greetings goes to   ............
Aragorn,Android, .:::::::::::::::.     Welcome to this new collection from
Babar,Czar,Car .::::  ..     ::::::.  cLONe!/aCCESs, I've decided to lay more
rera,Druid,Def ::::  .  .     .. :::.   work on my design, and I hope the
Dac,Dansken,Dasse,D .    .   .  .  :::            result will show in this
esoto,Ea <(---------: o  :  .    :---------<<<<<<  collection. Well, if I
gle,Engima,Fatal,Gas .  ..  : o  :          had a dime for each time I thought
p,Hemlige Arne,Barb : .      .  .:            of improving my collections, I'd
.................   :.    .      :........  .................... be a fckn mill
              ..  .   ....         :  .               .  ......: inaire. Well t
             .    .             ..     .               .  .....: hat is NOT a fa
a ...........:      ...... . ..  .      ......................: ct, since my sa
zo,Nurgle,Bo :        ..........        .  vings got lost in a helluva BIG phone
ggan, Xclusiw ....                     :. bill. Actually I'm quite bored on the
e,Mogue,$lab,z .:                         . so called "scene", it's nothing more
AGAx,gOOLUm,c .                            . than a bunch of teenagers having hu
K dEATh, kIL .                              . ge problems with their self-esteem
LERWolf, Wa .                               : one thing is good; though... all a
rchild, vAL :               .               . sciimakers are improving in skill
TOR, sTASH, :              :               . and people start downloading more c
cONVERSE, nI .                            . ollections. Especially "e^D" and XCZ
TZER,Norad,Roh  ......................cL!  collections; quite popular ones!...
an,Zcandaler,CoC . ....................: XCZ said in his latest collection that
o's,NightProwler^                     :.  he wanted more pix, and I tried to scr
Hoodlum^Russia,A :      .                 atch down some, I mean, it's just like
ntti Hairainnen :      .:             .  movies; what-the-people-like, we make..
,zAX,Wizard,Sh :           :         : if nobody liked ascii; no-one would make
ogun,Brunte.q :          : :         : it, would they?!... Thunder is smashing o
Nanook,morot, :         .  :         : utside, so I can't use my modem... ;(

                              La la bamba!...

             __________ __________  ___________  ______    .
    i       _\_  _____/_\_ ______/ _\_ _______/ _\_   /    :
           /    ____/ /  ____/___ /  ____/___  /     /______
     .   _/     /   _/   \      //   \      /_/    _/      /
     |   \_____/    \__________/\__________/ \____________/|
     |                                         ___ ___     |
     l__________   ______       _______ _______)    :/ _________
                | _\_   /      _\_   :/_\_    /     / _\_ _____/
                |/     /______/      //     _  ____/ /  ____/___
               _/    _/      /      //      /     \ /   \_     /
               \____________/\_____/ \_____/\_____/ \_________/
                |                                          |
      ........... .........    ________ _ .........  ..........  ________
     :.    .     :    .    : _/ _________:    ..... :   .......  \_  _   \_
     .     :    .:    :   .: \______   :/:    ...   :   .... .. /   _    _/_
     :     :     :        .:/     _/   / :    .:    :   :    .::____/     :/
      .....:    ::.......:: __________/   ...::      .......:::    /______/
            ...::       ............ _______               |
             ___|______ :.   ..     :\___   \_ .::: _____.-'
            |cL!|      :     :.     :  /     /  .   ...
             ---'      :......:     : /     / .::    ::::
                              :.....  \____/ .:::....::::.

                        " i . feel . like . nosferatu . "

    lET's hIT iT... na nananana nanana nanananananana na... I'm the real hot-
-stepper... Bzzwoi... STOP IT!...

- "I feel like Nosferatu" TAKE 2 " -

    lET's hIT iT fOR tHE:          .: REQUESTS :.

                         _           _            _               ___ _  _  _
            /\          //\         //\          //\             /
   ...........\......... ..............\......................../..........
  : lOGo:      \        : iNFORMATIOn:  \                      /    ,,,    :
  :             \       :                \                    /    ( ..]   :
  :  " xCLUSIWE "\      :  I just wonder w\o this logo is 4../.    (_o_)   :
    ..............\..... ..................\................/............cL!
_ _ ___/           \//         \//          \//           \/

    ____ ____ _______   ___.    ____.____   _____  _  ____..____  _____
    \_  |  _/ \_ ___/_  \_ |___ \_  |  _/ _/ ___/ / \ \_  ||  _/ / __  \
    /   _   \/   |    \/   |   \/   |   \ \___  \/   \/  _/\_  \/  \___/_
    \___|    \________/\_______/\_______/_______/\___/\___/\   /\_______
        |____/                                           cL!\_/

                         _           _            _               ___ _  _  _
            /\          //\         //\          //\             /
   ...........\......... ..............\......................../..........
  : lOGo:      \        : iNFORMATIOn:  \                      /    ,,,    :
  :             \       :                \                    /    ( ..]   :
  : " Amiga "    \      : " this is 4 claw\reaker & all "    /     (_o_)   :
    ..............\..... ..................\................/............cL!
_ _ ___/           \//         \//          \//           \/

  .  .   . ................  .
      . ___________  _____: _|____ ___|__._________  ......
      . \_  __     \.\_   \/ |  _/.\_ |  |\_ _____/_ .:: ::::.
      |   . \_     .|     \/     .|      |   \_    .|:::   ::::.
      |   |  |   .  |    .||  .  .|    .:|    |   .:|:::    :::::.
      |   |  |   | :| ..::|| .|.::|. .:::| . ...::|:|::::   ::::::
       »»»|»»|  .|::|»»»»»: »»|»»» »»»»»» »»»»»»cL!»       :::::
              »»»|»»      :...|.............. .  .       .

                         _           _            _               ___ _  _  _
            /\          //\         //\          //\             /
   ...........\......... ..............\......................../..........
  : lOGo:      \        : iNFORMATIOn:  \                      /    ,,,    :
  :             \       :                \                    /    ( ..]   :
  : " Hall oF fAM\      : " Dansken wanted\a commercial... " /     (_o_)   :
    ..............\..... ..................\................/............cL!
_ _ ___/           \//         \//          \//           \/

          _ _________ _ _________ _ ______ __ _____
        .   __   ______ __  ___   __\_  ______ __  .____  wHERE pERFECTION
        .  |     _    \.    \_     |    |   :\.    |   :\. . iS aN iNSULT
      .::  |.    |     |     |     l    l_    l    l_    |
    .::::  l::.  |     |_____|    _ \____      \____     | .
    :::::.  »»»»»_______ _ ___________________________.cL! . 0nline since
   .::::::::::.........           ___________ _ _                19XX
  :                     ......... \_  _____ __             :
  : sYSOp: dANSKEN aCs :    .  :::|   __/                  :
  :cOsYSOP: bOGGAN iDP :    :    :|    |  0910.26665 288k  : nODE.1 288k
  .                    :    :    :|:. _|                   :
  :                     ......... |:::.|  0910.36665 288k  : nODE.2 288k
  :        _ _/\______ _ /\______ _»_/\_  ___ _ __/\_______: __ _
  :       _ ___  _________ ___  __ ___ _\/_    ____ _______ _  _
    ......../   ____/  /   \_    :\/    \/     //  ____/__.
           /     /    /     /      \    /     //   \_   ::\
         _/    _/_____\____/      _/___/    _/ \____       \
       _ _____  ________________  _________  __ _________  /
              \/                \/         \/            \/

                         _           _            _               ___ _  _  _
            /\          //\         //\          //\             /
   ...........\......... ..............\......................../..........
  : lOGo:      \        : iNFORMATIOn:  \                      /    ,,,    :
  :             \       :                \                    /    ( ..]   :
  : " Dark Lightn\ng "  : " zAGAx drinks s\rap! "            /     (_o_)   :
    ..............\..... ..................\................/............cL!
_ _ ___/           \//         \//          \//           \/

        .. ... ..____ _   _    _      _          .   _  __  _______.. ..
        :     _ /(_______ _ __________ _ ________ __ ________)    /    :
        .  _  ___   _    __ __ ___    __ __   _   __ _ __   /    /     .
              /     /     //   \_      //    _    _/_ /    _  __/_
        .   _/     /     //     /     //     /      //     /     /
            \______     /\_____/     /\_____/      /\_____/     /      .
         _  _ ____________ _ _________ ___ __________ ___ _____/
    ___  ___  _    _          _                      _          _      _  _ ___
_ _/( _ _ _____ ________ _ _______ _ _____ _________ _ ___ _________  ________)\
 __  _______  ____ __________    _______  ___   _   ____  ____   _  ____ ______/
 /    /__/     /   \_    \/    _    \/    /     /    /     /     /   \   \_   \
/    /   \_   /    _/    /     /    /    /     /    /     /     /    /   _/    \
_____    _/   \____      \____/   _/     \____/   _/      \____/   _/\___      /
 _ ____________ _ _______ _ _____ _______ _ ______ ________ _ ________ _ _____/
        .                                                              :
        :.. . ..    .     .............................    .      . .cL!
                         :  sYSOP: zAGAx dCY.dSY    ::::
                         :cOsYSOP: gOOLUm dCY         ::
                         :cOSYSOP: cLONE! aCS.dSY      :

[nUMBER:+46/0/19335-916 sPEED:28.8k sUPPORTING:aMIGA.iBM.cONSOLE sOFTWARE:/X4.9]

                                                                                                                                                                                        " She turned me into a newt " - " A newt ? " - " em.. well... I've got
                         _           _            _               ___ _  _  _
            /\          //\         //\          //\             /
   ...........\......... ..............\......................../..........
  : lOGo:      \        : iNFORMATIOn:  \                      /    ,,,    :
  :             \       :                \                    /    ( ..]   :
  : " Music Illus\on "  : " In fact, he ha\ over 2000 modules/     (_o_)   :
    ..............\..... ..................\................/............cL!
_ _ ___/           \//         \//          \//           \/

                 _ _/\_.:_____::_/\___ ___ _/\______ ___/\_ ___/\_______
     /\           ___ _\/_  ______   _____ __ ________ __  __ __       /
  __/  \  /\      /    \/    \ /    /    / \____     //     //    \___/__
        \/  \/\ _/     /     //   _/    //    _/    //     //    /      /
    .... .    ..\_____/    _/\_____   _/ \_____   _//    _/\_____      /
    :       .::: ________  _________  __________  _____  ___________  /
    .    ..:::    .      \/       ::\/.         \/     \/        :  \/     .
  ________________|_____ .........________|_____________|__________________|__
  __  ___  _______| ____:    .    :__ ____|__ __  _   _ | ___  _    __  ___|_|_
 |.   |    |___|  | |___:.   :    :\_____    |    |.  |   |    |.   |\_____|   |
 |.   |:   |   |.   |   ::.  :    :     /    |.   |.  |   |    |.   |     /    |
 |:. ||::.__   |:.___   :::...    :_____     |.   |::._  ||____|::  |_____     |
 _::.|_____:.  _____.   _____::...:_____.    _::. ____   |______::. ______.    |
  »»»|     »»»»     »»»»                »»»»»    »    »»»       »»»»      »»»»»
                 .---------------------.----------------         .
                 |  sYSOP:hYPERUNKNOWn | DECAY / 2000.AD |       .
    :.. .  .      --------------------- -----------------   .....:

                         _           _            _               ___ _  _  _
            /\          //\         //\          //\             /
   ...........\......... ..............\......................../..........
  : lOGo:      \        : iNFORMATIOn:  \                      /    ,,,    :
  :             \       :                \                    /    ( ..]   :
  : " Night Fall \      : " ... And soon N\ght must fall "   / Yoda(_o_)   :
    ..............\..... ..................\................/............cL!
_ _ ___/           \//         \//          \//           \/

       ____ _ _   _  _       _   _      _    _ _ ___
    __/(_______ _ ____ _ _________ _ ________ _ ___)\
 _ _ __   _    __ __  __ __ ___________   ________   \_
    /     /     //     //   \_    \_/    /    \ /     /
  _/     /     //     //     /     /    _     //     /:
  \_____/    _//    _/\_____     _/____/    _//     / :
  __ ______________________________________________/  :
         ___         ___ _ _   _    _ _      __   _ _ :.........
         \_/     _ _/(_________________ ________ _ _______)\   :
          :....    __  ________ ___    ____    ________    /   :
              :   /    ___/ /   \_      /     /_____/     /_____
            ..:  /     /  _/     /     /    _/     /    _/     /
            :   /    _/   \_____/      \____       \____      /:
            :  ______________________________________________/ :

                         _           _            _               ___ _  _  _
            /\          //\         //\          //\             /
   ...........\......... ..............\......................../..........
  : lOGo:      \        : iNFORMATIOn:  \                      /    ,,,    :
  :             \       :                \                    /    ( ..]   :
  : " Chrombacher\      : " How can a guy \ get such a big ha/dle "(_o_)   :
    ..............\..... ..................\................/............cL!
_ _ ___/           \//         \//          \//           \/

   ________ ___ _  _    _       _     _  _   _     _ _ _  _ ___ _____________
  /(________.__________________  _____________________________._____________)\
 / ______   |   ___ _ _  _  __ \/  ____  _  \ __  __ ______   |   _ __ ____ _ \
/  \    |   _   |   _ /. |   \ \/   \/  _  _/ \_   \ \    |   _   | \__/|   _ /.
\_______|   |___|___|  |_____/_||    \__    )__|___/______|   |___|_____|___|  |
  _ ________| _________| _ __________/  ----' _ ______________|  _ __________cL!

                         _           _            _               ___ _  _  _
            /\          //\         //\          //\             /
   ...........\......... ..............\......................../..........
  : lOGo:      \        : iNFORMATIOn:  \                      /    ,,,    :
  :             \       :                \                    /    ( ..]   :
  : " DSssts "   \      : " Raggar fortfar\nde smurfar! "    /     (_o_)   :
    ..............\..... ..................\................/............cL!
_ _ ___/           \//         \//          \//           \/

                                              ____                   ____
                   __    __                  / __ \                 / __ \
     __________ __(__)__(__)  ________   ____\____/_________    ____\____/__
     \_  _    / \_ __      /_/ ______/__ \_ ___     /\___   \_  \_ ___     /
    /    /   / /   \_     / \______    //   \_     /   /     / /   \_     /
   /    /   / /     /    /       _/   //     /    /   /     / /     /    /
  /________/ /_____/____/____________//_____/____/   /_____/ /_____/____/ cL!

                         _           _            _               ___ _  _  _
            /\          //\         //\          //\             /
   ...........\......... ..............\......................../..........
  : lOGo:      \        : iNFORMATIOn:  \                      /    ,,,    :
  :             \       :                \                    /    ( ..]   :
  : " Rave Nation\"     : " I've seen... l\ttle trees! "     /     (_o_)   :
    ..............\..... ..................\................/............cL!
_ _ ___/           \//         \//          \//           \/

    .      .   . .....          .                         .
    _  _  _/\_____________/\____|_______/\__  ________/\_________
      _  ___   _    __  ___ __  |  __ ___   \/   ::____  _______/    _\  /_
         /    _ .   _/_ /   \_  .  :/ /     /     / /   ____/____  _/ _\/_ \_
       _/     / |   :://     /     /_/  . _/     /_/   |\_    ::/ (  (o\/o)  )
  |    \_____/ -+-   /\_____/     / \___|____   / \____._      / (  _ ».0» /\ )
  |     _ ______|_  /_ ________  /_ ____|____  /_ _____|____  /  (__ \____/ __)
  ¼----.        | \/ :         \/       |    \/        |  : \/     (________)
       |             :......................              :       .   .........
       | ............  __________________  :_______ ________   ___|________ ::::
       |  :::::  ::::: \_ __    ::/\___  \_:\_  ::/ \_  _  :\_ \_ | _   ::/ :::
       |  :::::  :::::/   \_ |   /  /    ://     / /|   /   ://     /    / ::::
       |  :::::  :::::_____/_._ /  / .   //     / /_._ /    / \____/    / ::::
       l________ :::::    \__|_/   \_|__/ \____/  \_|______/     /_____/ ::::
                l___________ |       |     :        |     :        . . .::::

                         _           _            _               ___ _  _  _
            /\          //\         //\          //\             /
   ...........\......... ..............\......................../..........
  : lOGo:      \        : iNFORMATIOn:  \                      /    ,,,    :
  :             \       :                \                    /    ( ..]   :
  : " NASA "     \      : " NSsa!? "      \                  /     (_o_)   :
    ..............\..... ..................\................/............cL!
_ _ ___/           \//         \//          \//           \/

         ..............   ............   .........   ............
          ::::::  :::::: ::::::..:::::: :::::       ::::::..::::::
          ::::::  :::::: ::::::  ::::::  :::::::..  ::::::  :::::: cL!
          ::::::  :::::: ::::::  ::::::      :::::: ::::::  ::::::
          ::::::                 :::::: .....:::::          ::::::
                          /                         \
                         /      ...pRESENTs...       \

                         _           _            _               ___ _  _  _
            /\          //\         //\          //\             /
   ...........\......... ..............\......................../..........
  : lOGo:      \        : iNFORMATIOn:  \                      /    ,,,    :
  :             \       :                \                    /    ( ..]   :
  : " cHAT "     \      : " Once done, nev\r end... "        /     (_o_)   :
    ..............\..... ..................\................/............cL!
_ _ ___/           \//         \//          \//           \/

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              GRISEN G R, SJUNG HOPP FALLERALLA

      s y s o p   b r e a k s   i n   f o r   a
         .          _________ _ _   _     _     _ .   _    _ _ _______
       ::::    _  _/(__.__________________________|__________________)\ .....
       ::::     _ _  __|________      _/       _  | ___      _____     \_ .::::
       :::::.    /  /  |   ::://     _     ::://  | \_    ::/  /       :/ ::::
        ::::   _/  /         //      /      ://      /     /  /        / ::::
       ::::  _ \________    /\______/ .     /\______/     / _/   |    / .::::
            _ _____________/_ ________|____/ _ __________/_______|___/.:::cL!
                                      |                          |

                         _           _            _               ___ _  _  _
            /\          //\         //\          //\             /
   ...........\......... ..............\......................../..........
  : lOGo:      \        : iNFORMATIOn:  \                      /    ,,,    :
  :             \       :                \                    /    ( ..]   :
  : " sIN cITY " \      : " Vi sker te' laXs "               /     (_o_)   :
    ..............\..... ..................\................/............cL!
_ _ ___/           \//         \//          \//           \/

 .@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@     ]@@@[          ~M@@@@@@@@@[     @@@@:
.@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@*       *M@@@@@@@@     ]@@@[     _      VM@@@@@@@[     @@@@:
]@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@f`             'V@@@@@     ]@@@[     @W_      ~M@@@@@[     @@@@:
]@@@@@@@@@@@@@@[     .°   °..    ]@@@@     ]@@@[     @@@W.      ~M@@@[     @@@@:
]@@@@@@@@@@@@@@[     ~~~~~~~~~~~*M@@@@     ]@@@[     @@@@@m.      VM@[     @@@@:
]@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@m___________.     Y@@@     ]@@@[     @@@@@@@s.      V!     @@@@:
]@@@@@@@@@@@@@@P~~~~~             ]@@@     ]@@@[     @@@@@@@@@m.           @@@@:
]@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@s.              ,g@@@@     ]@@@[     @@@@@@@@@@@m.         @@@@:
                        ____    ______________________    _____           ____
                       ]@@@@@  @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@[  'M@@@@@s       g@@@@@f
    ______________     ]@@@@@          M@@@@@A             V@@@@@W.   ,W@@@@A`
 _mW@@@@@@@@@@@@@@Ws   ]@@@@@          ]@@@@@[              'M@@@@@s g@@@@@f
]@@@@@A       @@@@@@[  ]@@@@@          ]@@@@@[                V@@@@@@@@@@A`
]@@@@@                 ]@@@@@          ]@@@@@[                 'M@@@@@@@f
]@@@@@         ______  ]@@@@@          ]@@@@@[                   Y@@@@@[
]@@@@@s_______g@@@@@@  ]@@@@@          ]@@@@@[                   ]@@@@@[
'-@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@f  ]@@@@@          ]@@@@@[                   ]@@@@@[ cL!
   '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~    '~~~~~          '~~~~~`                   '~~~~~`

                         _           _            _               ___ _  _  _
            /\          //\         //\          //\             /
   ...........\......... ..............\......................../..........
  : lOGo:      \        : iNFORMATIOn:  \                      /    ,,,    :
  :             \       :                \                    /    ( ..]   :
  : " Fatal dSssc\      : " eN tV  tRE fJ \RDE g NGEN jILT " /     (_o_)   :
    ..............\..... ..................\................/............cL!
_ _ ___/           \//         \//          \//           \/

: /\______/\__________/\___/\_______/\__ cL!
: \_ _____ ____  _____  __ ___   __   :/   :
:/   ___/  \_    :/ /   :/ \_    :/   /___ :
/    /_\____/    /_/    /___/    /   /   :\:
\_  /_________  /____  /______  /_______  /:
:   fATAL.tHE.rUGG-uGGLA.pROBABLY (?)      :
:     pRESENT: --< AhA!, eN mUMINTROHL >-- :

                         _           _            _               ___ _  _  _
            /\          //\         //\          //\             /
   ...........\......... ..............\......................../..........
  : lOGo:      \        : iNFORMATIOn:  \                      /    ,,,    :
  :             \       :                \                    /    ( ..]   :
  : " 3d Magic " \      : " Once there was\this kid who... mm/mm " (_o_)   :
    ..............\..... ..................\................/............cL!
_ _ ___/           \//         \//          \//           \/

                      _____|\  .........
                     /______ > ::::: :::::     . .  ..............
  .::::::::::::::   //     |/ .:::::.:::::                        :
.::::::            //  ______  _____  __________  _________  _________________
           :::::::     \__  _\/   _/_ \_ __   ::\_\_ _____/__\_  ::/_ _______/__
       :::::::::.       /    \/   :://   \_     :/   \_   ::/     /  /       ::/
.......    :::::::    _/     /     //     /     /     /    /     /  /         /
 :::::::.             \_____/     /\_____/     /_____     /     /________    /
   ::::::::::::::.    _ _________/_ __________/_ ________/_ ___/  :  /______/

                         _           _            _               ___ _  _  _
            /\          //\         //\          //\             /
   ...........\......... ..............\......................../..........
  : lOGo:      \        : iNFORMATIOn:  \                      /    ,,,    :
  :             \       :                \                    /    ( ..]   :
  : " eASY "     \      : " tENNISBALLS?!?\ wE nEED tHEM? "  /     (_o_)   :
    ..............\..... ..................\................/............cL!
_ _ ___/           \//         \//          \//           \/

               .................  .       .           __
            .::: __________  ________     ________   /  |
          .::::  \_  __    \ \_ __   \  _/ ______/ _/   |____
        .:::::  /    \_____/    \_    \_\______   \\____'  _/
         :::::: \________________|____/___________/_________)
             :cL!::::::::::::::...... .   .

                         _           _            _               ___ _  _  _
            /\          //\         //\          //\             /
   ...........\......... ..............\......................../..........
  : lOGo:      \        : iNFORMATIOn:  \                      /    ,,,    :
  :             \       :                \                    /    ( ..]   :
  : " pREMIUM "  \      : " nO cOMPRENDe, \sEN°r "           /     (_o_)   :
    ..............\..... ..................\................/............cL!
_ _ ___/           \//         \//          \//           \/

           _______ _ _    _      _         _         _     _   _  _____
          /(______ _______    __________  ____ .___ ____ ____ ____  __)\
          \_ ___  \\____  \_ / ___  \_  \/  _/ |   |\_  |  _/ \_ _\/_ _/
         |   \____/    _  _//  \____/   \/   \ |   |/   |   \/    \/   \cL!
      _ _|     | _|____|    \____________|    \l___|\_____   ______|    \
      \_ ______|_____________\ _ _____________/ _ __________/ _ ________/

                     "  tASTES lIKE cOLD bEER oN a hOT
                               sUMMER aFTERNOOn   "

                         _           _            _               ___ _  _  _
            /\          //\         //\          //\             /
   ...........\......... ..............\......................../..........
  : lOGo:      \        : iNFORMATIOn:  \                      /    ,,,    :
  :             \       :                \                    /    ( ..]   :
  : " TRES "     \      : " jajaja.. en fu\ jSvla bild!! "   /     (_o_)   :
    ..............\..... ..................\................/............cL!
_ _ ___/           \//         \//          \//           \/

 _______________________  ____________________________  _______ _______ _______
       /       /         /____________________________\         \       \
_____ /_______/________ /_  __  __  __  __  __  __  __ \ ________\_______\______
     |        |        :/|  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  :        |       |
   .----------.        | |  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  |        |       |
___|    nO    |_____ __| |  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  |___.----------._____ __
   | tRESPASS |     |  | |  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  |   |  ------  |     |
___l__________|_____|__| |  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  |___|  BEWARE  |_____|__
      |     |     |    | |  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  |   l__________|    |
_____ |____ |____ |____| |  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  |_____ |____ _|___ _|___
     |     |     |     | |  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  |     |     |     |
_____|_____|_____|_____| |  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  |_____|_____|_____|_____
|     |     |     |    | |  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  |      |     |     |
|_____|_____|_____|____| |  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  |______|_____|_____|____
     |     |     |     |\|  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  |     |     |     |
                     /                                    \
                    /    ::::::  ::::::::.  .::::::: .::::::
                   /        ::::  :::: :::: :::...   ::::....
                  /         ::::  :::::::   :::.     ...  ::::
                 /          ::::  :::: ::::.  :::::: :::::::: \
                /                                              \
               /                         p.a.s.s                \            cL!

                                thanks my harddisk
                  without you I wouldn't get the pleasure of having
            the experience of getting my face red in anger. Thanks for all
          the support; by crashing when I make my collections. Thanks hD for
         making my base miserable, thanks hd for not being a good one. Thanks
          hd for all the moral support by; getting un-validated all the time

                        If I didn't have my hD, I wouldn't like
                   the good ones, and thats good.. eh,... 4get it...

                           ssss. nsra. roliga. STOP


What the devil is this?!?... SWEDISH in an ascii-collection?!!!!... STOP IT!!

- "I feel like Nosferatu" TAKE 3 " -

                   ah!, Bag off will ya?

 " oh come on... just one more time... "

                   no way!, You've ruined this...

 " Ruined?!... ME?!?... Har... don't you got any sense of humour?! "


 " Come on!, Be reasonable... "

                   why should I...

 " Ok!, Let's have a deal... you write the jokes and then a RE-TAKE? "

                   In Swedish?!

 " Yeah... jokes in swedish "

                                  ssss nsra skSmt som psminner er om
                                  sommaren f÷r ett par sr sen i bilen

 " alla barnen bor i ett fint hus, utom Ian, f÷r han bor i stian "

 " alla tjejer springer frsn Bill, som bara vill, och vill, och vill... "

 " Alla barnen ser sig i spegeln, Sven Enok, som fsr en chock "

 " Alla eremitkrSftor skyddar sig mot fiender, utom pekka som saknar snScka "

 " Alla killar gillar tjejer - utom Pelle. Han gillar killar istSlle "

 " Alla leker ps Sngen , utom drSngen. Han leker i sSngen "

 " Alla barnen leker ps gatan, utom Rolf, han sitter i grillen ps en golf "

 " Alla barnen leker med bomber, utom Per, som ligger hSr och dSr "

 " Alla barnen tittar ps fsglar, utom Bj÷rn som blivit tagen av en ÷rn "

 " Alla barnen har fin motorik, utom Kalle som har fel i sin skalle "

 " Alla barnen lSser om styckm÷rdaren, utom Assar, han ligger i kassar "

 " Alla barnen hoppade mellan klipporna, utom Mats som gl÷de att ta sats "

 " Alla barnen simmar ute i havet, utom Kaj, som ligger i magen ps en haj "

 " Alla tjejer Sr tr÷tta, Ds sSger  rjan, det dSr var bara b÷rjan "


 .:::::.:::::::.  .:::::::.          .:::.
:::    :::  .....  :::  :::. .:::::. :::::
:::    ::: ::: ::: :::  ::::  ::
:::    ::: :::.::: :::  ::: .::        .
:::.   :::         :::  : .::::  .::. :::
  :::::::::::::   .:::      ::::::::
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:       i . fEEL . lIKe                    :
:.              . nOSFERATU               .:
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