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[33k6] З | | | | З nODE 3-5: 193.13.228.ASK.FOR.IT [tELNET] З | |__ __| |_/________________________________________________________/\ ______\_| \/ _ _\_________________________________________________/_ _ _ __/_____ _) (_ / / | ______ ______ ______ | _ __/____ __\ \ ________\__ \ __\ \ / /_____/________ ___ / / / \ \/ ___ / \/ \ \/ / / _ \/ \ \ / \ \ \_____/\ \ |\ \ \ / \ \ \ \ \______\_____\____\_____\_____\__________\ \__/\______\____/_____\ \ | \ / /kRm | \_____\ _| / |_ \_ _/ | " WE CAN'T EXIST, BECAUSE WE " | | " ARE TO GOOD TO BE TRUE " | | | _ __ | [З] + 4 6 - 6 5 0 - 5 5 0 7 6 9 [З] | __ _ \| |/ \ jAVA of EPSILON^DESIGN & ROOSTER of SSP^H! / |\ /| | \ Pure friendship - Disabled for everyone / | | \ Fast Validations - Cracking file areas! / | | \ Online asc2 ordering from great artists / | | \All the lastest from da amiga demoscene/ | | Worlds largest pixel area?Filled to max | _ __|_ Blazing speed and several gigs to ul on _|__ _ )_____\_________________________________/_____( / \ / \ ____. .____ _\___|-З----------------------------------------------З-|___/_ ._\ distler\jrm З qen\ssp /_. | | | +46-8-6231366 [ a so cool multinode system ] +46-8-6230196 | | | _____ _____ ________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _______ _______ / /__./ /_./ _. \.\____\/_ /.\ _\/____/._\__ /_./ __/ /____ |_ / |_ \: _|_ \/ _|_ \/ _| /__/ |_ \ /_____/_______/___ : \_/___ / \./ zZ \____\___________/_____\ -----------------------: ___/----/_______|_______\---------------------- | : | | | | fast amiga З magic pc games З quality ascii | |_ ____. da jormas swedish one .____ _| //____|-З----------------------------------------------З-|____\\ i.N.T.E.R.C.H.A.N.G.e - "iT's aLWAYs bEEn tHERe!" __ _ _______ _____ | |__ _.__ ._/______|_ /_____ ___ _____ _____ s: : \| : / | _ / / _/_. /_: :_\__ |__ _:__ _/_ _ _ __s c|_/| \ |/__| _)_/___\___/|__/ |_ /: / : \| | /l_ : /_ /c ---/ 7___/---l_____|--. /______| _//_|__7__/| \ l/____:/ _)_/ /____| : `------/____l___|----/ 7___/-:---l_____|-- : /____| : fAIRLIGHT eHQ, cLASSIc & qUARTEX sHQ, mOTION sHQ (AMIGA) :oLDSKOOL cONSOLE sHQ & sTYLE sCANDINAVIAN hQ: : jISM aND fAST eHQ, nCA sHQ, nFC sHQ : - ------------ї--------------------------------------------ї------------- - PRINCIP - HURRICANE - PITCH - lOGIC - rING+rING - sYS UFOk - BILBO BAGGINS - sLA\/ER^iRONCODE! - FLATLINE&SNAPCASE - ------------ї--------------------------------------------ї------------- - : NODE1: +46-rING-dOWN - 33k6 : : NODE2: +46-rING-dOWN - 33k6 : : NODE3: +46-rING-dOWN - 33k6 : : NODE4: 194.xxx.xx.xxx - TELNET : : NODE5: 194.xxx.xx.xxx - TELNET : : NODE6: 194.xxx.xx.xxx - TELNET : - ------------ї--------------------------------------------ї------------- - 3nDz riNGdoWN 33k6 v.eVERYTHING, 3nDz TELNET (24hRs oFcUZ!) sUPPORTING aMIGA, cONSOLE, pC-gAMES, c64 aND aSCii/aNSi poWEREd bY a3OOO/O4O/4O, 27mB RAM, 4gB scsi-II dRiVes - ------------ї--------------------------------------------ї------------- - : : ______ _____ _____ ___.-___ __ _____ _____ ______ _) _Y _Y _Y (__) | _Y __Y _Y (_ \_ | \_ | \_ l_\_ _/\_ \_ _/\_ l_\_ | _/ | | | | | | l | | | l | | | | | l__| l_____l__| l__ l__| l__ l__| l__| | `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' ______ _____ ___.-______ _____ _____ _) ._ Y_ _Y (__) _Y _Y __| \_ |/ / | \_ | \_ | \_ |_\_ _/_ | __/ . | l | . | l | l | l__| l__| l__ l__| l__ l__ | 2F `--' `--' `--' `--' `--' 3nds Ringdown loaded with AMIGA/ASCII/CONSOLE/PSX/MAC 4040 26mb 3.1gb cd-rom 2/33.6ds 1/28.8ds 3/TELNET * TRSI RECORDZ DKHQ * DREAMCHART HQ * HOODLUM DK HQ * * MOT!ON HQ * ROYAL HQ * TRADERS DREAM HQ * STYLE HQ * * LSD HQ * DATA DIVISION EHQ * POLKA BROS. WHQ * PUZZLE WHQ * * LOOKER HOUSE EHQ * ROYAL MAC SCHQ * OLDSKOOL HQ * * SAVE OUR SOULS HQ * ARTWORK EHQ * REBELS WHQ * THE PROTECTORS ARE: ZINKO^PLAYMATE^SISko^BILBO BAGGIn^NEIL/FLT^BLACK PANTHER/PSG UFOK/MsT^LsD^PsG^iHS^FURY/PSG/M!/SYS/HLM^DELIVERYMAN <0> +45 58ASK4IT <0> <0> +FIND ON IRC <0> Addies above. Oh no, another release from that punkass wanna-be cyberkid? .______ .________ ._______ _. _________| /____| /_____| / |___ .:::. \__ | / \___ __/. _ | / .__/____ ___oO :: \ | / _ _/ |_ \ | / | / ___(___ _ : .--- \_ ___/_ / __/_______/---\____/ \___ _/ ------ \ \/ | ---. | `----' \___/ `-----' \_ _____ | | | - the joint venture - `--' / | | | ._____ ____ ._______ ________ _________ | | _______| \ __/________ _____ _________ __| / __ / ______/___ | | \ | / ________/ _ /. __/ /| / / _/_. _______/ | `- \ | / / / / | | / _ | / _/ck!' \_ | _/_________/----/_____|______|---\_____/____/-------'--------' `----' .____________ ______ .:::::::. .-----.__|__ __ / / _| |_ _| __ / / /_. /__/__( (o O) __))_ _______________ ______ _\\_ | / _ | _______ ' | /__. .__\ | ______/----/_______|______/ck| _, | p r e p h a s e | | |_____| `-.___.-' | | seems like you've stepped right into the pre-face. actually i love | | writing this shit, but you know.. gotta keep my reputation clean and | | 'leet enough not to loose my free-leeches .. more about our | | main subject will probably follow when i get carried away doing some | | few warm-up asciis. | | - have fun, cyberkid^looking for one | |___ ___| /_____________________________________________________________________\ No index, no nothing, its ascii you want, and its ascii you get. __ __/_________ _. __/_______________________________ _. ______________/_ _ / ._ _ . ___ _|_ / __ _ __ ___ _|_ _ ___ __ / _the | (//)( \ )\__, _________ _\/_____/__ \__)(_/_,\ )\__,(__)\ '(_/_, ___ (_| \/\ / . . organised konfusion \ / sticky for: / / says: \/ / _ _/_ ___________________________________________________________________/__ _ / / ______ _ _________________ _____________ ______ ._\ /\ /_. ______ / \ .________ ._ | __)_____\___ __________ _______ / _ \ _________|_ /________|/_ _ : \ __ -,/ ___ / ____/___/ _ \\ _ /.____/. ___|____ / \___||___/\ _/ /_. \_ | \ \_ / | |_ ._________\__ \___ _ ___/____\______|---/______|--\_____/--/______|______//_| _ / .`---' _\ _ | / /__ | \/ | ___/ / | _ _|___________/__ :.______//_ _ \| .____\ / .___| / put your stats around here | _ (| | | / | \) | | /_ |_______\---| |___| \ _ .______. _____ ._______ _ __ _ : ___|______\ \___ _____| |__ /_____ ______|_. / _)_\/_(__ _________ \_ _ _/ _ /. _/ // / __|___/. . \/. \ _ /. \_ / _/ / | _/ // /_ \ |_ __/\____/\ / | : \______/ ---/______| | _______(|__________\_____/_ - ____/--/______| _ _\ _ _|______|ck! `---' . . \/ \| | |__ __| /_ ________ _ __________ _ ___\ __ __/_________ _. __/_______________________________ _. ______________/_ _ / ._ _ . ___ _|_ / __ _ __ ___ _|_ _ ___ __ / _the | (//)( \ )\__, _________ _\/_____/__ \__)(_/_,\ )\__,(__)\ '(_/_, ___ (_| \/\ / . . sticky \ / sticky for: / / says: \/ / _ _/_ ___________________________________________________________________/__ _ / / _. _ _ ._______ _ _\|____ ______//_ _ _ _\\___________.______|____ / _________ .____| / / /____. \ _______|___ ___/_/. _____/_|__ | /_/__ / | _\________ / | |_ | \ / /| / / |______/--/_________|--|________\ /_|_ _ +------ - ______/|_____| - --------------------- - ck!/_____/ \| - ---+ _ __\ _ \/ __ __/_________ _. __/_______________________________ _. ______________/_ _ / ._ _ . ___ _|_ / __ _ __ ___ _|_ _ ___ __ / _the | (//)( \ )\__, _________ _\/_____/__ \__)(_/_,\ )\__,(__)\ '(_/_, ___ (_| \/\ / . . sewers of mystery \ / recall for: / / says: \/ / _ _/_ ___________________________________________________________________/__ _ / / _________________________________ ___________ ____ ... _________ .__\ _. . . .. :.: /__. : _ _\|__________ ._____.__________ . ._ | _________ | __ /---| /| __ / ___________ __________|/_ _ .\ ____/____|_ / /__ /| \ / /__ ____ / __| . \_________ / __/ / _ \_ __/ / __/ /_._ \ : / /_________/--/|______/________/____\_______|__________\ . . _______/ .... ...:.. . . _ _\ _ ..:. __\ _ . ... ....... :..: ____ :..: \/ :.: \/ : _ \__ ' . . . (//)\ : : _ _______ . .___________ _ . .___/ \----\ /____._______ _______|___ __ / ___________ ____//_ _ __/ _ \ /) | ____/____ ___/ / /__ ____ / /_______ \_ _ \ \_ /|______ / | __/ / __/ /_. /) _/ |__/ \ ____/_____/ / /___ _|__________/____\_______|__ / . _ /_______\ _ .. _________/ \| ... /_____/ck! \/ .....:.. _ _\ _ ...:... ... .. ..:.:..... _ /_ . : : \/ :..: :.: \/ : :__ :....: __| /____________ _________________ _______________ _________\ _______ _____ ______ ______ ._\ /_. | place info around here | |__ __| /________________ _ _ ___ _ ________ _____________ __\ __ __/_________ _. __/_______________________________ _. ______________/_ _ / ._ _ . ___ _|_ / __ _ __ ___ _|_ _ ___ __ / _the | (//)( \ )\__, _________ _\/_____/__ \__)(_/_,\ )\__,(__)\ '(_/_, ___ (_| \/\ / . . wasted youth \ / dansken for: / / says: \/ / _ _/_ ___________________________________________________________________/__ _ / / _. /\ _ _\|____ / \ .__________ .______ ________| /__._/ _ \ ._______ ________|__ __ /_____| / .--- \__ | / _ _ \| ____/_\___ __/ / /__ _ (| ---. | \ _ | \ \_ _____ / | __/ / (/ | ck!| `------ \---/|______|---\_____/ / /-----|_________/______\----|_ --' _\ _ _____________/ _| _ _ |/ \/ _ __\ _ \| \/ _. _, _, _ _ __\|________ ._ ____(_ __ _)___ __________//_ _ | / .|_______/_._____\/______\ _______ __\ _ / .------ _| /----|| __ | . || . // __/ _\ \/ -----. | _ _\\_ /) | / |\____||____// | _ | | `------- |____ /|_________/\___ ,_ ___/_______|------\______|_ ----' /____// `----' |/ /_ _ __ __/_________ _. __/_______________________________ _. ______________/_ _ / ._ _ . ___ _|_ / __ _ __ ___ _|_ _ ___ __ / _the | (//)( \ )\__, _________ _\/_____/__ \__)(_/_,\ )\__,(__)\ '(_/_, ___ (_| \/\ / . . permanent vacation \ / mic^flair for: / / says: \/ / _ _/_ ___________________________________________________________________/__ _ / / .____//_ \\_ _ _ _\|____ .________|_ __/_______ ______ ____/\____ _______ _________| _/________ | _ / ________/ _ / _ \__\__ \-\ _ /. ______._/____ | / / / / __/ /_. / _ _/ _. \_ / | ._____| / | /____//_______/____\_______|__/ \___| \| __/-/______|___| _ | / _|/ _ /_ .---------- /______\ - \______/---------. | \ //_ \/ \/ |||| _ /_ _ ck!| |____\___/___ ________ |oO_) \/ | \__ __/ _______) \ /\ |'-\ | | | _____.._____ \ \`-- _______ --------------- .________ --' |_____| / || \ /_ \ / _ / ______ _____|____ /__________ _ ________ \\ . || . //_ \/ |__/___.__\__ \ __/__/. _ _ \ \ _/ \\____||____// \ \_ ' | _. \_ | |_(/ _(/ / \ | \__ ,_ __/---\\____/-/_______| \| __/-----|______/_ (_) __/__\ | `----' _ _\ _ _|\______/ _ _ ||||| `-----' \/ \| __ __/_________ _. __/_______________________________ _. ______________/_ _ / ._ _ . ___ _|_ / __ _ __ ___ _|_ _ ___ __ / _the | (//)( \ )\__, _________ _\/_____/__ \__)(_/_,\ )\__,(__)\ '(_/_, ___ (_| \/\ / . . dream phase \ / bubba for: / / says: \/ / _ _/_ ___________________________________________________________________/__ _ / / /\ ._____ .______ / \ _ ._______| / ___________| ___/____/__ \ _____/ \_____ | _ (| ____ / ________/ \ _ \__ .- | \) | __/ /_. / / \ \_ / _ _//_ ---------. | _|_______\----'----\_______|______//----\_____/--/ \____|_ | _\ \| __/_ _ /_______\ |//_ _ | |__ \/ /\ | __/_ _. _________ / \ _______ .____ | (o)o) _ __ _\|__________ _\ _ // _ \ _ / | _/_______ | ,___) | _ / _\ \/ _ \ _|_/____ ______/ | .-----' . | _/ _ | \ \_ ___ / / / | `----------------------- | |-----\_____|---\_____/ / /_______//_ --' _| | /_______/ck! \________| __ __/_________ _. __/_______________________________ _. ______________/_ _ / ._ _ . ___ _|_ / __ _ __ ___ _|_ _ ___ __ / _the | (//)( \ )\__, _________ _\/_____/__ \__)(_/_,\ )\__,(__)\ '(_/_, ___ (_| \/\ / . . terra firma \ / psyche for: / / says: \/ / _ _/_ ___________________________________________________________________/__ _ / / _. /\ ______. _\|_____ ._________ / \ __\ |____| __/________ _______| _ / / _ \ _ \___ .___/____ _______/ __ / / _/___./ _ \\\_ _ ... \ | / / / __/ /_. _ | \ \_ .................. : _ \__ _/______/----\_______|_____\-----'---\_____/ck! _ : : (_) `-----' _\ _ _ /_ _ _ (_) : : ._______ _________ \/ _ \/ __/ \__ : :. _ .______|___ / _ / ____/ \_____ _/___ __\__ : :: (_) _| _/__/. / _/___. _ \_\ .|| . /_) : ::. _\\_ _/ |_ _ | _ \ _/\___||___/\ _ .: ::::::............ |. |______/_____\-----'--/ \____| __ ,_ _____\\.::: ||______| _ /_______\ `---' |_ \/ __ __/_________ _. __/_______________________________ _. ______________/_ _ / ._ _ . ___ _|_ / __ _ __ ___ _|_ _ ___ __ / _the | (//)( \ )\__, _________ _\/_____/__ \__)(_/_,\ )\__,(__)\ '(_/_, ___ (_| \/\ / . . psyche \ / psyche for: / / says: \/ / _ _/_ ___________________________________________________________________/__ _ / / ._ .-----.____ _ _|/____ .________ __________ _______/\_ _ _| __ /_____ / /___|__ _ / .___\ _ / __ // \_ | / ___/___ /) _/ |__/___. _\ \/ / /__ _____ _ | _____/_____ /_ / ' | _ | __/ / ___ __ ._\ | _ | / / /_____/---/_______|---\______|_________/ck! /_. | _|//___| _____/ _ /_ _ | | \/ _ \ _ \/ | |__ \/ __| /___________ _______ _ __ _________\ .__ _. _ _|_/____ __ _ |_/_ -------- \___/\ '(_/_,/ \| /, - on ------------------------------------------ // \ .-----------------------------------------------------------------------------. | | | okay, the 'joint venture' story.. | |(__ ___) | | (__ ___) ______ on my trip to the states this summer, i, my girl | | ( //_____\ and two other punks we've met wanted to go some- | | ) . _\\ Oo / where quiet to smoke some grass we'd just bought.| | *==\\_/\_-_/________ 15 mins later we were in some big park, rolled | | (/ \ |:__ /__/ ' our joints, and started smoking. this seemed like| | \___/ |: \\_\/ a really nice little 'joint adventure', but... | | / |: \ suddenly some old homeless jerk pulls a knife | | ---------/____|____\------ and wants our money. some dumbass yells for a | | ========================== park-cop, and.. well.. the old-homeless-dumbster | |. runs away, and the fucking cop take us and our | |: joints to the police-station instead.. bummer! | |::... | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' .__ _. _ _|_/____ __ _ |_/_ -------- \___/\ '(_/_,/ \| /, - off ----------------------------------------- // \ __ __/_________ _. __/_______________________________ _. ______________/_ _ / ._ _ . ___ _|_ / __ _ __ ___ _|_ _ ___ __ / _the | (//)( \ )\__, _________ _\/_____/__ \__)(_/_,\ )\__,(__)\ '(_/_, ___ (_| \/\ / . . pandarve \ / floppy robby for: / / says: \/ / _ _/_ ___________________________________________________________________/__ _ / / _. /\ _ _______ _ _\|_______ .______ / \\ ___________ ._____ ____ ._________/_ _..__\__ ___| /__| // _ \ __ /__| \ __/_____ | _ / __ -,/ _ | / _ /| _ \ / _/_. | / ______/ | / /___||___/\ \ | / \) | \ \_ _ | | / / / | /______/__ ,_ ____\--\____/______\----'--\_____/___\-----' | _/______//_ _|/ _ ___ `---' ____ _ /_ _________________________ ck!\___/ ________ \/__\ \/ /__ put stats around here. ___ ___ /_________________ _____________ _________________\ __ __/_________ _. __/_______________________________ _. ______________/_ _ / ._ _ . ___ _|_ / __ _ __ ___ _|_ _ ___ __ / _the | (//)( \ )\__, _________ _\/_____/__ \__)(_/_,\ )\__,(__)\ '(_/_, ___ (_| \/\ / . . boheme \ / boheme for: / / says: \/ / _ _/_ ___________________________________________________________________/__ _ / / ________. _______ __________ ___ .__________ \ |______ / \____\ _ / __/______ /\_____| __ / .--- \ _ /_ _ __/_\ \/ _______/_ \__ / /__ ---. |ck!. \ (/ | / _/ _ | / / / _ _/ __/ / .::| `----- `---/_______|\_______/ ----\______|______/---/ \____|________/ ----' /______\ __ __/_________ _. __/_______________________________ _. ______________/_ _ / ._ _ . ___ _|_ / __ _ __ ___ _|_ _ ___ __ / _the | (//)( \ )\__, _________ _\/_____/__ \__)(_/_,\ )\__,(__)\ '(_/_, ___ (_| \/\ / . . style \ / boheme + style crew for: / / says: \/ / _ _/_ ___________________________________________________________________/__ _ / / _______ ________ ._ _. _________ .__\ _ _____|/_ .______ ._______ _\|______ /__. | __ ______ _\ |____ _| /___|__ _ /___|__ __/_______ | | // ___/_____ .___/_\__ /) _/ \/ __/ ________//_ | | /_______ / | /__ / / / / | | +-- / /___ _/ /____//__________/_________/ --+ | |___ _______/ `-----' /_ / ___| /_____ _\ _ _ /_ ______\ck! \/ \/ __ __/_________ _. __/_______________________________ _. ______________/_ _ / ._ _ . ___ _|_ / __ _ __ ___ _|_ _ ___ __ / _the | (//)( \ )\__, _________ _\/_____/__ \__)(_/_,\ )\__,(__)\ '(_/_, ___ (_| \/\ / . . xclusive \ / xclusive for: / / says: \/ / _ _/_ ___________________________________________________________________/__ _ / / _. _ ._____ .______ ____\||/_____ .______ ._____ ____ _____| / ___. | _ /_/____ ..______\ _____ | / __| \ __/_____ .-\_ | / _ / _|___|_. \/ __/.|| . // ___/_|__ _/. | / ______/ |___\ _. /_/// \| | /___||____//______ / |_ | / / / | | \| \\___________|______/__ ,_ ____/ / /_____/__.___/_______/ | |\ \ \_ `---' ________/ | `-\_____\-----' --------------------------- _\ _ -----------------------------' \/ __ __/_________ _. __/_______________________________ _. ______________/_ _ / ._ _ . ___ _|_ / __ _ __ ___ _|_ _ ___ __ / _the | (//)( \ )\__, _________ _\/_____/__ \__)(_/_,\ )\__,(__)\ '(_/_, ___ (_| \/\ / . . dark portal \ / arch angel for: / / says: \/ / _ _/_ ___________________________________________________________________/__ _ / / ..........:.......... .. : .. . : . . : . . : . : _/_ : ._ _ ._____/ : .______ _// \__: |___________ __| // ._______| / __. .___\_ __ / | / .------------- | _ /| . | |. // / _/_. _ /_ -------------. | | \) | __| |___/ \ _ |__| \ | `------------ _|_______\-----'____________\ ___\-----' |______\ -----------' \| : _. : /\ : : _ _\| ______. / \ ._____ .-----.____ ________|__________\_ |____ / _ \ | _ /_______ .--- _| __ / __ | ____ / .___/___/._ \ \/ __/ ---. | _\\_ | / / | __/ /_. | / \ \_ / ck!| `---- | _____/__________/|____\_______|___ _/---\_____/_______//_ ----' | | : _ /_ _ : `-----' _ _\ _ : |_____| : \/ : \/ : : : : :.....................:.....................: : __ __/_________ _. __/_______________________________ _. ______________/_ _ / ._ _ . ___ _|_ / __ _ __ ___ _|_ _ ___ __ / _the | (//)( \ )\__, _________ _\/_____/__ \__)(_/_,\ )\__,(__)\ '(_/_, ___ (_| \/\ / . . drifters \ / zinko for: / / says: \/ / _ _/_ ___________________________________________________________________/__ _ / / _. . __\|______ __________ ______ ________ : .__________ ________/ ._____| / __ / / ____/ |____ | __ / __ // ________ | _ (| / /_.____/. ___ .___/_|__ / /__ / _/_. ____/__ | \) | _ | |_ | | / __/ / _ | _____ / |_______\---'---/_______|______/ .|\__ _/________/___/------' / / . ck! _ /_ | :| `-----' ________// _\__ _ \/ ___ : . ___ _\ _ __/_ \ . \/ / __ __/_________ _. __/_______________________________ _. ______________/_ _ / ._ _ . ___ _|_ / __ _ __ ___ _|_ _ ___ __ / _the | (//)( \ )\__, _________ _\/_____/__ \__)(_/_,\ )\__,(__)\ '(_/_, ___ (_| \/\ / . . looker house \ / zinko for: / / says: \/ / _ _/_ ___________________________________________________________________/__ _ / / ._ ________. _ __ _ .|____/ ____ __________/ .... \_ | ________ ___(_\/_)___ _|| // ___/_____ __ // : : | |/ _ (\ . || . /) | / _______/ / _/_. :..:.. . | | / |\___||___/| _ /_ / / _ ||_ _ ....: .--- | |_ _______/| (__) |__| \_____/_____/------' -------------/ | |_______/ck! . | ,_ | |______\ (_. | ... _ /_ . .:.. `--.____.--' the window-peeper group :) | | :.:. \/ .. :.: ______ _ | | . _ _________ ______) \ ._______//_ _ . | | ...:. _\|____\ _ / ______ / ____..___ \ ______|_. ___/_______ . | |__ :..: | _\ \/ __ \ / . || . \ / __| _________//_.:.. | ) | _ | / \\____||___//_ \ / / :.: | /-------- |_____\_____|__________/\__ ,_' __/___________\______/ -----------' `---' __ __/_________ _. __/_______________________________ _. ______________/_ _ / ._ _ . ___ _|_ / __ _ __ ___ _|_ _ ___ __ / _the | (//)( \ )\__, _________ _\/_____/__ \__)(_/_,\ )\__,(__)\ '(_/_, ___ (_| \/\ / . . braindead \ / aqua for: / / says: \/ / _ _/_ ___________________________________________________________________/__ _ / / /\ .__________ ___________ / \ __/\__ _| __ / __ / / _ \ \(oO)/ __________ \_ | _ /_. / _/_. _ \/_ ,_\. _ /. ____ _ _ | (/ | _ | \ \_\/ |_ / | ____ _((____)) _____ _ ._\ `---/______|____\------'--\_____/_____/--/______|ck! /_. | ____ _ __ _ ____ _ _ | | _) (_(_\/_)_) (_ .----.______ _______ _(____)_ _______. | | __) ( \\/\// ) (__ _| __ / __ /____ ___\_ ____\ |_ | | )_ __\o)()(o/__ _( \_ | / / /__ \/ / _/ | |__ )__( )_||||||_( )__( | | / __/ /___/\___/ \ (\ | __| /_ ____ _|:|:||_ ______ |_______/__________/___ __ ____/_______\---' __\ ((__.--.__))_) `--' __ __/_________ _. __/_______________________________ _. ______________/_ _ / ._ _ . ___ _|_ / __ _ __ ___ _|_ _ ___ __ / _the | (//)( \ )\__, _________ _\/_____/__ \__)(_/_,\ )\__,(__)\ '(_/_, ___ (_| \/\ / . . food.diz + pop \ / darktrooper for: / / says: \/ / _ _/_ ___________________________________________________________________/__ _ / / Вп ппп п п п пп пппп плмм пВ млллллплпмлллппллллм лллппллллм лллппллллм one мллллллм лллл АА ллллл л АА ллллл л ck ллллВ | Влллллм пллл млллВ ллВ млллл ллл млллл <--|-. А ппппппп ппппппп ппппппп ппппппп А | | А А `-' Б Б Вмн12/12/96омм м м ммм м м ммн1/1омВ ._______. .__________ _______. ________._| _.| .-|._ _/ _ |/ _ | _ ||-. | || _/ / / / | \ | | two ------------------> ck! | ________/|________/|_________|_| | |_______| The food-monkeys try hard on: | | | `------------------------------------------' ::::: :::: ::: _ __ _ ._____ :::: .:___(_\/_)__ __________ ____| /_ .--. ::::/ _____ ____\ _ \ _. ( \ | | .: :::\ \__o_)(o__// / / \| / <--' | -ck!:::\___ ,_ ___/__________/___________/-- | .:::: `---' З F З O З O З D З `-- three -------------------------------------------- _ _ _____ __(. ____ ) _______ _______( __(_ _))_ _(_ :_(____)______ \ ____\_____ : _)_ .-----> _| ________) ) (__________) |_ ck! `----. .((________) ________/ ______/ _________))_. four --------' |) (| ( ) |) (| ( ) |)[coder:muggimanden]________________[1/1](| мпппм п м лн В м л м мп п пм мп п пм мп п пВ .---. лп лн мп л лн п л л ол [1/1] | | А мп л А л м ААоВ л мп АоВ лнАck!А В ААААА <--|---' оВ пм м мп пм м мп пм м мп | five ААААА А АА ААААААААА ААА АААААААААА А АААААА @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ.-----------------------------------------/ | (_. | cyberkid presents his number %Џ!"#Џ! | |_ ascii colly called 'joint venture'. | ) | /-----------------------------------------' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ ______. __________ ________ __\ |_____ ____\ _ / __ / \___ .____/___ _\ \/ / /__ .----- \ | / _ | __/ / --------------------------. | \__ _/----\______|_________/ | | `-----' | | _______ .________--.______ | | __/ ___/_______--| / __ / | | \__ ________/ | / | / | | \ / / \ | / | / | `------------------------ \_______/-----\_____/________/ ----------' ...messages and greetings and respects coming up... __ _ __ __ __ _ _ __ __ __ .- \ \//,(_/_,\__.\__./ \(___/(_/_,\__. ---------------------------------. `------------ ,__|,__| \\ ,/ ---- ,__| ---------------------------------' 1) i've finally switched my pc to an amiga, but unfortunately most of my requests were lost on the hd's :( 2) darktrooper - get on irc or something, your board malfunctions. 3) i'm looking for an ascii group to join, and eventually some affils for my board. (see addy below) 4) requests can be made preferably on my own board, but also on the northern palace, IRC and via e-mail: dat96x07@mini01.vejlees.dk (please note that the e-mail might change very soon!). 5) if you think i've ripped your style, think again :) ____ __ __ ___ __ __ _|_ __ .- \_ '(_/_,\__.\__)(_/_,(___,| )\__. ----------------------------------. `----------- ,__|_| ---------- | ,__| ----------------------------------' 2fast - dino - mortimer twang - k-spiff - tango - xclusive - stz syz - zinko - wise-k - poskgubbe - hiro - eerie - relief pride - trivial - h2o - nup! - mogue - ranx - tinyz style - ds! - twisted - trank - kts - contra __ _.____ __ __ _|_ __ .- \___|\ '(_/_,(_/_,| )\__. -------------------------------------------. `---- _| ------------ | ,__| -------------------------------------------' poul - hans - ib - grethe - motion man - zinko - enzo - wise-k darktrooper - doink - nightsky - morbid - venon - whodini - easley aod - da! - masque + alot of other people, who know who they are.. + a special to my skizo-friend muggimanden. + some love to my dear katja. todays wise: 'howcome i'm trying to compile this ascii colly all the time?' end of collection. addies below. . this file has been frozen inside . . : ____ _|_ __ : : \/ \ / \/, : : ______ ______ ______ ____ _____ ______ ______ ______: __) _ (____) __ (____) _ (__) (__ __) /_____) ___( __) _ (__) _ (__ / / _ ( _ __ __/_/ _ / _ __(__/ __ / / \___/ /\____ /\___/ \____ ( \___/ /\____ _____/ \___/ / : )___/gdm-)____/ /____/ )______/ /____/ )____/lkr/____/ )___/: : _ _ : : - - -)_)- P З A З L З A З C З E -(_(- - - : : : `----------------.- t.h.e.n.o.r.t.h.e.r.n.p.a.l.a.c.e -.-----------------' _::_ 3nds ringdown loaded with amiga/ascii/console/psx/mac _::_ \/ 4040 26mb 3.1gb cd-rom 2/33.6ds 1/28.8ds 3/telnet \/ motion З royal З traders dream З trsi recordz З dreamchart З hoodlum dkhq style З lsd З data division ehq З polka bros. З puzzle world headquarter! save our souls hq З looker house ehq З royal mac schq З oldskool hq artwork european headquarter З rebels world headquater . - - board dedushka-morozes - - . : : zinko З playmate З sisko З bilbo baggins/m! З neil/flt З deliveryman ufok/cqt^mst^lsd^psg^crx З fury/psg/m! З black panther/psg : : . -^- - -santa +45-58aSKyARSELF- - -^- . . . .--------------------------------------------------------------------------. | . __ | |_ _|______\)\ | | s| . \:|) )_________ | | c|\ .. \/ / ______._) З __ ___ __ __ __ |__ __ __ __ __ | | _|:\ ./ ( (____) --- |( ) | (--'( (___| )(__|( )`--|(--' --- | | |ЏЏ\_ _) (___) ЏЏЏ ` /__| ЏЏЏ | | Џ\______(_) | | - --{ InterChange.. "It's Always Been There!" }-- - | | | `--------------------------------------------------------------------------' [-AquaAdder v0.4-] ____. .____ _\___|-З----------------------------------------------З-|___/_ ._\ distler\jrm З qen\ssp /_. | | | +46-8-6231366 [ a so cool multinode system ] +46-8-6230196 | | | _____ _____ ________ _____ _____ _____ _____ _______ _______ / /__./ /_./ _. \.\____\/_ /.\ _\/____/._\__ /_./ __/ /____ |_ / |_ \: _|_ \/ _|_ \/ _| /__/ |_ \ /_____/_______/___ : \_/___ / \./ zZ \____\___________/_____\ -----------------------: ___/----/_______|_______\---------------------- | : | | | | fast amiga З magic pc games З quality ascii | |_ ____. da jormas swedish one .____ _| //____|-З----------------------------------------------З-|____\\ _ _\_________________________________________________/_ _ _ __/_____ _) (_ / / | ______ ______ ______ | _ __/____ __\ \ ________\__ \ __\ \ / /_____/________ ___ / / / \ \/ ___ / \/ \ \/ / / _ \/ \ \ / \ \ \_____/\ \ |\ \ \ / \ \ \ \ \______\_____\____\_____\_____\__________\ \__/\______\____/_____\ \ | \ / /kRm | \_____\ _| / |_ \_ _/ | " WE CAN'T EXIST, BECAUSE WE " | | " ARE TO GOOD TO BE TRUE " | | | _ __ | [З] + 4 6 - 6 5 0 - 5 5 0 7 6 9 [З] | __ _ \| |/ \ jAVA of EPSILON^DESIGN & ROOSTER of SSP^H! / |\ /| | \ Pure friendship - Disabled for everyone / | | \ Fast Validations - Cracking file areas! / | | \ Online asc2 ordering from great artists / | | \All the lastest from da amiga demoscene/ | | Worlds largest pixel area?Filled to max | _ __|_ Blazing speed and several gigs to ul on _|__ _ )_____\_________________________________/_____( / \ / \ .__ _________/\ ___________________________________________________ __. |_/ \/ \_| | __ ЗMo!/aLЗ _ З iNSANiTARY - iNSANE WORLD HEADQUARTER З | __)/_____ ________________\_______ __ _____ _______________ __ ______ | / ._ \ _. _ \_ \(__| |_ _ _ \ \ / | |/ \ \| _ / / \ . _/ _ _/ _/ \ \_ .___._/ ._\ \ \__._/ / | | \___\ \_. .____/ | |______|_______\____\ |___________________|_____\ \______|____| . | | |ЗcLUSTER - mETAL - sAVAGE - sNiPER - mOViEATOR - rAWFOX^aXXiS - dRAiNЗ| | | | З O-hOUR aMiGA wAREZ! - 11.OOO pT/s3M/xM/mTM/mLED mODULES oNLiNE З | | | | З nODE 1: +46-8-7595847 [33k6] - nODE 2: +46-bO-KK-AbO! [33k6] З | | | | З nODE 3-5: 193.13.228.ASK.FOR.IT [tELNET] З | |__ __| |_/________________________________________________________/\ ______\_| \/ ............................[ dЁGITAL cHAOS ]........................... :.ЗЗЗ З____ ____ __________ ____ _____ _________ _____З З ЗЗ.: ::____|_ \/ \/ _____/_/ \/ |_______\_____ \/ |_____:: :/ _ \ \ \__ \ \ ___/ \ _ \ | \: _ / \ \_ \_ \ \_ \_ \ \_ \ \_ | \ _ \\\_____________/_____/___________/_____/___________/___________/__________/// :З З: :. - Cyber Trash - [W HQ] - +39-55-717398 - .: :. - Point Of No Return - [i HQ] - +39-421-560951 - .: :: - Bridge Of Death - [s HQ] - +46-8-53176688 - :: :: - Down Town - [dist] - +39-02-48000352 - :: :: __________________ ______ _________ __________ __________ :: :: \ ______/ Y /_\_____ \/ _ \/ _____/_ .: :З / | \ _ \ _ \ | \_______ \ sox : :З _ / l \_ | \_ \ \_ ! \_ / \ _ З: :З \\\______________/___l_______/___________/___________/__________/// :: :З..... ... .. . . . . . . .. .....:: ЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗЗ _______ _______ ______ _______ ______ ._\__ //._\__ //._\ ___//_._\ _ //._\ //. d r e a m l a n d | / | /_ | __| | _ | | |_________|____/ |____ |____| |___\/ | - -------------------------------------/_____|----|____|----|____|---/____| aMIEX - fAME - tEMPEST - dAYdREAM - aMIGA - fIX - pSX - dEMO - aSCII - mODS _______ _______ ______ _______ .\ ___//._\ _ //._\__ //._\__ //. tIME/dATE: 12:10:50 04-08-96 | \ | _ | / | / | |_____ |____| |__/ |_________| oRIGINAL fILENAME: CK-JNTV.TXT -----\___|----|____|-/______|-------------------------------------------- - _ _ __ ____ _/\_ ____ __ _ . ______ _________/\_ ______ ..:::..________ _____. ______ _____ ____ \____Ќ\\__ ___/\__/ \___ Ќ\::::::::\__ _ Ќ\\__ Ќ| \____Ќ\\__ Ќ\/Ќ _/ /__Y \/Ќ Y___/ Ќ\ / Ќ\ \::::::::/\_ Y__/ /Ќ |/\ /__Y \/Ќ / \ / \__ \\ ! 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