·this file passed· _ _____ ___ ______ )_ __ _| (___) _ )_ __/__) (_ | |___/ _ ___ | |___| |__ c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _ ____ ____ _____ ____ ___\ (_ ___\ (_ __\_ (_ __\ (_ _) _/ /___) _ /___) _/ /___) _ /__ / \ / \_ / \ / / / \___ \_____/ \____\ \___ \ \ \ ________\ /______\ \ ____\ \_______\ \/ <(·tHE YARd·)> \/ lOCATED iN gERMANY! [·aMiGA·aLL cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·aSCii·liNUX·hiPhOP··mP3·pC/iBM·cLASSICS·] [· rUNNiNG oN 8 nICE nODES · 2 iSDN/2 aNALOGUE/4 tELNET ·] [· sTAFF < zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH · cRAZY > sTAFF ·] [· aHS wHQ · b-GiRL wHQ · aRCADE wHQ · sRZ wHQ · lP! gHQ ·] [· pNK gHQ · sOiA gHQ · oMEN gHQ · mCE gHQ · pPH eHQ ·] [· hOME oF tHE aSCii cHARTS! ·] __ ._ __ (__ | ) (_/__ _________________..::::. _ _________ _________ .___\ / .:::·· .::·__________ ________.____ ./__\ / | \ / | . .::· /___. _/ _____| _/ _/ \_\ / | \ \ / ' __::.:::_\__ _ __/_ |__\___ __l__. \ / \ / | \ /_______/ ::::· \____ ___/ | / \ ' |___\_____/\ / l____\ /[rLf] .::::::. \____/\___ . __/_______| oS!l___\ / \/ : ··::::... \__|__/ \/ · ···· p a l a c e * MOT!ON HQ * * TRADERS DREAN HQ * * TRSI RECORDZ DK HQ * * DREAMCHART HQ * * HOODLUM DK HQ * * DATA DIVISION EHQ * * PUZZLES HQ * a4ooo/o4o/25/2.5Gb/1x33.6DS/1x28.8DS/1x16.8DS Amiga/Ascii/Consol/PSX tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn ZINKO^PLAYMATE^SISko^BILBO BAGGIn^NEIL/FLT^LABEL/LSD-DD UFOK/MsT^LsD^PsG^iHS^FURY/PSG/M!/SYS/HLM^DELIVERYMAN <0> +45-58ASK4IT 3NDs RD <0> Sun Oct 22 16:50:15 1995 In the year of 1995 on the 16 of june, Cyber Kid released his 10th ascii collection... Since this was actually the 10th colly, he decided to make it the best one he had ever made. What you're gonna see now is the coolest ascii ever made, so... ... .. . . Well ok, after 5 mins tangling with the first ascii, he decided this really was no big deal, so, well, Another day another ascii... No big deal, who gives a damn anyway... This ascii colly is really nothing, so why bother for looking further? You gotta ask yourself wether this is something you really WANT? It might offend you or even worse: Kill you! Well, here goes... Ascii Colly #10 called: ____________ ______________ ________ ___ ________ ____ ____ \ ______/ . ___ ___/ ______/| \ / \ | \ / ____/ | \| |/ ____/ | \ |____/ _ __/ / \ / _ \ | \/ | \ | \ | \ /________\ ____| \ __|_______\ _________/________/____|____/ fatfuck!|______\ hiya, welcome to my 10th ascii colly.. originally i wanted to make this 10th colly a 'ck! greatest' but well... i had this weirdo though circling under the skull, so i decided to make it a new colly with an old review in the end... fascinating right? (could we care less - gab!). things i'm gonna remember before my brain leaves in favour of the light and colors... ermn... yeah! you can remove the fatfuck logo in the asciis, but dont remove that ck! thingy... just felt like typing this kewl word... 'fatfuck' ... never tried a 'fat fuck' yet, but sure could be phun .. just imagine you'll have to dig your way before you can get your fat one inside... (tell me i'm weird - huh?) .. enough talk... my fingers will probably reflect my brain somewhere later... i suppose... cyber kid^kts!ascii^dope! what you'll find inside this present will be something like: anonymous psychosis, stairway to heaven, ibm/hpa/ascii conference, quadrillion, violent desire, motion man, end of time, ganja, dominators, dyers eve anonymous psychosis #1 --------. | | V ____________________ _____ ______ _____ ______ ______ ________ _____ __ __ \___ _ \ / __/__/ / /_/ __/__ _ /_/ ___/_/ _ _ /_/ ___ _ _ \_ / / /___ /___ /___ / /___/ ____/ / / /___ / / _____/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ___/. /____/ck! /_______/_______/_______/___/ /_______/___/_/___/__:_.__/ /._:./. . ::. . .::::-.------------------------------------------------------------.-.::::. .::. . ::. . . | . Suck this spot... .| .| . |.. . .|... FatFuck! .:::.. . .:::..------------------------------------------------------------.-..:::. .:::. .:.. . . . . 0------< Stairway to heaven #1 | | V ______ _______ _______ __ _______ ________ _______ ______ / ___/_ _ /_ __ /_/_/_ ____ /_/ / / /_ __ /_/ / /_ /___ / /___/ _ / / _ __/ / / / _ /___ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / =/_______/___/===/___/ /___/___/ /____/____/___/___/_______/==<FatFuck!>=== /___/ / / ______ ______ / /_ ______ _______ ______ ______ ______ / _ /_/ _ /_ / / /_/ ___/_ __ /_/ / /_/ ___/_/ _ /_ /___/ / / / / _ / ____/ _ / / / ____/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / ===========/___/_______/===/___/ /_______/___/ /_______/_______/___/ /=== /___/ck! /___/ /___/ quadrillion #1 --------------. | V ._____ _______. ____________.____| \______________.______\ | / ._ | | \_________ | __. | _/ |/ | | \ __. | \| | \ : | : / \| | | | \______ |____. /_____________|_____________;ck! /_______|. |_____/ . / \ / \ .----------/ \---<fatfuck!>------------/ \------------------------. ___|_________/. \ ____. ._____. / \___________ ______ | \______ /__.__/ |_____|_ |_____\_.___/ __. \ \ ___|___ / _/ _/ / | | / | / | \| \ _ \ _/ _/ \ / | : / : / | | / \ \ | \_______\ /_____;__________/___________/______;___________/_____\ \ | | \____/ q u a d r i l l i o n \______; `---------------------------------------------------------------------' stairway to heaven #2 -----------------------------------------. | | ________ ________ | ______/\_________\_ /_ \_ /_____ | \____ ____ / __/___/_ _ / <------' \________ \/ / __/ / / \_ / / / / / / _ __ ____/ / / / / / /____ __ _ ///_//_______________/___________/_____/__________//_///ck! -< f a t f u c k >- stairway to heaven #3 ----. | | V )\ ___________________________ / \ _________ ____ _______ ______ ____ ______ / ____ __ /_____ |____)_\___ \ /\ /____ | | / \___ \ \/ . | | / _/ / . |__ __/ /_________/_______\_________|____|____\ \_ __/\____/_________| |_____| \_____/ck! TO ____ _____ _____ _________ ________ ___| \ _________ ________ | | |/ _____/______ | | \ _____/__\ _ \ | _ | __| \ . | | / __| \ / / |_____|_____|_________/_________|________/_________/____/ / /____/fatfuck another fuckface ascii... shit! ;) . . motion man ---------. :. | .::. | .::::. | ....:::::::::::::.... | _____ ..::::::::.:::.. ...:::.::::::::.. | | | _____ ________ ________ _________ __________ | | \/ | _ \ _ /\/ _ \ ____ \ | | \/ | | / |\/__) | / / _ / <---' _;|_____|| |_______/_____|____|\_______/____/ // _;|_____| /_____//_ _____ sysop/psycho/copkiller... | _| _______________ ___________ | \/ ________ |______ _\ | \/ _.| . | / ///_ .. _;|_____|| ||_________|____/ / .. .... |_____| _//_____/ck! ..... ..::::::::... . . ....:::::::::. .. .::.::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:.. .::::::. .::::. ::. .: : . no brain, no intuition... you know what's right... dope away your brain, and you're all running on intuition.. nice! ganja ---------------. | V ________ _________ ______ ___________._________ / ______/__. _. \ _ \_____\_.____ | _. \ / \___ | _\| \ \ \ _/__\_. | _\| \ _/ |/ | \__ \ \ \ | | | \__ \ .....\_____. |____| \_._\ | ____|____| \_.... |_______|ck! |_______/ \____|_____/fatfuck! |________/ no acid-ascii-colly without a ganja logo.... that is... ....................................................................... ______ ______ ____ _____ ck! _\___ \/ __ \ \/ _/ Dominators _/ _/ \_ _/ \_ _ _ \_ presents: <-\_____________________\/_____/-----------> . /|\ | | | | | ________ ______.__ __ ____ | DOMINATORS \_ __. \_ _. | \\// /ck! | 1995 _| \| / \| | . \/ _ \_ | .:::::::::::::\_______/______|__\ /____/::. 0-> ::[X/X]::::::::::::::[PRESENTS:]:\/::::::::: dominators | :: :: file_id #1-3 ---0 `::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::' | | `-------. | | V _____. .___\ |_______._________. | _. | _. | _ _ | DOMINATORS | \| | \| | | | | PRESENTS: .oO|ck!_____|_______|___|_|___|==========Oo. f u c k ---------------. | V :::::::::::::::: :::::::: ::::::: :::::::::::::::: ::::::: ;::::: ::: .... :: :: :: :: :: :: ..... :: :: :: :: :: :: :: . ::: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::::: :: ::.:: :: :: ::::: : :: :: :: :: :: :: .:::: :: ...:: : :: ... : . :: ::..:: :: :: ::...:: :: :: ::. :: . :: :: :: ::. : :: ::. : :: :: :: :: :: .::::::::. : . ::::::: ::::: :::::::::.:: .::::::: :::::::. :: : :: . : . :: : :: ::: : :: :: : :: : . : . : . : : . : . . : . . . . . . . . . fuck the danish army... anyone know anyone who wanna buy military secrets btw? i've just got cleared to access 'top-secret' material.. kewl :) anonymous psychosis #2 -----. | | .______ | ______| \_______________ | / _ \_ __ \_ | _ / _ \ ______/ <----' //________| \________\ck! _l__________\ _ : :_______ //\ __ ____ ______| /___ ____/ \_____ _______ ____ _____ _______ // _/__\__ | / __/____ ___/____ /__ \ / \ ___/___ __\_____ /_ __/_____ / \ \_____/ / \ \/ / \_.___ / / / / |_____| / / \__________/_____\ / / / / /__________/ :_//___________/__________\ _\\/_______/ / fatfuck! anonymous psychosis / _ _ _ ___ _____________________________________/ sth #4-6 ----------. | | _____________/\______ ______ <-----0------------. \ ______\__ __/ | /ck! | | \_____ / \ _ / .----------' V .-==>\ | / \ | /<==-. | | \ | /________\ | / | V | \ | / \ | / | _________ _________ _______ | \_/ \|/ | / \_/ \_ / `-=========> FatFuck! <=========-' / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / /____ / /________/ /________/ _ \_ ___/_____ / / / / / / \____ / / / / / / / ___ ________ ____ / / / / / / / / / _/_ \_ _/ / | \ /______/ /___/ck! /___/________/ /____ \/ \/ | \ + f + a + t + f + u + c + k + _/ | \ / _ \_ . \ | \ / | / /|\ \ | \ / | / | \ | \/ | / | \ | \ | / kewl right? ---' \ _______\_____| /ck! <---> \| < fatfuck > |/ <---> : : dominators file_id #4-5 ---------------------. | | V | ._____ | <1995> ___|__ _/_____ ___ ____ <DOMINATORS> | _/ ___/ | . \ \/ . \_ | \ \| | | / \ / / PRESENTS: | <=ck!=\_______|_____/____\/____/===========> | `---. | | V ___________ _______ ______ _______ _\\______ \ ___ \_____ \/ _____//_ _/ | \_ | \_ \ / \_ __\\_____. /_______/____\/ //___ _ ck!|_____/<DOMINATORS> /______/ <1995> dyers eve #1 --------------. | - why not liar's dice? | | | ______ | ___\ /_______________________________ | / _ / / / __ / _ / ____/ | / / / / / ____/ / /___ / | .----->/ / / / / / / /___/ / /<-------. | | /_______/___ /_______/___/ /_______/ | <----' | /___/ ____ | | ____________/ /_______ | | / __ / / / __ / | | / ____/ / / ____/ | | / / / / / / / | | fatfuck/_______/_______/_______/ck! | | | `-------------------------------------------------------' violent desire #1 ---------. | | | V :________ | / _ __ ____ ______| / _ _______ / _ ____ ._____ .___________: \_ | / _ _ __. | /_____ __/__|. \___|___ | | | / / \| | _/ _/______/_ _ \ _/ / | _ _| : /_.__/ | | / \| | \ \ | /______| _ __________/ |_________|________/___. |___\ |_____| _ ______| : |_______; \____|ck! : :_________ _ _____ _________ : _ _ _______ ______ | __. \ ___/_____/_ ___/__/| _ __ ___ /__ ___/__ | \| \_ __________/_______ | / _/ _/ /______/__: | | / \| | _/ |____/ \ / \| | _| | /___. |____________| |____\ /___. | _ __________/ |_______|fatfuck! _ ____| \____/ |_______| : turn away your head before pressing pagedown another time.. these are totally chill!... :) end of time #1 -----. | V this one rules.. fatfuck!_____ _____/\___________ . / __ ___/____\___ _________/ | / _/ / __ \ \ / <-----' / \_____\ _/ / \ / . .\________/ \__________/________/ck! . .:. . . .:. . . .:. . e n d o f t i m e ..:. . . . . anonymous psychosis #3 ---. | | this is THE ascii in this colly... | . | | | V | _________ ____________ | / \/ _ / | / o O \ | / <-------' ck!/______-______\ ____/fatfuck! .:================/_______|=============:. a n o n y m o u s p s y c h o s i s .:======================================:. fatfuck! .o8$$$$7' quadrillion #2 --------. 8$' '$$' | 8$. .$$ <------------------------------------' 'Q$8$$$ <ck!----------$$--> QUADRILLION $$ .8$$8. end of time #2 -------------. | | | ______ | / __/_______fatfuck! | / __________ ____/ <------' / | / \ | /________/ Oo \__| [==========\_________/=======ck!] e n d o f t i m e ... ::::: ..:::.::: :: ..:::::.ck! :::' '::: :::' '::: ::: ::: ::::..:::: ::: ::: :::' ... :::. .::: ..:::. .::: <----------------------. <----`::::::::'::'`:::::::'-----------> | d y e r s e v e | <-------------------------------------> | fuck that, and do it fat! .. heh! dyers eve #2 ------' _______ ____ Violent Desire #2 -----. \_ /___ ____/ /ck! | / / // _ / | / / // / / `--> fatfuck/ / // / /_ ,,;;===\______/=\________/===;;,, v i o l e n t d e s i r e ,,;;=========================;;,, :__________:_______.__/\_____ | _______| __. \_ ___/__. ===| ____/ | \| \_ \ |=== <----------- end of time #3 ck!| \| | | / \ | _|__________|________/__________|_ violent desire #3 ----. | | .---------------------------------------' | | | | | .___. | ._____| |_______ . `--------> \ | | __. \_ o ==\ : | \| /===========oO ck!\______|_______/iolentesire sth #7-8 ----. | ___________ ___________.____.______ | / _____ /____ | | _/ | _\______ \/ / | _ \ <----------0 _/ / \_ /_________| | \_ | <--\_____________/________|-|______|_______/--> | S t a i r w a y t o H e a v e n | <ck!----------------------------------fatfuck!> | | .---------------------------------------------------' | | | _______ /\ .______:_______ | / ____/____:_/ \|_____ | _/ `--------> _ __/_________ |_ _____/ . \__ __ _ / | \ck! | | \ | _ __ __________| \___|_________ _ _ _____ _ _ / \ __ __ _ _____ _ \/ \/ fatfuck this place, and fill it with.. info. _ _ __ __________ _ ________________ __ __ _ .. and now for some more totally kewl shit for your board-setup... chill fat letters... well nevermind.. fuck it... (crowd yelling: a joke.. hahaha!) .. well i like the dope-cloud circling around the letters... (even though it could look like fat sperm... ).... (braindamaged: search shrink...)... ibm wares conference bulletin --. | .-------------' | V .:::. _ _ __ __________ _______ _______ ..:' `:: .::. .._\ /_\ _____/___\_ \/ _/ .:. <PRIVATE> .::' `::' `:_/ \__/ \_ \____ / _ _ \_:'`:: .::' ck!\____________________________\__/_____/ `::. :: .::. .:..:: `:::'`:. .::. .::. [ CONFERENCE ] .:'`::' `:. .::. .:' `::. .::. .:'`:::. .::. .:' `::' `::' `:::. .::' `::' `::. .::' `:' `::' fatfuck! `:::::' ascii conference bulletin --. | | V <PUBLIC> __________ _________ _________ _ _ __ _ _ __ .:::. __\_____ /_ ___/__/_ ___/______\ /_ _\ /_ ::. `::_/ __ /_______ / / / \__/ \ \__/ \_:. `:: ck!\__________________________________________________________/`:: .:::' .:::. `:: ::' .::. [ CONFERENCE ] .:::. .::. .::. ::' `::. .:: `:::. .:::'`:: .::. .:' `:. .:' :: .:'`:: `:: ::. .::' `:::' :. .:::' `:. .:' `:::' `::. .::' ::. .::' `::::' `::::' `::::' fatfuck! `::::' `:::::' hpa conference bulletin --------------. | | | V _____________ ________________ __________ <PRIVATE> .:::. .::. / | \ ____ /__\____ /_ .::. .:' `:: ::' `_/ _ \_ \_______/ __ \_ `:. ::. ::. :: ck!\________|_____________________________________/ :: `::. `:::' .:::::' `:: [ CONFERENCE ] ::' .::' .::. .::::. .:::. .::::. `:: ::' .::::' `:: ::' `:: .:: `::. ::' `:: .::' `:::::::' ::. .:: ::. ::' `:::. .:: ::. .::' fatfuck! `::::' `:::' `::::' `::::' and now for the grand finale... the ______ ______ ____ _____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ / /_/ / /_'S /___/____ /_/ __/_/__ /_/ _ /_/ __/_/ __/_/ _ /_ / /___/ _ _/ / \_ / _ __/ ___/ _ / /__/ ___/__ / /__/ / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / <<</_______/___/___/<<<</_____/__/__/_____/__/__/__/ /_____/_____/__/>>>>>>> ck!'s greatest... phrom back in the 1st colly..... #1 i found this one kewl as i made it, but welp... _|_ 7__ __ (_,I )(_/_, _______________________________ ./ \ _____) \. ./ ______/____ \ <> \. .:\ ____/ \/ / /:. ...:::::\______/\___________/___________/:::::... [==================[ Network ]===============CK!] #2 good old amy-stylish.... _ _ ___ ___ _ _ / /\ /\ \ _ /__/ _\__ __/\__ ___ _ _ ___PaRTiCiPaTiNG THe:_ _ _ ___ __/\__ __/_ \__\ _ \ \ / \ zZ / . . . . . \(oO)/ \ / / _ _\__\/ . /_--_\ /: :\ :\ :\ :\ /_{}_\ . \/__/_ _ : \/ / |_____ _______¬ \ ____| \ _| \ _| \ \/ : - --+-- - - / __ \\/ ______\ _ \ -(¬___)-(____) ------+- - : / (__) \\_______ \\ Y__¬/__/ \\ / ¬\ : : . / __ \\ \/ \\ | \\ \\ \\|_ _ . . \ · \/ // · // · // · // · //| . : \_____\ //_______ //\_______ //\__ / \__ / : : | _ _|/ // ¬ _/ |_ / |__/CK!|¬_/ | - -+-- - - |\ // -- -- Y --- - --- Y - - : - -- : -- - --+- -- : : \¬_/ : . . : . · C · o · N · F · e · R · e · N · C · e · . no-one could ever read this font... i loved it... (it says 'silicium' btw).... _________________________________________________________________________ \_______\_ ___\_ \_ \_____ \_ \_ \_ \ \_ _/_______/ \_______|____ | | |___| | 7___| | | | 7 7 |_______/ \______| 7 ( ( | ( | | ( | | ( | | (______/ \_____|_______|___|_______|___|_______|___|_______|___|_|___|_____/CK! then on with the next colly... say layout, but well... somehow better ascii's ... :) my favorite part... actually an idea by mr.mox, but then totally screwed up by my brain (again?.. too much whiskey, too few girls?)... __.__/\__.________________+------------------+________________.__/\__.__ | \[oO]/ .·--------¯¯ dEVILS AND pIXIES: ®®--------·. \(Oo)/ | |__./_--_\.____________________________________________________./_()_\.__| \/ \/ ______ __(__) / \ //__\/_\ /_____\ \ lITTLE cYBER dEVIL aND _\\ OO / \ oO /\ / /| pIXY pLAYING gOT yA! \_/\_\_/______ _\_O_/_ O /:`---------------------- - - /~ ___ ____ \ / _.:. \ /::::::::::::::::::::::::: : : ¯¯/__ /_)¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯)- \ \¯¯> \:::::::::::::::::::::ck!: : : / \_\/ \ \_/!: |\ )Y: \:.---------------------- - - /_____|_____\ ___|:| |_|_: \| /_/______-|+|- | ______ __(__) / \ lITTLE cYBER dEVIL //__\/_\ /_____\ \ wANTS iTS pRESENT! |\ _\\ Oo / ______ \ oO /\ / - - -----------------':\ \_/\_C_/_ /__/__/|__\_O_/ O : : ::::::::::::::::::::\ /~ _____\___ | |(__)____. \/ : : :ck!::::::::::::::::/ /_____(_/-(_/-----|--+--|·|-/. / - - -----------------.:/ / (| \ |__|__|/ // / |/ /_____)____\ _____// /o / /_/______/O.o. . . ####### ______ ## ### / \ lITTLE cYBER __(__) ## ## / /_____\ dEVIL gOING //__\/_\ /<## # \ /\ Oo / /| fOR a rIDE! __\\ Oo //\_) # .xOxxx.Q_/ /:`------------ - - (_)_/\_O_// _/ __ .x#xxx" / "x(_ \ /::::::::::::::: : : \\ / ._/__/ | __ .xxxx"# / \____/ \:::::::::::ck!: : : \\/ | (_ )xx" / /__ \ \:.------------ - - / \____________|__/ / / /_/_ /___ \| (___________________/ /_______\____\ lITTLE cYBER dEVIL ______ ______ gOING fOR aNOTHER / \ /_\/__\\ rIDE! (pUKE rIDE :) |\ /__¯®_\ \ \ oO //_ - - -----------------':\ \ Oo /\ /_______\_/_/\_/ : : ::::::::::::::::::::\ \_‘_/ O |\_.|__~ \ : : :ck!::::::::::::::::/ / /----| |\_*|_____\ - - -----------------.:/ /_//___|| |__||\ \ |/ (__)//______|_____\____\ //_(__)\\ /__\/_\ \ Oo /_ lITTLE cYBBER dEVIL _\__/__) /| pRATICING tRAMPOLINING! / _ / /_ /:`----------------------- - - / \__/\\ /:::::::::::::::::::::::::: : : |\ \\\ // _____ \::::::::::::::::::::::ck!: : : |\|___ \______/_/----\ \ \:.----------------------- - - | |__. ¯*.®<@\¯ ) = / / \| |______.¯@./ </-\___/ / ___/ / \____\ (__)_/ O this was also my first ascii for katharsis ascii... . . . . . . . . : : _: :__: :______________________________ : : | | \| | | | ck!/ | | | | | | | | -kATHARSIS^aSC / | | | | | | | | / | | | |____________| |__| |____ _______ _____________/____| |__________ | . __/ ___ | _/|_ . | ____ | ___ \____ ----/ |____ ----/ |____|____\_______)________/___|____)_______)____| \/________/_____|________/ \ / \________ ___________________/ / ____ |____ ----/ ______| \________)________/__________) \ / \ / \ / \________________/ oh yeah! and then it was about to be xmas.... didn't ever get that santa drawn though.... * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\/\/*_ _* * ___ * * * * * * _\/ - - * (__ )- * * * * * * * /o_|--._____________(_).)- - -* * * * * * * * * \///--\_*_ ((__(__)|- - * * * * \\ // _ _ \______| - - * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * on with the 3rd ascii colly.... think it is the most sucki ascii's i've ever made before... (even though this colly sucks too :)...... makes you wonder... could it be me who sucked? felt this was the only one to mention... not because it's good ascii, but i like the text with anarchism... another leech from this kewl danish board : _______ ____ : | _______ ___________ __\____ \______ | |_____|___ :|/ ____ \__ | _____ \ _____ | \| | ______/ | \_____/ \ | /________/__________|____|\. |___________|___________/ | :| |____| : | .crypt european headquarters. katharsis^asc site. : .o-2 days ibm warez. s/x&evl support. huge hpa section. _____ ____(____) _____ | | _____ _________ _____ | |\oO/ __________ _____ | | | \/ | _____ \ \| |-\/-| | | \/ | |: ||_____|_________/____|\. |____|__________|_____|| :| | : |____|ck! : | : : the place, where nuking and anarchism is supposed to be fun... besides from the gay pixies... hahaha... made 'em for a dude who's being called fag for the time being ... sad :) ______ ______ //_____\ /_____\\ ______ ______ ______ _\\ oO / \ oO //_ //__÷÷_\ //_____\ /_____\\ \_/\_-_/___A___\_›_/\_/__\\ Oo /____\\ oO / \ oO //_ | ___(_)___ | | \_/\_c_/| \_/\_>_//\ . \_-_/\_/ | |==. .==| | | |==. | |==.\ ( / \||/ > | |__ __| | | |__ | |__ \ \_/\ \/ \ \ (______\ /______)(______\ (______\ (___) \____/\_) then for the 4th colly... people (well motion) say this is my best ascii done.. well... just sad kts haven't released it yet... well.. might pop up in an kts-colly someday... this ascii was mainly done on dope.. so.. well .. 10 ascii's the the rest fill like this... takes shit for time to make... . . %%:: . .: :. dr. (___ ___) :::%%::: .::. ..::%:%::.::%% . potinbrain (_______) .. . _____ _______/\ _____ .:%%: : | ( 'i just say: ____| /____| //\\ __ \ ______ : . | ______ ) as a doctor with \_ | / |__\__/_\_ __/ /\ |. :. `->//_____\ ( grades in lung- | /_ | | | | | \___/ \ | | %:. _\\ Oo /=/==* capaticy and shrink|__| | |__|__ | | | | / |__| %% \_/\_-_/_/\_) knowledge in smoking | |__| |___| |__|\___/ __| : %: / __|: _ | habits, i've never ex- |___| .:% . /____|: \_\_| perienced any problems caused by smoking pot! furthermore . / |: \ i can say that chances of getting cancer are smaller when . : :: /____|____\ you smoke around 5-10 joints everyday instead of being :% %::. what we call 'clean'. heh. you can say the old saying: 'a joing a . ::. day keeps the doctor away' really IS true.' (quote: dr. potinbrain) . % .: : ck! then for my 5th ascii colly... got a little dissapointed that kts didn't release my colly at once, so i did this colly with 100+ (well maybe not that many, but many!) ascii's, and almost no filling stuff... haven't been released yet too... apart from the 100+ asciis i tried to imagine how those weird ascii artists would look like.. guess i'll never find out, but... who gives a damn anyways... (we ARE holy btw)... . ^ok,^now^we^wanna^introduce^you^to^the^people^you^all^adore,^ . .. ^and^wanna^be.^the^fabolous,^ . :::% __/\__ < the > . ..:::%%%% \[oO]/ . .:::% /_--_\ :____: :___: :___: :____: :___: ..: \/ :____| |_______| | | |___: :____| /________:___| | . . | | | | |___| | | | | / | ____| . | | | | | |___ | | /__| |___|___ | . | | | | | | | | | | | | | | . . . |____| |_______|___ | ___| |____| |___| |___ | :. : |____| : |___|___| : : |____| : : |___| %::.. . : : : : : : :__/\__ ck!%::.. . < crew! > \ oO / %::: . /_\/_\ :. . -all-quotes-and-rangs-by-tinyz.-note:-no-warranty-for-the- \/ . . -genuineness-of-the-pictures!-(ck!)- . /( .(). ____________/. \ ___ ____ ____ ____ _________ 'when i cant |\/\/\/| \ _ _ /___) \| | | | _____ | remember all |______| \/| |\/ | |______ |/ _____/| the members, + oO + |_____| |____|___|\____|_________|_________| there's too | __ | +-----------+ founder and leader +------------+ many' `----' __ ______/\____/\_____/\______/\______/\ 'fuck demo- __(SS)___ / / ___ \ __ \____ /_____ / cracy! \__\/___/ /___\___/ /_____/ _/ / /_ \ /_ \ DICTATOR- \ oO / /____ / / /___/ /___/ /___/ / SHIP!' \_-_/ /___/___/ /___/ /___/ /___/ +----------------+ SS guard +-----------------+ _________________________ _____________ 'they had to XXXXX \ ___/\ ___/\____ \ \____\ ___/ validate me XXXXXXX / __/__/. __/__/. \_ /_/. / __/___ due to my elite OO00 OO / / / / / / / / / / kts affil.' O__.O \________/________/___/____/___/________/ ooo +-------------+ high-ascii god +--------------+ __________________________________ 'i swear! pr || /_ __ _ \ __ \ ____\ ____\ is going up __||__ / / / / /_ /____ /____ / tonight!' (_ oo _) / / / / / / / / / / | __ | /___/_/___/___/___/_______/_______/ DELUSION | | +----------------+ punkster +-----------------+ `----' ______ ____ ____ ____ 'isn't remorse | \ \_ | _____ \_ |\_ | a bad feeling .::. | __ /__ ___|. |__/. _ \__| |_| |__ ____ or something?' _( oO )_ | __/__ \__--\ _/\__ /| \ _ \ _ \ -_/\ (_ ____ _) |____\____/____/_|__\____/____/____/____/____/ `----' +-----------------+ begga +-------------------+ __________________________________________ 'there is NO .::::::. \______ /___ _____/_____ \____ \ dog' :(@-@-): _/ /_ \ __/___/. // / // / | < |: \_____/ /___ /___ /___ / | __)| /_____/ /_____/ /_____/ /_____/ `----' +------------+ amiga scene dewd +-------------+ _______/\ _______/\ ______/\ _________/\ 'was it a _.----._ / _____ \ ___ \ _____ \__ ______ \ virus or a (|o O |) /\______ \_\ \___ \ \___ \ \_/ \ trojan?' | L | \_____ /_____/ \_____/ \_____ \ | -- | \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ `----' +--------------+ second member +--------------+ ___ ___ ______/\ 'CHOP! ...... ______ __( )______ _____(. )___ / ___ / CHOP! ||oO (|| | ___ | | | | | | | _\_____ \ CHOP!' < \ |\__ \| | | | |___| __|/// \_/ / | >8 ) |______|__|___|______|______|__|___| \______/ | / +----------------+ ascii god +----------------+ `---' :_______ _____ ____ /\ _____ _____: 'where's the ________ | _ _ | _ | _ |__) _ | _ | $$$ for the \_\_/__/ | | | | | | | | | | | | | _ CD's?' (_o o _) | | | | | | |_| | | | | | |\/||_||\ | |< | |__|_| |___ |_ | |_ |___ |__| | | || || \| |___ | : \__| \__|\_| \_| \__| \__| =========== `----' +----------------+ dominator +----------------+ ___ 'i'm back' _______ ___| ) ____/(______ /( _______ _____ //_____\\ | | / _ / ____) _ \__) ____) ____) _\\ @ @ //_ | _ \|_|_\___ \| __/ | __) __) \_/\_-_/\_/ |___|___) (_______/|__| |__|__| |__| +------------------+ picer +------------------+ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ 'we'll have .oOOo. ___/___/_/___/__/.__/__/. / ___/.__/__/.__/___ 200+ asciis | | \______ \ _____/ _____/ /_/ / _____/ _____/ per pack!' |OO--8 / \_____/__/_/. __/_/. / / / __/__ __/__ |__. | /___/ /_______/______/___/____/______/______/ `----' +--------------+ mass-producer +--------------+ _ ___ _ __ _ ____ _ _ __ _ ____ _ _ 'so, am i .@@@@. / \ / \ / / / / / \ /_ / . / / in?' |o O ) /____/ /___/ / /___/ /___/ / / /___/ |d | /_ / /_ \ /___/ /_ / /_ / /___/ / /_ \_ ( `-' ) \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ `----' +------------+ kid on the block +-------------+ )\____)\____)\____)\____)\__ )\____)\___ _ 'what? no :::::. / / / / _ / ____/__ \ / / /__/ _ pot for this +00 +: . /__/___ / _ _/ ____//_ / / __/ / / ascii?' |4 |: / / / / / / / / / / / / / / / . ( |__ |: _ __/_____/_____/_____/__/__/ /__/__/__/_____/ )//--' +----------------+ dope dude +----------------+ * colly nr. 6... the smallest ever... ok, it was little, but not that little... THE END... CLICK... after having meet motion in person, i made this one... no offence, but he's as weird as the rest of us... and heavily inspired of american psycho... (we just can't fuck someone without turning maniac, and then chill down by watching some tv-show) . __________ .:%:. / \ ..:%%%%:.. / \ .%:%:ck!:%.%. / ______ \ .:%%%%::. \ <___ \ / .:%:. \______ \ \/ . _:______\ \ __________________________________________:_ | /\___/ / __ __ __ _ _ __________ | | \_____/ |__)(_/_,| '| | ) / \ | | | / \ | | / ______ \ | | WE WANNA FUCK YOU IN \ <___ \ / | | YOUR MOUTH, AND THEN \______ \ \/ | | GO WATCH SOME TV.... \ \ | | /\___/ /|_ __ |_ . __ __ : HUGE PORN/VIOLENCE CONFS \_____/ |__)(__||__)|(__)| ) o o .oOo.________________________________________________.oOo. the 7th ascii colly was done in a single weekend, so it got kinda trivial... nothing brilliant or genious, just the usual fine asciis (did i hear someone hark?).... i liked this one... found it kewl with the perspective of being in something big... (ermn... used to kinda small beds)... )\ _________________________________________ / \ | | (____) _________ | _________ . ) | |___ |/ _____)___|_/ ___ __\______ . | |_ / / \ __/ \ | ======|_ \________________/________________/ck! . |====== | | | . . | |_ | _____|___ . _________ | | | ____(_____ \______________/ ___ __\______ | | | / ___ \ ___ \ __/ \ | ======| |===\_______________/________ \_______________/ |====== | | | (__________/ | : : | . . | . . | . _____ . ___ . | | ___|o o| ___|o| | | . |o |______ | | __ | |_______| o |___| o o|______||_| oh yeah!, and then it was around the time when i stated 'working' for the danish army... still do, and still hate it, and still wish i had drawn some higher number... fuck that! _ _ (_)_ _(_) PLAF POW ( _ ) .--_--. ( _ ) \\> _____|___|_____ <// \\ / _____ \ // /\\ \___ _|o O|_ ___/ //\ \/.\ __(__ - __)__ /.\/ (://\/ _ \_/ _ \/\\:) \____/|_______|\____/ /(____()()_()()____)\ [ck!^mili] _________________________(__________|__________)________________________ the 8th ascii colly was the ascii colly i had the funniest time doing... think i started out drinking with some friends saturday morning, got some fresh pot-supplies later that day, and turned into 'total-good-mood-state' around 1800... well.. then i did the puking ascii colly, and dropped dead around 2300 ... sad... felt so good that i even did an ascii with the name of one of my friends... (even though he isn't actually called apichart, but henrik?) _____ __/\__ _________ __ _________ _________ / \ ______ \ oO / ____/ ___/ _ \/ __ / _ / / _/ \ _ \/_--_\___________/_ / / __/ \_ \_ / /___/ / /_ / /____/ \/ / ________/ / / / / \ /_ __/ / / / / / / / / /____/ / / /_____/ /______/ / / /______/ / /___/_____/ /_____/ /____/ / /____/ /__________/ /_____/ ^=====/ /___================================================================^ /_______/ ____________ /_________ \ _______ _____ / / \ __ \_____ / \ / / / _/ / \ / / __/ / / / / \ \/ / / /_____________/ /_____/_____\ /____/ck! /____/ \__/ amongst the more serious logos was one for the state of the food i'd just slipped down... (up/down - any difference?) _______ __/\__ _____ _____\ \ __________ ___ ____ \ oO / / /__ / /\ \/ ______/___ / \ / \ ______/_--_\/ ___/_ / //\\ \ | \ _ \ / _ \_ _ \/ _ _/ \/ \_ / \_ \______/\_______/________/___\ \/ /________\ /___\_______/_________/ \___/ck! \__/ my latest works.. ascii colly nr. 9... i digged out this font which i found totally kewl.... it's chinda hard to read though, but who really gives a damn... .-===============================================-. | ':::::| __ .____ .__:________ ':::: ______\__ \_\ ___.__ \_ ^space for info/psycho stuff^ ':| / __. \_ \_________/ ^hot babes/killing scenes/dope^ .| \ \; _____/ \ . ^ ermn... do i care?^ | .:==\_____/====|_______\ .::. . :|=======:. | .:.:::::. .| : | . .:::. . _________, :| /| | ______, __._._ ______, \ __/___, :| ____, / |_|_/_ /___/ /__ __/______: ___\__.___ / | _/ __/___/_.| / \_/ /_ ___/ ______ | / / \; / .| \_____ /__ /____ / /___ | / ;/ / / | / | / | /\__ | / / /______/ : / / _/ .:| / ; / __. / / /_______/ /_____| /____/ `---' .:::: .:=/_______/====|/|:/____/ |/ .:::::|=======:. : |::. : .::::ck!| `-===============================================-' still abusing my brain to get weird ideas...... ___________________________ ____(_ _ _ _)_ (______________________________..__) || s t a i r w a y t o h e a v e n || ...... || _ _ ::::::.... :.:::: || .________ ____ //\___ ___:____. ::.:.:.::: :::.:: || _\ _____ __\//\__ _ | /_ .::.::.::: ::::.: || ._\____ \ \/ \_ _ \_. ::.:::.:::....::: || _ __ _\\___________/_ ______/____|______//_ ___ __::::::.:::.::.:::ck!__|| __ : ^ space for info/business/text/ascii/dope/whatever ^ _ __ _____ _ ___ _______ _ _ _____ __ _ _________ ____ __________ _ _ _ that's all for now... hope you've enjoyed all those asciis... (i didn't, but then again, it's probably more phun just to scroll though this shit than putting it all together).... ermn... if you feel you want something from me in form of ascii or dope or shit or whatever then mail me on anonymous psychosis, or any other danish board i'm on, since i'ill only be able to call domestic Calls for the next few months... (my 12v-230v transformer broke down, so no more grey-boxing for now)... or, if you have any hardware donations for me, then just send 'em!... i need some usr28k8 for the time being :) (have bought some cheap 28k8's but the firm won't upgrade to v.34+... sad!)... hmm, seems like here's a party going on.. better get going... Cyber Kid.... btw: mail me on AP if you've missed some of my colly's, and you'll recieve a signed one for free.... baw: this might be the last ascii-colly where i'm signing with the glorious kts-signature... people from another ascii group has offered me membership... so... well.. i'll think about it... eat crack drink dope puke girls pee whiskey breath grass and be hardcore.... fatfuck and be ultra-hardcore! Greetings: Mankind... peace, dope and brotherhood, ck! . .:. ___________._____._________ .:::. \ _ _ / | | ____ /_ .:::::::. \_/ \_/ _ | \____/ / .:::::::::::. /_____\____|___|________/ end.... .:::::::. .:::. : . seems like it's gone trendy to fill the end of ones ascii colly with some useless shit... so, here goes: effects used/consumed/whatever during the making of this colly: hardware used: compaq contura notebook, mono... software used: technical editor 2.5 (THE ascii editor! - rules!), ibmdos 7.0, a defect version of norton commander, beav.com (chill!)... author used: male, 18 years, 'working' for the danish army, shorthaired, lousy attitude... food consumed: 1.5 litres of pepsi, some can-food (yuck!), 0.5 litres red label, 1 pizza #27, 2 x something-chinese (my stomach always drop dead from chinese food), around 45 danish cigarettes, 1 fresh virgin... music used: jimi hendrix - purple haze live in woodstock, the doors, pearl jam, deep purple, sepultura, metallica - ride the lightning, tom jones. chick abused: a new one.. (talked her into eating p-pills.. nice ;) hours used: donnow... 5 or 6 would be a wild guess... fatfucks gotten: still zero... @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ.-------____--____---------------------. |----> / / / / / ascii colly nr 10 | |---> / /_/_/ __/_ <------------------| |--> / / / / / <--< fatfuck! >-----| `---/_____/_/___/----------------------' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ Wow, this shit got big. Original Size: 62437 -------[ ADDS BELOW - NO ADDS IN TOP!! ]--------------------------------------- _______ _____ /_ /___ _____ __/\___ / ___/__ ______ ________ _________ __________ / ___/ / __ \ _ ___/ \_ \ __ \ __ \ __ /_/_ / / \_ __/ \_ \ \/ \/ / / \_ \ /___/__ \___/___/__\____/ / / \ / / \ / / / / / / / / / / / /____/ /___/ /_______\_/ /___/ /__/ /________/ /_______/ck! /____/ /____/ /____/ /____/ /____/ the damn kewlest ascii group around this planet... Sun Oct 22 16:50:16 1995 __ ._ __ (__ | ) (_/__ _________________..::::. _ _________ _________ .___\ / .:::·· .::·__________ ________.____ ./__\ / | \ / | . .::· /___. _/ _____| _/ _/ \_\ / | \ \ / ' __::.:::_\__ _ __/_ |__\___ __l__. \ / \ / | \ /_______/ ::::· \____ ___/ | / \ ' |___\_____/\ / l____\ /[rLf] .::::::. \____/\___ . __/_______| oS!l___\ / \/ : ··::::... \__|__/ \/ · ···· p a l a c e * MOT!ON HQ * * TRADERS DREAN HQ * * TRSI RECORDZ DK HQ * * DREAMCHART HQ * * HOODLUM DK HQ * * DATA DIVISION EHQ * * PUZZLES HQ * a4ooo/o4o/25/2.5Gb/1x33.6DS/1x28.8DS/1x16.8DS Amiga/Ascii/Consol/PSX tHe oNEs mAK!Ng iT rUn ZINKO^PLAYMATE^SISko^BILBO BAGGIn^NEIL/FLT^LABEL/LSD-DD UFOK/MsT^LsD^PsG^iHS^FURY/PSG/M!/SYS/HLM^DELIVERYMAN <0> +45-58ASK4IT 3NDs RD <0> . . _____: . O o O _____|_____. _____ .) |____o [ t . H . E - y . A . R . d ]_o . _| / .|_____/_ /_ : _ | : \ / |/ / _// \ . ahs . bgirl . arcade . srz . tac . | |____/|____/ /__________\ . lp! . soia . pnk . omen . mce . pph . | /______/ _ _: _____ ______ __________ ________: \\\. / /__________\_ /_/ _ // ._ /. consoles.amiga.graffiti ! / /| / _ \ / / |/ | ascii.hiphop.mp3.ibm/pc |/_____ /____\_______\___\________________| classics.drugs.linux/dd :_ t^/____/ _. zANEr/diPSWiTCH/hAsH/cRAZY | (_____________)| ___________ _______ _ ______: one of the finest in +49 _ _ ___) (_) : #1 33k6. #2 28k8. #3 64k isdn #4 64k isdn #5 telnet #6 telnet #7 telnet #8 telnet