---^ letz ztart tha fun... 
			   _     _    _   _  _ __ ____:_ 
    _:____   ______  _________   ______ ___________   /______:_ ______ 
 ____\    \__\___  \_\___    /___\___  \\___   ___/__/  _____/_ \____ \_____ 
 \    \_   \__ _/   \__ l___/  \__ _/   \__|   |/.   \   \l    \__   \ \    \ 
 _ ____,    _/_\      /___      _/_\      /|   |::.   \__,      _/----\ \    \ 
       l___/    \____/  l______/    \____/ :   |:        l_____/       \______\ 
		     _:_____               .   |mD!              /\ 
  _    _   _  _ ______\     \________:_  _________        _:___ /  \_ 
    _ _____ _  _      /\_    \_  ____/___\____   / _  _:___\_  /   _/_ _____ _ 
    \ \\\___          /\______/  \l    \__  _/  /_________   _/  _/ _ ___/// / 
	     __ _ ___/ - - -- ---,      _/__\            /:__\    \__ 
				 l_____/:.   \:.        /     \    _/ 
	-^ vacation work ^-                   \::.     /       \  / 
					       \ :.             \/ 
		       by the fabulous: 
	       ..__  __ __..__  ___    ___  __..__  ___  __..__ 
	       ||  )_)'(__||  )(__/_  | | )(__||__)| | )(__||  ) 
			     :_____,        `:' 
		       ,____ |_,   '  |_, ,_ |__  ___, 
		       Ś___) Ś        l_____)Ś  )(__/____, 
			 of  |              `|  ' the 
			       _   _  __  _ __ _____:_     :    . 
  _:_______ _:___  /\___ _:_______ _:_________      /_____ Ś   .:  ________ 
  _\_____  \_\___\/ ___/  \_____  \_\_____   /_ ___/_____ \|  .:: / ______/_ 
       _/   \ /  \_/  \       _/   \   _____/ _ _  \|    \ \     /  \____   \_ 
   __ _\    .\____|.   \_ ____\    .\  \/     / /  ,\    .\_____/      ,|_ 
	\  .:Ś'   ::.  Ś/      \  .:Ś'____ ____  _.:Ś.  .|_   _ ____  _`:' __/ 
		 `Ś:  .:'          '          -Ö -- ::. -:---- -- 
    _  _  _:________ _    _   _  __  _ __ _____:_     _  _:_____: 
     _ __ _\  __   /:_______ _:___  /\___      /_______   \__   Ś_______ _ _ 
	 /.  _\___/_\_____  \_\___\/ ___/_ ___/|      /____/    |     _/ / / 
	/::.    \_      _/   \ /  \_/  \      \|    _/    ___ _____   \_ 
      .:Ś:.     Ś/_ __ _\    .\____|.   \_    ,\   _______/       /    / 
	       .:'      `\. .:Ś' _,::.  Ś/  _.:Ś.___Ś_  _  __ ________/mD! 
     amazing family       '      `Ś:  .:'     ::.  : 
	 ... and as finishing touch.... god kicked my ass.... 
	     __ ____:___ :___:___________________ :___:_________ 
	    ((_(____)__ \|   _/ ______/_____ \__ \|   _/  ___/_// 
	       |    \_ \ \   |\_____  \_   /  \_\ \   |  __>/\ 
	       |     /  \    |/    |   / _/    / \    |_ |    \ 
     -  -- ----:____/   |\___|________/__\____/  |\___| \______\---- --  - 
	 -  -- ----|____|---- --- --- - ----|____|----- ---- --- --  - 
	   ______   ___:_______ __ ________   ___:__________ :___:___ 
	  \\_\__ \:/   |_____ \______  \__ \:/   |_____ \__ \|   _/_// 
	      | \ : /  |    /  \_  _/   / \ : /  |    /  \_\ \   | 
	     _|  \ /   |  _/    /_     /|  \ /   |  _/    / \    | 
   --  - ----\____|    |__\____/~\____/\____|    |__\____/  |\___|---- -   -- 
	-  -- -tAf:_____/---- --- --- - ----:_____/- --|____|mD!- --  - 
		hi! i'm insane madman, maybe you already know me 
		from my  other two  collections,  well  this  is 
		already my third ascii collection, my first real 
		TAF performance , i'd like to thank all the guys 
		out there  who  responded to my  confused  coll, 
		and thank  you widget  for spreading it  so fast 
		and so good!  why the hell  vacation work,  well 
		because it should  have been  finished about two 
		months ago, then it was my vacation,  enuff time 
		to aski your ass of, well, i did ansi, i decided 
		to keep the name vacation work,  i decided to do 
		some major desc art in this pack for every group 
		i could think of...                       enjoy, 
				     insane madman^taf!^z!^c&w! 
				(_ ____ 
				    (______ ___ 
			_________ _ _____       ________ 
			\   __ _/__ ___  \___ __\ __   / 
			 \___/       _/   \_     _\___/ 
			 _ _/   _ _ _\     /__ _   \_ _ 
		     +---\\\____l-mD!-\___/- --l____///---+ 
		       -^ the amazing family in 1995! -^ 
  _ __ ___ _/___/_  ___________  ________________________  _______ _ ___ __ _ 
	  \\\\__  \/   /______/  \_____  \_____  \____   \/  ____//// 
	  /   /   /   / \__  \   /   /   /   /   /\______/\___  \ 
   ,     /  _/   /   /  _/   /  /  _/   /   /   /  _/   /  _/   / 
   |    /_______/___/\______/   \______/___/   /\______/_______/dZG 
 - '-- --------,                           \  / 
   ,      ,____)                seventeen   \/   requests & other big ones 
   |      (__ __ ˇ.__ .__  ___  _ _, 
   |             ||  )|__)(__/_,_\_ __ __,mD! 
   | cyber force               ,_________) 
   | subterfuge                (____________ __ _  _ __  _   _ 
   | dimension divertida 
   ' comment 
     white sands 
     boldy is here to chat 
     the hidden 
     central station 
     the praying sunshine 
     world trade center 
     tipsy town 
     the manta is here to chat 
     a perfect craziness 
     torture garden 
     kaoz landz 
     crackerz and whackerz 
					 _____________ _________  _______ 
 _        _      _     _    _   _  _ ____\_     \____ \\_\__ _  \_\__  _/__ _. 
   _  , __, __,  __,,|_,  , __  __,       /\_   _/  |  \ //  _  _/ /  _  _///:. 
__ (__l(__l(____(__l l___,l(__)(  l _ ____/\    \   |   \/   |  \_/   |  \::. 
					 .::\____\____   \___|   \____|   \_:. 
   cyber force for wizard^cyber force  ------mD!----|_____\--|____/---|____/-- 
	   __________\__   |_______ ________ _________ _________ 
	_:_\____    /_/    |     _/_\___   /_\  __   /_\____   / 
  +-  --  -    l___/  \_______   \_  __/ _/__   \___/__   _/  /_________ 
    - ---- ____,       _/    /    /  \_      \__     _/___\            / 
	       l______/__________/_ __/       _/    /      \          / 
	_________                    l_______/              \        / 
     _:_\  __   /____:_  _________     __________  _________  :     / 
     _/   _\___/ ____/___\____   /  _:_\____    /__\  __   /   :   / 
     \      \_   \l    \__  _/  /_________ l___/  \__ \___/__  -+ / 
  +- -- ---  -- -,      _/__\            /_        _/      _/--- /- -+ 
		 l_____/     \          /  l______/_      / 
			      \        /  mD! 
					 _____________ _________  _______ 
 _        _      _     _    _   _  _ ____\_     \____ \\_\__ _  \_\__  _/__ _. 
   _  , __, __,  __,,|_,  , __  __,       /\_   _/  |  \ //  _  _/ /  _  _///:. 
__ (__l(__l(____(__l l___,l(__)(  l _ ____/\    \   |   \/   |  \_/   |  \::. 
					 .::\____\____   \___|   \____|   \_:. 
	      subterfuge for lucifuge  ------mD!----|_____\--|____/---|____/-- 
     _:_______ _ ______:_  _:_______:___________ 
      \  ____/__       /__:_\___   /\___   ___/________ _________ 
     __\____    \__  _/   \_ __/ _/__  |   |__\  __   /_\____   / 
	   /     _/____   _/ \_      \__   |     \___/__   _/  /____________:_ 
	  ______/    l___/_ __/       _/   |          _/___\                / 
   ____  /                   l_______/     : mD!     /      \              / 
		    _:________      _:________               \            / 
		    _\  __   /___:_ /   _____/_  _:________   \          / 
 _    _   _  _ _  _/   _\___/    /_:_   \      \__\  __   /_            / 
 \    \   \  \ \\ \      \_    _/   \_   \_     _/   \___/__  _ _  _   / 
	     _   _  _ __  __ ____   _/         /          _/ // /  / 
			       l___/_  _  _ __/          / 
					 _____________ _________  _______ 
 _        _      _     _    _   _  _ ____\_     \____ \\_\__ _  \_\__  _/__ _. 
   _  , __, __,  __,,|_,  , __  __,       /\_   _/  |  \ //  _  _/ /  _  _///:. 
__ (__l(__l(____(__l l___,l(__)(  l _ ____/\    \   |   \/   |  \_/   |  \::. 
					 .::\____\____   \___|   \____|   \_:. 
 dimension divertida 4 aeon via thurlog  ----mD!----|_____\--|____/---|____/-- 
					  Ś   . 
    _  _ ______:_                   _____ :   Ś  _  _ ______:_            Ś   . 
  _________ ___/ _:___  /\___ _:________ \|   |_________ ___/________:___ :   Ś 
 _\_____  \     \_\___\/ ___/_/ ___  /  \ \   \   _____/___  \  ____/____\|   | 
 |:   _/   \_    \ /  \_/  \    \___/_  |\_____\______    /   \ \l   |   \\   | 
 |_____    _/_ ___\____|:   \____     /,|    \      \/   /  ___\_____|   |\___| 
     l____/            ::    / l_ ___/         _  ______/  _     _  _Ś. .| 
		      .Ś    /                                        : 
    _  _ ______:_ _ __:__    _______:_________________ 
  _________ ___/   /  Ś___ _/ ___  /|\___   /___   __/__: ________:________ 
 _\_____  \     \ /   |   \   \___/_|  _/  /___|   | ___/_\_____  \______  \ 
 |:   _/   \_    \    |    \___     |  \      /:   |    \|    _/   \_  _/   \ 
 |_____    _/_ ___\_____    /_ ____/Ś___\    / |   :    :\_____   __/__\     \ 
     l____/           l____/        :    \  /  Ś_ _ ___._:\  l____/   - \  mD! 
					  \/   : 
					 _____________ _________  _______ 
 _        _      _     _    _   _  _ ____\_     \____ \\_\__ _  \_\__  _/__ _. 
   _  , __, __,  __,,|_,  , __  __,       /\_   _/  |  \ //  _  _/ /  _  _///:. 
__ (__l(__l(____(__l l___,l(__)(  l _ ____/\    \   |   \/   |  \_/   |  \::. 
					 .::\____\____   \___|   \____|   \_:. 
	comment for widget^razor_1911  ------mD!----|_____\--|____/---|____/-- 
   __________ ______________  /\_______  /\___ __________ _____   _____________ 
 __\____    /_    _________ \/____/___ \/____/_\  ___   /_\___ \__\____   ____/ 
       l___/  \__ \l   /   \_/   \/   \_/   \     \____/_     \ \     |    | 
__ _____.      _/_____/_____|     \____|     \ ___      /______\ \    |    : 
       ::.   ./             |.    .\   |.    .\   \____/        \____ |.   ' 
			    ::.        :;.                            ::. mD! 
					 _____________ _________  _______ 
 _        _      _     _    _   _  _ ____\_     \____ \\_\__ _  \_\__  _/__ _. 
   _  , __, __,  __,,|_,  , __  __,       /\_   _/  |  \ //  _  _/ /  _  _///:. 
__ (__l(__l(____(__l l___,l(__)(  l _ ____/\    \   |   \/   |  \_/   |  \::. 
					 .::\____\____   \___|   \____|   \_:. 
    white sands for jester king^razor  ------mD!----|_____\--|____/---|____/-- 
		  _:_____\_  __|____ ____:_ _______:_ 
    _   _  _ ______\     \|  \___  \_    /___   ___/ 
 _ _____ _  _      /\_    \_   l/   / __/   |   | _:______ 
 \ \\\___          /\______/   \___/.   \   |   |_/ ___  /_ _  _ 
	  __ _ ___/       |____|:::::.   \  :   |   \___/   /  / 
					| \ .  ________ 
       _:_________   _:_______  _:_____ |   .:  :    l___/  :_________ 
	\   _____/____\_____  \_\_____ \|  .::  ________    \   _____/___ 
_   _  _ \______    /     _/   \ |    \ \    |__\_____  \__ _\______    / 
\   \  \      \/   /_ __ _\     \|    .\_____l      _/   \____    \/   /_ 
_    _   _  ______/        \     |.  .| _  _ __ _____    _/  \________/ 
		       ----mD!---::. -:------------l____/--- -- -  - 
					 _____________ _________  _______ 
 _        _      _     _    _   _  _ ____\_     \____ \\_\__ _  \_\__  _/__ _. 
   _  , __, __,  __,,|_,  , __  __,       /\_   _/  |  \ //  _  _/ /  _  _///:. 
__ (__l(__l(____(__l l___,l(__)(  l _ ____/\    \   |   \/   |  \_/   |  \::. 
					 .::\____\____   \___|   \____|   \_:. 
	      boldy for boldy^zombies  ------mD!----|_____\--|____/---|____/-- 
	       ________  :                        Ś  _:_____: 
	    _:_\___   /__________:_______     ________\__   Ś_______ _   _ 
	    '|. __/ _/___  _____/|.     /_____\_____  \/    |     _/ / - / 
       _  _:_|: \_      /_ \l   \|:   _/    ___ _ _/  _\_ _____   \_ 
     - \ - \_Ś _/       _/_______\   _______/_ ____    _/     /    / 
	    -- /_______/' -     'Ś:___Ś --       l____/_ __ ______/mD! 
			 Ś                       , 
			 :       yessssss!!      | 
			 | boldy/zombiez iz here | 
			 |  to chat with you!    | 
			 |                       | 
					 _____________ _________  _______ 
 _        _      _     _    _   _  _ ____\_     \____ \\_\__ _  \_\__  _/__ _. 
   _  , __, __,  __,,|_,  , __  __,       /\_   _/  |  \ //  _  _/ /  _  _///:. 
__ (__l(__l(____(__l l___,l(__)(  l _ ____/\    \   |   \/   |  \_/   |  \::. 
					 .::\____\____   \___|   \____|   \_:. 
	       chronicle for guardian  ------mD!----|_____\--|____/---|____/-- 
      _  _:____:             :                                 :____: 
  _______\_   _| _  _:_______'    _    _  __  _  _ __________  |    | 
 /  ____/_|_ __|____:\___  _/________ ____  ____:____/  ____/__|_  _| _:______ 
    \     _/ \___   |  _/  /___ ____/_\__ \|  __/    |  \     _/   _|_/ ___  / 
     \    \    |/   |  \      _ \l       \ \   \|    |   \    \|    |   \___/_ 
 _ _ ______\_  /____|___\_  _/_______|____\ \  _\_  _|_ _______\_  _|____     / 
      _  _:____|    :    \  /,       :     \_____/___|mD!      |____|_ l_ ___/ 
          :    :          \/ :                  :    :         :    : 
                       `-------------------ť>  staff:  gUARdIAN & aXEBLADE 
					 _____________ _________  _______ 
 _        _      _     _    _   _  _ ____\_     \____ \\_\__ _  \_\__  _/__ _. 
   _  , __, __,  __,,|_,  , __  __,       /\_   _/  |  \ //  _  _/ /  _  _///:. 
__ (__l(__l(____(__l l___,l(__)(  l _ ____/\    \   |   \/   |  \_/   |  \::. 
					 .::\____\____   \___|   \____|   \_:. 
	      the hidden for guardian  ------mD!----|_____\--|____/---|____/-- 
			   _  _  _:____ 
			   \  \  \_    |    , 
		  _  _  __________|  __|____: _:______ 
		  \  \  \___   ___/  \___   |_/ ___  / 
			   |   |  :    |/   |   \___/_   _   _ 
			   |   |  |    /____Ś____     /  /   / 
			 - :   |  Ś____| -  :  l_ ___/  /   /  - 
       _  _  _:____        Ś   |  :         ' 
       \  \  \_    |_ _ ______ : 
	      |  __|____:    / ________    ________   _:______ _____  ______ 
	      |  \___   |_ _/:_\_____  \_:_\_____  \ _/ ___  / \___ \|   __/ 
	      :    |/   |   \|     _/   \_ _   _/   \_  \___/_|    \ \    | 
	     -|-   /____Ś    \_ ____    _/_/____    _/___     /_____\ \   |mD! 
	    - Ś____| _ _:_ ___\ - l____/ -  - l____/ - l_ ___/ -   - \____| - 
	      :         Ś 
					 _____________ _________  _______ 
 _        _      _     _    _   _  _ ____\_     \____ \\_\__ _  \_\__  _/__ _. 
   _  , __, __,  __,,|_,  , __  __,       /\_   _/  |  \ //  _  _/ /  _  _///:. 
__ (__l(__l(____(__l l___,l(__)(  l _ ____/\    \   |   \/   |  \_/   |  \::. 
					 .::\____\____   \___|   \____|   \_:. 
 central station for widget^razor1911  ------mD!----|_____\--|____/---|____/-- 
	  :                                                     : 
       _______                                                  :   :____ 
      /  ____/___ _______ _____ :_______ _______:_______ _:_______  |    | 
	 \     _// ___  /_\___ \|    _/___   ___\___   /__\_____  \ |    | 
     \    \    .   \___/_     \ \    |   |   | |  _/  /___    _/   \|    | 
      \________Ś____     /_ ___\ \   |   |   | |  \      /__ _\     \    | 
	  :       l_____/       \____:   |   | |___\    /      \-   Ś    | 
	  :                          Ś   :   ' :    \  /        :   :    | 
    _:_________ ___________      ___________   Ś   _ \/_____ :______Ó ___: 
     \   _____/_\___   ___/______\___   ___/__________ \___ \|    _/     Ś 
 _  _ \______    / |  _|_ \_____  \ |  _|____/   ____/_|   \ \    | 
 \  \      \/   /  |   |      _/   \|   |    \   \l   _|____\ \   | 
_  _  _  ______/   | __|____ _\     \   |     \________:__   \____: 
	  :        :   '       \-   :  -'-- ---\-      Ś        : Ś 
	  :        Ś                Ś                           : 
	 razor 1911 member                      multinode system on 
	   rage '95 member        sysop:        +31.(0)76.xxx.xxx 14k4 
    new world order member   widget/razor1911   +31.(0)76.xxx.xxx 28k8 
  kool people's nation chq                      registered system/x 
	  :                                                     : 
					 _____________ _________  _______ 
 _        _      _     _    _   _  _ ____\_     \____ \\_\__ _  \_\__  _/__ _. 
   _  , __, __,  __,,|_,  , __  __,       /\_   _/  |  \ //  _  _/ /  _  _///:. 
__ (__l(__l(____(__l l___,l(__)(  l _ ____/\    \   |   \/   |  \_/   |  \::. 
					 .::\____\____   \___|   \____|   \_:. 
  the praying sunshine for fire flood  ------mD!----|_____\--|____/---|____/-- 
	       :                                                : 
   _:________ ________          _:_____:                        : 
   _\___    /_\___   /  _:_______\__   Ś______ _   ______ :_______ ______ _ 
   |  _/___/ |  _/  /____\_____  \/    |     _/____\____ \|    _/    ____/__ _ 
   |    |    |  \      /     _/  _\_______   |      |   \ \    |     |      / 
   |   _|_  _|___\    /_ ____\     \     /   |      Ś,___\ \   |     |     . 
   :    :    : :  \  / _   _  \  __  ________:      |     \____|__ ________Ś_ 
   Ś         Ś :   \/          \           __Ś_    _:__        : 
	       :                          _:____ __ Ś          : 
_:_________    :     _____ :______         \_    |      ______ :______ 
 \   _____/_______:_ \___ \|    _/_________ |  __|______\____ \|    _/_:______ 
_ \______         /__|   \ \    |\   _____/_|  \___   |  |   \ \    |_/ ___  / 
\      \/  \     /  _|____\ \  __ \______   :    |/   |  Ś,___\ \   |   \___/_ 
  _  ______/\________:     \__ \ _     \/   :    /____Ś  |     \____|____     / 
	       :     ˝    __   _  _  ______/:____| |    _:_    :       l_ ___/ 
	       :                            Ś   _ _:_    Ś     : 
	       :                                               : 
					 _____________ _________  _______ 
 _        _      _     _    _   _  _ ____\_     \____ \\_\__ _  \_\__  _/__ _. 
   _  , __, __,  __,,|_,  , __  __,       /\_   _/  |  \ //  _  _/ /  _  _///:. 
__ (__l(__l(____(__l l___,l(__)(  l _ ____/\    \   |   \/   |  \_/   |  \::. 
					 .::\____\____   \___|   \____|   \_:. 
       world trade center for jopiter  ------mD!----|_____\--|____/---|____/-- 
		     _:______          _________:____Ö 
	       _:_____\    _\________ _\___   / |  _ |_:______ 
 ,-ť> <Ť-----  |     _/\_       ____/_|  _/  /__|_  _|_\_____ \ -------------, 
 :    .  _   _ |      /\_____ _ \l   ||  \      /    |\    _/  \_  _    ,----' 
 :    :  \  _\_ _____/ _  _ __ ______||___\    /|    | \____   _/  /    `--, 
 :    :                               :    \  / |    |   _|___/      ,-----' 
 :  _  __________                     Ś     \/  |    :    :          `--------. 
 :  \  \___  ___/_________                      : _ _|                  .     : 
 :    :   |   | _\___   /  _:_______ _:______ _  ________               :     : 
 :        |   | |  _/  /_ __\_____  \_\_____ \ __/ ___  /               :     : 
 `----,   |   : |  \     __     _/   \    _/  \_ _ \___/_    ..sysop..  :     : 
  ,---'   : _  _|___\    /_ ____\  _ _\____   _/ /__     /                    : 
  `------ Ś --- : -- \  / -----  \      _|___/ -- l_ ___/ --ť> jopiter <Ť-----' 
      .   _______     \/          \      :_________                     . 
      : _/  ____/___ _:____________ :____\___  ___/ ______ _______ _ _  : 
      :     \    __/_/ ___  /\____ \|    _/ |  _|_/ ___ _/_\___   /     : 
    _ :      \    .    \___/_ |   \ \    |  |   |   \___/_|  _/  /__:_  : 
    \  _\_________Ś_ ___     /|____\ \   |  | __: ___     /  \      /   : 
      :             _ l_ ___/ :     \____|_ |    _ l_ ___/|___\    /    : 
      :                                     :             :    \  /     : 
      `-mD!-------------------------------- Ś ----------- Ś --- \/ -----' 
					 _____________ _________  _______ 
 _        _      _     _    _   _  _ ____\_     \____ \\_\__ _  \_\__  _/__ _. 
   _  , __, __,  __,,|_,  , __  __,       /\_   _/  |  \ //  _  _/ /  _  _///:. 
__ (__l(__l(____(__l l___,l(__)(  l _ ____/\    \   |   \/   |  \_/   |  \::. 
					 .::\____\____   \___|   \____|   \_:. 
 tipsy town for the manta^the vandalz  ------mD!----|_____\--|____/---|____/-- 
	      _   __________   _:________ 
	  _   \   \___  ___/   _\___    /     _:_____: 
		     | __|_____|  _/___/______\___   Ś______    _ 
		     |   |     :    |  \   _____/    |     _/   / 
	    .------- |   :     |   _:_  _______ _ ______   |  -------------, 
	    `---,    :         |     \       \/        /   :_    _     ,---' 
     <Ť---------'  _ Ś_  ___  _:__  _   _  _______/_______ _  _  /     `-----, 
	      _   __________                                              .--' 
	  _   \   \___  ___/             _:______                         | 
		     | __|________ _:_____\    _\______ :_____    _       | 
		     |   |  _____/_|     _/\_    \____ \|    _/   /       | 
		     |   |  \l     |      /\______|_  \ \    |            | 
  the sorcerers dhq  |  _:_________:_____/ _  _ __|____\ \   :_   __      | 
  braindead distro   :             Ś              :     \___ _  _  /      | 
  da vandalz member  Ś                                                    | 
			    `------ť>  sysop : the manta/vandalz^ts^bd 
					 _____________ _________  _______ 
 _        _      _     _    _   _  _ ____\_     \____ \\_\__ _  \_\__  _/__ _. 
   _  , __, __,  __,,|_,  , __  __,       /\_   _/  |  \ //  _  _/ /  _  _///:. 
__ (__l(__l(____(__l l___,l(__)(  l _ ____/\    \   |   \/   |  \_/   |  \::. 
					 .::\____\____   \___|   \____|   \_:. 
      the manta for the manta^vandalz  ------mD!----|_____\--|____/---|____/-- 
	 the   <Ť- ----------,- 
    _   _ _ _____  /\____            _  _    _ ____________ 
	\\  \____\/ ____/_:_______ _ _____ :_______ _ __  /:_______ 
	     /   \_/   \__\_____ _\__\___ \|   __/|  _ |\/_\_____  \ 
  _   _ _ _ /     |     \     _/   \     \ \    \ |    |       _/   \ 
      \\  \ __ _ _|__ _  \____\  _ _\_____\ \    \_   _:__ ____\     \_ _ 
	   \/     |       \ _  \           \______/    Ś     mD!\ 
		 _:_   _  _ /   \__  _  :_        |    ;         \__  _   _ 
		  Ś                     :         : 
					:         Ś 
				 -`-------- -ť> is here to chat! 
					 _____________ _________  _______ 
 _        _      _     _    _   _  _ ____\_     \____ \\_\__ _  \_\__  _/__ _. 
   _  , __, __,  __,,|_,  , __  __,       /\_   _/  |  \ //  _  _/ /  _  _///:. 
__ (__l(__l(____(__l l___,l(__)(  l _ ____/\    \   |   \/   |  \_/   |  \::. 
					 .::\____\____   \___|   \____|   \_:. 
    a perfect craziness for apc^solid  ------mD!----|_____\--|____/---|____/-- 
		     Ś------,                              Ś--- -- - --- a -, 
		   ,--------Ś                                               | 
     _ _:________  |      ________  _________   _ __ ________ :__________   | 
      __\___    / ________\___   /__\  ___  / _______   ____/_\___   ___/_  | 
       |  _/___/_/ ___  /|  _/  /___  _\___/_/ ___  /   \     _/ |   |      | 
       |    |      \___/_|  \      /     \__   \___/_    \    .  |   |      | 
      _|_  _|_ _ ___     /___\   _/___   __/_ __   _ /________Ś__|_  :__    | 
       :    :     l_ ___/|    \  /        /   l_ ___/            |   Ś      | 
       Ś                 :     \/                                :          ' 
_______  ________  :       _________   ______ :______      _________ _________ 
  ____/__\___   / _________\_____  /___\____ \|    _/ _____\_  ____/_\  _____/_ 
  \    __/ _/  /___\_____ \   ____/|_    |  \ \    |_/ ___  /____ _ /_ ___    / 
   \    |  \      /    _/  \  \/    /  _ |___\ \   |   \___/_  \/ \     \/   / 
______ _:___\  _ /_ ___\ __ \  _  _|_    : mD!\____|_ __     /_______ ______/ 
	|    \  /  .    \          :     |            l_ ___/ 
	:     \/   |     \__       Ś     : 
				Ś------------------ť>  -ApC- 
					 _____________ _________  _______ 
 _        _      _     _    _   _  _ ____\_     \____ \\_\__ _  \_\__  _/__ _. 
   _  , __, __,  __,,|_,  , __  __,       /\_   _/  |  \ //  _  _/ /  _  _///:. 
__ (__l(__l(____(__l l___,l(__)(  l _ ____/\    \   |   \/   |  \_/   |  \::. 
					 .::\____\____   \___|   \____|   \_:. 
 torture garden for micky zombie^ttab  ------mD!----|_____\--|____/---|____/-- 
					    ,---  -    -        - 
     _  ____:_____        __________________        ________ 
     \  \___  ___/  _  _ _\___   /____  ___/       _\___   /    _:______ 
	   |  _|________ |  _/  /_ __|   |  _:_____|_ _/  /_ __ / ___  / 
	   |   |   ____/_|  \     _ _|_ _|__\    _ __ \     _     \___/_ 
	   |   :   \l    |___\    /  |   :   \     /___\   _/ _ ___     / _ 
	_  : _  _ _______:    \  /   :  _Ś ______ /:    \  /     l_ ___/ / 
	   Ś:                  \/    Ś             Ś     \/ 
   _  _ ____:_ _                ________ 
   / /    ____/__ _ _:_______  _\___   /  :______    _:______ ___:__ :_____ _ 
    /     |     _/_ _\_____  \ |  _/  /_ _\_____ \ _ / ___  /_\____ \|   _/ / 
   /      |     .        _/   \|  \     _:    _/  \_   \___/_      \ \   \ 
 _/__ _ ________Ś_ _ ____\   _ \___\_  _/|_ ___   _/ ___     /______\ \   \_ 
	    :   .         \    :    \  /    _|___/    l_ ___/        \_____ / 
	    :   :          \   Ś     \/      :              .  ,------- -  - 
	    :   :                                           :  `-----, 
	    `------------ť>   torture garden!   <Ť-------------------' 
		:                                           : 
		: staff:  micky zombie,  byte snatcher,     : 
		:         corum, bob vigo, master death     : 
		:                                           : 
  terrorizers assault brigade russian hq      running under pcb 15.x 
  chaotik demension distrobution site         2 nodes 14k4 & 28k8 
  tornado distrobution site                   ask for nup & numba 
		:                                           : 
		:                                           : 
		`--------------------------ť> mD! <Ť--------' 
					 _____________ _________  _______ 
 _        _      _     _    _   _  _ ____\_     \____ \\_\__ _  \_\__  _/__ _. 
   _  , __, __,  __,,|_,  , __  __,       /\_   _/  |  \ //  _  _/ /  _  _///:. 
__ (__l(__l(____(__l l___,l(__)(  l _ ____/\    \   |   \/   |  \_/   |  \::. 
					 .::\____\____   \___|   \____|   \_:. 
    kaoz landz for rigor mortis^sin-7  ------mD!----|_____\--|____/---|____/-- 
	_ ____: ____   _      _      _    __ :________ 
	 |   _|/  _/ _:_______ _ ________ ___\_____  / 
- -  --- |    \   \___\_____  \     ____/_\    _____/ _   _  ----------, 
      _  :    |\    /     _/   \    \l     \   \/     /   /       ,----' 
      \  Ś ___: \ _/_ ____\   _ \_ _______:__ __ _ __ _  _  _     `------, 
  ,           Ś  \/        \                                  ,----------' 
  |   mD!                   \___  _   _   _    __ :________   `------, 
_:_______     _:______  ______  ______ :______ ___\_____  /          | 
 |      /____ _\____  \_\____ \|   __/_\_____ \\    _____/ _   _     | 
 |    _/    __ _  _/   \     \ \    \ _    _/  \\   \/     /   /     | 
 :   _______/_ ___\_  __\_____\_______/_ ___   _ _ __ _ __ _  _  _   | 
 Ś.___:            \            _    _   _|___/                      | 
  ,                 \___  _   _   _       :             ,            | 
  |                                                     |            | 
  |  staff:  rigor mortis and mr. menor                 |  ,---------' 
  |  tha terrorizers assault brigade world hq           |  `-----, 
  |  rhyme, tac, afl, ea, tdsca & q-tip dutch hq  <Ť-------------' 
  |  menace, dd style & succes member board             | 
  |  mush & zombies distrobution site                   ' 
  |  connected to the european pc-top uploaders chart list 
  |  wareznet 696:1031/2,  death!net 150:100/104,  elitenet 92:1012/0 
  |                                                     . 
  `-------------ť>  magic number +31.412.052.026  <Ť----' 
					 _____________ _________  _______ 
 _        _      _     _    _   _  _ ____\_     \____ \\_\__ _  \_\__  _/__ _. 
   _  , __, __,  __,,|_,  , __  __,       /\_   _/  |  \ //  _  _/ /  _  _///:. 
__ (__l(__l(____(__l l___,l(__)(  l _ ____/\    \   |   \/   |  \_/   |  \::. 
					 .::\____\____   \___|   \____|   \_:. 
crackerz and whackerz for carlito^c&w  ------mD!----|_____\--|____/---|____/-- 
  ________  _:_______           ________  :____: ____     _:________ ________ 
 /  _____/___\___   /  _:______/  _____/__|_  _|/  _/______\____   /_\____  / 
    \      _/  _/  /__ _\____  \  \      __/   \   \__ __  /  _/  /___ ____/  _ 
     \     \|  \      _ _  _/   \  \     \|    |\    / \__/|_ \        \/     / 
  _ ________\___\  _ /_____\_   _ ________\____| \ _/___    /__\  _ /______  _ 
	    :    \  /       \___ _ _  _   :    :  \/  l____/    \  / 
		  \/                                             \/ 
 -     -    -   -  - ----------ť>     and     <Ť---------- -  -   -    -     - 
    ______\_    |               ________  :____: ____       ________ ________ 
____\     _/  __|____: _:______/  _____/__|_  _|/  _/______\____   /_\____  / 
   _/\_   \|  \___  _|__\____  \  \      __/   \   \__ __  /  _/  /___ ____/  _ 
____/\     \_   |/   |     _/   \  \     \|    |\    / \__/|_ \        \/     / 
      \_____/   /____|_____\_   _ ________\____| \ _/___    /__\_  _/______  _ 
	   |____|    :      \___ _ _  _   :    :  \/  l____/    \  / mD! 
	   :    :                                                \/ 
					 _____________ _________  _______ 
 _        _      _     _    _   _  _ ____\_     \____ \\_\__ _  \_\__  _/__ _. 
   _  , __, __,  __,,|_,  , __  __,       /\_   _/  |  \ //  _  _/ /  _  _///:. 
__ (__l(__l(____(__l l___,l(__)(  l _ ____/\    \   |   \/   |  \_/   |  \::. 
					 .::\____\____   \___|   \____|   \_:. 
               manga movies for manga  ------mD!----|_____\--|____/---|____/-- 
   _ _____  /\____                          __________ 
    \____\/ ____/_:_______ _ _____ :______/   ______/__ ________ 
     /   \_/   \__\_____ _\__\___ \|   __/    |       /_\_____  \ 
  _ /     |     \     _/   \     \ \    \     |      /      _/   \ 
  \ __ _ _|__ _  \____\  _ _\_____\ \    \_ _______ .__ ____\__  _\_ _ 
   \/     |       \ _  \           \______/ mD!              \ 
     _   _:_   _  _ /   \__  _  :_    __    __    _   __  _   \__  _   _ 
  _ _____  /\____ 
    \____\/ ____/_________       :______:_____:  ________ __________ 
     /   \_/   \    _____/_______|_      /   _|_/ ___   / \  ______/__ 
  _ /     |     \   \l     \     |      /     |   \____/ _ \______   / 
  \ __ _ _|__ _  \_________|\_ ________/|_____|____      \      \/  / 
   \/     |       \ _      _       __   :  _  : _ l_____/  ________ _ 
     _   _:_   _  _ / 
				(_ ____ 
				    (______ ___ 
			_________ _ _____       ________ 
			\   __ _/__ ___  \___ __\ __   / 
			 \___/       _/   \_     _\___/ 
			 _ _/   _ _ _\     /__ _   \_ _ 
		     +---\\\____l-mD!-\___/- --l____///---+ 
		       -^ the amazing family in 1995! -^ 
	   ˇ    _ __ __________          _ __ _________ 
	   :______.   ___     /___________.           / 
    _______|__    |   \______/_   ________|    |_____/_ 
÷---\     ___/    |_____      /_______    \___ |      / - ------------------÷ 
|    \____________|    \_____/     _______/  \_______/                      | 
|                _______.  _ ______/ _ __ _________      _ __ __________    | 
|     <eLv!s>    \__    |______________   ________/_________________   /    | 
|                 /     |    _ /   _   \  \___    |    _    \  _______/__   | 
÷------------- - /______     //    /    \___      |    /     \ \      _ /---÷ 
   ,                   \_____/__________/   \_____|__________/____    // 
   |                                                             \____/ 
 _ '__ ________,  nineteen description logo's, 
   ,      ,____)             and yeah, some are taken from MD!-CONF.TXT 
   |      (__ __ ˇ.__ .__  ___  _ _, 
   |             ||  )|__)(__/_,_\_ __ __,mD! 
   |  razor 1911               ,_________) 
   |  taf                      (____________ __ _  _ __  _   _ 
   |  tbp 
   '  artcore 
      tristar red sector 
      crackers & whackers 
      the terrorizerz assault brigade 
      drink or die 
| razor 1911      || vacation work (c) by insane madman^taf | 
  _______ _____ ______  ______ _______ 
 \\__ _  \_  _ \\____ \_\____ \\__ _  \_ 
  //  _  _/ _|  \/  ___/_/  |  \/  _  _// 
 _/   |  \  \_   \  |    \  |   \  |  \1911 
 \____|   \__|    \_      \___   \_|   \_ 
  ,---l____/ l_____/l______\l_____\l____// 
 .|      = rAZOr 1911 pRESENtS =       |. 
 :|                                    |: 
| amazing family  || vacation work (c) by insane madman^taf | 
 _________ _ _____       ________ 
 \   __ _/__ ___  \___ __\ __   / 
  \___/       _/   \_     _\___/ 
  _ _/   _ _ _\     /__ _   \_ _ 
  \\\____l-----\___/- --l____/// 
 ,----- tAf kICkSj tOdAY : -----, 
 |                              | 
| psycho brothers || vacation work (c) by insane madman^taf | 
 _________________  ________ 
 \   ___  _\____  \_\___   / _ _ 
 -\___/  /    /____/ __/ _/__  _ 
 _ _/  _/      \     \_      \__ _ 
 \\\___\________\_____/       _/// 
 ,-pSYCho bROtHERz---l_______/---, 
 |                               | 
| artcore         || vacation work (c) by insane madman^taf | 
_   _ _:_______  _ _:_______ _ 
  _  _ \_____  \   / ______/_ _ 
  /  /     _/   \ /  \       _ _ 
  _  _ __ _\   __/    \      \ \ 
  artcore   \   \_______________ 
  .--------- \ __  _ -presents-, 
  |                            | 
  |                            | 
| zombies         || vacation work (c) by insane madman^taf | 
	  ____  /\________ 
  ________\_ _\/ _ _/__  /______________ 
 _\__  /___ \ \_/  \ _/ /____} __ \  __/_ 
  ____/__ /  \_|    \\_   \_ \ \__/\_____ 
  \  ___/____/ |_____\_\___/__\____/__  / 
 ,-------------(kICk 2-dAY)-------------, 
 |                                      | 
 -^We sCARe u wITh qUAlItY ANd qUANtItY^- 
| solid prod.     || vacation work (c) by insane madman^taf | 
  ______ ______________ ____ ______ 
  \  __/_\____ \_   /_\____/_\____ \ 
 __\____ \_ l/  / _/   _ _ \    _/  \_ 
 \___    _/____/ ______/ ___\____   _/ 
 |     SOlId rOCkz aGAIn WIth :      | 
 |                                   | 
| sabotage        || vacation work (c) by insane madman^taf | 
 _ _:_________ _ _:________:_________:_ 
    \   _____/_ _ \____  / \___   ___/// 
_  _ \______  _  _  _|/ /__   |   | 
\  \      \/  /  /   \     \  |   ˝ 
 _ _  ________ _ ___ _\_____\ :   : 
  .---^SAbOtAGe rELEASEd^---- Ś -----, 
  |                                  | 
  |                                  | 
| trsi            || vacation work (c) by insane madman^taf | 
___________ _______  _______ _ _____ 
\____ ____/_\___  /  \  ___/_ _____/ 
   |   |     _/  /____\_____ \_    \ 
 _ |   |_ ___\:.     /____   _/_____\ 
 ,-'___|------\::.  /---l___/-------, 
 | tristar red  ::./sector presents | 
 |                                  | 
| genesis         || vacation work (c) by insane madman^taf | 
 _ _:_______ _:_____ |--- _:_________ 
   / ______/_\_____ \|    :\   _____/___ 
  /  \____    |    \ \ _  _ \______    / 
_/      |     |    .\__\  \      \/   / 
\__________ _ Ś_ __|_  __ _  _ ______/ 
 .--GENESiS---::.  :-PRESENtS--------, 
 |                                   | 
| menace          || vacation work (c) by insane madman^taf | 
____ :/\________:__/\_:_____:_____ _:____ 
\_ _\/ __/ __ \_____ \\___ \  ___/_/  __ \_ 
_/  \_/  \ \___/:   \ \ _/  \ \    \_ \___/ 
\____|    \_____|   |\__\    \______/______ 
 |                                        | 
 |                                        | 
|crackers&whackerz|| vacation work (c) by insane madman^taf | 
  _ _:_______    _     _   _  _ _:_____ _ 
    / ______/_ _ _and_ _ _ ______\     \ 
   /  \       _ _____ _   _      /\_    \_ 
__/    \      \ \\\___           /\______/ 
\\_______________ __ _ __ _ ____// //  / 
 ,--------^crackerz and whackerz^-------, 
 |                                     :| 
| lsd             || vacation work (c) by insane madman^taf | 
     _______ _ _:_________   ________ 
    /      /__ _\   _____/___\_____  \ 
 __/_    _/    _ \______    /    _/   \_ _ 
 \_ \_  ______ \      l/  __ _ ___ _ __/_/ 
.,- ____/__  _  _ ________/-----l____/--,. 
:|                                      |: 
:|                                      |: 
,-----------------, ----------------------------------------, 
| tdsca           || vacation work (c) by insane madman^taf | 
_______:_ _  _ _________  ______:_ _  _ 
_   ___/______ \   ____/_/ _____/_______:_ 
|   |__\____  \_\_____  /  \     \_____  \ 
|   |     _/   \_   \/ .:.  \        _/   \ 
: _ _ _ ___    _/_____.:::.______ _ _\ 
Ś .----- l____/ -^tDSCa pRESENt^----- \ --, 
 .|                                       | 
.:|                                       | 
,-----------------, ----------------------------------------, 
| qtip            || vacation work (c) by insane madman^taf | 
       _     _    _   _ ___:_ 
   __________:_ _________  /________ 
 _/   _____/_\___   ___/__/_\___   / 
 \    \:.    \  |   |/    \   _/  / 
  \____\:.   _\ |   :.    :\  \__/ 
 ^qtip!^\:.  Ś' :   ::.   |    | 
  .-^presents^- Ś ------- Ś -- : --, 
 :|                                | 
 Ś|                                | 
,-----------------, ----------------------------------------, 
| dezign          || vacation work (c) by insane madman^taf | 
_     _    _    _   _  _ ____:         _:_  _ 
______  _:______ _______    /_:________ |   : 
\___  \_/ ___  /_\___  /___/ / ____/___\|   ; 
  _/   \_ \___/ / ____/ _  \/  \___    \\   | 
___    _/__    /  \/    /  /       |   .\_ _| 
,l____/---l___/________ __ _________ _.|-, 
|                                        | 
|                                        | 
,-----------------, ----------------------------------------, 
| squad           || vacation work (c) by insane madman^taf | 
_:______ ________:__________      _____ 
 \  ___/___ ___/_\_____ \   |_____\___ \ 
_ \___    / \    \   _/  \  |   \   _/  \_ 
\   \/   /___\   _\__\    \______\___   _/ 
_ _ ____/ --- \____\- \_-presents- l___/ 
 |                                   | 
 |                                   | 
,-----------------, ----------------------------------------, 
| untouchables    || vacation work (c) by insane madman^taf | 
    _       _    _  __ _:__________ 
_______:_ _ _:____ :____\___   ___/ 
\      /___ _\___ \|    _/ |   | 
 \    /    |     \ \    |  |   | 
  \________|______\ \   |  |   : 
  .-^untouchables^-\____:--:   '--, 
  |                               | 
  |                               | 
,-----------------, ----------------------------------------, 
| ttab            || vacation work (c) by insane madman^taf | 
___________              ________ 
\___   ___/________   _:_\___   / 
   |   |\___   ___/  __|  __/ _/___ 
   |   |   |   | ________ \_      /_ 
   |   :   |   |_\_____  \/       _/ 
   :       :   :     _/   \______/ 
  _Ś    _  Ś_  _ __ _\     \_   __ 
.-terrorizerz assault \_  brigade -, 
|                                  | 
|                                  | 
,-----------------, ----------------------------------------, 
| drink or die    || vacation work (c) by insane madman^taf | 
_  _  ________ ________   ________ _ 
   _:_\_____ \    ____/_:_\_____ \ 
 _  |     _/  \_  \l   ||     _/  \_ _ 
 \  |______   _/_ _____||______   _/ / 
 ,--mD!- |___/ ---brings---- |___/ --, 
 |                                   | 
 |                                   | 
 `--------------ť> drink or die <Ť---' 
,-----------------, ----------------------------------------, 
| classic         || vacation work (c) by insane madman^taf | 
  _ ________  _______ _  __________ _ _ 
_ _/   ____/_|__    /____\   _____/__ 
 __    \    __/   _/  _ __\______   __ 
  \    _\    |   _______/      \/  / 
..-\_________:____|_  __ _ _______/--,. 
:|                                   |: 
:|                                   |: 
				(_ ____ 
				    (______ ___ 
			_________ _ _____       ________ 
			\   __ _/__ ___  \___ __\ __   / 
			 \___/       _/   \_     _\___/ 
			 _ _/   _ _ _\     /__ _   \_ _ 
		     +---\\\____l-mD!-\___/- --l____///---+ 
		       -^ the amazing family in 1995! -^ 
		     _ ______:_                               _________:_ 
      _   _:_________\ \__   |_______:_________   _    _  __:_\_____   / 
	   \   _____/___/    |     _/\   _____/___ ________ |   ___/  / 
       _  _ \______ _ _/________ _  _ \______    /    ____/_:_  \____/ 
   ,   \  \      \/            /    \      \/         \l    |     | 
   |      Ö _  ______ _____________/_ _  ______ __\_________:     | 
 - '-- --------,                                            :     | 
   ,      ,____)              eight sysop stuff logo's      ˝     | 
   |      (__ __ ˇ.__ .__  ___  _ _, 
   | chat        ||  )|__)(__/_,_\_ __ __,mD! 
   | menu                      ,_________) 
   | download                  (____________ __ _  _ __  _   _ 
   | upload 
   ' goodbye 
					 _____________ _________  _______ 
 _        _      _     _    _   _  _ ____\_     \____ \\_\__ _  \_\__  _/__ _. 
   _  , __, __,  __,,|_,  , __  __,       /\_   _/  |  \ //  _  _/ /  _  _///:. 
__ (__l(__l(____(__l l___,l(__)(  l _ ____/\    \   |   \/   |  \_/   |  \::. 
					 .::\____\____   \___|   \____|   \_:. 
				 chat  ------mD!----|_____\--|____/---|____/-- 
			   _  _ _:____              __ _______:_ 
			 _______\_    |     _:______\___   ___/ 
		    _  _/  ____/_|_ __|____:_\_____  \ |   | 
			   \      / \___   |     _/   \|   | 
			    \    .    |/  _|___ _\     \   | 
	  ,----------- \_________|_,  /____: ---- \_   :   | -----------, 
	  `----,                 |____|    :               :   ,--------` 
    ,----------'                 :                         '   `---, 
    `------------------------------ť> name sysop here <Ť-----------` 
					 _____________ _________  _______ 
 _        _      _     _    _   _  _ ____\_     \____ \\_\__ _  \_\__  _/__ _. 
   _  , __, __,  __,,|_,  , __  __,       /\_   _/  |  \ //  _  _/ /  _  _///:. 
__ (__l(__l(____(__l l___,l(__)(  l _ ____/\    \   |   \/   |  \_/   |  \::. 
					 .::\____\____   \___|   \____|   \_:. 
				 menu  ------mD!----|_____\--|____/---|____/-- 
		 _:___  /\___ _:______ _____ :___________:_ 
		  \___\/ ___/_/ ___  /_\___ \|    _/     /___ 
		  _/  \_/  \    \___/_     \ \    |    _/'   | 
		\_ ____|.   \____     /_ ___\ \   |_ ________ _/ 
	.------------  ::.  `/ l_ ___/  ---  \____:  -------------mD!--, 
	|              `:  .:'                    '                    | 
	|                                                              | 
	|    A ^ ALTER FLAGGED FILES         O ^ OPERATOR PAGE         | 
	|    B ^ READ BULLETINS              R ^ READ MESSAGES         | 
	|    C ^ COMMENT TO SYSOP            S ^ STATUS                | 
	|    D ^ DOWNLOAD                    T ^ LOCAL TIME            | 
	|    E ^ ENTER MESSAGE               U ^ UPLOAD                | 
	|    F ^ FILELISTING                 V ^ VIEW FILE             | 
	|    G ^ GOODBYE                     W ^ CHANGE STATS          | 
	|    J ^ JOIN CONFERENCE             X ^ EXPERT MODE ON^OFF    | 
	|    M ^ ANSI MODE ON^OFF            Z ^ SEARCH ZIPPY          | 
	|    N ^ NEW FILES                OPEN ^ OPEN DOORS MENU       | 
	|                                                              | 
					 _____________ _________  _______ 
 _        _      _     _    _   _  _ ____\_     \____ \\_\__ _  \_\__  _/__ _. 
   _  , __, __,  __,,|_,  , __  __,       /\_   _/  |  \ //  _  _/ /  _  _///:. 
__ (__l(__l(____(__l l___,l(__)(  l _ ____/\    \   |   \/   |  \_/   |  \::. 
					 .::\____\____   \___|   \____|   \_:. 
					     |    | 
    ________________      _:___________ :____|_ _ |_______ ________  _______ 
 _:_\_____ \   ____/_:_____\     \____ \|    _/   |  ____/_\_____  \_\_____ \ 
  |     _/  \_ \l   |     _/\_    |   \ \    |    |  \l   |    _/   \    _/  \_ 
  |______   _/______|      /\_____|____\ \   | _ _|_______|__ _\    _\____   _/ 
      _|___/    _  _:_____/      _:_    \____|    : mD!   :     \_  _: _|___/ 
       :            :                        : _ _|                     : 
					 _____________ _________  _______ 
 _        _      _     _    _   _  _ ____\_     \____ \\_\__ _  \_\__  _/__ _. 
   _  , __, __,  __,,|_,  , __  __,       /\_   _/  |  \ //  _  _/ /  _  _///:. 
__ (__l(__l(____(__l l___,l(__)(  l _ ____/\    \   |   \/   |  \_/   |  \::. 
					 .::\____\____   \___|   \____|   \_:. 
			       upload  ------mD!----|_____\--|____/---|____/-- 
		       _  _:________ 
		      _ _:_\_____  /__:_ 
			 |   ___/ /   | 
	  _  _:______:_  |   \___/    |_______ ________  _______ 
	  \   \      /___:_ _ |  |    |  ____/_\_____  \_\_____ \ 
	       \    /    |    |  |    |  \l   |    _/   \    _/  \_  _ 
		\________|_  _|__| _ _|_______|__ _\    _\____   _/  / 
			 ˝    |  |    : mD!   :     \_  _: _|___/ 
				 : _ _|                     : 
					 _____________ _________  _______ 
 _        _      _     _    _   _  _ ____\_     \____ \\_\__ _  \_\__  _/__ _. 
   _  , __, __,  __,,|_,  , __  __,       /\_   _/  |  \ //  _  _/ /  _  _///:. 
__ (__l(__l(____(__l l___,l(__)(  l _ ____/\    \   |   \/   |  \_/   |  \::. 
					 .::\____\____   \___|   \____|   \_:. 
			      goodbye  ------mD!----|_____\--|____/---|____/-- 
		_ _:_______ _ 
		  / ______/_________________  _:______ 
	   _  _  /  \     :|   ____/_  ____/___\_____ \ 
   ,------ \         \    :|   \l   .\ \l   :|:    _/  \_   _ ---------ť> 
   `------, \   ___________|__________\______|______   _/   / 
 ,--------'         _ _:_____                _   _|___/ 
 `---,       ________  \__   |_______ 
   ,-'     :_\___   /   _/   |     _/ _:______ 
   `------ |. __/ _/____\_______   \__/ ___  / ------ť>  truzt me, you'll 
	_  |: \_      /_       /    /   \___/_  _ __         be bak.. 
	\  : _/       _/__ ________/_____     /    / 
	     /_______/' mD!      _   _ l_ ___/    / 
					 _____________ _________  _______ 
 _        _      _     _    _   _  _ ____\_     \____ \\_\__ _  \_\__  _/__ _. 
   _  , __, __,  __,,|_,  , __  __,       /\_   _/  |  \ //  _  _/ /  _  _///:. 
__ (__l(__l(____(__l l___,l(__)(  l _ ____/\    \   |   \/   |  \_/   |  \::. 
					 .::\____\____   \___|   \____|   \_:. 
			  conferences  ------mD!----|_____\--|____/---|____/-- 
		      :                                   : 
	      _______ :         _____ :______             : 
	     /  ____/___  _ __ _\___ \|    _/_:________:_________ 
		\  _  _/________    \ \    | _\  __   /\   _____/___ 
		 \    /    ____/_ ___\ \   |/.  _\___/_ \______    /_ 
	 _  _ _______/\    \l    |    \____/::.    \_ \      \/ 
		 _  __ _ ________:        .::.     :/_Ö _  ______ __ _ 
		      .          Ś                .:'     . 
		      :      [01]  change to your own     : 
		      :      [02]  change to your own     : 
		      :      [03]  change to your own     : 
		      :      [04]  change to your own     : 
		      :      [05]  change to your own     : 
		      :      [06]  change to your own     : 
		      :                                   : 
					 _____________ _________  _______ 
 _        _      _     _    _   _  _ ____\_     \____ \\_\__ _  \_\__  _/__ _. 
   _  , __, __,  __,,|_,  , __  __,       /\_   _/  |  \ //  _  _/ /  _  _///:. 
__ (__l(__l(____(__l l___,l(__)(  l _ ____/\    \   |   \/   |  \_/   |  \::. 
					 .::\____\____   \___|   \____|   \_:. 
			    bulletins  ------mD!----|_____\--|____/---|____/-- 
		      :                                   : 
		      :        avaible bulletins :        : 
	    ________  :                              _:___________ 
	 _:_\___   /_______:_  :_______   :_______    \  ________/__ 
	 '|. __/ _/_\_     /___|      /___|_     /____ \________   / 
       _:_|: \_      /_   /    |    _/    __   _/    __       \/  / _ 
	\_: _/       _/__________ _ ______/_ _ ______/_  __ _____/  / 
	    /_______/'.        |____:     |____:          . 
		      :                                   : 
		      :      [01]  change to your own     : 
		      :      [02]  change to your own     : 
		      :      [03]  change to your own     : 
		      :      [04]  change to your own     : 
		      :      [05]  change to your own     : 
		      :      [06]  change to your own     : 
		      :                                   : 
					 _____________ _________  _______ 
 _        _      _     _    _   _  _ ____\_     \____ \\_\__ _  \_\__  _/__ _. 
   _  , __, __,  __,,|_,  , __  __,       /\_   _/  |  \ //  _  _/ /  _  _///:. 
__ (__l(__l(____(__l l___,l(__)(  l _ ____/\    \   |   \/   |  \_/   |  \::. 
					 .::\____\____   \___|   \____|   \_:. 
			         doors ------mD!----|_____\--|____/---|____/-- 
                :                          ________            : 
               __________________________ :\___   / _:_________: 
            _:_\_____ \   ____/_    ____/_|_ _/  /___\   _____/___ 
             |     _/  \_ \l        \l    |  \      _ \______    / 
             |______   _/______|__________|___\     \      \/   / 
                ._|___/        :        _ :  _ \  /_  _  ______/ 
                : :     avaible doors:          \/             . 
                :                                              : 
                :        [01]  change to your own door         : 
                :        [02]  change to your own door         : 
                :        [03]  change to your own door         : 
                :        [04]  change to your own door         : 
                :        [05]  change to your own door         : 
                :        [06]  change to your own door         : 
                :                                              : 
				(_ ____ 
				    (______ ___ 
			_________ _ _____       ________ 
			\   __ _/__ ___  \___ __\ __   / 
			 \___/       _/   \_     _\___/ 
			 _ _/   _ _ _\     /__ _   \_ _ 
		     +---\\\____l-mD!-\___/- --l____///---+ 
		       -^ the amazing family in 1995! -^ 
     _______     _______   _______      _:______________________________ 
    /    __/_____\___  Ź\__\____ Ź\______|_  Ź\_________     ___/   ___/___ 
  _/   _/     Ź\_ __/  _/___ __/   /__  __/    _/    Ź\_   \/ Ź\______    Ź\_ 
  \    \_       / \        / \____/  /  \|     |       /        /    /      / 
   \_____      /___\      /___      /_____     |______/     ___/____       / 
      ,--\____/-----\____/----\____/-----\_____|-----\______/--Stz--\_____/-- - 
      |   main azki^: insane madman 
      |    location^: taf!^zombies!^c&w! 
      |         age^: 16 
      |         sex^: male 
      '     country^: the netherlands 
      big ones logo^: danzig of g-style 
    desc logoz logo^: elvis of limbo 
       credits logo^: stezotehic of 6crew 
     greetings logo^: apc of solid 
      ,       begin^: 03^jan'95 
      |       final^: 04^feb'95 
      |     ammount^: 30 days 
      |       drink^: coca cola/juice 
      |        food^: chipz/pizza/mac donalds 
      `       muzac^: mark'oh^never loose that feeling (album) 
      ,               thunderdome 7 ^ rave parade 
      |               charly lownoise & mental theo^wonderfull days 
      '               mayday memberz^we are different 
      ;       moral^: sandra, the girl from van leest, the local cd store 
	   hardware^: 80486^dx2 - microcom 28k8 - 340 & 420 mb hdd 
	    colourz^: vdo svga 
       org. # linez^: 1684 
	org. # size^: 61.649 bytes 
				(_ ____ 
				    (______ ___ 
			_________ _ _____       ________ 
			\   __ _/__ ___  \___ __\ __   / 
			 \___/       _/   \_     _\___/ 
			 _ _/   _ _ _\     /__ _   \_ _ 
		     +---\\\____l-mD!-\___/- --l____///---+ 
		       -^ the amazing family in 1995! -^ 
      ::::::      ______  ______  ______  ______  ______  _____ 
	:::  ____/ ____/ /  ___/ / ____/ / ____/ /_  __/ /  __/_____ 
	 : _____/ /_  / /  /    / __/_  / __/_   /  / ___\  \_____   : 
	       /_____/ /__/    /   / / /   / /  /__/ /______/       ::: 
 |                                                                           | 
 | very personal:  =zen=^the vandalz^but for warez, jopiter^genesis^zombiez, ' 
 | widget^razor1911 , omega supreme^cows , einstein^mafia , fire flood^taf!, 
 | the manta^vandalz^ts^bd, sal-one^trsi^trsi^trsi&fth, ashton^planet groove 
 | heretic^zembla^solid,  bulldog^taf!,  thurlog^taf!,   taz devil^sabotage, 
 | guardian^chronicle, rigor mortis^ttab,  wizard^cf^zombies, boldy^zombies, 
 | valocity^damn, the mod!^ex-ncl, quipa 'go^solid, fish^squad^rage^vandalz, 
 | blue sky^rage'95, apc^solid, stamina^solid^grope, carlito^c&w, tweety^c&w 
 ' qef^zombies, lucifuge^independant, zack^altar of sacrifice, grimlock^unt, 
 ; nightshade^acme,     xtreeman^edge of honor,      sypnosis^edge of honor, 
   assasin/tpb, indian^tpb, jester king^white sands :), mr menor^kaoz landz. 
   not-know(tm) greetz: lord jazz^acid^acidic, toon goon^ice, mogue^artcore, 
   rapid^artcore, nike^??, whirlwind^??, shapecharger^dezign, manta^artcore, 
   rad man^acid, tasmaniac^hypernova^acid, the doctor^extreme_bbs, stz^6c!.. 
   group:  genesis,  acid,  the sorcerers,  untouchables,  artcore,  dezign, 
   razor 1911,  pwa, pil,  solid, c&w,  zombiez,  tdu jam,  sabotage,  trsi, 
   zembla, hybrid, blood brothers, alfa flight... 
   carlito^: thanx for the card man..  call me for your address, and we send 
	     a  card  back from  holland,  with  beautifull  dutch  things.. 
    widget^: finishing this coll means,  yeah!  your aaaannnzzzzzzzzzziiii!! 
	     ehm, 'ice-0295.zip' and 'acdu0295.zip'.. never forget that ! :) 
       apc^: well,  how  do  you  like  your  ascii  in  my  ascii  pack? :) 
	     use that apc azk2 in your 2nd azk2 coll.. i'm waiting for it... 
      zack^: ik ga je rammen.. :)  waar blijft je ascii collection nou man.. 
	     btw:  je  moet  nog  steeds  een  insane  madman  logo  maken.. 
   the mod^: when dafuc  are we going to be  understanding to eachother  and 
	     choose  'twizted' as name .. believe  me  man .. it'll rock ... 
   rigor m^: beach  in  da backyard huh? huh?  don't  believe a fuc of it :) 
micky zomb^: terinnnn.. your goooooodddddddd!!                 like da azki? 
   thurlog^: mi amore ..  terinnnn ..  heb ik nog niet genoeg te doen ofzo?? 
fire flood^: yooooooooooooooooooooo ...  brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrooooooooo!  :) 
       taf^: we're   sure   a    big     bussy    group     aren't       we? 
   and to and all i forgot:  sorry doodz,  lemme   know   i   forgot   you.. 
				(_ ____ 
				  F   __) 
				    (______ ___ 
			_________ _ _____       ________ 
			\   __ _/__ ___  \___ __\ __   / 
			 \___/       _/   \_     _\___/ 
			 _ _/   _ _ _\     /__ _   \_ _ 
		     +---\\\____l-mD!-\___/- --l____///---+ 
		       -^ the amazing family in 1995! -^ 
	  and were dafuctocontactme? try:   
			      central station +31.076.xxx.xxx 
			      ruinz of wizdom +31.015.xxx.xxx 
			 ���    !Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ �tha kaoz landz +31.412.052.026 
			     praying sunshine + 
	  or via any of the other taf memberz down here... 
		 the fabulous amazing family art team iz: 
		    bulldog   --ť>   thurlog   --ť>   gizmo 
			insane madman   --ť>   the mod! 
		   zack   --ť>   satan's fire   --ť>   sysgod 
      and rememba: 
		... if it ain't dutch, it ain't much 
						      - quoted from apc^solid 
	     and if it ain't'Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ crazy, i didn't make it...  
 _  _ insane  _ __ ____  /\___ 
__  /\_______   _____ _\/ _ _/____ ____ 
__\/ _ _____ \__\__ \  \_/  \____ \\__ \___ 
  \_/  \  _/  \___/  \__|    \ _/  \_ \ \  \_ 
_ _|    \_/____/\_____/ |_____ /____/__\_____ 
 |  vacation work!  3rd azki collection by  | 
 |   insane madman [^taf!^c&w!^zombiez!^]   | 
           -( [ bOONDOCKS! ] [ oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE ] )-
          ____    ____                   ____                _
    _____|_ __|__|  __|__  _____________|  __|__   _________/| ____________
   /    _  \\___ \  \___ \/\__   \   __ \  \___ \_/   _    / |/   /   _   /
  /    _/__/  |/  \   |/  \   \   \_/ /  \   |/  \    /___/ _/ __/\    \_/
 /    /   \_  /    \  /    \  /    / /    \  /    \  /   \  \   \__\_   \
/   _/     /_/     /_/     / /    /_ďĐ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ/�    /_/     /_/    /   \   \_ /    \
\ ________/_______/_______/_/____/_______/_______/______/____|\   /______/
 \/                                                            \_/-rS!
       [ˇsUNFLEX iNC. dUTCH hQ!ˇ] [ˇtHE oRGANIZED cRIME aMIGA dIST!ˇ]
                            sYSOP: ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ˙Đ[�s/\L-oNE!-] 
                    [eCS/tRSI/tRSI!] [aSTRO/mOVEMENT!]

                 --ť> lATEST aMIEXPRESS vERSION 4.xX! <Ť--
         ---ť> nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORD! <Ť---

-[ +31-(0)-548-040-653 ]--[ +31-(0)-548-021-716 ]--[ +31-(0)-548-021-848 ]-
     -[ 16k8 dUAL ]-          -[ 16k8 dUAL ]-          -[ 16k8 dUAL ]-


    ._____.    ˇ___  _________
   _|    Ź|____:  Ź\/   _____/   .----------------------------------------.
   \__/  _|    \[32ˇC=64ˇpC/2*28k8(115k2)/a4k/.8GiG :
  ___________ˇ    _____ _ ___:___ˇ_ _ ______ _ __  _ ________ _ ___   _ __ˇ___
 /  ____/_   :___/  __Ź\ ___ | ___/  ______/    /____ ______/  __ Ź\____    _/
/   \(  _/   |_ Ź\  \   \   \ / Ź\    __)___   /    /  __)___  (/   \  Ź\   |
\_____  Ź\____/   \__Y   \___Y    \___\    /___    /___\    /_______/  \____|
l____/  |_____/ l____/  l_____/ \____/   \___/   \____/\_____| ˇ
   - -^) sUPREME scndvHQ (^- -   : -Ť(ˇNODE1: +358-81-5522597ˇ)ť-:|
   - -^) pLACE fOR rENT! (^- -   | -Ť(ˇNODE2: +358-81-ASK4IT!ˇ)ť-.:|
 - -^) dd bETA tESTER sITE (^- - | -Ť(ˇNODE3: +358-81-SOOOON!ˇ)ť-.::|
| -Ť(ˇNODE4: +358-81-*LOCAL*ˇ)ť- . ..::::|

                        !! THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT !!
                         THE VOID WILL BE CHANGING
                      ITS PHONENUMBERS BECAUSE I AM 
                      MOVING ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1

                             new numbers:
        ALL RINGDOWN          414-4382355
        OFCOURSE              414-4382356    FEBRUARY 1,1995
        PLEASE NOTE!!         414-4382358
                        !! THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT !!
       E X P E R I E N C E   T H E   U L T I M A T E   P O W E R . . .
     | _               __________.     _______________ _               |
 A   ||                \         :____|    /\_   ____ _   HOODLUM  WHQ |
 L   |  AMIGA 4000      \___/    |    :    \/    __|_     REACTION WHQ |
 L   |  060/40MHZ        _/      |    .     \_  /    |    THE FIRM WHQ |
     |  SCSI-2 GIGS      \_______|    :______/_______|    INTERPOL WHQ |
 C   |  8 GIG DAT               _ ____|    ____           DELIGHT  WHQ |
 O   |  9 NODES   ______                  /    \                       |
 O   |            \_    |______          //     \_________             |
 L   |            /     |    _/_________ \______/         \            |
     :           /      |     \         \|      \_  ___    \           |
 U   .         _/       :      \_  :     \       \_  |/     \          |
 S   |         \________________/  |      \_______/ _/       \_        |
 E   |  THE VOID BBS          _ ___________/    _ ____________/      _||
 R  _|_________________________________________________________________|_
 S                                                           ŠCARDiNAL!  
             R  E  A  L     W  i  C  K  E  D     S  T  U  F  F  !
                             +1-414-4382355 (RING)
              9 BLAzzzzzzzziNG 28.8k V.Everything USR Dual NdZ!!
                            (SOon To BE 16 NDZ)
                 -*- THIS WARE COME FROM -*-                   
....    .... ....  ......  .... ....  .......  ..... ......... 
::::... :::: :::: ::::     :::: :::: :::: ::::  ::::  .... ::::
::::::: ::::.:::: ::::::   :::: :::: :::: ::::  ::::  :::: ::::
::::... :::: :::: ::::...  :::: :::: :::: ::::  ::::  :::: ::::
ˇ:::::: :::: :::: ˇ::::::   ˇ::.::ˇ  ˇ:::.:::ˇ .::::..::::.:::ˇ
..................................................THE VOID.....
                   HOODLUM WORLD HEADQUARTER                   
      Nine 28.8K Nodes Ringdown - Gigas & Gigas Available          
          -*- Amiga -*- Consoles -*- PC -*- Ansi -*-           
           If You Wanna Be The Best Join The Best!             

 - --( Uploader: Vostok            Date: 07-Feb-95 13:45:23    Node: 05 )-- -
     ( Location: Looking for a gr  BB-TxtAdder v0.7 by BiLBo BaGGins/M! )

        .            .......and don't forget to call.......    .        . 
   *       ___  .   .          .           .       *   .     .      .     
     .    /  /\        *_________    _______        _______ .  ______     
         /  / /        /\        \ . \      \  .   /\      \ ./\     \   .
o     . /__/ /_  .    /  \        \ . \      \    /  \      \/  \     \   
       /__/\ \/\__   /    \________\ / \______\. /    \______\   \_____\  
      _\__\ \  / /\./     / _______//   \_  __ \/     / ___  /   / ____/  
 .   /__/\/  \ \/ //     / / \  .__/     / /  \ \    / / \/_/   / /__\ .  
    /  /\  /\ \  //     / /___\. \ \    / /\   \ \  / /\____\  / ____/    
   /  / /\ \ \ \//     / _____/___\ \  / /  \  / / / /\/__  / / /   \   * 
  /__/  \ \ \_\/ \    / /          \ \/ /____\/ / / /___\/ /\/ /_____\    
  \__\/\ \ \ \    \  / /            \__________/\/________/  \_______/ .  
     \  \ \_\/ .   \/  \_____________________________________________\   .
      \  \ \        \                                                /    
  *    \__\/    .    \    -*- The Silents World Head-Quarters -*-   /   . 
     .                \      -* Hoodlum World Head-Quarters *-     / .    
            .     .    .                .           .          .         .
       .       .          .* SysOp:  PLANET MASTER *   .           .  .   
.          .         * All Nodes Ringdown - All High Speed! *  .          
    .                * Running GVP's Combo '040/2000 33Mhz! *  .    .     
        .       .              * Multi-Node Chat *  .         .        .  
           *           .      * OnLine Since 1985 *           *           
     .            .             .                .                  .     
              .       .     C A L L      T O D A Y ! !    .      .      . 

     _##&_                       d#Ř
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