·this file passed·
                        _ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
                         c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _
                     ____       ____      _____      ____
                  ___\  (_   ___\  (_   __\_  (_   __\  (_
                 _) _/   /___)  _   /___) _/   /___)   _ /__
                /   \      /    \_    /   \      /     /   /
                \___       \_____/    \____\     \___  \   \
                  \ ________\   /______\    \ ____\ \_______\
                   \/      <(·tHE YARd·)>    \/ lOCATED iN gERMANY!
    [·aMiGA·aLL cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·aSCii·liNUX·hiPhOP··mP3·pC/iBM·cLASSICS·]
         [· rUNNiNG oN 8 nICE nODES · 2 iSDN/2 aNALOGUE/4 tELNET ·]
           [· sTAFF < zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH · cRAZY > sTAFF ·]
         [· aHS wHQ · b-GiRL wHQ · aRCADE wHQ · sRZ wHQ · lP! gHQ ·]
           [· pNK gHQ · sOiA gHQ · oMEN gHQ · mCE gHQ · pPH eHQ ·]
                       [· hOME oF tHE aSCii cHARTS! ·]

              ______ _____ _____ ___.-___ __ _____ _____ ______
             _)    _Y    _Y    _Y  (__)  | _Y   __Y    _Y     (_
             \_  | \_  | \_  l_\_  _/\_    \_  _/\_  l_\_  |  _/
              |  |  |     |  |  |  l  |  |  |  l  |  |  |  |  |
              l__|  l_____l__|  l__   l__|  l__   l__|  l__|  |
                 `--'              `--'  `--'  `--'        `--'
                    ______ _____ ___.-______ _____ _____
                   _)  ._ Y_   _Y  (__)    _Y    _Y   __|
                   \_  |/  / | \_  | \_  | \_  |_\_  _/_
                    |   __/  .  |  l  |  .  |  l  |  l  |
                    l__|  l__|  l__   l__|  l__   l__   |
                        2F   `--'  `--'  `--'  `--'  `--'

            3nds Ringdown loaded with AMIGA/ASCII/CONSOLE/PSX/MAC

              4040 26mb 3.1gb cd-rom 2/33.6ds 1/28.8ds 3/TELNET
                         * SAVE OUR SOULS HQ *
                          THE PROTECTORS ARE:
                         <0>  +45 58ASK4IT  <0>
                         <0>  +FIND ON IRC  <0>

--->8------------[ STRIP ALL ABOVE TO GET THE ORIGINAL SIZE ]------------8<---

             F**K!!! The man who can't make ascii strikes AGAIN!
                  (ain't there no fkn way to make him quit?!)

                            This sucker is called :

  _______     _______   ________    _______  ________   _______   _______
  \·  __/_____\· __ /___\·     /____\· __ /__\·     /___\·    /_._\· ___/_
  _\___     \    \    \           \    \    \      /  \  \ __/  |    |    \
 /           \   .     \____  _____\   .     \  .      \        |    l     \
/______      \\__|     \\l___   |______|     \\_|      \\___   ||____      \\
   |  l________\ l_______\  l___j      l_______\l________\ l____j   l________\
   |                                                                     |
   `--------------------------[ S A T A N i C ]--------------------------'

                     AND IS OF COURSE BROUGHT TO YOU BY

.                .                      :             :.........
.       :...... ...  ...........:       .      .      :      :
:       .        .    :         :.... ..:      .... ..:      .
.       :        :.. ..         .       :......:             :   DARKHOLDER
... .___:____    _________    __:______    ____:____    .... :
   __\·   _ /____\· __   /____\· __  _/____\·  Y  _/__   :   :      o f
  /        \   \    \       \    \   \   \     !  \   \  :   .
 //       __\   \    .       \    .       \    .       \.:...: HYPE and ATMP
/________        \___|       \\___|        \___|        \   :
  :     l_________\: l_________\ .l_________\ .l_________\  :.:..
  ... ..:.. .. .....   :.... ....: ....:......:.... :....:    .
:..: ___.____:   ________ :  ________  . ________ :. _______  :.________
 : __\_ Y  _/____\   _  /____\    __/____\    _ /____\   __/____\  _  _/__....
 ./     !      \     Y     \     _\    \       \   \      __/__    \  \   \.:
 //     .       \    !      \           \     __\   \          \    .      \.
/_______|        \____      \\____      \\____      \\____     \\___|      \\
  . :dH!l_________\ .l________\  l________\  l________\ .l_______\ :l________\
..:... .|...:       .. ...   ......:   :..... ...  : ...:  ........:| :... :
        |  :.... ...:   :......:   .....:      :...: ..:.....:      |
        |                                                           |
 .------'                                                           `-----.
 |::·          .                                        .              ·::|
 |·            .    ·             ·    ·         ·      .                ·|
 |   .:... .. .:... :.. ... . . ..:... :... .....:.... .:. . ..... ..:.   |
 |    : :            :      ·            :     ·               ·     :    |
 |    ·              ·      ·            ·     :                     .    |
 |    .      ·                                                       .    |
 |    :.. .. :.. .:  ::..                          ..::   :. ...: .. :.   |
 |        ·           ::·::..                  ..::·::	                  |
 |            .--------::--··::..----------..::··  ::--------.	          |
 |.           |::·      ::     ··::..  ..::··     ::      ·::|	         .|
 |::.         |· .       ::        ::::::        ::       . ·|         .::|
 `-|----------'--|-'      ::   ..::··  ··::..   ::      `-|--`----------|-'
   |::·          |         ::::·· .      . ··::::         |          ·::|
   |·            `-----..::·::----|-[DH]-|----::·::..-----'            ·|
   |               ..::·· .  ::   `-|--|-'   ::  . ··::..               |
   |           ..::··  `--|---::----'  `----::---|--'  ··::..           |
   |:.         ··::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::··         .:|
   |:::.                  |     ::        ::     |                  .:::|
                          !       ::    ::       !
    ·        ·         ·     .     ::  ::        ·        ·       .
 .:.:. ... ..:... ... .: . ..:. .:  ::::  :.... .:. ... ..:.... ..: .. ...:.
  :     :      ·   :             :   ::   :  :       :       :          : :
  :     ·          ·             ·        ·  ·       ·       .          · .
  .     From The North, From The South, From The West, From The East      :.
 .:                              :        .                               ·
  :     I Summon You, Gods Of The.Pit, Come To Us, Infernal Legions       :
  .                              .        :
  :.    Satan, Father Of Men, God:Of Gods,·Take A Look At Your Children   :
  ·                              ·        .                               :.
  :     Tonight, They Give You Their Souls.                               .
  .                              :        :                               ·
  ·                           .  ·        [ Samael : Total Consecration ] .
  .      ·     .   .             ·        .   .      ·      ·        ·    :
 .:... ..:. ...:.. : . .......: .:. ... ..:...:.... .:. ....:... ....:.. .:.
  · :        :            :          :         :             :    :    ·  ·
    ·        .            .          .         ·             ·    ·    :
    :                                                                  .
    .  _________    ________    ________    _________    _________     ·
    : .\·      /_.__\·     /____\·     /____\· __  _/____\·  _   /__   :
 :... | \     /  |       _/   \           \    \   \   \     Y      \ .: ..:
  :   |.   __/   |    .        \____  _____\    .       \    !       \   .:
  :.  ||         |____|        \\l__    |_______|       \\____       \\   ..
  .   l__________j    l__________\ l____j    dH!l_________\  l_________\  :
  .                                              .                       ..
  : ..   ..:        ..        .                  .                  .     :
 .:.:. ....:.... ...:. .:. ...:.:...... .:. .....:..... .......... ..:... :.
 :        :      :       :        :     :    :     :        :.   :     :   :
 :        .      ·       .        .     ·    ·     ·             .     ·   .
 ..                                                                        ·
 ·                                                                         :
 :    Welcome to the third (3) collection from DarkHolder, the unmighty    :.
 .             ascii artist of Hype and Atomic Productions.                ·
.:                                                                        .:
 :                                                                         :
      This is the third collection from me, and in this one I hope that    ·
 :    I've finally found the style that I like the most! Ok, in the        :
 ·    beginning of the collection there is some other styles, coz the      ·
 ..   first logos are made before I found this IMO nice style.             :
 :    The former 2 collections have been kinda schizofrenic, coz I wasn't  .
 .    sure what style I wanted to use in those ones, so there was a few    :.
 ·    styles, some better than others. Well. One thing was perfectly sure  :
.:    anyway, and that is that the logos with the "bubble style" like in   ·
 .    Maniacs, Most Wanted, Domestic Cheese + some others are NOT the style.
 ·    I want to use. That one.. Ehm.. well.. In common English, SUX! =) So :
 :    I think I will make the logos made in that style again, and then in  :
.:    the style that you've seen 3 examples on already (if you haven't been.
 ·    cheating! =), so if you have any complains or suggestions, then     .:
 :    please e-mail me at `bjorn.sundberg@quad.ct.se' or drop me a letter  ·
 .    at one of the following BBS;es:                                      .
 .                                                                         :
 :.   CLUB BiZARRE      [-BLADERUNNER-]         +46-(0)920-98711 - 22      :.
 .    TRADERS PARADISE  LEATHERFACE             +46-(0)911-66148 - 49 - 51 ·
 .                                      Telnet : Make /whois [LF] at IRC   .
 .                                                                        .:
.:    Well. That should do for contacting me. Maybe needed to say is       ·
 :    that you could reach me at IRC sometimes also, then under the nick   :
 ·    UNLIGHTER, coz DarkHolder is to long...         ***DAMN***           ·
 :                                                                         :.
 .    Well. At Traders Paradise I am not logged on so often, but for many  :
      of you that one is the best choice, but what the heck, try it, I     .
 :.   will always check the mail SOMETIME! =)                              ·
 :    Well. That should be the contact part, let's get to something else!  .
 :                                                                         :
..    I've noticed that the #ascii meeting at IRC is kinda dead, can't we  ·
 :    all IRC fellas make a change on that one! I find it kinda sad that   .
 .    such a great meeting shall end up like this, I want to get it        .
 :.   kicking again! Coz I don't really like the #amielite just becoz all  .
 ·    the Telnet sitez thrown out all the time, sure it's needed, and      :
 .    I don't want to change it, but I just think that it's kinda hard     :
 ·    to chat with a few people when there are this telnet adds all the    :.
 .    time. So all you ascii artist and other who just like ascii, get to  .
.:    #ascii and then we'll have a nice time there, all together! =)      .:
 :    What the heck, there is always room on your WB or IRC client to      ·
 ..   open another window where you are at #ascii?! =)                     .
 ·                                                                         :
 .                                                                         ·
 .    Well. Now I have a question to all of you out there, is there any    .
 :.   musician out there who makes Death / Black metal modules?! Then     .:
 .    I would really like to get in touch with that guy, coz I find        :.
 .    that there ain't really many mods out there that are some kind of    ·
 :.   metal. So please contact me if you makes theese mods! =)             :
 ·                                                                         .
 .    And as always! PLEASE DROP ME SOME REQUESTS!!!! How to do that is   .:
 .    described above!                                                     .
.·                                                                         .
 :                                                                         ·
 :    If you want to use one of the logos, feel completely free to do so   :.
 .    but leave my signature on the logo, and then use it in any way you   .
 .    want, and if you want to make a little change on it, just do so,     .
 ..   and put your own signature, but please keep mine too! Well, that    .:
 :    should do it!                                                        .
 ·                                                                         ·
.:                                                                         .
 :    Well. Off to the ascii! (I wonder if there are anyone that reads     .
 ..   this fkn text at all?! Let's make a test!                            ..
 :                 *** YOU ARE A STUPID FUCKING IDIOT !!!! ***             :
 .    Hum.. Now let's see how many who are reading this text!! =)         ..
   ·         .                       ·      ·        .          ·   ·      :
.:.:. .... ..:... ... .: ....:.... ..: ..  .:..... ..: ... .....:. .:. .. .:.
 ·      :          :            :               :       :     :         :  ·
        ·          .            ·               .       ·     ·         ·
 |  NUMBER   |  LOGO NAME                     |  REQUESTOR                |
 |::· o1     |  VIOLATOR                      |  ViOLATOR              ·::|
 |·   o2     |  DM                            |  ViOLATOR                ·|
 |    o3     |  DEF                           |  ViOLATOR                 |
 |    o4     |  STREETZ OF COMPTON            |  ViOLATOR                 |
 |    o5     |  RASTA                         |  RASTA                    |
 |    o6     |  NAILS                         |  NAiLS                    |
 | o7,o8,o9  |  STONE KEEP              [x3]  |  GOLEM                    |
 |    1o     |  POINT BREAK                   |  VOYAGEATW                |
 |    11     |  THE SPECIALIST BBS            |  GUNDA                    |
 |    12     |  AMIGA RULEZ                   |  GUNDA                    |
 |    13     |  ORGANIZED KONFUSION           |  STiCKY                   |
 |    14     |  PRIMAL RAGE                   |  DLM                      |
 |    15     |  DARKWING                      |  DLM                      |
 |    16     |  DIGITAL DREAMS                |  DLM                      |
 |    17     |  APHID                         |  GRYZOR                   |
 |    18     |  SHELTER                       |  SHELTER                  |
 |.   19     |  FIRESIDE                      |  SHELTER                 .|
 |::. 2o     |  SMOKEY                        |  SHELTER               .::|
 |                    [=       BBS LOGOS        =]                        |
 |::· o1     |  UPLOAD                        |                        ·::|
 |·   o2     |  DOWNLOAD                      |                          ·|
 |    o3     |  CHAT                          |         M     S           |
 |    o4     |  SYSOP                         |        Y       I          |
 |    o5     |  BULLETINS                     |       S    A    E         |
 |    o6     |  NEW FILES                     |      E     N     G        |
 |    o7     |  COMPO                         |     L      D      E       |
 |    o8     |  WINNER                        |    F               L      |
 |    o9     |  CONFS                         |                           |
 |    1o     |  NO CARRIER                    |                           |
 |           |                                |                           |
 |           |       ::..                     |    ..::                   |
 |           |        ::·::..                 |..::·::                    |
 |           |.--------::--··::..----------..::··  ::--------.            |
 |           ||::·      ::     ··::..  ..::··     ::      ·::|            |
 | .         ||· .       ::        ::::::        ::       . ·|          . |
 `-|---------^'--|-'      ::   ..::··  ··::..   ::      `-|--`----------|-'
   |::·          |         ::::·· .      . ··::::         |          ·::|
   |·            `-----..::·::----|-[DH]-|----::·::..-----'            ·|
   |               ..::·· .  ::   `-|--|-'   ::  . ··::..               |
   |           ..::··  `--|---::----'  `----::---|--'  ··::..           |
   |:.         ··::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::··         .:|
   |:::.                  |     ::        ::     |                  .:::|
                          |       ::    ::       |
          ·         ·     |        ::  ::        |   ·          ·
  .:.. ...:. .. .. .:.. ..|         ::::         |...:.. ... ...:. .. ..:.
   :    ·     :          :|          ::          | :      :         :   :
   :    .     .          .|                      | ·      ·             :
   .                      `-[ L E T ' S    G O ]-'                      ..
  .:                                                                    :
   .                                                                    .
   :     ·         .            ·        ·       ·               ·    · :
  .:... .:.. ... ..:.. . . ... .:.. ... .:. ... .:. ....... .:. .:. ..:.:.
     :        :  :         :         :       :         :             :
     ·        ·  .         ·         .       ·         .             ·

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \--------------------------------[ o1 / 2o ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \   LOGO SAYS : VIOLATOR                    |
| /________        \____|       \\                                          |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\ REQUESTOR : VIOLATOR                  .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

   ___ ____
___\:·Y    \ ____   ______   ___        ______   ______   ______   ______
Ç     |    .\\:· \__\:·   \__\:·\  _____\:·_  \__\:·  .\__\:·   \__\:·_  \
|.    !     \\    \    __  \   __\_\  \  \__\  \       \\    __  \  \__\ _\
||           \\   .\    _\ .\  \___   .\   .   .\__  ____\    _\ .\   .   .\
l_____         \_  \\__     \\___      \\__|    \\___  \_____     \\__|    \\
 |dH!l__________\____\ l______\ l________\ l______\ l___\   l_______\ l______\
 |                                                                        |
 `--------------------------[ V i O L A T O R ]---------------------------'

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \--------------------------------[ o2 / 2o ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \   LOGO SAYS : DM                          |
| /________        \____|       \\                                          |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\ REQUESTOR : VIOLATOR                  .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

      |/ /       __________                __________       \ \|
      | /   _____\:·     ·:\    .    .    /:·     ·:/_____   \ |
      |     Ç:·   \         \   ¦    ¦   /         /   ·:7     |
      | . . |      \     \   \  |    |  /         /      | . . |
      | | | |.      \_____\  .\ |    | /.         _     .| | | |
      `-^-^-||                \\^[DM]^//     \    /     ||-^-^-'
     .:.....||                 \\    //       \__/      ||.....:.
      ::·   l________            \  /            |_______j   ·::
      :             l_____________\/_____________jdH!          :
      :.                                                      .:
      ·                                                        ·

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \--------------------------------[ o3 / 2o ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \   LOGO SAYS : DEF                         |
| /________        \____|       \\                                          |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\ REQUESTOR : VIOLATOR                  .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

 [yuck... I dislike this 1!]

                        ______     ______     ______
     .:.. ..... .....___):·  /_____):·  /_____):·  /__...: ... .:
      :              \_   ___  (_         (_         (_        :
      .              /      /   /       ___/          /        .
      :             /.     /   /.      __/ .      ___/         .
    ..:... ..... .://     /   //         //    \___/..... ..:. :.
                  /_____     /_____     /___    /
                       /____/     /____/dH!/___/

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \--------------------------------[ o4 / 2o ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \   LOGO SAYS : STREETZ OF COMPTON          |
| /________        \____|       \\                                          |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\ REQUESTOR : VIOLATOR                  .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

     __|_______                                               ________|
    /         /_______________________________________________\_       \
   /      ___/___          /   __   /       /        /         /___     \
  _\____  '      \     ___/    \   /   __  /    __  /      ___/   ` ____/_
 /      \         \     \    .   _/    \__/___  \__/___     \      /      \
/_________         \__   \___|    \____       \__      \__   \______       \
       | l__________\l____\  l_____\  l________\l_______\l____\ dH!l________\
       |         ...                                      ...         |
       |       ..:.:                       .%%%%%%%.      :.:..       |
       |    ...:. :                      .%%%%' `%%%%.     : .:...    |
       |    :   :.:       .%%%%%%.       %%%'     `%%%     :.:   :    |
       | ...:.. :        .%%%'`%%%%.    .%%%.                : ..:... |
       | :    :.:       .%%%'   `%%%. %%%%%%%%%              :.:    : |
       | :    :         %%%'     `%%%  %%%%%%%%                :    : |
       | :    :         %%%       %%%   `%%%'                  :    : |
       | :....:         %%%.     .%%%    %%%                   :....: |
       |                `%%%.   .%%%'    %%%.                         |
       |                 `%%%%..%%%%     `%%%                         |
       |                   `%%%%%%'       %%%.                        |
       |                                  `%%%.                       |
       |                                   `%%%                       |
    ___|_______                                             __________|_
    \_        /                                             \         _/
    /        /_________________ _____________________________\_        \
   /    \___/___    _   \      Y    \        \          /  _   \   __   \
  /             \   Y    \     ! /   \   __\  \     ___/   Y    \   |    \
 /               \  !     \   \ /     \   _____\     \     !     \  |     \
/________         \__      \___Y       \    \  l___   \_____      \_|      \
       |l__________\l_______\  l________\____\    l____\   l_______\l_______\
       |                                                              |

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \--------------------------------[ o5 / 2o ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \   LOGO SAYS : RASTA                       |
| /________        \____|       \\                                          |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\ REQUESTOR : RASTA                     .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

  .-/-/-----------------------÷[ place for rent ]÷-------------------\-\-.
  |/ /       ______     ______     ______     ______     ______       \ \|
  | /     ___):·  /_____):·  /_____):·  /_____):·  /_____):·  /__      \ |
  |       \_   __   (_    __   (_      ___(_         (_    __   (_       |
  | .-----/.   _  ___/    _     /___  -'   /__  ______/    _     /-----. |
  `-'    //    /    /     /   ./   `--   .//    l   /      /   ./      `-'
        /_____/    /_____/   //_____    ///___     /______/   //
             /____/     /____/     /____/    /____/   dH!/____/

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \--------------------------------[ o6 / 2o ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \   LOGO SAYS : NAILS                       |
| /________        \____|       \\                                          |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\ REQUESTOR : NAILS                     .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

       .-/-/-----------------÷[ place for rent ]÷--------------\-\-.
  .----|/ /    ______     ______   _____  ______      ______    \ \|----.
  |:·  | /  ___)·   /_____)·   /___)·  /__)·   /   ___)·   /__   \ |  ·:|
  |    `----\_        (_    __   (_     (_    /____\      ___(_----'    |
  |.        /.   _     /.         /.     /.  /_\   (____  '   /        .|
  |::.     //    /    //    /    //     //         ./  `-   ./       .::|
  `-------/_____/    /_____/    /___   /______    //___    //-----------'
               /____/     /____/   /__/      /____/dH!/____/

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \--------------------------[ o7,o8,o9 / 2o ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \   LOGO SAYS : STONE KEEP             [x3] |
| /________        \____|       \\                                          |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\ REQUESTOR : GOLEM                     .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

[Reason why there are 3 of this logo is that he didn't know in what style
                 he wanted to have it, so it became 3! =) ]


    .----------------------[ w E L C O M E   T o ]---------------------.
    |                                                                  |
    ¦   _______     ________    ________    ________    ________       ¦
    · __\·  __/_____\·     /____\· _   /____\_     /____\·  ___/_      ·
 .:.:_\____       \           \    Y      \  ` .      \      ___/_... .:.:.
  . /     `--      \___  ______\   !       \   |       \          \ :    :
  :/________       \\__    |________       \\__|       \\___      \\·    .
  .        l_________\l____j    dH!l_________\ l_________\ l________\    :
  :                                                                      ·
  .              ___ ____    ________   ________  ________               :
  ·            __\· Y  _/____\·  ___/___\·  ___/__\·     /__             .
  : ·      ·  /     !  l   \      ___/_      ___/_      __  \       .    :
 .:.:. ... :./      .       \          \          \       \  \... ..:. ..:.
  ·     :   /_______|       \\___      \\___      \\__    ____\:         ·
  ¦.    ·       |   l_________\ l________\ l________\l______j  .        .¦
  |::.          |                                         |           .::|
  `-------------|               system info               |--------------'
                |:.                                     .:|
                |:::.                                 .:::|


.-/-/---------------------<[ W E L C O M E   T O ]>---------------------\-\-.
|/ /         _                         _          _                  _   \ \|
| /       . /7      _            _  . /7       . /7     _     _   . /7    \ |
|      ___:/ |   . /7     _   . /7__:/ |    ___:/ |  . /7  . /7___:/ |      |
|      Ç:·   |___:/ |  . /7___:/ |:·   |    Ç:·Y  |__:/ |__:/ |:·    |      |
|      |   __j:·    |__:/ |:· Y  |   __j    |  ! _j:·   |:·   |  ___ |      |
|   .--l__ ' 7      |· _  |   |  |  ___j----|     7   __j   __j  |_/ |--.   |
|   |:·Ç `-  |      |  Y  |   !  |     7    |  ¡  |  ___j  ___j      |·:|   |
`---|  |     | _  _ |  |  |  ¡   |     |    |  |  |     7     7   __ |  |---'
    |  l___  |/Ç  7\j  |  |  |   |___  |    l__j  |     |     |_  7:\j  |
    |:.   :\ | l  | |  !  |__j_  |dH!\ |       :\ |___  |___  | \ |.  .:|
    `--.--.-\j--\ |-l___  |---:\ |--:-\j-------.-\j--:\ |--:\ |--\j--.--'
       |         \j    :\ |   . \j                   . \j  . \j      |
       |          :    . \j                                          |
       |    här inne får du skriva vad du nu vill ha för info! =)    |
       |.       bara att lägga till rader ifall det behövs..        .|
       |::.                                                       .::|
       `---------------------[ SYSOP : GOLEM ]-----------------------'


.--------------------------<[ W E L C O M E   T O ]>-------------------------.
|::· ___________                                                          ·::|
|·   \:·       /________________________________ _______________            ·|
|     \    ___/___:·       .\:·   _    \:·      Y   \:·         \            |
|.----_\___       \         \\    Y    .\       |   .\     ___   \----------.|
||:· /.    \__    .\_    ____/    |     \\   .  !    \\    \_____/__      ·:||
||  //             \\      \      !       \  |         \            \       ||
|| /________        /__     \______       /__|         /____        /  ..:: ||
||         l_______/  l_____/     l______/   l________/ dH!l_______/ ..:.:  ||
`|                                                                   :  :   |'
 |    SYSOP : GOLEM / iND   ______ ____                              :..:   |
 |   COSYSOPS :             \:·   Y    \_________________________________   |
 | \                         \    |    /:·      .\:·        .\:·        .\  |
 |\ \                        /    ! __/_    ___  \\     ___  \\    ____  \\ |
 `-\-\--.-------------------/.   .  /   \   \_____/__   \_____/__  \      /-'
        |                  //    |       \           \           \    ___/
        | info om system  /______|       /___        /___        /     \
        |    osv...              l______/   l_______/   l_______/l_____/
        |.                                                          .|
        |::.                                                      .::|
        `------------------<[ W E L C O M E   T O ]>-----------------'

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \--------------------------------[ 1o / 2o ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \   LOGO SAYS : POINT BREAK                 |
| /________        \____|       \\                                          |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\ REQUESTOR : VOYAGEATW                 .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

              .___________      ______
              |          /______\    |._____ _______________
              |   ___   / _    / \___j|     Y   /          /
    .-/-/-----|   \____/  Y   /__     |   . |  /____   ___/------\-\-.
    |/ /      |      |    !      \    |   | !     \     |         \ \|
    | /       |      |_____       \   |___|        \    |          \ |
    |         l______j    l________\__jdH!l_________\___j            |
 .--|                                                                |--.
 |:·|    .__________                                                 |·:|
 |  |    |         /_____________________________________ _____      |  |
 |  |:.  |    _   /     __   /     _    /     __   /     Y    /    .:|  |
 |  |:::.|    \__/__    \ __/__    \___/__    \   /__    ! __/__ .:::|  |
 |  `----|    l_    \   .      \          \   .      \   .      \----'  |
 |       |           \__|       \___       \__|       \__|       \      |
 |:.     l____________\ l________\ l________\ l________\ l________\   .:|
 |:::.                                                              .:::|
 `-----------------------[ P O i N T   B R E A K ]----------------------'

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \--------------------------------[ 11 / 2o ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \   LOGO SAYS : THE SPECIALIST BBS          |
| /________        \____|       \\                                          |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\ REQUESTOR : GUNDA                     .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

      .-/-/--------------------<[ WELCOME TO ]>---------------------\-\-.
      |/ / ..:: ::..       _______  _   _   _______        ..:: ::.. \ \|
      | /..:.:   :.:..       _l    _l___j  _l___         ..:.:   :.:..\ |
      |  :  :     :  :       \     \    |  \             :  :     :  :  |
 .----|  :..:     :..:        \     \   |   \______      :..:     :..:  |----.
 |:·__|_______                                                          |  ·:|
 | /·        /_________________________________________   ______________|____|
 |/     ____/__       \  __   /·     /·    /·     /·  /__/·   /·     /·      /
 |\____ '      \  __\  \ \___/__  __/__   /   .  /   /_\  \  /   ___/__  ___/|
/      \        \   ___/        \      \  \   |  \        \\ \-- '     \  \  |
\________       \\    \____     \\__   \\ \\__|  \\___     / \\___     \\ \\ |
 |    |.l_________\____\  l_______\l_____\__\ l____\ l____/____\ l_______\__\|
 |    |::.                                                           .::|    |
 |    `--------------------<[ THE SPECiALiST BBS! ]>--------------------'    |
 |.                   ___________________________________                   .|
 |::.                /:· _     /:·   _     /:·          /                 .::|
 |::::.             /.  /(  __/__   /(  __/__      ____/__              .::::|
 `-----------------//     _      \    _      \____ '      \------------------'
        |         //     /(       \  /(      .\  `--      .\          |
        |        /________         \___       \\___        \\         |
        |          |     l__________\ l_________\ l__________\        |
        |.         |                                       |         .|
        |::.       |       system info and stuff...        |       .::|
        `----------|    just add more lines if needed..    |----------'
                   |                                       |

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \--------------------------------[ 12 / 2o ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \   LOGO SAYS : AMIGA RULEZ                 |
| /________        \____|       \\                                          |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\ REQUESTOR : GUNDA                     .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

            _|_____                                     \ \|
           /·      \______ ________________________________|_
          /.        \·    Y    \·     \·         /·          \
         //    .     \    ! /   \      \     ___/__     .     \
        //     |      \  \ /    .\     .\    \    .\    |     .\
       /_______|       \__Y      \\___  \\___      \\___|      \\
             | l________\ l________\ l____\ l________\..l________\
             | :   :       _          _            _ :   : |
       .-----| :   :    . /7     _ . /7      _  . /7 :   : |-----.
       |:·   | :...: ___:/ |  . /7_:/ |   . /7__:/ | :...: |   ·:|
       |     |.      Ç· _  |__:/ |·   |___:/ |·    |      .|     |
       |     |::.    |  Y  |· Y  |  _ | _    |     |    .::|     |
       |     `-------|  ! _j  |  |  Ç\j/7    |__   |-------'     |
       |.            |.    7  |  |  l_/ | ___j ` __j            .|
       |::.          || .  |  | .|      |  __j     7          .::|
       |::::.        || |  |  ! ||     .|    7     |        .::::|
       `-------------l__j  |    ||____ ||    |___  |-------------'
                        :\ |___  |   :\ |__  |dH!\ |
                        . \j  :\ |   . \j :\ |  . \j
                              . \j        . \j

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \--------------------------------[ 13 / 2o ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \   LOGO SAYS : ORGANIZED KONFUSION         |
| /________        \____|       \\                                          |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\ REQUESTOR : STICKY                    .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

     ______     ______     ______     ______     ______    ____
  ___)·   /_____)·   /_____)·   /_____)·   /_____)·   /____)· /_   ______
  \    _    (_    __   (_         (_    __   (_         (_     (___)·   /__
.:/    /     /.   _   __/.    _____/.   _     /.   _     /.     /___      (_:.
 /    /    .//    /    //    -'   //    /    //    /    //     /.  `-  ____/·
/_____    //_____/    /_____     /_____/    /_____/    /__    //     --'  / :
 :   /____/     /____/     /____/     /____/     /____/  /___/______     /  .
 .           _    _           _          _         _               /____/   :
 :        . /7 . /7     _  . /7    _  . /7   _  . /7     _        ______    :
 ·     ___:/ |_:/ |  . /7__:/ | . /7__:/ |. /7__:/ |  . /7     ___)·   /__  ·
 .     Ç· Y  |·   |__:/ |·    |_:/ |·    |:/ |· _  |__:/ |     \    __   (_ .
 .     |  |  |  Y |· Y  |   __j·Y  |   __j·  |  Y  |· Y  |     /.     ____/ .
 :   . |  ! _j  | |  |  |     | |  |__ ' 7   |  |  |  |  | .  //    --'  /  :
.:.. :.|     7  ! |  !  |   _ | !  | `   |   |  !  |  !  |.:./_____     /.. :.
 · :  :|  ¡  |    | ¡   |   7\j    |     |   |     | ¡   |     :  /____/  :
   ¦  ·|  |  |__  | |   |_  | |    |___  |   |___  | |   |     ¦ ______   .
   |   l__j  | :\ |_j_  |:\ | l__  |  :\ |_  |  :\ |_j_  |    _|_)·   /__
   |      :\ | · \j  :\ |· \j   :\ |  · \j:\ |  · \jdH!\ |    \    ___  (_
   |      · \j       · \j       · \j      · \j          \j    /.     /   /
   |:.                                                       //     /   /
   |:::.                                                    /_____     /
   `-----------------------------------------------------------' /____/

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \--------------------------------[ 14 / 2o ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \   LOGO SAYS : PRIMAL RAGE                 |
| /________        \____|       \\                                          |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\ REQUESTOR : DLM                       .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

     ________     ________  _______     ___ ____     _______     _______
   __\·     /_____\·__  _/__\·    /_.___\· Y   /_____\·__  /_____\·  __/__
.-/      ___   \    \   \  \ \ __/  |      ! /    \    \      \     _\    \--.
|//      \      \    .      \      .|     \ /      \    .      \           \ |
/___      \______\___|      \\     ||______Y       \\___|      \\____      \\|
|  l________j        l________\_____j   dH!l_________\  l________\  l________\
|    .. ...                                                        ... ..    |
|    .    :    ________     ________     ________     ________     .    :    |
|:.  :    . ___\·__  _/_____\·__   /_____\·  ___/_____\·  ___/_    :    .  .:|
|:::.:. ..:/     \   \   \    \       \      |     \       ___/__  :. ..:.:::|
`---------//      .       \    .       \     `--    \            \-----------'
   |     /________|        \___|       \\____       \\____       \\       |
 .-|.             l_________\  l_________\  l_________\  l_________\     .|-.
 |:|::.                                                                .::| |
 |·`----------------------------------------------------------------------' |
 |                                                                          |
 |.                          place for rent...                             .|
 |::.                                                                    .::|

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \--------------------------------[ 15 / 2o ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \   LOGO SAYS : DARKWING                    |
| /________        \____|       \\                                          |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\ REQUESTOR : DLM                       .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

            ________     ________     ________     ___ ____
      ·  ___\· __  /_____\·__   /_____\·__ __/_____\· Y  _/__     .
 :... :./        \    \    \       \    \  \    \     !  \   \.. .:... :
 . :   //        _\    \    .       \    .       \    .       \     :  :
 : .  /_________        \___|       \\___|       \\___|       \\    .  .
 :          dH!l_________\  l_________\  l_________\  l_________\      :
 .                                                                     .
 :            ___ _ ___   _______    ________     ________             .
 :      :   __\· Y Y  /___\·    /_.__\·   __/_____\·  ___/__    .      :
 .      .  /     ! !     \ \  _/  |       \    \      |     \   .      :
 :.. .. :.//      .       \      .|     .       \     `--    \..: ... .:
   :     /________|        \     ||_____|       \\____       \\    :
   .              l_________\_____j     l_________\  l_________\   .

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \--------------------------------[ 16 / 2o ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \   LOGO SAYS : DIGITAL DREAMS              |
| /________        \____|       \\                                          |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\ REQUESTOR : DLM                       .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

       ·                .     .    :     .     ·                    .
.:... .:. ...... ... ...:... ... ...... .: ....:. .. ... . .. ... ..:.... ..:.
 :  _________ · ______  _______.  ______   _______    _______ .  _______:   .
 · _\· ___  /___\·   /._\· ___/___\·   /.__\·    /____\·__  /____\·  __/_   :.
.:/       \    \ \ _/ |    |     \ \ _/ |           \   \      \    _\   \  :
 /        _\    \     |    `--    \     |____  ______\   .      \         \ .
/________       \\   ||____       \\   ||  | \   |_______|      \\__      \\:
 :      l_________\___j   l_________\___j  l_____j    dH!l________\l________\
 .                                                                          .
.:                                                                          ..
 :  _________    _______    ________     _______    ___ ____    _______    .:
 . _\· ___  /____\·__ _/____\·  ___/_____\·__  /____\· Y   /____\·  __/__   .
.:/       \    \   \  \   \      ___/__    \      \    ! /    \____      \  :
 /        _\    \   .      \           \    .      \  \ /      \  `--     \ :.
/________       \\__|      \\___       \\___|      \\__Y       \\___      \\.
 :  .   l_________\ l________\ l_________\  l________\ l_________\ l________\
 .  .            .                   ·                    ·              :  .
 ...:. ..... ....:. .:. ...... . . ..:... ..:..   ...... .:. ....:.... ... .:.
        :      :           :                         .             .
        .                  .                         :

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \--------------------------------[ 17 / 2o ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \   LOGO SAYS : APHID                       |
| /________        \____|       \\                                          |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\ REQUESTOR : GRYZOR                    .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

:.:.. .... ________... .________..:. ____ ___.. _______ ..:.________.... :..:
  :     ___\ __   /_____\      /_____\_  Y _/___\     /_.___\   __ /__   :
  .    /     \       \       __   \      !     \ \ __/  |         \   \  .
. :.. //      .       \      \    \\     .      \      .|         _\   \.:. .
:    /________|       \\___   \_____\____|      \\     ||_______       \\   :
.        .    l_________\ l_______|      l________\_____j   dH!l_________\  .
:... ....:... .... .......  ..... ....:.... ....: ..... ........ . ...... ..:

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \--------------------------------[ 18 / 2o ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \   LOGO SAYS : SHELTER                     |
| /________        \____|       \\                                          |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\ REQUESTOR : SHELTER                   .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

     _______   ___ ___   _______   _______   _______   _______  ________
   __\·  __/___\_ Y _/___\· ___/___\·  __/___\·    /___\· ___/__\·__  _/__
.:_\____ '   \    !    \     ___/_    _\   \          \    ___/_  \  /    \.:.
 /     `--    \   .     \         \         \___  _____\        \   .      \:
/________      \__|      \___      \__       \__    |_____       \__|       \
 :      l_______\ l_______\ l_______\l________\l____j dH!l________\ l________\
 .                                                                          :
 :    .           ·     .      ·     ·      .         ·      .           ·  .
.:.. .:. ....... .:. ...:... ..: . ..:... ..:. ..... .:. ....:... ... ...:..:.
 ·         :              :            :         :             :    :       ·
           ·              .            ·         .             ·    .

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \--------------------------------[ 19 / 2o ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \   LOGO SAYS : FIRESIDE                    |
| /________        \____|       \\                                          |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\ REQUESTOR : SHELTER                   .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

                 _________  ______    ________    ________
       .       __\·   ___/__\·   /_.__\·__  _/____\·  ___/_    .     ·
   .:..: .. :./        ___/  \ _/  |    \  /    \      ___/_.. :... .:.:.
    ·    :   /           \        .|     .       \          \    :     :
    ·       /________    \\       ||_____|       \\___      \\   ·     .
    : __  _         l______\_______j     l_________\ l________\  _  __ :
    . \_\ \\     _______    ______    ________    ________      // /_/ .
    ·          __\·  __/____\·   /_.__\· ___ /____\·  ___/_            ·
    :    ·    _\____       \ \ _/  |        \   \      ___/_    ·      .
   .:.. .:. ./              \     .|        _\   \          \...: .. ..:.
    · :     /________       \\    ||______       \\___      \\    :    ·
      ·             l_________\____j     l_________\ l________\   ·

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \--------------------------------[ 2o / 2o ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \   LOGO SAYS : SMOKEY                      |
| /________        \____|       \\                                          |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\ REQUESTOR : SHELTER                   .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

     _______     ___ ____    ________    ___ ____    ________   ___ ____
   __\·  __/_____\· Y   /____\· _   /____\· Y  _/____\·  ___/___\· Y __/__
.:_\____       \    ! /    \    Y      \    ! /    \      ___/_    ! \    \.:.
 /              \  \ /      \   !       \   .       \          \           \.
/________       \\__Y       \\___       \\__|       \\___      \\___       \\
 :   dH!l_________\ l_________\ l_________\ l_________\ l________\ l_________\
 .                                                                          :
 ·  .           .        .      .        ·   ·          ·        ·        · .
.:..:. ....... .: . .....: ... .:. ......:. .:. ...... .:... ....:.. .. ..:.:.
 ·        :            :              :           :       :           :  :
          ·            .              .           ·                   ·  .

--->8------------------[ LET'S GO FOR A QUICK BREAK! ]-------------------8<---

  ...........                                                 ...........
  :         :                                                 :         :
  :         :                                                 :         :
  :         :                                                 :         :
  :         :                                                 :         :
  :         :                                                 :         :
  :         :...                                          ....:         :
  :.........:  :                                          :   :.........:
        :      :                                          :      :
        :      :                                          :      :
        :      :..                                      ..:      :
        :......: :                                      : :......:
             :   :                                      :   :
             :...:                                      :...:

           ____ __ _
          / __ __ _
         / /
         \/    The leaves were long, the grass was green,
       /\        The hemlock-umbels tall and fair,
__ ___/ /      And in the Glade a light was seen
_ __ __/         Of stars in shadow shimmering.
               Tinúviel was dancing there
                 To music of a pipe unseen                           ___ __ _
               And light of stars was in her hair,                  / ___ __ _
                 And in her raiment glimmering.                    / /
                           [ Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien ]  /\
                                                        _ __ ___/ /
                                                         _ __ ___/

            This is only a little bit of the whole song / poem about
              Beren and Luthien, but the whole was too long to use!

               (Just to show you that I've got other hobbies
                     than listen to black metal also! =)

             .....                                       .....
             :   :                                       :   :
        .....:.. :                                       : ..:.....
        :      :.:                                       :.:      :
        :      :                                           :      :
        :      :                                           :      :
  ......:....  :                                           :  ....:......
  :         :..:                                           :..:         :
  :         :                                                 :         :
  :         :                                                 :         :
  :         :                                                 :         :
  :         :                                                 :         :
  :         :                                                 :         :
  :.........:                                                 :.........:

--->8---------------------[ HERE WE GO AGAIN! ]--------------------------8<---

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \---------[ BBS PART ]-----------[ o1 / 1o ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \                                           |
| /________        \____|       \\  LOGO SAYS : UPLOAD                      |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\                                       .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

     ___ ____    _______    ________    ________    ________    ________
   __\· Y   /____\·    /____\·   __/____\· _   /____\·__   /____\· ___ /__
.:/     |      \      __  \     _\    \    Y      \   \       \       \   \.:.
 //     !       \       \  \           \   !       \   .       \      _\   \:
/________        \     ____/____       \\___       \\__|       \\___       \\
 :      l_________\______|  dH!l_________\ l_________\ l_________\ l_________\
 .                                                                          :
 :                                                                          .
 .                 rules and so on.... whatever you want!                   ·
 :                                                                          :
 .                                                                          ·
 ·                                                                          .
 .                                                                          .
 :  .       ·         .       ·              ·       .         .    .       :
.:..:..... .:... .....:  .... : . ..:...... .:. .....:. .. .. .:  ..:..... .:.
 ·     :          :       :            :           :     :             :    ·
       ·          .       .            ·           ·     ·             ·

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \---------[ BBS PART ]-----------[ o2 / 1o ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \                                           |
| /________        \____|       \\  LOGO SAYS : DOWNLOAD                    |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\                                       .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

                ________    ________    ___ _ ___    ________
              __\· ___ /____\· _   /____\· Y Y  /____\_     /__
    .--------/        \   \    Y      \    ! !     \  '        \--------.
    |::·    /         _\   \   !       \    .       \   .       \    ·::|
    |·     /________       \\___       \\___|       \\__|       \\     ·|
.---|           dH!l_________\ l_________\  l_________\ l_________\     |---.
|::·|                                                                   |·::|
|·  |:.         ________    ________    ________    ________          .:|  ·|
|   |:::.      _\·   __/____\· _   /____\·__   /____\· ___ /__      .:::|   |
|   `---------/     _\    \    Y      \   \       \       \   \---------'   |
|            /             \   !       \   .       \      _\   \            |
|   __  _   /_______       \\___       \\__|       \\___       \\   _  __   |
|  /_/ //          l_________\ l_________\ l_________\ l_________\  \\ \_\  |
|                                                                           |
¦                                                                           ¦
:By  Unarchiving  A  File  Downloaded  From  Here, You Agree To Abide By All:
:Copyright  Laws  Found  In The Swedish Law, And Specifically Those Sections:
·Regarding  Non-Profit  Library  Check-Out  Of Software.  Once Your Checkout.
:Period  Is  Over You Must Return Or Destroy This File.  If You Do Not Do So:
.You  Will  Be  In  Violation  Of  Federal  Law.   If You Have Any Questions·
.Regarding  Your  Legal  Liability  Please  Consult  S.I.M.P  Or  Your Local.
.Attorney.   Making  Copies  Or  Distribution  Of  This  File  Is  Expressly:
:Forbidden  By  Federal  Law.  Your Checkout Period Is 24 Hours.  If You Can.
·Use   This  Software,   Please  Purchase   It  From  Your  Local  Retailer.:
.    ·       .       .   ·          .          ·        .       ·         . :
:.. .:..... .:. .....: ..:.... .... :..  ......:. ... ..: ......:. .. . ..: .
·        :        :         :               :              :        :   :   ·
         ·        ·         .               .              ·        ·   .

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \---------[ BBS PART ]-----------[ o3 / 1o ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \                                           |
| /________        \____|       \\  LOGO SAYS : CHAT                        |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\                                       .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

           . . .   s y s o p   i s   h e r e   f o r   a   . . .

              ________    ____ ____    ________    ________
      ·     __\·   __/____\_  Y  _/____\·__   /____\·     /__
   .:.:. ../       l    \     !      \   \       \           \.. :... :.
    ·     /              \    .       \   .       \____   ____\   :   :
    :    /________       \\___|       \\__|       \\|      |      ·   .
    ·            l_________\  l_________\ l_________\______j          .
    .                                                                 :
    : .          ·        .         ·           .         .           .
   .:.:. ....... : . .....:..   ....:.. ... ....:.. .. ...:. . .... ..:.
           :           :                 :           :          :     ·
           ·           .                 ·           ·          ·

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \---------[ BBS PART ]-----------[ o4 / 1o ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \                                           |
| /________        \____|       \\  LOGO SAYS : SYSOP                       |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\                                       .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

           _______     ___ ____    _______     ________    _______
         __\·  __/_____\· Y __/____\·  __/_____\· _   /____\·    /__
        _\____       \    ! \    \____       \    Y      \     ___  \
 .-----/              \           \           \   !       \       \  \-----.
 |    /________       \\___       \\___       \\___       \\     ____/     |
 |:.          l_________\ l_________\ l_________\ l_________\_____|      .:|
 |:::.                                                                 .:::|
 `------------[ I S   H E R E ,   O P E N   Y O U R   M I N D ! ]----------'

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \---------[ BBS PART ]-----------[ o5 /    ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \                                           |
| /________        \____|       \\  LOGO SAYS : BULLETINS                   |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\                                       .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

      ________    ___ ___    ________    ________    ________   ________
    __\·   _ /____\· Y  /____\·   __/____\·   __/____\·  ___/___\·     /__
.:./      /(  __\    |     \     _\    \     _\    \      ___/_           \.:.
 ://        _    \   !      \           \           \          \____  _____\:
 /________ /(     \___      \\___       \\___       \\___      \\|      |   :
 :       l_________\ l________\ l_________\ l_________\ l________\______j   .
 . ·    .                   ·            .         ·            ________    .
 ..: ...:.. ..... ...:.... .:. ........ .:. .......: ..:.     ._\·     /_.  .
 :             :     ·              :           :      ·      |  \  __/  |  :
 .             ·      BULLETIN MENU .           ·      :      |         .|  .
 .   o1                                                .      l_____    ||  ·
 :   o2                                                .           l_____j  ·
 ·   and so on...                                      :        ________    :
 .                                                     .      __\_     /__  .
 .                                                     .     /   ' .      \ :
 :                                                     ·    /      |       \·
 .                                                     :   /_______|       \\
 .                                                     .           l_________\
 :       just add more space in here if needed         .        _______     :
 :                                                     .      __\·  __/___  ·
 .                                                     ·     _\_____      \ .
 ·                                                     :    /              \:
 :  ·           .           ·          ·           ·   .   /________       \\
.:..:. ... .....: ... .. ...:..... .. .:..... ... .: ..:... .. .dH!l_________\
        :    :        :         :           :             :
        ·    .        .                     ·             ·

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \---------[ BBS PART ]-----------[ o6 /    ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \                                           |
| /________        \____|       \\  LOGO SAYS : NEW FILES                   |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\                                       .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

          ________    ________   ___ _ ___
        __\_     /____\·  ___/___\· Y Y  /__  ·       .      ·        ·
 .:.. ./   ' .      \      ___/_    ! !     \.:. .....:. .. .: . . . .:..:.
  · : //     |       \          \    .       \     :     :         :     :
  · ·/_______|        \___      \\___|       \\    .     ·         .     .
  .       dH!l_________\ l________\  l_________\                         .
  :                                                                      ·
  ·             ________  ______    ________    ________   _______       .
  ·           __\·   __/__\·   /_.__\·   __/____\·  ___/___\· ___/___    :
  :  ·     . /        ___\ \ _/  |      _\    \      ___/_____       \   .
 .:..: ... :/           \       .|             \          \           \. :.
  ·     :  /_______     \\      ||______       \\___      \\___       \\ ·
        .         l_______\______j     l_________\ l________\ l_________\

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \---------[ BBS PART ]-----------[ o7 /    ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \                                           |
| /________        \____|       \\  LOGO SAYS : COMPO                       |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\                                       .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

           ________    ________    ___ ____    _______    ________
         __\·   __/____\· _   /____\· Y   /____\·    /____\· _   /__
  .-----/       l    \    Y      \    ! /    \      __  \    Y      \-----.
  |    /              \   !       \  \ /      \       \ \\   !       \    |
  |   /________       \\___       \\__Y       \\      ____\___       \\   |
.-|           l_________\ l_________\ l_________\______j  dH!l_________\  |-.
|:|:.                                                                   .:|:|
| |:::.                                                               .:::| |
| `----------------------------[ AT bbsname ]-----------------------------' |
|                                                                           |
|                                   RULES                                   |
|                                                                           |
|            whatever you want... just add more lines if needed!            |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|                                                                           |
|:.                                                                       .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`------------------------------[ GOOD LUCK!! ]------------------------------'

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \---------[ BBS PART ]-----------[ o8 /    ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \                                           |
| /________        \____|       \\  LOGO SAYS : WINNER                      |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\                                       .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

                    LADIES AND GENTLEMEN!!! WE HAVE A

      ___ _ ___   ______    ________    ________    ________   ________
    __\· Y Y  /___\·   /_.__\_     /____\_     /____\·  ___/___\·__  _/__
   /     ! !     \ \ _/  |   ' .      \  ' .      \      ___/_   \  /    \
.://      .       \     .|     |       \   |       \          \   .       \.:.
 /________|        \    ||_____|       \\__|       \\___      \\__|       \\:
 .        l_________\____j  dH!l_________\ l_________\ l________\ l_________\
 :                                                                          .
 ·      AND THE LUCKY FELLOW WHO WILL GET xxxxx MEGZ IS compowinner!!!      :
 .                                                                          ·
 .    JUST LOOK AT THIS :    user     /    location     :   xxxxxx megz!!!  :
 :                          GREAT WORK THERE user!!!                        :
 .                                                                          .
.:..... .... .... ..... ..  ....... ... .. . ....... .. ..... .. ..... .... :.
 ·                                                                          ·

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \---------[ BBS PART ]-----------[ o9 /    ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \                                           |
| /________        \____|       \\  LOGO SAYS : CONFS                       |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\                                       .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

          ________    ________    ________    ________  _______
        __\    __/____\  _   /____\_     /____\   ___/__\   __/___
 .:.. ./       l    \    Y      \  ' .      \      ___/_____      \... .:.
  ·   /              \   !       \   |       \       \             \    :
  .  /________        \___        \__|        \___    \_____        \   .
  .          l_________\ l_________\ l_________\ l_____\dH!l_________\  .
 .:... ... ..... ....... .............. ...   ........ .. . ....... . ..:.

       ________     ____ ____
     __\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__
.---/        \   \      !      \---------[ BBS PART ]-----------[ 1o /    ]-.
|  //        _\   \     .       \                                           |
| /________        \____|       \\  LOGO SAYS : NO CARRIER                  |
|:.       l_________\dH!l_________\                                       .:|
|:::.                                                                   .:::|
`--------------[  SATANiC  BY  DARKHOLDER  /  HYPE  ^  ATMP  ]--------------'

                           ________    ________
                         __\_     /____\· _   /__
      ·           .     /   ' .      \    Y      \ .    .         ·       ·
.:... :.. ...... .: .../      |       \   !       \:. ..:.. .. ...:.. .. .:.:.
 .         :         :/_______|       \\___       \\         :         :    :
 ·  ______ .         .     dH!l_________\ l_________\        ·   ________   .
 .._\· __/__   _______                                  _________\·__  _/_  :.
 :/    l    \__\·__  /_   ________              ______ _\· ___/_   \  /   \ .
 /           \   \     \__\·__  _/_   ________._\·   //     ___/_   .      \.
/______      \\   .     \   \  /   \__\·__  _/|  \ _/ |          \__|      \\
 :    l________\__|     \\   .      \   \  /   \     .|____      \\ l________\
 .                l_______\__|      \\   .      \    ||   l________\        :
.·                           l________\__|      \\____j                    ..
 .                                       l________\                         :
 .                       CALL THEESE NICE BOARDS ALSO!                      :
 ·                                                                          .
 .                                                                          ..
 :.                                                                         .
 ·                                                                          ·
 .                                                                         .:
 .                                                                          ·
..                                                                          ..
 :                                                                          ·
 .                                                                          ·
 :  ·       .        .     .         .         .          ·          .     .:
.:..:. ... .:... ... :. ...:. .. .. .:..... .. :  . ..... :. . ..... : . ...:.
 ·      :        :             :         :          :           :         : ·
        ·        .             ·                    ·           ·

 .                                                                        .

 ·           .:... .. ..... .. .. ..... .. .... ...... .. ...:.           ·
 ·            :                                              .            ·
 .            ·    IT'S OVER! YOU CAN OPEN YOUR EYES NOW!    ·            .
 :            .                                              :            :
 :           .:.. .... .. .. .. ..... ... .... ... .... .. ..:.           :
 ¦            ·    ·                                    ·    ·            ¦
 |                 : ::..                          ..:: :                 |
 |                 ¦  ::·::..                  ..::·::  ¦                 |
 |            .----|---::--··::..----------..::··  ::---|----.            |
 |            |::· |    ::     ··::..  ..::··     ::    | ·::|            |
 | .          |· . |     ::        ::::::        ::     | . ·|          . |
 `-|----------'--|-'      ::   ..::··  ··::..   ::      `-|--`----------|-'
   |::·          |         ::::·· .      . ··::::         |          ·::|
   |·            `-----..::·::----|-[DH]-|----::·::..-----'            ·|
   |               ..::·· .  ::   `-|--|-'   ::  . ··::..               |
   |           ..::··  `--|---::----'  `----::---|--'  ··::..           |
   |:.         ··::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::··         .:|
   |:::.                  |     ::        ::     |                  .:::|
                          |       ::    ::       |
                          |        ::  ::        |
                          |         ::::         |
  .-----------------------'          ::          `-----------------------.
  |:::·                                                              ·:::|
  |:·                                                                  ·:|
  |                                                                      |
  ¦                                                                      ¦
  :       Another collection by DarkHolder has now ended, hope           :
  .       that you found some of it useful or fun to look at!            .
  .                                                                     ..
 .:                                                                      ·
  .       This is as written above the third (3) collection by           .
  ·       me, and I think that this one has got a bit higher             .
  .       quality than the two former ones, (Blood Feeds Blood           .
  .       and No Dreams Breed In Breathless Sleep) and I am trying       :.
  .       to improve the design and of coz the logos to get them         ·
  :.      better in the next collection. So well, but all this shit     ..
  ·       is of coz up to you if you think it's been better or worse!    :
  :                                                                      .
  .       Well, now for something I think was fun! I saw that at least   :
 .:       SOMEONE have seen my collection, coz when I leeched the        .
  ·       ULT-4TA!.TXT (4 THE ARTISTS by BOOTH) he had made a logo       ·
  ·       for me, and used one of my logos, so at least SOMEONE have     .
  ·       have seen my collections! =) Thanks for that Booth! Nice       :.
  ..      collection anyway! =)                                          .
  :                                                                      :
  .       Well, have you noticed that I have a lot of just shitty        .
  :       text in all my collections?! Wonder if someone reads it?!     .·
  .       Well, what the heck, it's fun to write it, so who cares! =)    :
  .                                                                      .
 ..                                                                      .
  :       Anyway, now this collection has come to it's end, and now      ·
  .       follows only some info about this one! Until next time,        :
  ·.      watch out for laser-elks!                                      ..
  :                                                                      .
  .  .          ·        .         .          .      .         ·      .  :
 .:..:. .... ...:... .. .: ...... .: .... ... :.... .:  ..... .: ... .: .:.
  ·      :         :          :        :         :       :        :      ·
  .      ·         ·          .        ·         ·       ·        ·      ·
..:  ________    ________    ________   ________   ________    _______   :...
 : __\·   __/____\·__  _/____\·  ___/___\·  ___/___\·     /____\·  __/___  :
 ./       |    \   \  /    \      ___/_      ___/_           \____       \ .
 //       `--   \   .       \          \          \____  _____\           \
/________        \__|       \\___      \\___      \\|      |_______       \\
 :  |   l_________\ l_________\ l________\ l________\______j   dH!l_________\
 ·  |                                                                   |  :
 .  |    Styxx, Apollo, Bladerunner, Bringer of Chaos, Golem, Booth,    | ..
 .  |:.  Ceylon, Kryten, Drizzt + all the other I forgot!             .:|  ·
..  |:::.                                                           .:::|  .
 :  `-------------------------------------------------------------------'  .
 ..                                                                        :.
 ·                  .:.... ... ... ...... ... .... ...:.                   .
 .                   .                                :                    .
 .                   ·     TECHNICAL INFORMATION      .                    ·
..                  .:.... ... ....  ..... ... ..... .:.                  .:
 ·                   ·                                ·                    .
 :.                                                                        :
 ..:                                                                     :..
   : .        ·         .      .             .        ·      .      ·    .
  .:.:. .... .:... ... .:..... :.  ....... ..: .... ..: .....: ... .: ...:.
   :      :      : :        :          :         :         :    :     :  .
   .      .      · .        ·          ·         ·         ·    ·     ·  ·
   ·   .---------------------------------.---------------------------.   :.
  ..   |  Number of logos                |  3o (2o+1o)               |   ·
   :   |  Biggest logo                   |  Streetz of Compton (o4)  |   .
   ..  |                                 |  (2347 bytes)             |  .:
   .   |  Smallest logo                  |  Def (o3) (428 bytes)     |   ·
   .   |  Size of collection             |  80481 bytes              |   ·
   .   |                                 |  1439 lines               |   ·
  .·   |  Ugliest logo                   |  Def i think!             |   .
   :.  |  World release at               |  Club Bizarre             |   :.
   .   |  Time it took to make it        |  No idea! 3-4 weeks?      |  ..
   :   |  Date when finished             |  23/o7-1996               |   ·
   .   |  Hardware used                  |  Amiga with a M1230-50    |   ·
   .   |                                 |  and 6 megabytes RAM      |   .
  ..   |  Editor used                    |  Cygnus Editor            |   :.
   ·   |  Important things that made     |  Coca-Cola, Pizza, MAX    |   ·
   ·   |  me finish this collection      |  hamburgers, Festis Peach |  ..
   :.  |                                 |  Passion, various candy   |   :
   .   |  Music listened to              |  Lot's of Black Metal     |   .
  .·   `---------------------------------^---------------------------'   ·
   .                                                                     .
   :.   .       .        ·      .       ·         .      .       .       ·
  .:....: ... ..:..... . : .....: .... .: ..... ..: .. ..:.. .. .: ..... :.
   ·       :        :        :      :        :       :        :      :   ·
           ·        ·        ·      ·        ·       ·        ·      ·

  _____  _   _    _____         _  ____
 _l__   _l  _l   _l__          _l _l  7
 \      \   \    \             \  \   |
  \      \   \___ \____  _____  \  \__/

      .   ________     ____ ____    ·
.:... :.__\·  __ /_____\_  Y  _/__..:. .. :.
 :  :  /        \   \      !      \    :  :
 .  · //        _\   \     .       \   ·  .
 .   /________        \____|       \\     ·
 ·           l_________\dH!l_________\    :
 :        DARKHOLDER / HYPE ^ ATMP        .
 .    presents a new ascii collection     :
 :                                        .
 :     ·    [>     SATANiC     <]      ·  .
.:.. ..: ... ..... ...: .... ..:. .... :..:.
 · :     :    ·    ·         :     ·      ·

 .                   this file has been frozen inside                     .
 :                            ____ _|_ __                                 :
 :                             \/  \ / \/,                                :
 : ______    ______    ______  ____      _____     ______   ______  ______:
 __) _  (____) __ (____)  _ (__)  (__  __)   /_____) ___( __)  _ (__) _  (__
/    /    _     (   _      __     __/_/   _ /   _   __(__/      __    /    /
\___/    /\____    /\___/   \____ (   \___/    /\____   _____/   \___/    /
 :  )___/gdm-)____/    /____/  )______/  /____/    )____/lkr/____/   )___/:
 :                 _                                    _                 :
 :         -   - -)_)- P ·  A  ·  L  ·  A  ·  C  ·  E -(_(- -  -          :
 :                                                                        :
 `----------------.- t.h.e.n.o.r.t.h.e.r.n.p.a.l.a.c.e -.-----------------'

    _::_   3nds ringdown loaded with amiga/ascii/console/psx/mac    _::_
     \/      4040 26mb 3.1gb cd-rom 2/33.6ds 1/28.8ds 3/telnet       \/

 motion · royal · traders dream · trsi recordz · dreamchart · hoodlum dkhq
 style · lsd · data division ehq · polka bros. · puzzle world headquarter!
    save our souls hq · looker house ehq · royal mac schq · oldskool hq

                 .   -  -  board dedushka-morozes  -  -   .
                 :                                        :
    zinko · playmate · sisko · bilbo baggins/m! · neil/flt · deliveryman
         ufok/cqt^mst^lsd^psg^crx · fury/psg/m! · black panther/psg
                 :                                        :
                 . -^-  - -santa +45-58aSKyARSELF- -  -^- .

                 .                                        .

        .                    _____: . O  o                               O
   _____|_____.      _____  .)    |____o [ t . H . E  - y . A . R . d ]_o .
 _|      /   .|_____/_   /_ : _   |                                       :
 \      /    |/      /   _//  \    . ahs . bgirl . arcade . srz . tac .   |
  |____/|____/      /__________\  . lp! . soia . pnk . omen . mce . pph . |
            /______/     _ _:   _____          ______  __________ ________:
                         \\\.  /    /__________\_   /_/  _      //  ._   /.
  consoles.amiga.graffiti   ! /    /|    /   _      \    /     /    |/    |
  ascii.hiphop.mp3.ibm/pc   |/_____     /____\_______\___\________________|
  classics.drugs.linux/dd   :_  t^/____/   _.  zANEr/diPSWiTCH/hAsH/cRAZY |
                             (_____________)| ___________ _______ _ ______:
  one of the finest in +49             _ _ ___)         (_)               :
                              #1 33k6.  #2 28k8.  #3 64k isdn #4 64k isdn
                              #5 telnet #6 telnet #7 telnet   #8 telnet