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             This file passed The Ascii Archive at THUGLIFE.ORG.
         Home to over 139 +/- ascii groups, and even more releases.
      Interviews & Reviews. Always the latest in Ascii News/Releases.

                it's a bomb! it's a plane! it's..

                             ______________________/\_________\       \____ 
  ___________/\__       _____\      ______/   ______/__       /\       \_  |
_/     ______/   |     |     |\_______   \    |/       \______%\        /  |
\______\     \   | ____|_____l_/     |    \____         /       \______/   |
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  \________/     |_   \|       /______/                              |      /
           l      /     ______/              - i N V A S i O N -     l_____/
                                     ..and it's angry.

              MAJOR UPDATE!
 version 1.o added many new features like:
           - no ansi colors
           - no r.i.p colors
           - no colors
           - no extended characters
           - no newskool shit
           - no lame name banners
           so, get your msdos mode set and..


         ___      ________                   ___        
        /   |____ \______/              ____|   \   
       /    |    \|      |_________/\  /    |    \     .
      /           \      |\  _______/ /           \  __:__ _        
    _/      |     \\     |  |/       \_     |      \_  |            
    \_______|       \__  |            /     |_______/  |            
            |         /  |__|        /      |bfr    _____           
         |  |________/   :  |       /_______|      |     |          
         |        :   #  :  |______//  \/   \ _____|_____|_          
         l        |      |  ______ /    \    \   _________/_        
         l        |      | /  _   \           \_ \|        /        
       _ |______  |      |_   _    \    |      /    ______%            
         :        |       /   |     \___|     /_____/          
         .        |______/____|       / |____/                 

          _____________   _____________                       |
 _________\_  ____    /___\_  ____    /________               :
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  /  __/   __/\    \/\l     |\     \/\    \_    \      _______//   |___ 
_/    \_    \___      \__   |___      \__  |     \______     \/    |   \ 
\______|     \_ \_______/   |_  \_______/__|      /    |      \_        \ 
    .  |______/       |      /bfr          |_____/     ________/   |     \ 
    :                 |_____/                    \______/  \_______|      \__
    |                                                         :    |        /
    l_________________________________________________________|    |_______/


                      ____________/\        _____________
                 _____\_________    \ ______\________    \_ 
                |       ___/ __/ \ ///   _   \    __/   __/
        - -- - -|     ___|  \    \/\/   /_    \\  `\_    \ --- - -   -
                |       \______     \__  |     \____|     \__
                |       |'   \\_______/__|       ///|       //
                |_______|   bfr         `|      /   |______/    

      well, unfortunately, that was it. Ment it to be
      bigger, but no requests, no askee. Can't help it.
      If you happened to like my style, feel VERY FREE
      to request befeater@dlc.fi and maybe there will be
      another one too.

    [ t h i s   h a s   b e e n   a   i m p u r e   p r o d u c t i o n ]