·this file passed·
                        _ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
                         c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _
                     ____       ____      _____      ____
                  ___\  (_   ___\  (_   __\_  (_   __\  (_
                 _) _/   /___)  _   /___) _/   /___)   _ /__
                /   \      /    \_    /   \      /     /   /
                \___       \_____/    \____\     \___  \   \
                  \ ________\   /______\    \ ____\ \_______\
                   \/      <(·tHE YARd·)>    \/ lOCATED iN gERMANY!
     [·aMiGA·cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·aSCii·liNUX·hiPhOP··mP3·cLASSiC gAMES·]
         [· rUNNiNG oN 8 niCE nODES · 2*iSDN/2*aNALOGUE/4*tELNET ·]
      [· nON-24h tELNET wiTH sTATiC iP: theyard.ddns.org - pORT: 23 ·]
           [· sTAFF < zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH · cRAZY > sTAFF ·]
     [· aHS wHQ · bGiRL wHQ · aRCADE wHQ · dKB wHQ · wX wHQ · sRZ wHQ ·]
     [· lP! gHQ · pNK gHQ · sOiA gHQ · oMEN gHQ · mCE gHQ · 1oo% diST ·]
                       [· hOME oF tHE aSCii cHARTS! ·]

Ö------[ cut_here ]-------[ cut_here ]-------[ cut_here ]-------[ cut_here ]--·


      ___________  ______                   ______             __________
\\\\\\\         ¬\_\    ¬\_  ____________  _\    ¬\_     _____ \\   _  _/ /\/\/
          __ _    / .     /__\_        _/ /        /__ \\\___/_     |   \
          \______/  ³    /  ¬\__ ___   ¬\/ _ ___  /  ¬\_/     ¬\    ³    \
     _        \_\___|         /___l/     \___|/        /        \___|     \_
                     ·presents tha ascii colly named...·


                                       . ..:.................     ¦
            ·                              :                :     .
    ________:__ _         ________ _________  ____________ _:_____:
\\\\\_      |_______ _____\___   //:.      ¬\\\     _   _//\      |________
    /:.     l      _)    _______/_           \_     |   ¬\:.      l      _/
  _/               ¬\:.  l/      ¬\   \_______/:.   ³     \       .      ¬\
  \_________|        \_  :         \_    ³   \\_____|      \______|:.      \_
        _ __l__________}____________/    |       l__________/--ph!l_________///
--uzpah       :              .           :
              :..............:.. .       .
                             :           ¦



                            ¦      [pART oNE -- iNTRODUCTiON]
           _________ _ _____:      __________________  __________
          \\_______//       |______\__   __/\_____ _/_ \_      _//
          _/      ¬\________\\    ¬\_     \____ l/   ¬\_ ___}   \_

       ¦                               .
\\_    |    _/
_/     .     \_
\______³______/i. this colly contains ascii art. some of these asciis may
       :       infect your brain, damage your sexuality, and tear you out
       ·       from your ego(?).
\_  __///____
/__________  \_
    l_________/o, please request more askiis from me, 'cause i didn't get
       :       enough requests foo' this coll. you can contact me by mail
       ·       via internet, boards where i'm on, or calling to my board.
 \_    _  _/_
 (_____|     \_
       l______/nd the last thing; these asciis are 1oo% my own, and every
       :       phukkin' char is made by me.

               phObia. [06/03/96]


  _______ _ _______ _ ___.  __________ ______ _ ___.  __________ ________
 \\_  __/__      _/      |__\__      /_\   _/__    |__\__      /_\   ___/___
 _/       ¬\     ¬\      |   _/__  ____\    __/_   |   _/__  ____\\_______ ¬\
{_____      \__}   \_____\\   \__    \____      \__\\   \__    \______  l/   \_
--contents                                                          Ó--ph!

          ®® 1 ¯¯            i n t r o d u c t i o n

          ®® 2 ¯¯            r e q u e s t s

          ®® 3 ¯¯            a s k i i s   4   u   a n d   y a r   b o a r d

          ®® 4 ¯¯            g r e e t s / r e s p e c t s

          ®® 5 ¯¯            t h e   e n d

        ¦                              .
        :       [pART tWO -- rEQUESTS]
        :       _________ _________  _________ __________ _
        :.... . \____  _/_\_   ___/_\\      _//\   ___/___  . ........
           _ __//___ }   ¬\__  _)  ¬\____}  ¬\_________  \\_  ___ _  :
           ph!--[ððl_______/l________/l________}ðl_________// \/     :
                                       .                             ¦
                                       ¦                             ·
____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #1    :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; call      |    /....................:
   | requested by; me!                           |   /
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
                __________   __________ _________   _________
              \\\         \__\        /_\\      ¬___\\      ¬___
           (¬---/    \_______   ___   \_|      |    |      |    |--¬)
              _/     /      |     :     |      :    ³      :    ³
              ¬______       |_____|     ³_____      |_____      |

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #2    :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; byte      |    /....................:
   | valley. requested by: -                     |   /
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
       ___________  _ ____ ______ _ _______  __________
     \\\__ _     /__      |    _/         ¬\ \    ____/_  __ _/\__ _
  _ __  /   /_  /  ¬\     ³    ¬\_          \_   __//  ¬\ \/
    \/ /______)      \__  .   ___/___    ____/__         \_
    .%SSS%.`S%.___________________   ________    _________ _ ____ ______
    SS'`SS; SSS\__ _    _/\      /__ \      /__\\\   ____/_      |    _/
    `ýS.SS:,SS'/    _   ¬\      /  ¬\      /  ¬\    __//  ¬\     ³    ¬\_
       ,SS.#S'/_____|     \__        \__        \__         \__  .   ___/
      .&S'S' ph!--l________/l_________/l_________/l__________/l______/

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #3    :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; dose      |    /....................:
   | requested by; dose                          |   /
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
               _______________________  __________  _ _____________
        _____\\\_        _/\_         \_\   _____/______       ___/__
_ ___ _/          _ __    \/   _ __    \___________     \  _ _______////////
   \/ \_________    l/     \__   \|     \__      l/      \__          \_
 [ððððððððððph!l____________/l___________/l_______________/l___________/ /\__ _
-- is talkin' with ya..

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #4    :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; gbp       |    /....................:
   | requested by; green buddha                  |   /
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
              - --w e l c o m e  - --t o  t h e         ·
                _______  _______  _______ _______ ______:____
              \\\   __/__\____ /__\    _/_\    _/_\  __ |    \ \/\___ _
                /   \___ \  \/    \   ___/_   ___/_    \\__   \
      _ ___/\/ /____      \_|      \__     \__     \___|       \_

                                 b u d d h a ' s  p a l a c e-- -

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #5    :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; guidance  |    /....................:
   | requested by; devian                        |   /
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
               ·                                    ·
 ________  ____:__ _ ____     ______________________:____ _______  ________
 \   ___/__\   |    ___ /_  __\_    _/\   _   _/  __|    \\   __/__\    __/_
_/   \__  ¬\   l   ¬\ \/  \/         \/   |    \    \\__  \   |    \     __/_
\_____      \___     \_    \_____}    \___|     \___|      \___     \__      \_

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #6    :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; hazard    |    /....................:
   | requested by; mice                          |   /
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
 _______:_________________      _____ ___________ ___________        _______
 \__    |     _/    .   _/ _____\_  /_\    .   _/_\         /_  _____\_   _/
  /     |     ¬\    |   ¬\/    ____/ ¬\    |   ¬\   _____  / ¬\/   ___    ¬\
 /      .       \   ³     \            \   ³     \    ¬/  /    \   ¬_/      \
¬_______³        \__|      \___         \__|      \___          \____        \_

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #7    :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; kangaroo  |    /....................:
   | court requested by; corey                   |   /
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
     ·                    ·    ùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùùù*>>ph!^tul
_____:____ _________ _____:____: _____   _________ _______   ________________
\_   |   /_\______  \  ___|    \/  __/___\______  \\  ___/___\     _/\     _/
 /     _/  \/   _    \    \\___ \  \___  \    _    \  _     \       \       \
/____|      \___|     \___|      \__      \___|     \_|      \__)    \__)    \_
       :......................: --court

       í the unwritten law private board í open from 21 to 7 í s'op corey í

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #8    :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; main      |    /....................:
   | requested by; mice                          |   /
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
                    ·                                      ·
          __________:________ ____________ _______ ________:________
        \\\         |        \     __     \\_____/_\       |        \
          /________\_/        \_____/      \_      \_______\\        \_

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #9    :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; mbnet     |    /....................:
   | requested by; conrad                        |   /
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
 __  __  ________:________ __ _______              ·:
_\ \_\ \_\_     ~|      _//_/\_     ~)_  ___ _      :
          / _ __   __ _ ¬\   /  /_  / ¬\ \/         :
         (______\_/~      \_(_____)     \_         ·:
       [ðððððððððl_________/ðl___________/--ph! ....:
         ________:______   _______   _________ _
    _ ___\_  _ __|     ¬\/\\   __/___ //~
       \/ /     ~\\__ _  \   _ _____/__ ___  __ _
         (_______|        \___        ¬\_/   ¬\_
                 ·-- and where's the jth right now???????

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #10   :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; compo     |    /....................:
   | requested by; greenbuddha                   |   /
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
     ______________  _____________ _______:_______________________________
     \_    _______/_ \____        \\      |      \_    ___   \____        \_
      /    \|       \_/  _ ____    /   __   __    /    \______/  _ ____    /
     ¬______         /___    _/   /¬_____\_/     /__       \_¬____   _/   /

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #11   :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; ankka     |    /....................:
   | requested by; wIzard                        |   /
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
                        ________       .              .
    ____________________|     _/ ______:______________:____________________
  \\\          _/\ ____ |      \/      |       /      |       /          _/
    /   ___     \       \\      \    ___   ___/_    ___   ___/_   ___     \
 __/______|      \______| \____  \_____|        \_____|        \____|      \_

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #12   :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; mystic    |    /....................:
   | side requested by; slayer                   |   /
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
        ______ _____ _ ___ ____ _ ______  _ _________ _____ _ _______
      \\\     |     \     |    \      _/___         /_\___/_    ____/__  __ _
  _ __  /  __   __   \          \_______   \___  __/_\      \          \ \/
    \/ /_____\_/      \______    \___ \/    \_       \_      \____      \_
                _ _____     _____  ________  ________
                     _/___ _\___/_ \_      \ \     _/_
             _ ________   \       \/  _ __  \     ___/_
              _ ____ \/    \_      \___ |/   \_        \_

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #13   :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; nakkila   |    /....................:
   | requested by; faucheur                      |   /
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
  ______:_______ __________ __ ______ _ __ ______  ____ ________   _________ _
\\\ _ __|     _/_\   _   _/   |     /_    |     /__\__/_\     _/_ _\   _   __ _
  /     \\__ _ \     |   «\    _ __/ «\    _ __/ «\     \     | «\     |   «\
 /______|       \____|     \__|        \__|        \_    \_       \____|     \_

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #14   :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; outworld  |    /....................:
   | requested by; realiser                      |   /
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
               ·                  ·
_________ _____:__________________:_______________ _________ _______ ________
\____   ¬\\    ³  _ __ _     /  _/ \_  _/\____   ¬\\ _ __  /_\   __/_\      ¬\_
 /   _    \    |    \\_   __/     .     \ /   _    \   |/   ¬\  (   ¬\ _ __   /
/_____)    \___      \_     \_____|      \_____)    \___      \_      \__|/  /

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #15   :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; reason    |    /....................:
   | requested by; me!                           |   /
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
    __________  ________  __________     _____   ________ ______:_____  ___ _
  \\\  _ __  /_ \     _/_ \__       \  _/  __/__ \__     \\   __|     \ \//
   _/   /_/ /  \/    ___/_/  __      \_\_____   \/   _    \     \\__   \
   \_____       \__       \___|       \_   l/    \____)    \____|       \_
  to page..

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #16   :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; sanctuary |    /....................:
   | requested by; raistlin                      |   /
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
                     ·                                                   ·
  _____   ___________:____ _____   ________ ____ __________________ _____:_____
_/  __/___\     _/   |  _/_\  _/__ \      /\\   |  _/     _/\ __  /_\    |   _/
\_______  \  __  \   \\  \    |   \_\_  _/__/   ³   \  __  \  l/ /  \__    __\
____  l/   \__|   \__|    \__ |    \_      \___ .    \__|   \__      \__    \_

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #17   :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; spirit    |    /....................:
   | of hell requested by; -                     |   /
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
        __    ______   ________       __________ _
    _ __\ \_\ \  __/___\  _   ¬\______\_____  /_ _____ _______ . ..
           _________  ¬\  |_____/\___/_  l/  / ¬\\___/_\     ¬\_  :
        \\\\___   l/    \_     \_/    ¬\__       \_   ¬\__  ___/  :
         (¬·--l__________/_ ____/_______/l________/_____/____\\\\ :
          _______            ·  o  f  ·  .  . .....:... .         :
          \_ . _/__ _ _____  _______   _______                    :
          /  |    ¬\    __/__\_    /__ \_    /__  ___ _           :
        _/   ³      \  _____/_    /  ¬\/    /  ¬\ \/              :
        \____|       \_      ¬\__      \___      \_...............:

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #18   :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; stormy    |    /....................:
   | palace requested by; shadow                 |   /
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
    ________                        _________  _______:     _____ ____  ___ _
_ __\_   __//______ _ ______  ____\\\ _ ___  )_\      |_____\    |   ¬\ \/
    ___________   ¬\       \\_\___  ¬\  l/  / ¬\   __ ³ __ ¬\    ³     \_
   /_____    l/     \_    ___/____)   \__       \____\_/     \__ .   ___/
      ___________                       _______
_ __\\\         /_____ _ ______   _____\\   __/__ _ ______
   \/ /   /____//  _ ¬\     __/__/   _  \       ¬\     __/__
    _/       \_\___|   \_   \    \___|  \\__      \_  _ ___/___

    í stormy palace í s'op shadow í coz razner í tct member í open 24h í

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #19   :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; tct       |    /....................:
   | requested by; priest                        |   /
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
            ______                                            _____
         .%SSýýýSSS%.         .%SS%.         .%SS%.        .%SýýýýSS%.
         SS'.%SS%.`SS.      .%SSSSS;         SSSSSS.     .SS'.%SS%. SS
         SS SS'`SS .`SSSSSSSSý'.`SSS%sssssss%S'. `SS&&&&&S'. SS'`SS SS
         SS SS.'ý',Ssssssssss%S¬  `ýýýýýýýýýý' ¬S%sssssssssS.`ý`.SS SS
         `SS.`ýSSSSSS$$$$$$$SSSS   SSS` `SSý   SSSSSSSS$$&&&&&SSý'.SS'
          `ýSS%sssss.`S$S. s.`SS  :SSS  .%S.   SS'.s .SSS'.sssss%SS'
               .SSSS' #$SS `SSý'. SSSS. SSSS   `ýSS' &SS# SSSSSSS
              .SSý'__ #SSS %sss%':SSSS: `ýý' __  __  &&S# __`ýSSS
             .SS'.SS' SSS; SS$SS :#SSSS.   .%S'.SS&S SSSS `SS.`SS.
             SSS SS%s%SSS'.SS$SS SS&&&&&&SSSSS SS$&S.`SSS%s%SS SSS
             SSS.`SSSSSý'.S$$$&S.`ýSSSSSSSSSS%.`S$SSS.`ýSSSSS' SSS
             `ýSS%ssssss##SSSS&&S%sssssssssssss%&&&SSS%sssssssSSý' --ph!

                     ®®tHiS iS tHE tHE cRiMiNAl tRADERS¯¯

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #20   :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; fuck off  |     /...................:
   | asshole and don't come back :)              |    /
   l requested by; me!                           |   /
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
                               ·                     ·
               _________  _____:__ _  _______    ____:______
          _ __\\        \_\    |______\    _/____\   |    _/   !
              /     \____//    ³      \    |     \   .   _|__  ___ _
            _/     \___/_/     |       \   :      \  ³       \ \/
            \_        \_\_______        \__        \_|        \_
             ·  o  f  f  ·                  ·
       ________    ______     ______   _____:______________ ____  ______
     _\\   . _/_ __\  __/__ __\  __/__\\    |    _/\_    _//    \_\   _/__ !
   _/      ³    \_______   \_______   \     .     \/      \      /__ _ __/__
   \_______|     \__  l/    \__  l/    \____³      \___)   \__  /   \__     \_
             ·  a  n  d    d  o  n  t    c  o  m  e  ·
             _______     _________   _______  ____ ______
           \\\_     \___\\    . _/_ \\   __/__\   |    _/   !
             /   /_  /  \     ³    \     |    \   .   _|__
            (______)     \____|     \__  :     \__³       \_

  · that means: you're twitted out, 'cause u didn't pass the nuv or sysop
    didn't/don't like ya and yar manners.. ·

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #21   :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say;           |    /....................:
   | interactive ducks requested by; me!         |   /
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /

                            ·  i n t e r a c t i v e  ·
         _ _________________:_     __________ ________:     _______ _
     ______\\_     _/\      |_____\\_    __//__\      |____ \\  __/___  ___ _
   _/  _________ _  \\      ³      _/    |     \      |  _/__ _____   \ \//
  \\_______  l//     \_______       \___ .      \____.      \__  l/    \_

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #22   :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; warehouse |    /....................:
   | requested by; falc0n                        |   /
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
           _______:__ _ ___________________   ________ _
          \\      |_____\_   _  _/\  ___  /_ \\    _/__
    .      /     / \    _/   |   \\  l// / ¬\   _ ____/_  ___ _ .......
         _/       .     ¬\   ³    \  |       \         ¬\ \//         :
   .:.   \________³       \__|    \\_³        \__        \_           :
    :     [ðððððððl________/l_______/l_________/l_________/--ph!      :
    :            ·                     ·                             .:.
    :       _____:             ________:     _________     ________   :
    :     _\\    |____ ________\_  _ __|____ \_    __//__ \\ _____/__ _
    :...//       ³   ¬\\_      _//     ³    \__________ ¬\     _ __//_
       _//       .     \        \      .    ¬\       l/   \          ¬\
       \_________|      \___)    \______      \______     \\__         \_

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #23   :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; the house |    /....................:
   | requested by; hash                          |   /
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
   _______________ ______:_     ____________
  {_____     _____}      _/____\\__    ____/_
   _/¬          \/¬      |       _/   __}    \\
  \\____         \_______.       \\___       \\_
         _________   ____________ ______.    ____________   ___________
        \\_     _/___\___      _//¬     |____\___   ____//__\     ____/_
        _/¬     |      _/       \       |      _/________   \    ___}   \\
       \\_______.       \___}    \_______       \__    l/    \___       \\_

          [pART tHREE -- aSKIIS fOR yOU aND yAR bOARD]
          _________________   _______ _______ _______ _______
         \\_   _  _/\_  __/___\_  __/_\_____/_\_____/_\_  __/___
      _ __/____|  ¬\_______. \\__ |  ¬\_______}_______}______. \\_


____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #24   :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; bulls     |   /.....................:
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
          _____________ _______:    _ _____ _ _____    _______
         \\_          /_\      |_______   /__     /__ _\_   _/___
         _/    /_    / ¬\\   .:|     _/  {  ¬\:. {  ¬\_________ ¬\
         \_______)      \\_____.     ¬\_      \_      \____  l//  \_

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #25   :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; main      |   /.....................:
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
             _________.     _____________      _________:
            \\_       |_____\__    _   _/______\__  __  |_______
             /   ___  ³       _}   |    \\_______/    \ ³     _/
           _/¬      \ : ___    \   ³     \      ¬\      \\__  ¬\
           \_________\_/        \__|      \_      \_____|       \_

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #26   :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; confs     |   /.....................:
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
            ___________ _________________:           __________
           \\_  ______/_\_       _/      |_____      \_     __//__
           _/   |        \\       \\     l     \\  .%SS%._______  \
           \_____        ¬\___}   ¬\_____\\    ¬\_ SSý'SS___  l/  ¬\_
        ph!--[ððl___________}_______/ððððl________}ýS ,S'ððl_________}
                                         :       .%$$&&SSSý'
                                         .          . ýS%.
                                         ·          SS,.SS

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #27   :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; warez     |   /.....................:
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
  .     ________:__ _ ______________________ _________     ________
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                ·                    : [gL0baL iNterNational bUsiNess mAcHiNES]
                                     . [aND aMy aND c0nSOl waREzZz.]

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #28   :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; upload    |   /.....................:
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
      _______|   __________  _______ ____________________   __________
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     \_____  .     \__     \__       \\___}    \___|    \\____ l/    \\_!

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #29   :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; leech     |   /.....................:
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
   __________ _      _______ _ _______ _ __________ _      ________:________
   \_    _/__________\   _/____\   _/____\_   __/__________\       |      _/
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  \_______            \__       \_        \_____            \______|        \_
        Ó--ph!                                                     :

____________________________________________:_______________   asKee #30   :
\\\_ umm.. i think it's trying to say; new user  |   /.....................:
 __l_____________________________________________|__/______ __ _ __
                                                 : /
             _________.      __________ ________.
             \_       |______\__   ___/_\       |________
            _/        ³       _/  __}  ¬\      / \     _/
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             !«««««««««««««««[fUk.nEW lAmE tRYiNg tO gEt iN..]«««««
                             [oK.yOU gEt yAR pHUKKiN aXS.jUSt]
                             [uPlOAd 1oogIgS.ANd tHEN lEAVE A]
                             [{c}OmmENt tO sYSoP... oKAY?????]

              :         :
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   _ __/\ \_    ___/_\____   }_\    _/__\    _/_\__  ___}\_  ___/_________ _ph!
     \_ __/____ \_  ¬\_ |/    ¬\_  ____/_  ____/_/    ¬\__________  \___ _
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              :         :
              ·         ùùùùùùùùùùùùù*> [pART fOUR -- gREETS / rESPECTS]

                                       ¦                               .
                                       :                               :
                                       .                             ..:..
                                       ·                               .
          personal greets to;          :        ·««««««««««««««««·     ·
    ......j.wpepper-·wizard-·          ¦                               :
    ·     preacher-·priest--·          :        ascii respects to;     :
    :     dose-·greenbuddha-·          .        stezotehic-·ranx-·     ¦
    ¦     raistlin-·lobon---·          ·        nup-·hooligan----·     .
    :     mindleader-·busy--·          .        mental-·sinfame--·     ¦
    ·     druidan-·slayer---·          ¦        sliver-----------·     ·
    .     pzyko-·riddler----·          :        |                      :
    ¦     dazzler-·distance-·                   katharsis--------·     .
    :     neemo-·---------and everyone in;      pro^arts---------·     ¦
    .     __                         iD--·      asciilegion------·     :
  ..:..   ««                         tul-·                       |     ·
    ·     ««                         tct-·                       |.....:
    .     ~~                         -·and users of;             |
          and everyone i-·               icezone---·             |
          forgot-·sorry!-·               iD-dists--·             |
                                         tul-dists-·             |
                                         tct-dists-·             |

                   ·     .___________
                   :       'ý@@@@@@@@@@.
                   :          .@@@@@@@@@;
               _©*@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@       p
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       .  @@@@'   'ý@@@ :@@@@@@@@@ý'  ¦         ·   [pART fIVE -- tHA eND]
       @  @@@@.____.@@@ ;@@@@@@@@:    ·   ______:   __________
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  'ý@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@.:         l________} l________}  end.
      `ý@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@._      :          :
®®ph!¬¬¬¬'@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@._  .          :
                   :                  :                    ·
                   ·                  :                    .


           Ö-yEp. this is the end. i hope you enjoyed that, beware
             of new releases, next reliiz where you could  see  my
             production,  is  probably   tul's   second   artpack.
             goodbye until that. and if you really want to contact
             me, send e-mail to:


             or leave a message into some board where i'm  in,  or
             call to my board, icezone.


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