____/\_____ _/\_/\___  _/\ _______                    
                  /  ___/_   Ž\Ž__)_   Ž\(Ž__)__  ___)                   
                  \__. \|Ž Ķ //  Ž|Ž  Ķ_/|  Ž| /· \      aMiga & conSole 
                  / Ž| \\  __/||  |  \ Ž\||  |//   \                     
                  \___  / __| |·__|__|\\ /·__|\____/                     
                      \/|/    |/       \/|/                              
                              ____ _________        ____ _  _ _ __ _ _ _ 
   <Ŧ·sySop·ŧ>               /   Ž\\__  ___/       /\   \                
                            /  |  \\/Ž __/        /  \___\  _ _  ____  _ 
<Ŧ·maRio·/·trSi·ŧ>          \\ Ķ  ///  |          \  /   /               
                             \____/\___|           \/___/  _ _ _ _ ___ _ 
  <Ŧ·cOsySop·ŧ>                       .    .                             
                       ____/\ ____  __|\  /|                             
 <Ŧ·eCs·/·trSi·ŧ>     /  ___//    \/ Ž| \/ | _                           
                      \__. \/  |  \\  || \||/ \       ruNNing /X 4.XX     
<Ŧ·zOu^zOu!/trSi·ŧ>   / Ž| \\\ Ķ  //  Ķ  /·Ķ   \     on Amiga 4000/040   
                      \___  /\____/\____/______/                         
      .                   \/                                    .        
     ______ _____ _____ ________ __ _____
    _)    _Y    _Y    _Y        Y__Y_    |
 .--\_  |_\_  | \_  `-\_  |  |  |   / |__|
 |   |  l  |  |  |--,  |  |  |  |  /  l  |-----------------------------------.
 |   l__   l_____l__   l__|__|  l_/l__   |        !fEEL dA gENERATION!       |
 |      `--'        `--'     `--'     `--'                                   |
 |     [Ũ] pRODIGY aMIGA gHQ [ŨŨ] nEUTRON aMIGA & /X-iNSPIRATION wHQ [Ũ]     |
 |                                                                           |
 |                dA cHEEF: gENERATION/PDY^NTR^QSR^SHT^ILS                   |
 |                                                                           |
 |          dAN/NTR · hITPOINT/PDY · kRYPTON/SHT^SUB · aWESON/ILS            |
 |                                                                           |
 |    2 * cREDITS fOR mAJORS! 3 * cREDITS fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP!    |
 |                                                                           |
 |     ·- -+-rUNNING a4OOO/O4O/25mHZ & 4 nODES - uSR v.34+ & iSDN-+- -·      |
 |                                       ______ __ _____ _____ __ __ _____   |
 |         !fEEL dA gENERATION!         _)     Y__Y_   _Y     Y  | _Y     |  |
 `--------------------------------------\_  |__|   / l_\_  |__|  | \_  `--|  |
     DATE: 27-Nov-95 · TIME: 04:32:34    |  l  |  /  |  |  l  |  |  |--,  |--'
                                         l__   |_/l__|2Fl__   |_____l__   |
                                            `--'           `--'        `--'
 ^x^ ^x^ ^x^ ^x^ ^x^ ^x^ ^x^ ^x^ ^x^ ^x^ ^x^ ^x^ ^x^ ^x^ ^x^ ^x^ ^x^ ^x^ ^x^ 
 øøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøBBS - ADVERTSøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøøø

                           OoOhhh Here We GoooOOoo!

    -- -- ---- --- ---------------------------------------------------.
    _   ____  _______________ _____________ ____ _____________        |
    \\  \\\\\ \             _\            / _  _\            /   /X   |
     \\  \\\\\ \_________    \\____      /      \\          /  d-SIGn |
                 |     \/     /   /_____/_        \      __/___       |
                 |      \     \   __/ _   \        \   _/ _    \      |
                 !______/     /____   /_  /_________\___  /_   /      |
    - --[BsG/rEAl]---/_______/----/______/-------------/______/-------'
                                    - - -
                                  - - - - -
                                  - - - - -
                         ::A non-spirit production::
                         .___.       ::
                         |___|       ::        ._______ _ _
_______.     __          .___.       ::        |______////             ._____
\      |    /  \ ______  |   | _ __ _::__      ._____ ______._______.  |     \
 \   __|___/    \\  __/__| __|______ ___/__.___|    /_\___  |       |__|__   /
  \  \___ /::  ::\______ | \__     / \___  |   |   /  ___/  |  /____| ___/  /
   \_____/:::  :::\______|___|    /________|______/_________|_____|________/
        /__________\      b!d|___/phn                       :            :
       ______________        .__ _ _                        :            :
      /_______.______\       |_////                         :            :
              :                      of:                    :            :
              .                                             :............'
              :            -#(rEAL /X-Division)#-           :
              :           -=#(rEAL PC-Division)#=-          :
              :         -[rELIGIOn]- AMIGA-Division!        :
              :           ]-rESPECt-[ Ansi-Artwork          :
                                  ?  ?  ?
                               ?  :  :  : ?
                              ?.  called  .?
                              :   ?    ?   :
                               ?  : ?  :  ?
                               :  .?   ?  :
                                   :   :  .
                               .       '
                                   .      `
|      | __________ __________ ____________ __________ ________ ____________
|      |          /          /            /          /         \           /
|      |         /          /______      /    ______/________   \         /
|      |      __/___     __/___   /_____/_    \       |   __/    \     __/___
|      |\   _/ _    \  _/ _    \  __/     \    \__    |   \_      \  _/ _    \
|      | \___  /_   /___  /_   /__        /______/    |____/      /___  /_   /
:[BsG/rEAl]:     ____________ ____________ ______________
`----------'     \           \            \             /     ....   ........
                  \________   \________    \   _       /    .:::::...::::::::
                   |    __/    \     \/  _ /   /______/      `::::   ::::::::
                   |    \_      \     \    \       \         
              .----|_____/      /_____/    /       /------.  

                              Issue one (1)



Hi dudes!

This is Bashguard -the new ansi artist shootin'-star- with his first ascii
collection called ILLEGAL ART. I saw lots of ascii-collections in the last
six years and i collected lots of inspiration. I tried very hard and after
a long time i had completed it " MY FIRST STYLE ". Lots of inspiration comes
not from the ascii or computer scene - nope it comes from the graffity scene
around the globe! It's quite interresting to see how different and cool some
artists paint their style on walls! The cause of this ascii collection is
to show some artists around here that they are NOT the best! I downloaded
last friday some ansi-collections and i must say i felt sick. There are some
toys around da computer scene which thin' that they are the best or one of
the coolest ones, but they totaly failed. I saw thousands of kbs ascii
collections and i must say that there is not much different between xyz.txt
and zxy.txt. Ok! My style could be not quite different too because every ascii
painter is in use of the slashes and backslashes and underlines and so on,
but i hope i have explored a NEW STYLE. I didn't copy any chars from any
collection - so check it out!
This time is also a good place to give some people respect! Saxon - yeah
this is for you - is a cool guy in da scene, so if ya know him ya know what
a real friend in the scene is. He is a cooL sysop and i have nice chats and
voice calls with him so i can thank you in this way for ya psychotelic kicks
- otherwise i .... dead -! Jay Dee is a local Sysop here right now in da
round of my homecountry Nrnberg, so also thanks must go to him. The chats
with ya are crazy and i know ... i am the same :) ! Hawkwind is watching me
in da moment and so i can only write positiv thinks about him ... yes he
is hiv positiv ehhehehehehehhe ... but it seems like that he didn't notice
about it! Who carez! ... Nope just joking! He is my biggest friend here
around and so we decited to release a ascii collection twice at the same
time and working at the same place. Sultan of Teklords get also respect
because is a real human-computering man (?) and so i send greets to ya in
this way ... give my line a call if ya moved!
So ... i guess this is enough to say here right now! More should comes
later ... more informations about this collection ... more infos about
support ... more greetings ... more short messages ... and so on ... now
relax and take a look at the phantastic world of ascii design!

Bashguard / rEAl / rESPECt / rELIGIOn ('rrr`)
                                        eee h wie etz?
                                        asl er
                                        lpi flatsch
                                         eg mc muffel
                                         co coon
                                         tn t
















             ________  ___ _____________ ________    ______
             \       \/   \            /         \  /     /__
              \______      \____      /_______    \/     /   \
               |     \/     \  /_____/_     |/     \    /     \
               |     /      /  __/     \    /      /   /      /
               |____/      /____       /___/      /   /______/
     :                                                                  :
     .     #1# - Smashing File Id's in alphabethical order [010]        .
     .                                                                  .
     .     #2# - Requested Ascii's in non-alphabethical order [010]     .
     .                                                                  .
     .     #3# - Last Message Part                                      .
     .                                                                  .
     .     #4# - Da Credits Part                                        .








                     ####       ####        ##       !__!
                  ###################      ###       (oO)______________
                   ###############        ####       ( U|nnnnnnnnnnnnnn) )  )
   <ATTACK>        ####       ####      #####################################
     <DA>         ####  -1-  ####    ########################################
  <HISTORY!>     ####       ####        #####################################
            ####################          ####       :                 :
            ####################           ###       :  File Id Logos  :
             #####     #####                ##       `-----------------'

  ________________ ________ _____________    1      Nothing more to say!
  \              /        /             /    2
   \______     //       //     _      //     3     WHEN DREAMS COME TRUE!
    |    /_____/      __/___   /______/      4
    |    ____/ \    _/ _    \      \         5           F       T 
    |       \   \____  /_   /      /BsG      6            A     H 
 .--!_______/-------/______/______/-----.    7             I   G
 `--------[WHEN DREAMS COME TRUE] ------'    8              R I
                                             X               L 

         _____  ______________________       1     For the new stars on da
        |     |______                /       2     amiga screen a id only
        |     |      |________      /        3     for you (guess what?)!
        |   __|__    |  |    /_____/         4
        |   \____    |  |    ____/           5     Keep on releasing and ya
 _______|_____|      |  |       \___________ 6     will kick all other guyS
 \===BsG======|______|  |_______/==========/ 7              ass!
        BURNING HOT STUFF - THIS TIME:       8

                                             0    This is my conztrybOtiun
    _____     ______________ ______  ___     1   to a CoOl crew on da Amiga
   |     |____\_           /       \/   \    2    Scene! Hope ya will kick
   |     |     \|        //________     \\   3    id round the globe with
   |   __|__   \\      __/___|     \/     \  4       ya new releases!
   |   \____    |\   _/ _    \     /      /  5
   |_____|      | \___  /_   /____/      /   6
  .--BsG-|______|----/______/----/______/--. 7
  :Kicks ya today with another fine release: 8

       ________ ____________  _________...   1    Osiris - MuMu MUHHHHH!
      /        \            \/        /_  :  2     The flying god is out
   ../         \\________    \     __/  \ :  3   of business and so i felt
  : /            \     \/  _ /\___/      \:  4    very angry about this!
  : \            /      \    \           /:  5   But the show must go on!
  :  \__________/_______/    /___       / :  6
  `-----[BsG/rEAl]---/______/---/______/--'  7       [without MuMu!]
Flying Gods are back with an other release : 8
                                             X   Special Greetz to MuMu!

    _______________ _  ________________      1   This peace is decited to
                  /  |______           \     2   High Speed who had requested
    ______       /   |      |_______    \    3   this piece ... or somethin'
    |   |/      /  __|__    |     |/     \   4   like that ehheheheh .!
    |   /______/   \____    |     /      /   5
    |       \ |______|      |____/      /    6   Have PhUn!
   -|_______/---BsG--|______|---/______/--   7
      Phantasm kicks ya again with this :    8

                                             0   Prodigy is the best group
 _________________ ________  __________      1  on amiga since some years so
 \               /         \/         /__    2 i decited to paint this little
  \______       /______     \        /   \   3  piece of pleasure for them!
   |   |/      /     |/      \      /    /   4
   |   /______/|     /       /_____/     \   5      We tell ya respect!
   |       \   |_______ _   /   /        /   6
 --|_______/-BsG----/______/---/________/-   7

--=>rEAl /X-dSIGn============================X
                                             0     This piece of work is 
_ _ ___ __ _  _ ____ _____ ___ _ _ __ __ __  1   decited to my lovly crew!
            \            / _ _\           /  2    
________     \____      /     \\         /   3  Watch out for rEAl /X Tools
7     \/     /   /_____/_      \\     __/___ 4  around the globe because we
|      \     \   __/ _   \       \  _/  _   \5   make real /X-Dreams come
!______/     /____   /_  /________\__   /_  /6            true!
-BsG/_______/----/______/--/X-dSIGn-/______/-7          [MooooH!]
-------[ANOTHER DAY - ANOTHER /X-TOOL]-------8        [MooooooooH!]
                                             X      [MooooooooooooH!]

  ______________ ___________ ___________     1    Welcome dudes! I am here
 :              \          /           /     2 
 :  _________    \        /     ______/_     3   This piece of work is for my
 :  |      \/  _ /     __/___   \       |..  4   AMIGA-Crew called Religion!
 :  |       \    \   _/ _    \   \__    |  : 5  Yes, i prayed and i feel god!
 :  !_______/    /____  /_   /_____/    |  : 6
 `-------/______/-BsG/______/--/________|--' 7
       Pray to the gods and get this:        8

                                             0       This is for my new
______________    ________ ________________  1      ansi-crew which was
\             \  /       /_               /  2      formed on 11-17-95
 \_________    \_\    __/  \______       /   3        by Hawkwind and
  |      \/  _ /  \__/      \   |/      /    4          Bashguard!
  |       \    \            /   /______/     5             
  !_______/    /____       /|       \  :     6      Wait for ?MORE? prods.
  -:---/______/-BsG/______/-|_______/--:--   7       of da asshole kickin
   :    PaintS da screen with this     :     8             team!

__________________ ______   ________ ______  1    The sleeping godz are
                 /       \ /       /_      | 2   really sleeping or what?
_________       /_____    \\    __/  \     | 3  This id should help ya to
   |    /______/    \/  _ / \__/      \    | 4   release some more stuff
   |        \        \    \           /    | 5     Or ... are ya dead?
   |        /________/    /___       /     | 6
---|_______/-BsG--/______/---/______/______| 7
>>>>Twice the fun - double the trouble!<<<<  8

                     ####       ####        ##       !__!
                  ###################      ###       (oO)______________
                   ###############        ####       ( U|nnnnnnnnnnnnnn) )  )
   <ATTACK>        ####       ####      #####################################
     <DA>         ####  -2-  ####    ########################################
  <HISTORY!>     ####       ####        #####################################
            ####################          ####       :                 :
            ####################           ###       :    Big-Logos    :
             #####     #####                ##       `-----------------'

Ok, here is the 2nd part and also the biggest part in this ascii-collection!
The asciis are listed in non alphabetical order because i had no phun to
sort it. Ya can search ya requested ansi by using your handle or the name
of the ansi, and you should/ought/could/would found it.
Ok ... enough ... take a bottle Jim BEAM and releax. 

------=#> AMIGA [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by High-Speed] <#=------

      |              ()         ()  .......()          ()  ()         |
      |  ()   ()         ()     _  :::::::::     ()          ()       |
      |  _____________ ______()/ \ ___________________ ________   ()  |
      |  \            \      \/   \                  /         \      |
      | ()\_________   \_____      \______    ______/________   \ ()  |
      |     |    __/    \    \/     \::::/    \       |   __/    \    |
      |     |    \_      \   /      /::::\     \__    |   \_      \ ()|
      |()   |_____/      /__/      /::::::\______/    |____/      /   |
      |     -----/______/--/______/:::::::::-/________|---/______/-   |
      |   ()     ------- ()------- ::::::::: -------  ()  -------  () |

------=#> AMIGA [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by High-Speed] <#=------

-------=#> PC [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by High-Speed] <#=--------
                  ___________________ _______________
             .    \                 /               /   .
           .       \________       /________       /__  .   .    .
           ..: . .   |    |/      /    |   /______/  /      .
       . .  .:       |    /______/..:..|            /   ..  :. . .
             :.  .   |        \     .  |___        /    .   .
-------=#> PC [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by High-Speed] <#=--------

--------=#> SaXon [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=---------

           ________ _________    ________   ________ ___________
         X/       /_         \  /       /__/        \           \X
        X_\    __/  \______   \/       /   \        \\_______    \X
       X/  \__/      \  __/    \      /    /          \    |/     \X  
       X\            /  \_      \    /     \          /    /      /X  
        X\___       /____/      /___/      /_________/____/      /X
        >>> >>  >>> >> is my name! How may i help you? << <<< << <<<

--------=#> SaXon [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=---------

---------=#> REAL [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=---------

-- -- ---- --- ---------------------------------------------------.
_   ____  _______________ _____________ ____ _____________        |
\\  \\\\\ \             _\            / _  _\            /   /X   |
 \\  \\\\\ \_________    \\____      /      \\          /  d-SIGn |
             |     \/     /   /_____/_        \      __/___       |
             |      \     \   __/ _   \        \   _/ _    \      |
             !______/     /____   /_  /_________\___  /_   /      |
- --[BsG/rEAl]---/_______/----/______/-------------/______/-------'

---------=#> REAL [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=---------

-------=#> ACID SLAM [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Pyro] <#=-------

__________ ______________ _____________
          \             /    \         \
________   \_____      /____________    \
|    __/    \   /_____/  /::|     |/     \
|    \_      \          /:::|     /      /
|_____/      /__       /::::|______ _   /
                        ________ ___________ ________ _______  ___
                       /       /_          /         \       \/   \
                      _\    __/  \        /________   \______      \
                     /  \__/      \    __/___   __/    \     \/     \
                     \            /  _/ _    \  \_      \    /      /
                      \___       /\___  /_   /___/      /___/      /

-------=#> ACID SLAM [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Pyro] <#=-------

---------=#> PYRO [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Pyro] <#=----------

         :  __________________ ______ ____________ __________     :
         :  \                /      /__           \          \    :
         :   \_______       /      /   \_______    \         \\   :
         :     |   |/      /      /    /     \/  _ /           \  :
         :     |   /______/______/     \      \    \           /  :
         :     |       \      /        /______/    /__________/   :

---------=#> PYRO [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Pyro] <#=----------

--------=#> PRODIGY [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Pyro] <#=--------

_______________ _______ _________ ____________ _________________ _________
              /        \         \            \                /         /__
______       /______    \        \\_______     \____    ______/_        /   \
|   |/      /     \/  _ /          \    |/      \::/    \       |      /    /
|   /______/       \    \          /    /       /::\     \__    |_____/     \
|       \  |_______/    /_________/|______ _   /::::\______/    |  /        /

--------=#> PRODIGY [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Pyro] <#=--------

----=#> LOST CARRIER [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Trooper] <#=----

       |   ______________ _______    _________ ______________    |
       |   \            /       _\  /        /              /    |
       |    \          /         \\_\    ___/_______       /     |
       |     \      __/___         \ \__/      \   |______/      |
       |      \   _/ _    \        /           /       \         |
       |       \___  /_   /_______/\___       /_       /         |
              /\                           ::::::::
_____________/  \ _____________ ___________ ____________________ _________
            /    \             \           \                   /          \
_____      /__    \_________    \_______    \___________      /________    \
|   /_____/  /     \      \/    /     \/    /::::::/   /_____/_      \/    /
|           /       \      \    \      \    \:::::/    __/     \      \    \
|___       /         \_____/    /______/    /:::::\____        /______/    /

----=#> LOST CARRIER [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Trooper] <#=----

-------=#> CONSOLE [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Merlin] <#=-------

_____________ _______ __________ _________ _____________________ ____________
            /        \          \        /_         \          /            /
_____      /__       \\______    \    __/  \        \\        /______      /
|   /_____/  /         \   |/     \__/      \         \    __/___   /____ /_
|           /          /   /      /         /         /  _/ _    \  __/     \
|___       /__________/___/      /__       /_________/____  /_   /___       /

-------=#> CONSOLE [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Merlin] <#=-------

--------=#> MENU [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Merlin] <#=---------

           ________  ___ _____________ ________    ______
           \       \/   \            /         \  /     /__
            \______      \____      /_______    \/     /   \
             |     \/     \  /_____/_     |/     \    /     \
             |     /      /  __/     \    /      /   /      /
             |____/      /____       /___/      /   /______/
   :                                                                  :

--------=#> MENU [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Merlin] <#=---------

----------=#> PD [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=----------

    /\                 _________________ _________                     /\
   /  \      .....     \               /          \        .....      /  \
  /    \    :     :     \______       /________    \      :     :    /    \
 /   .--\---:--.  :      |   |/      /|      |/     \     :  .--:---/--.   \
/____|___\  :  |  :      |   /______/ |      /      /     :  |  :  /___|____\
     |      `..:..'      |       \    |_______ _   /      `..:..'      |
     |         |       --|_______/-BsG/rEAl/______/--        |         |
     |         |      <==============================>       |         |
     `---------'                                             `---------'

----------=#> PD [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=----------

-------=#> Who [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by High-Speed] <#=-------

                       ______    _____        _________
                      /     /___|     |______/         \
                     /     /    \     |      |         \\
       _  __________/     /      \  __|__    |           \__________  _
       \\ \:::::::::\    /\      /  \____    |           /:::::::::/ //
                     \_____\    /_____|      |__________/

-------=#> Who [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by High-Speed] <#=-------

-=#> Traders Assault [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Starlight] <#=--
_______________ _____ ________ __________ _____________ ________  _________
              /      \        \          \            /         \/        /_
__  _        /____    \_____   \_____     \____      /_______    \     __/  \
|   /_______/   \/  _ /  __/    \  |/      \  /_____/_     \/    /\___/      \
|        \       \    \  \_      \ /       /  __/     \     \    \           /
|        /_______/    /___/      /___ _   /___        /_____/    /___       /
|_______/-:---/     _/---/______/:/______/---/_______/---/      /---/______/--
.         :  /______/.      :    :     .           ^uB$^/______/    :     ....
....  .   :    :      :.....,    .    .:.                   .::.    .    :
   '    . `----'   .  .     :.........  `-----------.      : :  :---'----,
___!______  _________. _____:___ _________    ______:_______.__. ________.____
          \/        /_/     .  /_         \  /     /._         /             /
________   \     __/  \     __/  \______   \/     / . \       /   _         /
|    __/    \___/      \___/      \  __/    \    /     \   __/___ /________/
|    \_      \         /          /  \_      \  /   .  / _/ _    \     \
|_____/      /_       /___       /____/      / /______/___  /_   /     /
_ __________________________________________________________________________ _
\\\==========================CALL NOW PAY L8R!=============================///

-=#> Traders Assault [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Starlight] <#=--

---------=#> Chat [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=---------

 _________ _ _____________:_ ___: _______________ _______________ _ _________
 \::::::::\\\\             /    |______          \              ////::::::::/
              \_____      /__   |      |_______   \   __       /
=    = =   = = |   /_____/  / __|__    |    __/    \   /______/= =   =  =   =
 ___________ _ |           /  \____    |    \_      \      \   _ ____________
 \::::::::::\\\|___       /_____|      |_____/      /       \ ///:::::::::::/

---------=#> Chat [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=---------

--------=#> Files [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=---------

       __            .......             __
 __    \/           :::::::::            \/                         __
 \/      ________________ ___________ ____________ _______          \/
   __    \              /           /            /       /_     __
   \/     \______      /\          /______      /_    __/  \    \/    __
     __    |    /_____/::\      __/___   /_____/_ \__/      \     __  \/
__   \/    |    ____/:::::\   _/ _    \  __/     \          /  __ \/
\/__       |       \:::::::\___  /_   /__        /__       /   \/    __
  \/  _____!_______/:::::::::-/______/--/_______/--/______/______    \/

--------=#> Files [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=---------

-------#> Bastard [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Bastard] <#=-------

____________ _________  _________ ______________ ___ ____________ _________
            \         \/        /_             /    \            \         \
_________    \______   \     __/  \____       /___   \________    \_____    \
|      _/    /   __/    \___/      \  |______/ __/    \     \/  _ /   |/     \
|    __\     \   \_      \         /      \    \_      \     \    \   /      /
|_____       /____/      /_       /       /_____/      /_____/    /____ _   /
    -------     -------  ------- -------      -------    -------   -------

-------#> Bastard [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Bastard] <#=-------

----=#> The Board [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Bud Weiser] <#=----

 _  ___________________ ___  ___________________
                      /    |______             /
 _ _  _____  _       /     |      |_____      /
        |    /______/    __|__    |/   /_____/_
        |        \  |    \____    |    __/     \
        |        /  |______|      |____        /
     .--|_______/[BsG/rEAl]|      |---/_______/-----------------------------.
     :     ______________ _|______|_ __________ _____________ ___________   :
     :     \             \          \          \             \           \  :
     :      \_________    \          \_______   \_________    \_______    \ :
     :       |      _/    /           \   __/    \      \/  _ /     |/     \:
     :       |    __\     \           /   \_      \      \    \     /      /:
     :       |_____       /__________/_____/      /______/    /______ _   / :
     :     -------/______/-|      |-------/______/----/______/----/______/--:
     :                     `------'                                         :

----=#> The Board [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Bud Weiser] <#=----

-------=#> Inside Out [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by G0!] <#=-------

          ______                       ______
         |    __|__________    _______|     _|________ ______________
         |    \            \  /       /_    \         \             /
         |     \________    \_\    __/  \   _\_____    \_____      /
         |      |     |/     \ \__/      \ |     |/     \   /_____/_
         |      |     /      /           / |     /      /   __/     \
         |      |____/      /____       /  |______ _   /____        /
       .-|______|---/______/----/______/_____|-/______/----/_______/--.                                      ::::::::
       :                 ________    ______ ________________          :
       :                /        \  /     /__              /          :
       :               /         \\/     /   \_____       /           :
       :              /            \    /     \   |______/            :
       :              \            /   /      /       \               :
       :               \__________/   /______/        /               :

-------=#> Inside Out [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by G0!] <#=-------

-------=#> Sources [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=--------
   ________ ________  ______ ____________ ____________ ___________ ________
  /       /_        \/     /__           \           /           //       /_
 _\    __/  \        \    /   \_______    \___      /_____      / \    __/  \
/  \__/      \        \  /     \    \/  _ /  /_____/  /  /_____/_  \__/      \
\            /        / /      /     \    \          /   __/     \           /
 \___       /________/ /______/______/    /__       /____        /___       /

-------=#> Sources [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=--------

---------=#> Ansi [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=---------

            :                                ______      _    _ :
      ______:_____ ____________    ________ (______)  _     _   :
      \           \            \  /       /_ ______             :------.
       \________   \________    \_\    __/  \      |____________:      .
     ...|    __/    \     |/     \ \__/      \     |\CONFERENCE/:      :
    :   |    \_      \    /      /           /     |            `......:
    :   |_____/      /___/      /____       /      |                 :

---------=#> Ansi [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=---------

--------=#> Ascii [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=---------

            ____________  ________ _____________ ____ ______
            \           \/       /_            /     |      |
             \________   \    __/  \____      /__    |      |
        ######|    __/    \__/      \  /_____/  /    |      |######
        ##    |    \_      \        /          /     |      |    ##
        ##    |_____/      /_      /___       /      |      |    ##

--------=#> Ascii [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=---------

-------=#> Illusion [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=-------

 ______ __________ _________ _______   _________ ______  _______ __________
|      |         /         /       /__/        /_      |        \          \
|      |        /         /       /   \     __/  \     |         \______    \
|      |     __/___    __/___    /     \___/      \    |          \   |/     \
|      |   _/ _    \ _/ _    \  /      /          /    |          /   /      /
|      |____  /_   /__  /_   / /______/___       /     |_________/___/      /

-------=#> Illusion [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=-------

-------=#> Delight [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=--------

 __________ _____________ ________ _____ ___________ ___  ____________________
 \         \            /        /      |          /    |______              /
 _\_____    \____      /        /|      |    _____/_    |      |    _       /
|     |/     \  /_____/_     __/_|_     |    \      | __|__    |    /______/
|     /      /  __/     \  _/ _    \    |     \__   | \____    |        \
|______ _   /___        /___  /_   /    |_______/   |___|      |        /

-------=#> Delight [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=--------

--------=#> Smurf [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=---------

      .----________ ______  ___    ______ ____________ ______________ ---.
      :   /       /_      \/   \  /     /__           \             /    :
 .----'  _\    __/  \_____      \/     /   \_______    \_____      /     :
 :      /  \__/      \    \/     \    /     \    \/  _ /    /_____/      :
 `----. \            /    /      /   /      /     \    \    ____/    .---'
      :  \___       /____/      /   /______/______/    /       \     :

--------=#> Smurf [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=---------

-------=#>Hellfire [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=--------

             _____  __________________ _________ __________
            |     |______            /         /          /
            |     |      |____      /         /          /
            |   __|__    |   /_____/_      __/___     __/___
            |   \____    |   __/     \   _/ _    \ __/ _    \
            |_____|      |____       /____  /_   /___  /_   /
           .------|      |---/______/BsG-/______/---/______/---.
           : _____|______|___ __  __________ ______________    :
           : \              /   |           \             /    :
           :  \______      /    |________    \_____      /     :
           :   |    /_____/     |      \/  _ /    /_____/_     :
           `---|    ____/|      |       \    \    __/     \    :
               |       \ |      |_______/    /____        /    :
               !_______/ |______|    /______/    /_______/-----'

-------=#>Hellfire [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=--------

--------=#> Sysop [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=---------

           ________    ________     ________ __________ ______________
          /       /_  /       /__  /       /_          \             /
         _\    __/  \/       /   \_\    __/  \          \____       /
        /  \__/      \      /    /  \__/      \          \ |/      /
        \            /_____/     \            /          / /______/
         \___       /   /        /____       /__________/      \

--------=#> Sysop [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=---------

----=#> Privat System [Done By Bsahguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=-----

      _________________ _____ ______   ______ ___________ _______________
      \               /      \      | /     /__          \              /
       \______       /____    \     |/     /   \_______   \            /
        |   |/      /   \/  _ /     |     /     \   __/    \   |______/
        |   /______/     \    \     |    /      /   \_      \      \
        |       \________/    /     |   /______/_____/      /      /
 +     ________    _______   ________ ______________ ________ ____  ___    +
 +    /       /_  /      /__/       /_             /        /     \/   \   +
 +   _\    __/  \/      /   \    __/  \           /__      /______      \  +
 +  /  \__/      \     /    /\__/      \  |______/  /_____/_      \/     \ +
 +  \            /____/     \          /      \     __/     \     /      / +
 +   \___       /  /        /__       /       /______       /____/      /  +

----=#> Privat System [Done By Bsahguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=-----

------=#> Respect [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Hawkwind] <#=------

____________ ____________ _______ ______________ _______ _________ ___________
            \           /       /_             /       /         /           /
_________    \___      /\    __/  \____       /_      /____     /__         /
|      \/  _ /  /_____/_ \__/      \ |/      / /_____/_   /____/  / /______/
|       \    \  __/     \          / /______/  __/     \         /      \ :
!_______/    /__        /__       /      \_____        /_       /       / :

------=#> Respect [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Hawkwind] <#=------

-----=#> Order Service [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by G0!] <#=------

   ________ ____________ ___________ ______________ __________
  /        \            \           \             /           \        ____
 /         \\________    \_______    \_____      /_________    \      :    :
/            \     \/  _ /     |/     \   /_____/_       \/  _ /------:    :
\            /      \    \     /      /   __/     \       \    \      :    :
 \__________/_______/    /______ _   /____        /_______/    /      :    :
----[BsG/rEAl]---/______/----/______/----/_______/-----/______/-------'    :
                                               .::::::.                    :
   _________ ______________ _________    ______ _________________ ____________
  /        /_             /          \  /     /__               /            /
 _\     __/  \_____      /________    \/     /   \_______      /_____       /
/  \___/      \   /_____/_      \/  _ /     /     \:|   /_____/  /  /______/_
\             /   __/     \      \    \    /      /:|           /   __/      \
 \___        /____        /______/    /   /______/::|___       /_____        /
:                          REQUEST YOUR ANSI(S)::::::::                    :

-----=#> Order Service [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by G0!] <#=------

---------=#> Request [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by G0!] <#=--------

____________ ____________ ______    ______ _____________ _______ _____________
            \           /       \  /     /__           /       /_            /
_________    \___      /        \\/     /   \___      /\    __/  \          /
|      \/  _ /  /_____/_          \    /     \ /_____/_ \__/      \ /______/
|       \    \  __/     \         /   /      / __/     \          /     \  :
!_______/    /__        /___      \  /______/__        /__       /      /  .
             :                                         .-------------------'

---------=#> Request [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by G0!] <#=--------

---------=#> Delete [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by G0!] <#=---------

     __________ _____________ _________ ____________ ____________ ________
     \         \            /         /            /            /        /
     _\_____    \____      /         /______      /__          / _      /--.
    |     |/     \  /_____/_      __/___   /_____/_    /______/  /_____/_  :
    |     /      /  __/     \   _/ _    \  __/     \       \      __/    \ :
    !______ _   /___        /\___  /_   /__        /       /_____        / :
    :   /______/   /_______/BsG//______/  /_______/_______/rEAl /_______/  :
    :                                +-------------------------------------+
    `--------------------------------'                                     .

---------=#> Delete [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by G0!] <#=---------

----------=#> View [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by G0!] <#=----------

     :              ______  ______  ___________ _____
  ---+-----.       /     /_|      |           /     /___
     :     :      /     /   \     |____      /     /    \--------.
     :     :     /     /     \    |   /_____/_    /      \ WhAT? :
     `-----+----/     /      /    |   __/     \  /\      /---+---'
           :    \    /______/     |___        /____\    /    :
           :                  :        dA rEQUESTs !         :

----------=#> View [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by G0!] <#=----------

----------=#> Show [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by G0!] <#=----------

   :        ________ _____  ________________________ ________      .-------.
.--+-------/       /_     |______                   \       /___--.:       :
:  :      _\    __/  \    |      |                   \     /    \ :`---.   +-
:  :  .--/  \__/      \ __|__    |                    \   /      \:    :   :
:  `--+  \            / \____    |                    /  /\      /`----'   :
:     :   \___       /____|      |___________________/_____\    /          :
:     `------/______/-----|______|-----[BsG/rEAl]-----------\__/-----------'

----------=#> Show [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by G0!] <#=----------

--------=#> Mangas [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=--------

________  ___ __________ ____________ _____________ ________    ________
\       \/   \          \            \            /         \  /       /_
.\______      \_______   \________    \    ______/________   \_\    __/  \-.
: |     \/     \   __/    \     |/     \   \       |   __/    \ \__/      \:
: |     /      /   \_      \    /      /    \__    |   \_      \          /:
: |____/      /_____/      /___/      /\______/    |____/      /__       / :

--------=#> Mangas [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=--------

------=#> Religion [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Hawkwind] <#=-----

___________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____ ________ __________
           \           /       /     |           /     |        \          \
________    \___      /       /      |    ______/_     |         \______    \
      \/  _ /  /_____/_    __/___    |    \       |    |          \   |/     \
       \    \  __/     \ _/ _    \   |     \__    |    |          /   /      /
_______/    /__        /__  /_   /   |_______/    |    |_________/___/      /

------=#> Religion [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Hawkwind] <#=-----

-------=#> On the Run [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Jazy] <#=------

        ________ ___________    _________________  ___________________
       /        \           \                  / |______             /
      /         \\_______    \                /  |      |_____      /
     /            \    |/     \  ________    / __|__    |    /_____/_
     \            /    /      /   |      \  /  \____    |    __/     \
      \__________/____/      /    |       \/_____|      |____        /
    :              ______________   ______ ____________                :
    :              \             \ /     /__           \               :
    `---------.     \_________    \     /   \_______    \    .---------'
              :      |      \/  _ /    /     \    |/     \   :
              :      |       \    \   /      /    /      /   :
              :      !_______/    /  /______/____/      /    :

-------=#> On the Run [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Jazy] <#=------

----------=#> Jazy [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Jazy] <#=---------

                    _______ ________ ______________ _______
   .-----.   .------\      \        \             /       /__----------.  .
   :     `---' _____ \      \_____   \_____      /       /   \         :  :
   :          |     |/      /  __/    \   ______/_      /    /----+--:-'  :
   :          |     /      /   \_      \  \_      \____/     \    :  :    :
   :          |____/      /_____/      /___       / /        /    :  `----'

----------=#> Jazy [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Jazy] <#=---------

---------=#> Nitro [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Jazy] <#=---------

          _____________ ______  _____________ _______ __________
     .---.\            \      |             /        \          \-----.   :
 .---'   `-\________    \     |            /______    \          \    .   :
 :          |     |/     \    |_______    /     \/  _ /           \---+---'
 :-------+--|     /      /    |       \  /       \    \           /   :
 :       :  |____/      /     |        \/________/    /__________/    :

---------=#> Nitro [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Jazy] <#=---------

----=#> Flying Dragon [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=-----

     ________________ ______   ________ _______ __________ ____________
    .\              /      /  /       /__      |          \           /---.
    : \______      /      /  /       /   \     |_______    \   ______/_   :
    :  |    /_____/    __/__/       /    /     |     |/     \  \       |  :
.---:  |    ____/    _/ _    \_____/     \     |     /      /   \__    |  :-.
:   :  |       \______  /_   /  /        /     |____/      /______/    |  : :
:   `--!_______/-----/______/--/________/______|---/______/---/________|--' :
:                                                                           :
:  __________ ___________ __________ _____________ _________ ___________    :
:  \         \           \          \            /          \           \   :
:  _\_____    \_______    \_______   \    ______/_           \_______    \  :
: |     |/     \    \/  _ /    __/    \   \       |           \    |/     \ :
: |     /      /     \    \    \_      \   \__    |           /    /      / :
: |______ _   /______/    /_____/      /_____/    |__________/____/      /  :

----=#> Flying Dragon [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=-----

-----=#> Hard To Get [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=------

 _____ ________________ _____________ ___________   _________________ ____
|     |______          \             \           \                  /     \
|     |      |_______   \_________    \_______    \                /       \
|   __|__    |    __/    \      \/  _ /     |/     \  ________    /         \
|   \____    |    \_      \      \    \     /      /  |       \  /           \
|_____|      |_____/      /______/    /______ _   /   |        \/            /
         :                                                       :
         :      _______________ _____________ ____________       :
         :      \             /             /            /       :
         :       \_    ______/_______      /            /        :
         :        /    \       |    /_____/________    /         :
         `--------\     \__    |    __/     \      \  /----------'
                   \______/    |____        /       \/

-----=#> Hard To Get [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=------

---=#> Porno and Horror [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=---

       _________________ ____ ____________ ___________ __________
       \               /     \            \           \          \
        \______       /       \________    \_______    \          \
         |   |/      /         \     \/  _ /     |/     \          \
         |   /______/          /      \    \     /      /          /
         |       \____________/_______/    /____/      /__________/
                                  :     :
                              <:::: AnD ::::>
   _____  _______________ ________:___ _:__________ _________ ____________
  |     |______          \            \            \         \            \
  |     |      |          \________    \________    \         \________    \
  |   __|__    |           \     \/  _ /      \/  _ /          \     \/  _ /
  |   \____    |           /      \    \       \    \          /      \    \
  |_____|      |__________/_______/    /_______/    /_________/_______/    /

---=#> Porno and Horror [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=---

----=#> Zag Speed [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Freestyle] <#=-----

_____________________________ ________ ______________
                            /         \             /
_____ _______________      /________   \     ______/_------------.
     :         |    ______/_     __/    \    \       |           +------;
     :         |    \_      \    \_      \    \__    |-----------'      :
     :         |_____       /_____/      /______/    |                  :
     :         -[BsG/______/rEAl]/______/---/________|-           .-----'
  ...:......    _________ _______________ ________ ___________  __!______
  :     :  :   /        /_              /        /            /          \
  :-----+--:  _\     __/  \_____       /__      /______      /________    \
  :     :  : /  \___/      \  |/      /  /_____/_     /_____/_      |/     \
  :.....:... \             /  /______/   __/     \    __/     \     /      /
              \___        /       \_____         /____        /______ _   /

----=#> Zag Speed [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Freestyle] <#=-----

--------=#> FAM [ Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Sultan] <#=---------

          .        ________________ ____ _______  ___             :
                 ! \              /     \       \/   \            +-------.
          .      :  \______      /____   \______      \           :       :
   .  ....+......:...|    /_____/  __/    \     \/     \.:........'.------:
          :      :   |    ____/    \_      \    /      / :         :      :
          .      :   |       \______/      /___/      /  :         :      :
          .      `---!_______/-BsG-/______/---/______/---'         `------'

--------=#> FAM [ Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Sultan] <#=---------

------=#> Wing Tsun [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Sultan] <#=------

   ______   ______ __________ ____________           .         .
  /     /__|      |          \           /            .  .
 /     /    \     |_______    \   ______/_                  .
/     /      \    |     |/     \  \       |.      .    . : .  .     .   .
\    /\      /    |     /      /   \__    |           .  :
 \_____\    /     |____/      /______/    |              :  .
 :                        ___________________ ______    ______ _________:__
 :                                          /      /_  /     /__        :  \
 :                                         /    __/  \/     /   \_______:   \
 :                          __________    / \__/      \    /     \    |/:    \
 :                            |       \  /            /   /      /    / :    /
 :                            |        \/_____       /   /______/____/  :   /

------=#> Wing Tsun [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Sultan] <#=------

-------=#> Teklords [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Sultan] <#=------

______________ _________ _______                                 .---. .---.
             /         /       /___                              :    :    :
            /___      /       /    \--------------------------.       :    :
 ______    /   /_____/_     _/    _/ Teklords - Back on Track :  .    :    :
|      \  /    __/     \    \      \ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :       :    :
|       \/_____        /_____\     /--------------------------+-------'    :
|________\----/_______/-------\   /--                                      :
:              ______________ _\_/____ ____________ ___________   _________:
:              \            /         \            \           \  \       /:
:.     .---.    \          /           \________    \_______    \__\   __/  \
: `----'    :    \      __/___          \     \/  _ /     |/     \  \_/      \
:           :     \   _/ _    \         /      \    \     /      /           /
:           :      \___  /_   /________/_______/    /______ _   /____       /

-------=#> Teklords [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Sultan] <#=------

----=#> Fairlight [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by MasterByte] <#=----

______________ ____   ______  __________
             /     \ |      |           \
______      /____   \|      |________    \
|    /_____/  __/    \      |      \/  _ /          WHEN DREAMS COME TRUE
|    ____/    \_      \     |       \    \----.
|       \______/      /     |_______/    /     :
!_______/     /______/______|    /______/      :
          :       ______________ ______ ___________ _____  ___________________
          :       \            /|      |          /      |______             /
          :        \          / |      |   ______/_      |      |           /
          :         \      __/__|      |   \       |   __|__    |______    /
           `---------\   _/ _    \     |    \__    |   \____    |      \  /
                      \___  /_   /     |______/    |_____|      |       \/
                         /______/______|  /________|[BsG]|______|________\

----=#> Fairlight [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by MasterByte] <#=----

------=#> Osiris [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by MasterByte] <#=-----

          ________  __________ ______  __________ _____ __________
         /        \ \        /_      |           \      \        /_
----.   /         \\_\    __/  \     |________    \     |\    __/  \..
     : /            \ \__/      \    |      \/  _ /     | \__/      \ :
     : \            /           /    |       \    \     |           / :
     :  \__________/____       /     |_______/    /     |___       /  :

-----=#> Osiris [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by MasterByte] <#=------

-=#> Childhoods End [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Wrathchild] <#=--

_____________ ___        ______ ___________ _________
            /    |______|      |          /          \        .
_____      /__   |      |      |         /________    \   .      .. .    .
|   /_____/  / __|__    |      |      __/___    |/     \      :
|           /  \____    |      |\   _/ _    \   /      /      :
|___       /_____|      |      | \___  /_   /____ _   /       :
                 |      |       _________ __________ __________  __________
                 |      |______/         \          \          \ \        /_
                 |      |      |          \          \______    \_\    __/  \
                 |    __|__    |           \          \   |/     \ \__/      \
                 |    \____    |           /          /   /      /           /
                 |______|      |__________/__________/_____ _   /____       /
       _________________|______|_____________           /______/    /______/
       \              /          \           \                         :
        \______      /________    \_______    \           .-----+------'
          /   /_____/_      |/     \    |/     \          :     :
         /    __/     \     /      /    /      /----------'     :
         \____        /____/      /______ _   /                 :

-=#> Childhoods End [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Wrathchild] <#=--

-------=#> AX TooLS [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=-------

__________    ________   _______________ ____ _________ ___________________
          \  /       /__               /     \         \         /        /_
________   \/       /   \             /       \         \       / \    __/  \
|    __/    \_     /   _/ _______    /         \         \   __/___\__/      \
|    \_      \    /     \ |      \  /          /         / _/ _    \         /
|_____/      /___/      / |       \/__________/_________/___  /_   /_       /
-----/______/-/________/- |________\-----[BsG/rEAl]--------/______/-/______/--

-------=#> AX TooLS [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=-------

--=#> Sony Playstation [Done By BsG / rEAl]---[*REQ* by John Sinclair] <#=--

 __________ _________ ___________  _________
 \        /_         \           \/        /__-----------------------------.
 _\    __/  \         \_______    \       /   \-   -      - -       -       :
/  \__/      \         \    |/     \     /    /  -    - -      -          - :
\            /         /    /      /____/     \ -          -   -   --     - :
 \___       /_________/____/      /  /        /                             :
 ---/______/---[BsG/rEAl]-/______/__/________/ _______ ________  __________ :
                           :                 /       /         \/         /_:
                           ._________       /       /________   \        /   \
                               |   |/      /     __/___   __/    \      /    /
                               |   /______/    _/ _    \  \_      \____/     \
                               |       \  \_____  /_   /___/      / /        /
 __________ ______________ ____|_______/_______/______/___/______/_/________/
 \        /_             /     \               /   |         \           \  :
 _\    __/  \           /____   \             /    |          \_______    \ :
/  \__/      \_____    /  __/    \_______    /     |           \    |/     \:
\            /     \  /   \_      \      \  /      |           /    /      /:
 \___       /       \/_____/      /       \/|      |__________/____/      / :

--=#> Sony Playstation [Done By BsG / rEAl]---[*REQ* by John Sinclair] <#=--

-=#> CD-ROM OFFER [Done By Basguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by John Sinclair] <#=--

_____________ ________                 _____________ __________ ______  ___
            /         \      __/\__    \            \          \      \/   \
_____      /_______    \       Oo /     \________    \          \_____      \
|   /_____/  /   |/     \      ==       |      \/  _ /           \    \/     \
|           /    /      /               |       \    \           /    /      /
|___       /______ _   /                |_______/    /__________/____/      /
         :    ________ _____________ ________ ________ _________   :
         :   /        \            /        /        /          \  :
         :  /          \____      /__      /__      /________    \ :
         : /            \  /_____/  /_____/  /_____/_      \/  _ / :
         : \            /  ____/    ____/    __/     \      \    \ :
         :  \__________/      \        \_____        /______/    / :

-=#> CD-Rom Offer [Done By Basguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by John Sinclair] <#=--

=#> System Locked [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by John Sinclair] <#=-

    __________  _________   __________ _______________ ________ ___  ___
    \        /_/        /__ \        /_              /        /    \/   \
    _\    __/  \       /   \_\    __/  \            /__      /_____      \
   /  \__/      \     /    /  \__/      \______    /  /_____/_     \/     \
   \            /____/     \            /      \  /   __/     \    /      /
    \___       /  /        /____       /        \/____        /___/      /
: ______________ ________ _____________ _______ _______________ ________    :
: \            /         \            /       /___            /         \   :
:  \          /           \____      /__     /    \____      /_______    \  :
:   \      __/___          \  /_____/  /   _/    _/   /_____/_     |/     \ :
:    \   _/ _    \         /          /    \      \   __/     \    /      / :
:     \___  /_   /________/___       /______\     /___        /_____ _   /  :

=#> System Locked [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by John Sinclair] <#=-

-------=#> Outlaws [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=--------

   ________    ______ ______________ _______ ________    ______  __________
  /        \  /     /__            /       /         \  /     /__\        /_
 /         \\/     /   \          /       /________   \/     /    \    __/  \
/            \    /     \____    /     __/___   __/    \    /      \__/      \
\            /   /      /    \  /    _/ _    \  \_      \  /\      /         /
 \__________/   /______/      \/______  /_   /___/      /____\    /__       /

-------=#> Outlaws [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=--------

---------=#> WHQ [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=----------

                     ______    _____      _________
                    /     /___|     |____/_        \
                   /     /    \     |      |       \\
                  /     /      \  __|__    |         \
                  \    /\      /  \____    |         /
            _______\_____\    /_____|      |___      \________
             :               OF rEAl-/X-dSIGn               :

---------=#> WHQ [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=----------

---------=#> EHQ [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=----------

                  _______________ ____      _________
                 /              /     |____/_        \
                /________      /      |      |       \\
                    /   /_____/_    __|__    |         \
                   /    __/     \   \____    |         /
            _______\____        /_____|      |___      \________
             :                OF rEAl-/X-dSIGn                :

---------=#> EHQ [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=----------

---------=#> GHQ [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=----------

                 ______________ _____      _________
                 \            /|     |____/_        \
                  \_   ______/_|     |      |       \\
                   /   \       |   __|__    |         \
                   \    \__    |   \____    |         /
            ________\_____/    |_____|      |___      \________
             :                OF rEAl-/X-dSIGn               :

---------=#> GHQ [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=----------

-------=#> New User [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=-------

___________ ______________ ______
           \             /      /___
________    \_____      /      /    \
|     |/     \   /_____/_     /      \
|     /      /   __/     \   /\      /
|____/      /____        /_____\    /
----/______/----/_______/-------\__/____ __________ _____________ _________
    .--.                         /     /_\        /_            /          \
   :    :       .----.          /     /   \    __/  \____      /________    \
   :    `-------+-.   :        /     /     \__/      \  /_____/_      \/  _ /
   .            :  :  :       /     /      /         /  __/     \      \    \
                `--'  :       \    /______/__       /___        /______/    /
   .                  `--------\__/[BsG/rEAl/______/---/_______/----/______/-

-------=#> New User [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by SaXon] <#=-------

-----=#> Al Bundy [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Al Bundy] <#=------

__________ ____________                  .
          \           /                            .
________   \         /                        . .
|    __/    \     __/___       .         .   .   .     .           .
|    \_      \  _/      \                      .
|_____/      /___       /                  .         .
-----/______/---/______/_____    ______ ____________ ___________  _________
                             \  /     /__           \           \/        /__
__________________________    \/     /   \_______    \_______    \       /   \
           .     |      _/    /     /     \    |/     \    |/     \     /    /
                 |    __\     \    /      /    /      /    /      /____/     \
           :     |_____       /   /______/____/      /______ _   /  /        /

-----=#> Al Bundy [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Al Bundy] <#=------

----=#> Bundy Land [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Al Bundy] <#=-----

      ______________    ______ ____________ ___________  _________
     |              \  /     /__           \           \/        /__
     |___________    \/     /   \_______    \_______    \       /   \
        |      _/    /     /     \    |/     \    |/     \     /    /
        |    __\     \    /      /    /      /    /      /____/     \
        |_____       /   /______/____/      /______ _   /  /        /
    :        ______________ ________ ____________ ___________             :
    :        \            /         \            \           \            :
    :         \          /________   \________    \_______    \           :
    :          \      __/___   __/    \     |/     \    |/     \          :
    :           \   _/ _    \  \_      \    /      /    /      /          :
    :            \___  /_   /___/      /___/      /______ _   /           :
    :               /______/   /______/   /______/    /______/            :

----=#> Bundy Land [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Al Bundy] <#=-----

--------=#> Tce [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Al Bundy] <#=--------

                     ______________ _________ ___________
                    |             /         /           /
                 .--|            /___      /_____      / --.
             .---:  |_______    /   /_____/  /  /_____/_   :---.
             :   :  |       \  /            /   __/     \  :   :
             :   `--|        \/_____       /____        /--'   :
             :      |_________\    /______/    /_______/       :

--------=#> Tce [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Al Bundy] <#=--------

------=#> The Case [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Al Bundy] <#=-----

  _________________  __________________      ______________
                /  |______            /                   /
               /   |      |____      /       ______      /__
   _______    /  __|__    |   /_____/_        |   /_____/  /
  |       \  /   \____    |   __/     \       |           /
  |        \/______|      |___        /      _|___       /--
  |_________\------|______|--/_______/-----      /______/\
                                             __________   \
                                               |    __/    \
      .---------------------------------.      |    \_      \
      :                                 :      |_____/      /
      :                                 :       \   /______/-
      :                                 :       _\    __/  \    
      :                                 :      /  \__/      \   
      :                                 :      \            /
      :                                 :      _\___       /_
      :                                 :          /______/ / 
      :                                 :      ______      /
      :                                 :       /   /_____/_
      :                                 :      /    __/     \
      `---------------------------------'      \____        /

------=#> The Case [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by Al Bundy] <#=-----

-----=#> Shock Network [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by TOM?] <#=-----
        __________ ______  _______________ _____________ _______
        \        /_      |______          \            /       /___
        _\    __/  \     |      |          \____      /__     /    \
       /  \__/      \  __|__    |           \  /_____/  /   _/    _/
       \            /  \____    |           /          /    \      \
        \___       /_____|      |__________/___       /______\     /
           /______/______|______|_____________/______/____    \___/
           .                 \             /             /     .
                 _________    \_____      /             /
           .      |     |/     \   /_____/_________    /
                  |     /      /   __/     \       \  /        .
           ,      |____/      /____        /        \/
           !   /     /___         \            \        /___   :
           :  /     /    \         \________    \      /    \
           : /     /      \         \     \/  _ /    _/    _/  :
           : \    /\      /         /      \    \    \      \  :
           :  \_____\    /_________/_______/    /_____\     /  :

-----=#> Shock Network [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by TOM?] <#=-----

-=#> Demos and Intros [Done By Bshguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by High-Speed <#=--

         __________ _____________ ____  ___ __________  __________
         \         \            /     \/   \          \ \        /_
         _\_____    \____      /______      \          \_\    __/  \
        |     |/     \  /_____/_      \/     \          \ \__/      \
        |     /      /  __/     \     /      /          /           /
        |______ _   /___        /____/      /__________/____       /
       :                                                              :
       `----------------------->[ AND INTROS ]<-----------------------'

-=#> Demos and Intros [Done By Bshguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by High-Speed <#=--

---=#> Coders World [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by High-Speed <#=---

 ______________ ________ ___________ ______________ _________  __________
              /         \           \             /          \ \        /_
 ______      /__         \_______    \_____      /________    \_\    __/  \
  |   /_____/  /          \    |/     \   /_____/_      \/  _ /  \__/      \
  |           /           /    /      /   __/     \      \    \            /
  |___       /___________/______ _   /____        /______/    /____       /
  -        ______  ___________ ____________ ___________ _________         -
   -      /     /___          \            \          /          \       -
    -    /     /    \          \________    \        /________    \     -
     -  /     /      \          \     \/  _ /     __/___    |/     \   -
      - \    /\      /          /      \    \   _/      \   /      /  -
       - \_____\    /__________/_______/    /____       /____ _   /  -

---=#> Coders World [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by High-Speed <#=---

------=#> Modules [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by High-Speed <#=-----

______  ___ _________ __________    ______ ____________ ___________________
      \/   \         \          \  /     /__          /           /       /_
______      \         \______    \/     /   \        /_____      /\    __/  \
|     \/     \         \   |/     \    /     \    __/___  /_____/_ \__/      \
|     /      /         /   /      /   /      /  _/      \ __/     \          /
|____/      /_________/_____ _   /   /______/____       /__       /__       /

------=#> Modules [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by High-Speed <#=-----

------=#> Pixels [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by High-Speed <#=------

     ________________ _   ________ _______________ _________ ________
                    /  | /       /__             /         /        /_
     _______       /   |/       /   \_____      /         /_\    __/  \
      |   |/      /    |\      /    /    /_____/_      __/___\__/      \
      |   /______/     |/     /     \    __/     \   _/ _    \         /
    .-|       \ |      |_____/      /____        /____  /_   /_       /-.

------=#> Pixels [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by High-Speed <#=------

----=#> High-Speed [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by High-Speed] <#=---

 _____        ______ ___________ _____
|     |______|      |          /      |______
|     |      |      |   ______/_      |      |
|   __|__    |      |   \       |   __|__    |
|   \____    |      |    \__    |   \____    |
|_____|      |      |______/    |_____|      |
:                   __________ _______________ _______ ___________ ________
:                   \        /_              /       /           /         \
:                   _\    __/  \_____       /_      /_____      /_______    \
:                  /  \__/      \  |/      / /_____/_    /_____/_     |/     \
:                  \            /  /______/  __/     \   __/     \    /      /
:                   \___       /       \_____        /___        /_____ _   /

----=#> High-Speed [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by High-Speed] <#=---

---=#> The Dungeon [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by High-Speed] <#----

_______________ _  __________________
              /  |______            /
             /   |      |____      /
 _______    /  __|__    |   /_____/_
|       \  /   \____    |   __/     \
|        \/______|      |___        /
 __________   ______ ___________ ___________.___________________ __________
 \         \ /     /__          \          /            /       \          \
 _\_____    \     /   \______    \  ______/______      /         \______    \
|     |/     \   /     \   |/     \ \       |   /_____/_          \   |/     \
|     /      /  /      /   /      /  \__    |   __/     \         /   /      /
|______ _   /  /______/___/      /_____/    |___        /________/___/      /
---=#> The Dungeon [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by High-Speed] <#=---

---=#> Cosmic Circus [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by ???] <#=---

   ______________ ________  __________ ______  ___ ______ ____________
                /         \ \        /_      \/   \      |           /
   ______      /__         \_\    __/  \_____      \     |____      /__
    |   /_____/  /          \ \__/      \    \/     \    |   /_____/  /
    |           /           /           /    /      /    |           /
    |___       /___________/____       /____/      /     |___       /
   : ______________ ___  __________ _____________ ______   __________    :
   :              /    |           \            /      /__ \        /_   :
   : ______      /__   |________    \____      /__    /   \_\    __/  \  :
   :  |   /_____/  /   |      \/  _ /   /_____/  /   /     \ \__/      \ :
   :  |           /    |       \    \           /   /      /           / :
   :  |___       /     |_______/    /___       /   /______/____       /  :

---=#> Cosmic Circus [Done By Bashguard / rEAl]---[*REQ* by ???] <#=---

                     ####       ####        ##       !__!
                  ###################      ###       (oO)______________
                   ###############        ####       ( U|nnnnnnnnnnnnnn) )  )
   <ATTACK>        ####       ####      #####################################
     <DA>         ####  -3-  ####    ########################################
  <HISTORY!>     ####       ####        #####################################
            ####################          ####       :                 :
            ####################           ###       :Last Message Part:
             #####     #####                ##       `-----------------'

It seems like that you have reached the last message part here right now.
I have somethin' to say about this collection. This collection was really
hard to make, so please don't rip my sign out of da ascii because it is
my work. If you respect art you will leave the ascii in the original form.
You are allowed to add a text above or below the ascii and you can color
it as much if ya want.
At this point i have to leave a eall message to all people out here. I am
very long in business right now and i saw much boards goin' offline. I lost
very much friends in da computer-scene cause of bustin'. Don't be a idot and
make bbs-adds. The cops or/and Gravenreuth will catch ya as faster as you can
see, so please make ya bbs as secure as possible. Security beats famness!
In this case i will send a very big hello to MuMu/Osiris who was busted last
year because his bbs was too fame!
Also i wanna kick some technos round here! You will destroy the scene like
2Fast (5o1). The roots will win the game but if won't stop ya action you will
get sucked! Thousands of fuckin to 2Fast, the wanna be elite-trader-ascii-
Much regards too my old crew called Religion! If ya wanna get in contact with
me just dial the number from Hawkwind or leave me a mail at wellknown places
like Acid Slam or Flying Dragon somewhere over the globe. I wanna resurect the
old group to give them the fame they should get!
As you can see this is not only a big-shit-ascii-production ... nope! This is
art and much messages and text! So i have some suggestions for ya what ya can
do to help da world / or yaself! You must boykott france for the nuclear tests
... they will destroy our world! You must stop racism in da world and you
must fight for the week people ... not with money-supports ... you must help
themselves by fighting for there rights!
ok ... enough ... here is the credits part!

                     ####       ####        ##       !__!
                  ###################      ###       (oO)______________
                   ###############        ####       ( U|nnnnnnnnnnnnnn) )  )
   <ATTACK>        ####       ####      #####################################
     <DA>         ####  -4-  ####    ########################################
  <HISTORY!>     ####       ####        #####################################
            ####################          ####       :                 :
            ####################           ###       : Da Credits Part :
             #####     #####                ##       `-----------------'

Name of Collection:..................REA-IART.TXT
File Size :..........................About 100.000 Bytes
Main Artist :........................Bashguard / rrr
Guest Artists :......................Bastard
Time of work :.......................one month
Release Date :.......................27.11.1995 a.d.
Release Time :.......................0 a.m.
Trinkin' Stuff :.....................Red Bull
               :.....................Good german beer
               :.....................Jim BEAM
Eatin' Stuff :.......................Burger King
             :.......................Mum's kitchen
Moral Support :......................Hardball
              :......................jAY dEE
Music Support :......................Atari Teenage Riot
              :......................Fettes Brot
              :......................Radar Mixed Tapes
              :......................650 MB Modules CD (ROOOOOOLZ)

      _____                                                       _____
     /    / /\_____________   |::::_________ ______/\____________ \    \
_ __/____/_/    ____  ____/:::|:::: ______  |  ____    ________  \_\____\__
\\\_____   \  |_ \/____   \:::::::: \__  \  |   \/   |_ \|  __/ _/   _____/
 |/    /   / __/  \    \   \::|::::       \      \  __/  \  \    \_  \    \
 |\_______/___|    \_______/::|::::_______/______/___|    \__\    /_______/
 `------------|     \-----::::|----------------------|     \--\  /-(hKWd)-.
                              Sendz greets To :

  o SaXon o Humanoid o Krypton o Rat o Radar o Jay Dee o Pizza o Poseidon o
    o MuMu o Hawkwind o Sultan o SCC o Dent o TuC o WOTW o G0! o Badger o
      o Sabine! o Guardian o Pyro o Gandalf o High Speed o Bud Weiser o
o Mr. Mistral o  Mr. Hell o Joker o Jazzytech o Mick o Cockroach o Reactors o
 o Dragon o Sigma Seven o Schlaubi o Tomahawk o Miracle o Vortex o Bandit o
  o Dino o Bonehead o Ladykiller o Sigma Seven o Contrast o Green Koblin o
   o Strange Dos o J.P. Maverick o WL11 o Dr. Grell o Fashion o Merlin o
 o Peacy o Lou Van B o DPL o Loomit o Andemar o Chris o Voice o Thommas!/Sp o
    o Wrathchild o Supercharger o Harry Harzer o Hardball o Tony o Anubis o
  o Jazy o Master Byte o Eldorado o Smurf o Gizmo o Max o Freestyle o Nitro o
                      o John Sinclair o Al Bundy o Tom? o 

                        and all i have forgotten!

              . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
              .                                               .
              .               Fuckinz goes To :               .
              .                                               .
              .             o 2Fast (alias 5o1) o             .
              .                                               .
              .         FUCK FUCK FUCK SUCK SUCK SUCK         .
              .             !    !    !    !    !    !        .
              . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

                                 end ...


____________ _____________ ___ ____________
            \            / _ _\           /    
________     \____      /     \\         /
7     \/     /   /_____/_      \\     __/___
|      \     \   __/ _   \       \  _/  _   \
!______/     /____   /_  /________\__   /_  /
Illegal art Issue 1.---.Released on 11-27-95!


     ______ _____ _____ ________ __ _____
    _)    _Y    _Y    _Y        Y__Y_    |
 .--\_  |_\_  | \_  `-\_  |  |  |   / |__|
 |   |  l  |  |  |--,  |  |  |  |  /  l  |-----------------------------------.
 |   l__   l_____l__   l__|__|  l_/l__   |        !fEEL dA gENERATION!       |
 |      `--'        `--'     `--'     `--'                                   |
 |     [Ũ] pRODIGY aMIGA gHQ [ŨŨ] nEUTRON aMIGA & /X-iNSPIRATION wHQ [Ũ]     |
 |                                                                           |
 |                dA cHEEF: gENERATION/PDY^NTR^QSR^SHT^ILS                   |
 |                                                                           |
 |          dAN/NTR · hITPOINT/PDY · kRYPTON/SHT^SUB · aWESON/ILS            |
 |                                                                           |
 |    2 * cREDITS fOR mAJORS! 3 * cREDITS fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP!    |
 |                                                                           |
 |     -- -+-rUNNING a4OOO/O4O/25mHZ & 4 nODES - uSR v.34+ & iSDN-+- --      |
 |                                       ______ __ _____ _____ __ __ _____   |
 |         !fEEL dA gENERATION!         _)     Y__Y_   _Y     Y  | _Y     |  |
 `--------------------------------------\_  |__|   / l_\_  |__|  | \_  `--|  |
     DATE: 27-Nov-95 · TIME: 04:32:34    |  l  |  /  |  |  l  |  |  |--,  |--'
                                         l__   |_/l__|2Fl__   |_____l__   |
                                            `--'           `--'        `--'

             -*- This file passed through the hands of : -*-
                __________/          /____________
              __\    ____/_     \___/_\     _____/_____
          .---\\   ____/___\     \    _\________     //-dA!.
          |    \   \       /`---------\        /     /     |
          |     `---------'            `------------'      |
      -- -|-------+[ tRISTAR & rED sECTOR iNC. ]+----------|- --
        --|------------+[ aMĄGA & cONSØLE ]+---------------|--
          |              Try these boards:                 |
          |     Spirit of Soul - trSi aMiga leader hq      |
          :           Heavens Door   - OFFLINE             :
          ·                                                ·
          `-----+[ 27-Nov-95 ]+---------+[ 18:33:38 ]+-----'
                             tHIS fILE wAS d/l fROM:             
     _____ _____        __ __       _____ ______   _____ _____      |  |
   _/     \_ ._ \___ __(__)  l_   _/     \_ ___/ _/     \_    \_____|  |__
   \_  l___/ |/  /__)     \_ _/_  \_  |  _/ _/   \_  l___/ |  _/ |  \_ |  |
    l__   |   __/| \_  l___/ |  |  |  |  |  |     l__   |  |  |  |  _/ l  |
    |  |  |  |   |  |  |  |  l  |  |  |  |  |     |  |  |  |  |  |  l__   |
    l__   l__|   |  |  l__l__   |  l_____l__|     l__   l_____|  |  |  `--'
   <-- `--' ũ2Fũ l__l__| --- `--' ----  ----  - - -- `--' --- l_____| ---->
  tRISTAR & rED sECTOR iNC. gHQ                                  aRTCORE wHQ
  mEGAHUNTER: mARIO/tRSI              cO-hUNTERS: eCS/tRSI aND zOU^zOU!/tRSI
   7 nODEZ rD - (fATAL 2*28.8k|USR 1*19.2k ZYX|nATURE 2*64.Ok) - a4OOO/o4o! 
           iNVITED 'n eLITE oNLY - aMIGA/suPER fAMICOM/sEGA gENESIS         
                           #1 - #5: +1-8OO-aSK-tRSI                         
                 [ [ sOS - oNE oF eUROPE'S fASTEST - SOs ] ]               
               [ [ gET iNVITED aND mEET tHE pURE eLITE hERE ] ]             

                                                     [AĄRaDDer v3.4 By AĄRcø]