   _/  \  _____________________
 __\  _ \/   __    _    __  _ ¼\ _ __ _____
   /   \ \   ¼\    Y____/   Y   \    _     ª
  //    \ \   \\  ___/ ¼\   |   \\  ( ) _  í
 /       \ \_  \\   Y   \\  !    \\  Y ( ) |
 \_______ \  ___/________/________/  ª  Y  |
  »»»»»»»\  /»»» »»»»»»»» »»»»»»»»         !
 ---- - - \/- -- -------------------=RandY='
 [½          iS tHERE 2 oF ME!!?           ]
 [½dA 3rd AsciiColl fr0m RandY/NeO^MaydaY! ]
[%::::::::::::%] rOadhOgged [%::::::::::::%]

               !:              :|  /\
               l________________l_/  \  ____________________ __
              /    _    ¼\   _   __ _ \/   __    _   ____   Y ¼\
     _____ _ /     Y_____/   Y   ¼\  \ \   ¼\    Y   ¼\/_____   \ ___ª___.
    ª:.     //          ¼\   !    \\  \ \   \\   |    \\    |   \\ . : .:|
    |.     /       í     \\        \\  \ \_  \\  !     /    !    \\  .   |
    !      \_______|      /__í      /___\   __/_______/___________/      !
    |       »»»:»»»l_____/ »»l_____/ »»»\  /»» »»»»»»» »»»»»»»»»»»   .   |
    !:. ..     .    »»»»»     »»:»»      \/   . ..           .  . .. : .:!
               ! .. . .    . ..:|                                    .                .


                                    ___  .__
                                   (__/  |_


                          /\      !:              :|
                        _/  \  ___l________________l
                        \  _ \/   __    _    __  _ ¼\
                .___ª__ /   \ \   ¼\    Y____/   Y   \ _ ____
                |:. :  //    \ \   \\  ___/ ¼\   |   \\    .:ª
                !.  . /       \ \_  \\   Y   \\  !    \\    .|
                |     \_______ \  ___/________/________/     !
                |   .  »»»»»»»\  /»»» »»»»»»»» »»»»:»»»      |
                !:. : .  .. .  \/ :                .    .. .:!
                    .             ! .. . ..   . ..:|

                                  __  .__   __!
                                 (__l |  ) (__l
            ____ ____________________ __________________________ __
  ___ __ _ /   ¼Y    _______  ____  ¼Y  __    _  ______  ____  ¼Y ¼\ _ __ ___
 í        /     l    ¼\  __|  ¼\/_____  ¼\    Y  ¼\ __|  ¼\/_____   \        ª
 |       //           \\ \__   \\    |   \\   |   \\\__   \\    |   \\       |
 !      /      \  /    \\  |    \\   !    \\  !    /  |    \\   !    \\      !
 `=- - -\_______\/______/__|     /_________/______/___|     /_________/-- --='
         »»»»»»»  »»»»»» »»l____/ »»»»»»»»» »»»»»» »»»l____/ »»»»»»»»»  RandY 
                            »»»»                       »»»»



                                            !:                :|
           /      _______     _   ¼\   _    ¼\   _    ¼\    _  ¼\
    .___ª__\______     ¼\     Y     )  Y_____/   Y_____/    Y   \\ _ ___
    |:. :  /     Y      \\   ______/  ____/ ¼\  ____/ ¼\    |    \\ á .:ª
    |   . //     ª       \\     ¼\       Y   \\    Y   \\   !     /    .|
    !     \________       /______/_____       /__       /________/      !
    |   .  »»»»»»»\______/ »»»»»» »»»»\______/ »\______/ »»»»»»:»       |
    !:. : .. .  .  »»»»»»  .. .        »»»»»:    »»»»»»        .   .. .:!
        .                                   ! .. .        . ..:|

    But then I saw the name  RANDY  greeted by some guys, what is this!
    Was my first thought.. Then I decided to find out who this guy is!!
    So.. If anyone knows someone who calls himself RANDY and if you know
    it's not me, then PLEASE tell him to leave me a message to me at any
    Neo board.. (Or just tell him to write me a short letter!!!)

    So thats the way why I decided to 'rename' this collection to.. .

                         [= iS tHERE 2 oF ME!!? =]½

                       (Me, Myself & Someone else??)

         ___________________ _____ __  ___  _  _
     <--ª: á á .       
        |. Welcome!
   _ ___!  Thats right! A new ascii collection by Randy/Neo^MaydaY!!
        |  This time I really dont know what to say, so.. Just go on
        |: and check out the ascii art (Eeeh??) in this collection..
        ª  So.. If you like my ascii's, and want to request some for
           yourself, do like this!..
        !                                                              .
        .  [Modem]..  Traders Paradise, Neo Scanhq.
                                [.+46 91166149.]
                                [.+46 91166148.]                       ª
                                [.+46 91166153.]                       í
           [Mail]..                                                    |-
                                 .Robert Ekberg.                      .í
                                   .Ymersg. 2.                        :|___ _
                                 .S-94151 Pitea.                       |
                                    .Sweden!.                          |
                                                           .  ..   . .:!-->
                     -  -- -----  ------- ----------------------------='

                        .        [.Short index.]     ª
                        . .                          |
                        ! :  o1  - Indy Nation       |
                     [------ o2  - Magic Ascii ---------.
                        ª ª  o3  - Bon               í  |
                        | |  o4  - Norway            !  !
                        | |  o5  - Contrast  <---------='
                        ! !  o6  - Polaris           í
                        `=-- o7  - Traders Paradise -'
                          í  o8  - Giants
                          |  o9  - Pay
                    .---. |  1o  - Riot
                    |   ! !  11  - Outbreak
                    `----='  12  - Doors
                        ª    13  - Console      ^
                             14  - Rules        ª
                             15  - Qba          !
                 .------->>  16  - Trsi         |
                 |           17  - Ozone Free   |
                 !           18  - Eternal      ª
                 `=--------- 19  - Atlantis -------]
                             2o  - Boondocks    :
                             21. - Dixy         .
                             22. - Visage
                             23. - Premium       

 __ __/\___________________ _____ __  ___  _  _
í                           _ _ __
| [½o1 ] Indy Nation.        _ _\/_
! _ __  __ _               __ _\/\/
`=----\/---- ----- --- ---------- ----- - ---  -  -

                              /\   !:                  :|
                     _/\_____/  \  l__________________ _l
             ___ª__ _\_  ____  _ \/   __    _  ____  ¼Y ¼\ _ __ ___
            í:. :  . /¼\/  ¼\   \ \   ¼\    Y  ¼\/_____   \ .    .:ª
            |       //      \\   \ \   \\   |   \\    |   \\       |
            !:. :  /         \\   \ \_  \\  !    /    !    \\ .  .:!
            `=- ª -\__________/____\   __/______/___________/-----='
                    »»»»»»»»»» »»»»\  /»»:»»»»»»:»»»»»»»T»»»
              /\                   |\/.   .            :|/\
            _/  \  ________________l______/\____________/  \  _____
   ____ __ _\  _ \/   _______  __        __  ____   _  __ _ \/   _/_ ___ª___
  í:.     . /   \ \   ¼\  __|  ¼\__/  \__/¼\/  ¼\   Y  ¼\  \ \   ¼\ .   : .:ª
  |        //    \ \   \\ \__   \\/   \\//      \\  |   \\  \ \   \\        |
  !:.   . /       \ \_  \\  |    \\    \\        \\ !    \\  \ \_  \\   : .:!
  `=- - --\________\   __/__|     /_____/_________/_______/___\   __/---ª--='
           »»»»»»»»\  /»» »»l____/ T»»»» »»»»»»»»» »»»»»T» »»»\  /»»    .
                    \/       »»»»  ! .. .  ..      . ..:|      \/

 __ __/\___________________ _____ __  ___  _  _
í                           _ _ __
| [½o2 ] Magic Ascii.        _ _\/_
! _ __  __ _               __ _\/\/
`=----\/---- ----- --- ---------- ----- - ---  -  -

                                  . :
                  ____ _____________.::: ______/\_____________
                 /   ¼Y    _______  __   _    __  ____   _   ¼\
                /     l    ¼\  __|  ¼\  _Y____/¼\/  ¼\   Y____/
               //           \\ \__   \\ \__  ¼\      \\  |   ¼\
              /      \  /    \\  |    \\ l    \\      \\ !    \\
            . \_______\/______/__|     /_______/_______/_______/ .
           .ªª »»»»»»»  »»»»»» »»l____/.:::»»»» »»»»»»» »»»»»»» ªª.
         .ªªª'                    »»»».::                       `ªªª.
       .ªªªª'     _ ________________.: ________/\_____/\___ _    `ªªªª.
      .ªªªª'    _ ______   __    _____   _    __  _____  ____ _    `ªªªª
      ::::.     ../  __|   ¼\ ____  ¼\   Y____/¼\/  ¼\¼\/  ¼\...   .:::'
      `:::::::::://  \__    \\   Y   \\  |   ¼\      \\     \\::::::::'
       `:[RandY]/      |     \\  ª    \\ !    \\      \\     \\::::::'
         `      \______|      /________/_______/_______/______/    '
                 »»»»»»l_____/ »»»»» :..»»»»»»» »»»»»»» »»»»»»
                        »»»»»          :.
                                   .:.   :.

 __ __/\___________________ _____ __  ___  _  _
í                           _ _ __
| [½o3 ] Bon.                _ _\/_
! _ __  __ _               __ _\/\/
`=----\/---- ----- --- ---------- ----- - ---  -  -

                          _______________/  \  ____
                         /   _   __  _  __ _ \/  _/
            ______ __ _ /    Y   /   Y  ¼\  \ \  ¼\ _ __ ______
           í           //    _  /\   |   \\  \ \   \           ª
           !          /      Y   \\  !    \\  \ \_ \\          !
           `=- - ----=\___________/________/___\   _/- -=RandY='
                       »»»»»»»»»»» »»»»»»»» »»»\  /»

 __ __/\___________________ _____ __  ___  _  _
í                           _ _ __
| [½o4 ] Norway.             _ _\/_
! _ __  __ _               __ _\/\/
`=----\/---- ----- --- ---------- ----- - ---  -  -

              /\                                                 ª
            _/  \  ____________________________________________ _l__ _
            \  _ \/   __    _  __   _   __  /\   \   _  ____   Y ¼\
            /   \ \   ¼\    Y  ¼\   Y___/  /  \  \\  Y  ¼\/_____   \
           //    \ \   \\   |   \\     ¼\         \\ !   \\    |   \\
          /       \ \_  \\  !    \\ í   \\   |     /      \\   !    \\
          \_______ \  ___/________/_|    /___|    /__!_____/_________/
         » T»»»»»»\  /»»» »»»»»»»» »l___/ »»»l___/ »» »»»»» »»»»»»»»»
                   \/                »»»      »»» <<\>> RandY! <</>>

 __ __/\___________________ _____ __  ___  _  _
í                           _ _ __
| [½o5 ] Contrast.           _ _\/_
! _ __  __ _               __ _\/\/
`=----\/---- ----- --- ---------- ----- - ---  -  -

     ________________/  \  _______________________________________________
    /   _    __  _  __ _ \/   __       ¼\  _    ______  __    ____       ¼\
   /    Y____/   Y  ¼\  \ \   ¼\__/  \__/  Y____/  __|  ¼\____  ¼\__/  \__/
  //    |   ¼\   |   \\  \ \   \\/   \\        ¼\  \__   \\  Y   \\/   \\
 /      !    \\  !    \\  \ \_  \\    \\   í    \\   |    \\ ª    \\    \\
 \____________/________/___\   __/_____/___|     /___|     /_______/_____/
  »»»»»»»»»»»» »»»»»»»» »»»\  /»» »»»»» »»»l____/ »»»l____/ »»»»»»» »»»»»
 << RandY --------- ---- -- \/ -------- --- »»»» ---- »»»» -- -  -  -

 __ __/\___________________ _____ __  ___  _  _
í                           _ _ __
| [½o6 ] Polaris.            _ _\/_
! _ __  __ _               __ _\/\/
`=----\/---- ----- --- ---------- ----- - ---  -  -

           ____________________    _ _________________/\____________ _
          /    _   __  _  __  ¼| _ ______  __   _    __  ____    _____ _
         /     Y    )  Y  ¼\   !___/  __|  ¼\   Y____/¼\/  ¼\ ____  ¼\
 ____ _ //    _____/   |   \\  Y  ¼\  \__   \\      ¼\      \\   Y   \\ ___ _
!      /        ¼\     !    \\     \\   |    \\ í    \\      \\  ª    \\
`=---- \_________/___________/______/___|     /_|     /_______/________/- ---.
        »»»»»»»»» »»»»»»»»»»» »»»»»» »»»l____/ »l____/ »»»»»»» »»»»»»»»      ª
                                         »»»»    »»»»                        !
                 -  -- -----  ------- --------------------------------=RandY='

 __ __/\___________________ _____ __  ___  _  _
í                           _ _ __
| [½o7 ] Traders Paradise.   _ _\/_
! _ __  __ _               __ _\/\/
`=----\/---- ----- --- ---------- ----- - ---  -  -

  .::/         __  _    __   _   __    _  __   _   __  _    __  ____/.. . .
. .::\__/   \__/   Y____/    Y   ¼\    Y  ¼\   Y___/   Y____/___   ¼\:::   .
 :.  : /     \         ¼\    |     \   |   \\ ___/¼\       ¼\  Y     \:::: 
 . .:.//     \\         \\   !     \\  !    \\  Y  \\       \\ ª     \\::. .
 : ::/        \\   í     \\         \\       /      \\ í     \\       \\::: .
. : .\_________/___|      /__|       /______/________/_|      /__      /   :.
 ::: :»»»»»»»»»:»»»l_____/.»»l______/ »»»»»».»»»»»»»»:»l_____/:»\_____/:::: .
.   .        :.     »»»»» .:  »»»»»».                   »»»»» : .»»»»»      
.:::/    _   __   _   __    _    __   _   __    _  __  ____   _____    _  ¼\ .
 .:/     Y    )   Y   ¼\    Y____/    Y   ¼\    Y  ¼\\/  ¼\___   ¼\    Y___/:.
 ./     _____/    |     \       ¼\    |     \   |   \\     \ Y     \  ___/¼\ .
.//       ¼\      !     \\       \\   !     \\  !    \\    \\ª     \\   Y  \\:
/          \\            \\ í     \\         \\       /     \\      \\      \\
\___________/_____|       /_|      /__|       /______/_______/__     /_______/
 »»»»»»»»»»»:»»»»»l______/.»l_____/.»»l______/:»»»»»» »»»»»»».»\____/:»»»»»»»ª
ª .      .  : .    »»»»»»    »»»»».    »»»»»»<-----[RandY]----->»»»»:: .    :.

 __ __/\___________________ _____ __  ___  _  _
í                           _ _ __
| [½o8 ] Giants.             _ _\/_
! _ __  __ _               __ _\/\/
`=----\/---- ----- --- ---------- ----- - ---  -  -

                                        /\      !:                  :|
          ___________/\________________/  \  ___l____________________l
         /    _     __  ___________   __ _ \/   __          __   ____/
        /    _Y_____/¼\/   ¼\   __|   ¼\  \ \   ¼\__/   \___/_____  ¼\
.___ª_ //    \___  ¼\       \\  \__     \  \ \   \\/    \\/      Y   \\ _ ___
|:. : /       l     \\       \\   |     \\  \ \_  \\     \\      ª    \\   .:ª
|   . \______________/________/___|      \\__\   __/______/____________/    .|
|      »»»»»»»»»»»»»» »»»»»»»» »»»l_______/»»\  /»» »»»»»» »»»»»»»»»»:»      |
!:. : .. .      .. .       .       »»»»»»»    \/ :                   .   . .:!
    .                                            ! .. . ..      . ..:!

 __ __/\___________________ _____ __  ___  _  _
í                           _ _ __
| [½o9 ] Pay.                _ _\/_
! _ __  __ _               __ _\/\/
`=----\/---- ----- --- ---------- ----- - ---  -  -

                                !:               :|
                        ________l_______________ _l
                       /    _   _______  ____   Y  \
              .___ª__ /     Y    )  __|  ¼\/_____   \ _ ____
              |:. :  //    _____/   \__   \\    |   \\    .:ª
              !.  . /        ¼\       |    \\   !    \\    .|
              |     \_________/_______|     /_________/     !
              |   .  »»»»»»»»» »»»»»»»l____/ »»»»»:»»»      |
              !:. : .  .. .     :      »»»»       .    .. .:!
                  .             ! .. . ..    . ..:|

 __ __/\___________________ _____ __  ___  _  _
í                           _ _ __
| [½1o ] Riot.               _ _\/_
! _ __  __ _               __ _\/\/
`=----\/---- ----- --- ---------- ----- - ---  -  -

                      __________/\______________________ __ _ _
                  /  /    _    __  ____    _  __       ¼\ __ _
                 // /     Y____/¼\/  ¼\    Y  ¼\__/  \__/_ _
                   //         ¼\      \\   |   \\/   \\
                / /       í    \\      \\  !    \\    \\ __ _
               \\ \_______|     /_______/________/_____/_ __ ___ _
                   »»»»»»»l____/ »»»»»»» »»»»»»»» »»»»»
                           »»»» <-----[RandY]---- -- -  -

 __ __/\___________________ _____ __  ___  _  _
í                           _ _ __
| [½11 ] Outbreak.           _ _\/_
! _ __  __ _               __ _\/\/
`=----\/---- ----- --- ---------- ----- - ---  -  -

       ____________ _______________________________________________ ___
      /   _   __  ¼Y  __        __ _   __  _   __  _   _____  __  ¼Y  ¼\
     /    Y   ¼\   |  ¼\__/  \__/  Y   /   Y___/   Y___/ __|  ¼\    ___/
 __ //    |    \\  !   \\/   \\/   _  /\      ¼\  ___/¼\ \__   \\     ¼\ _ __
í  /      !     \\      \\    \\   Y   \\  í   \\   Y  \\  |    \\ .   \\
|  \_____________/_______/_____/________/__|    /_______/__!_____/_|    /
!   »»»»»»»»»»»»» »»»»»»» »»»»» »»»»»»»» »»l___/ »»»»»»» »» »»»»» »l___/
`=RandY=------ --------- ----  -- --  -  -  »»»                     »»»

 __ __/\___________________ _____ __  ___  _  _
í                           _ _ __
| [½12 ] Doors.              _ _\/_
! _ __  __ _               __ _\/\/
`=----\/---- ----- --- ---------- ----- - ---  -  -

               _____________________________________________ _  _
           /  /    _   __   _  __   _  __    _    __    _____ _  _ _
          // /     Y   ¼\   Y  ¼\   Y  ¼\    Y____/______ ¼\
            //     |    \\  |   \\  |   \\       ¼\     Y  \\
         / /       !     /  !    \\ !    \\  í    \\    ª   \\ __ _
        \\ \____________/_________/_______/__|     /_________/_ __ ___ _
            »»»»»»»»»»»» »»»»»»»»» »»»»»»» »»l____/ »»»»»»»»»
            <<------------[RandY]---- --- - - »»»» -- -  -  -

 __ __/\___________________ _____ __  ___  _  _
í                           _ _ __
| [½13 ] Console.            _ _\/_
! _ __  __ _               __ _\/\/
`=----\/---- ----- --- ---------- ----- - ---  -  -

           _______________/  \  _________________________.     _______
          /   _   __  _  __ _ \/   __    ____    _  __  ¼|    /   _  ¼\
  ____ _ /    Y___/   Y  ¼\  \ \   ¼\ ____ ¼\    Y  ¼\   !___/    Y___/_ ____
 í: .   //    |  ¼\   |   \\  \ \   \\   Y  \\   |   \\  Y  ¼\   ___/¼\   á  ª
 |.    /      !   \\  !    \\  \ \_  \\  ª   \\  !    \\     \\    Y  \\    .|
 |.    \___________/________/___\   __/_______/________/______/________/     |
 !. .  .»»»»»»»»»»» »»»»»»»» »»»\  /»» »»»»»»» »»»»»»»» »»»»»» »»»»»»»» .  .:!
 `=----------------------------- \/ ----------------------------------=RandY='

 __ __/\___________________ _____ __  ___  _  _
í                           _ _ __
| [½14 ] Rules.              _ _\/_
! _ __  __ _               __ _\/\/
`=----\/---- ----- --- ---------- ----- - ---  -  -

                  ____________ ______. __ _/\_____________
                 /    _   __ ¼Y  __ ¼|    )   _   __ ____/
    ______ __ _ /     Y___/   |  ¼\  !___/    Y___/___  ¼\ _ __ ______
   |           //        ¼\   !   \\ Y  ¼\   ___/¼\  Y   \\           ª
   !          /       í   \\       \\    \\    Y  \\ ª    \\          !
   `-- - -----\_______|    /________/_____/________/_______/- -=RandY='
               »»»»»»»l___/ »»»»»»»» »»»»» »»»»»»»» »»»»»»»

 __ __/\___________________ _____ __  ___  _  _
í                           _ _ __
| [½15 ] Qba.                _ _\/_
! _ __  __ _               __ _\/\/
`=----\/---- ----- --- ---------- ----- - ---  -  -

             ______ __ _ /   _   __   _   _____ ¼\ _ __ ______
            í           /    Y   ¼\   Y   / __|   \           ª
            |          //    |  ___\  _  /\ \__   \\          |
            !         /      ! /»»» \ Y   \\  |    \\         !
            `=- ------\________\    /______/__|     /- -RandY='
                       »»»»»»»» \  / »»»»»» »»l____/
                                 \/            »»»»

 __ __/\___________________ _____ __  ___  _  _
í                           _ _ __
| [½16 ] Trsi.               _ _\/_
! _ __  __ _               __ _\/\/
`=----\/---- ----- --- ---------- ----- - ---  -  -

                    /        __ _    __  ______  ___/ /
                  \ \__/  \__/  Y____/____  ¼\¼\/  ¼\
                      //   \        ¼\   Y    \      \  \
                   / /     \\   í    \\  ª    \\     \\ \\
                  \\ \______/___|     /________/______/ /
                      »»»»»» »»»l____/ »»»»»»»» »»»»»»
                                 »»»» <---[RandY]-- - -

 __ __/\___________________ _____ __  ___  _  _
í                           _ _ __
| [½17 ] Ozone Free.         _ _\/_
! _ __  __ _               __ _\/\/
`=----\/---- ----- --- ---------- ----- - ---  -  -

                __________________________/  \  _____________
               /   _   _______   ¼\   _  __ _ \/   __   _   ¼\
              /    Y   ¼\    _____/   Y  ¼\  \ \   ¼\   Y____/
     _____ _ //    |    \\   Y   ¼\   |   \\  \ \   \\ ___/ ¼\ _ __ ____ _
    ª: .    /      !     \\  ª    \\  !    \\  \ \_  \\  Y   \\
    |.      \_____________/________/________/___\   __/_______/
    |        »»»»»»»»»»»»» »»»»»»»» »»»»»»»» »»»\  /»» »»»»»»»
    |           ________________________________ \/   +   . +  
    !          /   _   ¼\  _   ¼\  _   ¼\  _   ¼\  . + +  +  +  
    |         /    Y____/  Y____/  Y____/  Y____/   ._    . + +
    ! .      //   ____/        ¼\ ___/ ¼\ ___/ ¼\   /_/\   ._ 
    `=-- ---/      |/      í    \\  Y   \\  Y   \\  \_\/   /_/\
      RandY \______!\______|     /_______/_______/         \_\/
             »»»»»»  »»»»»»l____/ »»»»»»» »»»»»»»

 __ __/\___________________ _____ __  ___  _  _
í                           _ _ __
| [½18 ] Eternal.            _ _\/_
! _ __  __ _               __ _\/\/
`=----\/---- ----- --- ---------- ----- - ---  -  -

        __________________________________/  \  ________________. __ _ _
    /  /   _   ¼\      ¼\  _   ¼\   _    __ _ \/  _______ ¼\   ¼|
   // /    Y____/_/  \__/  Y____/   Y____/   \ \  ¼\  __|   \   !___ _ __ _
     //   ___/ ¼\/    \   ___/ ¼\       ¼\    \ \  \\ \__   \\  Y  ¼\
  / /       Y   \\    \\    Y   \\  í    \\    \ \_ \\  |    \\     \\ _  _
 \\ \____________/_____/_________/__|     /____ \  __/__|     /______/_ __ ___
     »»»»»»»»»»»» »»»»» »»»»»»»»» »»l____/ »»»»\  /»» »»l____/ »»»»»»
    << RandY ------------ ----- -- - »»»» --- - \/ --- - »»»» -- -  - -

 __ __/\___________________ _____ __  ___  _  _
í                           _ _ __
| [½19 ] Atlantis.           _ _\/_
! _ __  __ _               __ _\/\/
`=----\/---- ----- --- ---------- ----- - ---  -  -

  _ _ __________________.    _ ______/  \  ______________/\____________ __
 .:______  __       ¼\ ¼| _ ______  __ _ \/   __        __  ___    _____ _ _
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 : .     »»»»  .     :      : .   »»»» .:  :\/    :    .        : RandY!   . .
                                                                  . .  .  

 __ __/\___________________ _____ __  ___  _  _
í                           _ _ __
| [½2o ] Boondocks.          _ _\/_
! _ __  __ _               __ _\/\/
`=----\/---- ----- --- ---------- ----- - ---  -  -

í:         á             . ª
|.                        :|
|                         .| /\
|:  _______________________l/  \  ________________________________ __________ _
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| .                        |------ \/ -------------------------->> »»»
!: .. . .              . .:!-------------------------------------------------->>

 __ __/\___________________ _____ __  ___  _  _
í                           _ _ __
| [½21 ] Dixy.               _ _\/_
! _ __  __ _               __ _\/\/
`=----\/---- ----- --- ---------- ----- - ---  -  -

                     __________/\___________ _________ __ __ _
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                  <<------------[RandY]----- »»»» ----- -  -

 __ __/\___________________ _____ __  ___  _  _
í                           _ _ __
| [½22 ] Visage.             _ _\/_
! _ __  __ _               __ _\/\/
`=----\/---- ----- --- ---------- ----- - ---  -  -

+-- -  -                              !:                 :|
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   `=--ª-----------------------------------------------------------=RandY='  ª
       .                              ! .. . ..      . ..:|                  |
                                      `=-----------------='           -  - --+

 __ __/\___________________ _____ __  ___  _  _
í                           _ _ __
| [½23 ] Premium.            _ _\/_
! _ __  __ _               __ _\/\/
`=----\/---- ----- --- ---------- ----- - ---  -  -

                                             í:.    :  ááá  á     á      .:|
                                             !.     .                     .|
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 |                   »»»»                    |      .                      !
 +------  -- -                               !:. .. : .. . .  .        . .:|

                          -= -=-------------=- =-

                  Yep!.. You're close to the end now m8..

         ___________________ _____ __  ___  _  _
     <--ª: á á .       
        |. Information.
   _ ___!  ALL ascii's made by ME! (RandY/Neo^MaydaY)
        |  IF you dont remove my sign on the ascii's, you're
        |: fully free to spread and use them! PLEASE RESPECT!
        ª  LOVELY support by my girlfriend Jennie! (Love you!)
        .  Original name..   Neo-2RdY.txt
           Original length.. 36000                                     í

           Programs used..   CygnusEd Professional V3.5                ª
           Music support..   Randy                                     |-
                             Green Day                                .í
                             Millencolin                              :|___ _
                             P3 & Radio Energy                         |
           Release date..    950810!                                   |
                                                           .  ..   . .:!-->
                     -  -- -----  ------- ----------------------------='

                          -= -=-------------=- =-

         ___________________ _____ __  ___  _  _
     <--ª: á á .       
        |. Greetings!
   _ ___!  .Jennie/Diffusion . Bad Cat/I.B.B . Zandax/Damage.
        |  .cG!/Ram Jam . Striker/Bronx . Leprechaun/Beatless.
        |: .Miko63/Iris . Ace/Trance . Terminator/Myth . Fate/Outlaws.
       -!  .Acid/D Version Team . Leon/Sardonyx . MrKing/Trsi.
        ª  .MrKeel/Nova . Alec Empire . Malakai/Sardonyx . Soldier/WR.
           .Qba/Trsi . Noodle/Facet's Pussy^Desire . Iro/Riot.
        !  .Seduce . D-Coy/Giants . Drac/Ambrosia . Base/Phuture 303.  .
        .  .Alphonse . MrFish . DrZaxy/Tronix . Violence/Reflections.
           .Wingnut/Superiors . Baggen/Access . Scarface/Offspring.    í
           .Dixy/Visage . Virtu/Nine Design . Dansken/Access .
           .Boggan/Less Effective . Rape . Phantom/Bravo(?) .          ª
           .Puff/Tension . Sealapex/Superiors(?) . Teeze/Sedge.        í
           .Benchen . Wizard/Subject . Kermit/Less Effective.          |
           .Nike/Trsi(?) . Marwic/Equinox(?) . Amon/Mystic.            |-
           .The sysop on Boondocks! ;) . Maze/Eltech.                 .í
                                                                      :|___ _
           And ofcourse to ALL I forgot.. You know.. It aint so easy   |
           to remember everyone you know, espescially not when you     |
           want to do it FAST!! ;)                                     |
                                                           .  ..   . .:!-->
                     -  -- -----  ------- ----------------------------='

   But.. Ofcourse also HUGE regards to ALL NEO and MAYDAY members worldwide!

                          -= -=-------------=- =-

      So.. Lets end this collection with some ascii respects from me,
              to those guys which I think REALLY DESERVES IT!

                              Virtu/9 Design
                        Violence/Mayday^Rfl m.m ;)

                          -= -=-------------=- =-

                               ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~     ~~~~~~~~

        í:                                                       :í
        |.         [  So.. Back to the bbs adverts...  ]         .|
       _! _                                                     _ !_
       \  /                                                     \  /
        \/                                                       \/