.:::::[ Crap. What is crap? Nothing's the same after it's crap, ]:::::. `::::[ but why? Why crap? Why the word? No one knows. The only ]:::::: .:::::[ thing they do know is that when someting's really crappy, ]:::::' ::::::[ it's crap. It's a paradox in which the state of mind ]::::' `:::::[ cannot cope with. The human brain doesn't develop ]::::. `::::[ reasoning to crap. Crap is crap and let's move on, some ]:::::ı .:::::[ might say. But then you call something crap, but doesn't ]:::::' ::::::[ really know what the hell you're actually calling it. ]::::' `:::::[ Fuck, you might be calling the thigy something relly weird ]:::::. ı::::[ and don't know it. Heck, crap is something weird. Nothing ]::::::. .::::[ like crap can devastate man. Why? It's something time ]::::::: .:::::[ consuming. It's something that you never stop to think of, ]:::::ı .::::::[ but in a way, you think without thinking. It's alright if ]::::' `:::::[ you don't uderstand because we humans don't understand ]:::' ı::::[ much about ourselves. It's too complicated to undersand ]:::: .::::[ something that's isn't understanable. No one can actually ]:::ı .:::::[ tell you what crap is. Stop and think about it. Crap... ]::::. .::::::[ crap... what the fuck is crap? Why is there such a thing? ]:::::. ::::::[ If we don't understand it, why have it? Why use it? Now, ]::::::. ı:::::[ this I can tell you: we use crap to fill a screen like ]:::::. .:::::[ this, where some dumb fucks lose thier time reading all ]:::::ı .::::::[ this shit that I'm making up at this very moment. See? ]::::' `:::::[ Told you crap was time consuming, now do you believe in me? ]:::::. :......:.......:...................................................:.....:... ; : : : :.......: :.....: . . . . . : : : : .-----------------------------' `-------------------------------------( ok, no more crap )------. .---------------------------------------------------------' `-----------( i promise )---------------. .--------------------------------------------' `-----( yeah, and no more of this wiggly line thingy too )----. .-------------------------------' | | | : : : . . . . tha . _______________________/\__________/\___________/\_____________/\----:____ \____________________ \______ _________ __________ \ | \ / _____/___ )/ / \ \ _| \ )/ / _ \ \ \_ ____/ \ \ \_ \ ____/ | \ \ / \_ \ \ | \ \_ | \ \___ /__ /__ /___ /___| /___ /______| / \______/ \____/iC\______/ \_____/ |_____/ \____/ |______/ __________________________ ________________________________ _ _____________________) / ___________________ _ / \/ l/ \ / \ \ (-epitaphiC-) / \ \ / \ \ \ / / \____________________/_____________________/ )ú---- oph ----ú( __ __________ _______ __ _ __ _ _ ___ |_____________/\_____________________ / __________________ / | _______ \ ______________ \/ / \______________/ _/ _| \ _| \ \l .\ \ / .\ ______/___ \ \_ .\ \_ .\ \\_ \/ \\_ \_ \ | \\ | \\_ / / / ./ \_______| /___| /___ /_____/ /_____ // |______/ |______/ iC\_____/ /________/ \______/ )ú--- preZents ---ú( ______/\______________ \____ ___________ \ / \ l/ \ / \_ \_ --- - - ----- --. / / / : \_____ /___ / : \_____/ \______/ : _ : ___________________________| \_______________ : .-- \__ | _____________ | \_____________/ . . / |____ \ | \ _____/___ ----' : / | \ \_ | \_ \_ : \ | \_ / / / : \____ /__ /___ __/____ / | \________/iC\___/ \____/ \______/ : . . | : | ___________________ ______/\______________ : ` -- \_________/ ____/__ \____ ___________ \ : / \_______ \ / \ l/ \ : / \_ / \_ / \_ \_ \ / / / / / : \____ /____ / \_____ /___ / \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \______/ | . | : ` -- - - --- -. __________/\_______________________ ù \_________ ______________________/ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ . \ / / / \____ /___ /____ / \_______/ \ . / \______/ ú \:/ | .--( to live is to die )- `--- - - ----' sOme . __ .---:___| \_______________________/\_______/\__________ / | | _________ \_________ \______ \ ____/__ / | | \ l/ \ _/ __/ l/ \_______ \ / | | \_ \_ | \_ \_ / \_ \ / / | / / / \______\ /___ /_____| /___ /____ / \______/ \______/ |____/ iC\______/ \_____/ .----------------------( this ain't crap )----------------------. welp, here i am again dewds. thanx for leeching my second ascii pack (collection, colly, whatever). this one's called tO lIVE iS tO dIE. let me tell you guys something about this colly: the name "to live is to die" is a metallica song that was made in memory of cLIFF bURTON (their bass player) which died in a bus accident in 1986. since i happen to think that he was one of the greatest bass players that ever lived, i've decided to make this pack in memory of him (kinda original, huh?) hummm... guess that's about it. enjoy the pack! `------------------------------------------( epitaphic^hacme )--' _ __ ___ __ _ ___________________________________ ____ _ _ ____ _ ____________________________________________ | _________ ___ __ _ _ __ ___________________ \_________ \_ __ / | \ / \_ | \ l/ \ \__//\_ __\__ \__________/______|_____\_________/_________\ | \ .----( the one, the only index )------. iC/______| \ |_________\ [requested] zaphod : o1 satan's fire : o2 back fire : o3 fiction : o4 imagina : o5 acid : o6 offspring : o7 edge of honor : o8 sudden impact : o9 spirit of soul : 1o mogue : 11 tango : 12 immune : 13 insane mama : 14 lod : 15 mostly harmless : 16 royal : 17 aegis : 18 destiny : 19 destiny : 2o dtn : 21 tpy : 22 upload : 23 download : 24 leech : 25 main : 26 good bye : 27 welcome : 28 top ten : 29 mail : 3o commands : 31 chat : 32 [requested] news : 33 to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(o1) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : zaphod \ / / / dude : zaphod^purge \____ /___ /____ / obs : requested \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ ______________________/\_____________/\---.________________________/\ \________ \________ __________ .\ | __________ ________ \ / _________/ l \ )/ // _ \ l/ \ l/ \ / | .\ _ .\ ____/ | .\ .\ .\ \ | \\_ | \\ .| | \\ // // \___ /____| /___ ||______| /___ /___ / \_________/ |_____/ \____| |______/ \_____/ iC\_____/ to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(o2) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : satan's fire \ / / / dude : satan's fire^os! \____ /___ /____ / obs : use it or else! hehe :) \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ ____________________/\_______/\_____________/\______________,___________ _/ _______________ ___ __________ _________ \ ______/__ \_________ \ _| \ \ _| \ | \_________ \ / / \_ \_ \ \_ \_ \ | \_ / \_ / / | \_ / | \_ | / / \_______ /_____| /___ /_____| /____| /_____ / \_____/ |______/ \_____/ |______/ |_____/ \______/ ___________________________________/\_____________ \________________________________ \___________/ / ______\ \ _/ __/ _____/___ / \ \_ | \_ \_ / \ / | / / \____ \____ /_____| /____ / \________/ iC\_____/ |____/ \______/ to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(o3) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : back fire \ / / / dude : satan's fire^os! \____ /___ /____ / obs : fire fire fire! \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ __ _ ____________ ___________/\__________/\__________________ |__________ \_________ \________ \ __________ _________/ /. _)/ / _| \ \l \ \ \ -- - -- - -. // )/ \ \_ \ \_ \ \_ : / \_ | \_ / / / | \____ /_____| /___ /______/ / | \_________/ |______/ iC\______/ /_______/ : : ___________________________________/\_____________ | .-- ---- - -- - \________________________________ \___________/ -' `--- -(-staff-) -. / ______\ \ _/ __/ _____/___ .-(-satan's fire-)--' / \ \_ | \_ \_ `-(-micky zombie-)-. / \ / | / / .-(- = zen = -)-' \____ \____ /_____| /____ / `-«> +32-NoT-wORTHy \________/ \_____/ |____/ \______/ to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(o4) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : fiction \ / / / dude : slackjaw^dtn \____ /___ /____ / obs : n/a \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ _____________________________________/\___________________________________ \____________________/ _________ ___________________ \________ \ / ______\ \ \l \ \ \ l/ \ | \ / \ \_ \_ \_ \_ \_ | \_ / \ / / / / / | / \____ \___ /_____ /____ /___ /___ /_____| / \_______/iC\____/ \____/ \_____/ \____/ \______/ |____/ to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(o5) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : imagina \ / / / dude : ww \____ /___ /____ / obs : imagine :) \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ _______________ ___________/\_______________________________________/\ _____________ \ / __________ \ ____________________ \________ \ / \ \ \/ / \ _| \ |___ \ \ | \ _| \ _/ \_ \ / \_ \_ \ / \_ \_ | \_ \_ \ \ / \/ / | \_ / / | / | \_ \_____ /_____/ /_____| /___ /___ /____| /_____| / \ . / /______/ |_____/ iC\____/ \___/ |____/ |_____/ \:/ | to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(o6) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : acid \ / / / dude : acid dewds \____ /___ /____ / obs : n/a \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ __________/\_______________________________/\ \________ \ ________________________ \ / _| \ \l \ \ l/ \ / \_ \ \_ \_ \_ \ | \_ / / / \______| /____ /____ /____ / |______/ iC\____/ \___/ \______/ to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(o7) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : offspring \ / / / dude : satan's fire^os! \____ /___ /____ / obs : cool group... \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ _ _ ______________________________________ __ _ __ _________ \_________________________ _ / l/ \ _______\ ______\ .--- -- - - / \_ \ \ - -- -. . \ / \ \ : : \____ /____ \____ \ -- - | - - - . . \______/ \______/ iC\______/ | . _______________________/\________/\___________________________________ _/ ___________________ \_____ \_______________ \ _______/ \_________ \ )/ / _/ __/ \ | \ |__ \ / / \_ ___/ | \_ \_ | \_ / \_ / / \_ | / / | / / \_______ /____ /______| /___ /_____| /____ / \_____/ \____/ |____/ \____/ |_____/ \_____/ `- -. .-- - - ` - -- - -( kickIn them asCiis ) - --' to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(o8) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : edge of honor \ / / / dude : xtreeman \____ /___ /____ / obs : kickass bored \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ ________________________/\__________________________ \_______________________ \ ___________________/ / _______/___ l/ \ |____ \ _____/___ - - --- - . \ \_ \_ / \_ \_ | \ / / / / : \____ /____ /____ /____ / . | / \______/ iC\_____/ \______/ - -- --(- oph -)- - : | | . ___|_ | : \___ |_______________________________________________________/\ / | __________ \________ \_________ \_________ \ _/ _| \ l/ \ | \ l/ \ _/ __/ \ \_ \ \_ | \_ \_ | \_ \ | \ / | / / | / . \_______| /____ /_____| /____ /_____| / | |______/ \______/ |_____/ \______/ |_____/ : `-- - ---- -- - -- - - ----- - - --- - ---- - -- - -' to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(o9) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : sudden impact \ / / / dude : powerbyte \____ /___ /____ / obs : n/a \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ ___ __________________| \__________/\__________/\_________________________ _/ __________ | \_________ \_________ \____________________ \ \_________ \ | \ l/ \ l/ \ _____/___ | \ / / \_ | \_ \_ \_ \_ | \_ / / / / / / | / \_______ /____ /____ /____ /____ /_____| / \_____/ \_______/ iC\______/ \______/ \______/ |_____/ __ ________________ ______________/\______/\__________________/\_______ __ __ ______________ \ / _____________ \_____ \ _________ ____ _ / \ \ \/ / \ )/ / _| \ \l \ \ _/ \_ \ / \_ ___/ \_ \ \_ \_ \ / \/ / \_ | \_ / / \_____ /_____/ /___ /_______| /____ /____ / \____/ /______/ \____/ |_____/ \____/ \_____/ to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(1o) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : spirit of soul \ / / / dude : mario \____ /___ /____ / obs : n/a \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ _______________________/\____________________/\______________/\_______ _/ ___________________ \________________ \___________ ____/ \_________ \ )/ / \ _/ __/ \ \ / / \_ ___/ \_ | \_ \_ \_ / / \_ / | / / / \_______ /____ /______ /_____| /____ /____ / \_____/ \____/ \____/ |_____/ \____/ \_____/ . ___ : ______________________________| \_________ `- of -- - _/ ________________ \__ | \_ | -- - -- . \_________ \ l/ \ | \ |____ : / / \_ \_ | \_ | \ | / / / / | \_ | \_______ /____ /____ /____ / : \_____/ iC\______/ \_______/ \________/ | : - --- - --(( art core world head quarter ))-- -- - - --- ' to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(11) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : mogue \ / / / dude : mogue^ac! \____ /___ /____ / obs : mo! and mo! and mo! \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ __ ________ ___ _ ______ \ ___________________________________| \_______________ __ / \ \/ _____________ \ _________ | \_____________ _ / \ / \ l/ \ |____ \ | \ _____/___ \ \/ \_ \_ / \_ | \_ \_ \ / / / / / / \_____/ /____ /____ /____ /____ / /________/ iC\______/ \_____/ \_______/ \______/ to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(12) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : tango \ / / / dude : tango^ac! \____ /___ /____ / obs : n/a \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ ______/\____________/\_____________________________________ \____ ___________ \_________ \ _______________ \ / \ _| \ | \ |____ \ l/ \ / \_ \_ \ | \_ / \_ \_ / / | \_ | / / / \_____ /_____| /____| /____ /____ / \_____/ |_____/ |_____/ iC\_____/ \______/ to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(13) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : immune \ / / / dude : satan's fire^os! \____ /___ /____ / obs : yep, 4 u again... \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ ___ ________________ _________ __________| \____________________________ \______________ \ / _______ \ / ______ | \________ \ ___________/ / \ \ \/ / \ \ \/ / \ | \ | \ _____/___ _/ \_ \ / \_ \ / \_ | \_ | \_ \_ \ / \/ / \/ / / | / / \_____ /_____/ /_____/ /____ /_____| /____ / \____/ /______/ /______/ iC\_______/ |_____/ \______/ to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(14) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : insane mama \ / / / dude : insane madman \____ /___ /____ / obs : whacked out \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ - - - - ------ ---- -- . ____________________________________________/\______________________________ \_________________ \ _________________ \_________ \______________/ / \ | \_________ \ _| \ | \ _____/___ _/ \_ | \_ / \_ \_ \ | \_ \_ \ / | / / | \_ | / / \_____ /_____| /_____ /_____| /____| /____ / \____/ |_____/ \______/ |_____/ |_____/ \______/ _ __ _ __ ________ | _ ______ \ _____________/\________ ___________/\ : / \ \/ ____________ \______ \ / __________ \ -- -' . --- - -- / \ / \ _| \ \ \/ / \ _| \ : \ \/ \_ \_ \ \ / \_ \_ \ | \ / / | \_ \/ / | \_ `- - - ---- - \_____/ /_____| /____/ /_____| / ---. /________/ |_____/ /______/ |_____/ : | whacky % crazy % off the wall % insane <«--- - --- --- -- --- ' to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(15) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : lod \ / / / dude : ayres^hacme \____ /___ /____ / obs : l0dl0dl0d \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ ________ legacy of __________/\ \__ | -(- distrust -)- \_________ \ ---- - -. / |___________________/ l/ \ : / | \_________ ___ \_ | .-- - \ | \_ l/ \ / | : \____ / \_____ / : | \________/ / iC\_______/ . | \_____ / : : \_______/ : : | `--( hkm^dtn^dma^ps^rat^xtc^trb^cri^tpy^led^tly^ea )---' to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(16) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : mostly harmless \ / / / dude : zaphod^purge \____ /___ /____ / obs : free of harm? \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ .-- -- --- -- - -- - -- -- ---- - - ----- - --- . ________ : ____ \______ \ __________________________________/\____________ _________| \ / \ \/ _____________ \ ___________ ____ | | \ / \ / \ l/ \_________ \ \ |____ | \ \ \/ \_ \_ / \_ \_ | \________ \_ \ / / / / / | \_ l/ / \_____/ /____ /_____ /____ /____ /____ / /________/ \______/ \_____/ \_____/ \________/ iC\_____/ : . __________ : \____ |_____________/\____________/\_____ _______ | / | ________ \_________ \___ \ / _____/ | _/ _| \ _| \ _/ __/ \ \/ / \ : \ \_ \ \_ \ | \_ \ / \_ `-- - -. \ | \ | \_ | / \/ / | \_______| /____| /___| /_____/ / : |______/ |_____/ |____/ /_______/ --( +49-uP-yOURS )-- | : | ________________________________________________ | \__ |__________________ _____/__ _____/__ : / |____ _____/____________ \_________ \ : Ô sTAFF ¸ / | \ \_ / \_ / \_ `-(- zaphod -)-- \ | \_ / / / \____ /____ /_____ /_____ / \________/ \______/ \_____/ \_____/ to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(17) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : royal \ / / / dude : satan's fire^os! \____ /___ /____ / obs : damn! you're everywhere! \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ ____ ____________/\________________| \_________/\__________ \_________ \_______ \ | \________ \___ | / _/ __/ l/ \ | \ _| \ |____ / | \_ \_______ \_ \_ \ | \ \ | / / l/ / | \_ | \_ \______| /____ /_____ /_____| /___ / |____/ \______/ iC\_____/ |_____/ \________/ to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(18) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : aegis \ / / / dude : aegis dewds \____ /___ /____ / obs : n/a \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ __________/\______________________________________________ \________ \______________ ________________/ _____/__ / _| \ _____/___ |____ \ \__________ \ / \_ \ \_ / \_ \_ / \_ \ | \_ / / / / \______| /____ /____ /____ /_____ / |______/ \_____/ iC\_____/ \____/ \______/ to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(19) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : destiny \ / / / dude : demoralize^dtn \____ /___ /____ / obs : another dtn logo... \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ ____ _________/\___________________________/\_____________________________| \ \________ \____________/ _________ __________________ \ | \ / l/ \ ____/___________ \ \ \ | \ | \ / \_ \_ / \_ \_ \_ | \_______ \_ \ / / / / / | / l/ / \____ /____ /_____ /____ /_______/_____| /_____ / \______/ \_____/ \____/ iC\____/ |____/ \_____/ to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(2o) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : destiny \ / / / dude : demoralize^dtn \____ /___ /____ / obs : and another... \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ __ _ __________/\________________________ _ _ _________ \_____________/ _____/__ / l/ \ _____/_____________ \ / \_ \_ / \_ .---- -- ---- \ / / / --- ---. | \____ /____ /_____ / : : \_______/ \______/ \______/ : . | ______ __ _ | ______/\________________________________| __ _ _ : \____ _____________________ \ | \ : / \ \ | \ | \ | / \_ \_ | \_______ \_ : / / / | / l/ / | \_____ /____ /_____| /_____ / ----- --- -- - -- ' \_____/ \____/ |_____/ iC\_____/ to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(21) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : dtn \ / / / dude : demoralize^dtn \____ /___ /____ / obs : oh my god! it's dtn again! \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ ______/\_______ \____ _____/ __________/\ / \____________ \_________ \ / \_______ \ / l/ \/ / | \ / \_____ / | \_ \ /.iC\_____/ | / \____ / `-- ---. \_______| / \_______/ --(- destiny -)-- |_____/ `-- - ---- to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(22) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : tpy \ / / / dude : zarkof^tpy \____ /___ /____ / obs : ... \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ ____ . ______/\_____________________| \ . \____ ______ ___ ___ _ _ | \ : / \__________/\ | \ | / \_________ \_______ \_ : / / )/ / l/ / : \_____ / ___/______ / | iC\_____/ \_ \_____/ : \____ / . - --- - -- - \____/ --( telepathy )--' to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(23) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : upload \ / / / dude : n/a \____ /___ /____ / obs : n/a \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ ___ ____| \_____________/\ __________/\ / | \____________ \ --- - - -(- upload -)- \_________ \ / | \ )/ /___ / l/ \ / | \_ ___/ | ___________/\/ \_ \ / \_ |_____________\__________ \ / \____ /____ / | \________ \ _| \_____ / iC\_______/ \____/ | \_ l/ \ \_ \ \______/ \_____ / \_ | \_ do the following and \_________/ /____| / get your ass kicked out... \____ / |_____/ \______/ - bla blarg arg damn you bla bla - and bla and bla but bla is bla and bla to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(24) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : download \ / / / dude : n/a \____ /___ /____ / obs : n/a \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ __________/\ . \_________ \___________ / l/ \________ \ . / \_ l/ \ . __ : \ / \_.---:___| \ | \____ / / | | \ \_______/_____ / | | \___________ | \______/ | | \______ \ | \ / | \ | \______\ / | \_ : \______/ | / : \______| / ` --- - -(- download -)---- - - --- ---, ____|_____/\ `-- - --- \_________ \ --- - ________ / l/ \ \__ | ___________/\/ \_ / |_____________\__________ \ / / | \________ \ _| \_____ / \ | \_ l/ \ \_ \ \______/ \____ / \_ | \_ \________/ /____| / \____ / iC|_____/ \______/ to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(25) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : leech \ / / / dude : n/a \____ /___ /____ / obs : n/a \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ ________________ \______________/ _____________/ _____/_________________ ________ \____________\ \_ ________/ \__ | / ______/__\ / \l \_________ / |____\ \_____ / \____ |____ / | \ / iC\_____/ / | \ \ | \_____ / \_______ _/ _| \ \____ / \_____/ \____/\ \_ \ \_________/ \ | \ - -- - --- - -(- leech -)-- - - \______| / |______/ to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(26) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : main \ / / / dude : n/a \____ /___ /____ / obs : n/a \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ __ ________ _ ______ \ ______________/\________________________ / \ \/ ____________ \___________________ \ / \ / \ _| \ \ | \ \ \/ \_ \_ \ \_ | \_ \ / / | \_ / | / \_____/ /_____| /___ /_____| / /________/ |______/ iC\____/ |_____/ to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(27) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : good bye \ / / / dude : n/a \____ /___ /____ / obs : n/a \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ ________ __\_____ \ __________/ l/ \__________/\ __\_____ \ \_________ \ / l/ \ / l/ \ ____________/___ \_____ / \_ \__ _______/ / iC\______/\ / / |__ \_____ / . \____ / \ / \_ \______/ : \_______/ \ / \____ / - --- ---(- good bye -)--- - - -- \_____/ : _______________ ___________/\ . \_____________/ \_________ \ ____ / _____/___ /. _)/ /_____| \/ \_ // )/ \ | \ / / \_ | \_____ / \____ /_______ \_ \______/ \_________/ l/ / \______ / \_____/ to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(28) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : welcome \ / / / dude : n/a \____ /___ /____ / obs : n/a \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ . __ ______ __ __ _ .---:___| \______________________________________________ / _____________ / | | _____________ | _____________ \______ \/ / \__________/ / | | \ ___/___ |___ \l \ l/ \ \ / \ ___/___ / | | \_ \_ | \ \_ \_ \/ \_ \_ \ / / | \_ / / / / / \______\ /___ /___ /___ /___ /____/ /___ / \______/ \____/ \______/ \___/ \_____/ /_______/ \____/ to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(29) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : top ten \ / / / dude : n/a \____ /___ /____ / obs : n/a \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ ______/\____________________________/\ ______/\___________________________ \____ ____________ \____________ \ \____ ______________________ \ / \ l/ \ )/ / / \ ____/___ | \ / \_ \_ ___/ / \_ \_ | \_ / / / \_ / / / | / \_____ /____ /____ / \_____ /____ /_____| / \_____/ .--\______/----\____/--top-ten--\_____/----\_____/-. |_____/ : : |--- - ------ ----- -------- -- --- --- ------ ---| | o1 : uSER | : o2 : uSER : | o3 : uSER : | o4 : uSER | : o5 : uSER | : | o6 : uSER | ....: | o7 : uSER : : : : o8 : uSER : :...: : o9 : uSER ........: . 1o : uSER : : `----------------------------------------------:---' :..... to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(3o) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : mail \ / / / dude : n/a \____ /___ /____ / obs : n/a \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ ______________/\_____________________ _ _ _________ / ____________ \_______________ | _____ _______ \/ / \ _| \ \ |_____ / \ / \ \_ \ \_ | \ \ \/ \_ | \_ / | \_ \ / /_____| /___ /_____ / \_____/ / |______/ iC\____/ \_________/ .---- - --. /________/ '------ ----- -- - ------- --- --«> you've got mail, dewd! to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(31) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : commands \ / / / dude : n/a \____ /___ /____ / obs : n/a \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ _____________________ _______ _______/\_________________/\________ / ____________ \____ \ / _____ \ / _______ \_______ \_______ \ ___/_ _/ \l \ l/ \ \ \/ / \ \ \/ / \ _| \ | \ l/ \______ \ \ \_ \_ \ / \_ \ / \_ \_ \ | \_ \_ / \_ \ / / \/ / \/ / | \_ | / / / \____ /___ /____/ /____/ /___| /__| /___ /___ / \___/ \____/ /_____/ /_____/ |____/ iC|___/ \____/ \___/ to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(32) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : chat \ / / / dude : n/a \____ /___ /____ / obs : n/a \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ ______/\_______ _____________ . \____ _____/ / ________/-( tha sYz is here to )-- - / \ _/ \l \_________: _ ___ _______/\ / \_ \ \____ |______________ \/ / \ / | \ _| \_____ / \_____ _/ _| \ \_ \ iC\_____/ \_____/\ \_ \ | \_ \ | \_____| /-( with ya )--- -. \______| / |______/ |______/ to_live_is_to_/\__________________________________ __ _____ _ _ ____ _ __ _ _ ___________ ______________________ _ __ __(33) _ / l/ \ \ _____/___ / \_ \_ \_ reads : news \ / / / dude : ayres^hacme \____ /___ /____ / obs : just a min... \_______/ iC\___/ \______/ ______________ ___________ \_________ \ -- - -- --(- news -)-- _/ ______/__ / | \_______________ \___________ \ / | \_____________/ . __/ / \_ \ | / _____/_____.---:___| \ / \_______| / / | | \_______ / iC|_____/ / | | \ \_____/ | \_____ / | | \_ . : \_______\ / : `- - --- -- - -- -- - \______\ / - -- ' \______/ . . . . . : : : : .-----------------------------' `---------------------------------------------------------------. .---------------------------------------------------------' `---------------------------------------. .--------------------------------------------' `-------------------------------------------------------------. .-------------------------------' | | | : : : . . . . ____________ ________________ / ________/ - -- --- -. \______________/ - - --- __________ _/ |____ \__________/\ : / _____/_________/\___\ _____/__ \ / \_______ \ | \ \____ ______________ \ \ / _/ __/__________\__ / \ / \_ \____ / | \____________/___ / \_ / \_____/ | / _____/___ \______/ /____ / | \______| / \_ \_____ / \______/ : |____/ / iC\_____/ ` - --- - --- - - \_____ / -- . \______/ `--- -- -(- greets -)-- --- - ayres : alert! alter! lost clusters found! demoralize : how's the network? impure : hummm.... nothing to say... :) tragos : yo! satan's fire : western digital SUX! charon : vague stories rule! insane madman : your old style is better... art reZpects : sF! ¸ iMD! ¸ tGø ¸ mO! up your ass : arnow - lame fucks! go to hell! : dkg - fuck you and your permission! : cyclone - gay fuck! ______________ __ _____________\________ \ _ ____________/ | \__________________ . / \ | \________________/ _/ \_ | / ______\ . \ /______| / \ : \________ / iC|______/ \____________ | \ . / \____ \_________ \ | \:/ \________/ l/ \ | | / \_ : `- ---- -(- info -)--- ---- \ / -- -' \_____ / \_______/ dude : epitaphic age : 17 sex : male affil : hacme homeland : brazil began : nov o2 '95 finished : oct o5 '95 total : 4 dayz linez : 1176 size : 6o.o66 kb computahs : pentium/75 pentium/75 [notebook] modem : quickSHiT 28k8 proggies : aciddraw dos edit term nc win'95 see (junk) food : pizza / italian junk toxics : pepsi / guarana muzak : metallica / megadeth / black sabbath dream theater / bruce dickinson _____________ _______/\______ - --- - ---- - ---. \_________ \ _________/\ \____ _____/ ___________/ | _\____/\_/________ \ / \ \________ \ | \___ _____/ _| \ ____/________ \_ _________/__ l/ \ | / \ \_ \/ ________/ / / ________/ \_____| / \_ | \_ \l \ / _/ \l \ / |____/ /___| / \____/ \ \____ / . \____ / |______/ / \ /iC\______/ : \_____/ \______ / \_____ / | . \____/ - --- \____/ - -- - ----- - - ---- - -- ---(- contact -)-- -- - - ----. `--- - ---' : | if you wanna contact me for requests or any shit like that, | send me a messie in one of these boreds : legacy of distrust : +55-21-439217o datura : +31-7787-2195 datura : +31-7738-26795 lounge act : +31-7179-o4111 back fire : +31-4192-15288 damnatic : +31-226o-2o78o damnatic : +31-226o-2o127 @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ . s,. ascii __: ı$s pack 2 / | `ı$$Ss ı$s ______ _ _ __ _/ | _ __ $$$$_ __ $$____ / ___ __ _____/____|____ $$$$ __ _$ı___ \/ / \'95 \__________ \ $$$$ .$ı \ / \ / | .\`$$$ .s$ı \/ ./ \ | \\`$$sı$$$._____/ // \_____| \`$ $$$. iC/ / |________>: $$$ /______/ .----------------.sssı ---$$ı -------------. | tha ePITAPHIC .ı' oph $ı hKM preZents | | the second ascii colly ' kalled . . . | | - ---(- tO lIVE iS tO dIE -)-- - - | `-------------------------------[nov-5-95]-' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ