(start the colly 3... we must act if we want to live in a better world.. . : . | | . ____________|_____________ . : \ ``\ | /'' / | _____|_______\____________________/_______|__ _______/ _ : %%%%% \__________ ___//%%%%%% /|____ /| | /|____ /|____ %%%%% \\_____ / %%%%%%% __/ |____/ |________/ _ |___/ | _|_ %%%%%% \ _/ %%%%%%% __: _______\_____ __: | .| __ /__ %%%%%%%% \\_ \ %%%%%%% |. : :| .| \\____| :| |/ .| %%%%%%%% / \ %%%%%% |_____| __| :|_____// | |___| :| %%%%%%%%% / \ %%%%%%% | \\___: | [tank]] |______// | :|__ / \\_____ %%% % |________| : | nOS! |_______// ______// : \\__________\\______|_____:________________________// : . | / . \ | . . ,/_________|__________\, . | / | \ | | . : . colly by .._____ __. .__ ________ /._______ ______//_________. \_______ . _.____\ //__\_____ \__ ___// /__\__/ .__ \_____ / _ _______\_ |_._/ __// _ ._/ \\ _. \_\__ \__/ __ //_ //_(_)\__ ___/__\ \ . \_____/| ___ : \\__ _|/ .________\\ _/ __ \__ \ \__ /___ \: |______\|______/__/ \ ____\ /_______\___/| \_______// \ . _\ : \\______\ |________\______\ /__/ nosanity by nOSaNitY \ \____// . . .. .. ............ ........... ........... . . . ...... : : . ._____ ____________ :. _______.----------|______ .---------:. ;.----' `------:__.----:_ .| :_| : | : | . |_, |, , :, || .|_______________,--------: : | .nOS! . | ________,---------|__________: _| . next in tank `-------..._| : `-------' :......_.......: . ... ... . .. . . .. . .. . . ..---------._______________ \\ briefing: the us armed forces has released information on the newly active multinational terrorist nosanity. he has been supplying massive amounts of weapons and privately trained troops to hostile and aggresive nations throughout the world. he owns shares in over 5,000 multi national corporations. his vast supply of warheads is stagering to concieve, with enough nuclear might to destroy the world 15 times over, not to mention his over 8,000 chemical and biological weapons pointed at US, Northern Europe, and Asia. His army seems to be low to his other military statistics and figures but these are among the best troops in the world and the most advanced vehicle in the world too, with over 9 million men and some 90,000 tanks in all divisions of weight and an airforce of 5000 fighter and bombers we believe that any heavy resistance to his movement will plunder the world into economic chaos or the third world war.. His newly stolen plans of the c333 tank and new fortifications in Southern Europe have indicated to us that a massive production of over 10,000 of these tanks with new advanced features that we could not comprehend. the 10,000 tanks will then be unleashed in europe with joint terrorist bombings to spread chaos through the continent, troops will then be deploid from the north and west by sea and in the east by air droppings, the rising of a new world power is needed and Europe is our choice to start the Empire. You may wonder how i know this Sir, because i am one of nosanity's men and need your assitance to create a force of 2 million men, and employ another 6 million in the production of munitions and food. No nuclear attack will be launched on you as we have disguised our troops of enemies or people we expect to help the creation of our long awaited and deserved power Europe. We over a better future for all people in your nation and around the world, thanks for listening don't make this meeting go down in vain, this could be your brighter world too. At the end of my documents u will recieve the # to reach nOSaNitY at and give him your choice. Good bye . . .. .. ............ ........... ........... . . . ...... : : . ._____ ____________ :. _______.----------|______ .---------:. ;.----' `------:__.----:_ .| :_| : | : | . |_, |, , :, || .|_______________,--------: : | .nOS! . | ________,---------|__________: _| . next in tank `-------..._| : `-------' :......_.......: . ... ... . .. . . .. . .. . . info on nOSaNitY the creator of taNk _____________________ ___\_no pic available. / _____________\_________ _____/____ __________________________ \|alias : nOSaNitY . wanted for ; //_____ |real : Rob Vasiloff : questioning of terrorist bombings : |height : 6'3" . drug trafficking . |weight . 255 lbs : war crimes . eyes . blue . possession of new top secret c333 tank : .hair : brown blue prints. _|seen last: toronto :___________________:___ | | favourite : nOS is trained in |UN Security Council Top | | line: ya know, eh? .hand-to-hand combat|_ Risk __| `---------------------------|'explosives, firearms`------..---------------' |has links to groups | stealth, driving of | |Cia, triloxy, | numerous vehicle, cilivian | |tincture | and military, and ... | |..._________________| aSCii | | |____________________________| _________ ___________| :_______/ | report any information to your local embassy or UN office, do not : contact your local police force as it will lead them to lose countless men as nOSaNitY calls for his numerous allies and partners in multinational | terrorism as seen in his greetz list.. | -----...___ ___________ ____________ _______:_ _\ __ //______\ _ //_________________________\__ |____ _______| \( _ .| | /_\ __ _\ __ .. _\ ____/___ \\ |_____/__ :| |____/ __\(________/ __\(_______/_ \\ .| \ _/ :|________\\ \___ ___\\ \___ | :| :| |________// :|nOS! |: | ____| : | ______/ .| :| --greetz |_________| |__________| |__________| | ______| sargon, tango, tk, | | greetz-- `------' discofunk, aspyre, tum_| __ | arlequin, mHz, palmore, dkentity, _\______________\( _| speedfreak, universe, kresile, revolve _[ ________________]_ oMi, b_demon, serial2n mrkite, tim drake | \( ] sagramore, M_Mouse, c4nn psyOnide, prodigy |__ \ | seraphim, Dr_Freeze, biogen, blk_jack, /_______________ | meatpod, ohseven . | | : : |__________| : :...------------others i forgot, sorry and greetz----. terrorist supported logos___..._ . : : . _:.______.---------._________: _:.-----------.______________.--. | ____.-------._________.-------._:_.--------._____.--------. . | | .|___ _______ ___ _/:\_ __ | | : |. | :. / \:_/ \| | _ | |/ _________| :. | | :: /____ \ |__________|__ |______| | :: | `| .. ... \_____\______| ... .. : |_______|.::. .\________| :: |' | :::. .. .tank ..nOS!::: : .. . .:: . .. .. .: |_________ `-----._____________.--------..:::________________.--------------' . | %% . | .| % ### | requested by. .__ read it as. _,| | %% {1} _| pt |/ denied | | % {2} | nightmare . SiWS | |, {3} ] tumd . obelix | | {4} ] tum morph .: | {5} . catch22 | nS(menu) | |. {6} |: tical |, the storm | `| {7} | arlequin | cyprex |, | {8} | liquid_q | cesspool | .| {9} | discofunk . | gloom | | {10} | speedfrk :.| sacred grounds .| | {11} | bliz :| toxic | | {12} | dopie | endor | | {13} | thunder | mystical descent | | {14} |. xavi | spur posse | `| {15} |: sagramore | mercury |, | {16} `| r1ddler | the overdose . | | {17} | error |_ crisp % |. | {18} | sagramore ] saggy . %% _| | {19} | tk _] aftermath : % : `......_________;--------...______|_____________________[ % %% %%% | |_______...-----' . . .. .. ............ ........... ........... . . . ...... : : . ._____ ____________ :. _______.----------|______ .---------:. ;.----' `------:__.----:_ .| :_| : | : | . |_, |, , :, || .|_______________,--------: : | .nOS! . | ________,---------|__________: _| . next in tank `-------..._| : `-------' :......_.......: . ... ... . .. . . .. . .. . . ..___ the start of the logo section.__ : .--------------. .--------._/ . .--------------. . ._ :.-----; ______ : :__|_ : . : ------\ /________/ . __.:___ : . . ._____/ / ______\_____/-------- . |/-----:___ _ _ : ______/ \_ _/------\__/-----:______ / __ \\ /------|/ / (_______________)) _//_______ \/ \| \/ _| ___/ . | / / \| \ | \_ _ | \ \___ . | /. / \ \______| /___.:_ // : . // / \\ ----\-------------(______)__.___ | _.----._: / /__ _________\ \ _// : \: . :/ : ]:::::::[ \ ((_________.____________)) : /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+ . \/| [[tank] .: . .- \:/._____ :. ______.: : _._______________:_______ :..______-----. : | . | \nOS!/--- : .: . |:. . .--------------:----. :_______| : ] | [ taNk # : 1 ._. rEq by: pt ] | [________ : saYs : denied ]________| : |_______________________________/] .____________________: ]_ . . . / . / / _________/._______ :__________/ . /._______ _________/. .) ) )___ /_ (_((.\ _ __ (____)\____/_ ((___ .) ) )___ /_ . /. \: \___/___)/_ :)) _/______(: \___/ .___ / \: \_______/ \\ __/ .(( | \: :| __/ __/_____/ \ )) __/ _ \_ :(/ . / |: \ ) :(/ .)) __/ _ \__ \ \/ /):____(_______/(/______| . _((_____. \________)/\ \/ /):____(.( \_____/. \. \ .))_____\( \(. \_____/. \. (nOS!() . \. denied : .--------------. .--------._/ . .--------------. . ._ :.-----; ______ : :__|_ : . : ------\ /________/ . __.:___ : . . ._____/ / ______\_____/-------- . |/-----:___ _ _ : ______/ \_ _/------\__/-----:______ / __ \\ /------|/ / (_______________)) _//_______ \/ \| \/ _| ___/ . | / / \| \ | \_ _ | \ \___ . | /. / \ \______| /___.:_ // : . // / \\ ----\-------------(______)__.___ | _.----._: / /__ _________\ \ _// : \: . :/ : ]:::::::[ \ ((_________.____________)) : /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+ . \/| [[tank] .: . .- \:/._____ :. ______.: : _._______________:_______ :..______-----. : | . | \nOS!/--- : .: . |:. . .--------------:----. :_______| : ] | [ taNk # : 2 ._. rEq by: nightmare ] | [________ : saYs : Siws ]________| : |_______________________________/] .____________________: ]_ . ______ ____:_ ______ _/ _/______ _ . / : _/ _/______ ___.___//______ \____/ \_ / \____\\ / _|_____//______ \__ __\ ________. \____//_____\ \_/ _\ ___ / // \\ .|: ./ _/ \_ / \\ | \____________/ \_ // \ ._\\___ \____________/ \_ nOS! \______//________/________| |__\\ \______// siws : secret international warez society : .--------------. .--------._/ . .--------------. . ._ :.-----; ______ : :__|_ : . : ------\ /________/ . __.:___ : . . ._____/ / ______\_____/-------- . |/-----:___ _ _ : ______/ \_ _/------\__/-----:______ / __ \\ /------|/ / (_______________)) _//_______ \/ \| \/ _| ___/ . | / / \| \ | \_ _ | \ \___ . | /. / \ \______| /___.:_ // : . // / \\ ----\-------------(______)__.___ | _.----._: / /__ _________\ \ _// : \: . :/ : ]:::::::[ \ ((_________.____________)) : /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+ . \/| [[tank] .: . .- \:/._____ :. ______.: : _._______________:_______ :..______-----. : | . | \nOS!/--- : .: . |:. . .--------------:----. :_______| : ] | [ taNk # : 3 ._. rEq by: obelix ] | [________ : saYs : tumd ]________| : |_______________________________/] .____________________: ]_ /\ _ __ __ _/\___________ _ __ __ ___________ __________ /\ \ ___/\____ //___ _ /\ \ ./ \ /__/\_____ ______\\_ _//_ / /\_____./\_____\\ // _____/\_\ /\ _// \\_____ \ ./____// _ \_ /__\___//_ \/\__ /. ___/__ / // \\__ \______/ /_ _\/ _./\ //_ __// \/ _/ _/ ___ \/ _____/___ \\_/ \_____/ \___ ____\ \\__. __ \ \/ \__ \ _/____ .\__________\\ \/ //____ _____//____ __.___//_____ ____//_____ _____\\ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ _____________ \/ (nOSaNitY(!) \/ : .--------------. .--------._/ . .--------------. . ._ :.-----; ______ : :__|_ : . : ------\ /________/ . __.:___ : . . ._____/ / ______\_____/-------- . |/-----:___ _ _ : ______/ \_ _/------\__/-----:______ / __ \\ /------|/ / (_______________)) _//_______ \/ \| \/ _| ___/ . | / / \| \ | \_ _ | \ \___ . | /. / \ \______| /___.:_ // : . // / \\ ----\-------------(______)__.___ | _.----._: / /__ _________\ \ _// : \: . :/ : ]:::::::[ \ ((_________.____________)) : /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+ . \/| [[tank] .: . .- \:/._____ :. ______.: : _._______________:_______ :..______-----. : | . | \nOS!/--- : .: . |:. . .--------------:----. :_______| : ] | [ taNk # : 4 ._. rEq by: tum ] | [________ : saYs : morph ]________| : |_______________________________/] .____________________: ]_ . \ _ __ _/\ _: __/\ _:::. __ . / \/ |____/\_:__ _/ | ______ _/ :______ / | _ ______/ \_: __ __: //__\ |/ /_\ _|_ /__/ |/\ \_\ |_____/ \: \__ _ :___\ |/ __/ __ \__ \ | :: \______ / \| |_ \____ ;/ |/____\_\ \ ___: /\ \/________\ / | \_ /__/ : _ \/ : \/ /_______\ \/ . _____/\;: nOS! \_\morph \__ \______// : .--------------. .--------._/ . .--------------. . ._ :.-----; ______ : :__|_ : . : ------\ /________/ . __.:___ : . . ._____/ / ______\_____/-------- . |/-----:___ _ _ : ______/ \_ _/------\__/-----:______ / __ \\ /------|/ / (_______________)) _//_______ \/ \| \/ _| ___/ . | / / \| \ | \_ _ | \ \___ . | /. / \ \______| /___.:_ // : . // / \\ ----\-------------(______)__.___ | _.----._: / /__ _________\ \ _// : \: . :/ : ]:::::::[ \ ((_________.____________)) : /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+ . \/| [[tank] .: . .- \:/._____ :. ______.: : _._______________:_______ :..______-----. : | . | \nOS!/--- : .: . |:. . .--------------:----. :_______| : ] | [ taNk # : 5 ._. rEq by: catch 22 ] | [________ : saYs : nS ]________| : |_______________________________/] .____________________: ]_ oo,,. oo,,. oo,,.$"" @ oo,,.@"" % @ .o"" " % $o"" % $ o ;, $ % $ % $ % $ %:$$$$$$$pppo..' `$ % $ $ % 7oooooo$. % , o $ % $ % $pooooooo % $ menu @%o,,.,. p ' $ % $ % $" $ % $ $o,,. $ ' $.,oo""d $ % $ % $ $o,o. $ " % $..,,oad % ".,,oooo$ $ $ '$ $_..,,oo"" $ $ ,%..oa%$ " ,oo,,' $ % % % % $ $ % % % % oooo":o" % % % % $ ,%. % % % % o .O pp $ % % % % o $ $%% % oo..,,,ood .,oooo;ooo "; % " % $ apppppp $ % $oop' $ooooo ooo""" q , % $ o %%% p $ $oooooooooo%dd"""""""""" : .--------------. .--------._/ . .--------------. . ._ :.-----; ______ : :__|_ : . : ------\ /________/ . __.:___ : . . ._____/ / ______\_____/-------- . |/-----:___ _ _ : ______/ \_ _/------\__/-----:______ / __ \\ /------|/ / (_______________)) _//_______ \/ \| \/ _| ___/ . | / / \| \ | \_ _ | \ \___ . | /. / \ \______| /___.:_ // : . // / \\ ----\-------------(______)__.___ | _.----._: / /__ _________\ \ _// : \: . :/ : ]:::::::[ \ ((_________.____________)) : /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+ . \/| [[tank] .: . .- \:/._____ :. ______.: : _._______________:_______ :..______-----. : | . | \nOS!/--- : .: . |:. . .--------------:----. :_______| : ] | [ taNk # : 6 ._. rEq by: tical ] | [________ : saYs : the storm ]________| : |_______________________________/] .____________________: ]_ ; . __/:___ : __/:___ ___| :__/____/|___|_ /]_: \__ | \ //__| \____/ \__|____|___\ :\ | | . . \| : |_____:\__|. // : | : \|/ : : _____|\______:____:___\ | :_____: ____|____|_______ _ ____// |_________\| : |______ ___|_____\\ |/ ___/ \_/ /_ ____\\__________ \\_ _.____//____ \\_ __ | |/ \\ \_/ //___ \\. :[/ __ \] __| \]:. ___ \__ _____ |______/_/ [ [ // |_ \ _| |:_ \\ __| | |: : | // \| _:_______| ] \\_.___] |: | __[ | _|\; ]_ //______| :| : |_ | \\________ :| ] : |__: \\ |: :| nOS! ] | ___| :__/// . [________|: :| |________: _______/ :_ : | _| : \__: . | // . : ___/ the storm :/ : : .--------------. .--------._/ . .--------------. . ._ :.-----; ______ : :__|_ : . : ------\ /________/ . __.:___ : . . ._____/ / ______\_____/-------- . |/-----:___ _ _ : ______/ \_ _/------\__/-----:______ / __ \\ /------|/ / (_______________)) _//_______ \/ \| \/ _| ___/ . | / / \| \ | \_ _ | \ \___ . | /. / \ \______| /___.:_ // : . // / \\ ----\-------------(______)__.___ | _.----._: / /__ _________\ \ _// : \: . :/ : ]:::::::[ \ ((_________.____________)) : /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+ . \/| [[tank] .: . .- \:/._____ :. ______.: : _._______________:_______ :..______-----. : | . | \nOS!/--- : .: . |:. . .--------------:----. :_______| : ] | [ taNk # : 7 ._. rEq by: arlequin ] | [________ : saYs : cyprex ]________| : |_______________________________/] .____________________: ]_ /\ _ /\ ;\_____ :\____/ :\___ /\_____:\\/ _ __ ____:\/ \\ /\____| _ /_/\__/ /__/ /_____/ \___ \/\_____ _ \ _\.__ \__/____ | /\____ |/ __ |/ __. /____/___ \ __/ / |\______.___ /____. \|: \___\ _\ __/ ._ \\__/____ :/ /\___ /__ _________|/\|________ ______. \| \\ \______ _____\___| ____// \| nOS! . : |/ |/._____|/____;______\ \| |/ cyprex : : : .--------------. .--------._/ . .--------------. . ._ :.-----; ______ : :__|_ : . : ------\ /________/ . __.:___ : . . ._____/ / ______\_____/-------- . |/-----:___ _ _ : ______/ \_ _/------\__/-----:______ / __ \\ /------|/ / (_______________)) _//_______ \/ \| \/ _| ___/ . | / / \| \ | \_ _ | \ \___ . | /. / \ \______| /___.:_ // : . // / \\ ----\-------------(______)__.___ | _.----._: / /__ _________\ \ _// : \: . :/ : ]:::::::[ \ ((_________.____________)) : /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+ . \/| [[tank] .: . .- \:/._____ :. ______.: : _._______________:_______ :..______-----. : | . | \nOS!/--- : .: . |:. . .--------------:----. :_______| : ] | [ taNk # : 8 ._. rEq by: liquid_q ] | [________ : saYs : cess pool ]________| : |_______________________________/] .____________________: ]_ _____:___/\ _____:/\_ ____:/\_ _____/\_ .__\ _ : _/__\\ /__ __\ /___ __\ /__ __\\ _|/\___. \\: ._/\___/\_\\:_ \_____/\_\\:_ \_____/\______ _ __/ :\ :__ . _ _:/ ___ _/\ __ ___ _/\ __ ___ _// \ ___.| \__ __\_| \_____\_|/ \_____\_:/ \\/ \/ /__:_______\\/ \_:_______\ //__:______\ //_________\ nOS! : . _______:/\_______:/\_________:/\________/\_ _\ _. :__ _.\\__:_ _. \\__:_ _\_ / _:_\\ \ |/ \__ |/ \\__ |/ \\_ _/\._________ _| \:|____// : __|/ : __| \\ ____/ \\__ :\/ \_______ \ ______ \ __________\\ /________\\ /:______\ |______\/ \ cess pool : .--------------. .--------._/ . .--------------. . ._ :.-----; ______ : :__|_ : . : ------\ /________/ . __.:___ : . . ._____/ / ______\_____/-------- . |/-----:___ _ _ : ______/ \_ _/------\__/-----:______ / __ \\ /------|/ / (_______________)) _//_______ \/ \| \/ _| ___/ . | / / \| \ | \_ _ | \ \___ . | /. / \ \______| /___.:_ // : . // / \\ ----\-------------(______)__.___ | _.----._: / /__ _________\ \ _// : \: . :/ : ]:::::::[ \ ((_________.____________)) : /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+ . \/| [[tank] .: . .- \:/._____ :. ______.: : _._______________:_______ :..______-----. : | . | \nOS!/--- : .: . |:. . .--------------:----. :_______| : ] | [ taNk # : 9 ._. rEq by: discofunk ] | [________ : saYs : gloom ]________| : |_______________________________/] .____________________: ]_ . . : . : . ______ . .____ : .___._ _ . .:_\ ._ /_____/\___: ______: |/\_____: :/ :________ . \_\| |________/ _:__\.__ _:__ __\ _:__ _ \/: ._ // _/\\____ \| /_ ._ _|_ ___/ |/ //__ .|/; \___: _|\/ \ /__. : ____\/__ \|: /._ _.____\/___\__:__/\__ |:. :__\/ \/ \__.__|| \/ : \/ . \: |_ . \/ \ : /_ .. : \/_______\ gloom : \/ nOS! : .--------------. .--------._/ . .--------------. . ._ :.-----; ______ : :__|_ : . : ------\ /________/ . __.:___ : . . ._____/ / ______\_____/-------- . |/-----:___ _ _ : ______/ \_ _/------\__/-----:______ / __ \\ /------|/ / (_______________)) _//_______ \/ \| \/ _| ___/ . | / / \| \ | \_ _ | \ \___ . | /. / \ \______| /___.:_ // : . // / \\ ----\-------------(______)__.___ | _.----._: / /__ _________\ \ _// : \: . :/ : ]:::::::[ \ ((_________.____________)) : /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+ . \/| [[tank] .: . .- \:/._____ :. ______.: : _._______________:_______ :..______-----. : | . | \nOS!/--- : .: . |:. . .--------------:----. :_______| : ] | [ taNk # : 10 ._. rEq by: speedfrk ] | [________ : saYs : sacred grounds ]________| : |_______________________________/] .____________________: ]_ /\ /\ _______.__/\________ /\_. __/ \.__/. \___\ ____|___ \_____|____ .____|_ |_ ___\_ \_/\\___ \_____\ ___/ \_| \___//__ \| / \ |_____/ \| ___// \/|_______._ _\ .|:\__ __| \ | \____:\/ nOS! \/ \ | \/ \_| ____:_.__/\______._____ . \_| /\_. /\ ___\_ -: | \_________/_____:_ _ ._/\._____|_ |__/ \. \ \/ | \_/ \/ _. /|. _// _ //__ \| _\___\_/____ \ |_/_:________._______\ ______. |___/:\__ _\ |___// \_| : Sacred grounds \/ /__\ | \/ \ | . \_\__ \_| . : .--------------. .--------._/ . .--------------. . ._ :.-----; ______ : :__|_ : . : ------\ /________/ . __.:___ : . . ._____/ / ______\_____/-------- . |/-----:___ _ _ : ______/ \_ _/------\__/-----:______ / __ \\ /------|/ / (_______________)) _//_______ \/ \| \/ _| ___/ . | / / \| \ | \_ _ | \ \___ . | /. / \ \______| /___.:_ // : . // / \\ ----\-------------(______)__.___ | _.----._: / /__ _________\ \ _// : \: . :/ : ]:::::::[ \ ((_________.____________)) : /________________]:::::::[____________\ +---------------------------+ . \/| [[tank] .: . .- \:/._____ :. ______.: : _._______________:_______ :..______-----. : | . | \nOS!/--- : .: . |:. . .--------------:----. :_______| : ] | [ taNk # : 11 ._. rEq by: bliz ] | [________ : saYs : toxic ]________| : |_______________________________/] .____________________: ]_ . i . ,; .., ; ;' .';.....,,.; ., .,; `. ;. ,,;.,.,.. ...':::,..; `'; ; ; ;;. o$ ` .; `' ; ',. ,. ` `".`' &$7%%%oo,. .,o%%%o " ,;"" . .,o%%%o ..,n%$$$" .,""' i$$" 7%,, .,,a%.$7"" .,,a%$$7"' i$$"' 7%,, "", `$$$ ; $$$ "; "" ~&$$" ~&$$" $$$ """",,. $$$ .$%.$$$ $%. $$& $$& $$$ .;%. .,$$$, $$ $$$, $$ $$$ $$$ $$$, $$ `"$$$ ,$$ "$$$ ,$$ ;%..$^$, .; ;,.7$$, "$$$ ,$$ `""%%%%"" `""%%%%"" ``""" ^"%'' "~^' ^"%. `""%%%%"" " .' 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