·this file passed·
                        _ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
                         c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _
                     ____       ____      _____      ____
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                 _) _/   /___)  _   /___) _/   /___)   _ /__
                /   \      /    \_    /   \      /     /   /
                \___       \_____/    \____\     \___  \   \
                  \ ________\   /______\    \ ____\ \_______\
                   \/      <(·tHE YARd·)>    \/ lOCATED iN gERMANY!
          [·aMiGA·aLL cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·aSCii·liNUX·hiPhOP·pECEE·]
            [· rUNNiNG oN 7 nICE nODES · iSDN/aNALOGUE/tELNET ·]
                 [· oPERATED bY zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH ·]

  \    \_. _____ _____      ._______
__ \_____|     //    _)     |__     \_ _____:________  _ ___________________ 
  /    _      /¯    _/___ /\_ /      //    _:_       \.
 /   ._/     /     /    _/   /    __/_.    /:\_       | - GRAFFERS HIDEOUT -  
_\___|   ____\________ /_    \________|_____:_________| ____________________
     |__/             /________\ +sD+       : 

 Panzerknacker·Soia·Aerosol·DKB·Mono·Ganja·Assign·Writaz Express!  

 Da original gangstarr posse are Hash/Soia^Pzk^Dkb + Sperm Whale/TL
                                      and Poskgubbe/Katharsis Ascii
 We concentrate on graffs - Mp3 - ASSkiii'ss - Drug/\ Peze-oldies - Weedah
                      _________.              ___ /_ \_       _________. 
 _ _________________ _\       _|____________ /     /   \ _____\       _| ___
                       \      \     _ _     \.    /    _/     \\      \    
 - BRAIN DAMAGED PPL -_/      /    _/_\_     |   /_\  /  \    //      /     
 _ __________________/_____  /_______________| _____ /____\  /_____  / _____
                           \/        w^S             \_________|   \/                                                        

                       Have no heroes, look up to no-one,
               for if you do, the best you'll ever be is second!

                            .                         .
                            .                         :
                            :                         |
                            |                 .       |
             :_             |       :         :       |
_____ ___/\ _| \____/\ _:   |      _|_/\ ____ |      _|_/\ ____ ___  /\ __
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                        :   a co-operation between    :
                              |/              )|
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\____________\      |________\   /____/__\      \________\___     |__\      |
           /  \_____|      |_____/        \______\           \____|   \_____|
          /______________________________________________ _  _ ___\

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                              ._ \______\      .
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                         c r u s a d e r   &   t a x i
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                              |..             .|
                              | :            .:|
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                               :..: :      :::..
                               :                  ______ _
                               :                 |·     \\|
                               :                 |        |
                               :  this colly among many can be found here!
                               :                 |        |
                               :       http://hem2.passagen.se/crusse/
                               :                 |        |
                               :                 |:       |
                               :                 ||       |
                               :                 |________|
   ._______________________ __\|_
   |/                          \/                                   ._\_:
   |   ¾¾¾ ¾ ¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾  ¾¾¾     ¾¾¾   ¾  ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾     |/ \|
   |   ¾   ¾ ¾ ¾¾¾ ¾   ¾¾¾¾¾    ¾¾¾   ¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾ ¾¾¾ ¾ ¾¾¾ ¾       |\·/|
   |   ¾¾  ¾ ¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾  ¾¾¾     ¾¾¾   ¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾ ¾¾¾ ¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾     | X |
   |   ¾   ¾ ¾¾¾¾    ¾  ¾¾¾     ¾¾¾ ¾ ¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾  ¾ ¾¾¾   ¾     |/·\|
   |   ¾   ¾ ¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾  ¾¾¾      ¾¾¾ ¾¾  ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾     |\ /|
   |\________________________________________ ______________________| X |
                                                                   \|/ \|
                      first words from: TAXI!                       | X |
 hello.. taxi typing.. i'm not really a "first words" kinda guy, but|\ /|
 i'll write something to keep you ALL happy :) it's been a while now| X |
 since my last release, and.. ehm.. well, it's been good just       |/ \|
 relaxing and making ascii whenever i wanted to.. :)                |\·/|
                                                                    | X |
 write me some electronic mail at <thofton@online.no> and keep it   |/·\|
 serious, keep it real!                                             |\ /|
                                                        (·t/\xi·)   | X |
                                                                    |/ \|
                    first words from: CRUSADER!                     |\·/|
                                                                    | X |
 Well im not much of an writer either, but i think ill entertain you|/·\|
 out there with some textwriting which is abit longer than taxi's:) |\ /|
 Welcome to the first coop asciicollection that i ever done, i have | X |
 decided to do this one together with Taxi/Altern.I dont think there|/ \|
 is many of you guys out there who were expecting this, are there?  |\·/|
 At first i thought of releasing this collection alone as a pure bbs| X |
 colly made for all the sysops out there who keep on bugging me for |/·\|
 logos! But lately after seeing some good stuff coming from Taxi the|\ /|
 thought came up to do a coop with him! As for the moment i think   | X |
 Taxi is a one of the most promising artists around and quality is  |/ \|
 what counts!Thats the main reason for why i decided to do this coop|\·/|
 with him, which for the record is the first coop he ever makes too!| X |
 Still as in my last colly(m's-news.txt) i will have to complain    |\ /|
 about todays modemtraders! I can't understand how there can be so  | X |
 many guys out there who claim themselves to be elite modemtraders, |/ \|
 when they keep on tradings tons of aminet crap!? There aint many   |\·/|
 traders who has the policy to not trade any aminet, everyone is too| X |
 greedy for getting xxx bytes in upload to various boards which is a|/·\|
 shame!!!                                                           |\ /|
 What is even more amazing is to see traders who have been around on| X |
 the scene for years, even some of them do keep on trading aminet   |/ \|
 stuff! Those are the guys who really should know better and keep on|\·/|
 the traditions from wayback in times and keep the /pd/aminet crap  | X |
 out from the amiga elite area's!                                   |/·\|
 Also most of the sysop's are ofcourse to blame too, as they are the|\ /|
 ones who actually do allow aminet on their boards! Aminet that can | X |
 be found on any LEGAL ftp for free download are beeing uploaded to |/ \|
 many amiga areas without the sysops caring at all! Greedy bastards,|\·/|
 who wants to have big weektops with many bytes beeing uploaded,    | X |
 making the bbs look good!! while infact most of the so called      |/·\|
 "WAREZ" are lame aminet and pd crap leeched from the legal aminet  |\ /|
 sites worldwide!                                                   | X |
 Now, for those who know the meaning of WAREZ/QUALITY/SPEED there   |/ \|
 are 3 boards worth mentioning that dominates today's amiga scene!  |\·/|
                                                                    | X |
           DRAGONLANCE  -  THE SPECIALIST BBS  -  SPACED OUT        |/·\|
 (oh, you got no account? dont even bother to call you wont get axx)|\ /|
                                                                    | X |
 Now back to the asciiscene.. I dont know if im the only one who has|/ \|
 noticed that the asciiscene of today's has become more booring     |\·/|
 lately? After that my former group MO'SOUL died, for me the whole  | X |
 asciiscene got damn booring. As when looking at todays asciigroups,|/·\|
 there are no real cool hardcore asciigroups that are really active.|\ /|
 The scene is mainly filled with medium good asciigroups which keeps| X |
 on releasing collections every now and then. When i saw Pro^arts   |/ \|
 beeing restarted(with my dear b is in:)) it sounded like it could  |\·/|
 be something to look out for, but now when there is only b that is | X |
 active in it(and releasing GREAT stuff as always!) it aint looking |/·\|
 good as one man dont make the group! Also hearing some rumours of  |\ /|
 that Rotox and Enforcer should be working on a colly, but i doubt  | X |
 those collies never see the light of day! The same goes for Sal-1  |/ \|
 that has been "working" on his colly for years alredy ;)           |\·/|
                                                                    | X |
 Winter is getting closer and closer, have even had some snow here  |/·\|
 for a few days ago, which mean THE PARTY 7 is on the starting point|\ /|
 within a month! This year i will be there along with my brother!!! | X |
 So be sure to meet CRUSADER&CANDYMAN in Denmark this year!:) I hope|/ \|
 i will see all you guys there and hope that you come and visit me  |\·/|
 if you see me somewhere there and we will have a beer or two! And  | X |
 if youre lucky and have a computer(i wont bring mine!) with ya i   |/·\|
 could even do some ascii's for ya if im bored enuff :)             |\ /|
                                                                    | X |
 Now in the end i have to say major hellos to all HELLFIRE members  |/ \|
 you are all friends of mine, hope to meet ya at tp7!               |\·/|
 For all the rest, dont believe the hype, check the facts before you| X |
 open your mouth! Let this be all for this time, now ill end this   |/·\|
 with a fact, in 1998 the asciiscene will become better!            |\ /|
                                                                    | X |
                      - crusader / always friends, always hellfire! |/ \|
   ._______________________ ________________________________________|\·/|
   |/                                                               | X |
   |     ¾¾¾ ¾ ¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾¾  ¾    ¾¾¾     ¾¾¾  ¾ ¾¾ ¾¾¾  ¾¾¾  ¾¾¾     |/·\|
   |     ¾   ¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾    ¾¾¾    ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾ ¾ ¾ ¾¾¾ ¾    ¾¾¾     |\ /|
   |     ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾    ¾¾¾     ¾¾¾  ¾ ¾   ¾¾¾ ¾¾   ¾¾¾     | X |
   |       ¾ ¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾  ¾ ¾¾¾     ¾¾¾  ¾ ¾   ¾¾¾ ¾            |/ \|
   |     ¾¾¾ ¾ ¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾¾   ¾¾ ¾¾¾      ¾¾¾  ¾ ¾   ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾  ¾¾¾     |\·/|
   |\_________________________:_ _ __ _________________________ __   ¯\¯:
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                              |                                  e
                              |                ·
                              |                :
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                              ¦                |
                              :                |
                               __  ___________\|
                              ._ __________ _
                     __       |/
                  __(__)_ ø___|_    _____     .      __
                  /     //_\_   \ __\_   \____|_  ___\/____
             _ __ \  t! /   /   /_   /   /  ___/_(   \/   / __ _
                ¬\\\   /___/_____/______/  _/     \  /   ///
                    \ /       |         \________ /__\___\
                     \        |               |  ___
                              |  adult area   | /\__\
                              |     amiga     | \/__///_
                              |   bulletins   |
                              | closed system |
                              | commodore 64  |
                              |    console    |
                              |     doors     |
                              |   download    |
                              ·  elites only  :
                            hack, phreak, anarchy
                              . last callers  .
                              |   macintosh   |
                              |     menu      |
                              |    modules    |
                         ·.   |  most wanted  |
                         o    |   new user    |
                        .+    :  nintendo 64  ·
                         |    no aminet allowed
                         |    . olden goldies .
                         |    |   pc elite    |
                         |    |  playstation  |
                         :    |    private    |
                         .    |   requests    |
                         ___  |    upload     |
                        /__/\ ·validation area:
                     _\\\__\/ .    weektop    .

                (all logos featured by both crusader & taxi)

 __ ________  _|_   ______________________________________ ___ _____________
 LOGO #o1  _) oxo (_                   r e l i g i o n
 adult area)\_/ \_/(
           \|||||||/            a crusader & taxi cooperation 1997
          _)|||||||(_       " 2 o o o   y e a r s   o f   m i s e r y "
 ______ _\\___ ·_ __//_________ _________________________________________ __

 :__________ _ __ /    \ ________ ____ ______ ____.:________ _ _ _________:_
 |              //·cDr· \\_     /    ( )    //    ||      _////           |
 |              /         /    /      /           |_      |               |
 :  A D U L T  /         _____/ \__________________/______|   A D U L T   ¦
 T            /            \ ________ ________ ________                   \
 |  A R E A  /              \\_     //_      //        \       A R E A    |
 |_         /                _/    /  /_____/     /|    \_               _|
  /____ __//________/\_______\___________________/¯|_____//___ __________\

          /                                    \                  /
    ___ _/ \ _ _____ ____:________ _________  / \ _ _____ _______/ \_ ___
  ./    )   \__\_   \\   /  _    /_/_     _/_/   \__\_   \\  ___/_  (    \.
  |__  /    /   /   /   /|  /   /   /    /  )    /   /   /_ _/   /   \  __|
  : /_/    /_______/\_______\______/_____\ /    /____\____/_____/     \_\ :
     /_________\t!                        /_________\        /_________\

 ________________________________ ____________________  __  _|_   ____ _____
                  r e l i g i o n                        _) oxo (_  LOGO #o2
                                                         )\_/ \_/(     amiga
          a crusader & taxi cooperation 1997             \|||||||/
      " 2 o o o    y e a r s   o f   m i s e r y "      _)|||||||(_
 ____ ________________________________________ ______ _\\___ ·_ __//_ ______

                    :___                               :____
 :_________ __ _____|   \ _____.:_____ _____ _____ ____|    \ __ __________:
 |cDr       )//          \\    ||    //_____))  _//          \\(        ·97|
 |          ¯/     /|:.        ||               \_   .:|\     \¯           |
 |         _/     /¯|__________\/______________________|¯\     \_          |
 |_____ __\\____ /                                        \ ____//___ _____|
               \/ - AMIGA ELITE AREA - NO AMINET ALLOWED - \/

                     o          __ ____
                     _\_________\//   // _________
               _ __  __\_   \   \/    /__\  _____/ _____  __ _
                  ///  _   _/   \/   /___)  \_  \__\_   \\\
                   /   /   \_____\  /_  /   /   /  _    /
                   \______/   /______/ /\______/   /   /
                           t!     \___/_       \______/

 __ ________  _|_   ______________________________________ ___ _____________
 LOGO #o3  _) oxo (_                   r e l i g i o n
 bulletins )\_/ \_/(
           \|||||||/            a crusader & taxi cooperation 1997
          _)|||||||(_       " 2 o o o   y e a r s   o f   m i s e r y "
 ______ _\\___ ·_ __//_________ _________________________________________ __

       ____ _____ ______ ___.____: _______ ________ ____ _______ ____
    ___\_  )\   ( )    //   |    ||__    //_     _/(____))_    //  _/___
    \   (_       /          |_   |_ /___/  |     |        /   / \__    /
 |cDr·                                                                ·97!|
 |                                                                        |
 |                                                                        |
 |                                                                        |
 |                                                                        |
 |_                                                                      _|

      ____.   ____:________ _ _____   _______ __________ _____\__ ______ _
     _\  _|___\   /  _    /___    /___/  ___/_    __   /_\_   \\/    __///_
   _ /   \   /   /|  /   /   /   /   /  _/   /    /   /   /   /_\_    \
  _\\\_______\_______\_______\_______\______/_____\ _/___/____________/ t!

 ________________________________ ____________________  __  _|_   ____ _____
                  r e l i g i o n                        _) oxo (_  LOGO #o4
                                                         )\_/ \_/(    closed
          a crusader & taxi cooperation 1997             \|||||||/    system
      " 2 o o o    y e a r s   o f   m i s e r y "      _)|||||||(_
 ____ ________________________________________ ______ _\\___ ·_ __//_ ______

 :_____ _  _____ ____ _____ ______ _______ ______ __  __ __________________
 |(     ___\  _//   //  _  \\   _//_     //_    //                         |
 |/ cDr \    /     /    \   /___   /____/  /   /     * CLOSED SYSTEM *     |
 |     /____________\_________________________/                            |
 ¦     ______  _______ _____ _______ ______ ____ access by MEMBER REFERAL! |
 : ____\   _/__\     //   _//_    _//_    /    /_____                      :
   \   /___     \  _/ \___   |    |  /___/    /|    /                     /|
  /________________\_________|____|___________\/     \_ ____ _____________)|

                 _/__________   _____\__ _____________ ____\_
                 /    __    /___\  .  \/    ___   ___/_\_   \
                /    /_/   /   /   |  _\_    \/  _/     /   /
             _\__ ___________  __ _____________ ____ _  _____/_
               \/    ___    /--\/    ___     _/ ___/_ \/    /
         _ __  _\_    \/   /   _\_    \/    /  _/   / \/   /_  __ _
             \\\______/\___   ________/_____\______/  /_____///
                         (____\               t!/_______\

                hey man! sorry, but this is a closed system..

 __ ________  _|_   ______________________________________ ___ _____________
 LOGO #o5  _) oxo (_                   r e l i g i o n
 commodore64\_/ \_/(
           \|||||||/            a crusader & taxi cooperation 1997
          _)|||||||(_       " 2 o o o   y e a r s   o f   m i s e r y "
 ______ _\\___ ·_ __//_________ _________________________________________ __

   ____ ___ ___.:___:.___ ___ ______ ___ _____ _______   ___  ___  ______
  /  _//   \\  ||   ||  //   \\_   //   \\_   \\_    /__ \·/ / _/__\    /___
 /  /    |     ||   ||     |   /  /   |   /   / /___/   \ / /  \_  \\__ |  /
 \_____________\/   \/___________/________\_____________/cDr\______/  /____\

         _______ ___/\  ___  /\_____   _____ ______ __/_|___ _______
         /    _/      \/   \/       \__\_   \\      \____   \/  ___/_
        /_   /_   |   \/   \/   |   /   /   /   |   /   /   /_ _/   /
         (____/______ /     \ ______\ _____/\_______\   \____/_____/
                    _/_______\                  t!/_____|
                    /                                   |
                   ·  s  i   x   t   y   f   o   u   r  ·

 ________________________________ ____________________  __  _|_   ____ _____
                  r e l i g i o n                        _) oxo (_  LOGO #o6
                                                         )\_/ \_/(   console
          a crusader & taxi cooperation 1997             \|||||||/
      " 2 o o o    y e a r s   o f   m i s e r y "      _)|||||||(_
 ____ ________________________________________ ______ _\\___ ·_ __//_ ______

 _:_______________ _____  _____ /   \ _______ ___ ________________________|_
  |                    ___\  _//  .  \\_    //                            |
  |                    \    /     :    /   /    NES, SEGA, GAMEBOY + MORE |
  º  C O N S O L E    /________   ¦   /_____\                             |
  T                  ______ /    _|_    \ ______ _______ GET EM' ALL HERE |
  |     A R E A  ____\   _//      |      \\    //_     /___               |
  |_             \   /___         ¦           /  /____/   /              _|
  )/__ _______ _/__________       :        ________________\_ ___________\(
  /                      \_________________/cDr                           \

                              |               |
     _ ___  _____________   __|__\__ _________|___ _____
         ///    __       \__\_   \\/    ___       \/   /_________
          /    /_/   |   /   /   /_\_    \/   |   /   /   /  ___/_ t!
          \______\_______\ _/____________/\_______\______/  _/   /
                              |               |          \______///___ _
                              | c o n s o l e |
                              |               |

 __ ________  _|_   ______________________________________ ___ _____________
 LOGO #o7  _) oxo (_                   r e l i g i o n
 doors     )\_/ \_/(
           \|||||||/            a crusader & taxi cooperation 1997
          _)|||||||(_       " 2 o o o   y e a r s   o f   m i s e r y "
 ______ _\\___ ·_ __//_________ _________________________________________ __

 ·                                  _____                                 .
 :                  _______ _____  /     \ ________ _____                 :
 ¦ ·BBS DOORS· _____\     //     \/   |   \\_     //   _/___ ·BBS DOORS·  ¦
 |_            \    /    /    |      cDr   _/    / \___    /             _|
  /_________ _/_________/________     |    \________________\_ __________\

                  ______ _________ ________    ______ __ _______ __ _
          _ __ ___\_    \\        \        \__\\_    \\/     __// /// /
       / /// //    /    /    |    /   |    /    /    /_\_     \
             /_________/\_________\________\    \_____________/

 ________________________________ ____________________  __  _|_   ____ _____
                  r e l i g i o n                        _) oxo (_  LOGO #o8
                                                         )\_/ \_/(  download
          a crusader & taxi cooperation 1997             \|||||||/
      " 2 o o o    y e a r s   o f   m i s e r y "      _)|||||||(_
 ____ ________________________________________ ______ _\\___ ·_ __//_ ______

 : _____ __ ______ _____ ____.:_____ _______  ____ ________ __________ __ _:
 |\\     ___\    //  _  \\   ||    //_     /                          \\(.)/
 |(    _/   /   /    \       ||      /    /   LEECHING AGAIN PUNK !?!   \|/.
 T¯    \_______/_____________/\____ /    /_______ ________ _______       / |
 |                                 /    //  _   //        \\     /         |
 · DISABLED = RESPECT - NO ABUSE _/    /    \        /|.   /    /         _|
 |_________________________ ____\\__________________/¯|:.   ___//__ ______\'

                         _______ ·  d o w n - l o a d  / \
             _____ ______\__   //_____ _____   _______/   \   _____
           __\_   \\  _    /   /_\_   \/   /___\  _   \    \__\_   \
          /   /   /   /   /\      /   /_  /   /   /   /    /\  /   /
         /_______/\_______/\_____/_____/______\_______\   /__\____/

 __ ________  _|_   ______________________________________ ___ _____________
 LOGO #o9  _) oxo (_                   r e l i g i o n
 elites    )\_/ \_/(
 only      \|||||||/            a crusader & taxi cooperation 1997
          _)|||||||(_       " 2 o o o   y e a r s   o f   m i s e r y "
 ______ _\\___ ·_ __//_________ _________________________________________ __

 __ __________________  _____  ________ ___.:_____ _______ _______ _____
                            ___\_     //   ||_____))    _//_     //   _/___
       S ø R R Y            \   /____/     |_           |  /____/ \__     /
      E L I T E S       _______ _______ ___.cDr________
                       /       \\_    //   |___\      /
       O N L Y !      /    |     /   /     ¦_   \   _/
 ____ ____________ __\\_________/___________/_______\_ __________________ __

     _____________ ________  t!  __________________ ___________ __________
.__  \     ______/_\      /______\     __        _/     ______//        _/__.
| /_/     _/             /      /      /        /      _/     _\        \_\ |
!  /___________________________/______/_________\\____________\_________/   !
:            _______________    ________ ________ ________                  :
¦  elites    \     _      _/____\_      \\      /_\      /------/  elites   ¦
|   only    /      /      \      /      /_     /        /      /    only    |
`-----------\____________/______/________/_______________     /-------------'

 ________________________________ ____________________  __  _|_   ____ _____
                  r e l i g i o n                        _) oxo (_  LOGO #1o
                                                         )\_/ \_/(      hack
          a crusader & taxi cooperation 1997             \|||||||/    phreak
                                                         _||¡:¦||_   anarchy
      " 2 o o o    y e a r s   o f   m i s e r y "      _)|||||||(_
 ____ ________________________________________ ______ _\\___ ·_ __//_ ______

    .___________________ __  _____   ____  ____ ______ _____ __ ______:
    |/                          ____|    |/    \\   _//    /         )|
    |       H/\CK              |    |    |         / /    /   ·cDr·  \|
    |                          |____/    ___/\_______\____\           :
    |      P|-|REAK        ________ |    | ______ ______ ____ ___: _____
    |                   .__\_     /_|    ||_    //_    //    \\  |/    /
    ·   A N A R C H Y   |   /____/  |     _/   /  /___/         _/    /
    T                   |_____| ____\    _\_____\_________/\____\_____\
    ¦  ____ _______ ____ _______ ___|    |____  _______               .
    : /    \\_    //    \\_    //  _/    |    |_\     /               |
    °/       /   /       _/   /    \     |       \  _/             _ _|
    /___/\__/________/\__\_______________\    ______\ ___ ______ _\\\\'

                   ______________ / ______________________
                  |       _____  / \                      |
                  |       \   /_/_  \ _______ . ____      |
                  |      / __/   /   \\    _/ |/   /      |
                  |     /  \_   /    /\   /_  /   /_      |
                  |    /---/____\    \_\___/__\____/      |
                  |         /___________\           /     |
                  |         _____    _.            / \    |
                  |  _______\   /___/_|___ _______/   \_. |___
                  : _\_    \ __/  \____   \/  ___/_    \|/   /
                  _/  /____/ \_   /   /   /_ _/   /     /   /_
                  \_____|/---/____\   \____/_____/    __\____/
                 \              /_____|      t!/___________\
                / \            \      :                   |
               /   \   _____  / \_    .           _____   :
              /     \__\_   \/   (   _____ _______\   /_______
            _/      /   /   /_    \__\_   \\    _/ __/  _    /---/
            )      /___/_____/    /   /   /_   /_  \_   /   /   /
           /___________\  /      /____\____/____/--/____\____  /
                         /___________\                   /_____\

 __ ________  _|_   ______________________________________ ___ _____________
 LOGO #11  _) oxo (_                   r e l i g i o n
 last      )\_/ \_/(
 callers   \|||||||/            a crusader & taxi cooperation 1997
          _)|||||||(_       " 2 o o o   y e a r s   o f   m i s e r y "
 ______ _\\___ ·_ __//_________ _________________________________________ __

  ______ _____ ______ _____:_ ____ ______ _____ _____ ______ ______ ____
  \    //     \\   _//_    _//  _//      \\   /_\   //_    //_    //  _/___
  /   /   /|   /___   |    |   /     /|      /     /  /___/ _/   / \__    /
 /_______/¯|    ______|____|________/¯|    _________________\______________\

                               _/ \
                      ______   )   \  __________________
                      /    /__/_    \/      ___       _/
                     /_   /  / /    _\      \ /      /
                /     (_____/_/     \_______//_______\
               / \_      t!/___________\            __.
       _______/_  ( ______    ______    ___________/__|____ __ ________
       /     /_/   \\    /____\    /____/   ___________    \\//      _/
      /_    //_    /    /    /    /    /   _/    /    /    /__\      \
 «- ---(___/__/   /_________/_________/_________/     \______________/-----»
          /___________\                        /______|

 ________________________________ ____________________  __  _|_   ____ _____
                  r e l i g i o n                        _) oxo (_  LOGO #12
                                                         )\_/ \_/( macintosh
          a crusader & taxi cooperation 1997             \|||||||/
      " 2 o o o    y e a r s   o f   m i s e r y "      _)|||||||(_
 ____ ________________________________________ ______ _\\___ ·_ __//_ ______

        ______ ___|  \ ______ ____ _______ ______|_ _____ ______ __.:___
    ____\    //       \\   _//____))_    //_     _//  _  \\   _//  ||   |
    \   |\       /|.      /         /   /  |     |    \   /___     \\   |
   /____\/______/¯|:.   ___________/_______| ____|_________________||___|

     o·          \
    .+          / \           ___
     |___ /\ __/_  \ _________(_/_                             ______
     \    \/    /   \/     __    /_____ _/_______ ___ __ ______\    /___
     |\   \/   /_ _ /_    /_/   /_\_   \(_     _/     \/    ___  __/   /
     `----/_____///  (_____/____\  /   /_/    /   |   _\_    \/  \_   /
    «------/___________\t!----/___/___________\ ______\______/---/____\-»

 __ ________  _|_   ______________________________________ ___ _____________
 LOGO #13  _) oxo (_                   r e l i g i o n
 menu      )\_/ \_/(
           \|||||||/            a crusader & taxi cooperation 1997
          _)|||||||(_       " 2 o o o   y e a r s   o f   m i s e r y "
 ______ _\\___ ·_ __//_________ _________________________________________ __

 .__________ ___    .____ _________ _______ ____|    /     ____ ___________:
 |/            ____.|    \\_      //_     //    /    | __                  |
 ¦          _ |    ||      /_____/  /    /     /|    ||  | _   ·MAIN MENU· |
 |______ _||_||____\/     _________/______\__________||__||_||_ ___________|

            ______ /\ ______ ____________ ________ _______:_______
            \      \/      //     ______/_\_      \\      /      /_
             \     \/     /_     _/        /      /_     /|
             /     /_______/______________/________/_____________ _
            ·   t!   \

 ________________________________ ____________________  __  _|_   ____ _____
                  r e l i g i o n                        _) oxo (_  LOGO #14
                                                         )\_/ \_/(   modules
          a crusader & taxi cooperation 1997             \|||||||/
      " 2 o o o    y e a r s   o f   m i s e r y "      _)|||||||(_
 ____ ________________________________________ ______ _\\___ ·_ __//_ ______

               o            _|             |
                O.         |               |
                           |  MODULE AREA  |
          :_____ _____ ______ _____ _____ _____ _______ _____        __
     ____.|    //     \\_    \\   ( )   //    //_     //   _/____  _/_/ _
     \   ||        |    /    /     /         /  /____/ \___     / (/(/ _/
    /____\/    _____________/____________________________________\    (/
       cDr|____|           |               .
                           |               |
                           |               |
                           |              _|

        .o·            m    o    d    u    l    e    s
         |__ /\ ____ ______  _____ ____:____ ____   _______  _______
         \   \/    /  _   //_\_   \\   /   //   /___/  ___/_/    __/
         |\  \/   /_  /   /   /   /   /|   /   /   /  _/   _\_    \
         `---/_____/______\ _____/\________\_______\_______\______/t!

 __ ________  _|_   ______________________________________ ___ _____________
 LOGO #15  _) oxo (_                   r e l i g i o n
 most      )\_/ \_/(
 wanted    \|||||||/            a crusader & taxi cooperation 1997
          _)|||||||(_       " 2 o o o   y e a r s   o f   m i s e r y "
 ______ _\\___ ·_ __//_________ _________________________________________ __

 ._______ _______  :_____ /  \ ______ ______|_ _ ___ _____________________:
 |/           ____.|    // __ \\   _//_     _////                        \|
 |            \   ||       )/  /___   |     |     M ø S T   W /\ N T E D  |
 |           /____\/____   /    ______|_____|                             |
 :_            :_____ /          \ _______ ______:_ _______ _______       |
 \/       ____.|    //            \\_    //_     _//_     //_     /       |
 |        \   ||                    /   /  |     |  /____/  /    /       _|
 |____ _//____/\    _______/\______/_______|_____|______________//__ ____\

                     ____ __ ____ ______ _______________
                     \    \/    //  _   /     __      _/
                     :\   \/   /.   \  _\     \/     /
                     `----/_ ___|______\______/______\
                    ______./  \t! _____ _________ _____ _____
                \---\    _|    \__\_   \(_     _/  ___/_\_   \
                /   /\   \|    /   /   /_/    /   _/     /   /
               /____/\____\   /___/___________\\____________/

 ________________________________ ____________________  __  _|_   ____ _____
                  r e l i g i o n                        _) oxo (_  LOGO #16
                                                         )\_/ \_/(       new
          a crusader & taxi cooperation 1997             \|||||||/     users
      " 2 o o o    y e a r s   o f   m i s e r y "      _)|||||||(_
 ____ ________________________________________ ______ _\\___ ·_ __//_ ______

 :___ ____________  ___   _______ _______    .____  _                    _:
 |/                   ____\_    //_     /___.| cDr||   IF YOURE WORTHY   )|
 | ..A NEW USER HUH?  \    /   /  /____/    ||    |                      \|
 |                   /____/______ __________/\    |     YOULL GET AXX     |
 :______ ______ _____ _______ _______ _____  \____|                       :
  \·   ( )    //   _//_     //_     //   _/____ ___       WITHIN 24H      ·
  \\    /      \___   /____/ _/    / \___     / _ /                       /
 /_\\________________________\_________________\\/   IF NOT ..BAD LUCK!  /_\

            ___ _ ________ _____________ _________. _ ___________
           | _____\_      \/     ______/-\       _|              |
           |/      /      /_    _/       /\      \   new · user  |
           /______/________/_____________/\_______\  ____.       |
           |_______.______ _________________________/____|______ |
           :\      /      /        __      _______________      \:
           /      /|     _\        \/     _/      /      /      /_
           \_____________\_________/\____________/       \_______/

 __ ________  _|_   ______________________________________ ___ _____________
 LOGO #16  _) oxo (_                   r e l i g i o n
 nintendo64)\_/ \_/(
           \|||||||/            a crusader & taxi cooperation 1997
          _)|||||||(_       " 2 o o o   y e a r s   o f   m i s e r y "
 ______ _\\___ ·_ __//_________ _________________________________________ __

                  ø   N  I  N  T  E  N  D  O     6  4   ø
    :___    ______ ____ _______ _______ _______ ______ ______ _____ ___:
    |  /____\    //____))_    //_     _\\_    //_    //_    //     \\  |
    | //    /   /        /   /  |     |  /___/  /   /  /   /    |   \\ |
    :_\\___/____________/_______|_____|________/__________/ ________//_|
    ¦                 .........       ........ .......                 ¦
    |                  :::::::: ÷cDr÷  ::::::: .......                 |
    |                  ::::::::....... ::::::: :::::::                 |
    \                  :::::::: :::::::`::::::.:::::::                 \
    |                  :::::::: :::::::        :::::::                 |
    |_                 :::::::: :::::::        :::::::                _|
     /___________ ____ ::::::::.::::::'        :::::::. ____ _________\

           _______ ___ _______ ________ _____ _______ _____ ______ __
        ___\_    /  _/_\_    /_      _/  ___/_\_    /_\_   \\  _   \/
        \   /   /_  \   /   /_/     /   _/     /   /_  /   /   /   /
                        __________ _    ______.______
                      ./ __ _____///_ ./      |      \.
                      |  \ \\        \|       |___ __ |
                _ __  |   \_\\_       X          // / |  __ _
                   /__|       |       |\________//_/  |__\
                      °\_____________/'   t!|________/°

 ________________________________ ____________________  __  _|_   ____ _____
                  r e l i g i o n                        _) oxo (_  LOGO #17
                                                         )\_/ \_/(        no
          a crusader & taxi cooperation 1997             \|||||||/    aminet
                                                         _||¡:¦||_   allowed
      " 2 o o o    y e a r s   o f   m i s e r y "      _)|||||||(_
 ____ ________________________________________ ______ _\\___ ·_ __//_ ______

                                  _ o _
                          _ ______)\¦/(______ _
                      .___)\\       T       //(___
                      |/      ________ _______   )|
                      |   ____\_    ·//   _   \  \|_
                      :   \    /    /     \    \  \/
                      T  /____/________________/  |
                ____ ____. ____ ____ ________ _______ ________
          ____ /    \\   ||   //____))_     //_     //_     _/
         |  )//          ||           /    /  /____/  |     |
         |  //        ___\/__________/________________|_____|
         | ·/          \ ____.____: _____ ____ ._____ ______ ____
         |//            \\   |    |   _  \\   ||    //_    //_   \
         '/                  |_   |_  \       ||      /___/  /   /
         /_______/\___________/____/__________/\    ____________/
                      ,                        \____|cDr
                      | _     NO AMINET           .
                     _:/_/\            ALLOWED!  _|
                    /_/\_\//__ ______ _ _________\·

                              :/              |
                              |  ____ __ ____ |_
                              |__\_   \/  _   \/
                \             \   /   /_  /   /
              _/ \           /___/_____/______\
              )  _\__ /\ _ ___|_  ____ __ ____|_________
             /   \    \/   \/  //_\_   \/  ______     _/
            /    _\   \/   /:  /   /   /_ _/   /     /
           /    \\_____\--/-' /___/_____/_____/______\
          /____/_\____\  /____\               | ______.
              /   \ _____   __|__ t!______ _\---\    _|_____ _____
            _/     \\   /___\   /___\  _   \/   /\   \  ___/_\_   \
            )      /   /   /   /   /   /   /____/\___  _/     /   /
           /       \______/\______/\______/   |     \____________/
          /___________\       |               |

 __ ________  _|_   ______________________________________ ___ _____________
 LOGO #18  _) oxo (_                   r e l i g i o n
 olden     )\_/ \_/(
 goldies   \|||||||/            a crusader & taxi cooperation 1997
          _)|||||||(_       " 2 o o o   y e a r s   o f   m i s e r y "
 ______ _\\___ ·_ __//_________ _________________________________________ __

 :_____________ ____ /   \ ______ ______ _______ _______ _ ____________ _  _
 |                 //  .  \\    //_    //_     //_     //              /_/\\
 :  OLDEN GOLDIES  /   :       /  /   /  /____/  /    /              _\\_\/.
 |                /    ¦   __________/__________/______\                   :
 \         _____ /    _|_    \ ______ _______ ____ ________ _____          |
 |      ___\  _//      |      \\    //_     /(____))_     //   _/____      |
 |      \     \_       ¦           /  /    /        /____/ \___     /     _|
 |___ _/__________     :        __________/__________________________\_ __\

               _______ _____ _____ _______ _____ _ ___________.
               \      \/   /_\_   \/  ___/_\_   \            \|
              /   |   /   /   /   /  _/     /   /_  olden     |
              \_______\__________/\________/_____/   goldies  |
               ______. _______t!____ _____ ____ ______  ______|
               \  ___|_\      \/   /_\_   \\   /  ___/_/    __/
              /   \   /   |   /   /   /   /   /  _/   _\_    \|

 ________________________________ ____________________  __  _|_   ____ _____
                  r e l i g i o n                        _) oxo (_  LOGO #19
                                                         )\_/ \_/(  pc elite
          a crusader & taxi cooperation 1997             \|||||||/
      " 2 o o o    y e a r s   o f   m i s e r y "      _)|||||||(_
 ____ ________________________________________ ______ _\\___ ·_ __//_ ______

 ___________________ _____   _________ ____   __   _  ______________________
                          .__\__     //  _/_____
 PC / IBM ELITE AREA      |    /____/    \      |        PC / IBM ELITE AREA
                    ________ ____: ____ _________ _______
 0-12 HOUR ONLY! ___\_     //    |(____)\_     _//_     /___ 0-12 HOUR ONLY!
                 \   /____/      |_      | cDr |  /____/   /
 ____________  _/_________________/______|_____|____________\_ _____________

                               ___________ _______
                          _____\_        /      _/
                          \_    /_______/      /__
          _/___________ ___(_______|t!_\_________/_____ __________
          /     ______/_\      /______\___)/_        _/    ______/_
         /_    _/      /      /      /      /       /     _/      /

 __ ________  _|_   ______________________________________ ___ _____________
 LOGO #2o  _) oxo (_                   r e l i g i o n
 playstation\_/ \_/(
           \|||||||/            a crusader & taxi cooperation 1997
          _)|||||||(_       " 2 o o o   y e a r s   o f   m i s e r y "
 ______ _\\___ ·_ __//_________ _________________________________________ __

                               __     _|_______
                ________ ___: /  \ ____|_     /
 :______ __  ___\_     //   |/    \\    /    /__ __________________________:
 |(          \   /____/     |_         /   _//                             |
 |/  ·cDr·  /______| ________/      _______\   · P L /\ Y S T A T I O N ·  |
 :         _____ ________ /          \ _________ ____ ______ _______       |
 |     ____\  _//_     _//            \\_     _//____)/  _  \\_    /       |
 |     \   /__   |     |/              \|     |          \    /   /       _|
 |__ _/__________|_____|                |_____|______________/______ _____\

         ______            .                                      ____  __ _
       __\_  _/__   ___ ___|_   ________  PlAyStAtIoN  ________ __\_  \\\
 _ __  \ _/  \  /___\_  \  |/--/  ___  /_  ____ ___  _ \ ____  \\  /  /
    ///  \__/  /  / _   /  /  _\__ \/ __/__\_  \  /_ //  /  /  /  /  /_
     /____|/  /  /  /  /  /| /  /  /  /  / _   / __/_/  /  /  /--/____/
           \_____\_____\__  _\____/\____/  /  /  /  /___\____/  
                        /___\         t!\_____\_______ _

 ________________________________ ____________________  __  _|_   ____ _____
                  r e l i g i o n                        _) oxo (_  LOGO #21
                                                         )\_/ \_/(   private
          a crusader & taxi cooperation 1997             \|||||||/
      " 2 o o o    y e a r s   o f   m i s e r y "      _)|||||||(_
 ____ ________________________________________ ______ _\\___ ·_ __//_ ______

        ________ _______ ____ _____ _____ ___|  \ ________ ________
     ___\_     //_     //____))   ( )   //       \\_     _\\_     /____
 :_  \   /____/ _/    /            /        /|     |     |  /____/    /  _:
 |/ /_______|___\__________________________/¯|     |_____|_____________\ \|
 |                                           |      \                     |
 : THIS IS A PRIVATE BULLETING BOARD SYSTEM! |.      \                    |
 |    bla  bla             bla     blabla    |:.      \ IF YOU AGREE TYPE |
 |             bla    bla                    |::..     \                  |
 |    bla..                  bla             |:cDr::. . \      "OK"       |
 |_                              . ..bla     |___________\               _|
 )//___ ____________________________________________________________ ___\\(
 /                                                                        \

                                  _________/_\________ ____
                   ________ ____ _\___    / //_     _/ ___/_
                  _\_     /l_   \\ \ /   / /  /    /  _/   /
           _ __  /_ /____/  /   /_  /   / /  /_____\_______\  __ _
              /___(___|/    \____/__\\ /_/_______\ ___________\
                      /_____|t!       \ /

 __ ________  _|_   ______________________________________ ___ _____________
 LOGO #22  _) oxo (_                   r e l i g i o n
 requests  )\_/ \_/(
           \|||||||/            a crusader & taxi cooperation 1997
          _)|||||||(_       " 2 o o o   y e a r s   o f   m i s e r y "
 ______ _\\___ ·_ __//_________ _________________________________________ __

     ________ _______ ________ _____ _____ _______ _____ ______|_ _____
  ___\_     //_     //   __   \\   ( )   //_     //   _//_     _//   _/___
  \  _/    /  /____/     \(         /      /____/ \___   |     | \___    /
 /___\_____\______________\    __________________________|_____|__________\
                       cDr|    |
    · R E Q U E S T S ·   |    | REMEMBER! Next time it might be *YOU* that
                          |___ |                   is in need of something!

                                                    _ ___________ _
            _.                                     _\\\_       _///_
         __/_|___ _______ _/_____ ____:   .______ _____|_      |______
         \____   \\  ___/_/  _   \\   /   /  ___//     _/     /     _/
         /   /   /_ _/   /   /   /   /|  /  _/  _\     \     _\     \
        /    \____/______\__    /\_______\______\______/     \______/
       /_____|             /____\t!                    |       |
                                                       :       ·

 ________________________________ ____________________  __  _|_   ____ _____
                  r e l i g i o n                        _) oxo (_  LOGO #23
                                                         )\_/ \_/(    upload
          a crusader & taxi cooperation 1997             \|||||||/
      " 2 o o o    y e a r s   o f   m i s e r y "      _)|||||||(_
 ____ ________________________________________ ______ _\\___ ·_ __//_ ______

                       U    P    L    O    A    D
            ______.______ ________ ____: _______  ___|   \ ________
            \·   ( )    //_      //    |/       \/        \\_    ·/
            \\    /       /_____/      |_   |       /|.     /    //
           /_\\______________| _________/__________/¯|:.   _____//_\
            |                                        |_______\·cDr|
            :                                                     :
          __|_     0-3 D/\YS ONLY!  -  NO *AMINET* ALLOWED        ¦_ _
          \  /                                                   /\_\\
        ___\/_       AMINET IS FOR LAME SCRIPT TRADERS!        _\\/_/
        \· /\//___ _______________________________________________|

                  .         _ _____               _/\
          _ ______|___.  _________/___            )  \_
          \\\     /   |__\_      /   /__________ /_   (  ______
            /    /|  _|_  /_____/   /    /   _  / /    \__\_   \_
            \________):/____)  /\_______/    / / /     /   /    /_
                              /____ _   \____ /__\    /________///

 __ ________  _|_   ______________________________________ ___ _____________
 LOGO #24  _) oxo (_                   r e l i g i o n
 validation)\_/ \_/(
 area      \|||||||/            a crusader & taxi cooperation 1997
          _)|||||||(_       " 2 o o o   y e a r s   o f   m i s e r y "
 ______ _\\___ ·_ __//_________ _________________________________________ __

  _____ _____ ______ ____. ___ _______ /  \ _______:_ ___ ________ ________
  \   ( )   //      \\   |(___))_    //    \\_     _//___)/   _   \\_     /
  \\   /                 |_     /   /        |     |          \     /    /
 /_\\___________/\________/________/         |_____|_______________/______\
  :                                /  ·cDr·   \ ________ _______ ______ ___
  |      · VALIDATION AREA ·      /            \\_     //_     //      \\·/
  |_  sorry youre not validated  /              _/    /  /____/         \\
   /___ ___________________ ___//_______/\______\__________________/\____\

                                  .____ _
                 /                |       \_
               _/ \               |   t! / (
      _________)__ \ _____   _____|_____/   \____________
     \\       /  /  \\   /___\   /_\_   \   /_    __    /_______ _____
      \      / _/   /\  /   /   /   /   /    /    //   /  _    /_\_   \
       \_   /  )    \_\____/___/_______/    /_____\ ___\  /   /   /   /_
        (  /__/________\          | /___________\     \_______\ _/_____/
         \   /                    |       .
          \ /              /      |       |     \
           /         .__ _/ \ ____|_______|___ / \_ __.
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                      [ v a l i d a t i o n · a r e a ]
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 ________________________________ ____________________  __  _|_   ____ _____
                  r e l i g i o n                        _) oxo (_  LOGO #25
                                                         )\_/ \_/(   weektop
          a crusader & taxi cooperation 1997             \|||||||/
      " 2 o o o    y e a r s   o f   m i s e r y "      _)|||||||(_
 ____ ________________________________________ ______ _\\___ ·_ __//_ ______

           :_____ _______ _______ ___: _____ ______|_ _______ _________
      ____.|    //_     //_     //   |/    //_     _//   _   \\_      /
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          \    /---_\  ___/_\  ___/_  |/  ___     _/ _   \_\_    \/
          /   /\   \  _/   /  _/   /  /   /_/    /   /   /  /____/
         /____/\____\ _____\______/___\____/_____\ ______\ ____|t!

               The best glimpse of heaven, is on the way to hell!

                   _______________         _______________
                  |             ¯` credits '¯             |
                 _|___   _____ _______ _____ ________ t!__|____
              ___\_   \__\_   \\  ___/_\_   \\  _   /_ /   ___/
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             \_______\   \____/___________/____\____________/
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                  | main ascii work.........crusader&taxi |
                  | religion logo.......markryder/arclite |
                  | crusader&taxi logo........elvis/limbo |
                  | release date.................23/11/97 |
                  |                                       |
                  |   ( uploaded first on dragonlance )   |
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                  |         (( END OF CREDITS ))          |
           _ __  _|_/\ _______________________________ /\_|_  __ _
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                           CONTACT CRUSADER & TAXI!

                         email TAXI: thofton@online.no
                     email CRUSADER: mj24140@janus.swipnet.se
     visit the homepage by CRUSADER: http://hem2.passagen.se/crusse/
 or find us both on any bbs worldwide on account [taxi] or crusader&candyman
                              :                .
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                   __________\___           ____/_________.
                 _|            ¯` greetings '¯            |_
       ____ __. \\|                                       |//
    ___\_  _\/|___|  _______ _______ ____ t!  _    _____  | ______ _______
    \  l/  \/___   \ \  ___/_\  ___/_\  /_  _(_)___\_   \_|_\_   //   ___/
   /   /   /  |/   //  __/  /  __/  /  __/__\   /   /   /   l/   _\___  \
   \___   /   /   /_   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /_   /   /   /   /
     (____\   \____/______/\______/\______/____\--/_____/___   _\______/
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   · Boheme/Style · Chelsea/Hellfire · Coke/Hellfire · Cyco's/independent ·
  · Dalamar/Risc · Enzo/Hellfire · Folar/Style · Fungus/Lsd - Ghandy/Faith ·
          · Gunda/Hellfire · Hudson hawk/Lightforce · Iggy/Hellfire ·
  · Jameswest/Skidrow · Mark ryder/Arclite · Repe/Style · Scarface/Twisted ·
    · Stezotehic/Style · Trance/Hellfire · Wraith/Lsd · Zoltrix/Faction ·
                  |                                       |
 243..2fast.Acryl.Amon.Advocate.Arlequin.Artic cat..Atlantic.Axetro.B.Baffle
 Chill..Chrombacher.C j a.Crude..Cybergod..Cyclone.Damion..Danster..Darkhawk
 Exon.Fatal.Fender.Fisherking.Freymor.Fury..Gdm..Gengis khan..Gfx-twins.Gozz
 Nostrum..Numen.Nurgle.Opel.Orbit.Orson.Pantera..Payday.Phobia.Planet master
 Ranx..Raptor..Rasta.Recall..Red demon..Relief..Repoman..Rkr..Rooster..Rotox
                  |                                       |
                  |                                       |
 I also would like to take this opportunity to give greetings and respects
 out to ALL my former swapper friends worldwide that i used to be in contact
 in someway during the years! Some of you i only was in contact with a short
 period, while some of you ive been in contact with since many years back,
 it was a fun time and we had alot of fun, but these days are over now.
 The scene has changed, most guys are on the net and got email etc, so thats
 the main reason for me to quit the swapping biz, i wish you guys all the
 best and if you ever come to the net, be sure to email me m8's you are not
 forgotten - friends till the end!!!
                  |                                       |
  - Braindead/Scoopex - Case78/Scoopex - Devistator/Abyss - Drac/Ambrosia -
        - Mike/Mystic - Mr.King/Trsi - Norby/Trsi - Trasher/Sanity -
                  |                                       |
 Floppyman..Frame..Freeze..General lee.Ghandy..Gizmoduck..Gun..Hasslan..Hawk
 Marc panther...Mark ryder.Mikey..Model..Mosher.Nemesis.Nike.Nock.Noodle.Nup
 Sinister.Sonic flash.Speedy.Steady.Superdna.Tal..Technoking..Terrox..Tetsuo
 The founder..The trader..Thrym..Tos..The trendy dealer.Trooper..Tsar1..Vigo
 Xargion.X-poole  .                                       :
                  |                                       |
           + all the dosens of contactletter that i never answered!
                  |                                       |
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                  |                                       |
                  | · /\ND T/\XI! GREETS THESE PEOPLE: ·  |
                  |   ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯    |
                  |                                       |
                  :           zodiak · zoltrix            :
        crude · cybergod · daeron · danzig · dartagnan · defect · dew
        distler · dr.tassel · ecs · elfin! · etrigan · exocet · fatal
       kingpin · kosjer d · krytec · leecher! · macho! · madsen · magz
       repe · romeo · rotox · science · sealapex · shade! · shere khan
      mark ryder · mascot · micro · misfit · nicko · njp · numen · nup!
      ubicuo · ventura · vouck · whirlwind · whooper · wise-k · wiseguy
     fisherking · flx · folar · freak· frenzy · ghandy · gozz · grimlock
     shock g · size · skywalk · slapshot · snuffy · snuskis · speeddevil
    2fast · acid · acidphreak · ajax · albon · amalgamate · aqua · arcane
    azra · baffle · bandit · behemoth · bios · biscrok · boa constrictor!
    boheme · bytex · bøgg · chill · chriz · chrombacher · clavin · couder
    hash · hijack · hosee · hunter · inco · jameswest · jerry · khandiman
    stezotehic · stimpy · storm · stratos · tango · ten · terrox · thaler
    thefox2 · thefly · tommy · tonix · treach · trivial · trooper · tusse
    wizard · woober · wraith · xcluziwe · zanok · zaphod · zeus! · zinko!
   octoplex · phobia · princip · quazz · radavi · randall · ranx · relief!
                  :                                       :
                  |                                       |
                  |        (( END OF GREETINGS ))         |
           _ __  _|_/\ _______________________________ /\_|_  __ _
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           _____  ______   ________/_|___ ______    _____ ____   _______
     t! ___\_   \ \  __/__/   ________   \\  __/____\_   \\  /_ /   ___/
     ._ \  |/   //  __)  _\___  \/  _|   /  __)  /   /___/  __/_\___  \
     |//   /   /_   /   /   /   /   \___/   /   /   /   /   /     /   /:
     :/    \____/_______\______/______| \_______\_______\____________//|
     /______|«--------------------------------------------------- -   ¯·
                              |                |
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  Crusader - Elvis - Exocet - Fatal - Gozz - Grimlock - Mark Ryder - Mogue!
       Mortimer Twang - Rotox - Speed Devil - Treach - Trivial - U-man
                              |                |
                              |                |
 2fast - Amblin - Case78 - Chrombacher - Countzero - Crazy - Danzig - Desert
   Devistator - Dragon - Elvis - Exocet - Fatal - Gozz - Green eyed monsta
     Grimlock - H2o - Karma - Manta - Maz - Metalbasher - Mogue -  Phase
          Rapid - Redskin - Rotox - Seven M - Shapechanger - Shock-g
           Skin - Skindiver - Stezotehic - Stratos - Stylez - Tango
                  Taxi - Tommy - Treach - Uman - Yop - Zeus
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                  ¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾ ¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾
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                  ¾¾¾¾ ¾ ¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾ ¾¾¾ ¾ ¾¾¾ ¾¾¾¾  ¾¾¾¾¾ ¾ ¾¾¾
                              |                :
                              |    RELIGION    |
                            "2ooo years of misery"
                              |                |
                      taxi & crusader cooperation 1997 (c)
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                   For every battle, there is a price to pay.
                      (Now pick up your teeth and go home)
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                              |                :
                              |_________  __   .

                         (crusader & taxi signing off!)

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZø----- -- ---------------------------------ø
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. " 2 o o o  y e a r s  o f  m i s e r y " |
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|  crusader & taxi ascii cooperation 1997  \
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|(contains bbs design for all horny sysops)|
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ø--------------------------------------- --ø

                           sw.^tl ___    ___
                         _________|  \__/  |_________
                         \      ___   ||______      /
   A E R O S O U L S      \     \ |   |_____ /     /       A E R O S O U L S
                           \_    \|        |/    _/
_:__ _ __ _________________ /____________________\ __________________ __ _ __:_
 | _                      |/                      \|                       _ |
 ||                                                                         ||
 |                   ·NUMBER ONE GRAFFITIBOARD IN FINLAND·                   |
 |                                                                           |
 |      ·SOIA/PZK/DKB/ASL/ASSIGN/GANJA/TDS/MONO/JA.NET/+358-9-8552774·       |
 |                                                                           |
 |                                 A N D                                     |
 ||_                     ·POSKGUBBE/KATHARSIS ASCII·                       _||
 :                                                                           :

< this addy was added by Head Adder v1.0 - coded by phane of headbangers >

_._      <<(· THE YARD ·)>>        \      .   ______  _______       ____._
 ¡/                                 \     |_ /     / ___     \ _____\   ¡
 |   1\36k6 sLOT·2\iSDN sLOTS       _\   (__\\____/__\ /______\   _/ \  |
 |  4\iSDN sTATiC tELNET sLOTS     /__________________/  /________\mt^lp|
 | aMiGA·cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·iBM  _ ________ _             ____ ________  |
 | aSCii·liNUX·hiPHOP·dAYdREAM  \ \      ///   ________./    ¡\      /  |
 | aEROHOLiCS·bGiRL·pUREpHUN·sOiA  \     \____/    _  /¡    _|_\     \__|
 | lP!·oMEN·aRCADE·pHUNK·mENACE     \     \   \____\  \!___/    \____/
_!___ ______ ________________________\_____\__/________:   \____________._
 ·   \\     \\               ________________\                          !
       \_____\\______________\ cONTACTING: · zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH ·