    _/     /    \\    _/    \     |_
          \______\/______/    \_____         ________________/
                        |        :  `--------'
                        |________| h7/bc!

                         bates motel --> +O pSyko!^abuse

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  logo: BOHEME                                      |

          ._)  \ ____.   
          |     \)   | 
          |          | 
          |          |                    __ 
      ___ |  ._______|_____.              \(_                          __
_____(  / |  |      (.)    |        ____ /\\/      ____________ ____ /\\(_
\      /__|__|             |______((  _//  \ ______\  _       ((  _//  \\/
_\    //         O        __          _/    \\     \\//           _/    \_ ____
\____/________   -   .____(/                        \/___________________//___/
          .  |_______|    /__________________________\ h7/bc!
          :          :
          |          |
          |     __   |
          |___  \ )__|_
          "   )__\   "

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  logo: BRAINLEZ CODERS                             |

      ___                                        ___________.
  ___(  /      ___         _____     ___         \    /|    |  ____    ________
  \    /____ _(__/_____ _(( _. /____(_ /__ ______(    )|    |_(  _//\__\_     /
_ _\   \\   \\    .    \\   \|       (/   \\    \           |    _/  \       /
\_\_____/_________|     .____|___________________\    /|_______________     /
                  |     | h7/bc!                  \  /                /    /_ _
                  :     |        _                 \ /       _       /______/_/
   .__  __   ___ . .__  |   __  `/    __   __   __.  __  __  \'
   |__] [ ' [__| [ |  ) l_ [_/_ /_,   [__ [__] [__| [_/_ | '._\
                  .   ¯ |

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  logo: CHARM                                       |

                      .____________ /\_
                      |           //  _)
                   h7 | _____.   /    | bc!
                      | )    |        :
                 ___. | \    |         _____      ___        _________
              _((  _|_|_|    |____ __(( _. /____((__/_______(  _     /
          _ _(               _    ))    \|          _       \\//    /_ __
        (__\\________________|           |__________|        \/______//__)
                      |      |___________|          |_________\
                      |                  "

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  logo: DAMAGE                                      |

       ________    _____        _______     _____        ____        ____ /\
  _____\     _/__(( _. /_______(  _    \ _(( _. /_____ _(  _(_____ _(  _//  \
_(     ))    )(     \|         \\//     \\   \|       \\   \_     ))   _/    \_
\______\\____________|          \/____________|_____________|          |______/
                     :            \ __               h7/bc! |__________|
                     |            _\\/                                 "
                     |    D 64    |
                     |            |

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  logo: EVIDENCE                                    |

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
         ______  ______     _ ___                 _ ______
 _____ /\\   \ \/   /_/__  (_\\  )___ _____ /\   (_\\    /_____.    _____ /\ __
.\  _//  \·   \/   /(__ /______\    /.\  _//  \_____(    )\   _|___.\  _//  \\/
|   _/    \       /|  (/      //         _/    \    \    /         |   _/    \_
[____________    / |__________\\_____________________\  /_____________________/
             \  /  /                                  \/ h7/bc!
- - - - - - - \/__/- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
                                  evidence memberboard

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  logo: FEAR FACTORY                                |

  ________ ____ /\\/   _____      ___
 .\    __/(  _//  \ _(( _. /_____(__/______ ____
-|    _)     _/    \\   \|            .    \\___\-----------------------------×
 |    |__________________:____________|     \_  .________
 |____| ________  _____  ·   ___.     |______/\ |       | ___ · FEAR FACTORY ·
       .\    __/(( _. /___ _(  _|___ _(  \__/  \|       |(__/______ ___________
       |    _)     \|     \\        \\     /    \_  O  _/     .    \\    |    /
×------|    |_______:_____________________/______/  -  \______|     \\_     _/-
       |____|       ·                    h7/bc! |       |     |______/|_____|

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  logo: JEDI^ARTS                                   |

                           __ ____________
              .__ _________\(_)          ((------------------------------»
              |  )) .____                    ___ _
              |     |   /.   ____ /\         \  ))___ _____
             _|_____|    |_((  _//  \ ________\     /_\__ /____
             ((     |    |     _/    \\      //    /_)  (/     \_ ____
              /________________        ______\__________________//___/
              :               /________\
              |      _____       _ ___          __    /\   ___
              |____(( _. //______((__/_______ _(  \__/  \_(__/________
       ____ _/        \|              _      \\     /     _          /
       \___\\__________|              |____________/______\)________/
              .        |              | h7/bc!
              :        |              |
              |        |_ ____        |       ·· [jEDI^aRTS] ··
              |_________//___/        |
              "                       °

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  logo: KRISHNA                                     |

           .) (.
           |   |
  _______  |   |                  ________.           _____
  \     /  |  ___     _____ ___   \\\_    |           \   /    _____
  /    /___:_(__/_____\__ /(__/______|    |____ ____ _(   )__(( _. /____
_/    /___//      .     (/ ._        _    .    ))   \\     /    \|      \_ ____
\_____\     ._____|        |(_______/(____|    .______\   _______|_______//___/
      /_____/  |  |________|              |____|       \ / h7
           |   |                                        X
           |   |
           |   |

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  logo: LOW PROFILE                                 |

                      .______      _,_             .______ ___
   Low Fuckin'        |     |  ,x×'"¯"`×x, _____.  |    _//__/
   pRofile, mon.      |     | iX'       `Xi\    |  |    |
              .______ |     |lXl         lX     |/\|    | _______________._
             (_       |______/4X,       ,X7______/\_    |                |
              |  ___        :  "^×,,_,,×^"         |    | h7/bc!         |_
     _________:_(__/________|       |_______   ___ |    | ______ /\        )._
    .\   __   ))    .      __   O   "    ___).(_ /.|    |.\   _//  \         /
    |    \)_________|      \|   -        _)    (/       :     _/    \__    _/
    |_____\   |_____|_______)            |____________________        / ___)
              "             |_______.____|                   /________\

          alla ninja man man spliff smokahs gathah al' charound -kala

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  logo: MOTOROLA INSIDE'98                          |

                ._______         ._______         ._____.______
        ______  |      | __      |      | ___     |     |     |   _____
   ____(  _  ))_|      |/  \_____|      |(__/_____|     :     |_(( _. /____ ___
  _\   \\//    /|           /           |    .    \     :          \|      \\//
/\\_____\/             .___/_____.      .____|          :       ____\       \_
¯¯      /______________| h7/bc!  |______|    |__________:______/    |________/
       __ __ ___ ._  ___ ._  ___ |   __   .  _  _  .  _. ___   _   _   _
       [ " ] [_] [_, [_] [ ' [_] [_ [_|   [ [ | \' [ [_| [_/_  '  [_| [_]
                                              |__\                 _| [_]

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  logo: NTR (NEUROTRANCE)                           |

                                    °     .
                                   _._   _°
                                 ___|     |___
                              _(\\  :     |  //)_
                             _\ (_\       : /_) /_
                            ((_           ·     _))
                              |                 |
                              |                 |       this is the logo I'm
                           ___|__               |        most satisfied with.
                           \    /  __    /\     |__  
                     ____ _(    )_/  \__/  \__((__/_____ __ _
                   _/    \\      _     /          _     \\/ /
               / /\\_______\    /(____/       ____|      \_
               ¯ ¯¯         \  /     `--------' | |_______/
                             \/                 |
                              |                 |
                            __:   neurotrance   :__
                            \(_)               (_)/
                             _|    _   .   _    |_
                            (((___((   :   ))___)))

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  logo: PRO^ARTS                                    |

                             ________ _
                  _ ___     |       ((/
     _ ___________((__/_____|       |
    _((  __     __    |     \   O   |
.---\    \)_____)(____|      \  -   |---------------------------------------->>
|   /_____\           |_____________|
|         _ _____  _ ___        __        ___            ammattilais^taiteet
|     ____(( _. /__((__/_____ _/  \______(__/_______     aka
|   _/       \|        |     \\    /     _         /__   pro^arts
`---\_________|        |__________/_______\_______//__)
              |________| h7/bc!

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  logo: RECTUM CAUDA                                |

                             __                          ·
 h7/bc!  ___          ____ /\\/  ___.      __    /\ _____:_____     ___________
       _(__/_________(  _//  \ _(  _|_____/  \__/  \\    :    /_____\  _      /
____ _(      .          _/    \\               /         |   __     \\//     /
\___\\_______|      ._________________________/______(_______)(______\/_____/
             |      :               ___
  ___.    _ _:___   _____:_____     \  )____ _ _____
_(  _|____(( _. /___\    :    /______\     /_(( _. /_____  -»  RECTUM CAUDA  «-
\            \|          |          //          \|       \_ ____
              ·                                  ·

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  logo: SPERM WHALE                                 |

                  ___/\ ________________________________
                ._)    \)                              (
         ___    |_________    ____ /\     ___    :     / _______ __ _
       _(__/____))   __   )_((  _//  \ _((__/____|_____|(  _    X
       \_            \)____     _/    \\     _          \\//    :
         \______.     \   [__________________|     ._____\/     ·/\
         _______|  ____\       |         ____|_____|   | /______   \
         \      | /            |_____ _(( _. /___|     |_((  _//    \
          \     ||)     __     _     \\   \|     "           _/      \
          (_____:_______)(_____|           |____________/_____________\
                :_             |___________| h7/bc!
              ___/                         "
              \     sPERM wHALE\tWILIGHT
                |______/\  __
                "        \/

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  logo: STYLISH WANKERS                             |

                             /\ __ . 
                            /  \\))|)          .______
                           /    \\             |     |
               ___        / _   /\       ._____|     |  ____ /\
        ____ _(__/_______/_/ \_/  \ _____|     |     |((  _//  \
        \___\\_         //    /   ((     |     |          _/    \_ ____
               )_____________/       _____     |     :___________//___/
                      /      `------'\   |____________/ h7/bc!
                                           STYLISH WANKERS

      like some woman sang in one 007 film, "nobody does it better,
                                             nobody does it like you... "

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  logo: TPOLM                                       |

                   _______ ________
                  .)      \\      |
                  |        \\/    |
                  |               :           ______.
             __   |  _____________ _,,,,,,,_  |     |     __________
           _(  \_____\    __    ,x×'"¯   ¯"`×x|     |_____\  _     /
       ____\    /    \\   \)___:XX  ·TPOLM·  XX     .     \\//    /_ ____
      /___//___/___________\    `×x,_     _,y×|_____|)_____\/______//___/
           h7/bc! |               |¯"'''''"¯
                  |               :

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  logo: TWILIGHT                                    |

               _/\ _________(  /
             .(   \)          / .
             |               (_/|   .______ _
             |   _____.  ._____ |   |    |
          __ | /\\_   |  |   _/ ___ |    | ___  ____        __   /\ __
        _/  \_/  \|   |  |   |_(_ /_|    |(_ /_(  _(_____._/  \_/  \\/
     ___\    /    \   |/\|   |  (/       | (/     \_     ))    /    \_ ____
    [__[[___/__________/\__________________________|        __/______//___/
         _ /_.                  :                  |________) h7/bc!
         \/  |                  |
             |  ·· twilight ··  |
             |                  |
             |_______________   |

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `Ø,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
| h7    ""^^^""          ¬  logo: URAL 13                                     |

                                           |     |   _____.________
           ______.______  ___      _ _____ |     |  /_    |\__    /
           \     :     /.(__/______(( _. /.|     |   /    |__\   /__
       _____\    |            .       \|         |__/     :         \_ ____
       \___((_________________|        |__________/\_________________//___/
                              |________| h7/bc!
        Let tha' record spin

.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `Ø,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
| h7    ""^^^""          ¬  logo: VALLEY OF DARKNESS                          |

       /\  :  :    /_  _     _   _    ______
   \/ /__\ [_ [_ .___] [_|  [_] [-    )    | ------------------------------->>
       ______    _____  _|    ____ /\ \    |___
   ____\     )_(( _. /____ _((  _//  \:    |__/_  ____ __
 _/    \\   //    \|      \\   _//    \    |    \ \__(((
 \_____//__________|           ____________|     \_
                   |__________/      \    /"      //\   _____       ___
                              _____ _(    )_    _//  \ _\___/______(__/________
                             _\    \\      /    _/    \\__         _          /
 <<------------------------ /________\    /_____________)(________/ \________/
                                      \  /   h7/bc!

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `Ø,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
| h7    ""^^^""          ¬  logo: VENTURUS                                    |

                  __( )__
               __(       )__
               |           |
            h7 |           | bC!
               |           |       ______                  .
   _______:____|_ _____ /\ |       \    /    __    /\ _____·_____ ___
   \_     |     ((   _//  \|_____ _(    )_ _/  \__/  \\    :    /(__/________
 ____\    |         _//    \\    \\      //      /         |    __          /
 \___\\________/_____        ______\    ________/       ________)(_________/
               |     `-----:'       \  /        `-------'
               |           |         \/   VENTURUS / CHARM^DAMAGE^JNE
               |           |__
              _|__ _       " /
               "           _/

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `Ø,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
| h7    ""^^^""          ¬  logo: ZEUS                                        |

                  _________  ____ /\ _____:_____ ___
                  \_      /((  _//  \\    :    /(__/_______
                   /           _/    \)   |   (\_         /__
                  /     /________________________\_______//__)
                 /________/ h7/bc!

                                     :.  .
               ___                   ::::·             _______.
         _____(  /      ___          ____ /\    _____  \_     |___
         \      /____ _(__/________((  _//  \_(( _. /___/     |__/_
    ____ _\    /     \\     _          _/        \|           |    \_ ____
    \___\\____/_____________|                     |           |_____//___/
                            "        .....        :
                                     :::::        .
                   BREAK!            :::::        ·
                         ________.   :::::
                         |       |   :::::
                         |   .---+----------------.
                         |   |   |                |
                         |   |   : ____()____,    |_ _
                         |___|_ _ ^   (__)        ://_)/
                         "   |         |\         /
                             |         |/         |
     _______ ____ __   _ _ __|        _|`-        |__ _ _   __ ____ _______
     \______\\___\\*---\-\\\((___.            .___))///-/---*//___//______/
                   |              :            :            |
                   |                                   _    |
                   |   ._   ._  ._  ._  ._  .  __  _. _\'   |
                   | . [--. [ ' [/_ [/_ [_, [ | ] _\] |_\ . |
                   |    ¯¯"                       [_]       |
                   |              _     +            _      |
                   |     ._  ._  _\' ._ ._  __  ._  _\'     |
                   |  .  [ ' [/_ |_\ [/ [/_ [_, [_, |_\  .  |
                   |                 "                      |
          _  __ ___|                                        |___ __  _
                  ¯:¯¯¯ ¯                              ¯ ¯¯¯:¯
                   |           « in random order »          |
                   |                                        |
                   |  venturus, neurotrance, psyko, hortsa  |
                   |  jab, kala, juures, sperm whale, zeus  |
                   |  apollo, sliver, horizon, derwydd, b,  |
                   |  applespede, stezotehic, folar, zyad,  |
                   |  boheme, mice, asphynx, orthex, abho,  |
                   |  hash, trivial, shock g, repe, holmez  |
                   |  and wastrel +  others I surely would  |
                   |  like to greet. But my memory is like  |
                   |  elephants dick. Or whatever they say  |
                   |  back there in Botswana. Yeah.         |
                   |                                        |
                   |  Plus groups called Stream, /\lien T,  |
                   |  Twilight, Brainlez c!, Aqua, charmm,  |
                   |  Style, Abuse and all the others who   |
                   |  are in close contact with me ...      |
                   |                                        |
                   |                                        |
     ___ _____ ____|_                                      _|____ _____ ___
   \(___\\____\\____/ A special section 4 special artists: \____//____//___)/
                   |                                        |
                   |                                        |
                   |  Stezotehic, Trivial, Daeron, Ventti,  |
                   |  Folar, Mortimer and Tango :--------)  |
                   |                                        |
                   |                                        |
          _  __ ___|                                        |___ __  _
                  ¯:¯¯¯ ¯            _,                ¯ ¯¯¯:¯
                   |       ._ _      \_. . __   __ :        |
                   |       [ | ] [_] ._] [ [__ [_| [_       |
                   |                                        |
                   |     ··  i N S P I R A T i O N  ··      |
                   |                                        |
                   |                                        |
                   |              Rinneradio                |
                   |                                        |
                   |               Hardfloor                |
                   |                                        |
                   |              Apollo 440                |
                   |                                        |
                   |              Jimi Tenor                |
                   |                                        |
                   |               ltj bukem                |
                   |                                        |
               __  |                 ______                 |  __
               \/ /*------- -  -  «--\____/--»  -  - -------*\ \/
                   |                                        |
             _ ____|_ ____                            ____ _|____ _
«------------\-\_____\\(\/ let's get on with the show \/)//_____/-/-----------»
                  _|                                        |_
                   +-                                      -+
                   :                                        :

                              FILE_ID'S COMING UP!

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `Ø,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  diz: aerosol                                      |

h7      ______   ___       _______.
  ____(( _.  7__(__/_______|      | AEROSOL
_/       \|     _         /|      |_ ________

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  diz: aurinko                                      |

        _____       ._______ ___
   ___(( _. 7_______:      /(__/______
 _/      \|   \     :     /     .     \ h7
 \________|         |     ______|      \_

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  diz: brainlez coders                              |

     _______         ___. _ _____________
     \     /______ _(  _|_____          /
__   _\    \\     \\          \_       /  __
 |  bRAINLEZ cODERS! 1993-1998  [___]     |
 |                                        |
 |  "supersankarirakastaja" - 64k intro   |
 |  for "aamutohveli" bc! party           |
 |                                        |
 |  all coding by sliver +gfx by apollo   |
 |                                        |
¯¯                                        ¯¯

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  diz: compressor                                   |

     ____.          ________             h7
___ .\  _|____ _____\  _    \____________ __
__ _|         \\    \\//     /   __     /__
\__\_________________\/     /|   \)_____)__)

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  diz: evidence                                     |

               ______    ______ ___   
      ______ /\\   \ \  /   / / \  )____ h7
____ .\   _//  \\   \ \/   /_/___\     /____
 __ _|   _/     \\   \/   //    //    /_ __
-\__\______________      _______\______/__/-

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  diz: haciend enterprises                          |

___.    _____  ___.  ___  ___     ____  ____
   |__(( _. /_(  _|_(_ /_( _//\___\  /__\
   _     \|          (/    _/  \  (  )  / h7
___|______|_______________________\  /__\___
                         HACIEND ENTERPRISES

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  diz: jedi^arts                                    |

      |    /.__ _____    ____________
 _____|     |_(( _. 7____\          / h7
(     :     |    \|       \        /________
                            [____] jEDI^aRTS

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  diz: krishna                                      |

_____    ___   ___ ___ .____     __   ___
\   /___( _/__(_ /(__/_|_  |____(  )_(_./_h7
/  /__/_   .   (/ .     /  .   \    / \|  \_
\__\    \__|      |)_______|    \  /___|___/

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  diz: low profile                                  |

    |     |__________:_
----|     .\    __   · \_-------------------
 h7 |     |_    \)______/  · LOW PROFILE ·

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  diz: motorola inside'98                           |


______ ___  _    ___  __   ___|   | _____
\  _  |   |/ \/\|   |(_/__|   :   |( _. /_
 \//    O    /    O    .    O      _ \|   \_

                          MOTOROLA INSIDE'98

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  diz: nup                                          |

         __/\        ·
       _(    \_______:___________________
  _____\      (\     :     /     __     /_
_/     \\      \)    |    (|     \)______/
\________\___  ___________________\ h7/bc!
            (__\     "
                nUP! of p_A^dcs^ankkaryhmae

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  diz: pmc                                          |

 ____________     ___________ _____.
.\    __     )____\  _      /.\   _|____ h7
|     \)_____     \\//     /_|          \_
|______\    |______\/____________________/

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  diz: p^a                                          |

 ___________   _____
.\   __     )(( _. 7_____     PRO^ARTS
|    \)_____    \|       \_ ____ _____ _____
|_____\  h7(_____|________//___//____//_____

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  diz: style                                        |

               __          ____.
  ___    __  /\\_)        |    |  ____ /\
_(__/___/  \/  \_____.____|    |_(  _//  \h7
\_         /         :         :    _/    \_
  )_______/______\_  ¯  _/_________________/

      _,w×*^^*x,,        _
.__ ,p'¯________¯`q,_ ,x^"_____________________________________________________
|  :Æ              `xX'                                                       |
|  `#,           ,,y'`x,    the good shephard  -  (c) 1997 h7 of brainlez c!  |
|   ¬^×,__   __,×^"    `*,                                                    |
|       ""^^^""          ¬  diz: tehdas                                       |

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|       ""^^^""          ¬  diz: twilight                                     |

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| h7    ""^^^""          ¬  diz: ural 13                                      |

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                        yikes ... that was the last one

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                   |          A P P E A R A N C E S         |
          _  __ ___|                                        |___ __  _
                  ¯:¯¯¯ ¯                              ¯ ¯¯¯:¯
                   |  Boheme of Style - the good shephard   |
                   |                    logo in the start   |
                   |                                        |
                   |  Neurotrance     - Charm logo          |
          _  __ ___|                                        |___ __  _
                  ¯:¯¯¯ ¯                              ¯ ¯¯¯:¯
                   |  smurf to BC!WEB for bc! products and  |
                   |  more information.                     |
                   |                                        |
                   |          brainlez.home.ml.org          |
                   |                                        |
                   |  or join #bc! in IRCnet - - -- ----->  |
                   |                                        |
                   |  to contact me,  email cowboy1@sci.fi  |
                   |  or catch me via ICQ # 6826730 - bye!  |
                   |                                        |
             _ ____|_ ____                            ____ _|____ _
«------------\-\_____\\(\/ BC! World  HQ - The Temple \/)//_____/-/-----------»
                  _|                                        |_
                   +-                                      -+
                   :                                        :
