_____________ __________ /\ sYsPW: GURUsUXX | __ /__\__ /___________ / \ _____ | ________/ / /_\____ \_// \___________|_____|_______ | | \ / / / _// \ ______________ \_ l_____| \___________/______/ \_______/\______ \_ l/ / \________/ /____________/____/ / _________________ \_______/ ______ /\____ ____________ _______\______ ______/ / /_ \ __ /_\_____ \_ | _/ \/______/ _______/\ / / | · PUN¡sHMeNT ¡NC. · \________\ _/_____________\____/ Mo! /_____| / \_______/ /\ ______________ ___________ 1oo% LeGaL sTUFF oN aM¡Ga^PC / \_\_______ \_\ _____/___ // \ / / / / RUNN¡NG oN a4ooo/4o · V.FasT _// \_____/ /_____________/ \________/ \_______/ TR¡sTaR & ReD seCToR ¡NC. (/X·¡NNoVaT¡oN) WoRLD HeaDQUaRTeR aND eTH¡C D¡sT s¡Te [> +49-(o)-3o-694-84-7o <] sYsoP: s¡eGeL/TRs¡ tIME: 21:39:53 dATE: 18-Feb-95 oN nODE: 0 uPLOADED bY : 2fAST fROM : [+ -ARTCORE! +] ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· YOU CAN'T AWAIT IT... _______ _________ _______ ................./ ___|___/ __|________|_ |.................. : \_____ \_ _| / . | : : _ ____________/____________\____________| : : : : _ ___ __________ ______ ____ _________ _______ /¯¯¯¯¯¯|_ _ : : // _ |/ / / __|___/ ___|____/ _/// : :....../ \ / _/ \ _| \_____ \_ |......: \______ \____________|\____________|____________/_______| |_____|÷e÷/aL BUT IN APRIL 1996 IT WILL BE BACK! ......................................................................... : : : : 3 NODES [2*USR28.8K/1*ZYXEL19.2K] RINGDOWN! : HUNTERS: 2fAST and : : 2 NODES [EURO-ISDN 64K] RINGDOWN! : VADIUM : :...............................................:.......................: : : A4000/16MB RAM : *ARTCORE* GERMAN HEADQUARTER - ASCII/ANIM/ANSI : 1.2 GIGS : *NEO* GERMAN LEADER HEADQUARTER - AMIGA : : *MAYBE YOU* - CONSOLE : :...................................................: NO CRAP - NO PEECEE --^-- --- -cOME aND jOIN tHE nEW pRODIGY eUROPEAN hEADQUARTERS!---- -^-- - _:___ _____________________ .______ ______. ______|__ \_:__\____ ___ ____/__|_____ V _____| _ _/ ___/ _/ \/ ¬| \/ ¬\_ \_/ | _ \ \ \|¯ \ | / | | / \ ______\____________|____________/______| | \____/-TRE! : : : O F ___________ ____________________________ __________ ____________: _ :_\_________// _/ /________\______ \_:_\ _____/_\ \_ | _ \ | ___/____\__ _ __/ __ _/ ___/ | \______ ¬\_______ | / | \| \ _/ ¬\_ _\/_\ \|¯ | \/ / | |______ \____\ / \/\/ \ _____|______ / ______| : ¯\_____/ \____/: :\_____/ ¯: ¯\_____/____/ pRODIGY eUROPEAN hQ - dELIGHT eUROPEAN hQ - pROGRESS hQ - eSQUIRE hQ yOUR fRiENDLY sYSoP tEAM: mERCURY - ZoLDAN - pArKER lEWIS rUNNiNG rEG. /X 4.x - a3000T - 2gIGS - 5nODES - cOOL uSERS - fUN! pREPARED aCCOUNTS oNLY! - sUPPORTING aMIGA - cONSOLES - pC! dIAL +49-iNV-iTE-ONLY 2x64.0 iSDN-rD +49-iNV-iTE-ONLY 3x16.8 dUAL-rD --^-- --- -cOME aND jOIN tHE nEW pRODIGY eUROPEAN hEADQUARTERS!---- -^-- - @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ .---... . -------- . ......- --------------. | .: - 24o ooo bits - `. cybergod | | :.' ·.. ...::ramjam^delight | `------------`::. . ..·'-- ----------------' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ after months of total silence _________________________________ \_ __________/ _________/__ / \/ | \_ / /_______/ |_______/ / \_______|-cG /________/ c y b e r g o d They're released atleast twice a week. One better than the other, and some of them are ... eh well, not so good. So why this? Well, I just don't want to be any different from others. I mean, whom hasn't released any collection yet? Ok, so there are a couple of productive guys, like coders and really hard working graphicians/musicians who still haven't done it. But look at all those different names, releasing something that only THEY themselves enjoy. Not that I'm a new-thinking, original and interesting creator, but there sure are 26236 'ascii-makers/designers' who use more or less the same 'style' as the all time BIG ARTISTS. Utterly boring. Anyway, here's my contribution to our collective suicide. I'd like to thank all 3 supporters, who still believe in me. CHEERS MATES! My deepest respects to the following ascii ARTISTS! .-' ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯`-. o° mOGUE! (one of the best!) °o ___ __________ __ ___________ _________ | pPX (Welcome to Delight!) | _\/ _ ___/____/.__\\____ //_____ /__ dedicated | cHROMBACHER (-77!? hohoaha) | \__ / | /____/ Y (_ / to my friend | dANZiG (always developing, really good stuff) | /____/_______|_________|§_____________/ chrombacher! | redSK!N | °o. .o° sAKER PÅ SiDAN RULEZ, eLLER HUR JONAS? `---------------------------------------------------' how to order YOUR ascii's? S¡MPLE! Just call our swedish board and leave a mess to: 'cybergod!' uNDER COVER! +46 8 GET A DLT CRACK! - node0 - ------------ 8 ARPAPAPAPAPADIA! - node1 - or You COULD dial 'STAGE DIVE' and request some nice one's not ONLY from me! +46 16 128 047 !aUDiAL SUPPORT! part of the revolution redeye space demons the pump panel acrid abeyance cari lekebusch dose / trance inc. (great modules!) <infected groups today are:> gROUP: bIG LOGO: dESC: ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ AbSTRACT X aBYSs X X aCCESs X X aNTHRoX X bOMB X CADAVER X X COOL X X DELIGHT X X dUPLO X ENERGY X EPSiLON DESiGN X FAIRLIGHT X G.o.D X HOODLUM X LSD X mYSTic X OBSCENE X O.T.T X X PARADO× X X POLKA BROTHERS X PRESTIGE X RAMJAM X REBELS X SCOOPEX X SPEEDY X SUBJECT X SUPREME X TENSiON X X TRSi X WILD·sTYLE X X ______. .______ \_____|____ ____|_____/ __ ____/ - - - [gROUP: abstract] - - - \____ __ -[tARGET: none!]- ___________________ _ ____________________________ _ ____________ __\______________ (______ ___ _._______________ \___________ ____/ \_ ____/ / (_ \ (_____/ |___ / ____/ / ________/ | / \/ / / \______ \ | (____/ \/ / \/ | | /____/_____/____________\ / \_____| |____/_____/____/ |_____| /________/_____\ l________| \_____|-cG mESSAGE: NONE! ______. .______ \_____|____ ____|_____/ __ ____/ - - [gROUP: abyss] - - \____ __ -[tARGET: tOXic!]- _________________________ __ ________ __________ ________ __\_________ \_______ (_\// /-------. (_______ (_______- - \_ ____/ / (_ \________/__ |___________ \_______ \cG / \/ / / \ / | / \ / \· /______/______/_______________\_______/_______!_________/_______\___/_______\ mESSAGE: SERVUS Sven! I hope to hear from you very soon! ______. .______ \_____|____ ____|_____/ __ ____/ - - [gROUP: access] - - \____ __ -[tARGET: none!]- _ ___________ ____________ _______ ________________________/._________________/__ ______ · (______ __\________ \__ / |_______/.__________/__ (___________ \ \_\\______/ /___/______| / |____________/______ \___/______\ /_______/______/ \______/______| \________/______\-§ mESSAGE: NONE! ______. .______ \_____|____ ____|_____/ __ ____/ - - [gROUP: anthrox] - - \____ __ -[tARGET: none!]- _________ __________________ ______. _\______ \_____ \_._ _._/ ____/----._______________\ !______ \______/ / _ \ __|_ | \___ |___ / \___ \_ | / /____/_____/ \ \/ |_____| _ ___|_____| (___/ \/ /___. < - -----|_____\______|- --§!-- ------|_______| _ __ _____/----|_____\ mESSAGE: NONE! ______. .______ \_____|____ ____|_____/ __ ____/ - - [gROUP: bOMB] - - \____ __ -[tARGET: none!]- ._____________ _____________ _________ _ _______________ - ---'_ ______ (_ _ \_ \ ________________ (_--- -- (_ \ / / ___ \/ _ (_ \cG - -.________/______\___________/________\____/______________/______\-- - mESSAGE: NONE! ______. .______ \_____|____ ____|_____/ __ ____/ - - [gROUP: cadaver] - - \____ __ -[tARGET: aMON]- _______________________________________________________ _ _________________ \_ ________________ \______ \_________ \_ /_________________ / / \/ | _____/ / \\ \ _____/ / / ________/_ (___/ /____/ | \/ / Y \ \/ / / / / | cG\______|__/______/¯\_____l_______\_______/¯\________/_________/_____| mESSAGE: Best of luck with CUCKOO's NEST mate! ______. .______ \_____|____ ____|_____/ __ ____/ - - [gROUP: cool] - - \____ __ -[tARGET: none!]- __________________ _ __________ _ _________ ________ _ _\________________/. _ \_ _ \_) /_______. _ _ -\_/ | | / / / / / |_/- /_________|_______|____________/____________/________________| mESSAGE: NONE! ______. .______ \_____|____ ____|_____/ __ ____/ - - [gROUP: dELiGHT!] - - \____ __ -[tARGET: A GANGBANG!]- _____________________ _____________________ _ _____________ ______ \_________/________ _\________/ ______/_________ __ _.__/ \ \\ \________/_ / ) | \_ / /----. | _ Y \ / /_______ |_____/ / ___/ | | /_____l_______\_______\ / /_______|§ /_____/ \___ |_____| /______________/ /________/_____| mESSAGE: yAH! Here it is.. ______. .______ \_____|____ ____|_____/ __ ____/ - - [gROUP: energy] - - \____ __ -[tARGET: cOMRAdE]- _________________ __________________________________ ________ \_________/_ \ _____________________ / ______/_____ /------. ___________/ _ \/ _ ________/ (____/ \_ /_______ + \__________\____\__________________\______|------/________/_______/_____|§ mESSAGE: Aber, where the hell are you? ______. .______ \_____|____ ____|_____/ __ ____/ - - [gROUP: fairlight!] - - \____ __ -[tARGET: none!]- _ _____________ _ _________________ _ ________ _ _____ ___________ _______________ \________/___ / / _ _______ ___/____ /---. _.__/ \_____________/ / ¡ (___/ /___________/ \_ /__/ | | _) | \/ /________! | / / ¡___/ / \__ | | \_____|___/_____/------|_______|_________/_______!--/____/____/____|_____|-§ mESSAGE: NONE! ______. .______ \_____|____ ____|_____/ __ ____/ - - [gROUP: g.O.d!] - - \____ __ -[tARGET: none!]- _____ _ ________ __ ______________ _ __________________ \ ______/________ \_ _ ________ \_ \ \_ / §! / \\ \ \_______/___________/_________________/____________Y__________\ mESSAGE: NONE! ______. .______ \_____|____ ____|_____/ __ ____/ - - [gROUP: hoodlum!] - - \____ __ -[tARGET: none!]- __ _____ ________ _ _____ _________ ______ _______ _ _____ ______/-----. \_ \__ ___ \_ / \_ /----. _ \ ______ \______ §! / / \\ \ /----. / | \ \/ _ _ _____/_____|_______/_______/\_____Y_____\_______|_________|____\____/___ _ mESSAGE: NONE! ______. .______ \_____|____ ____|_____/ __ ____/ - - [gROUP: lsd!] - - \____ __ -[tARGET: none!]- __________ _______________ ________.____ _______________ ________ \_ /______________ \_________ \__ _\___________/_____._ _.__/______) /______ / / / (_______ \\ \ \________/______ \|_ |_______ \__ / / /______________/__________ \_____Y________\ |_____| \_____/ /______|\_____/ /_________/ /____________/______\-§! |_____/_____/--§!-|______/_____/ fett-al! Jag ska spraenga dig..? mugH!zs.. mESSAGE: NONE! ______. .______ \_____|____ ____|_____/ __ ____/ - - [gROUP: obscene] - - \____ __ -[tARGET: nurgle, crb, ftl]- _ _____________ ______ _______ _ ______ __________._/______) \__ _ ___________ /\\ \_______/ (____ / |_______/_ _ \ /_______/_ / \ _ \___ \_______ \/ |________/__ \ \ /_________/__ \ \/ / (_ / / \_____| /___\_____// / \________/ / /___/______\ _ __________\-§- ---\//____________\ /___________/ mESSAGE: Vi får vael se vem som kommer att pSyk.. ______. .______ \_____|____ ____|_____/ __ ____/ - - [gROUP: o.T.T!] - - \____ __ -[tARGET: none!]- _______________ ____________________ __________________ ________ _/ \___ \_ /-----______/__ ____ / \_._ _._/ ____/----.______/__ \ \/ / / _________/_ (___/ | | \___ |________/_ \________/\________/__________/_____| -§! |______| _ ___|_____|_________/ ____________ _ ___________ \_._ _._/________________ / | |/ \___ \_ /____/ |______| \/ /______| \________/ mESSAGE: NONE! ______. .______ \_____|____ ____|_____/ __ ____/ - - [gROUP: paradox] - - \____ __ -[tARGET: nERO]- _ ____________ _______. _______________ ______________________ \________ \ |________ \_________ /______________ /\_____/ /__ \___\___ | / / /_____/____ \__ (____/_____/______/ \\ \ \_. - --< /_______| \_____/ /______| |________Y_______\ /|_______\ /_______/______/ -§- \_________/ mESSAGE: Ah, sorry! But here's something that should make you feel better! ______. .______ \_____|____ ____|_____/ __ ____/ - - [gROUP: prestige] - - \____ __ -[tARGET: none!]- _____________ ______________ \________ /______ _______\__. _.__/__ _ ________ ____ ! /____/__ /____) (___|_ |____/._____________/__ ____ \ /--|______| (___/____/________ \____| | __/_________/_-\ / \/--------|________|________/_____/_____\§|_______| \ /_____/--\/ |___________/ |_____/_____/ mESSAGE: NONE! ______. .______ \_____|____ ____|_____/ __ ____/ - - [gROUP: ramjam] - - \____ __ -[tARGET: acbs!]- _________________________ ____ _______________ \_____ /____ \ \ ______________\__/________ \ \ ________ .-' (____/ __/ \ \ \/ / / ( __/ \ \ \/ _ / l_______|-----\______/___\____/____/____________/---\______/___\____/____/cG! mESSAGE: Where's THE CHARTS when one most need it? ______. .______ \_____|____ ____|_____/ __ ____/ - - [gROUP: rebels] - - \____ __ -[tARGET: sLiME]- ____________________________________________ _______ _ ____ _ _ ____ /_______/_ _____ \__________/_ / (______ \_ (____/_________/__ (_ /_________/__ /----`._______ \ §!|_______| __\__________/____/____/_\__________/________________/_____\ mESSAGE: SLEMMET! Ta och skicka loggorna nån gång!! ______. .______ \_____|____ ____|_____/ __ ____/ - - [gROUP: scoopex] - - \____ __ -[tARGET: cHRiS!]- ______ __ __________ .^^^^^^^^^^^^^. __________________ _ _____ _ ______ _\ (________________/.-------.-------.____ _ /______/__ | / \_______ \ / | (·) | (§) | _____/_________/_- --< \______/_____\____/_____|-------'-------'_ ___| _ ___________/_____|_______\ `-----------' mESSAGE: Hello Christophe! Thx for everything, hope you like absurd things!? ______. .______ \_____|____ ____|_____/ __ ____/ - - [gROUP: speedy] - - \____ __ -[tARGET: fELiX]- _________________________ _ ____________________ ________ _ __________ /_______/_ ________/________ \__ _______ · (_____ /______/_________/__________/__ \\ \ /------. `.________ \____| _ _____________/__________/_____Y_______\_____ | /_______/_____\-§- -- -\_______/_______| mESSAGE: WoHA! As promised! Hope to be able to visit you this summer!! ______. .______ \_____|____ ____|_____/ __ ____/ - - [gROUP: subject] - - \____ __ -[tARGET: rANDY & GERMiC]- _______ ______ _ _________ ________________ _____________________ \ (____/ /----._____ (______\_ (_______/_) ________/ _.__/ -\______ \ / + (_ / / /_______/_ / | |-÷ -/ / \ / | / \ / / \ / / | |-- /_____/______\________!___________\_________/___\______\__/______|______|cG! mESSAGE: two GOOD friends up in the north. Hoppas vi kan ses på assembly'95! ______. .______ \_____|____ ____|_____/ __ ____/ - - [gROUP: supreme!] - - \____ __ -[tARGET: none!]- _______ _ ____________ _ ________ ____ .\ (______- ----_____________ /___________/__ \ ______._______---. _ \______ \----/ (_ /____/__ /_______/_ _ \/ _ _ _____/__ | \_______/______\ / /______| (___/_________/_\____/_____________/_| `-----------\___________/--§!--|_______|----------------------\__________/' mESSAGE: NONE! ______. .______ \_____|____ ____|_____/ __ ____/ - - [gROUP: tension] - - \____ __ -[tARGET: amON]- _______________________ _ _________ _________ \__._ _ _.__/_______/_____ _______ ________/. \_____ | \/- |___________/_ _ \ ___· (_____ | § / _ \ ____. l_______|____________/ \ \/ `._______ \____|_________/ \ \/ | /_______\______________/_____\ /_______\_______| mESSAGE: Well, You've had yours!! :) ______. .______ \_____|____ ____|_____/ __ ____/ - - [gROUP: trsi] - - \____ __ -[tARGET: none!]- ______________________________________ _ ______________ \___._ _._________ / (_____________________/. | | (_____/`._________ \ | §!|________|__________|______________/_______\____________| mESSAGE: NONE! ______. .______ \_____|____ ____|_____/ __ ____/ - - [gROUP: wILD sTYLE] - - \____ __ -[tARGET: loop!]- _ ________ _ _____ _ ___ __ ________ _ _ /___________/ / _ ____ \_ \ /\ \ | /----- Y \ /______/\______\____|______________l______\ _______ _____________________ _______ _ _________ \ (________ _.___ _ _/-----. / _______/__ \_________ \ | ___________ | /-----._________/_ /________/____\_____| \_________/___|_________|__________/§! mESSAGE: Keep on raving, but DO stay in touch! (No permanent trips!:)) .---------------. \chrombacher fan/ \_____________/ _______ / ____ \ _______ \_ _ // _ / \ \\ _ _/ __________ / / _¯ (§) < o > ¯_ \ \ _____ _ __________ _____________________ / \_.º.\) ¯.' \____/ (/____/ \ \____.______ _._/_\______ /______/_ (___/ AELSKAR LATING KiNGS `-'/____/ ·_ ________\ \__\ \ |____/. |-\ ______/________/_____|--× Y |\___j | | Y \____|_____|_____|--\__________/______/-------× | --+- -+- -+- -+-- | l___|___|___|___|___| .-----\_ _/-----. `--. \_____________/ .--' .--- --- --- --- ---- ----' `------- --- --- --- ---. `<×> wELL, cOLA HAD 2 STUPID SMURFS iN HIS, SO WHY CAn'T I HAVE THiS?! <×>' ____________ ___________ _ _____ ______________ _ _____ \_______ \_ _______/__ (________________/_. (_____ _/ \\ \__________/`.______ \_ / |.______ \_ \_______Y______\___________/_____/______/___/_______|/_____/______/ Time now, for some really, really uninteresting descriptions! Big thanks to EVERYONE for not using them at all. GO TO HELL! ________ _______ ______ _ ____ _ ____ \______ \_____ (_ _/----. (___ (___-. (_____/ / ( \______ |_____ \____ \§ <> abyss <> /___/___/____/____\____/___|____/___\__/___\ _ _ _ _ _ _ -///__/ ×X× \__\\\- _______ ____________ _____ _\_____ \____\________._/__ (________ \_____/ /____._/ / |___/____ \ (___ <> access <> /___/___/ / |__/____|____/__/____\___ \ \__/____| |_______/ \____/____\ _ _ _ _ _ _ -///__/ ×X× \__\\\- __________________ _ _____ ____ __________ _\__________ \___ \______ \_ /-- __/___ / \ / |___/ / \\ \___/ / / /____/ (_/ <> cadaver <> __/___|_/___/___Y____\/___/\___/_____/__|cG _ _ _ _ _ _ -///__/ ×X× \__\\\- ____________ _ ______ _ ______ _______ \__________/. _ \_ _ \_) /____. _§ / | \ / / / / | <> cool <> \____/______|________/________/____________| _ _ _ _ _ _ -///__/ ×X× \__\\\- ______ ______ __________ ____ _ ___ _______ \___ \_ ___/_) /\_ _/ ___/_____/--. _._/ _ \\ \____/_ /-. | \_ /\__ | |-- <> delight <> \___Y_________/________|__/___/___/__|___|cG _ _ _ _ _ _ -///__/ ×X× \__\\\- ________- -----___________-- _ _____- -----. \____ \_____ \______ /__ _ \_superb | \\ /---, \____/ / / /playm8 <> duplo <> |____Y___ _/ |___| /---______/in 1995 `-----/__________|cG-_ _______|------------' _ _ _ _ _ _ -///__/ ×X× \__\\\- ___________ __ ______________ _\_________/__^- -- \/ -^ \________ \_-. \____________/__--epsilon--| \\ \§ <> e^D <> \_____________/--design!--|_______Y_______\ _ _ _ _ _ _ -///__/ ×X× \__\\\- ___ - ---------- -_____- ----_ _____- ----. \ ______ · (____________/______¡ \ \/_ /----.`.____ \ _.__/ ¡_____/. <> mystic <> .__\__/______ |_____/____\ |_____| / | `-------\___/___|--§!--|_____|---|___/____| _ _ _ _ _ _ -///__/ ×X× \__\\\- -________ ----_-__________ -- ------------. _/ \___ \_________ _.__/ o v e r t h e. \ \/ / _.__/ | t o p ¡ <> o.t.t <> |\________/ |______| | `------ -|______|-§!- ---------------------' _ _ _ _ _ _ -///__/ ×X× \__\\\- _________ _ ________ _ ______ _ __._____ \_____ /_______ /_______ \_____ | / / \___/__ \_ (__/__ \_ \\ \ \_ . -< <> paradox <> /____|___/ /__|___/ /__Y____\ /_|____\ ----\__/____/--\__/____/----\______/--§----- _ _ _ _ _ _ -///__/ ×X× \__\\\- ____________ the almighty: _ _________ \_______ /_ _____ .__________________ \_ / \____/ \_ / | / _______/ / <> polka bros. <> /______| / /---' _ \____/____/§ .1995\_______/_____________\_____\·brothers· _ _ _ _ _ _ -///__/ ×X× \__\\\- _________ ___- ------ -______- --___- -----. \_. _._/__ _\ _____ _\____/.___ _\ ___.| ¡ | |___/_\ \/ (___ | \_\ \/ || <> tension <> | |___|____/_\________ \____| /_\_____|| `---|_______/--/_____/___\§\_____/---------' _ _ _ _ _ _ -///__/ ×X× \__\\\- _ ___________- ---------------------------. . _ _ /________.__ _______ wildstyle| | \ /\ |\// (_______ ¡ <> wildstyle <> | /________/\________| _\_________ \-§| `----------------------/__________/______\-' .[«] general info about this collection [»]. oRiGiNAL siZE: 3oooo bytes hOURS TO COMPLETE: tOO many for so LITLE eQUIPMENT USED: cED 3.o a1200 · m E S S A G E s · Chrombacher/e^D·oBS ..... Vaddå laenge sedan? jag aer ju haer NU! bLOiRP? Amon/msT·cadaver·tSN .... GaH! Cuckoo's NEST!? Ja, huvudsaken att du usar min ascii! ANNARS - STRyK!! FAT-al/e^d·SSF·? ........ tHomas (OBS 'h'-et!)! FAAAN du AER STiLLA... och suger kuk g0r du dagligen. Så kom gaerna hem till mig en svaeng, vettJa!!? :| Nurgle/oBS .............. PEJJA, så blir support! :O h0h0h0! tack f0r meggen. Agressor/dlt ............ Aber, haer aer den ju! Nero/pdx ................ Ska ringa någon dag.. Reactor/mST ............. 'Ring, Ring, bara du slår en signal..' Loop/W^s ................ And where the HELL are you then?! Felix/Speedy ............ Logo as requested, now USE it! :) Billy-Fjant/*(.*) ....... Pc? Jaja, det aer ju aendå ditt liv! :) Bareface/Suburban Base .. Jungle-Jim! hohoo.. [tshickadrummelidumplang] (Ett exempel på djungeltrummor)! cB!/DLT etc.. ........... So back again are we? Great, I'll call you and then we could have those appealing chats again. cheers! Silencer/??? ............ Pilutta dig, små-danne! - eOF - --^-- --- -cOME aND jOIN tHE nEW pRODIGY eUROPEAN hEADQUARTERS!---- -^-- - _:___ _____________________ .______ ______. ______|__ \_:__\____ ___ ____/__|_____ V _____| _ _/ ___/ _/ \/ ¬| \/ ¬\_ \_/ | _ \ \ \|¯ \ | / | | / \ ______\____________|____________/______| | \____/-TRE! : : : O F ___________ ____________________________ __________ ____________: _ :_\_________// _/ /________\______ \_:_\ _____/_\ \_ | _ \ | ___/____\__ _ __/ __ _/ ___/ | \______ ¬\_______ | / | \| \ _/ ¬\_ _\/_\ \|¯ | \/ / | |______ \____\ / \/\/ \ _____|______ / ______| : ¯\_____/ \____/: :\_____/ ¯: ¯\_____/____/ pRODIGY eUROPEAN hQ - dELIGHT eUROPEAN hQ - pROGRESS hQ - eSQUIRE hQ yOUR fRiENDLY sYSoP tEAM: mERCURY - ZoLDAN - pArKER lEWIS rUNNiNG rEG. /X 4.x - a3000T - 2gIGS - 5nODES - cOOL uSERS - fUN! pREPARED aCCOUNTS oNLY! - sUPPORTING aMIGA - cONSOLES - pC! dIAL +49-iNV-iTE-ONLY 2x64.0 iSDN-rD +49-iNV-iTE-ONLY 3x16.8 dUAL-rD --^-- --- -cOME aND jOIN tHE nEW pRODIGY eUROPEAN hEADQUARTERS!---- -^-- - [ nARCøTic TEXT aDDEr v1.ø ] MEET *2fAST* ON EVERY MAJOR BBS TO ORDER: |_______ _______ ______ :\ __/___/ \ /| __/__ | \____ / _/\_ \! \| | |/_______/___/\____/____ | 32MBIT DX +----------- -- - ÷2F÷`---'----------- -- -- ---------------- -- -- -- + | SUPER WILD CARD 32MBIT DX........................................699.-DM | CODER MANUALS.....................................................50.-DM | | +------------------- - -- ----- - -- -- - -- ----------- -+ | `-------- - - -- -> ADVERT INCLUDED USIN' *ZIMZABRIM V1.1ß BY KNUCKLES/AVT* pUNISHMENT iNC. ______ .-----------[ TRSI (/X·INNOVATION) ]------------. __ ________/ / | _________________________________ ______`-------\// __ \ /---. | \ _____________ / /______(______) _ / \ \ / | | \______\ | __/ _/\______ / | (/) / /\ \/ Mo! | | \ | | \ \ | / | ¯ / / /\ \_ | | \\ l______|_____\ \___________/_______| _/ /_/ \_____/ | `---------------------\______/-----------------------\_____/-\_____/--------' wORLD hEADQUARTER BBS & bETA sITE - eTHIC dIST sITE - 1oo% lEGAL sTUFF! ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· [A¡RaDDer v3.4 By A¡Rcø] _______._ _._ <<(· THE YARD ·)>> \ . ______ _______ ____._ ¡/ \ |_ / / ___ \ _____\ ¡ | 1\36k6 sLOT·2\iSDN sLOTS _\ (__\\____/__\ /______\ _/ \ | | 4\iSDN sTATiC tELNET sLOTS /__________________/ /________\mt^lp| | aMIGA·cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·iBM _ ________ _ ____ ________ | | aSCii·liNUX·hiPHOP·dAYdREAM \ \ /// ________./ ¡\ / | | aEROHOLiCS·diSCiPLES oF aGEEMA \ \____/ _ /¡ _|_\ \__| | sOiA·lP!·oMEN·aRCADE·pUREpHUN \ \ \____\ \!___/ \____/ _!___ ______ ________________________\_____\__/________: \____________._ · \\ \\ ________________\ ! \_____\\______________\ cONTACTING: · zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH ·