(start the colly 3...   we must act if we want to live in a better world..   
           .                          :                          .
           |        .     ____________|_____________     .       :
                \        ``\          |           /''       /    |
       _______/     _                 :               %%%%% \__________
      ___//%%%%%%  /|____     /|      |  /|____    /|____ %%%%%   \\_____
     /  %%%%%%% __/     |____/ |________/ _   |___/ |  _|_  %%%%%%      \
   _/ %%%%%%% __:   _______\_____   __:   |    .|   __   /__  %%%%%%%%  \\_
   \ %%%%%%%  |.    :    :|    .|   \\____|    :|   |/    .|   %%%%%%%%   /
    \  %%%%%% |_____|   __|    :|_____//  |     |___|     :| %%%%%%%%%   /
     \   %%%%%%%    |   \\___:  | [tank]] |______// |     :|__          /
      \\_____ %%% % |________|  :     | nOS!        |_______//  ______//
          : \\__________\\______|_____:________________________//  :
          .         |        /        .         \        |         .
                    .      ,/_________|__________\,      .
          |    /                      |                      \     |
          .                           :                            .

 colly by .._____  
                                       __.                    .__
      ________ /._______        ______//_________.               \_______   .
 _.____\     //__\_____ \__ ___//    /__\__/ .__ \_____ / _ _______\_  |_._/
 __//   _    ._/   \\  _. \_\__  \__/  __     //_     //_(_)\__  ___/__\   \ .
 \_____/|     ___   :  \\__  _|/  .________\\  _/  __   \__   \  \__  /___  \:
        |______\|______/__/  \  ____\  /_______\___/|  \_______//  \      .  _\
                :       \\______\                   |________\______\    /__/
                           nosanity by nOSaNitY               \    \____//

 . .  .. ..   ............ ........... ...........  . . .           ......
             :            :           . ._____     ____________           :.
  _______.----------|______ .---------:.     ;.----'        `------:__.----:_
 .|                       :_|                                       :       |
 :                                         |                        .       |_,
 |,                        ,               :,                                ||
 .|_______________,--------:                             :                   |
 .nOS!            .        |           ________,---------|__________:       _|
 .       next in tank      `-------..._|         :                  `-------'
  :......_.......:         .      ...    ...     .  ..   . . .. .     .. . .

   ..---------._______________                                                                         \\

    briefing:  the us armed forces has released information on the newly
 active multinational terrorist nosanity.  he has been supplying massive
 amounts of weapons and privately trained troops to hostile and aggresive
 nations throughout the world.  he owns shares in over 5,000 multi national
 corporations.  his vast supply of warheads is stagering to concieve, with
 enough nuclear might to destroy the world 15 times over, not to mention his
 over 8,000 chemical and biological weapons pointed at US, Northern Europe,
 and Asia.  His army seems to be low to his other military statistics and
 figures but these are among the best troops in the world and the most
 advanced vehicle in the world too, with over 9 million men and some 90,000
 tanks in all divisions of weight and an airforce of 5000 fighter and bombers
 we believe that any heavy resistance to his movement will plunder the world
 into economic chaos or the third world war..  His newly stolen plans of
 the c333 tank and new fortifications in Southern Europe have indicated to us
 that a massive production of over 10,000 of these tanks with new advanced
 features that we could not comprehend.  the 10,000 tanks will then be
 unleashed in europe with joint terrorist bombings to spread chaos through the
 continent, troops will then be deploid from the north and west by sea and
 in the east by air droppings, the rising of a new world power is needed
 and Europe is our choice to start the Empire.  You may wonder how i know this
 Sir, because i am one of nosanity's men and need your assitance to create
 a force of 2 million men, and employ another 6 million in the production of
 munitions and food.  No nuclear attack will be launched on you as we have
 disguised our troops of enemies or people we expect to help the creation
 of our long awaited and deserved power Europe.  We over a better future
 for all people in your nation and around the world, thanks for listening
 don't make this meeting go down in vain, this could be your brighter world
 too.  At the end of my documents u will recieve the # to reach nOSaNitY at
 and give him your choice.  Good bye
 . .  .. ..   ............ ........... ...........  . . .           ......
             :            :           . ._____     ____________           :.
  _______.----------|______ .---------:.     ;.----'        `------:__.----:_
 .|                       :_|                                       :       |
 :                                         |                        .       |_,
 |,                        ,               :,                                ||
 .|_______________,--------:                             :                   |
 .nOS!            .        |           ________,---------|__________:       _|
 .       next in tank      `-------..._|         :                  `-------'
  :......_.......:         .      ...    ...     .  ..   . . .. .     .. . .

  info on nOSaNitY the creator of taNk
               ___\_no pic available. /
  _____________\_________       _____/____     __________________________
  \|alias    :  nOSaNitY       . wanted for ;                         //_____
   |real     :  Rob Vasiloff   : questioning of terrorist bombings          :
   |height   :  6'3"           . drug trafficking                           .
   |weight   .  255 lbs        : war crimes                                 .
    eyes     .  blue           . possession of new top secret c333 tank     :
   .hair     :  brown            blue prints.
  _|seen last:  toronto        :___________________:___                       |
  | favourite                  : nOS is trained in |UN Security Council Top   |
  |      line:  ya know, eh?   .hand-to-hand combat|_      Risk             __|
  `---------------------------|'explosives, firearms`------..---------------'
         |has links to groups | stealth, driving of        |
         |Cia, triloxy,       | numerous vehicle, cilivian |
         |tincture            | and military, and ...      |
         |..._________________| aSCii                      |
                   |          |____________________________|        _________
        ___________|                                       :_______/        |
         report any information to your local embassy or UN office, do not  :
 contact your local police force as it will lead them to lose countless men
  as nOSaNitY calls for his numerous allies and partners in multinational   |
 terrorism as seen in his greetz list..                                     |

           ___________    ____________                        _______:_
           _\  __  //______\ _     //_________________________\__    |____
    _______|   \( _     .|   |     /_\ __         _\  __   ..   _\  ____/___
    \\     |_____/__    :|   |____/  __\(________/  __\(_______/_   \\    .|
      \          _/     :|________\\ \___     ___\\ \___        |   :|    :|
       |________//      :|nOS! |:       | ____|      : | ______/    .|    :|
     --greetz  |_________|     |__________|   |__________|    |      ______|
    sargon, tango, tk,   |                       | greetz--   `------'
  discofunk, aspyre, tum_|             __        | arlequin, mHz,
 palmore, dkentity,    _\______________\(       _|  speedfreak, universe,
  kresile, revolve    _[        ________________]_   oMi, b_demon, serial2n
   mrkite, tim drake  |         \(                ]  sagramore, M_Mouse, c4nn
    psyOnide, prodigy |__        \                |    seraphim, Dr_Freeze,
     biogen, blk_jack,  /_______________          |   meatpod, ohseven
               .                       |          |                 :
               :                       |__________|                 :
               :...------------others i forgot, sorry and greetz----.

 terrorist supported logos___..._

    :                           :     .
   _:.______.---------._________:    _:.-----------.______________.--.
   |  ____.-------._________.-------._:_.--------._____.--------. .  |
   | .|___       _______  ___       _/:\_       __     |        | :  |.
   | :.   /       \:_/    \|        | _ |       |/     _________| :.  |
   | ::  /____     \       |__________|__       |______|        | ::  |
   `| .. ...  \_____\______|   ... .. : |_______|.::. .\________| :: |'
    |     :::. .. .tank ..nOS!:::     : .. .   .:: .       .. .. .:  |_________
    `-----._____________.--------..:::________________.--------------'        .
    | %%             .                                                        |
   .| %   ###        |  requested by.  .__   read it as.                    _,|
   | %%   {1}       _|  pt             |/    denied                          |
   | %    {2}       |   nightmare      .     SiWS                            |
   |,     {3}       ]   tumd           .     obelix                          |
    |     {4}       ]   tum                  morph                          .:
    |     {5}       .   catch22        |     nS(menu)                       |
    |.    {6}       |:  tical          |,    the storm                      |
    `|    {7}       |   arlequin        |    cyprex                         |,
     |    {8}       |   liquid_q        |    cesspool                        |
    .|    {9}       |   discofunk     . |    gloom                           |
    |    {10}       |   speedfrk      :.|    sacred grounds                 .|
    |    {11}       |   bliz          :|     toxic                          |
    |    {12}       |   dopie          |     endor                          |
    |    {13}       |   thunder        |     mystical descent               |
    |    {14}       |.  xavi           |     spur posse                     |
    `|   {15}       |:  sagramore      |     mercury                        |,
     |   {16}       `|  r1ddler        |     the overdose    .               |
     |   {17}        |  error          |_    crisp                         % |.
     |   {18}        |  sagramore       ]    saggy           .            %% _|
     |   {19}        |  tk             _]    aftermath       :            %  :
     `......_________;--------...______|_____________________[    % %%  %%%  |

 . .  .. ..   ............ ........... ...........  . . .           ......
             :            :           . ._____     ____________           :.
  _______.----------|______ .---------:.     ;.----'        `------:__.----:_
 .|                       :_|                                       :       |
 :                                         |                        .       |_,
 |,                        ,               :,                                ||
 .|_______________,--------:                             :                   |
 .nOS!            .        |           ________,---------|__________:       _|
 .       next in tank      `-------..._|         :                  `-------'
  :......_.......:         .      ...    ...     .  ..   . . .. .     .. . .
       ..___ the start of the logo section.__
      :                      .--------------.      .--------._/
      .    .--------------.  .     ._       :.-----;         ______
      :                   :__|_    :        .      :   ------\    /________/
      . __.:___             :      .        .      ._____/                /
  ______\_____/--------            .        |/-----:___ _    _   : ______/
  \_              _/------\__/-----:______  /     __  \\  /------|/     /
   (_______________))     _//_______      \/      \|    \/      _|  ___/
      .   |    /         /        \|       \       |     \_ _   |   \   \___
      .   |   /.        /          \        \______|       /___.:_        //
      :   .  //        /           \\    ----\-------------(______)__.___ |
  _.----._: /         /__   _________\        \    _//               :   \:
  .       :/            :  ]:::::::[           \  ((_________.____________))
  :       /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+
  .     \/|    [[tank]      .:     .      .-     \:/._____    :. ______.:
  :      _._______________:_______ :..______-----.       :              |
  .       | \nOS!/---     :       .:           . |:.  .  .--------------:----.
  :_______|                                              :          ]        |
      [          taNk #  :  1     ._.   rEq by: pt                  ]        |
      [________                    :    saYs :  denied              ]________|
              :                    |_______________________________/]
              .____________________:                                ]_
                   .                                .                       .
                  /                     .          /                       /
        _________/._______  :__________/   .      /._______      _________/.
    .) ) )___   /_      (_((.\ _   __ (____)\____/_    ((___ .) ) )___   /_
 .         /.   \:   \___/___)/_   :))   _/______(:  \___/ .___     /    \:
  \_______/     \\    __/    .((    |    \:      :|   __/  __/_____/      \
   ))  __/   _    \_ :(/    . /     |:    \       )  :(/   .))  __/   _    \__
    \  \/   /):____(_______/(/______| . _((_____. \________)/\  \/   /):____(.(
     \_____/.       \.       \ .))_____\(        \(.          \_____/.
      \.              (nOS!() .                                \.


      :                      .--------------.      .--------._/
      .    .--------------.  .     ._       :.-----;         ______
      :                   :__|_    :        .      :   ------\    /________/
      . __.:___             :      .        .      ._____/                /
  ______\_____/--------            .        |/-----:___ _    _   : ______/
  \_              _/------\__/-----:______  /     __  \\  /------|/     /
   (_______________))     _//_______      \/      \|    \/      _|  ___/
      .   |    /         /        \|       \       |     \_ _   |   \   \___
      .   |   /.        /          \        \______|       /___.:_        //
      :   .  //        /           \\    ----\-------------(______)__.___ |
  _.----._: /         /__   _________\        \    _//               :   \:
  .       :/            :  ]:::::::[           \  ((_________.____________))
  :       /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+
  .     \/|    [[tank]      .:     .      .-     \:/._____    :. ______.:
  :      _._______________:_______ :..______-----.       :              |
  .       | \nOS!/---     :       .:           . |:.  .  .--------------:----.
  :_______|                                              :          ]        |
      [          taNk #  :  2     ._.   rEq by:  nightmare          ]        |
      [________                    :    saYs :   Siws               ]________|
              :                    |_______________________________/]
              .____________________:                                ]_
             ______                             ____:_      ______
            _/  _/______      _      .         /    :      _/  _/______
    ___.___//______     \____/ \_ /   \____\\ /    _|_____//______     \__
      __\        ________. \____//_____\   \_/       _\         ___     /
     //           \\    .|:         ./    _/ \_     /            \\     |
     \____________/      \_        //     \ ._\\___ \____________/      \_
         nOS!     \______//________/________|      |__\\         \______//
                                 siws       :
                        secret international warez society

      :                      .--------------.      .--------._/
      .    .--------------.  .     ._       :.-----;         ______
      :                   :__|_    :        .      :   ------\    /________/
      . __.:___             :      .        .      ._____/                /
  ______\_____/--------            .        |/-----:___ _    _   : ______/
  \_              _/------\__/-----:______  /     __  \\  /------|/     /
   (_______________))     _//_______      \/      \|    \/      _|  ___/
      .   |    /         /        \|       \       |     \_ _   |   \   \___
      .   |   /.        /          \        \______|       /___.:_        //
      :   .  //        /           \\    ----\-------------(______)__.___ |
  _.----._: /         /__   _________\        \    _//               :   \:
  .       :/            :  ]:::::::[           \  ((_________.____________))
  :       /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+
  .     \/|    [[tank]      .:     .      .-     \:/._____    :. ______.:
  :      _._______________:_______ :..______-----.       :              |
  .       | \nOS!/---     :       .:           . |:.  .  .--------------:----.
  :_______|                                              :          ]        |
      [          taNk #  : 3      ._.   rEq by: obelix              ]        |
      [________                    :    saYs :  tumd                ]________|
              :                    |_______________________________/]
              .____________________:                                ]_

  _ __ __ _/\___________       _  __   __ ___________     __________ /\
     \  ___/\____    //___ _        /\    \       ./       \      /__/\_____
  ______\\_   _//_     /    /\_____./\_____\\    // _____/\_\    /\      _//
  \\_____        \   ./____//     _     \_       /__\___//_            \/\__
    /.  ___/__   /  //   \\__     \______/      /_        _\/  _./\       //_
 __//    \/    _/  _/ ___  \/   _____/___   \\_/   \_____/         \___  ____\
 \\__.        __   \   \/   \__  \     _/____          .\__________\\  \/
   //____ _____//____  __.___//_____  ____//_____  _____\\             \/
         \/          \/             \/           \/
         \/          \/             \/           \/     _____________
                                    \/                  (nOSaNitY(!)
      :                      .--------------.      .--------._/
      .    .--------------.  .     ._       :.-----;         ______
      :                   :__|_    :        .      :   ------\    /________/
      . __.:___             :      .        .      ._____/                /
  ______\_____/--------            .        |/-----:___ _    _   : ______/
  \_              _/------\__/-----:______  /     __  \\  /------|/     /
   (_______________))     _//_______      \/      \|    \/      _|  ___/
      .   |    /         /        \|       \       |     \_ _   |   \   \___
      .   |   /.        /          \        \______|       /___.:_        //
      :   .  //        /           \\    ----\-------------(______)__.___ |
  _.----._: /         /__   _________\        \    _//               :   \:
  .       :/            :  ]:::::::[           \  ((_________.____________))
  :       /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+
  .     \/|    [[tank]      .:     .      .-     \:/._____    :. ______.:
  :      _._______________:_______ :..______-----.       :              |
  .       | \nOS!/---     :       .:           . |:.  .  .--------------:----.
  :_______|                                              :          ]        |
      [          taNk #  : 4      ._.   rEq by: tum                 ]        |
      [________                    :    saYs : morph                ]________|
              :                    |_______________________________/]
              .____________________:                                ]_

        _ __ _/\  _:               __/\         _:::.      __ .
             /  \/ |____/\_:__   _/ | ______  _/ :______  / | _
      ______/  \_:    __ __: //__\  |/      /_\ _|_   /__/  |/\
      \_\       |_____/   \:  \__   _ :___\      |/   __/ __   \__
         \      |  :: \______  /     \|    |_   \____ ;/  |/____\_\
          \  ___:  /\        \/________\    /     | \_ /__/  :    _
           \/   :            \/            /_______\  \/     .
                   _____/\;:   nOS!
                   \_\morph \__
      :                      .--------------.      .--------._/
      .    .--------------.  .     ._       :.-----;         ______
      :                   :__|_    :        .      :   ------\    /________/
      . __.:___             :      .        .      ._____/                /
  ______\_____/--------            .        |/-----:___ _    _   : ______/
  \_              _/------\__/-----:______  /     __  \\  /------|/     /
   (_______________))     _//_______      \/      \|    \/      _|  ___/
      .   |    /         /        \|       \       |     \_ _   |   \   \___
      .   |   /.        /          \        \______|       /___.:_        //
      :   .  //        /           \\    ----\-------------(______)__.___ |
  _.----._: /         /__   _________\        \    _//               :   \:
  .       :/            :  ]:::::::[           \  ((_________.____________))
  :       /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+
  .     \/|    [[tank]      .:     .      .-     \:/._____    :. ______.:
  :      _._______________:_______ :..______-----.       :              |
  .       | \nOS!/---     :       .:           . |:.  .  .--------------:----.
  :_______|                                              :          ]        |
      [          taNk #  : 5      ._.   rEq by: catch 22            ]        |
      [________                    :    saYs : nS                   ]________|
              :                    |_______________________________/]
              .____________________:                                ]_
              oo,,.          oo,,.
       oo,,.$""    @  oo,,.@""  % @
    .o""    "    % $o""         % $                o
    ;,      $    % $ %     $    % $ %:$$$$$$$pppo..'
    `$ %    $      $ %     7oooooo$.               %            ,   o
     $ %    $    % $pooooooo     % $    menu       @%o,,.,.     p   '
     $ %    $    % $"      $     % $                    $o,,.   $   '
     $.,oo""d      $ %     $     % $                        $o,o.   $
     "  %   $..,,oad %     ".,,oooo$                            $   $
       '$          $_..,,oo""                                   $   $
 ,%..oa%$          "                 ,oo,,'
   $     % %                          % %                           $
   $     % %                          % %                       oooo":o"
         % %                          % %                       $
  ,%.    % %                          % %                         o .O   pp
   $     % %                          % %                           o    $
   $%% %                                                        oo..,,,ood
       .,oooo;ooo ";                                            %
       "     %     $   apppppp                                  $
             %     $oop'     $ooooo                        ooo"""
             q     ,         %    $            o         %%%
                   p         $    $oooooooooo%dd""""""""""

      :                      .--------------.      .--------._/
      .    .--------------.  .     ._       :.-----;         ______
      :                   :__|_    :        .      :   ------\    /________/
      . __.:___             :      .        .      ._____/                /
  ______\_____/--------            .        |/-----:___ _    _   : ______/
  \_              _/------\__/-----:______  /     __  \\  /------|/     /
   (_______________))     _//_______      \/      \|    \/      _|  ___/
      .   |    /         /        \|       \       |     \_ _   |   \   \___
      .   |   /.        /          \        \______|       /___.:_        //
      :   .  //        /           \\    ----\-------------(______)__.___ |
  _.----._: /         /__   _________\        \    _//               :   \:
  .       :/            :  ]:::::::[           \  ((_________.____________))
  :       /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+
  .     \/|    [[tank]      .:     .      .-     \:/._____    :. ______.:
  :      _._______________:_______ :..______-----.       :              |
  .       | \nOS!/---     :       .:           . |:.  .  .--------------:----.
  :_______|                                              :          ]        |
      [          taNk #  : 6      ._.   rEq by: tical               ]        |
      [________                    :    saYs :  the storm           ]________|
              :                    |_______________________________/]
              .____________________:                                ]_
                            ;               .
                         __/:___     :   __/:___
                      ___|  :__/____/|___|_   /]_:
                      \__   |    \    //__| \____/
                         \__|____|___\   :\  |   |  .
               .           \|    : |_____:\__|. //
               :            |            :   \|/    :          :
          _____|\______:____:___\        |    :_____: ____|____|_______ _
     ____// |_________\|    : |______ ___|_____\\   |/ ___/   \_/   /_
 ____\\__________   \\_      _.____//____   \\_  __ | |/ \\   \_/   //___
 \\.          :[/      __    \] __|   \]:.   ___   \__ _____   |______/_/
   [           [      //      |_ \    _|      |:_  \\   __|    |
   |:          :       |      //  \|  _:_______|    ]   \\_.___]
   |:          |     __[      |   _|\; ]_   //______|      :|  :
   |_          |     \\________       :|            ]   :   |__:
    \\         |:     :| nOS! ]        |         ___|   :__/// .
      [________|:     :|      |________: _______/   :_  :
               |      _|      :       \__:              .
               |     //       .
               : ___/        the storm
      :                      .--------------.      .--------._/
      .    .--------------.  .     ._       :.-----;         ______
      :                   :__|_    :        .      :   ------\    /________/
      . __.:___             :      .        .      ._____/                /
  ______\_____/--------            .        |/-----:___ _    _   : ______/
  \_              _/------\__/-----:______  /     __  \\  /------|/     /
   (_______________))     _//_______      \/      \|    \/      _|  ___/
      .   |    /         /        \|       \       |     \_ _   |   \   \___
      .   |   /.        /          \        \______|       /___.:_        //
      :   .  //        /           \\    ----\-------------(______)__.___ |
  _.----._: /         /__   _________\        \    _//               :   \:
  .       :/            :  ]:::::::[           \  ((_________.____________))
  :       /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+
  .     \/|    [[tank]      .:     .      .-     \:/._____    :. ______.:
  :      _._______________:_______ :..______-----.       :              |
  .       | \nOS!/---     :       .:           . |:.  .  .--------------:----.
  :_______|                                              :          ]        |
      [          taNk #  : 7      ._.   rEq by: arlequin            ]        |
      [________                    :    saYs :  cyprex              ]________|
              :                    |_______________________________/]
              .____________________:                                ]_

             /\                               _
             /\           ;\_____      :\____/  :\___      /\_____:\\/
 _ __ ____:\/ \\    /\____|  _  /_/\__/     /__/    /_____/  \___    \/\_____ _
   \  _\.__     \__/____  |  /\____     |/ __    |/ __.    /____/___  \  __/
     /   |\______.___  /____.   \|:    \___\  _\ __/ ._  \\__/____ :/    /\___
    /__ _________|/\|________ ______.   \|     \\    \______ _____\___| ____//
       \| nOS!   .  :       |/   |/._____|/____;______\     \|        |/
                            cyprex       :                            :
      :                      .--------------.      .--------._/
      .    .--------------.  .     ._       :.-----;         ______
      :                   :__|_    :        .      :   ------\    /________/
      . __.:___             :      .        .      ._____/                /
  ______\_____/--------            .        |/-----:___ _    _   : ______/
  \_              _/------\__/-----:______  /     __  \\  /------|/     /
   (_______________))     _//_______      \/      \|    \/      _|  ___/
      .   |    /         /        \|       \       |     \_ _   |   \   \___
      .   |   /.        /          \        \______|       /___.:_        //
      :   .  //        /           \\    ----\-------------(______)__.___ |
  _.----._: /         /__   _________\        \    _//               :   \:
  .       :/            :  ]:::::::[           \  ((_________.____________))
  :       /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+
  .     \/|    [[tank]      .:     .      .-     \:/._____    :. ______.:
  :      _._______________:_______ :..______-----.       :              |
  .       | \nOS!/---     :       .:           . |:.  .  .--------------:----.
  :_______|                                              :          ]        |
      [          taNk #  : 8      ._.   rEq by: liquid_q            ]        |
      [________                    :    saYs :  cess pool           ]________|
              :                    |_______________________________/]
              .____________________:                                ]_

            _____:___/\  _____:/\_     ____:/\_      _____/\_
         .__\  _ :   _/__\\      /__ __\      /___ __\      /__
         __\\ _|/\___. \\: ._/\___/\_\\:_ \_____/\_\\:_ \_____/\______
     _ __/    :\     :__ . _  _:/  ___ _/\  __   ___ _/\  __   ___ _//
        \  ___.|      \__ __\_|     \_____\_|/    \_____\_:/    \\/
         \/ /__:_______\\/ \_:_______\  //__:______\  //_________\
                  nOS!       :
            .  _______:/\_______:/\_________:/\________/\_
              _\   _. :__ _.\\__:_   _. \\__:_   _\_     /
           _:_\\   \  |/  \__   |/   \\__   |/   \\_   _/\._________
           _|       \:|____//   :    __|/   :    __|   \\     ____/
           \\__     :\/   \_______    \ ______    \  __________\\
            /________\\        /:______\    |______\/            \

                       cess pool
      :                      .--------------.      .--------._/
      .    .--------------.  .     ._       :.-----;         ______
      :                   :__|_    :        .      :   ------\    /________/
      . __.:___             :      .        .      ._____/                /
  ______\_____/--------            .        |/-----:___ _    _   : ______/
  \_              _/------\__/-----:______  /     __  \\  /------|/     /
   (_______________))     _//_______      \/      \|    \/      _|  ___/
      .   |    /         /        \|       \       |     \_ _   |   \   \___
      .   |   /.        /          \        \______|       /___.:_        //
      :   .  //        /           \\    ----\-------------(______)__.___ |
  _.----._: /         /__   _________\        \    _//               :   \:
  .       :/            :  ]:::::::[           \  ((_________.____________))
  :       /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+
  .     \/|    [[tank]      .:     .      .-     \:/._____    :. ______.:
  :      _._______________:_______ :..______-----.       :              |
  .       | \nOS!/---     :       .:           . |:.  .  .--------------:----.
  :_______|                                              :          ]        |
      [          taNk #  : 9      ._.   rEq by: discofunk           ]        |
      [________                    :    saYs :  gloom               ]________|
              :                    |_______________________________/]
              .____________________:                                ]_
                  .     .       :      .        :
      . ______     .            .____ :     .___._  _          .
     .:_\ ._ /_____/\___:  ______:  |/\_____:   :/  :________ .
   \_\|   |________/   _:__\.__ _:__  __\  _:__ _ \/:   ._  //
 _/\\____  \|   /_ ._  _|_ ___/  |/  //__  .|/; \___:   _|\/
    \  /__. : ____\/__ \|: /._  _.____\/___\__:__/\__    |:. 
          :__\/   \/ \__.__|| \/ :    \/      .   \:     |_ 
          .  \/       \     : /_      ..      :   \/_______\ 
                      gloom            :          \/  nOS!
      :                      .--------------.      .--------._/
      .    .--------------.  .     ._       :.-----;         ______
      :                   :__|_    :        .      :   ------\    /________/
      . __.:___             :      .        .      ._____/                /
  ______\_____/--------            .        |/-----:___ _    _   : ______/
  \_              _/------\__/-----:______  /     __  \\  /------|/     /
   (_______________))     _//_______      \/      \|    \/      _|  ___/
      .   |    /         /        \|       \       |     \_ _   |   \   \___
      .   |   /.        /          \        \______|       /___.:_        //
      :   .  //        /           \\    ----\-------------(______)__.___ |
  _.----._: /         /__   _________\        \    _//               :   \:
  .       :/            :  ]:::::::[           \  ((_________.____________))
  :       /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+
  .     \/|    [[tank]      .:     .      .-     \:/._____    :. ______.:
  :      _._______________:_______ :..______-----.       :              |
  .       | \nOS!/---     :       .:           . |:.  .  .--------------:----.
  :_______|                                              :          ]        |
      [          taNk #  : 10     ._.   rEq by: speedfrk            ]        |
      [________                    :    saYs : sacred grounds       ]________|
              :                    |_______________________________/]
              .____________________:                                ]_

          /\     /\   _______.__/\________          /\_.
       __/  \.__/. \___\ ____|___ \_____|____ .____|_  |_
    ___\_  \_/\\___ \_____\  ___/   \_| \___//__  \|    /
    \   |_____/ \| ___//   \/|_______._  _\  .|:\__  __|
     \  |   \____:\/         nOS!      \/  \  |    \/
      \_|    ____:_.__/\______._____    .   \_|         /\_.   /\
          ___\_ -: |    \_________/_____:_ _ ._/\._____|_  |__/  \.
           \   \/  |      \_/  \/   _. /|. _// _ //__ \|  _\___\_/____
            \  |_/_:________._______\  ______. |___/:\__  _\   |___//
             \_| :    Sacred grounds \/  /__\  |        \/  \  |
                 .                           \_\__           \_|
      :                      .--------------.      .--------._/
      .    .--------------.  .     ._       :.-----;         ______
      :                   :__|_    :        .      :   ------\    /________/
      . __.:___             :      .        .      ._____/                /
  ______\_____/--------            .        |/-----:___ _    _   : ______/
  \_              _/------\__/-----:______  /     __  \\  /------|/     /
   (_______________))     _//_______      \/      \|    \/      _|  ___/
      .   |    /         /        \|       \       |     \_ _   |   \   \___
      .   |   /.        /          \        \______|       /___.:_        //
      :   .  //        /           \\    ----\-------------(______)__.___ |
  _.----._: /         /__   _________\        \    _//               :   \:
  .       :/            :  ]:::::::[           \  ((_________.____________))
  :       /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+
  .     \/|    [[tank]      .:     .      .-     \:/._____    :. ______.:
  :      _._______________:_______ :..______-----.       :              |
  .       | \nOS!/---     :       .:           . |:.  .  .--------------:----.
  :_______|                                              :          ]        |
      [          taNk #  : 11     ._.   rEq by: bliz                ]        |
      [________                    :    saYs :  toxic               ]________|
              :                    |_______________________________/]
              .____________________:                                ]_
                    i              .                         ,;
            ..,     ;             ;'   .';.....,,.;  .,    .,; `.
               ;. ,,;.,.,..  ...':::,..;          `'; ;   ;      ;;.
           o$    `    .;   `'    ;    ',.      ,.  `  `".`'
          &$7%%%oo,.    .,o%%%o  "           ,;""         .  .,o%%%o
     ..,n%$$$"  .,""'  i$$"   7%,,  .,,a%.$7""   .,,a%$$7"' i$$"'  7%,,
    "",  `$$$       ;  $$$      "; ""  ~&$$"        ~&$$"   $$$      """",,.
          $$$      .$%.$$$       $%.    $$&          $$&    $$$      .;%.
        .,$$$,      $$ $$$,      $$     $$$          $$$    $$$,      $$
         `"$$$     ,$$ "$$$     ,$$ ;%..$^$,   .; ;,.7$$,   "$$$     ,$$
            `""%%%%""    `""%%%%""  ``"""  ^"%''  "~^'  ^"%.  `""%%%%""
                "    .'      "   ,      ,,             .,,        "
                      ;,,    ....  ..   ; ;.                   ;.    ..,`';
         :           :  ; ...;   `''`...;  ;:......';,,.;    ;;' ;..,'    ;
         ;;:....  ; '`. `'             nOS!             `';  ;             ;
           :   `.;;                                       `".;
      :                      .--------------.      .--------._/
      .    .--------------.  .     ._       :.-----;         ______
      :                   :__|_    :        .      :   ------\    /________/
      . __.:___             :      .        .      ._____/                /
  ______\_____/--------            .        |/-----:___ _    _   : ______/
  \_              _/------\__/-----:______  /     __  \\  /------|/     /
   (_______________))     _//_______      \/      \|    \/      _|  ___/
      .   |    /         /        \|       \       |     \_ _   |   \   \___
      .   |   /.        /          \        \______|       /___.:_        //
      :   .  //        /           \\    ----\-------------(______)__.___ |
  _.----._: /         /__   _________\        \    _//               :   \:
  .       :/            :  ]:::::::[           \  ((_________.____________))
  :       /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+
  .     \/|    [[tank]      .:     .      .-     \:/._____    :. ______.:
  :      _._______________:_______ :..______-----.       :              |
  .       | \nOS!/---     :       .:           . |:.  .  .--------------:----.
  :_______|                                              :          ]        |
      [          taNk #  : 12     ._.   rEq by: dopie               ]        |
      [________                    :    saYs : endor                ]________|
              :                    |_______________________________/]
              .____________________:                                ]_
               .                       ___.__                    ___
    ___,_\----/_______\-----.__/     _/   |    ___\----//__.____/ _:___
   //___   |\_________\\    _ /__ __/   __|_____\   _______: _\   \| /___
      \      \\      \      :    \\_     \|  /      |/     |/   _:__/   |
      //----/|       //----/|    ___;__.   //________      __    |      |___
             `-------' nOS! |      \\ \------\\     `-----;//---/|       _//
                            `-------'                     .     _|       |
             endor         \----/     ______.___           \____:|       |
                       _..__\   :__/\_\\   /;  /            \\____       |
                         \\        /\                            /-------\
      :                      .--------------.      .--------._/
      .    .--------------.  .     ._       :.-----;         ______
      :                   :__|_    :        .      :   ------\    /________/
      . __.:___             :      .        .      ._____/                /
  ______\_____/--------            .        |/-----:___ _    _   : ______/
  \_              _/------\__/-----:______  /     __  \\  /------|/     /
   (_______________))     _//_______      \/      \|    \/      _|  ___/
      .   |    /         /        \|       \       |     \_ _   |   \   \___
      .   |   /.        /          \        \______|       /___.:_        //
      :   .  //        /           \\    ----\-------------(______)__.___ |
  _.----._: /         /__   _________\        \    _//               :   \:
  .       :/            :  ]:::::::[           \  ((_________.____________))
  :       /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+
  .     \/|    [[tank]      .:     .      .-     \:/._____    :. ______.:
  :      _._______________:_______ :..______-----.       :              |
  .       | \nOS!/---     :       .:           . |:.  .  .--------------:----.
  :_______|                                              :          ]        |
      [          taNk #  : 13     ._.   rEq by: thunder             ]        |
      [________                    :    saYs :  mystical descent    ]________|
              :                    |_______________________________/]
              .____________________:                                ]_

   ______     ______.        _____   ______.        .________  _______:
   \    ._____\__   :_______/    |___\_   |_________:    _  /__|    /___
   _\__ |       /_  |    /__  \____]___     _____| ;/    |   / ______ |
  _|   \_/    ___| \_______] _____ |_ _|   \_;__   ]    _|_____]__  /_|________
 //______]    \\______    _|     :  //___   |   \  |    [[    :   \  _:     _]]
       _|:     __|  |     ]      |____|_|   |______|     |  //_______]      |
      //_______]    |_____ ______]    //____]  //________:      |______     |
                          :            nOS!              |______]     [_____|
         .                .                      .                          :
         :_______________ _ ______    .________  :____________              .
      ___:____       [[_____/    |____:    _  /__[        _ :| ______
      \_     ].   _____/      \____|_      |   / ._______ | :|_\_  .|_______
       |:    |: _[    _________   _ :     _|_____[      _ |  ]___     _____|_
      _|:    |: |   \___      :    _]     [[    _   \___| |     ||   \_;_|  ]]
     //_____ |  |______]     .]____|      :|  //|______]  |     ___  :|   \ |
          [__|      :_________|    ]_______:      |_______:     |_|   |_____|
             |______]              :       |______]     |_______//____]  //_
                          mystical descent

      :                      .--------------.      .--------._/
      .    .--------------.  .     ._       :.-----;         ______
      :                   :__|_    :        .      :   ------\    /________/
      . __.:___             :      .        .      ._____/                /
  ______\_____/--------            .        |/-----:___ _    _   : ______/
  \_              _/------\__/-----:______  /     __  \\  /------|/     /
   (_______________))     _//_______      \/      \|    \/      _|  ___/
      .   |    /         /        \|       \       |     \_ _   |   \   \___
      .   |   /.        /          \        \______|       /___.:_        //
      :   .  //        /           \\    ----\-------------(______)__.___ |
  _.----._: /         /__   _________\        \    _//               :   \:
  .       :/            :  ]:::::::[           \  ((_________.____________))
  :       /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+
  .     \/|    [[tank]      .:     .      .-     \:/._____    :. ______.:
  :      _._______________:_______ :..______-----.       :              |
  .       | \nOS!/---     :       .:           . |:.  .  .--------------:----.
  :_______|                                              :          ]        |
      [          taNk #  : 14     ._.   rEq by: xavi                ]        |
      [________                    :    saYs :  spur posse          ]________|
              :                    |_______________________________/]
              .____________________:                                ]_
         _:       .                  :
       ___|\__   /|_________ _______/|  _ _________  .  :
     __\__   //_/  :__\  _ |____:__  |____:___\   |_/:_/|__
     \ __.  ______. /  __/  ______\\ :   _ __ __/  __|.-//
       _:\____\| \\ ___\\___ \:|/_   :__ \:|__\\_  \\| _\
     __\:   //_:   :| \__  \:_|_\\   |/   _:_\__ / |__/\________
       :\\_ __|   :_\__\|    \_______:     \__/    _:___      _//
          :___\\   | __ |_____.//   \|_____ //:     |//       :
            \-._________\\ \.|       |    |/ _|     |:       _]
              : !nOS!       :    _:  :    :  \     /      __ _]_
    _ ________:_   /\    .__|  ___|\__    |__|\__ /    .    \_|:_
      ___\  _ |/___/\____\_.___\__   //__/\__   //__/|_:     _]__\
     __/  __/  ___.-\______|/\ __.  ________.  _____ __/\_:   |:
    \\____\\___ \| ._     \|   _:\____\| __:\____\| _|/__ |___]:\_____
         \__  \:_|//\\____ :___\:   //_: \_:   //_: ____\     _|_   _/
          \|     :_/\     \|   :\\_ ____\ :_\____|  __ //| ___\\|__/\___
           |____ ./\/      :      :___\\   | ____:    \__:  // _____ //
                \: \/      .         |_______\  |______/_|_    |      \_
                 .                        /   | :/_    \\_____/|__     /
                                         /_________      \     : |___//
                  spur posse                      :____________:     /

      :                      .--------------.      .--------._/
      .    .--------------.  .     ._       :.-----;         ______
      :                   :__|_    :        .      :   ------\    /________/
      . __.:___             :      .        .      ._____/                /
  ______\_____/--------            .        |/-----:___ _    _   : ______/
  \_              _/------\__/-----:______  /     __  \\  /------|/     /
   (_______________))     _//_______      \/      \|    \/      _|  ___/
      .   |    /         /        \|       \       |     \_ _   |   \   \___
      .   |   /.        /          \        \______|       /___.:_        //
      :   .  //        /           \\    ----\-------------(______)__.___ |
  _.----._: /         /__   _________\        \    _//               :   \:
  .       :/            :  ]:::::::[           \  ((_________.____________))
  :       /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+
  .     \/|    [[tank]      .:     .      .-     \:/._____    :. ______.:
  :      _._______________:_______ :..______-----.       :              |
  .       | \nOS!/---     :       .:           . |:.  .  .--------------:----.
  :_______|                                              :          ]        |
      [          taNk #  : 15     ._.   rEq by: sagramore           ]        |
      [________                    :    saYs :  mercury             ]________|
              :                    |_______________________________/]
              .____________________:                                ]_
     ..    .                          ......
     ;    ;;......         .    :....      ;         ;....     .;:..
     .           ;        ;;    ;   :.:    :         ;   ;     ;   :. .
        ________   /\   ..;    ____________________        ___/\___    ;
     ___\      \\__/\   :   ___//      / _//      /_:______// /\  /_:
    __\            /\_   ___\\  __    /:_\  \________/: \\ _ _/\ /  |______
     |:    \\___/    /   _\     ||___/\ :    |_     __\    :    /   |   //
   __|:      ||      |_  |:   ____/   :|:     |:    \\    /|___/\__ |   |
   _|        ||:      //_|:     | ____:|.__  _|_   __\    __\\   _:\    |_
   \\________||:        |_     :| |_   |  \\   :   /_____/ |     ||      |
     .   ;   ||____________/   :|  |   \ ___:__  _/   :  |       ||_____ |
     ;;...   \/    nOS! | :     |  :     :| .\ \/     .  |       \|  .  \|
        ...; \/         \\______:__      :|    \/        |__      |  ..  :
      ..; ;  \/  ;.  ..       .  ||______//    \/     ;  .  \\____:_  :..
      ;   ;..... .   Mercury  ;..        ;            ::..    .        ;
      ;...                      :...     ;   ..:  ...;   ;
                                  ;            :.. ;         .;
                                                   .   ..  ; ;
      :                      .--------------.      .--------._/
      .    .--------------.  .     ._       :.-----;         ______
      :                   :__|_    :        .      :   ------\    /________/
      . __.:___             :      .        .      ._____/                /
  ______\_____/--------            .        |/-----:___ _    _   : ______/
  \_              _/------\__/-----:______  /     __  \\  /------|/     /
   (_______________))     _//_______      \/      \|    \/      _|  ___/
      .   |    /         /        \|       \       |     \_ _   |   \   \___
      .   |   /.        /          \        \______|       /___.:_        //
      :   .  //        /           \\    ----\-------------(______)__.___ |
  _.----._: /         /__   _________\        \    _//               :   \:
  .       :/            :  ]:::::::[           \  ((_________.____________))
  :       /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+
  .     \/|    [[tank]      .:     .      .-     \:/._____    :. ______.:
  :      _._______________:_______ :..______-----.       :              |
  .       | \nOS!/---     :       .:           . |:.  .  .--------------:----.
  :_______|                                              :          ]        |
      [          taNk #  : 16     ._.   rEq by: r1ddler             ]        |
      [________                    :    saYs :  the overdose        ]________|
              :                    |_______________________________/]
              .____________________:                                ]_
                  .::.           ::          .::.
                 .   ::.    the  ::        .::   .
                       ::.       ::       .::
       ___\_____     |   |      _    _| /)    |_ _|  /) |__  .
    __//      )/ ___\\   |__    |_   \_____//  _ \______//---|__
    \________    \_______|/      |____   /   __|     \________/
            \_________//\_______//   \_______//_______//     :::::::::...
   ...:::::: ___,---\\__  ___,---\\__,_   _,__//----,___,----\\______,-
        _____\_____    /__\_____      |___|______  \__/_    _| /(    |__
        //      :|/   _ /     )/    \\___    __)/      |_   \_____//  _|
       |______   |    \______          _/     \_________|____   /   __|
             |__________//  \_________//________/      //   \_______//_
               ..  nOS!     over dose             ::.
             .::                 ::                 ::.
           .::                   ::                   ::.
         .::                     ::
      :                      .--------------.      .--------._/
      .    .--------------.  .     ._       :.-----;         ______
      :                   :__|_    :        .      :   ------\    /________/
      . __.:___             :      .        .      ._____/                /
  ______\_____/--------            .        |/-----:___ _    _   : ______/
  \_              _/------\__/-----:______  /     __  \\  /------|/     /
   (_______________))     _//_______      \/      \|    \/      _|  ___/
      .   |    /         /        \|       \       |     \_ _   |   \   \___
      .   |   /.        /          \        \______|       /___.:_        //
      :   .  //        /           \\    ----\-------------(______)__.___ |
  _.----._: /         /__   _________\        \    _//               :   \:
  .       :/            :  ]:::::::[           \  ((_________.____________))
  :       /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+
  .     \/|    [[tank]      .:     .      .-     \:/._____    :. ______.:
  :      _._______________:_______ :..______-----.       :              |
  .       | \nOS!/---     :       .:           . |:.  .  .--------------:----.
  :_______|                                              :          ]        |
      [          taNk #  :  17    ._.   rEq by: error               ]        |
      [________                    :    saYs :  crisp               ]________|
              :                    |_______________________________/]
              .____________________:                                ]_

              .,,.       .,,.       .,        .,,.        .,,.
            ""$$$"&o,. ""8$$"&o.  ""$$7p""  ""$$$^&o,.  ""8$$"&o.
             ;$$$ $$$$, ,$$$ $$$,   "$$$     ;$$$ $$$$,  ,$$$ $$$
             $$$$ _ı'    $$$.ı"'     $$$     $$$$    .    $$$.ı"'
             $$$$ `$$$"  $$$"$$$     $$$     `"""""$$$    $$$
             $$$$  $$$   $$$ $$$     $$$    "$$$   $$$    $$$
             $$$$ .$$$   $$$ $$$.    $$$.    $$$   $$$.   $$$.
             "$$$,$$$"   $$$ "$$$    "$$$    $$$   "$$$   "$$$
                 "$$$    `""  $$$     $$$    $$$,.__$$$    $$$
                   `;  nOS! .,$$$o. .,$$$mo. $$$""       .,$$$o,.

      :                      .--------------.      .--------._/
      .    .--------------.  .     ._       :.-----;         ______
      :                   :__|_    :        .      :   ------\    /________/
      . __.:___             :      .        .      ._____/                /
  ______\_____/--------            .        |/-----:___ _    _   : ______/
  \_              _/------\__/-----:______  /     __  \\  /------|/     /
   (_______________))     _//_______      \/      \|    \/      _|  ___/
      .   |    /         /        \|       \       |     \_ _   |   \   \___
      .   |   /.        /          \        \______|       /___.:_        //
      :   .  //        /           \\    ----\-------------(______)__.___ |
  _.----._: /         /__   _________\        \    _//               :   \:
  .       :/            :  ]:::::::[           \  ((_________.____________))
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      [          taNk #  : 18     ._.   rEq by: sagramore           ]        |
      [________                    :    saYs :  saggy               ]________|
              :                    |_______________________________/]
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  .       | \nOS!/---     :       .:           . |:.  .  .--------------:----.
  :_______|                                              :          ]        |
      [          taNk #  : 19     ._.   rEq by: tk                  ]        |
      [________                    :    saYs :  aftermath           ]________|
              :                    |_______________________________/]
              .____________________:                                ]_

      _______         ______   ______      ______     _______
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 :                                         |                        .       |_,
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 .|_______________,--------:                             :                   |
 .nOS!            .        |           ________,---------|__________:       _|
 .       next in tank      `-------..._|         :                  `-------'
  :......_.......:         .      ...    ...     .  ..   . . .. .     .. . .
             .._the end..__

well...  that is 3 down..  colly that is :)  i liked this one the best
awesome mix of style and stuff, newschool and oldschool plus different
oldschool styles all over..  i do oldschool and newschool and if you
would like one..  email me nOSaNitY at spire@ionsys.com with all the
info and shiznit..  i don't trade ascii right now just do it for whoever
askes..  so email me if ya need/want and logos done or if you have any
feedback on my work..  thanks!

ps: i saw this in hiro's new colly so i wanted to try it eh, it's
his idea so give him the credit i just thought it'd be cool to do :)

::  colly # 1  Mad  , size :  62380  somethings, umm hehe :)
::  colly # 2  Slide, size :  63000          "
::  colly # 3  taNk , size :  64286          "
..  total ---- ALL  , size :  189666         "

  colly #3 by nOSaNitY        :
  _______ ________  ___.   \__|__
__|    /__\__   \__/   |____\ | /__
\\_      __//|   :|    _   /  |   /_
  |:     |   |   :|   :|   |   __/ |
 _|:    _|   |   :|   :|  _|___|   |
 \______\\   |____/____|  \\_  |   |__
+-----+  \___|     nOS!|____/\_|__ //