·this file passed· _ _____ ___ ______ )_ __ _| (___) _ )_ __/__) (_ | |___/ _ ___ | |___| |__ c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _ ____ ____ _____ ____ ___\ (_ ___\ (_ __\_ (_ __\ (_ _) _/ /___) _ /___) _/ /___) _ /__ / \ / \_ / \ / / / \___ \_____/ \____\ \___ \ \ \ ________\ /______\ \ ____\ \_______\ \/ <(·tHE YARd·)> \/ lOCATED iN gERMANY! [·aMiGA·aLL cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·aSCii·liNUX·hiPhOP··mP3·pC/iBM·cLASSICS·] [· rUNNiNG oN 8 nICE nODES · 2 iSDN/2 aNALOGUE/4 tELNET ·] [· sTAFF < zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH · cRAZY > sTAFF ·] [· aHS wHQ · b-GiRL wHQ · aRCADE wHQ · sRZ wHQ · lP! gHQ ·] [· pNK gHQ · sOiA gHQ · oMEN gHQ · mCE gHQ · pPH eHQ ·] [· hOME oF tHE aSCii cHARTS! ·] __ ._ __ (__ | ) (_/__ _________________..::::. _ _________ _________ .___\ / .:::·· .::·__________ ________.____ ./__\ / | \ / | . .::· /___. _/ _____| _/ _/ \_\ / | \ \ / ' __::.:::_\__ _ __/_ |__\___ __l__. \ / \ / | \ /_______/ ::::· \____ ___/ | / \ ' |___\_____/\ / l____\ /[rLf] .::::::. \____/\___ . __/_______| oS!l___\ / \/ : ··::::... \__|__/ \/ · ···· p a l a c e * MOT!ON HQ * * TRADERS DREAN HQ * * TRSI RECORDZ DK HQ * * DREAMCHART HQ * * HOODLUM DK HQ * * DATA DIVISION EHQ * * PUZZLES HQ * a4ooo/o4o/25/2.5Gb/1x33.6DS/1x28.8DS/1x16.8DS Amiga/Ascii/Consol/PSX tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn ZINKO^PLAYMATE^SISko^BILBO BAGGIn^NEIL/FLT^LABEL/LSD-DD UFOK/MsT^LsD^PsG^iHS^FURY/PSG/M!/SYS/HLM^DELIVERYMAN <0> +45-58ASK4IT 3NDs RD <0> Sun Sep 10 14:12:37 1995 ____________ ______ ____________/\ \_ /___/\ / \ / _ \_/ / \_ / / /________/ _ _____/ / / / \_ / \_.____/ ________/\___ _________/\____ _/ / / / / \ /______ __ _ \_ ___ ______ _\_ \_________________/_______/_________/_____/ / ______/ /__/ \____// ___/ / ^=============================================/ //____/==/_______/_______/=^ /____/ Cyber Kid Presents: . .--------------- ------.:::.-- - - - - -. | .:::::::. .:. . | . .:::::.:::::. ::::: |. : . .:.:.:.:.:::.:::. `:' |::.|. : .:::.:::::.:.:::::::. . |:::|: | .:::::.:::::.:::.:::::::. |:::|. | .:::::::.:.:.:.:::.:::::::::. . |::_|. |_.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. : `--\ /--------------------------- - - -' \. / \/ :: . For the damn kewlest ascii group... __________/\ \_____ /_____/\______ _____/\ __________/\ ________/\ ________/\ \___ / __/_ _ / _ \ \___ __ \ _ \ _ \ \_ _ \ /__/___ /____/ \_ _ \____ /____/ /_____/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /_____/_____/____/ /__________/ /_____/_____/_________/__________/ck! .. K .. A .. T .. H .. A .. R .. S .. I .. S .. ! .. A .. S .. C .. I .. I .. His 9th ascii collection called by the name... . . . . :. : ... ...... ..... . : . : : : : : : : : : : . : ::::: | : : .: :...: : : : :.. : :. ::.:: | |. ..:...:..:...:..:..:..:..:...:.. . . .: ::. :::.: _| |_ .:: :::::..:::::.....\. /..............................................::::: :\\ / : \, /: . :\/ : : . . : ___ ______. .____ /| ____.___. ___ _______ _______, _______ __. / __/______. \ \/ | / ./ __/_____. /. ._ \____ / _\____ \ :/ ________/ .--\ |/ // _______/-----/. |/ / ____/\/ __. \_|____.| /------. `---\ /\ ./ | /--------// ._ \ | \ \| ____/ __/__._/-------' \/ \ /______/ /___ |/ /__| \_.__/ / : / ___ \/ __ \_____/ ;_.____/ __ /____|____/ F O R :\ | \ ___ ____: _______ ___ _____|__\ /. |___/. /______ _____/_ ____/ \_ ___.____. .-----// . | / __. \ ._ \-/ __. _/ \; / / ./-----------------. `----/ \ / \; \|/ // \; \ ____/ / ./------------------' _/______\ /_________/._ \ \---'/\_____ // ____ \/ck! /___ |/ /_________/ / /___/ \____/ ___ \_______/ We brake for nobody! ....Crash! . : : . _______ _ | On my way home from some weekend this was what I | / /_____\ )__ | experien- ______ _____ ced... Really... Huh? | _\ \ Oo /____) | The road- \_ /__\_ /_ _______ sign said: 100 | \__/\_*./_)__.____, | -400m, /. / /. __/_/. _ / watch out for | / __|\\(_ /_) | sheeps. /. . __/. /. /\_. \/ I saw no sheeps | /_____|: *\_\/ | but sud-/___/ /______/______/ denly hell broke | ./ |: \. | loose, and /___/ 100+ sheeps stormed the road, | .:%/_____|_____\%:. | all claiming: 'WE BRAKE FOR NOBODY'... And ran | .:%%%%%::::%::%:%.%%:%:. | over my car. Well almost then... Ermn.. I'm out! | ' ':::'::'::: ' : : . ck!^kts!ascii . .. . .::::. . . .::::::::. :__. .::::::::::::. | | .::::::::::::::::. .-------------| |---------.::::::::::::::::::::.----------. | the stairway| | is .::::::::::::::::::::::::. smoke | | open. _| |_ .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::. pot!| |____________\ /__.::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.____| \ / \/ ___________________________ ____(_ _ _ _)_ (______________________________..__) || s t a i r w a y t o h e a v e n || ...... || _ _ ::::::.... :.:::: || .________ ____ //\___ ___:____. ::.:.:.::: :::.:: || _\ _____ __\//\__ _ | /_ .::.::.::: ::::.: || ._\____ \ \/ \_ _ \_. ::.:::.:::....::: || _ __ _\\___________/_ ______/____|______//_ ___ __::::::.:::.::.:::ck!__|| __ : ^ space for info/business/text/ascii/dope/whatever ^ _ __ _____ _ ___ _______ _ _ _____ __ _ _________ ____ __________ _ _ _ . . :. .. . : . . .--:::. - - |:. .: - - - ---- - -. |:::::::. the Motion secret is |::::| to put it on .:::::::::::| ::::::::::. pizza, even though |::::| we all know .: :: : .. :::| ::::::::::::. its best gent- ._;:::::_, ly mixed .::: .. : '' :::: ::::::::::::::. in the pipe. \.:::::/ .::::: :: : :: :::: ::::::::::::::::. \\:::/ kts^pot! .:::::::::::::::::::| `--------- - - - \.:/ - - -' \/ . . . . . . /:__ _____ _/:___./\ ____:\/:__ _/:___ __:\ /\ _/ \_ \_ . /(__) __ \ \_.__/ . _/ | \_ // \ __\__ \__/ \__/ | \/ \ _/ / / \_ | \____ / /. ..\ \__ \ \ \ _ \ / \ \ /\ / _ \ | \_ | :| \____ /_ /___| /\/\___\ \__/\_ /__| /____ /ck! | .| :/ :/ :__/ \___/ :/ :__/ :/ : | . . . . . . . . : :\_ __/:____/:_____:\ _/:___._/:__ .:::. . __| \ ______ . / | \__ _______ \:::::::. ______ __ _/ | \_ __)_ | \ | /__)_ : \_:::::::. \_ _/\\ \ \ _ / | \ _ \ | / | \ | /:::::::::. :__|\_\\/ \__| /____ /_| /___/____ /__| /::::::::::::. .::::__/::::::/:::__/::::::::::/::::__/:::::::::::::::. _ _ ________.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::._ _ . . : .___________________________________________| .|______________________. | | :| | |. there's something wrong in the _; .|_ world today .| |: i don't know what it is... (someone) \\ / what's the :| |::. difference on crack and dope. i \. / get stoned .::| |::::::... anyway... please? \/ ...::::::| |:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::eat^crack!::::::::::| <---------------------------------------------------------------------> _________ __ ______ \___ _ |__ _____| | ___/ \__ |__| |_ _____ __ __| _ |___ __/ \____ | _/_| _ |/\ _____| || | | | | _/ | | | | | | (__) _ | || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | || | | | | | _: | | | | | | | | |__| || | | | | | _|_|_| | | | | | |__|__| | /\ | | |_ | | _:_ _:_: |_____|_____|______/_|_ _ |__/\__|______/____| _|_:_ _._|_. ______ __ _____ |_,(_) _____ _________ :_|_|_: _|_|_| \___ | | _ |_____ __ __| _ | _ ___/ ._|_|_. _|_:_ \__ _ | ___| _ | | | ___| | __/_:_|_|_|_ :_|_|_\_ | | | | | | | | | | | _/._|_|_|_: : :_.| | | | | | | | | | | | |_|_|_. | | | | | | |_ | | | | | | . : | | | | |______/____| | | | | | | |_____| _ _ |_____| | | _:_|__|__|ck! _:_._:_._:_. |__|__|_:_._ _:_|_ _:_|_:_|_:_._|_| :_. ._|_|_ ._|_|_|_:_. ._|_|_|_ . : :_|_|_|_|_. :_|_|_: ._:_|_|_|_|_:_ : |_|_|_|_|_|_: : : . : : : . . . .: . : : .| .------| |-----.--.-......-.........-.-.-..-..-......-.--------. |::::::| .|::. '::::::::::::| |:::::_| .|_:::. who said that pot wasn't for '::::::::::| |:::::\ ./:::::. the people... someone with '::::::::| |::::::\ ./::::::::. shit for brain, or someone '::::::| |:::::::\ ./:::::::::::. who'd ate too much dope... '::::| |::::::::\/::::::::::::::. kts^pot! '::| `----------------------.--.---....--.--.-............-.-.--.------' _ __ ____ _____ _______ _ /____ ____ ____ __ ______ _/ _ \ _ /_ \ ____/___ \ /_/ /__ \ / / /_ /__ //__/ / /_ \ / _ __/ / / / _ \____ / __/\__ / // / /__/ / / / / \ / / / / / / / \ Oo / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /_\/_\ ^==\______/__/=/__/___/__/__/___/__/_/___/__/___/______/==TO====\/======^ __ ___ ______ __ _____ __ ________ ____ __/\__ _/ / / ____/__ \ _ / \ ____/__ /_ \ oO / / _ / ____/ _ \ / / ____/ / / /_--_\ / / / / / / / / / / / / / \/ ck!/ / / / / / / / / / / / /_ _ ^===============\_/___/______/__/___/______/______/__/___ _ _==========^ Space for cool info/longhaired stats/chill babes/high dope/whatever ^=======================================================================^ . .:. .:::::. . .:.-.-:-::.-------- --- - - . - ---- - - - .:::| . . . .::::::. your last chance to . . escape . .:::::::|. through the stairway : .. that leads . . .:::::::::| you direct to heaven, | : also . . . .:::::::::::| called dope^city |. | . . . . .:::::::::::::`------------------------ -|..|-- -smoki^dudes! - _; |_ \, / :\, /: .:\/ . . : . .-============================-. ______. .__/\__ | : : | / /__________. \ Oo / ._____|/| .______ /|____. | \ \_/____ ____/____ /_--_\ __\_ |/ | ___\.__ \_/ | / | \___. / \__\__ \: \/.|__ /_ / |/ /__ \_.. _/ | / : / \ _. \_ || __/ \ | / \| ____/ | \ | / _/______\ \| ____/___: | \| /____// _| \_ | `-----' \____/ \____| \_ /ck! / ____/ | ____ ___ :______/\/ /_______; | / / // / | | _/_ /__/ | | ._______. | ____ __ | \___ |____ ______. | _.___: / / _/______ .___. | / . /__ __/______|__| |/ / ______ \| | | _/ : / _________ \ | / | / . \ .| | \_____| / | / _. \_ /_______/| \ :| | :___/_______/ \| ____/__ / |___|\ .| | \____/ |/ `--' | | : | `-====> climb the stairs <====-' . . . . : : | __ :_______________________________________________| |________\/__: | | | '::::\/::| |:. it's round and kinda long... filled _; |_ '::::::| |:::. with goodies... who're thinking of a \ / '::::| |:::::. joint? of cause it's an eclipse!... :\ /: '::| |:::.:::.____/\________________________________.:\ /::_dope^rules| : /\ . \/ .. : //_\ . : . . ck! . . .. . :. . .:::. | .: ::.:.:: - - --- - --------------|::|------------:::::::-------. . . . who'd dare_;::|_ kicking :.::::: ones | . . . .:. arse for \::::/ being a ::::.:: smoky | . . ' dude, when:\::/: you can ::.:::: smoke | . . it :.\/:. yourself?:::: :: | - - --- -------- - -----------.-:-.---------------------pot!-' . _ __ ____. __ _ _______. _ _____. _ _____. /__________ _ ____. _ _ ______._ _ __ ____ /___ ____/__ /___ \_ ___/_\_______ \_ __/___ ____ //__ _/ \____/ / | _\\_ / _\\_ _\\_ _______/_ __ _\_ \____/ / \_____ _//_ __ /_ _ /_ ____/_ __|_ _ _ ___ / /___ _// <---_\\______/--_\\______/-_\\_____/ck!---------:------_\\______/-_\\______/-> . . : : .:. .___ /\__|. |__/\ ____________________________.:::::._____. | _\\/ .|: | _/\\/ .:::::::::. | | 'life :|: | it seems will fade away...' .:::::::::::::. | | .--'. `--. (metallica) .:::::::::::::::::| | smoke \. / pot and it wont... .:::::::::::::::::::| |________\\ /_______________________.::dope^cures^cancer::| \. / \/ ck! .____. |._ : :| | |: : | | ::::: ._; :_. ::::: ::::: .::j::------\. /---------:::::--------------------:::::--. |::o:: :\\ _ /: well ::::: i were wrong.. ::::: | |::i:: the .:\\//:: long one::::: filled with goodies::::: | |::n:: . \/ :. actually::::: was a joint.. hah! ::::: | |::t:: . : . ::::: ::::: | `::s::------- --.------------:::::--------------------:::::--' ::::: . ::::: ::::: . | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ck! | | | | | | | ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ ¡ . .__. .:::. | | - - --- .:::::::.-----|: |------------ - ---- - ------------ - - .:::::::::::. |: | do one have to be a psycho to .:::::::::::::::._;. |_ lean back and have your daily .::::::::::::::::::\. / ration of pot? - - - -kts^pot!-----\. /----------------------- - - - ----- -- - - \/ .-===============================================-. | ':::::| __ .____ .__:________ ':::: ______\__ \_\ ___.__ \_ ^space for info/psycho stuff^ ':| / __. \_ \_________/ ^hot babes/killing scenes/dope^ .| \ \; _____/ \ . ^ ermn... do i care?^ | .:==\_____/====|_______\ .::. . :|=======:. | .:.:::::. .| : | . .:::. . _________, :| /| | ______, __._._ ______, \ __/___, :| ____, / |_|_/_ /___/ /__ __/______: ___\__.___ / | _/ __/___/_.| / \_/ /_ ___/ ______ | / / \; / .| \_____ /__ /____ / /___ | / ;/ / / | / | / | /\__ | / / /______/ : / / _/ .:| / ; / __. / / /_______/ /_____| /____/ `---' .:::: .:=/_______/====|/|:/____/ |/ .:::::|=======:. : |::. : .::::ck!| `-===============================================-' . .__. .:::. |. | .:. .:::::::. | | .:::::. .:::::::::::. _ _| | _ _ ___________________________.:::::::::.__: ':::::::::::::' |. | .:::::::::::::.| ':::::::::' | | ice? well this is cyberspace, .:::::::::::::::::. |':::::' but |. | pot still rules... .:::::::::::::::::::::. |__':'__ _ _ _|: |_ _ _ _________ _________.::::::::::smoke^pot::::::. : \. / : \\ / \/ . . . . . /\ _/:___./:___ /:___./:___./:___ (__)_ . / ___/ / . / _ / ___/ / \ |_/_ __)_ / | \ |_/_. __)_ \ / | \ | \ / _ \ |\_ | | \ \/\____. /___. / \___| /____ |___. /ck! .-=================:/====:/=======:__/=====\:===:/===============-. | -* Info placed around here.. Hmm.. Burps.. *- | | | `-===============================================================-' . . .......... : : :: :: :: .---':......:'------------------ - -| |- - ------::--::--::---. | '::::' stop all violence in the| | world... :: :: :: | | .::. legalize pot and sell | | it for :: :: :: | | .:....:. insane prices... _| |_ :: :: :: | `---::::::::::--------pot^for^peace \\ / -- -- ---::--::--::---' \. / :: :: :: \/ . . . . . . . . . __:\ /\ ___ . _/:____/:___/:__ ___:\ __/:___ /:__ /\ ___:\ _/:___. _/ | \(__)/ _ \ /: \_ ___/ __ \ \_ \___ \\_ ___// \(__) __ \ ___/ \ | / \ | \ |__/. __)_ : \_ \__/ / | \_ __)_ _ \__/ \ _/ / __)_ \ | \ / | / | | | \ | / \ / | / | \ \ \ / \ \ | \ \_. / \/ \___/____. |___. /_| /_. /ck!\____. /____. /___ /\/\__\ \___ / .-==:/===============\|===:/==:_/==:/=========:/=====:/====:/=======\___/==:/-. | -* Stats/Babes/Dope/Gold/Whatever Placed around here *- | | | `-===========================================================================-' . __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ ____ . . .. . :. /__\ / \ /__\ /__\ / \ /__\ /___ / // / : .. .: :::. / // // // \ / / / / // / / |:.: .::: .:::::/___/ \__// // //___/--/ / \__/ \__// /-[#1]---|::|----.:::::. |:::::::. <Upload> ._;::|_..:::::::| `---------------------------------------------------------\::::/---------' \\:/ \/ _ _ ____:____ _.__________ _ _____._ _ _______ _ _______ _._ _______ _ _ // | \__\__ ___ \_ /__// __ \/ _ \ __\___ \\ _/ : _\\_ _______/ / \_ | _\\_ _ _\\_ | _\\_ \_____________/_ ___|_ \____. /_ _ _____/ |______/_ ___ / <----------------------:-------_|______/ck!---_\\______|_---------_|______/---> : : : . __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ ____ . . .. . :. /__\ / \ /__\ /__\ / \ /__\ /___ / // / : .. .: :::. / // // // \ / / / / // / / |:.: .::: .:::::/___/ \__// // //___/--/ / \__/ \__// /-[#2]---|::|----.:::::. |:::::::. <Download> ._;::|_..:::::::| `---------------------------------------------------------\::::/---------' \\:/ \/ _ _ //\ _ _._________ / \_:______ ._______ _ ____\_ //_ \| _/_____._ _______ _______ ._________ _\__\__ \/ __ \ / \ \ \_ /__/ _ \ _ \_\____ \\_ _/ | _\\_ | \_ /\ \_ \\ _ / / \_ | _\\_ _ _\\_ | _\\_ \______ /_ ______/_/\ /_|\ //__ _//_ _ ____/ |_____/____ / <-----_:_____/-----------_\\___/--:.\ /-_:_____/-_-_\\_____:ck!-----_:_____/-> _ _\\/ . __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ ____ . . .. . :. /__\ / \ /__\ /__\ / \ /__\ /___ / // / : .. .: :::. / // // // \ / / / / // / / |:.: .::: .:::::/___/ \__// // //___/--/ / \__/ \__// /-[#3]---|::|----.:::::. |:::::::. <Conferences> ._;::|_..:::::::| `---------------------------------------------------------\::::/---------' \\:/ \/ _ _ /\ // \_:______. _______. _ ________/. \| _/ .___________ _ _____. _ _// ___/___/ _ \ \ \__\_ ____/ ___/__ _/ | \_ | _\\_ \\ / ____)_ ___ \_\_ \______ /_ _ ______/__|\ _//_ __ \_ _ __ _// <--------------_|______/ck!-----------:-\ /---_|______/--_\\_______/---------> : _ _\\/ : . __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ ____ . . .. . :. /__\ / \ /__\ /__\ / \ /__\ /___ / // / : .. .: :::. / // // // \ / / / / // / / |:.: .::: .:::::/___/ \__// // //___/--/ / \__/ \__// /-[#4]---|::|----.:::::. |:::::::. <Callers> ._;::|_..:::::::| `---------------------------------------------------------\::::/---------' \\:/ \/ _______.__ _ _ ____ _ ____. __ ____. __ _ _____._ _ _______.______. _// _ ___/__// _ \ /___ /___ _____ /__ ___ / ____/___ __ _/ | _\\_ _ _\\_ / _\\_ / _\\_\_____/ / _/ _/_.___ _ _\\_\ \______ / |______/_ _ /__ /__ _//_ _\ /___ / <------:_____/_-__|_--------:_____/-_:_____/--\_____/---_\\____/ck!\_______/--> : : . __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ ____ . . .. . :. /__\ / \ /__\ /__\ / \ /__\ /___ / // / : .. .: :::. / // // // \ / / / / // / / |:.: .::: .:::::/___/ \__// // //___/--/ / \__/ \__// /-[#5]---|::|----.:::::. |:::::::. <Settings> ._;::|_..:::::::| `---------------------------------------------------------\::::/---------' \\:/ \/ _ _ _ _ _ //\_:_ ____ _______. _ ________._ _ //\__ __ //\___ ___/_ \| _/_ _____. _ ____. _// ____/__ _____ /__._\//\_____\//\__ _ / \ \_ ___/___. ___/___ _\_____ \_\_____/ / \/ \_ \/ \_ ___/ \\ / \__ |_____ \_ _ _ ___ /_ _ /_________/________/ \_ _|\ /_ ___ |__ / <----\______/-_\\____/ck!------------_-_\\_____/--:-\ /-_-_\\_____:-\______/-> _\\/ . __ __ __ __ __ __ ___ ____ . . .. . :. /__\ / \ /__\ /__\ / \ /__\ /___ / // / : .. .: :::. / // // // \ / / / / // / / |:.: .::: .:::::/___/ \__// // //___/--/ / \__/ \__// /-[#6]---|::|----.:::::. |:::::::. <Protocol> ._;::|_..:::::::| `---------------------------------------------------------\::::/---------' \\:/ \/ _ _ ._________ _ _ ______.__ __ _ _ //\___._ ____ _ _____. _ ______ _ _____._ _ _\_\_ ____ \_ _ _ / __ \ __\//\__ _ __ \ ___/__ __ \ //__ | ______/ _/ _/_ | \_ \/ \_ | _\\_ | \_ | _\\_ / \_ |_ ___|_ /_ __\ /_ _ ____/_ _____/_ _______/_ _ /_ _ ____/_ __ / <------:-------_\\___/ck!-----------------------_-_\\_____/-----------_\\____/> . . . . : : | :::::::: .------------.| |.---------------:pot::::---------------. | .| |. 'this is the :::::::: :::::::: | | :::::::: | |: end...' (the :::::::: ::smoki: | | ::dope:: :| |: doors).. really! :::::::: | `--::::::::- \ /----------------------------::::::::--' :::::::: \ / \/ : : _______ _____ | One gotta know how to | ||||||| /_____\__. .__.___.___._____. | grow it in order to know | \\ \ oO / | | _/ | ___| | how to smoke it... | \\_.____\_-_/__ | /_. : |__. | : : (__\ __ | _ \ | : | |_| | | /\_//\_/\ \\/_// | \\_\_ |__| |__| |_____: .\ \/ |\//. \\ / | \(__) ^====|__|=======POT!=^ .:%%\_\_|//:%%:::... .:\\____|____|| |:. .::%%%%%::%.%:%%%.%%:%%%%:%.%%%::::%:%||_|. . .::::. . . . ::. .:: . . +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Fast Info: Requests goes to Anonymous Psychosis or another board I'm on... Fast Greetings: Jeraz, Motion Man, Tinyz, Ranx, Bionic Fast Retreat: I'm out, Cyber Kid... Fast Btw: Jimi Hendrix's Purple Haze Rules... +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ:______________________________________: |_______. _:\.______.____.____ _ _kts! | \__ . /_/ | \ _ / __/____ \ _ascii!| |\_ |_/\_.__ / |_/__ _)_ _/ / _ ___ | _/ | / | \ | / | \ \ \ _ __ | \_____ /____ /____ /____ /__\ \_ KiD_ | |____:/____:/____:/____:/____\__/____ _| : Ascii Colly #9: We Brake For Nobody! : : Presenting: Board/Group/Setup-ascii. : @END_FILE_ID.DIZ Original Size: 36085 =====[ -- ADDS -- ]============================================================ _______ _____ /_ /___ _____ __/\___ / ___/__ ______ ________ _________ __________ / ___/ / __ \ _ ___/ \_ \ __ \ __ \ __ /_/_ / / \_ __/ \_ \ \/ \/ / / \_ \ /___/__ \___/___/__\____/ / / \ / / \ / / / / / / / / / / / /____/ /___/ /_______\_/ /___/ /__/ /________/ /_______/ck! /____/ /____/ /____/ /____/ /____/ the damn kewlest ascii group around this planet... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sun Sep 10 14:12:37 1995 __ ._ __ (__ | ) (_/__ _________________..::::. _ _________ _________ .___\ / .:::·· .::·__________ ________.____ ./__\ / | \ / | . .::· /___. _/ _____| _/ _/ \_\ / | \ \ / ' __::.:::_\__ _ __/_ |__\___ __l__. \ / \ / | \ /_______/ ::::· \____ ___/ | / \ ' |___\_____/\ / l____\ /[rLf] .::::::. \____/\___ . __/_______| oS!l___\ / \/ : ··::::... \__|__/ \/ · ···· p a l a c e * MOT!ON HQ * * TRADERS DREAN HQ * * TRSI RECORDZ DK HQ * * DREAMCHART HQ * * HOODLUM DK HQ * * DATA DIVISION EHQ * * PUZZLES HQ * a4ooo/o4o/25/2.5Gb/1x33.6DS/1x28.8DS/1x16.8DS Amiga/Ascii/Consol/PSX tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn ZINKO^PLAYMATE^SISko^BILBO BAGGIn^NEIL/FLT^LABEL/LSD-DD UFOK/MsT^LsD^PsG^iHS^FURY/PSG/M!/SYS/HLM^DELIVERYMAN <0> +45-58ASK4IT 3NDs RD <0> . . _____: . O o O _____|_____. _____ .) |____o [ t . H . E - y . A . R . d ]_o . _| / .|_____/_ /_ : _ | : \ / |/ / _// \ . ahs . bgirl . arcade . srz . tac . | |____/|____/ /__________\ . lp! . soia . pnk . omen . mce . pph . | /______/ _ _: _____ ______ __________ ________: \\\. / /__________\_ /_/ _ // ._ /. consoles.amiga.graffiti ! / /| / _ \ / / |/ | ascii.hiphop.mp3.ibm/pc |/_____ /____\_______\___\________________| classics.drugs.linux/dd :_ t^/____/ _. zANEr/diPSWiTCH/hAsH/cRAZY | (_____________)| ___________ _______ _ ______: one of the finest in +49 _ _ ___) (_) : #1 33k6. #2 28k8. #3 64k isdn #4 64k isdn #5 telnet #6 telnet #7 telnet #8 telnet