--[BOF]----------------------------------------------------------------------- ______________________________________________________________________________ w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, . __________;;;;_____________________;;;;____ t廈愈廉微弒幹幌 _ _|_) \ _______________ ___| ___ _______ ______ ____ ___\\ ____ ____/_ _ __\ (|_ ____\ (___\__ /__\_ _(___\_ (._______\_(_\\__\ _(_ \ _/_____ \\\_ _// _/ _ _/ / _/ \_ _/ | _/ _/ _ \ _\ _// /__ \ \___/ \___ \___ \___ \___ \ )_____\___ \ <<====/____ __\=/___ __\=/__ __\=/___ __\=/___ __\=/__ __\___\ /=/___ __\== | / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ / \ \\ / / \ _ _|___________________________________________________\\ / ________| ;;;;,,,,,,, ,,, , ;;;; \/ bne&&spf----- ``````````` `` ` w w w . t h u g l i f e . o r g ______________________________________________________________________________ This file passed The Ascii Archive at THUGLIFE.ORG. Home to over 139 +/- ascii groups, and even more releases. Interviews & Reviews. Always the latest in Ascii News/Releases. --[EOF]----------------------------------------------------------------------- it's a bomb! it's a plane! it's.. ________ ______________________/\_________\ \____ ___________/\__ _____\ ______/ ______/__ /\ \_ | _/ ______/ | | |\_______ \ |/ \______%\ / | \______\ \ | ____|_____l_/ | \____ / \______/ | |_ _/ |/ ________/_ _______/ \________/ bfr| |_ \________/ |_ \| /______/ | / l / ______/ - i N V A S i O N - l_____/ |_____/\_____/ ..and it's angry. MAJOR UPDATE! version 1.o added many new features like: - no ansi colors - no r.i.p colors - no colors - no extended characters - no newskool shit - no lame name banners so, get your msdos mode set and.. highland! ___ ________ ___ / |____ \______/ ____| \ / | \| |_________/\ / | \ . / \ |\ _______/ / \ __:__ _ _/ | \\ | |/ \_ | \_ | \_______| \__ | / |_______/ | | / |__| / |bfr _____ | |________/ : | /_______| | | | : # : |______// \/ \ _____|_____|_ l | | ______ / \ \ _________/_ l | | / _ \ \_ \| / _ |______ | |_ _ \ | / ______% : | / | \___| /_____/ . |______/____| / |____/ |______/ releash! ! _____________ _____________ | _________\_ ____ /___\_ ____ /________ : \______ \_ __/ \ /l | __/ \ /// _ \_______________ ___ / __/ __/\ \/\l |\ \/\ \_ \ _______// |___ _/ \_ \___ \__ |___ \__ | \______ \/ | \ \______| \_ \_______/ |_ \_______/__| / | \_ \ . |______/ | /bfr |_____/ ________/ | \ : |_____/ \______/ \_______| \__ | : | / l_________________________________________________________| |_______/ fear! ____________/\ _____________ _____\_________ \ ______\________ \_ | ___/ __/ \ /// _ \ __/ __/ - -- - -| ___| \ \/\/ /_ \\ `\_ \ --- - - - | \______ \__ | \____| \__ | |' \\_______/__| ///| // |_______| bfr `| / |______/ |_____/ well, unfortunately, that was it. Ment it to be bigger, but no requests, no askee. Can't help it. If you happened to like my style, feel VERY FREE to request befeater@dlc.fi and maybe there will be another one too. [ t h i s h a s b e e n a i m p u r e p r o d u c t i o n ]