· : __ _/\¦/\_ __ __/\__ _ _ __ _/(_) | (_)\_ __ _ _ __/\__ \ / ( /_/\\_ | _//\_\ ) \ / /_ _\ \_\/_/ @ | @ \_\/_/ /_ _\ \/ \__ _|_ __/ \/ _ ___ _____/\_ ___/\__/\__).(__/\__/\___ _/\_____ ___ _ \\\__\\_____ (_) __ ___ (_¦_) ___ __ (_) _____//__/// _ \___ / \/| _ _ _ _ _ |\/ \ ___/ _ /(___ _/\_____ / /_ _ _| | | | | | |_ _ _\ \ _____/\_ ___)\ / (_) \_ \/ \\_ |_|_|_|_| _// \/ _/ (_) \ / _/ _ _ _| | | | | | |_ _ _ \_ \ \ ( (_)\_ | | | | | _/(_) ) / /\ \ WE WILL NEVER _/ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ \_ WE WILL NEVER / /\ \/ / SURRENDER _ __/\\__ _\ /_ __//\__ _ COMPROMISE! \ \/ / \\\__/ \/ \_/ \/ \__/// \ \ ¯ __/\ /\__ ¯ / \ __________________\__/ \__/__________________ / \( __/\ /\__ )/ ¯ \__/ ___ \__/ ¯ __/\\_//\__ ONLINE UNTIL BUST \__/ _ \__/ ONLINE BIS ZUM KNAST __/ \__ \_____/ (--------------------------------------------------------------------------) _ ____________________________ __ _\ __ ____ ______:_ \// \\/ :_____ _______| |________ ·t.hE C.hARGE· / \ _| \.) | _/ _/___ ø \_ | : \ _/ | tRiStAR ANd REd SECtoR iNC / -Mo!\aL- |______| |______\___________| GERMAN ANd SioN WoRLd hQ ______| | cRUX GhQ / _________|_ | | _______ __________.______ ________ / \ / | __ |_\_ \ __\_ / _/__ _/ _/___ \ \_. : \ | _ \. / /. \ \ _/ | \_________|___| / |___\______| \_______|_____/ \___________| 17:19:29 |______| /_______| 30-Dez-96 (_______| RuNNiNG oN AMiGA 3ooo/o3o/25 With 24Mb RAM ANd SoME GiGS StoRAGE SYStEM GuARdS: eCs oF tRiStAR ANd REd SECtoR iNC. ANd SioN MARio oF tRiStAR ANd REd SECtoR iNC. ANd SioN dR.dRE! oF tRiStAR ANd REd SECtoR iNC. (FAME·iNNoVAtioN) Vampire oF tRiStAR ANd REd SECtoR iNC. (--------------------------------------------------------------------------) · · /_ _\ ___/ \___ s o f . \_/ spaced out (c) zoltrix prods '96. \_/ s o f . /_ _\ / \ · · running slower than us? then you're above us _\ /_ _\........................./_ . \ / . _|_ · · _|_ | | .s.|.p. .a. .c. .e. .d. .o. .u.|.t. ______ ______ ____ ____ _|___ ____ __ ____ ____ __ ____ / /__/ _ \/ \ / _|_| _/__ ___|_ \\// \ / / |/ |_ \__ \ /___// \/ | | _| | / / // \/ _/| / _/ /______/___| /________\_______|_______|_______/ \______/________/______| | tGø| _|_ _|_ ._ _______________________________ _. | . . | |_)) ((_| · _/.......................\_ · . . /_ _\ | freezers ehq | / \ | tristar^red sector ukhq | | data division ukhq | | outlaws ukhq | | digital corruption ukhq _____ __ _ | binary foundation ukhq _) __//_/// | save our souls ukhq \__) . | crux ukhq ___ | __________5th dynasty ukhq \ (_ | \ _ /_______________________ __\ \ | \ //________________________))_____\ | \ :/ | \ -+-- - contact a group member for | \/¦ an account on s.p.a.c.e.d o.u.t | : | ._ _. |_))_____________________________((_| · · /_ _\ ___/ \___ e o f . \_/ spaced out (c) zoltrix prods '96. \_/ e o f . /_ _\ / \ · · .---------------------------------------------------. |tHIS fILE wAS uNLOADED hERE 13:45:34 ON 12-29-1996| |---------------------------------------------------| | UPLOADED BY nEMES!S | |---------------------------------------------------| | fROM ·DTL·SOS·DAT·P303· iN dOCKiNG bAY 01 | `---------------------------------------------------' -[-------------------------------------------------------------------------]- S.O.F @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ........................................ ..:.___ _. .:.. :_·|__( ___ _____ ___ _/ |__ _____ ____· : :\¯__//_\_/_\ __/__\_/_\ ___/__\__ /_\ /__: : \| \_ \| __/ _/ : :___\__________/__________\____\|_____\____: : : : NEMES!S/DIGITAL PRESENTS A NEW : : ASCII COLLECTION : :.:. ·FREE GIFT AND RESPECT COLLECTION· .:.: :......................................: @END_FILE_ID.DIZ .: ...................................................:. ..: : : "THE SCENE CANNOT GROW, WHEN THE ONLY REACTION : : A SCENE-BEGINNER GETS, IS ARROGANCE" : : : : - GFX TWINS / ESSENCE `96 ..:.. .:..................................................::: : · :...: I`M STILL SEACHING FOR A NEW ASCII GROUP TO JOIN! WANT ME? CHECK OUT MY NEW STYLE RELEASED IN THIS COLLECTION! ______________________ ______________________ _) (_ _) (_ |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| ANOTHER DAY, ANOTHER COLLY! |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: ____/\|______ ___ /\ ______ /\___ _|:_/\___ :| |: ) _ \) _ \) Y \) _ \/ __/(___/ __/_ :| |: t0!/ | ___/ \ / ___/\___ \___ \e^D :| |: \___| __________Y ______________ _______/ :| |: `-÷-' `---' `--÷' :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| ________ ________ |: :| |: :| .\ _ /_\ ____/ |: :| |: :| | / __/ |: :| |: :| |_____________\ |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: _____ :| |: :| |: _______| / :|___________ · ______ _|:______ _______ :| |: \ _ |__\ \ _ \. _ /_./ |_ _ \ /____ :| |: \ \ | \/ \ \ | \/ | _/ _ / / | :| |: \__________|______\_____ |______|______|___ /____\___________| :| |: Mo!/aL-|______| |\/ :| |: :| |: :| |: :| [÷] DIGITAL! [÷] |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| . |: __:_ :| |:________ ____ __:|___ ____/ _______ _____|: _/ |___ ____ :| |:\ _ /___\__ \__\ ___/___/ /___\ ___/___\___ /_\ ____/__/ /___ :| || _/ \_ _/ _/ \_ _/ \___/ \_ _/ \_ / \_ \ \____ \:| || \______/_\______/_\______/ /______/_\______/_/______/________/__/_____/| |`-----'-nM$! :| / |: :| |: :| · |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: ______ ____:|_ _________ |: :| |: / /______/ . \______\ _/ |: :| |: / / / | \ \ \ |: :| |: \____ /\___________/____________\-wk!/ja |: :| |: /_____/ :| |:___________ :| |: _____ _______:| _______ _______ __|:\ \_______ :| |:___/__ \__/_ /:|_____\ _/__/_ /_____\_ \_ _/_ /_:| |/ / / /____/ \_ \ / /____/ / / /_ / /____/ / |\__________\____________/__________\___________\ \______\ _\___________\ |: :| /______| \ \ :| |: :| YOU DESERVE US... ____|:___ \ /________ :| |: :| _____\ _/___\/_\ _/_ :| |: :| \ \ \ \ / :| |: :| /___________/_______________\ :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| _:_____ |: _________ :| |: ________ :|________ ____|___ ( _________|:___\ __/ :| |: _\_ _/_:|\___ /_\ ___/ /_\ ____/|:\ \ /_ :| |: _/ -nM$! |/ \| ___/ _ \_ :| |: .\\_______________/___________\________\|__________\_______//. :| |: :| |: :| |: :| ___________________________ |: :| |: :|_) (_|: :| |: :|| PART 1 - WISE WORDS ||: :| |: :|| PART 2 - MENU ||: :| |: :|| PART 3 - LOGOS (GIFTS) ||: :| |: :|| PART 4 - LAMER EXPOSED ||: :| |: :|| PART 5 - LOGOS (RESPT) ||: :| |: :|| PART 6 - BONUS ||: :| |: :|| PART 7 - END RUBRIC ||: :| |: :|¯)_________________________(¯|: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| [÷] WISE WORDS [÷] |: :| |:________ _:|__. _________ _/________|: :| |\_ /___________\____|______\ _/_/ _ /:_____ :| |:/ /\ _/ \_ \ / /____/ _/ :| |/______/\________\ |/_____________/________________\-wk!/ja :| |: /________| |: :| |: _________ :| _________ ______ |:_____ _______ :| |: \_ /___:|_/_ . \____\_ \______/__ \_____\_ _/__:| |: / /\ _/ | / / /_ / / / /:| |: /______/\______\__________\ \_______\___________\___________/ :| |: :| /_______| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :|THE YEAR 1996 IS COMING TO A|: :| |: :|SAD END AND THE YEAR 1997|: :| |: :|BECKONS AROUND THE CORNER.|: :| |: :|WHAT WILL IT BRING FOR US AS|: :| |: :|SCENERS? LETS HOPE THE SCENE|: :| |: :|WILL LIVE ANOTHER YEAR OF JOY|: :| |: :|AND MANY RELEASES, LETS SHOW|: :| |: :|OUR SELFS THE AMIGA STILL CAN|: :| |: :|KICK OUT BRILLIANT DEMOS AND|: :| |: :|GENERATE NEW SCENERS. WE NEED|: :| |: :|TO FORGOT THE PC. WE DON`T|: :| |: :|NEED TO TALK ABOUT IT OR MOAN|: :| |: :|ABOUT IT. ITS NOTHING SPECIAL|: :| |: :| |: :| |: :|I BELIEVE 1997 WILL BE A BAD|: :| |: :|YEAR FOR ASCII WITH MORE LAME|: :| |: :|RELEASES AND LESS COLLYS|: :| |: :|WHICH CONTAIN THE WORD DESIGN|: :| |: :|WHICH SEEMS TO BE LOST WITH|: :| |: :|THE WORDS FUN AND FRIENDSHIP|: :| |: :| |: :| |: :|I MUST APOLOGISE TO LFO/P303|: :| |: :|SORRY I DIDN`T RELEASE THIS|: :| |: :|UNDER YOUR LABEL I THOUGH IT|: :| |: :|WOULD LOOK STUPID WITH THIS|: :| |: :|MESS WITH KARLOS. THE|: :| |: :|PROBLEM IS UN-SOLVABLE BUT|: :| |: :|YOU CAN BLAME KARLOS FOR THAT|: :| |: :|WITH HIS FALSE ALAGATIONS AND|: :| |: :|LAME COMMENTS TOWARDS ME.|: :| |: :|READ ALL ABOUT IT IN THIS. HE|: :| |: :|HAS WENT TOO FAR, PITFULLAMER|: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| - REGARDS, NEMES!S/DIGITAL|: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| [÷] CONTENTS PART 1 [÷] |: :| |: ____ ___ :|___ .___ _____ ___ |: .___ .___ :| |: .__)__/_.__\_ \_.:|). \__._l _/__._) __/_.__). \|:._l _/__.__| _/_. :| |: l_ l _l_ l _l___| _l__ ` _l_ --'__l___| _l__ ` _l__`-, _| :| |: \___/ \___/ :| l__/ \__/ \__/ l__/: \__/-Ra!\__/e^D :| |: :| |: :| |: :| NO LOGO REQUESTER |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| O1 BLUE BLUE/SOS |: :| |: :| O2 CLONE CLONE/P?? |: :| |: :| O3 DMD DMD/LKR |: :| |: :| O4 GDM GDM/LKR |: :| |: :| O5 GHANDY GHANDY/GODS |: :| |: :| O6 GODS GHANDY/GODS |: :| |: :| O7 JETSET ALL JETS |: :| |: :| O8 LOOKER.H GDM^DMD^T0! |: :| |: :| O9 MOGUE MOGUE/AL! |: :| |: :| 1O RANX RANX/JA! |: :| |: :| 11 RASTA RASTA/E^D |: :| |: :| 12 SHADE SHADE/DTL |: :| |: :| 13 SLAB SLAB/SOS |: :| |: :| 14 STYLE BOHEME/SE |: :| |: :| 15 SUBCULT. LFO/P303 |: :| |: :| 16 THE BEYOND DMG/DJ |: :| |: :| 17 THE BEYOND DMG/DJ |: :| |: :| 18 THE FOUNDER THE F/U`R |: :| |: :| 19 U`RACE THE F/U`R |: :| |: :| 2O WADE WADE/GODS |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| [÷] CONTENTS PART 2 [÷] |: :| |: ____ ___ :|___ .___ _____ ___ |: .___ .___ :| |: .__)__/_.__\_ \_.:|). \__._l _/__._) __/_.__). \|:._l _/__.__| _/_. :| |: l_ l _l_ l _l___| _l__ ` _l_ --'__l___| _l__ ` _l__`-, _| :| |: \___/ \___/ :| l__/ \__/ \__/ l__/: \__/-Ra!\__/e^D :| |: :| |: :| |: :| NO HANDLE GROUP |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| O1 CRUSADER MO`SOUL |: :| |: :| O2 DESOTO MO`SOUL |: :| |: :| O3 EXOCET ARCLITE |: :| |: :| O4 FATAL EPSILON DES |: :| |: :| O5 FLI7E INDEPENDANT |: :| |: :| O6 FOLAR STYLE |: :| |: :| O7 GRIMLOCK EPSILON DES |: :| |: :| O8 H20 CONTRA |: :| |: :| O9 KARMA ARCLITE |: :| |: :| 1O MARK RYDER MO`SOUL |: :| |: :| 11 MOGUE ARCLITE |: :| |: :| 12 MORTIMER.T LOW PROFILE |: :| |: :| 13 NICKO TWILIGHT |: :| |: :| 14 NUP MO`SOUL |: :| |: :| 15 PASZCZAK AZKINESS |: :| |: :| 16 RAPID CONTRA |: :| |: :| 17 RELIEF TWISTED |: :| |: :| 18 SNUFFY BABE |: :| |: :| 19 STZ STYLE |: :| |: :| 2O STYLEWARS ? |: :| |: :| 21 STYLEZ CONTRA |: :| |: :| 22 TANGO TWISTED |: :| |: :| 23 TOMMY DIGITAL^LKR |: :| |: :| 24 TREACH CONTRA |: :| |: :| 25 TRIVIAL LOW PROFILE |: :| |: :| 26 U-MAN ARCLITE |: :| |: :| 27 VIETCONG O.M.A |: :| |: :| 28 XCLUZIWE S.O.S |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| SORRY I FORGOT YOU TO: |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| CYBERGOD, GOZZ, VINZI, |: :| |: :| SPEEDEVIL, RASTA, CASE78. |: :| |: :| PROBLIES A FEW MORE =) |: :| ¯)____________________(¯ ¯)____________________(¯ .: ...........................................................:. ..: : : "SOME SCENERS CAN`T HELP WISHING THAT AN OLD LEGENDARY : : GROUP WOULD COME BACK AND TEACH US HOW THE SCENE : : SHOULD BE, SINCE OBVIOUSLY MOST OF TODAY`S SCENERS : : DON`T KNOW OR HAVE FORGOT IT" : : - EXCEL / BALANCE `96 ..:.. .:..........................................................::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·°¹· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·BLUE· Req: ·BLUE/SOS^P303^DAT· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 1 / ¯¯ ¯ .: ......:. ..: : _ _ _____ _____:_ : ) /___ ) ___|____ : \ / /________ _\ \___ /___:_ _/¯ /| ____/__ _ _/ |/ /_\ ________ ___/ \_ _ \\\______/____ _/ \_ _ /___\|_______/// -nM$!: /___\_______/// : ..:.. .:.....::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·°²· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·CLONE· Req: ·CLONE/??????· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 1 / ¯¯ ¯ .: .......:. ..: : : : ________ ____:____ : __\___ /.________ _\ ____/____:_ _/ |/ |\___ /________ _ _/ \| /_\ ________ |/ ____/__ \\\_______\___ _/ \_-nM$!/____/____ ___/ \_ _ : /___\_______/ . .::/___\|_______/// : : : ..:.. .:......::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·°³· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·DMD Req: ·DMD/LOOKER HOUSE· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 1 / ¯¯ ¯ .: ..........:. ..: : _:_____ :_____ : ____|___ ( ____|___ ( :_\ ___/ /_ _\ ___/ /___ _/ \| \_ _ _ _/ \| \/ _ ___\______/// \\\_______\___ _ / \_ _ -nM$! : /____\/ /// : /______/ : ..:.. .:.........::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·°4· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·GDM· Req: ·GDM/LOOKER HOUSE· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 1 / ¯¯ ¯ .: .......:. ..: : ____ ____ ____:____ :____\ \/ _ /_ _\ ____/____|___ ( _ / \_ _ _ _/ \_ ___/ __\/______/// \\\___________ \| \_ _ -nM$!: /_____\______/// : ..:.. .:......::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·°5· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·GHANDY· Req: ·GHANDY/GODS· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 1 / ¯¯ ¯ .: ............:. ..: : _ _ _____ : : _______ __\ ( ____:____ ____. :__\__ /.________ _:____( \ /_ _\ ____/_) |__/ __ |\___ /___|__ (\____ \_ _ _ _/ \_ __ ___\|____ |/ __/ ___|/______/// \\\___________ |/ \_ _ /____/____ \| \_ _ -nM$!: /____/______/// . .::/_____\______/// : : : ...:... .:..........:::: : · :.....: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·°6· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·GODS· Req: ·GHANDY/GODS· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 1 / ¯¯ ¯ .: ........:. _:_____ ..: : ____|___ ( ___:_____ : _\ ___/ /_____ _\ ____/_.__:__/ \| /_____ _ _/ \_ |\___ ___\_________ \_ _ \\\___________ |/ \_ _ /____|/______/// -nM$!: /____________/// : ..:.. .:.......::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·°7· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·JETSET· Req: ·ALL JETSET· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 1 / ¯¯ ¯ .: .........:. ..: : : : ___:_ ___:_ _:_____ : _/ |____ _/ |____ ___\ ( : _\ _____/_____ _\ _____/_ _\ \ /_____:/_ \| /__________/_ \| \_ _ _ _/ \ ____/ ___\_________ ____/ ___\______/// \\\___________ ___/ \_ _ /____|/___ ___/ \_ _ -nM$! : /___\|_______/// . .::/___\|_______/// : : : : : ..:.. .:........::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·°8· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·LOOKER HOUSE· Req: ·GDM^DMD^TOMMY /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 1 / ¯¯ ¯ .: ....................:. - ^ ..: .. : [÷] ·L·o·O·K·E·R· ·H·O·U·S·E· [÷] : : : : . : ______ ________ ________ ____: ___ __________ __:___ .\ /_______\_._ /___\_._ /_\ |/ (__\ __ /___\_._ \__ | _/ \_ |/ \_ |/ \_ _/ _/ \_ _.__/ \_ _|/ _/ \_ |___ /___ /___ /_| /__\| /_| / `--------/- `------/- `------/- `÷------/- `-----/- `÷------/- -nM$! ___:_ ______: : _/ |____ ________ ___\ ( ____ _________: .\ ._ /___\_._ /_\ \ /__/ _/_____\ __ /_ | |/ \_ |/ \_ |\ \___._ \_ _.__/ \_ |____| /___ /___ /__|/ /__\| / `------/- `------/- `----÷-/- `------/- `---÷-/- : : : ..:.. .:...................::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·°9· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·MOGUE· Req: ·MOGUE/ARCLITE· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 1 / ¯¯ ¯ .: ..........:. ..: : _________ _____ _ _ __:_ ____ : _\ ____/___\ ( _\ \/ _ /.___:_/ \_ \ /________ _ _/ _ / |\___ _______ |\ ____/__ \\\______\/___ |/ \_ _ /_________ ___/ \_ _ -nM$!: /____________/// . .::/___\|_______/// : ..:.. .:.........::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·¹°· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·RANX· Req: ·RANX/JEDI ARTS· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 1 / ¯¯ ¯ .: .......:. ..: : ________ _________ __:__ : ___\___ /__\ __/ ___\__ \_ __:__\_ |/ \ /_ _ _/ _/ _/__\__ __/____ _ \_ _ \\\_____\____ __ \_ /____\_______/// -nM$! : /____\|______/ : ..:.. .:......::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·¹¹· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·RASTA· Req: ·RASTA/EPSILON· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 1 / ¯¯ ¯ .: ........:. ..: : ____ ___:_ _:___ : __/ /____/ |____ ____\__ \_ __:__)\_____ _____/ _______ _ _/ _/ _/__\__ ___|/___ \| ¯\_\__ /_ \\\______\____ __ \_ _ /_____\___ __ \_ _ -nM$!: /____\|_____/// . .::/____\|______/// : ..:.. .:.......::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·¹²· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·SHADE· Req: ·SHADE/DIGITAL· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 1 / ¯¯ ¯ .: ........:. ..: : _______ _:_____ __:__ ____:_ ___\__ /___|___ ( _/ __/___) |__/ __ ___/ /________ _ _/\_____ __ ___\|___ \| ____/_ \\\_____|/___ |/ \_-nM$!/_____\___ ___/ \_ _ : /____/______/ . .::/___\|______/// : ..:.. .:.......::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·¹³· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·SLAB· Req: ·SLAB/SOS· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 1 / ¯¯ ¯ .: ........:. ..: : _______ ___:_ __:_ : ___\__ / __|____ __/ /________: _/ __ \__ /_ _ _/ \_____ /_\ ___\|___ |/ \_ _ \\\______|/___ _/ \_-nM$!/____/_______/// : /___\_______/ : ..:... .:.......::: : · :....: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·¹4· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·STYLE· Req: ·BOHEME/STYLE· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 1 / ¯¯ ¯ .: ........:. ..: : _ _ _____ : : ___\ ( __:_ ___:_ _\ \ /_____ __/ /____/ |_/__\____ /____________ _ _/ \_____ _____/ __|/___ _/ ____/__ \\\______|/___ \| \_ _ /___\_____ ___/ \_ _ -nM$! : /_____\______/// . .::/___\|_______/// : : : ..:.. .:.......::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·¹5· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·SUBCULTURE· Req: ·LFO/PHUTURE 303· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 1 / ¯¯ ¯ __ ___/\\/______________ _) \/ (_ | ! _ ______________________________ _ ! _______ _____. (_))____________________________((_) _____ ) /___ ) ___|____ _ _/ __/____\ / /_\ \___ /_ S·U·B·C·U·L·T·U·R·E I·S·S·U·E 10 \_____ \_ /| \_ |/ \_ _ ______________________________ _ _ ____|/______/__________/__/_______/ (_))____________________________((_) ( . . ! _______ | ___:_ _______ _________ ) /___ ______ ! _/ |____ ) /___ _____ _________ .\ ____/__\ / /_\ /_____\ _____/_\ / /____\__ \__\ ____/__ | \| \_ /| \_ _/ \_ \| \_ /| \_ _/ _/ \_ ___/ \_ |_____\______/__________/_\________/___\______/__________/__\_______/_\|_______/ -nM$! _ _____________ _____________ _ ¡ ¡ (_ `-----°-----' `-----°-----' _) | | ' _ ____ ` ' ____ _ ` ¯)_____________/\ __(¯ (_ ¬ _) /\\/ `---' ¯¯ ·F·R·O·M· ·P·H·U·T·U·R·E· ·3·0·3· _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·¹6· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·THE BEYOND· Req: ·DMG/BEYOND BBS /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 1 / ¯¯ ¯ ___. ____. [÷] T·H·E B·E·Y·O·N·D [÷] _/ |____ _) |____ __________ _ \ _____/_\ __ /_\_ ___ ( _ NODE 1: +46 8 ASK \| |/ \/_____/ NODE 2: +46 8 ASK \_ _/ \| NODE 3: TELNET /MSG dMG _ ______/_______\____________\____ _ NODE 4: 199.174.XXX.XXX _____. -nM$! _ _ _____ ._____ ) ___|____ __________ ___\ ( ________ _______ ____|___ ( _ \ \___ /_\_ ___ (_) \ /___\___ /____\___ /_\ ___/ / _ |/ \/_____/ \_____ |/ |/ \| _/ \| |/ / _/ \_ _ ___\____________\_________/_____________________\____________/___ _ ·DMG·HERAKLES·TRIVIAL·SOXIUS·C-QUENCE·RAWFOX· ·ORLANDO·LORD NAZGUL·OR!ON·CYCLONE· -÷[AMI ELITE]÷[DEMOS]÷[C64]÷[KICKING OLDIES CONF]÷[SID^CHIPS MODS]÷- -÷[MODULES]÷[GFX!]÷[WORLD OF ASCII]÷[/X TOOLS]÷[REQS^ADDS]÷[INET!]÷- ·RUNNING ON USR 33K6 TO KICK YOUR ASS AND 3.5+ GIG HD!· _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·¹7· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·THE BEYOND· Req: ·DMG/BEYOND BBS· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 1 / ¯¯ ¯ __ ___/\\/____________________:_ [÷] ·T·H·E· ·B·E·Y·O·N·D· [÷] _) \/ (_| ____. ____. ________ | | _ \ |___ _\ |_____\ ___/_ _ | NODE 1: +46 FIND IT! | ___/ _ _\ | NODE 2: +46 FIND IT! | _ ____ _____/ _____ _ _ | NODE 3: TELNET /MSG DMG | -/------' -/-----' -/------' | NODE 4: 199.174.XXX.XXX | -nM$! ! ! ______ ________ _\______ _______ ______ _____ _ \ __|____\ ___/_____\ /___\__ /____\_ /____|__ / _ \_ _\ |\ / / _/ _ ____ _____ _____ _____ ____/ _____ _ -/------' -/------' -/------' -/------' -/------^-----\- ·DMG·HERAKLES·TRIVIAL·SOXIUS·C-QUENCE·RAWFOX· ¡ ·ORLANDO·LORD NAZGUL·OR!ON·CYCLONE· ! -÷[AMI ELITE]÷[DEMOS]÷[C64]÷[KICKING OLD!ES CONF]÷[SID^CHIP TUNES]÷- -÷[MODS]÷[GFX]÷[WORLD OF ASCII]÷[/X UTILS]÷[REQS^ADDS]÷[IMTERNET!]÷- ·BELTING ON USR 33K6 TO BURN YOUR ASS AND 3.5+ GIG HD!· ¡ ¡ |_ | _|_)________________________(¯ : _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·¹8· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·THE FOUNDER· Req: ·THE FOUNDER/U`R· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 1 / ¯¯ ¯ __ ____/\\/______________________ [÷] THE FOUNDER [÷] _·_\ \/ _ __ /_·_ | __/ | ___. ____. ! __\/_ | _/ |____ _) |____ __________ ) /\//. | .\ _.___/_\ ._ /_\ __ /_ .\\/ | | \| \_ |/ \_ _.__/ \_ / | |_____| /__| /__\| / ¯¯ ¯ | `-----/- `------/- `-----/- | _ _ _____ _:_____ ! _________ ________ ___\ ( ________ ____|___ ( __________ ______ .\ _____/_\_._ /_\ \ /___\_._ /_\ _._/ /_\ __ /___\_._ \__ | ___/| |/ \_ |\ \_ |/ \_ \| \_ _.__/ \_ _|/ _/ \_ | \ |_____ /___ /__| / \______/__\| /_| / `------\- `------/- `------/- `------/-----\- `-----/- `-------/- ¡ ¡-nM$! _|__ __|_ · /____________________/\ ____\ · /\\/ ¯¯ _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·¹9· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·U`RACE· Req: ·THE FOUNDER/U`R· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 1 / ¯¯ ¯ .: ...............:. ..: : _____:_ _:___ _________ ) /___ .___\__ \_ _______ __\ ____/__ _\ / /. __ | _/ _/__\__ /______\_ ___/ \_ _ _ _/ /| | (__) |____\____ __ ____/ __\|_______/// \\\____________| : /____\|___ \| \_ _ -nM$!: : . .::/_____\_____/// : ..:.. .:..............::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·²°· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·WADE· Req: ·WADE/GODS· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 1 / ¯¯ ¯ .: ........:. ..: : _:_____ ___:___ : ____|___ ( ) /___ : _\ ___/ /________ _\ / / _:__/ \| ____/__ _ _/ _/\_ \_\__ ___\___ ___/ \_ _ \\\______/\___ __ \_nM$!/___\|_______/// : /____\|______/ : : : ..:.. .:.......::: : · :...: .: ..................................................:. ..: : : GET READY TO SEE YET ANOTHER UK LAMER EXPOSED : : AND AGAIN ITS ANOTHER ASCII ARTIST ..:.. .:.................................................::: : · :...: ALL TEXT WITH > IN FRONT IS WRITTEN BY KARLOS/PHUTURE 303. BELOW IS HIS TOTAL STATEMENT AND BELOW THAT IS MY BREAKDOWN OF IT. READ AND ENJOY AND SEE YET ANOTHER (UK) LAMER EXPOSED. HE HAS SEVERAL DIFFERENT HANDLES THIS LAMER, WHICH ARE: KARLOS, LIBERTY, PHLEX, CONCEPT AND HEAVEN KNOWS HOW MANY OTHERS! ANYWAY READ THE BELOW TEXTS. > GO AWAY. Stop sending me mail, I don`t want to know you. And STOP writting > shit on the wall about both me and yourself, you really are a lamer aren`t > you, simply extremely lame. This is the last time I want to have to make > ANY contact with you EVER again. You go completely slagging me off behind > my back and saying all that shit, pertending to be all buddy buddy and even > asking me to help form your ascii group, god you make me sick. And to top > it off, when you`re revealed, instead of admitting what you were doing was > one of the lowest forms of backstabing, you start slagging ME off!!!!!?!?! > This quite simply defies belief, you really are one twisted individual. > Sending me silly little messages ..." your colly sux "... etc and doing > your famous exploits on the wall. I KNOW you do it yourself for an excuse > to keep annoying me, I have NEVER written ANYTHING "as someone else" on the > wall, I always use my real name, but you, you are simply a lamer. I also > KNOW that you are writting wall messages "as me" and I am going to tell you > once more, STOP, THIS IS A SCENE BBS. I`ve been talking to Hybrid about it > and he is going to di-able the function that enables people like you to > "be" others on the wall. Although I think you`re talanted in ascii art, I > COMPLETELY HATE YOU AS A PERSON, and I NEVER want to have to speak to you > again. NEVER. Get that into your head, I hate you and DO NOT WANT TO KNOW > YOU EVER AGAIN. You are a backstabbing lier who blatantly took my > friendship for granted and that was not nice for me to find out, so to > conclude it into a simple statement for you to understand... I hate you and > never want to have to speak to you ever again. Game Over. Karlos, can you get ANYTHING right? First of all get this in your pathetic head. I`M NOT SLAGGING MY SELF OFF ON THE GRAFITTI WALL! Can anyone see any logic on that? I mean I don`t need any more fame, and I can`t think of any reason I`d want to put myself down like that on the grafitti wall?? Please, think about what your saying. Why would I want to get at you by doing this? when I could just go over to Newcastle and see you in person? Ok so I`m also extremely lame you claim, but wait =) Lets take alook at the early stages of your ascii career before you ripped my style. Ok people below is a logo for Karlos`s first colly, take a close look,it was released about Summer`96. _ /T___ _ _ _ /T_ / :__¬\/T_ _ /T_/¬\/ :¬\/ __/ / :¬\ /T_ _ / :/ ./ _,_ \ \¬ .\ ._/_/ :¬\ /T____ /. _ \ \__. \_/___/ ¯¯¯\ . \/ :¬__/ // \ \_l___/¯¯¯\_______/ ! .\ .¬\ \_____\ /¯¯¯¯ ¯¯¯¯¯\_______/¯¯ \ ¯¯¯¯¯:\_/ ¯¯¯¯¯\_______/ : ¯ kARLOs/pHuTuRe 3o3 ¯¯¯-kARL : : __ : pRESENTs... : /\_\ : __ __ : \/_/ : -\/- "fLyiNg hiGh" #1 -\/- : Y¬ : __ __ : : \/-tHE aSCii cOLLECTiOn-\/ : : : `····························' Now isn`t that great, yes I know everyone starts off shit but this guy had been a ascii artist for a LONG time before he released his first collection. Then when he managed to get his stinking hands on one of my collections he immediately ripped my style. Yeah and at this point we were supposed to be mates? The first logo is mine (from ages ago) _ ___ _. _ ___ _ ___ ____. _ ___ _) \_ _/ |___ __) \_ __) \_ \ __|___ __) \_ _ _/ __/_ _) .__/_ _\____ /_ _) _ /_ _)\__ /_ _) ___/_ _ \____ Y |/ Y _/ Y ( Y |/ Y __| _ _ '________ _____| _____ _____ _____` _ _-nM$! `------' `-----' `----' `-----' `-----' `-----' The next one is by Karlos in his collection after the karlos logo above. __ \/......... \/ _ : ______\/ __)\___ : _______ _______ _______ _______ ._._ __/ .___/_:_) .___/_:_).___ /_ _) _ /_ _) _. /_ _) .___/ \\\\ \_____ Y Y _/ Y (. Y \_ Y __(__ ._ ______ ` ______ _____! ______ ______/ ______ \ `--l____) `--l____) `--l____) `--l____) `--l____) `--l____) : :-kL$ `·········' Can you see the resemblance? Look at the out lines of the letters! Any artist can see he ripped my style! Especially when he had such a shit style before. The funny thing is, he voiced me and said "Isn`t my new style great!" he had the nerve to rip a mates style and phone him up and say that? Great mate eh? So Karlos YOUR the LAMER here, not ME. > You go completely slagging me off behind > my back and saying all that shit, pertending to be all buddy buddy and even > asking me to help form your ascii group, god you make me sick. And to top > it off, when you`re revealed, instead of admitting what you were doing was > one of the lowest forms of backstabing, you start slagging ME off!!!!!?!?! > This quite simply defies belief, you really are one twisted individual. > Sending me silly little messages ..." your colly sux "... etc and doing > your famous exploits on the wall. I KNOW you do it yourself for an excuse > to keep annoying me, I have NEVER written ANYTHING "as someone else" on the > wall, I always use my real name, but you, you are simply a lamer. I also > KNOW that you are writting wall messages "as me" and I am going to tell you > once more, STOP, THIS IS A SCENE BBS. I`ve been talking to Hybrid about it > and he is going to di-able the function that enables people like you to > "be" others on the wall. Right, I can`t remember slagging you off behind your back, NOTHING serious if anything. As for the ascii group, at the time I was sick of my current group and forming my own itwas a way out for me A silly phase I went through No dis respect to Blue there! Hmm, you say "when you`re revealed" hmm, what are you refering to what was I revealed for doing? "I never admitted it?"You do come up with strange statements. Then I start slagging you off? Problies due to the fact I called my local BBS to see the grafitti wall covered in my name calling myself lame and a imature kid etc etc. How boring I thought. Not many people are THAT lame in this country so I was curtain to be you. So All I did was defend myself I never SLAGGED you off for anything apart from your crap ascii. "You really are one twisted individual" thanks, as I would say "Normal people are fucking wankers who do nothing in there lives, it pays to be diff" Sending you silling little messages? Hmm.. I remeber I replied one of your messages to me, with a "PS, your colly was crap!" but I don`t remeber sending more than that? My famous exploits on the wall? What are you refering too???? Let me see. I admit I used your name TWICE (ever) on the wall. Oh yeah I know it`s a scene BBS where you don`t really belong. You aren`t really a scener. You buy a modem and have 2 contacts. Do nothing, but pretend your a fucking world class hacker. Ooo fucking er. Hybrid should kick you off the board! > Although I think you`re talanted in ascii art, I > COMPLETELY HATE YOU AS A PERSON, and I NEVER want to have to speak to you > again. NEVER. Get that into your head, I hate you and DO NOT WANT TO KNOW > YOU EVER AGAIN. You are a backstabbing lier who blatantly took my > friendship for granted and that was not nice for me to find out, so to > conclude it into a simple statement for you to understand... I hate you and > never want to have to speak to you ever again. Game Over. Thanks for compliment, I`m sorry but I can`t say that back to you. What can I do? Doh you HATE me, hmpf never mind I might just get over it. No problems about NEVER speaking again. I took your friendship for granted? What fucking friendship, ahh your refering to when you used to rip my styles and go about voicing me saying you have a great new style. Well I hope that never happens again. I don`t want to bother typing any more about you EVER again. So i`ll conclude my text into a final statement for you. You sucks.... Have a nice life. GAME OVER, NEMES!S WINS. - -÷--------------------÷- - This little arguement has nothing to do with Phuture 303, I don`t wish to cause internal problems, but there IS NO WAY I`ll ever want to speak or work with this LAMER ever again, Sorry Lfo and Blue. _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·°¹· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·CRUSADER· Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ .: ......:. ..: : ______ _:____ : : ) /__ ___|___( ___:___ : _\ / /____ _\ ___//______ _\ ___/_ __:_\ /| /___ ____\_ \| \ ___/_ ____ _ _/ \| \\__ \_ __________ \\__ / __\__ __/ \\__ \__ \\\______\__ _/ _/ \_ _/___|/__ __ \_ _/__\|___ _/ _/ \_ _ -nM$!: /___\______/// . .::/___\|_____/// . .::/___\______/// : : : ..:.. .:.....::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·°²· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·DESOTO· Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ .: .......:. ..: : _:_____ : ____ _________ ____|___ ( : ___/ /____ ________ ___:_ __\____ /_ _\ ___/ /___:__\_\_____ \\___ // |__\_ |/ \_ _ _ _/ \| ____/ __|/___ |/ _____/ __________/// \\\_______\___ ___/ \_ _ /_________ \| \_ _ -nM$!: /___\|_______/// . .::/____________/// : : : ..:.. .:......::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·°³· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·EXOCET· Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ .: ........:. ___:_ ..: : ________ _/ |____ ___:_____ _:______\___ /________ __\ _____/_ _\ ____/___\ |/ ____/_______\_ \| \_ _ _ _/ ___/ \ _______ \| ____/ ___\______/// \\\_____\|____ _ \_ _ /_____\___ ___/ \_ _ : /____\_______/// . .::/___\|_______/// : ..:.. .:.......::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·°4· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·FATAL Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ .: ........:. ___:_ ..: : _/ |____ ___:______ : __\ _____/ _______ _\ _____/ __:_\__ \| \_\__ /_____ _ _/ ____/___\__ / ___\___ __ /_____ \\\________\/ __ \_ _ /____\|___ _/ \_ _ -nM$!: /_____\|______/// . .::/___\________/// : ..:.. .:.......::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·°5· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·FLI7E· Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ .: .........:. ..: : ________ ___:_ __:_______ : _\_ _// |____ _\ _____/___:__/ _____/________ _ _/ ____/_\ /\_ _____ \| ____/__ \\\________\/ _/ \_ _/_____\___ ___/ \_ _ -nM$!: /_____\________/// . .::/___\|_______/// : ..:.. .:........::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·°6· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·FOLAR· Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ .: .......:. ..: : ______ ___:______ : __\ /____ _______ _\ _____/__:__\__ _/ \_\__ /_ _____ _ _/ ____/__\___ / _\_____ __ \\__ \__ \\\________\/ |/ \_ _ /____\|___ _/ _/ \_ _ -nM$!: /_____________/// . .::/____\_______/// : ..:.. .:......::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·°7· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·GRIMLOCK· Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ .: .......:. ..: : ________ __:___ : _\_ _/___ ____ _\ _/____ :____/ \/ _ /_ _ _/ \_ \:\__ \_ _____ _ / \_ _ ..... \\\___________ _/ _/ \_ _/____\/ ///.:......:.. : -nM$!: /____\_______/// /_____ \___: :::.: : ..:.. ______ · __\ _/:______. :__ .:......::: : _\ /____ _____\__ \ |/ (__ · :...:_/ _/ \\___ / _______ _/ _/ \_ _ \\\_____\_____ |/ \_ _: /___\________/// /____________///:.. : .. :......:. · · _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·°8· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·H2O· Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ - SORRY THIS LOGO IS SHIT. __ ___/\\/__________________ _) \/ (_ | | ___| .:........ | _/ |____ :.......:.... _|______ _\ _ /_ ..........:.: _ __\___ /_ _ _/ / : : ... / \_ _ \\\______/____ _ : : : : _ ____________/// -nM$!| : : : : | | :.......:.:.: | | | ¯)________________/\ ___(¯ /\\/ ¯¯ _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·°9· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·KARMA· Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ .: ......:. ..: : _____ ____: ___ : ____\__ \_ __ ____ _\ |/ (_ :____\_ _/ _/ \/ _ / _______ _ _/ _/ _/\_\__ / __\____ _ / \_\__ /_ \\\_____\_____ __ \_ _ /____\/___ __ \_ _ -nM$!: /____\|______/// . .::/____\|______/// : ..:.. .:.....::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·¹°· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·MARK RYDER· Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ ........:. : : _____ ___: ____ : ____\__ \_ __. ___ _\ \/ _ / :_____\_ _/ _/ |/ (__ _ _/ _ / \:\__ / __\____ _/ _/ \_ _ \\\______\/___ __ \_ _ /___\_ __/// -nM$!: /____\|______/// | ( .........:. : : ____|___ / : : .:.......:_____ ______\ ___/ /____:___ : · ____\__ \_ _\ \| ____/_ __:__ _ _/ _/ _/ \ ___\___ ___/ \_\__ \__ \\\______\__________ \_ _ /___\|____ _/ _/ \_ _ /____|/______/// . :::/____\_______/// : : .:........: · _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·¹¹· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·MOGUE· Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ .: .......:. ..: : ______ _______ ___: ____ : _\ _/______\ ( _\ \/ _ / _:____\_ \_ \ /________ _ _/ _ / \\___ / _______ |\ ____/__ \\\______\/___ |/ \_ _ /_________ ___/ \_ _ -nM$!: /____________/// . .::/___\|_______/// : ..:.. .:......::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·¹²· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·MORTIMER TWANG· Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ .: .......:. ..: : _____ ___:_ ____ ____ ___: ____ : ____\__ \_/ |____ _\ \/ _ /________ _\ \/ _ / _:____\_ _/ _/ _____/___\ _ / ____/_ _____ _/ _ / \\___ / __\____ \| \__/ __\/___ ___/ \_\__ \__ \______\/___ |/ \_ _ /_____\___ \_ _ /___\|____ _/ _/ \_ -nM$!: /____________/// /________/// . .::/____\_______/ : ..:.. .......:. .:......::: : ___:_ _______ ..: : · :...: _/ |____ ________\__ / ____:___ : _\ _____/___) __ \\___ /_____: _ _/ \| \ __\|___ |/ _/:____ \\\_______\___ /\ \_ _ /____/____ \_ \_ _ /____/\______/// . .::/____________/// : ..:.. .:......::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·¹³· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·NICKO· Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ .: ......:. ..: : ______ __:_____ :_\ _/_______. ___ ___\___ /__:\ \ |/ (_ ________ _ _/ |/ \__/ _______ _/ _/_\___ /_ \\\______/____ \_ _ /___\_____ |/ \_ _ -nM$!: /________/// . .::/____________/// : ..:.. .:.....::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·¹4· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·NUP· Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ .: ......:. ..: : _________ __:_____ :______\__ / __\___ /__:) /____/ _/ |/ \ ____\ \_____/____ |\ \_ _ -nM$!: /____________/// : ..:.. .:.....::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·¹5· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·PASZCZAK· Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ .: .......:. ..: : ___ ___ _:_____ : __/ /___ ___ _____\ \_ ______ __\_ / __:/ \____ \_\ \_____\_ ____/\\__ /___. __ _ _/ /___/__\__ _|/__ ____/ ___/ _\|__ __ |/ (__ \\\_______\/ __ \_ /___\|__ \| \_ /___\|___ _/ _/ \_ _ : /____\|_____/ -nM$!/____\_____/ . .::/__\_______/// : ..:.. .:......::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·¹6· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·RAPID· Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ .: .......:. ..: : _________ _:___ : _\__ /____ _:_____ ___\__ \_ _:___/ /____/\_ _/___|___ ( _ _/ _/ _/__\__ _____\/ ___/ /_ \\\_____\____ __ \_ _ \_____ \| \_ _ -nM$!: /____\|______/// . .::/_____\______/// : ..:.. .:......::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·¹7· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·RELIEF· Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ .: ......:. ..: : ______ __________ _ _:___ : __\ /____ _____ __\ _____/// ___\__ \_ _:___\_ _/ \_ _/_______\_ ____/ _ _/ _/ _/ ____/ _\_____ ____/ ____\ \\\_____\____ ___/ \_ _ /_______ ___/ \_ _ -nM$!: /___\|_______/// . .::/___\|_______/// : ..:.. .:.....::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·¹8· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·SNUFFY· Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ .: .......:. _______ _________ ..: : ___\ ( ___\ __/ __:_ : __\ \ /_________ __\ \ /_ __/ /____ __:__\__ |\ _____/______\_ \____ \_ _ _ _/ \_____ \\___ / _______ ____/_\ _________|/______/// \\\______|/___ |/ \_ _ /______\/ ____/ -nM$!: /____/_______/// . .::\________\ : ..:.. .:......::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·¹9· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·STZ· Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ .: .......:. ..: : ____ _:__ _:_:_ _____\ \__ __/ /____/ |__\_ _____/ \_ _ _ _/ \_____ ____/ __\|______/// \\\______|/___ \| \_ _ -nM$!: /_____\______/// : ..:.. .:......::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·²°· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·STYLEWARS· Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ .: .......:. _ _ ______ ..: : ___\ / :___ :__. __\ \ /_____ __/ /____/ |_\__\____ /____________ _ _/ \_____ _____/ __|/___ _/ ____/__ \\\______|/___ \| \_ _ /___\_____ ___/ \_ _ -nM$!: /_____\______/// . .::/___\|_______/// : ..:.. __ .: ........:. .:......::: : _\/_ ..: : · :...: _______ .\\/\//. ____: : \ (____ ____\__ \_ ____ : _\ / / _____\_ _/ _// /__:__ _ _/ /\ \_\__ / __\__________ \_ _ \\\______/\___ __ \_ _ :/____|/______/// . .::/____\|______/// : ..:.. .:.......::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·²¹· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·STYLEZ· Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ .: .......:. _ _ ______ ..: : ___\ / ____ :___ :__. __\ \ /_____ ______\ \__ __/ /____/ |_\__\____ /__________\_ _____/ \_ _ _ _/ \_____ _____/ __|/___ _/ ____/ __\|______/// \\\______|/___ \| \_ _ /___\_____ ___/ \_ : /_____\______/// . .::/___\|_______/ : ..:.. .:......::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·²²· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·TANGO· Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ .: ......:. ..: : ___:_ : ________ _/ |____ : ___\___ /________ _\ _____/ _:___\_ |/ ____/_ ________ _ _/ \| \_\__ / __/____ \_ \\___ /_ \\\_______\___ __ \_ _ /_________ |/ \_ _ -nM$!: /____\|______/// . .::/____________/// : : : ..:.. .:.....::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·²³· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·TOMMY· Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ .: ......:. ..: : ___:_ : ____ ____ _/ |____ : _\ \/ _ /___ ____ _________ _ _\ _____/ __:___\_ _ / \/ _ /__\ __/// _ _/ \| \\___ / __\/___ _ / \ /_ \\\_______\___ |/ \_ _ /____\/_________ \_ _ -nM$! : /____________/// . .::/____|/______/// : : : ..:.. .:.....::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·²4· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·TREACH· Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ .: .......:. ..: : ___:_ :__:_ : _________ _/ |____ _/ |____ : _\ ____/_ _______ _\ __ /_ _\ _____/ :____/ ___/ \_\__ /______/_ |/ \_ _ _ _/ \| \:\__ \_ _\|____ __ ____/ __/_______/// \\\_______\___ _/ _/ \_ _ /____\|___ \| \_ _ -nM$!: /____\_______/// . .::/_____\______/// : ..:.. .:......::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·²5· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·TRIVIAL· Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ .: ........:. ..: : :__:_ : ____ _______ _______ _/ |____ : __\__/___\ ( ____\__ /_____ _\ _____/ :___/ \ /___/ __ /_____ _ _/ \| \_\__ \_ ___ |\ \__/ ___\|___ _/ \_ _ \\\_______\___ _/ _/ \_/_________ \_ _ /___\________/// -nM$!: /____\_______/ . .::/________/// : ..:.. .:.......::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·²6· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·U-MAN· Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ .: .....:. ..: : : _____:_ ____ ____ _:_\ ( .\ \/ _ / _______ _\ \ /. __ | _ / \_\__ / ________ _ _/ |\ | (__) |____\/___ __ \\___ /_ \\\____________| . .::/____\|___ |/ \_ _ -nM$!: ..:.. . .::/____/_______/// .:....::: : · :...: _ __ _ ___________________/ /____________________________________________________ _ Logo No: ·²7· ø _ ________________/ Logo: ·VIETCONG· Req: ·· /_______________________________________________________ _ PART 2 / ¯¯ ¯ .: .......:. ..: : ___:___ : 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: _/nM$ \ _|/ \_ : : \___________ \_______/ : : `-----' : : JURASSIC PACK ISSUE ? : : - VOTE SHEET - : :.............................: *END_FILE_ID.DIZ [÷] JURASSIC PACK VOTE SHEET [÷] _________________ _) (_ | | _ _ ____ ! ! _____ __\ ( ____ ______ ___ ___ ___ _______ ____\ /_\ \ /___\__ \____\__ /__/ _/_____/ _/____\_/_\ ___/__ ) \ \_ |\ \_ _/ _/ \_ __ \____ \____ \_ \_ \| \_ \__________/________/_\______/_\|_____/_|/_____/_|/_____/___/________/ -nM$! . ! ! ________ ______ _______ ___. __ .\ __ /___\__ /_\ ___/__\ |/ (__ | _|/ \_ __ \_ \| \__/ _/ \_ | \_______/_\|_____/________/\_______/ `------' ¡ ¡ | | | | | | | | ! ! [÷] PRESENTED TO YOU BY [÷] ¡ ¡ | | | | | | ! ! __________ ____________ __________ _____ ) _ /_\ _ /___\____ /__/ _/_____ / / / _/ \_______ \_ \______ / / /_______.^.__________.^.__________.^.___________/ -nM$! ¡ · G O D S · ¡ ¯)_______________(¯ - YOU CAN VOTE FOR ANYBODY/ANYGROUP - - BUT YOU CAN NOT VOTE FOR YOURSELF - Spread By: Filled By: Date: ------------------------.-----------------------------.---------------------- BEST CODER: | BEST GRAPHICIAN: | BEST MUSICIAN: ------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------- .1. | .1. | .1. .2. | .2. | .2. .3. | .3. | .3. ------------------------^-----------------------------^---------------------- ------------------------.-----------------------------.---------------------- BEST DEMO: | BEST OVERALL GROUP: | BEST SWAPPER: ------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------- .1. | .1. | .1. .2. | .2. | .2. .3. | .3. | .3. ------------------------^-----------------------------^---------------------- ------------------------.-----------------------------.---------------------- BEST SCENE COUNTRY: | BEST EDITOR: | BEST DISKMAG: ------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------- .1. | .1. | .1. .2. | .2. | .2. .3. | .3. | .3. ------------------------^-----------------------------^---------------------- ------------------------.-----------------------------.---------------------- BEST WWW HOMEPAGE: | BEST IRC CHANNEL: | FUNNIEST IRC-CHATTER: ------------------------+-----------------------------+---------------------- .1. | .1. | .1. .2. | .2. | .2. .3. | .3. | .3. ------------------------^-----------------------------^---------------------- .-----------------------------. | BEST BOARD: | +-----------------------------+ | .1. | | .2. | | .3. | `-----------------------------' [÷] SEND YOUR FILLED VOTE SHEETS TO [÷] SIXPACK/GODS GHANDY/GODS^SYNDROME DREGETH V.4 MINDENER STR.5 7500 STJORDAL 40227 DUSSELDORF NORWAY GERMANY TERJJOHA@SN.NO GHANDY@NEUSS.NETSURF.DE VOTE SHEET BY: NEMES!S/DIGITAL`96 -[-END OF SMALL BONUS------------------------------------------------------]- .: ..................................................:. ..: : : "THE ORIGINAL SCENE DIED IN THE EARLY 1990`s. : : NOWADAYS COMPUTERS ARE PART OF OUR EVERYDAY : : LIVES, AND THE MAGIC IS GONE" : : : : - HIRVIH / JORMAS `96 ..:.. .:.................................................::: : · :...: ______________________ ______________________ _) (_ _) (_ |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |:_________ rX/jA! :| |: :| |\ _ ___/___________:|_______________ _________ |:__________ _______ :| |/\/ \__ /\ _ _ /\ _ __/__\ _ __/___\__ /_\ _/__:| \______ / _/ \/ _/ _/ \/ / \/ / / _/ \ / |: / \_______\____\_________________________/ \____________/| |:____/ /______________________________________/________/___________ _:|_ \ _ . :| |: :| |\/ :| SPECIAL GREETS GOTO: |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| MICHAEL/ANATHEMA |: :| |: :| SHADE/DIGITAL |: :| |: :| COOLIO/GHD^SMELLON |: :| |: :| VEGA/RAM JAM |: :| |: :| GHANDY/GODS^SYNDROME |: :| |: :| CACHE/DIGITAL |: :| |: :| OKEANOS/DIGITAL^SYNDROME |: :| |: :| TOMMY/DIGITAL^LOOKER |: :| |: :| FISHWAVE/SARDONYX |: :| |: :| DARKHAWK/IRIS |: :| |: :| LFO AND BLUE/PHUTURE 303 |: :| |: :| THE LOOP/ARTWORK |: :| |: :| ZOLTRIX/TRSI^ROYAL^HELLFIRE |: :| |: :| XCLUZIWE/SAVE OUR SOULS |: :| |: :| VIETCONG/O.M.A |: :| |: :| BOHEME/STYLE |: :| |: :| SPEED DEVIL/STYLE |: :| |: :| WISE-K/JEDI ARTS |: :| |: :| KANEDA/GRASSHOPPERS |: :| |: :| WADE/GODS |: :| |: :| GDM/LOOKER HOUSE |: :| |: :| CRASH^ZONE^MESON/NERVE AXIS |: :| |: :| SNOZZ/RIMMER WORLD BBS =) |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: __ _______:|_____ _____ /\ _____ |:______ _____ :| |: / \ _____\_ /:|\ _/___\ _/___/ \__\ _/__|\_ /__\ _/____ :| |: / \/ /___/ _\ _\ /_ _\ \_ /___/ _\ / :| |:/_____\/ ___________________________\ /____________________________\ :| |: /_____\ :| cDr/________\m's |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :|MICHAEL/ANATHEMA |: :| |: :|---------------- |: :| |: :|I HAVE DONE THE ARTICLES FOR|: :| |: :|DEADLOCK AND I AWAIT YOURS =)|: :| |: :| |: :| |: :|SHADE/DIGITAL |: :| |: :|------------- |: :| |: :|I LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING THE|: :| |: :|NEW TITLE PICTURE AND FINAL|: :| |: :|MENU GRAPHICS. ALSO IF YOU|: :| |: :|CAN FIND ANY TIME GET WRITING|: :| |: :|SOME ARTICLES! |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :|GHANDY/GODS |: :| |: :|----------- |: :| |: :|I HAVE DONE YOUR ARTICLES AND|: :| |: :|COLLECTED A FEW VOTE SHEETS|: :| |: :|AND I`LL SEND THEM AFTER XMAS|: :| |: :| |: :| |: :|FISHWAVE/SARDONYX |: :| |: :|----------------- |: :| |: :|I HAVE DONE SOMEMORE ARTICLES|: :| |: :|FOR YOU, I`LL SEND THEM AFTER|: :| |: :|XMAS AS WELL. |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :|VEGA/RAM JAM |: :| |: :|------------ |: :| |: :|HAVE YOU GOT MY SENDING WITH|: :| |: :|THE SHOWTIME CLIP ARTS AND|: :| |: :|RJ QUESTIONS YET? |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :|TOMMY/DIGITAL^LOOKER |: :| |: :|-------------------- |: :| |: :|I WAS SUPRISED TO SEE YOU|: :| |: :|QUIT E^D. NEVER MIND I`M SURE|: :| |: :|YOU`LL FIND A GOOD GROUP|: :| |: :|EASY ENOUGH =) |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :|VIETCONG/O.M.A |: :| |: :|-------------- |: :| |: :|FINALLY YOUR COLLECTION WAS|: :| |: :|RELEASED! NICE TOO! I`LL USE|: :| |: :|THE LOGO NEXT TIME AROUND =)|: :| |: :| |: :| |: :|NEBRASKA/SAVE OUR SOULS |: :| |: :|----------------------- |: :| |: :|THANKS FOR THE MESSAGE IN|: :| |: :|YOUR COLLY! HOW ABOUT A LOGO|: :| |: :|FROM YOU? |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :|SLAB/SAVE OUR SOULS |: :| |: :|------------------- |: :| |: :|NICE COLLECTION FROM YOU!|: :| |: :|KEEP IT UP. |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :|LFO/PHUTURE 303 |: :| |: :|--------------- |: :| |: :|I HAVE TIME TO WRITE SOME|: :| |: :|ARTICLES FOR YOU NOW! I HOPE|: :| |: :|YOU CAN FORGET ABOUT THIS|: :| |: :|LAME KARLOS SITUATION. |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :|OKEANOS/DIGITAL^SYNDROME |: :| |: :|------------------------ |: :| |: :|HAVE YOU RECIEVED MY SENDING|: :| |: :|YET? |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :|STEZOTEHIC/STYLE |: :| |: :|---------------- |: :| |: :|WELL THEN? =) |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :|DARKHAWK/IRIS |: :| |: :|------------- |: :| |: :|THANKS FOR THE CONTACT LETTER|: :| |: :|SURE I`LL REPLY! VERY NICE|: :| |: :|LETTER FROM YOU I LOOK 4WARD|: :| |: :|TO MORE! |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :|ZOLTRIX/TRSi^HELLFIRE WHQ! |: :| |: :|-------------------------- |: :| |: :|WORLD LEADER HUH? =) EVEN THO|: :| |: :|I`M PRETTY MUCH AGAINST CRACK|: :| |: :|STUFF, HAVE FUN THERE MATE!!!|: :| |: :| |: :| |: :|SNOZZ/RIMMER WORLD |: :| |: :|------------------ |: :| |: :|SEE I TOLD YOU KARLOS WAS NOT|: :| |: :|TO BE TRUSTED! HACKING INTO|: :| |: :|YOUR BBS AND LYING TO YOU, HE|: :| |: :|IS TO BE FORGOTTON! =) |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: _____ _____ :|___ ______ _____ __|: _____ ____ :| |:.-\__ \_.-\__ \_.-/ /__.-\ \_.-\__ \_.-/ _//__.-\ \_.-/ /_:| |/ / _/. /___/._____ \_ /___/ /___/ \ \_ _/______ \_ \_____\____|___ |/________/_____\\_____________________/_____| /_________/ [sTZ!/sE ©'96] \____| :| |: :| |: :|CRUSADER·DESOTO!·EXOCET·FATAL|: :| |: :| ·FLI7E·FOLAR·GRIMLOCK·H2O· |: :| |: :|·KARMA·MARK RYDER·MOGUE·MT!· |: :| |: :| ·NICKO·NUP·PASZCZAK·RAPID· |: :| |: :| ·RELIEF·SNUFFY·STEZOTEHIC· |: :| |: :|STYLEWARS·STYLEZ·TANGO!·TOMMY|: :| |: :| ·TREACH·TRIVIAL·U-MAN· |: :| |: :| ·XCLUZIWE· |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| ·ARCLITE·CONTRA!·JEDI ARTS· |: :| |: :| ·MO`SOUL·STYLE·TWISTED· |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: ___ _ :|___ _ _ ___ __ _ |:____ ___ __ , :| |: ___| ¬\_ (_) / ___//__ _/// ¬\_ __( ¬\\\_ _\\_ ¬\_ /:·// ¬\_p)h.:| |: _ _/:· l Y ¬(_____ ¬Y _ Y (\ Y (_) _/_\____ \_ _:| |:__\\\_ _ _ _·:. (_)) ___/ _\__ \) .: . _ _ / (/_ _///:| |) `---(___\\\---^---/_____) (___\\) `-._____.-'---(___\\\---///___) (| | | | [ Everyone of my releases are available on Digital Candy BBS ] | | | |÷[No]÷[File Name]÷[File Size]÷[Release Date]÷[Comment....................]÷| | | | o1. Ata-P!n.Txt 00000064667 .27./.01./.96. "Pain" My First ascii attempt | | o2. Ata-Pna.Txt 00000073663 .04./.02./.96. "Phenomena" Old skool style. | | o3. Ata-Nxs.Txt 00000054093 .24./.02./.96. "Nexus" Nothing Much | | o4. Ata-Uty.Txt 00000132674 .13./.04./.96. "Unity" Named after My BBS. | | o5. Sks-Loe.Txt 00000075540 .28./.04./.96. "Lame Or Elite" First Sks Prod| | o6. Sks-Sun.Txt 00000105465 .06./.05./.96. "Sun" Phat Stileee! | | o7. Sks-Pxl.Txt 00000084849 .19./.05./.96. "Pixel" Early v. of this style| | o8. Sks-Evl.Txt 00000144827 .07./.06./.96. "Evil" Little Xcz war starts | | o9. Sks-Mms.Txt 00000057375 .09./.06./.96. "Melt My Soul" Skool SUX!!! | | 1o. Sks-Tm1.Txt 00000167571 .16./.06./.96. "Time1" Start of a trilogy | | 11. Sks-Tm2.Txt 00000068652 .19./.06./.96. "Time2" Part 2! | | 12. Sos-Tm3.Txt 00000085397 .22./.06./.96. "Time3" 1st Release under Sos | | 13. Sos-Aln.Txt 00000042353 .23./.06./.96. "Alien" X-Files in my brain! | | 14. Sos-Gba.Txt 00000144982 .06./.07./.96. "Gabba Arder" Nice Design! | |* 15. Sos-Tlb.Txt 00000155605 .13./.07./.96. "The Lost Boys" (Co-op Karlos)| | 16. Sos-Crm.Txt 00000077985 .14./.07./.96. "Crime" Nothing Much. | | 17. Sos-Pfn.Txt 00000119560 .31./.07./.96. "Pulp Fiction" Pulp Fiction!¡!| | 18. Sos-Str.Txt 00000071504 .01./.08./.96. "Shelter" Many Relief logos! | | 19. Sos-Abd.Txt 00000209238 .24./.08./.96. "Abduction" X-Files in Brain? | |* 2o. Sos-Tf!.Txt 00000113477 .14./.09./.96. "TripHop Fever" (Co-Op Blue) | | 21. Sos-Oai.Txt 00000082747 .12./.10./.96. "Over And In" No Design colly | | 22. Sos-Nta.Txt 00000093580 .02./.11./.96. "Nostalgia" This thing! | | 23. Dtl-Vcs.Txt 00000070552 .15./.12./.96. "Voices" Searching for new kru| | 24. Dtl-You.Txt 00000121802 .29./.12./.96. "You Deserve Us" last`96 colly| | | |)_ __ _ __________________________________________________________________(| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: o :| |: :| |: ·/ :| _:_______ |: :| |: __ ____ // ________:|__ ____ ___ __ _ \¡____ /___|:_______ ___ __ _ _ :| |:________/ ______:|__ _______ ______|_ | ____|:___ _______ ______:| |) _____/___ __\___ /__) ____/_\ _/ |_)_______(._) |_\ _| \ \ | / / _\ \ _/_\ \ |\___________|_____\_____.___________._________.__________ ._________\ |: __ \ :| _ _ __ ___ _______________|:__ |________|-r! :| |: _\/___ \\| |: /__________:_ :| |: \/\ / :\ [-cREDITS-] |: !/ :| |: |\/ :|o |: · :| |: \\|// :| |: :| |: ¯¯¯ :|MAIN WORK = NEMES!S/DTL|: :| |: :|NEMES!S 1 = TOMMY/DTL^LKR|: :| |: :|DIGITAL = MOGUE/ARCLITE!|: :| |: :|YDU = WISE-K/JEDI.A|: :| |: :|WISE WORDS = WISE-K/JEDI.A|: :| |: :|CONTENTS = RASTA/E^D|: :| |: :|GREETS = RANX/JEDI.A|: :| |: :|MESSAGES = CRUSADER/M`S|: :| |: :|HISTORY = PASZCZAK/AZK!|: :| |: :|CREDITS = RAVE/HEAD!|: :| |: :|NEMES!S 2 = WISE-K/JEDI.A|: :| |: :|QUOTES FROM = ROM/ESSENCE|: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: .: .........:.:| |: :| |: ..: : :| |: :| |: : : :| ________ ___:_ __|:_____ ___:_ :| |: ___:_____ : :|__\___ // |____ __\ ____/_/ |____ :| |: _\ ____/_ ___:_:\_ |/ _____/ ____\__ \| _____/_ :| |: _/ \| \\___ / __/____ \| \_\__ / ___\___ \| \_ _:| |\\\_______\___ |/ \_ _ /_____\___ __ \: _ /_____\______///:| |: -nM$!: /____________/// . .::/____\|______/// :| |: : : :| |: :| |: : ..:.:| [÷] CONTACT ME AT: [÷] |: :| |: .:........::: :| |: :| |: · :...:| E-MAIL: |: :| |: :| NMS@DCANDY.DEMON.CO.UK |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| SNAIL MAIL: |: :| |: :| L.HARWOOD |: :| |: :| 30 FARRIER CLOSE |: :| |: :| FATFIELD |: :| |: :| WASHINGTON |: :| |: :| TYNE AND WEAR |: :| |: :| NE38 8RW |: :| |: :| UNITED KINGDOM |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| BBS`S: |: :| |: :| DIGITAL CANDY |: :| |: :| DALLAS |: :| |: :| SPACED OUT |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| I`M STILL LOOKING FOR A |: :| |: :| ASCII GROUP FOR ME TO JOIN, |: :| |: :| BIG THANKS TO THE PEOPLE |: :| |: :| WHO HAVE ALREADY MADE ME |: :| |: :| OFFERS. I HAVE NOT REJECTED |: :| |: :| THEM, I`M CONSIDERING THEM. |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| HAPPY NEW YEAR SUKKAZ |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| |: :| ¯)____________________(¯ ¯)____________________(¯ .: .......................................................:. ..: : : "THE SCENE IS SOMETHING LIKE MARRIAGE: IN SICKNESS : : AND IN HEALTH YOU SHOULD STAY TOGETHER" : : : : - SANE / MELLOW^SARDONYX `96 ..:.. .:......................................................::: : · :...: YOU HAVE BEEN WATCHING "YOU DESERVE US" THE LAST COLLY BY NEMES!S IN 1996 _______ ________ __ ________ ________ ____. ______ ___/__ \_/ _ /_____\//\___ _/ _ /____\ _/__\___|___\ _/_ / / / /____/ \/ \/ /____/ \ / \_ \ / \____/ /________________\/ ________________________\ /_________\ \_____\ /_____/-wk!/ja /_______| NEMES!S IS LOOKING FOR A NEW ASCII GROUP TO JOIN! WANT HIM? E.O.F -[-------------------------------------------------------------------------]- · · /_ _\ ___/ \___ s o f . \_/ spaced out (c) zoltrix prods '96. \_/ s o f . /_ _\ / \ · · _\ /_ _\........................./_ . \ / . _|_ · · _|_ | | .s.|.p. .a. .c. .e. .d. .o. .u.|.t. ______ ______ ____ ____ _____ |____ __ ____ ____ __ ____| / /__/ _ \/ \ / _|_| _/__ ___|_ \\// \ / / |/ |_ \__ \ /___// \/ | | _| | / / // \/ _/| / _/ /______/___| /________\_______|_______|_______/ \______/________/______| tGø| | ._ ________________________________ _. _|_ _|_ |_)) ((_| | . . | . . · _/.......................\_ · | freezers ehq | /_ _\ | tristar^red sector ukhq | / \ | data division ukhq | | outlaws ukhq | _ __ _____ digital corruption ukhq | \\\_\\__ (_ binary foundation ukhq | . (__/ save our souls ukhq | | ___ crux ukhq | | _) / 5th dynasty ukhq__________ | / /__ ________________________\ _ / | /_____((_________________________\\ / | \: / | contact a group member for - --+- / | an account on s.p.a.c.e.d o.u.t ¦\/ | : ._ _. |_))______________________________((_| running slower than us? then you're below · · /_ _\ ___/ \___ e o f . \_/ spaced out (c) zoltrix prods '96. \_/ e o f . /_ _\ / \ · · .---------------------------------------------------. |tHIS fILE wAS uNLOADED hERE 13:45:34 ON 12-29-1996| |---------------------------------------------------| | UPLOADED BY nEMES!S | |---------------------------------------------------| | fROM ·DTL·SOS·DAT·P303· iN dOCKiNG bAY 01 | `---------------------------------------------------' (--------------------------------------------------------------------------) .________ Sysop: eCs & Mario/TRSi ________ ____| / __________ _| |/ _| /__\_ / Staff: Vampire/TRSi - DR!DRE/TRSI \_ / \_ / /______/ .________ |_______/______i____/_________\ _______ ____| / _______ ___________________ __________ _/ _/______/ _| /___\_ \____\_ / _ /__\_ / \ \ / \_ / / \_ / /_ \ / /______/ /____________/______|____/______\_______/___\______(____ /_________\ --(- 17:19:29 -)-- --(- 30-Dez-96 -)-- uMn/______\aL - Amiga & Console only - Closed System - ISDN + Modem - Telnet available - (--------------------------------------------------------------------------) · : __ _/\¦/\_ __ __/\__ _ _ __ _/(_) | (_)\_ __ _ _ __/\__ \ / ( /_/\\_ | _//\_\ ) \ / /_ _\ \_\/_/ @ | @ \_\/_/ /_ _\ \/ \__ _|_ __/ \/ _ ___ _____/\_ ___/\__/\__).(__/\__/\___ _/\_____ ___ _ \\\__\\_____ (_) __ ___ (_¦_) ___ __ (_) _____//__/// _ \___ / \/| _ _ _ _ _ |\/ \ ___/ _ /(___ _/\_____ / /_ _ _| | | | | | |_ _ _\ \ _____/\_ ___)\ / (_) \_ \/ \\_ |_|_|_|_| _// \/ _/ (_) \ / _/ _ _ _| | | | | | |_ _ _ \_ \ \ ( (_)\_ | | | | | _/(_) ) / /\ \ WE WILL NEVER _/ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ ¯ \_ WE WILL NEVER / /\ \/ / SURRENDER _ __/\\__ _\ /_ __//\__ _ COMPROMISE! \ \/ / \\\__/ \/ \_/ \/ \__/// \ \ ¯ __/\ /\__ ¯ / \ __________________\__/ \__/__________________ / \( __/\ /\__ )/ ¯ \__/ ___ \__/ ¯ __/\\_//\__ ONLINE UNTIL BUST \__/ _ \__/ ONLINE BIS ZUM KNAST __/ \__ \_____/