.--------------  - - -.
  - - - -  --------------.-------------------------'   rOadhOgz: CHQ     |
  ________________  _____|\_____        ___________   ACCESSi0N: DHq     :
  \______  ______/ _\_   l__  _/_      _\_   _____/       THANX: Hq      |
      /      \    /      __/     \    /      __/___ _     D C C: DiST    !
     /        \  /       |        \\//       l       \  __ ___\_____ _\  |
    /__________\/________|_________\/_____________w^s_\ \      \/        :
    _ _ __  ______________________________________________________  _ _ _o
   |              /\      · T · H · E ·  ·  P · A · Y · O · F · F ·
   !  _____/\    // \ _______ /\_____  ________    ____________ ____________
   | _\______\  //   \\      Y      / _\____ _/_  _\_  _______/_\_  _______/
   :/       | \_      \\____ l ____/ /     |    \/     ____/  /     ____/
   /     ______/       \ /       \  /      |     \       |   /        |
  /________| /          /_________\/______________\______|  /_________|
   ! tsar1  /____________\       .--------------  - - - -  --------------.
   | · · · · · · · · · · · · · · | -NODE 1: +31-70-320-5418  28.8 V.F.C  !
   O- - --------------------- - -' -NODE 2: +31-70-320-8453  28.8 V.F.C  :
    dATE: 04-Aug-95 tIME: 10:20:26 -NODE 3: +31-70-327-1427  14.4 USR DS |
  - - - --  ---------------  - - - -  ----------------------------  - - -'

    ..... ......... ................... .. .. .. ... ..o._  .   .       .
    :                             .                     (_)o
    :                           . : `                   
    .            __________ __ _ _|_.__ _           +31-70-3639760
    .      _____|               . |  .              +31-iSDN^SOON!
   __  ___|    _|____________     : _________
 .(__)_\_ \   \    __   __  /_____'_\__     /     -( rOadhOgz  wHQ )-
 |    .  \ \   \__ /    |__/_    /|   /    /      -( KiLLERS!  eHQ )-
 |    |   \ \   | /    ||  _/   /_|  /____/
 |    |    \_   ./     :|  \___/   .     |               cREw:
 |____|    |____|_______|__        |_____|            -[ =zEn= ]-
     |_____|   |        |__________|            -[ DiABLo ]^[ bOLDy ]-
    iNTER      |____   ________   |     _______________             _____
   sECTiON   _/ ___/___\__    /   |_____\    __   _ __/         ___|     |
   ______  __\____    \ _/   /__._\_    /\__ /    |(__). _______\_ \     |___
  /      ||     \/    / \___/   |  /___/__  /    ||    |/_    \   \ \    |   |
 //_     ||        _//          | /       ./     :|    //      \   \ \   |   |
 \_______|l_________/|__________|       __|_______|   /         \   \_   |   |
    .          |   o_  .       |__________|ab     |___\       _//   |____|   |
    .       ...|...(_)  _                              \_______/____| _o     |
    :.  . . : .   :O___(_)---[-oNLiNE aSCii oDERiNG-]---------------o(_)_____|

 ..............   ..............  .............   ...........:::.
 :::.::::::::::; ::::::::::: ::: `...........::: ::::::::::: :::sF!
 ::: :.........  ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: :::
 ::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::;
 ::: ::::::::::: `::::::::::.::' `::::::::::.::; `::::::::::.::'
     ::::::::::; ...
                .:::...........   ..............  ..............  ............
                 ::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::: `...:::::::::'
   -rOadhOgz-    ::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::: `::::::::::.:::.::: ..........
  aRt cOURIERs   ::: ::::::::::; ::::::::::: ::: ........... ::: ::: ::::::::::
                 ::: ::::::::::: `::::::::::.::' `::::::::::.::' `::.:::::::::'
                                                         iT'S iN ART WE TRUST!

         -={ sWEDENS tRUE dOMINATOR!   28k8 mULTINODE sYSTEM! }=- 
        .---=--- -- -  -       __\_
     ___|__________ _____.    /   \   __________/\  .________:_
 .__/    _________/   .  |   /     \_/     ______/__|        |____________
 |       _____/    ..:   |  /     __\_________      \       __           /
 |        |      .:::    l_/ __      \      /        \_      /          /
 l______._|     ::: _ ____/___/     __\_______________/_____/ ......   / 
        | :   .:::       /_____________\splat/e^d          /__:____:__//__
        |:.  ::::                                             :...::
        `---:::: --=---.  __\_ _               :_________.         ...
        ..::::::::..   | /   \   __________/\  |         |_______  :.:
      .    :::    ::.  |/     \__\   _______/__|         l  ____/____
          :::      ::. /.      \      \        |        __          /
         .:::     .:: / ª   _/  \      \       |         /         /
         ::::.  ..:: /  :   \___ \ ____________|________/         / 
          ::::::::: /_____________\__ _        :       /_________//__ _
                       |::..       \
                       `-----------=------------- -- -  -
      -={ oRiGiN wHQ }={ iNVASION sHQ }={ rEBELS sHQ }={ dCS eHQ }=-
       -={ oNLINE aSCII oRDERING   h/P/A   nO fILE/bYTE rATIOS! }=-
                   -={ oNLINE sINCE '91   wELCOME!! }=-
                   ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...         .
                   :    .:        .              :  .
        ...:::::::::::.::           :______|__   .       :_|______:
     .:::::::::     .::     _ ____|_|      | / _ : _|____| |     :|
    ::::::::::::::.:::..          | :     __/___    |   :|        |
        ::::::::::::::::::::..                 :\        |        |
            ......    :::::::::     :            \_      :        |
      ...::::::::::..::::::::::: _|_|             /_|_____      _ .
  ..::::::::    ::::::::::::::    | |_|________|_/  |   \_______/  :..
    ::::::::.      ::::::::::      . : |czar.   |    .                ::.
     ::::::::    . ::::::: __  ________        .    ________|__        ::
       :::: .  _   _________/:_\      :\ :_|_______/ _      | /        ::
     .      |____|_       . :|        _ \| |   :\   _/       /        ::
   _/       :    |:\_   .:   |         \ \       \_ \_______/___    .: 
   \_|________      /__.:  __|_______|_|\         /____        /  . 
     |      |____|_/    :.   :   .   | : \_|_____/   |______|_/  
     .      :    |       ::.   .:    .     |         :      |
                 .         ::::            .                . 
                        cHiEF: rECAll/iHS^pLS^pTL 
      aSiSSTENTS: hONCHO/pLS ½  cHARLiE/d93 ½  rAPE/iDN ½  sONNY/lSD
          iNHUMANOiDS wHQ ½  pLEASURE sHQ ½  pURPLE tURTLE eHQ  
  cOOL nETS ½   >700MB HD ½  bREAKiNG tHE sPEED liMiTS ½  pC/aMiGA eLiTE
        sOON cONSOLE ½  cD rOM ½  nO nUP ½  fUCKiNG fRiENDLY cREW 
              sOON tHREE fUCKiNG nODEZ ½  giVE iT a cALL nOW!
              nODE #1  -/-  +46 691-30800  -/-  USR 28800
              nODE #2  -/-  +46 FUCKTELiA  -/-  USR 28800
              nODE #3  -/-  +46 FUCKTELiA  -/-  USR 28800

[==========================={ bEGIN oF 2ND tRY! }============================]

: _/\___/\_  __/l   __/l_  __/l_  __/\_  __/\_  __/\_  _/\___/\_  __/\___ :
: \_____   \ \_ l__ \_ ª \ \_ l \ \_ . \ \_   \ \_ . \ \________\ \  ___/ :
: /  \/  ª  \/  .  \/  ;  \/ \_/ \/  .  \/  ª  \/  |  \/  \/   | \/\___ \ :
_/    \__l   \__l   \__    \__l   \__l   \__l   \__    \_  \__ l  \__ l  \:

                       P * R * E * S * E * N * T * S

       _________   ______   ___   ________
      |=========| |======\ |===| |========\
       »»»»»|===| |===|===\|===| |===|»|===|
       _____|===| |===|\=======| |===| |===|
      |=========| |===| \======| |===| |===|
      |===|»»»»»  |===|  \=====| |===| |===|
      |===|_____  |===|   \====| |===|_|===|
      |=========| |===|RcL |===| |=========|
       »»»»»»»»»   »»»      »»»   »»»»»»»»»
                        /             /\
                       /____     ____/ /  __________     ___  _____
                       \___/    /\___\/  /         /\   /   \/    /\
                          /    / /      /    /    / /  /    /    / /
                         /    / /      /       __/ /   \_     __/ /
                        /    / /      /    /    /\/     /    /\_\/  
                       /____/ /      /____/____/ /     /____/ /
                       \____\/       \____\\___\/      \____\/

                 a N   i H S   p R O D U C T i O N   b Y:

 ___________ _____________ ____________  ________ ______     ________ hRP!
 _______   ¼\   _________/   _________/______   ¼\     /____/__     /_______
   __/    __/  /_______/_    _/_______   __      /_   /       ¼\_  /       ¼\_
  /__      \    /_      ¼\  /_       ¼\   /       /  /__        / /__   e^D  /
 __/        \____/       /___/        /___       /_____/       /____/       /

                        o F   i H S ^ p L S ^ p T L


                            - Oh, yes i'm back!


              - coz some requested logos i've made are here..

                wHY? REcAll, yOU aRE *nOT* aN aSCii mAKER!

                       - coz i think it's fun!!!!!!

            oK, nOW sOME oF yOUR qUESTiONS aRE aNSWERED i hOPE!


       jUST a liTTLE nOTE tO   aLL aSCii dUDES aLL oVER tHE wORLD! ½

       Of coz it's fun making ascii logos to Juan^Harpoon, Twister,
       Kid Curry, and other famous dudes, but choose them and leave
       all unfamous guys alone, that is NOT FRiENDSHiP!

       You'll not be a better ascii maker just coz you're drawing

       logos to the famous guys, think abt the hidden part - all 

       guys that are friendly, but not that famous!

       Some of you guys don't wanna be in thoose ascii order doors,

       coz you'll get requests from lame guys... 

       Think again! It isn't nice to skip requested logos from lamers
       as Xcluzive (just kiddin' mate!) and just make logos to Hotwire... 

       You got my point? 


                                fAST iNDEX!

            Logo1   - Polaris 1           Req by: Polaris     
            Logo2   - Polaris 2           Req by: Polaris     
            Logo3   - Wild River          Req by: Polaris     
            Logo4   - New Files           Req by: Clawbreaker 
            Logo5   - S.P.G 1             Req by: Killer Dwarf
            Logo6   - S.P.G 2             Req by: Killer Dwarf
            Logo7   - Killer Dwarf        Req by: Killer Dwarf
            Logo8   - Ancient Entity 1    Req by: Amon        
            Logo9   - Ancient Entity 2    Req by: Amon        
            Logo10  - Mystery Of The Fall Req by: Polaris     
            Logo11  - Inhumanoids 1       Req by: None        
            Logo12  - Inhumanoids 2       Req by: None        
            Logo13  - Warhammer 1         Req by: Kid Curry   
            Logo14  - Warhammer 2         Req by: Kid Curry   
            Logo15  - Wicked 1 -diz-      Req by: Moke        
            Logo16  - Wicked 2 -diz-      Req by: Moke        
            Logo17  - Extreme Failure     Req by: Xavier      
            Logo18  - Shock Treatment 1   Req by: Case        
            Logo19  - Shock Treatment 2   Req by: Case        
            Logo20  - Purple Turtle       Req by: Franky      


     A weather change. Shadows fall. New scent upon the wind - decay.
                    Cocaine, Uzis, drive-by shootings. 
                     Decay is a banker. Everyone pays.

    +============================> lOGO 1 <============================+
    |Name        : Polaris 1                                           |
    |Requested by: pOLARiS                                             |

        __________          _____     ____________________ ___ __________
       /         /_________/    /    /         /         //__//         /
      /    /    /         /    /    /    /    /    /    /____/    _____/ 
     /    _____/    /    /    /____/         /       __/    /_____    /  
    //   /RcL //   /    //        //   /    //   /    //   //        /   
   /____/    /_________/_________/____/____/____/____/____/_________/    

    +============================> lOGO 2 <============================+
    |Name        : Polaris 2                                           |
    |Requested by: pOLARiS                                             |

    ____ __________  _  _ __ _____ ___ ____________________ ___ __________
    __  /         /_________/    /\   /         /         //__//         /\
  _ __ /    /    /         /    / /_ /    /    /    /    /_\__/    _____/ /
   ___/    _____/    /    /    /_/__/         /       __/    /_____    /\/ 
 _ _ //   /\___//   /    //        //   /    //   /    //   //        / /  
 ___/____/RcL_/_________/_________/____/____/____/____/____/_________/ /   
    \____\/_ _\_________\\________\\___\\___\\___\\___\\___\\________\/    

    +============================> lOGO 3 <============================+
    |Name        : Wild River                                          |
    |Requested by: pOLARiS                                             |

         __________ ___ _____     ________    
        /   / /   //__//    /    /        \   
       /   / /   /____/    /    /    /    /   
      /   / /   /    /    /____/    /    /    
     //        //   //        //   /    /     
                .    o  __________ ___ ______________________________
        ____      o    /         //__//   / /   /         /         /
   _   _\_  \__  .  . /    /    /____/   / /   /    _____/    /    /  
   |\_/       .\_ o  /       __/    /   / /   /    _____/       __/   
   | _         _/o. //   /    //   //        //        //   /    /    
   |/ \___   __/   /____/____/____/_________/_________/____/____/     
   »     /__/                                RcL                      

    +============================> lOGO 4 <============================+
    |Name        : New Files                                           |
    |Requested by: cLAWbREAKER/vSG                                     |

        ____  _________________________
       /    \/    /         /   / /   /
      //    /    //   _____//  / /   /    
     /    //    /    _____/   / /   /     
    /    /     /         /         /      
                       __________ ___ _____     ____________________
                      /         //__//    /    /         /         /
               RcL   /    _____/____/    /    /    _____/    _____/ 
                    /    ___/ /    /    /____/    _____/_____    /  
                   //   /    //   //        //        //        /   
                  /____/    /____/_________/_________/_________/    

    +============================> lOGO 5 <============================+
    |Name        : S.P.G                                               |
    |Requested by: kiLLER dWARF/pTL                                    |

                      __________   __________   __________  
                     /         /  /         /  /         /  
                    //   _____/  //   /    /  //   _____/   
                   /_____    /  /    _____/  /    /    /    
                  /         /__/    /    ___/         /__
                 /_________/__/____/    /__/_________/__/

    +============================> lOGO 6 <============================+
    |Name        : S.P.G 2                                             |
    |Requested by: kiLLER dWARF/pTL                                    |

             __________          __________          __________
            /         /\        /         /\        /         /\
+==========//   _____/=========//   /    /=========//   _____/===========+
=         /_____    /\/       /    _____/ /       /    /    /\/          =
=        /         / / ___   /    /\____\/ ___   /         / /           =
=       /_________/ / /__/\ /____/ /      /__/\ /_________/ /            =
=       \_________\/  \__\/ \____\/RcL    \__\/ \_________\/             =
=                                                                        =
=       sYSOP: kiLLER dWARF/pTL       cOSYSOPS: pOLARiS   fRANKY/pTL     =
=                                                                        =
=                   pURPLE tURTLE sWEDiSH hEADQUARTERS!                  =
=          aMiGA eLiTE   hUGE aMiEXPRESS cONF   A3000/25 pOWAH           =
=                oLD kiCKiN' bBS wiTH a oLD kiCKiN' sYSOP!               =
=                                                                        =
+==> pTL sHQ <=============>   +46 612-13076   <============>  pTL sHQ<==+


    +============================> lOGO 7 <============================+
    |Name        : kiLLER dWARF                                        |
    |Requested by: kiLLER dWARF/pTL                                    |

                 iN a diSTANCE sOME oNE wiSPHER a nAME...
       _____      ___ _____     _____     ____________________
      /    /     /__//    /    /    /    /         /         /
     /    /_________/    /    /    /    /    _____/    /    /
    /       __/    /    /____/    /____/    _____/       __/ 
   //   /    //   //        //        //        //   /    /  
                      ________  ________________________________________  
                 RcL /        \/   / /   /         /         /         /  
                    //   /    //  / /   //   /    //   /    //   _____/   
                   /    /    /   / /   /         /       __/    ___/      
                  /    /    /         /    /    /    /    /    /

                ...aND hERE hE cOMES tO hAVE a CHAT!

    +============================> lOGO 8 <============================+
    |Name        : Ancient Entity 1                                    |
    |Requested by: AMON/mST^tNS                                        |

      ______________  _____           ___ ______________  _____::::
     /         /    \/    /_________ /__//         /    \/    /::::
    /    /    /     /    /         /____/    _____/     /    / ::::
   /         /    //    /    _____/    /    _____/    //    /  ::::
  //   /    //   /     //        //   //        //   /     /   ::::
 /____/____/____/_____/_________/____/_________/____/_____/   .::::.

                     ______________  _____::::      ___::::    ___  _____
                    /         /    \/    /::::     /__/::::   /   \/    /
                   /    _____/     /    / ::::    _____::::  /    /    / 
                  /    _____/    //    /  ::::   /    /:::: /__     __/  
                 //        //   /     /   ::::  //   / ::::   //   /     
                /_________/____/_____/RcL.::::./____/ .::::. /____/      

    +============================> lOGO 9 <============================+
    |Name        : Ancient Entity 2                                    |
    |Requested by: AMON/mST^tNS                                        |

                                                          /              /
     ______________  _____           ___ ______________  /____     _____/
    /         /    \/    /_________ /__//         /    \/    /    / 
   /    /    /     /    /         /____/    _____/     /    /    /  
  /         /    //    /    _____/    /    _____/    //    /    /   
 //   /    //   /     //        //   //        //   /     //   /    
                                           /                             /
                          ______________  /____     _____     __________/ 
                      RcL/         /    \/    /    /__/ /    /  \/    /   
                        /    _____/     /    /    /____/    /   /    /    
                       /    _____/    //    /    /    /    /_     __/     
                      //        //   /     //   //   //   / //   /        
                     /_________/____/_____/____/____/____/ /____/         

    +===========================> lOGO 10 <============================+
    |Name        : Mystery Of The Fall                                 |
    |Requested by: pOLARiS                                             |

                                  \                    ___/
      _/\___  /\______  ________/\/____     __________/____/\______  _____
     /      \/   _/   \/    /         /    /         /         /   \/    /
  __//          ///   /    //   _____//   //   _____//   /    //   /    / 
  \     /_/    //__     __/_____    /    /    _____/       __/__       /  
  /    / /    /   /    / /         /    /         /    /    /  /    /\/   
 / ___/ /____/   /_  _/ /_  ______/____/_  ______/____/____/  /____/      
 \/                \/     \/             \/                               
                                     /                   /
                     __________     /____     __________/_________
            _________\         \        /    /    /    /         /
            \         \     ____\      /    /    /    /    _____/ 
             \\   \    \\    __\      //   //        //   _____/  
              \    \    \    \       /    /    /    /         /   
               \_________\____\RcL  /____/____/____/_________/    

                    _________________________     _____
                   /         /         /    /    /    /
                  //   _____//   /    //   /    //   /
                 /    ___/ /         /    /____/    /____
                /    /    /    /    /         /         /
               /                   /         /         / 
              /                   /                      

    +===========================> lOGO 11 <============================+
    |Name        : Inhumanoids 1                                       |
    |Requested by: None                                                |

        __                                               __
       /_/__  _______________________________  _________/_/____  ______
      ___/  \/  /  /  /  /  /       /     /  \/  /     /__/    \/  ___/
     /  /  //  /     /  /  /  / /  /  ¼  /  //  /  /  /  /  /  /___  /

    +===========================> lOGO 12 <============================+
    |Name        : Inhumanoids 2                                       |
    |Requested by: None                                                |

.....   __  _______________________________  _________.....   ____  ______
 :::   /  \/  /  /  /  /  /       /     /  \/  /     / :::   /    \/  ___/
 :::  /  //  /     /  /  /  / /  /  ¼  /  //  /  /  /  :::  /  /  /___  /
.:::./__/___/__/__/_____/__/_/__/__/__/__/___/_____/  .:::./RcL__/_____/

    +===========================> lOGO 13 <============================+
    |Name        : Warhammer 1                                         |
    |Requested by: kiD cURRY/cLS^iHS^iNV^bW!                           |

    /   / /   /         /         /\
   //  / /   //   /    //  .:::::::::::::
  /   / /   /         /  .:::::::::::::::
 /         /    /    /    /    :::::
           /    /    /         :::::      /          /        /         /\
          //   /    //   /    /:::::     //         //  _____//   /    / /
         /         /         /   /  /   /   /  /   /   _____/       __/ / 
        /    /    /    /    /   /  /   /   /  /   /        /    /    /\/  
       /____/____/____/____/___/__/___/___/__/___/_RcL____/____/____/ /   

    +===========================> lOGO 14 <============================+
    |Name        : Warhammer 2                                         |
    |Requested by: kiD cuRRY/cLS^iHS^iNV^bW!                           |

    /   / /   /         /         /
   //  / /   //   /    //   /    / .:::::::::::::
  /   / /   /         /       __/.::::::::::::::: ->   cLASSiC WHQ!   <-
 /         /    /    /    /    /       :::::      -> iNHUMANOiDS EHQ! <-
/_________/____/____/____/____/RcL     :::::      ->   iNVASiON EHQ!  <-
                                       :::::      ->  bODYWORKS SCHQ! <-
           /    /    /         /       :::::         /        /         /
          /    /    /    /    /        :::::        /   _____/    /    / 
         //        //        //  /  /   //  /  /   //  _____//      __/  
        /    /    /    /    /   /  /   /   /  /   /        /    /    /   

 _____                                                             _____
/____|  mUlTiNODE sYSTEM tRANSFERiNG 0-h AMiGA/PC/CONSOlE wAREz!  /____|
  ||                                                                ||
  || blACKSMiTHS: kiD cURRY/ClS^iHS^iVN^bW! ½  oRGASMATRON/xTD^BoB  ||
  !! slAMMERS:    REcAll/pLS^pTL^iHS ½  ViSiTOR/bW! ½  zYCH/ClS     !!
  ::              HiJACKER/ClS^NdL ½  tHE cOBRAMAN/BFG ½  sPEEDY    ::
  ..              mAD mAX/iNSANE ½  FATAL/oBS/GFoRCE/ED             ..

    +===========================> lOGO 15 <============================+
    |Name        : Wicked 1 -diz-                                      |
    |Requested by: Moke                                                |

                      ________/_/      ___   __________
                     /  / /  /________/  /__/  ___/    \
                    /  / /  /  /  ___/    _/  ___/  /  /

    +===========================> lOGO 16 <============================+
    |Name        : Wicked 2 -diz                                       |
    |Requested by: Moke                                                |

                    ________....         ___   __________
                   /  / /  / ::   ______/  /__/  ___/    \
                  /  / /  /  ::  /  ___/    _/  ___/  /  /
                 /_______/  .::./RcL__/__/__/_____/_____/

    +===========================> lOGO 17 <============================+
    |Name        : Extreme Failure                                     |
    |Requested by: <-< xAViER >->                                      |

                     /                   / 
     _______________/____     __________/______________________________
    /         /    /    /    /         /         /          /         / 
   /    _____/_   /   _/    /    /    /    _____/          /    _____/  
  /    _____/         /    /       __/    _____/   /  /   /     ____/   
 //        //   /    //   //        //        //  /  /   //        /    
         ____________________ ___ _____    ______________________________
        /         /         //__//    /   /    /    /         /         /
       /    _____/    /    /____/    /   /    /    /    /    /    _____/ 
      /    ___/ /         /    /    /___/    /    /       __/    _____/  
     //   /    //   /    //   //       //        //   /    //        /   
    /____/    /____/____/____/________/_________/____/____/_________/    

    +===========================> lOGO 18 <============================+
    |Name        : Shock Treatment 1                                   |
    |Requested by: cASE/dCS                                            |

      ____/\___________/\___________         _______
   __/         /    /    /         /__/\_____\     /
   \     _____/    /    /    /    /          /    /____
   /_____    /         /    /    /     _____/       __/
  //        //   /    //   /    //         //   /    /
 /_  ______/____/_  _/_________/__  ______/____/__  /
   \/             \/              \/              \/

............                    ............                  ............
    ::::/         /         /       ::::          /         /    \::::
    ::::    /    /    _____/    /   ::::         /    _____/     /::::
    ::::      __//   _____//        :::: /  /   //   _____//   // ::::
    ::::  /    /         /    /    /::::/  /   /         /    /   ::::
    ::::_/____/_________/____/____/ ::::__/___/_________/____/____::::
    ::::RcL                         ::::                          ::::

    +===========================> lOGO 19 <============================+
    |Name        : Shock Treatment 2                                   |
    |Requested by: cASE/dCS                                            |

         ________________________        ____
        /   ____/   /   /       /_______/   /___
       /____   /       /   /   /   ____/      _/          
   ________________           _________________             ____________
  /_______________/__________/____    ________/__________  /___    ____/
     /   /       /   ____/       /   /       /   ____/   \/   /   /
    /   /   ¼  _/   ____/   ¼   /   /  / /  /   ____/   //   /   /

    +===========================> lOGO 20 <============================+
    |Name        : Purple Turtle                                       |
    |Requested by: fRANKY/pTL                                          |

       _____________________________________________     __________
      /         /    /    /         /         /    /    /         /
     //   /    //   /    //   /    //   /    //   /    //   _____/  
    /    _____/    /    /       __/    _____/    /____/    _____/   
   /    /    /         /    /    /    /    /         /         /    
  /____/    /_________/____/____/____/    /_________/_________/     
                   ____________________     _____________________   
                  /                   /    /                    /          
                 /____     __________/____/____     ___________/_________  
                 RcL /    /    /    /         /    /     /    /         /  
                    //   //   /    //   /    //   //    /    //   _____/   
                   /    /    /    /       __/    /     /____/    _____/    
                  /    /         /    /    /    /          /         /     

    +============================> lOGO X <============================+
    |Name        : The End                                             |
    |Requested by: The End!                                            |

                             sOME fiNAL wORDS!

       I thought I've found an own style of makin logos, but I'm not

       sure abt it anymore. Today I saw a file_id.diz in some file

       made by AXY. It was quite reminding abt my style. 

       So, to keep the mouth shut of all XXX-members/guys, I want

       *you* to tell me directly if I have got *your* style!

       Not as an txtfile calling me lamer, coz that'll get me pissed

       off. Tell me that directly and I'll change style!!! 

      I am new, yes, and a amateur, yes, and you may gimme complaints
      abt this colly. But do not acuse me for something I haven't done...

              _____   _____ _____   _________ _________ 
              \_ _/   \_ _ \\_ _/   \_ _____/ \_  _  _/ 
               | |     | |\ \| |     | |__     | | | |  
              _| |_   _| |_\   |_   _| __/    _| |_| |_ 
             /_____\ /____//_____\ /____\RcL /_________\
         = =============================================== =

             Used Extension   : RcL 

             Inspiration from : nONE!

             Program Used     : cED 3.5 

             Elapsed Time     : 12-14 hOURS

             Music Played     : dANCEflOOR, sOME kEWL mODS! 

             Main Consumption : cOFFEY, pEPSi mAX

             Xtra Logos By    : viETCONG, tANG°, mORTiMER tWANG, hARPOON

             World Release At : aLL iHS bOARDS!

             Original length  : 32.935 bYTES              
             Wanna Reach Me?  : rEACH mE fAST aT:

       (______.  /  |  )  |  / . . ____  /__.  ___.  _____)___  /  ___/         
       /   \  |  \  _  |  |  \ | | \  _  \  |  \  |  \/   \  /  \___  \         
       \_  /  |__/__|  |_____/ |_l_/  |__/  |__/___  /\_  /___  /_____/         
         \/___|     `--'    :  |  :   | :___|      \/   \/tG°`--'               
              [WoRLD HEAD QUARTER]         SKYLiNE +46-FiND_oUT                 
              [EURO HEAD QUARTER]    tHE wARHAMMER +46-FiND_oUT                 
              [SWEDiSH HEAD QUARTER]    ZoMBiE Zoo +46-FiND_oUT                 
                  ^^ bY tHE wAY, jOIN uS b4 iT'S 2 l8! ^^

                  aND lAST bUT nOT lEAST, tHE gREETiNGS!


 tWiSTER!      - Back too roots, but with lotsa changes, eh? 

 viTAL         - U may be the leader of the iHS /X Supporting group! ;)

 dJ giZMO      - C'mon let's see some iHS actions now!

 rAY bAN       - To be continued... what abt the afs? Still working?

 xCLUSiWE      - I still admire your gr8 ascii work! May the ascii gods
                 be with u! and so on...

 kiD cURRY     - Just shut up!.. Now u got your greets personally!... =)

 wEDLOCk       - Now, how abt the release?

 sONNY         - Dear cosys - keep in tuch soon. 

 aKiRO^dR.pOOP - It's your descision, but I hope you'll gimme the right
                 answer....... ;)
 viETCONG      - Ah! Satisfied?! I used your logo! =)))

                       aND iN nO spECIAL oRDER:

                       Ezco            Boggan       
                       Harpoon         AmigaSpirit  
                       Honcho          Zcandaler    
                      áczi             Gajan        
                       c-real          Woofee       
                       -zanok          Topflight    
                       Crawl           The Violator 
                       Cenotaph        Willie       
                       Norad           Converse     
                       Pomac           Snipe!       
                       Charlie         Buddy        
                       Dimenser        Tiger        
                       Einstein        Styx         
                       Rape            Cluster      
                       Clawbreaker     Savage!      
                      áBozo            Dipswitch    
                       Dansken         Hotwire      
                       PayDay          Amon         
                       La Fayette      Hybrid       
                       Vann d          Czar

          aREN'T yOU iN tHERE? oH! 4gOT u - oR u piSSED mE oFF..

[============================{ eND oF 24 hOURS! }============================]

[-- -._______- -- ---í-n-h-u-m-a-n-o-í-d-s-]
____| __    /__    ______            ______
|___|__/   / _/___/_ |   \___________\__  /_
 /   |____/ _      /___________   \    __  |
/____|-Mt|___\  __/     \__/_/____|\_______|
 .____________\_/___.  ___\   \/  _____l___,
| __     / __,  |___|_/   __,  \_____,     |
|__/    /________\    |_____  /_\__\\  ____l

 pRESENTS: 2ND tRY -> bY REcAll/iHS^pTL^pLS
[%::::::::::::%] rOadhOgged [%::::::::::::%]

              ______:                 _____:
   /\________.\_   ¼ª____  _____ /\_ .\_  ¼ª      ________/\   _________  
 :/    _____/|      |  ¼/./    ¼Y  ¼\|     |_____.\_   __   \ /    __  ¼\:
 ª_______  ¼\|     __   \|      |    |     |    ¼|      |    Y      _____ª
 |.    ¼|    |.     |    |_______    |.    |.    |.     |    |.     |   ¼|
 |:.         |:.    |    |.          |:.   |:.   |:.    |    |:.      .t.|
 `-----------^------^----|:.    .----^-----^-----^------^----^-----------'
                        fARMER: REcAll/iHS^pLS^pTL
              nODE #1  \\\  +46 (0)691-30800  ///  USR 28800
              nODE #2  ///  +46 (0)FUCKTELiA  \\\  USR 28800
              nODE #3  \\\  +46 (0)FUCKTELiA  ///  USR 28800
      -={ iNHUMANOiDS wHQ }={ pLEASURE sHQ }={ pURPLE tURTLE eHQ }=-
  -={ cOOL nETS }={ >700MB HD }={ pC/aMiGA cONFS }={sOON cONSOLE cONF }=-
  -={ bREAKiNG tHE sPEED liMitS }={ sOON rUNNiNG tHREE fUCKiNG nODEZ! }=-
   -={ cD rOM }={ wORLD wiDE iMPORTS }={ a hELL oF A fRiENDLY cREW! }=-
                                                          [-AquaAdder v1.0-]
   |       tHIS pHUKKIN pHILE pASSED tHE bEST oF aLTERNATIVES....       |
   |       ________._________________._______________________.___       |
   !       \  ___  |______  /  ____ ¼|  ____ _____  /  .___ ¼| _/       !
   .       /  __/  | ¼\  _  \___ ¼\  _  \  _ ¼\  _  \  | ¼\  _ ¼\       .
   |       \__| \___  /  |__/_____/  |__/___  /  |__/___  /__|__/       :
   |               ¼\/___|       \___|     ¼\/___|tG°  ¼\/              !
   !       iVN sWEHQ     rBS sWEHQ     oGN wORLDHQ     dCS eUROHQ       í
                                                     [AíRaDDer v3.1 By AíRc°]

.............   ..............  .............   ...........:::.
:::.::::::::::; ::::::::::: ::: `...........::: ::::::::::: :::sF!
::: :.........  ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: :::
::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::;
::: ::::::::::: `::::::::::.::' `::::::::::.::; `::::::::::.::'
    ::::::::::; ...
               .:::...........   ..............  ..............  ............
                ::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::: ::::::::::: ::: `...:::::::::'
  -rOadhOgz-    ::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::: `::::::::::.:::.::: ..........
 aRt cOURIERs   ::: ::::::::::; ::::::::::: ::: ........... ::: ::: ::::::::::
                ::: ::::::::::: `::::::::::.::' `::::::::::.::' `::.:::::::::'
                                       iT'S iN ART WE TRUST! .. .. .... ...
                                                        .                 :
       .. ........ ................... .. .. .. ... ..o. _ .   .   .   ...:
       :                                               .(_)o
       :                                               O. 
       :    rOadhOgz WHq       ___    ___       /__________________________
       :    KiLLERS! EHq      |___)__/   \  .--/_  _____\  _____/\______   \_
       :                      |    /   -\ \/  /_/  \    ____/____/   _l/   _/
  .-[-iNTER^sECTION-]---------|   /__    \    //    \   \       /    \    /-.
  |                           `--'   `----\_.-'`----'`---------'`-----\  /  |
__|_________    ___________ ___________/_______\___   _________.  ___  \/   |
\    ______/____\    _____//          /___   ___\__)_.\   ___  |_/   \  .---/
_\________    \    ____/__/_     \___/___/   \ |    /       /  /   -\ \/   /_
\        /    /\   \      //\     \    //     \|   /|      /  //_    \     //
 `------------' `---------'  `---------'`------`--' `----------' `----\_.--'|
  |                                                                         |
  `----(-cREw: =zEn=/RDZ/KLS! ^ DiABLo/RDZ/MYTH ^ bOLDy/ZBS 2000-)----»dA!«-'
       :   [- +31-70-363.97.60 [\] +31-70-363.97.60 [\] +31-70-363.97.60 -] 
       :...................... ....... ....... .. ..... .. . . .    .       .

   t H E !
     _______________                                ____________
  ...\_____      __/________       ________ _______:__   ______/_ ________
  :       /______\______  _/______/       //    __    \  _______/ _______/_
  :        :   /    ___    \     /       //____________\    :     ________/
  :        :  /_____________\____   ____/          `--------:        :nK
  `--------'                   /_____\                      `--------'
 [ M Y T H^SITE ][ rOadhOgz^CHQ ][ ACCESSi0N^DHQ ][ THANX^HQ ][ D C C^SITE ]
  .------------------------  - - - -  ----------------------------  - - --.
  :nODE #1 +31·70·320·5418 nODE #2 +31·70·320·8453 nODE #3 +31·70·327·1427:  
  `- - -  ---------------------------------------------------------  - - -'                            

                                                     [A¡RaDDer v3.4 By A¡Rcø]