·this file passed·
                        _ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
                         c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _
                     ____       ____      _____      ____
                  ___\  (_   ___\  (_   __\_  (_   __\  (_
                 _) _/   /___)  _   /___) _/   /___)   _ /__
                /   \      /    \_    /   \      /     /   /
                \___       \_____/    \____\     \___  \   \
                  \ ________\   /______\    \ ____\ \_______\
                   \/      <(·tHE YARd·)>    \/ lOCATED iN gERMANY!
    [·aMiGA·aLL cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·aSCii·liNUX·hiPhOP··mP3·pC/iBM·cLASSICS·]
         [· rUNNiNG oN 8 nICE nODES · 2 iSDN/2 aNALOGUE/4 tELNET ·]
           [· sTAFF < zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH · cRAZY > sTAFF ·]
         [· aHS wHQ · b-GiRL wHQ · aRCADE wHQ · sRZ wHQ · lP! gHQ ·]
           [· pNK gHQ · sOiA gHQ · oMEN gHQ · mCE gHQ · pPH eHQ ·]
                       [· hOME oF tHE aSCii cHARTS! ·]

                                 __  ._   __
                                 (__ | ) (_/__
      _________________..::::.                        _ _________  _________
  .___\       /    .:::·· .::·__________        ________.____  ./__\       /
  |    \     /  |     .  .::·          /___.  _/   _____|  _/ _/  \_\     /
  |  \  \   /   '  __::.:::_\__   _ __/_   |__\___ __l__.  \       / \   /
  |   \    /_______/ ::::· \____    ___/   |     / \ '  |___\_____/\    /
  l____\  /[rLf]    .::::::.   \____/\___  .  __/_______|    oS!l___\  /
        \/            :  ··::::...      \__|__/                      \/
                      ·      ····
                           p  a  l  a  c  e
                                * MOT!ON HQ  *
                            * TRADERS DREAN HQ  * 
                           * TRSI RECORDZ DK HQ  *
                              * DREAMCHART HQ  *
                              * HOODLUM DK HQ  *
                            * DATA DIVISION EHQ *
                               *  PUZZLES HQ  *

                            tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn
                         <0> +45-58ASK4IT 3NDs RD <0>

                           Sun Sep 10 14:12:37 1995

                      ____________       ______ 
       ____________/\ \_         /___/\ /      \
      /      _       \_/        /      \_      /
     /       /________/       _    _____/     /
    /       /       \_        /       \_.____/ ________/\___ _________/\____
  _/       /         /       /         /    \ /______  __ _ \_ ___  ______ _\_
  \_________________/_______/_________/_____/  /  ______/ /__/ \____// ___/  /
^=============================================/    //____/==/_______/_______/=^
                               Cyber Kid Presents:

                .--------------- ------.:::.-- -     - -   - -.
                |                    .:::::::.         .:.    .
                |   .              .:::::.:::::.      :::::    
                |.  :  .         .:.:.:.:.:::.:::.     `:'     
                |::.|. :       .:::.:::::.:.:::::::.          .
                |:::|: |     .:::::.:::::.:::.:::::::.         
                |:::|. |   .:::::::.:.:.:.:::.:::::::::.      .
                |::_|. |_.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.    :
                `--\    /---------------------------  -   -  -'
                    \. /

                      For the damn kewlest ascii group...

   \_____     /_____/\______ _____/\    __________/\  ________/\ ________/\
    \___     /  __/_   _   /   _    \   \___   __   \      _    \    _     \
     \_    _     \     /__/___ /____/    \_    _     \____ /____/    /_____/
     /     /     /    / /    /     /     /     /     /   /     /    /     /
    /_____/_____/____/ /__________/     /_____/_____/_________/__________/ck!

 .. K .. A .. T .. H .. A .. R .. S .. I .. S .. ! .. A .. S .. C .. I .. I ..

                 His 9th ascii collection called by the name...

  .                                                                          .
                    .    .    :.  :   ...   ......   .....                    
  .                 :     .   : : :  :   :  :  :  :  :   :                   .
  :      :::::      |    :    :  .:  :...:  :  :  :  :..                     :
  :.     ::.::      |    |. ..:...:..:...:..:..:..:..:...:.. .   .          .:
  ::.    :::.:     _|    |_                                                .::
  :::::..:::::.....\.     /..............................................:::::
                   :\\   /
                   : \, /:
                   . :\/ :
                     :   .

          :                                                ___ ______. 
  .____  /|  ____.___.       ___ _______ _______, _______ __. /   __/______.
   \   \/ | /  ./ __/_____.     /. ._   \____  / _\____  \  :/    ________/
 .--\     |/  //  _______/-----/.  |/   / ____/\/  __.    \_|____.|   /------.
 `---\  /\   ./   |  /--------//   ._   \  |    \   \| ____/  __/__._/-------'
      \/  \  /______/        /___  |/   /__|     \_.__/ /   :     /
       ___ \/                 __ \_____/   ;_.____/ __ /____|____/
                  F   O   R                  :\
                                             | \
     ___ ____:    _______           ___ _____|__\
        /.   |___/.     /______   _____/_  ____/ \_ ___.____.
 .-----// .  |   /  __. \ ._   \-/ __. _/   \;    /   /   ./-----------------.
 `----/    \    /    \;  \|/   //   \;  \    ____/   /   ./------------------'
    _/______\  /_________/._   \         \---'/\_____   //
        ____ \/ck!   /___ |/   /_________/   /      /___/
                         \____/          ___ \_______/

                             We brake for nobody!


                          .                                                  :
                          :                                                  .
       _______ _          | On my way home from some weekend this was what I |
      / /_____\ )__       | experien- ______  _____ ced... Really... Huh?    |
     _\ \  Oo /____)      | The road- \_   /__\_  /_  _______ sign said: 100 |
     \__/\_*./_)__.____,  | -400m,    /.  /   /. __/_/.  _  / watch out for  |
      /  __|\\(_ /_)      | sheeps.  /.  . __/. /.  /\_.  \/ I saw no sheeps |
     /_____|: *\_\/       | but sud-/___/   /______/______/ denly hell broke |
     ./    |:   \.        | loose, and /___/ 100+ sheeps stormed the road,   |
  .:%/_____|_____\%:.     | all claiming: 'WE BRAKE FOR NOBODY'... And ran   |
.:%%%%%::::%::%:%.%%:%:.  | over my car. Well almost then... Ermn.. I'm out! |
    ' ':::'::'::: '       :                                                  :
                          .                                    ck!^kts!ascii .

                          .                 .::::.
                       .  .               .::::::::.
                       :__.             .::::::::::::.
                       |  |           .::::::::::::::::.
         .-------------|  |---------.::::::::::::::::::::.----------.
         | the stairway|  | is    .::::::::::::::::::::::::.  smoke |
         | open.      _|  |_    .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.  pot!|
         |____________\    /__.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.____|
                       \  /

                                          ____(_ _                     _ _)_
     s   t   a   i   r   w   a   y     t   o     h   e   a   v   e   n  ||
                                                             ......     ||
                     _ _                          ::::::.... :.::::     ||
        .________ ____ //\___ ___:____.           ::.:.:.::: :::.::     ||
        _\    _____ __\//\__ _   |   /_           .::.::.::: ::::.:     ||
      ._\____      \  \/   \_    _     \_.        ::.:::.:::....:::     ||
_ __ _\\___________/_ ______/____|______//_ ___ __::::::.:::.::.:::ck!__|| __
            ^ space for info/business/text/ascii/dope/whatever ^

_ __ _____  _ ___ _______  _   _ _____  __ _ _________ ____ __________  _ _ _

                                     . .
                                     :.  ..
       .                             : .  .
   .--:::. -         -               |:. .:         -     - -    ---- - -.
   |:::::::.   the Motion secret is  |::::| to put it on     .:::::::::::|
   ::::::::::.    pizza, even though |::::|  we all know   .: :: : .. :::|
   ::::::::::::.    its best gent- ._;:::::_, ly mixed   .::: .. : '' ::::
   ::::::::::::::.     in the pipe. \.:::::/           .::::: :: : :: ::::
   ::::::::::::::::.                 \\:::/ kts^pot! .:::::::::::::::::::|
   `--------- -    -        -         \.:/                        -   - -'

         .           .           .  .          .      .
        /:__ _____ _/:___./\ ____:\/:__      _/:___ __:\        /\
      _/    \_    \_ .  /(__)  __  \   \_.__/  . _/   | \_     // \
    __\__ \__/  \__/ |  \/  \  _/  /    /   \_ |  \____  /    /. ..\
    \__  \   \   \   _   \  /  \   \   /\    / _   \  |  \_    | :|
      \____  /_  /___|   /\/\___\   \__/\_  /__|   /____  /ck! | .|
           :/  :/    :__/        \___/    :/   :__/     :/     :  |
                      .      .     .     .    .      .      .  .  :
                      :\_ __/:____/:_____:\ _/:___._/:__  .:::.   .
                    __|  \  ______ .  /  | \__ _______  \:::::::.
    ______ __     _/  |   \_ __)_  |  \  |   /__)_   :   \_:::::::.
    \_  _/\\ \    \   _    / |   \ _   \ |  / |   \  |    /:::::::::.  
     :__|\_\\/     \__|   /____  /_|   /___/____  /__|   /::::::::::::.
 _    _ ________.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::._ _

                                                .  :
    .___________________________________________| .|______________________.
    |                                           | :|                      |
    |.      there's something wrong in the     _; .|_   world today      .|
    |:   i don't know what it is... (someone)  \\   /  what's the        :|
    |::.     difference on crack and dope. i    \. /  get stoned       .::|
    |::::::...      anyway...  please?           \/              ...::::::|

          _________                                   __ ______
          \___  _  |__                          _____|  |  ___/
           \__  |__|  |_  _____          __  __|  _  |___  __/
            \____  |  _/_|  _  |/\ _____|  ||  |  |  |  |  _/
             |  |  |  |  |  |  (__)  _  |  ||  |  |  |  |  |
             |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  ||  |  |  |  |  |
          _: |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |__|  ||  |  |  |  |  |
        _|_|_|  |  |  |  |  |  |__|__|  |  /\  |  |  |_ |  | _:_
        _:_: |_____|_____|______/_|_  _ |__/\__|______/____| _|_:_
        _._|_. ______ __ _____    |_,(_)   _____ _________  :_|_|_:
        _|_|_| \___  |  |  _  |_____ __ __|  _  |  _  ___/  ._|_|_.
          _|_:_ \__  _  |  ___|  _  |  |  |  ___|  |  __/_:_|_|_|_
           :_|_|_\_  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  _/._|_|_|_:
             : :_.|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |_|_|_.
                  |  |  |  |  |  |  |_ |  |  |  |  |  | . :
                  |  |  |  |  |______/____|  |  |  |  | 
                  |  |  |_____|  _     _  |_____|  |  |  
               _:_|__|__|ck!   _:_._:_._:_.     |__|__|_:_._
             _:_|_           _:_|_:_|_:_._|_| :_.     ._|_|_
              ._|_|_|_:_. ._|_|_|_  . : :_|_|_|_|_. :_|_|_:
                ._:_|_|_|_|_:_            : |_|_|_|_|_|_:
                    : : .                     : : : .

             .   .:
             .    :
             :   .|
      .------|    |-----.--.-......-.........-.-.-..-..-......-.--------.
      |::::::|   .|::.                                     '::::::::::::|
      |:::::_|   .|_:::.    who said that pot wasn't for     '::::::::::|
      |:::::\     ./:::::.     the people... someone with      '::::::::|
      |::::::\   ./::::::::.       shit for brain, or someone    '::::::|
      |:::::::\ ./:::::::::::.   who'd ate too much dope...        '::::|
      |::::::::\/::::::::::::::.                            kts^pot! '::|

                        _  __ ____
           _____ _______ _       /____ ____  ____ __   ______
         _/  _  \  _   /_ \ ____/___  \   /_/   /__ \ /   / /_
        /__ //__/  /  /_   \   / _  __/  / /   / _   \____   /   __/\__
       /  //   /  /__/ /   /  /  /  \   / /   /  /   /  /   /    \ Oo /
      /       /  / /  /   /  /  /   /        /  /   /  /   /     /_\/_\
                        __ ___ ______ __ _____ __ ________ ____
     __/\__           _/ /   /  ____/__ \ _   /  \   ____/__  /_
     \ oO /          /  _   /  ____/ _   \   /   /  ____/  /   /
     /_--_\         /  /   /  /   /  /   /  /   /  /   /  /   /   
       \/       ck!/  /   /  /   /  /   /  /   /  /   /  /   /_  _
   ^===============\_/___/______/__/___/______/______/__/___ _  _==========^
      Space for cool info/longhaired stats/chill babes/high dope/whatever



                  .:::::.                      .
                .:.-.-:-::.-------- ---  - -  .    -  ----   -     -     -
              .:::|                          .                 .       .
            .::::::. your last chance to     . .    escape   .
          .:::::::|.    through the stairway : ..  that leads     .       .
        .:::::::::|  you direct to heaven,   |  :  also   .  .  .
      .:::::::::::|  called dope^city        |. |         .  .        .   .
    .:::::::::::::`------------------------ -|..|-- -smoki^dudes! -
                                            _;  |_
                                            \,   /
                                            :\, /:
                                            .:\/ .
                                             . :

       ______.             .__/\__        | :              :             |
      /     /__________.    \ Oo /  ._____|/|   .______   /|____.        |
      \  \_/____  ____/____ /_--_\ __\_  |/ | ___\.__  \_/ |   /         |
       \___.   /  \__\__   \: \/.|__  /_ /  |/   /__    \_.. _/          |
        /  :  /    \  _.    \_  || __/  \   |   / \| ____/ | \           |
       /    _/______\ \| ____/___:  |    \|    /____//    _|  \_         |
      `-----'      \____/      \____|     \_  /ck!  /      ____/         |
          ____ ___                  :______/\/     /_______;             |
         / / //  /                        |                              |
         _/_ /__/                         |                              |
                ._______.                 |         ____ __              |
                 \___   |____ ______.     | _.___: /   / _/______ .___.  |
                    /   .   /__  __/______|__|   |/   /  ______  \|   |  |
                  _/    :     /  _________   \   |   /   |   /  . \  .|  |
                  \_____|    /   |   /  _.    \_    /_______/|   \   :|  |
                        :___/_______/   \| ____/__ /         |___|\  .|  |
                                     \____/      |/                `--'  |
                                          |      :                       |
                                          `-====> climb the stairs <====-'

                                                     .    .
                                                     .    :
                                                     :    |        __
     :_______________________________________________|    |________\/__:
     |                                               |    |   '::::\/::|
     |:.      it's round and kinda long... filled   _;    |_    '::::::|
     |:::.  with goodies... who're thinking of a    \      /      '::::|
     |:::::.   joint? of cause it's an eclipse!...  :\    /:        '::|
     |:::.:::.____/\________________________________.:\  /::_dope^rules|
     :            /\                                 . \/ ..           :
                 //_\                                .  : .


                                         . ..               .
                                         :. .             .:::.
                                         | .:            ::.:.::
              -    - --- - --------------|::|------------:::::::-------.
      .         .        .    who'd dare_;::|_ kicking   :.::::: ones  |
  .       .         .      .:. arse for \::::/  being a  ::::.:: smoky |
              .          .  ' dude, when:\::/: you can   ::.:::: smoke |
        .             .       it        :.\/:.  yourself?:::: ::       |
       -    - --- -------- - -----------.-:-.---------------------pot!-'

                                   _ __ ____.
 __ _ _______. _  _____. _ _____.          /__________ _ ____.  _  _ ______._
_ __  ____  /___  ____/__      /___ \_ ___/_\_______  \_  __/___    ____  //__
 _/   \____/   /  |    _\\_   /  _\\_   _\\_    _______/_ __   _\_  \____/   /
 \_____     _//_ __       /_ _      /_ ____/_ __|_ _ _ ___     / /___     _//

                :  :                                    .:.
      .___  /\__|. |__/\  ____________________________.:::::._____.
      | _\\/   .|: | _/\\/                          .:::::::::.   |
      | 'life  :|: |  it seems will fade away...' .:::::::::::::. |
      |      .--'. `--. (metallica)             .:::::::::::::::::|
      | smoke \.     / pot and it wont...     .:::::::::::::::::::|
      |________\\   /_______________________.::dope^cures^cancer::|
                \. /


                      |._  :
                      :|   |
                      |:   :
                      |    |
          :::::     ._;    :_.        :::::                    :::::
         .::j::------\.     /---------:::::--------------------:::::--.
         |::o::      :\\ _ /:  well   :::::  i were wrong..    :::::  |
         |::i:: the  .:\\//:: long one::::: filled with goodies:::::  |
         |::n::       . \/ :. actually::::: was a joint.. hah! :::::  |
         |::t::       .  : .          :::::                    :::::  |
         `::s::------- --.------------:::::--------------------:::::--'
          :::::       .               :::::                    ::::: 

   |                      |  |  
      |   |     |      |   
     |    |      |     | |    
   |      |  |       |   
    |      |     |    |       |  |  
                 |      | |     
        |            |          |     |        |           |       |
        ¡            ¡          ¡     ¡        ¡           ¡       ¡

                    .         .__.
                  .:::.       |  |
     -   -  --- .:::::::.-----|: |------------ -  ---- -    ------------  - -
              .:::::::::::.   |: |  do one have to be a psycho to  
            .:::::::::::::::._;. |_ lean back and have your daily
          .::::::::::::::::::\.   /   ration of pot?
     -      - - -kts^pot!-----\. /----------------------- -  - - ----- -- - -

                   |                                           ':::::|
       __ .____ .__:________                                     '::::
     ______\__ \_\ ___.__   \_    ^space for info/psycho stuff^    ':|
    /   __.     \_ \_________/   ^hot babes/killing scenes/dope^    .|
    \    \; _____/     \        .    ^ ermn... do i care?^           |
 .:==\_____/====|_______\      .::. .                               :|=======:.
                   |        .:.:::::.                               .|
                 : |         . .:::. .                _________,    :|
                /| |  ______, __._._ ______,          \     __/___, :|
       ____,   / |_|_/_    /___/   /__  __/______:  ___\__.___   /   |
     _/ __/___/_.|    / \_/ /_    ___/  ______   | /     /  \;  /   .|
     \_____    /__   /____   /   /___   |   /    ;/     /      /     |
      /   |   /  |  /\__ |  /   /   /______/   :  /    /     _/    .:|
     /    ;  / __. /  /    /_______/     /_____| /____/ `---'    .::::
 .:=/_______/====|/|:/____/                    |/              .:::::|=======:.
                 : |::.                        :             .::::ck!|

          .          .__.
        .:::.        |. |                                       .:.
      .:::::::.      |  |                                     .:::::.
    .:::::::::::. _ _|  | _  _   ___________________________.:::::::::.__:
   ':::::::::::::'   |. |                                 .:::::::::::::.|
     ':::::::::'     |  | ice? well this is cyberspace, .:::::::::::::::::.
      |':::::' but   |. | pot still rules...          .:::::::::::::::::::::.
      |__':'__ _ _  _|: |_ _   _ _________ _________.::::::::::smoke^pot::::::.
      :             \.   /                                               :
                     \\ /

                      .     .          .     .     .
                 /\ _/:___./:___      /:___./:___./:___
                (__)_ .  /  ___/     / .  /  _  /  ___/
                /  \  |_/_  __)_    /  |  \  |_/_. __)_
                \  /  |   \ |   \  /   _   \ |\_ | |   \
                 \/\____. /___. /  \___|   /____ |___. /ck!
     |          -* Info placed around here.. Hmm.. Burps.. *-          |
     |                                                                 |

                                           .  .
          ..........                       :  :           ::  ::  ::
      .---':......:'------------------  - -|  |-  - ------::--::--::---.
      |     '::::' stop all violence in the|  | world...  ::  ::  ::   |
      |      .::.    legalize pot and sell |  |  it for   ::  ::  ::   |
      |    .:....:. insane prices...      _|  |_          ::  ::  ::   |
      `---::::::::::--------pot^for^peace \\   / -- -- ---::--::--::---'
                                           \. /           ::  ::  ::

    .                   .     .    .         .     .     .          .    .
  __:\  /\  ___   .   _/:____/:___/:__    ___:\ __/:___ /:__  /\ ___:\ _/:___.
_/  | \(__)/ _ \ /:  \_ ___/ __ \     \_  \___ \\_ ___//    \(__) __  \  ___/
\   |  /  \  |  \ |__/. __)_  :  \_ \__/  /  |  \_ __)_ _ \__/  \ _/  /  __)_
 \  |  \  /  |  / |   | |   \ |   /  \   /   |   / |   \ \   \  / \   \  |   \
  \_. / \/ \___/____. |___. /_|  /_. /ck!\____. /____. /___  /\/\__\   \___  /
|           -* Stats/Babes/Dope/Gold/Whatever Placed around here *-           |
|                                                                             |

          __   __   __   __   __     __   ___  ____ . .     .. .
  :.     /__\ /  \ /__\ /__\ /  \   /__\ /___ /   // /      : ..        .:
  :::.  /   //   //   //  \ /   /  /   /    //    / /       |:.:      .:::
 .:::::/___/ \__//   //   //___/--/   / \__/ \__// /-[#1]---|::|----.:::::.
 |:::::::.                                  <Upload>      ._;::|_..:::::::|

  _ _ ____:____ _.__________ _ _____._  _ _______  _ _______  _._ _______ _ _
    //    |    \__\__ ___   \_     /__//   __    \/    _    \ __\___     \\
   _/     :   _\\_    _______/    /    \_   |   _\\_   _   _\\_    |    _\\_
   \_____________/_ ___|_  \____.       /_  _ _____/   |______/_ ___       /
                                :                      :           :

          __   __   __   __   __     __   ___  ____ . .     .. .
  :.     /__\ /  \ /__\ /__\ /  \   /__\ /___ /   // /      : ..        .:
  :::.  /   //   //   //  \ /   /  /   /    //    / /       |:.:      .:::
 .:::::/___/ \__//   //   //___/--/   / \__/ \__// /-[#2]---|::|----.:::::.
 |:::::::.                                  <Download>    ._;::|_..:::::::|

                           _ _  
               _ _._________ /  \_:______       
    ._______ _ ____\_      //_   \|    _/_____._ _______ _______ ._________
 _\__\__    \/  __   \    /   \   \     \_   /__/   _   \   _   \_\____    \\_
 _/    |   _\\_  |    \_ /\    \_ \\   _ /  /   \_  |  _\\_ _  _\\_   |   _\\_
 \______      /_ ______/_/\     /_|\   //__    _//_ _ ____/ |_____/____      /
<-----_:_____/-----------_\\___/--:.\  /-_:_____/-_-_\\_____:ck!-----_:_____/->
                                 _ _\\/

          __   __   __   __   __     __   ___  ____ . .     .. .
  :.     /__\ /  \ /__\ /__\ /  \   /__\ /___ /   // /      : ..        .:
  :::.  /   //   //   //  \ /   /  /   /    //    / /       |:.:      .:::
 .:::::/___/ \__//   //   //___/--/   / \__/ \__// /-[#3]---|::|----.:::::.
 |:::::::.                                  <Conferences> ._;::|_..:::::::|

                              _ _ /\
                                //  \_:______.
             _______. _ ________/.   \|    _/ .___________ _ _____.
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          _/    |      \_   |   _\\_  \\     /      ____)_ ___      \_\_
          \______       /_ _ ______/__|\  _//_ __     \_ _ __      _//
<--------------_|______/ck!-----------:-\  /---_|______/--_\\_______/--------->
                :                    _ _\\/     :

          __   __   __   __   __     __   ___  ____ . .     .. .
  :.     /__\ /  \ /__\ /__\ /  \   /__\ /___ /   // /      : ..        .:
  :::.  /   //   //   //  \ /   /  /   /    //    / /       |:.:      .:::
 .:::::/___/ \__//   //   //___/--/   / \__/ \__// /-[#4]---|::|----.:::::.
 |:::::::.                                  <Callers>     ._;::|_..:::::::|

    _______.__ _ _ ____ _  ____. __ ____.  __ _ _____._ _ _______.______.    
 _// _ ___/__//   _    \      /___     /___  _____  /__ ___     /  ____/___  __
 _/    |   _\\_   _   _\\_   /  _\\_  /  _\\_\_____/  /  _/   _/_.___ _  _\\_\
 \______      /   |______/_ _      /__      /__    _//_ _\      /___        /
                  :                  :

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  :.     /__\ /  \ /__\ /__\ /  \   /__\ /___ /   // /      : ..        .:
  :::.  /   //   //   //  \ /   /  /   /    //    / /       |:.:      .:::
 .:::::/___/ \__//   //   //___/--/   / \__/ \__// /-[#5]---|::|----.:::::.
 |:::::::.                                  <Settings>    ._;::|_..:::::::|

                                            _ _
                         _ _       _          //\_:_ ____
   _______. _ ________._ _ //\__ __ //\___ ___/_ \|    _/_ _____.  _ ____.
_//  ____/__  _____  /__._\//\_____\//\__ _    /  \     \_  ___/___. ___/___
 _\_____    \_\_____/  /  \/   \_  \/   \_ ___/   \\     /  \__    |_____   \_
_ _ ___      /_ _     /_________/________/    \_ _|\    /_ ___     |__       /
<----\______/-_\\____/ck!------------_-_\\_____/--:-\  /-_-_\\_____:-\______/->

          __   __   __   __   __     __   ___  ____ . .     .. .
  :.     /__\ /  \ /__\ /__\ /  \   /__\ /___ /   // /      : ..        .:
  :::.  /   //   //   //  \ /   /  /   /    //    / /       |:.:      .:::
 .:::::/___/ \__//   //   //___/--/   / \__/ \__// /-[#6]---|::|----.:::::.
 |:::::::.                                  <Protocol>    ._;::|_..:::::::|

                                _ _
  ._________ _ _ ______.__ __ _ _ //\___._ ____ _  _____. _ ______ _ _____._ _
_\_\_ ____  \_ _ _    /  __  \ __\//\__ _ __   \    ___/__   __   \      //__
 |     ______/  _/  _/_   |   \_ \/   \_   |  _\\_  |     \_  |  _\\_   /    \_
 |_ ___|_  /_ __\     /_ _ ____/_ _____/_ _______/_ _      /_ _ ____/_ __     /


                          .  .
                          .  :
                          :  |                ::::::::
            .------------.|  |.---------------:pot::::---------------.
            |            .|  |.  'this is the ::::::::     ::::::::  |
            |  ::::::::   |  |: end...' (the  ::::::::     ::smoki:  |
            |  ::dope::  :|  |:  doors).. really!          ::::::::  |
            `--::::::::- \    /----------------------------::::::::--'
               ::::::::   \  /

                      :                          :  _______     _____
                      |   One gotta know how to  |  |||||||    /_____\__.
   .__.___.___._____. | grow it in order to know |     \\      \ oO  /
   |  | _/    |  ___| |  how to smoke it...      |      \\_.____\_-_/__ 
   |   /_.  : |__.  | :                          :       (__\  __ |  _ \ 
   |  :  |  |_|  |  |                  /\_//\_/\          \\/_//  |  \\_\_
   |__|  |__| |_____:                 .\ \/ |\//.          \\ /   |   \(__)
 ^====|__|=======POT!=^             .:%%\_\_|//:%%:::...  .:\\____|____|| |:.
                                     . .::::. . .     . ::.   .::   . .


          Fast Info: Requests goes to Anonymous Psychosis or another
                     board I'm on...
          Fast Greetings: Jeraz, Motion Man, Tinyz, Ranx, Bionic
          Fast Retreat: I'm out, Cyber Kid...
          Fast Btw: Jimi Hendrix's Purple Haze Rules...


|_______. _:\.______.____.____ _ _kts! |
\__ .  /_/ | \  _  /  __/____ \ _ascii!|
|\_ |_/\_.__ /  |_/__ _)_  _/ /  _ ___ |
_/  |   /  | \  |   / |  \ \  \   _ __ |
\_____ /____ /____ /____ /__\  \_ KiD_ |
|____:/____:/____:/____:/____\__/____ _|
: Ascii Colly #9: We Brake For Nobody! :
: Presenting: Board/Group/Setup-ascii. :
Original Size: 36085

=====[ -- ADDS -- ]============================================================

    _______                   _____
   /_     /___ _____ __/\___ / ___/__ ______ ________ _________  __________
    / ___/   / __   \ _  ___/  \_    \ __   \   __   \ __     /_/_        /
   /  \_  __/  \_    \ \/ \/    /    / \_    \   /___/__ \___/___/__\____/
  /    /   \    /    /     \   /    /   /    /  /  /   /    /   /  /    /
 /____/    /___/    /_______\_/    /___/    /__/  /________/   /_______/ck!
     /____/   /____/         /____/   /____/             /____/
                the damn kewlest ascii group around this planet...


                             Sun Sep 10 14:12:37 1995

                                 __  ._   __
                                 (__ | ) (_/__
      _________________..::::.                        _ _________  _________
  .___\       /    .:::·· .::·__________        ________.____  ./__\       /
  |    \     /  |     .  .::·          /___.  _/   _____|  _/ _/  \_\     /
  |  \  \   /   '  __::.:::_\__   _ __/_   |__\___ __l__.  \       / \   /
  |   \    /_______/ ::::· \____    ___/   |     / \ '  |___\_____/\    /
  l____\  /[rLf]    .::::::.   \____/\___  .  __/_______|    oS!l___\  /
        \/            :  ··::::...      \__|__/                      \/
                      ·      ····
                           p  a  l  a  c  e
                                * MOT!ON HQ  *
                            * TRADERS DREAN HQ  * 
                           * TRSI RECORDZ DK HQ  *
                              * DREAMCHART HQ  *
                              * HOODLUM DK HQ  *
                            * DATA DIVISION EHQ *
                               *  PUZZLES HQ  *

                            tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn
                         <0> +45-58ASK4IT 3NDs RD <0>

        .                    _____: . O  o                               O
   _____|_____.      _____  .)    |____o [ t . H . E  - y . A . R . d ]_o .
 _|      /   .|_____/_   /_ : _   |                                       :
 \      /    |/      /   _//  \    . ahs . bgirl . arcade . srz . tac .   |
  |____/|____/      /__________\  . lp! . soia . pnk . omen . mce . pph . |
            /______/     _ _:   _____          ______  __________ ________:
                         \\\.  /    /__________\_   /_/  _      //  ._   /.
  consoles.amiga.graffiti   ! /    /|    /   _      \    /     /    |/    |
  ascii.hiphop.mp3.ibm/pc   |/_____     /____\_______\___\________________|
  classics.drugs.linux/dd   :_  t^/____/   _.  zANEr/diPSWiTCH/hAsH/cRAZY |
                             (_____________)| ___________ _______ _ ______:
  one of the finest in +49             _ _ ___)         (_)               :
                              #1 33k6.  #2 28k8.  #3 64k isdn #4 64k isdn
                              #5 telnet #6 telnet #7 telnet   #8 telnet