_______ _ _____________|_____ ___  ____ _
  _\_.  _/___________   / |  __/___ \|     /
 |   |  \_  _    /  .__/  :  \_   /  \    /
s|   |   /  _)__/   l  \_ |   l _/  \    /s
c|______/   l   \_______/ |_____\___|\__/ c
.------\_________/--------' pRESENTS: <----.
|  Shapechanger's Big Un'S Issue Number 5  |

           "Behold, I Shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep,   
            But we shall all be changed...... " 
                                  Holy Bible, 1 Corinthias, 15:51  


                                     |                   .                         
                                     |                  .  
                                     |                 /   
                                     |                /__  
                                     |                  /  
                                     |                 .   
          ....::::::::'              |              __/\__ 
      ::::::::''.:::'                |              \ || / 
      `:::.   .:::'                  |              /_\/_\                         
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 D · E  ..::::'  .::' I · G ·  N !       |                                     
«-- -.:::::' - - ::. - ------------» .---'       sHAPECHANGER   
 ..::::::::..... `::. D!             |                            
        ``````::::::::..             |                 oF              
  p R O D U C T i O N S  1 9 9 5     |      dEZIGN aND sUBURBAN bASE
a L L  r i G H T S  r E S E R V E D  |          pROUDLY pRESENTS:
                                     |               __/\__
                                     |               \ || /
                                     |               /_\/_\ 
                                     |               ~~\/~~.
                                     |                    / 
                                     |                   /__
                                     |                     /
                                     |                    / 
                                     |                   .  
                                     |                  .   
                .                    |
 _  __________ _|_ __________ __ _ _.'
|_||            |                                            
 __|            :                                  ________
|    ___________|__________    ______.___________ |       /___  _______
|   _\___    /  |_  ______/__  \_    |    __     \|      /(  /_/   ___/___
|  |   |/   /   |/  \_      /   /    |    \/      \     /  )/ \____.     /
| s|   |\   \_ _/    |     /  _/     |     \_    \     /     _/    l    /s
| c|_________/ \__________/   \_____________/____|\___/      \_________/ c
|        \______| 
|               : __   __    . __             .     __  __ ___
|               |l___ (__ |  |(__'     |\ ||  ||\/||__)(__'|__)
|        ....   | ___)___)l__|l__.     | \|l__||  ||__)l__.l  l_  ....
|               .                                 :              
:                                                 .
.                                  _______________|_____________________
.                                  \_    .    /   |_   |    __   _     /
|   ' bIG UN'S iSSUE nUMBER.5 '     /    |___/    |/   |    \/   _)___/
|                                s_/     _) /    _/    |     \_  |    \_s
|                                c\______|_/     \____________/________/c
|                                         \_______|
`._ __ __________________________________________________________________  _
                  "Two diffrent fates are carrying                          |  
                   me on the road to death. If i stay                       |  
                   here and fight .....                                     |  
                   there will be no homecoming for me,                      |  
                   but my fame shall never die .....   "                    |  
                                       Homer, The Illiad                    |  
 __  ______________________________________________________________________.'  
|                                            ___ ___               
|                                         __/_  V  _\__            
| .__  __  __  __  __  __  __            /  ¯¬\ | /¬¯  \             
| |__)|__)(_ '|_ '|__|/  '(_ '          /   __  :  __   \           
| |   |  ll__,|   |  |\__.l__,         /   /:@\ _ /@:\   \          
| `--------------------------.        /    \:://:\\::/    \         
|                            |        \____ . /:::\ . ____/                _                   
| In this dark and dreadful  |           \:.| .¯¯¯. |.:/sc              _ /_)
| time of asc2 pestilence    |         __ ·:|_|_|_|_|:· ___        _   /_) /¯)
| i'm very proud to bring    |      __/::::¯|_A_|_A_|¯.::::\      ( \ / / / /¯)
| you a new asc2 production  |     /:;:¯\ ::|\__:__/|::    :\      ) ) / / / / 
| called Big Un's 5. I'm     |    /_  _  \ :: \_V_/ :       :\     \ \___ / /
| actually very amased that  :   /|_|  \  . .\_____/    .     \     \_  ___/ 
| this was produced at all,  .  /:| |_  .      :::::   /       \    /:  /       
| becoz at the moment i have   /:_| |_\ .   .         /       ::\  /: ./ 
| lots of other things to do.  _| | | |\ \   \       /  _     __/ / . /
| One of the reasons i did    | | | | | |:\   \__ __/  /::\  /  \/ . /    
| it,is because of some kewl  | : :   : |::\__   .    /::::\ \  /   /
| ascie releases lately that  |        /::::::\_.:.__/::::/ ¯¯\    /
| really inspired me to do it. \______/ \::::::::::::::::/     \__/
| Some people behind those are:           ··::;:::::::··             
| Exocet, Karma, U-man, Tango etc.           ·::::::·                           
: Thx dudes, you helped me stop                ::::                             
· puking when i scanned through some          .:::                              
. of those not-worth-mention collections!    :::                                
  In the darkness there are always, even    ::·                                  
. if it's small, a spark of light...       ::                                   
|                            .             ·:.
|   Bye from me for now!     |               ·:
:                            |                 .
`._ __ _____________________.'___________________________________________  _
               "Hail, holy light, offspring of heaven... "                  |                                                                               
                                John Milton, Paradise Lost                  |
 __  ______________________________________________________________________.'
`-- -------------.             _________  _ ___  ______                     
          _______|________  ___\__  ___/_____  \|     /__________           
          \      |  _ \_  \|     /  |  _    /   \    /  __/ ____/__         
           \  \__|  /  /   \    /   |  _)__/   \    /   |____     /         
            \  \ |    /   \    /____|  l  l____|\__/    |   l    /          
             \___|___/    |\__/sc   |______/      \_____|_______/           
                 `--\_____|------------------ ----------|-----------.       
                                                        :           |       
        c H A P T E R  o N E     :   tHE iNCLUDED AMIGA TEAMS       |       
        c H A P T E R  t W O     :   tHE LOGO PART ONE              |       
        c H A P T E R  t H R E E :   tHE INCLUDED ASC2 TEAMS        |       
        c H A P T E R  f O U R   :   tHE lOGO pART tWO              |       
        c H A P T E R  f I V E   :   tHE GREETiNGS & mESSAGES       |       
        c H A P T E R  s I X     :   cREDiTS & cONTACT iNFO         |       
.---------- --------------------------------------------------------'        
`._ __ __________________________________________________________________  _
                    "Hell trembled as he strode... "                        | 
                          John Milton, Paradise lost                        |
 __  ______________________________________________________________________.'  
|                                       .------------------------.                                                                                             
|            _______________  __________|_________ __________    |           
|            \_   ._____    \/    __    |   _____/_____.   _/    |           
|             /  _|   \/          \/    |   \_     /   |_  \     |           
|           _/   \_    \_  \  /    \_   |    l    /    _/   \_   |            
|           \_____l_____/   \/______/___|________/     l_____/   :           
|                    \______|           |       \______|         |           
`---------------------------------------'                        |s           
               a · M · ¡ · G · A    t · E · A · M · S            |c           
.--------- ------------------------------------------------------'           
|   hOODLUM·¡NSANE·lEGEND·lOG¡C·lSD·mOMENT 22·mYST¡C·oTT·oUTLAWS·oR¡G¡N                              
`--- -----------------------------------------------------------------..----.
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:     2OOO A.D     :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
             2       O         O    .    O         A    .    D              |
     _ _____________________________|______________________________ _ _     |
    |   _\__    \                   |                   \          \   |    | 
    :  /   .____/    _____._____    |    ____________    \_____     \  :    | 
    s_/    l    \_   \    |    /    :    \   _/     _         /      \_|    |
    c\___________/________l_________|________\______l_________________/|    |
  <-- ----------------------------- | ---------------------------------'    |
                                    ·                                       |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:   aLPHA fLIGHT   :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
        _______        .                         .    _________________     |
       /   .   \_______|__ ______________________|____\       .       /     |
      /   _|    \      |____________.       /    |     \      |_     /      |
    _/    \_     \_    |     _/    _|      /     |_     \     _/    /       |
    \______l______/    |     \_    \______/      _/      \____l____/        |
                |_____________/_____|    \_______l________/                 |
                      .          .                 .                        |
         _____________|______ ___|__________ ______|________________        |
        _\__.     /   |______    |_   _____/___    |    __     ____/        |
       |    |____/    |    _/    |/   \_      /    |_   \/     |            |
       |    __)_/     |    \_   _/     l    _/     _/    \_    |            |
       |    |sc\____________/___\___________\______l______/    |            |
       |    |                                        _/        |            |
       |____|                                        \_________|            | 
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:     aNTHROX      :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
                                                                     .      | 
                        ___________  .     ______________      ______|______|
    _______  _____  ____\__    ___/__|_____\_    _      /______\     |     /|
 s /   .   \|     \|      /    |     |      /    /    _/        \    |    / |
 c/    |_   \      \    _/     |     |    _/     \     \_ __    /    .    \ |
_/     _/    \_   \     \______|     _    \______|\_____/  /  _/     |____/.|
\______l______/   |\____/      |_____|______/       /_________\______|     ||
                                     :                                      |
|  · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->: BIZZARE FASCINATION :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
        __________  .  _________ ____ _ _________ ________ ________         |
       _\___     /__|__\__     /  .  \______    /_ __    /  _     /         |
      |   |/   _/   |    _____/   |_  \    /   /    /   /   _)___/          |
     s|   |\    \   :    l   l_   _/   \_  \   \_   \   \_  l    \_s        |
     c|_________/  _|_________/   |_____/  |\___/___|\___/________/c        |
            _/      |        |    |   |____|                                | 
            \_______|        :    :              __________                 |
_ ____________._______ ___________|___  _________\__   ___/______.__  ______: 
        / .   |   ___/____.    /  |   \|     / .   |   |    /    |  \|     /: 
   |___/  |_  |___.   |   |___/___|    \    /  |   |   |___/___  |   \    / :
   _)_/   _/  |   l   :   |   \_  |   \   _/   _   |___|   |  /  |  \    /  |
_ _| \____l___|_______.________/__|   |\__\____l___|   |___|_____:__|\__/   |
                                  `---'                    |                |
                                                           ·                |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:     cLASSIC      :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
                                  .                                         |
                 __  ___________ _|_ ______________________  __             |
                |__||             |                        ||__|            |
                 ___|             ·                        |___             |
                |        c    l    a    s    s    ¡    c       |            |
                .                                              :            |
 _______________|_ _______________.__________  ________________|___________ :
|____.     /    |___________.     |     ____/_|     _____/__   |____.     / :
|    |____/     |     _/    |_    |_____.     |_____.      /   |    |____/  |
|    |    \_    |     \_    _/    |     l     |     l     /    |    |    \_ :
|__________/___________/    l_____l___________l__________/_____:__________/ :
                |  _/       |sc                                |            |
                |  \________|                                  |            |
                |                                              |            |
                l______________________________________________;            |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:     cOMPLEX      :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
                                                                   .        |
  ___________     .                                          ______|______  |
 |    .     /_____|_ _     ___  _ _           .      ________\     |     /  |
 |    |____/      |____  ____          _______|     |    _    \_   |   _/   |
 |    |    \_ _   |    \/    |_________\__    |_____|    _)___/    .    \   |
_|__________/ \   |          |    .      /    |     |    l   \_____|     \_ |
 |      \_________|   \  /   |    |     /     |     |__________/   |______/ |
 :                |    \/____|   _|____/|___________|sc                     |
 |                `----'     |    |                                         |
 .                           `----'                                         |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:     cRYSTAL      :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
 ___  ____________________  .    ___________  _______________________. ___  | 
l___||                ______|____\     ____/__ _______               |l___| |
 ____|       _________\     |    _\____.     /   ____/______         |____  |
|     _______\___ _    \____.    \     l    /    |    .   _/____|_        | |
|    /  .     /   /   _/    l     \________/     :    |   \     |______   | |
|   /   |____/    \    \__________/sc     \______|    _    \_   |    _/   : |
:  /    |    \____|\____/                        |____l_____/   |    \_   | |
|  \__________/                                           |___________/   | | 
|                                    .                                    | |
|__________________________________ _|_ __________________________________| |
                                     |                                      |
                                     :                                      |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:      d.C.S       :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
   .                                                                        |
   |           .                                                   .        |
_ _:______  ___|_________________|_ _______________________________|_______ |
   .   .  \|   |   _____.   __   |_____   .    /   _    /  _    /  | |   _/ |
   |   |   \   |   \/   |   \/   |   _/   |___/    /  _/   _)__/   | |   \  |
   |   l    \  |    \   _    \_  |   \_   l   \_   \   \_  |   \_  | |    \s:
   :                        .                   .                           |
   | aND _________ _________|________  _________|____  ____________         |
   |     \    ___/___   |   |   ._   \|      /  |    \|     /  ___/_        |
   |      \____     /   |   |   |/    \     /   |     \    /   \_   \       |
   `---- s|   |    /    _   |  _/    \    _/    |    \   _/     l    \ ---> |
         c|_______/     l___l__\_____|\___\_____l____|\__\___________/      |
                 \______|                                                   |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:     dEL¡GHT      :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
         .---.               .          .---------------.----------- -->    |
         |   |_______________|_ ________|_______ _______|_______________    |
     ____|_  |_   __     /   |______    |   ___/____    |     __    ___/    |
   _/    _/  |/   _)____/    |    _/    |   \_     /    |     \/    |       |
   \     \  _/    l     \_   |    \_    :    l    /     _      \_   |       |
    \_______\____________/_________/    |________/      |_______/   |       |
 <--------------------------------------'       `-------'sc_/       |       |
                                                           \________|       |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:     dEL¡R¡UM     :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
                          .          .             .                        |
    __________ ________ __|_ ________|_____________|____._________  ______  |
   _\__.     /  _     /   |______    |    _    /   |_   |   __    \/    _/  |
  |    |    /   _)___/    |    _/    |    /  _/    |/   |   \/          \   |
 s|    l  _/    l    \_   l    \_    :    \   \_  _/    l    \_  \  /    \_s:
 c|_______\___________/_________/    |____|\___/  \___________/   \/______/c:
<------------------------------------'      `------'     _/       |         |
                                                         \________|         |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:     dIGITAL      :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
                       .              .                      .              |
            ______  ___|________ _____|______________________|_ __ _        |
          __\_.   \|   |   ____/___   |_    ______.    __    |______        |
         |    |    \   |   \_     /   |/    |/    |_   \/    |    _/        |
        s|    |     \  :    l    /   _/    _/     _/    \    |    \_s       |
        cl__________/__l________/    \_____\______|      \_________/c       |
      <- -----------------------------'           l_______/                 |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:    dUPLO         :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
                      .------------------------.                            |
                      |    .. d U P L O! ..    |                            | 
                      .                        .                            |
       _______________|_____.______________ ___|_ _______________           |
      |    .    __    |     |     .       /    |_______          \          |
      |    |    \/    |     |    _|      /     |     _/_____.     \         |
     s|    |     \    |     |    \______/      |     \_     l      \_s      |
     cl__________/__________|     |    \______________/_____________/c      |
                      :     `-----'            :                            |
                      | .. p R E S E N T S: .. |                            |
                      `------------------------'                            |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:     eXTREME!     :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
 ________ ___ ___.                 _ __ ___ ______________________________. |
|                |                                                        | |
| _____________  :  _______________    _____________        _____________ | |
| \        sc /__|__\____    _____/____\           /__  ____\           / : |
|  \_  _     /   |      /    |     _    \_  _     /   \/     \_  _     /  . |
|  /   _)___/_   |    _/     |     /   _/   _)___/           /   _)___/   . |
: /    |    \_   _     \_____|     \    \_  l    \_  \  /   /    l    \_  : |
· \__________/   |______/    |     |\____/________/   \/____\__________/  | |
·         \______|           `-----'         _/       |                   | |
.                                            \________|                   | |
|____________________ ___ __ _                        |_ __ ___ __________| |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:   fAIRLiGHT      :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
          .                      .                                          |
_ ______ _|______________________|_________ ____________________________ _  :
          |    .   \____.   __   |   _    /                                 :
          |    |____/   |_  \/   |   /  _/                                  |
          |    _) _/    _/   \_  |   \   \_   .             .               |
          |____|sc\_____l_____/__|  _|\___/___|_____________|____________   | 
                                 |   |_____   |_  _______   |   __   ___/   | 
                                 |   |   _/   |/  \_    /   |_  \/   |      |
           .                     |   |   \_  _/    l  _/    _/   \_  |      | 
       _ __|_ _________________ _|________/__\________\_____l_____/  |      | 
           |                     |                           _/      |      | 
           :                     ·                           \_______|      |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:     g.O.D        :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
        .                            .                  .                   | 
 __  _ _|_ ____________ ___________ _|_ ____________ _ _|_ ____________. __ :
l__||   |   \_   _____/____          |     .      _/    |              ||__|:
 ___|   ·    /   \_       /\___.     |     |      \     · g L O B A L  l___ |
|         s_/     l     _/     l     |     l       \s                      |:
|   .     c\____________\____________l_____________/c  o V E R d O S E .   |:
l_ _|_ ______________________________________________________________ _|_ _|:
    |                                                                  |    |
    ·                                                                  ·    |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:   hOODLUM        :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
·                                                                           |
.                                                                           |
.                                                                           |
:     .                                       .                             |
|  ___|_________________________________  ____|_ _______.__________  _____  |
| /   |   \           \       ______.   \|    |______   |    __    \/   _/  |
|/    |_   \____.     /\__.   \/    |    \    |    _/   |    \/         \   |
/     _/    \   l   _/    l    \_   l     \_  |    \_   l     \_  \  /   \_s: 
\_____|      \______\___________/__________/________/__________/   \/_____/c:
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:     iNSANE       :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
           .---------------· i .N .S .A .N .E ·----------------- -->        |
     ______|_______  _____ _ _______ __________________  _______ _________  |
     \_    |_      \|      /   ____/_______.    __     \|      /   _     /  |
      /    |/       \     /____.      /    |_   \/      \     /    _)___/   |
   s_/    _/      \     _/     l     /     _/    \_    \    _/     |    \_s |
   c\_____\_______|\____\___________/      l______/    |\___\____________/c |
<-- -------------------------------\_______|-----------'                    |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:     lEGEND       :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
       .           .. tHE fUCKiN wiLL oF gOD ..      .                      |
   ____|_ _______________________ __________________ |____ __ ______        |
  |    |______   __    /    ____/___    __     /    \|      /  .    \       |
  |    |    _/   __)__/     \_     /    __)___/      \     /   |     \      |
 s|    l    \_   l    \_     l   _/     l     \_    \     /    |      \s    |
 c|__________/_________/_________\_____________/    |\___/l___________/c    |
  `---------- ----------------------------_/        | ------------------->  |
                                          \_________|                       |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:     lOGIC        :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
              .----------------- -->  .. lOGIC pRESENTS ..                  |
        ______|_ ______________.____________________.______________         |
        \_    |______          |_    __________     |_     .      /         |
         /    |    _/____.     |/    \_       /     |/     |_____/          |
      s_/     |    \_    l     |      l      /      |      l     \_s        |
      c\____________/__________l____________/       |_____________/c        |
    <----- -----------------------------------------'                       |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:       l.S.D      :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
                   .                                            .           |
 ___ .______ ______|_ _______________ ___________ ____________ _|_ ___  ___ |
l___||       \_    |_______    _____/_______.    \              |     |l___|:
 ____|        /    |     _/____.       /    |     \   ... lSD   ·     l____ |
|          s_/     l     \_    l     _/     l      \_s      bRiNGS ...     |:
|    .     c\_____________/__________\______________/c                .    |:
l__ _|_ ____________________________________________________________ _|_ __|:
     |                                                                |     |
     ·                                                                ·     |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:    mOMENT 22     :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
                ·                                                           |
                :   ... mOMENT 22 sTRIKES bACK wITH:                        |
      ____  ____|__________ ____  __________________ __  _______ _______    |
     |    \/    |          |    \/     __    _     /   \|      /    ___/    |
     |          |____.     |           \/    _)___/     \     /     |       |
    s|   \  /  _/    l     :   \  /     \_   l    \_   \     /      |s      |
    c|____\/   \___________|    \/_______/_________/___|\___/       |c      |
           |____|          |____|                          \________|_ _    |
                |                                                   |       |
                |           __________ __________                   :       |
                |          _\___     /_\___     /                   .       |
                |         /    .____/     .____/                            |
                `--- ---:(sc   l   l_     l   l_                    .       |
                          \_________/__________/                            |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBERif¡VE ->:     mYSTIC       :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
    .                      .                           .                    |
    .    ______  ___ ______|____._________ ____________|____________        |
    :    \_    \/    \     |    |    ____/__     ._    |_    .     /        |
    |     /           \____.    l____.     /     |/    |/    |____/         |
    | s  /    \  /    |    l    |    l    /     _/    _/     l    \_s       |
    | c_/      \/     l_________l________/      \_____\____________/c       |
    `--\_______|------'                 \________|                          |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:     o.T.T        :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
           .                                        .                       |
 __________|_______________________________  _______|____.________________  |
 \         |_   |   __    _     /\___     /  \__    |    |    __   _     /  |
  \____.   |/   |   \/    _)___/    /  __/     /    |    |_   \/   _)___/   |
 s_/   l  _/    l    \_   |    \_   \    \_  _/     |    _/    \_  l    \_  |
 c\_______\___________/_________/   |\____/  \______|    l______/________/  |
<---------------------------.-------'               `----'                  |
                   _________|________________________                       |
                   \___     |         .______.      /                       |
                      /     |\____    |/    _|     /                        |
                    _/      |    /    /     \_____/                         |
                    \_______|________/       |sc                            |
                            `-------\________|-- ---- ->                    |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:    oUTLAWS       :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
            .-------- -->          .                     .                  |
     _______|____._________________|_ ___________________|______________    |
    |       |    |    __     __    |___________.    __   | |  \     ___/__  |
  ._l___    |    |    \/     |/    |     _/    |_   \/   | |   \____.     | |
 s|    /    :    |     \_   _/     l     \_    _/    \_  | |    \_  l     |s:
 cl_________l___________/   \_____________/    l______/__________/        |c:
<----------------------------'        \________|        <-- --------------' |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:     oRIGIN       :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
                                 .                .                         |
       ________________________ _|_ _______ ____ _|_ ___  _____ _           |
       \_   .________ _     /    |    ____/___    |     \|      /           |
        /   |   \/    /   _/     |    \_     /    |      \     /            |
     s_/    l    \_   \    \_    |     l    /     |    \      /s            |
     c\___________/   |\____/__ _|_ _______/______|____|\____/ c            |
   <- ----------------'          |                `------------ -->         |
                                 ·                                          |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:    pARADOX       :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
                                                                            |                                                                            |
                      __________________                                    |
                     |                  |                                   |
                     :  .. pARADOX ..   :                       .           |
    _______________ _|___________ _____ |________ ________ _____|______     |
   _\__.      /  .___|    _     /___.  \|    .   \         \    |     /     |
  |    |     /  _|   \    /   _/    |_  \    |    \ ___.    \_  |   _/      |
  |   _l____/   \_    \_  \    \_   _/   \_  |     \   l    /   .    \_     |
  |    |sc \_____l_____/  |\____/___l_____/________/_______/    l_____/     |
  `----'             l____|                               \_____|           |
  |                                                                   .     |
  |______________________________________________________ __ _______ _|_ _  |
                                                                      |     |  
                                                                      ·     |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:    pRESTIGE      :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
             ..tHE mONGOLs fROM pREST¡GE bR¡NGS..      .--------------- --> |
       ___________________ _________________ __________|__________________  |
     __\_.     /  .      /   _     /   ____/__   __    |  _____/__  _    /  |
    /    l    /   |     /    _)___/_____     /   |/    |  \_     /  _)__/   |
 s_/    _____/   _l _ _/\_   l    \_   l   _/    |     |   l   _/   l   \_s |
 c\_____|  _/     |\_____/_________/_______\_____|     |_______\_________/c |
<--- ------\______|------------------------------------'                    |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:    pRODIGY       :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
 ·                                       ____                 .             |
 :    ________________________ ________ |    \_________  _____|____         |
 |   _\__.   \___ _    /      \____.   \|     \_  ____/__\    |    |        |
 | s|    l    /   /  _/___.    \   |    \______/  \_     /\____    |s       |
 | c|    ____/    \   \_  l    /   l     \_  _/    l   _/     l    |c       |
 `--l____|-_/     |\___/______/|__________/  \_________\___________|--- ->  |
           \______|_ _                 `------'                             |
                  |                                                         |
                  ·                                                         |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:    qUARTEX       :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
            .        ... tHERE cAN oNLY bE oNE ...                .         |
     _______|____.________________________________________________|______   |
   _l__.    |    |    ______.    _._____     /    __    _     /   |     /   |
  |    |  /\|    |    \/    |_   \|    /   _/     |/    _)___(____.   _/    |
 s|    l /  \    l     \_   _/    \_   \    \_    |     l    \_   |    \_s  |
 c|______\  /___________/   l______/   |\____/____l___________/   |_____/c  |
<---------\/----------------'     l____|               `----------'         |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:     rEBELS       :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
                   .. rEBELS aRE bAKK wITH ..          .                    |
_ __|\__________ ______________________ _______________|_ ______________    |
 _ _| \___     /   __      /\___      /   __      /    |_______     ___/__  |
    |    /   _/    ._)____/    /    _/    ._)____/     |     _/____.      | |
   s|    \    \_   l      \_   \     \_   l      \_    |     \_    l      |s:
   c|    |\____/___________/__________/___________/___________/           |c:
 <--|    :-------------------------------------------------> `------------' |
    :    ·                                                                  |
    .                                                                       |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:     rEDNEX       :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
                                                       .                    |
   ___________ _ ____________________________________ _|_ ________  ___     | 
  |    _     /__________                               |          ||___|    |
  |    /    /   _      /__________                     :          |____.    |
  |    \    \_  _)____/___.      /___  _______                         |    |
  |    |\____/  |     \_  |     /    \|      /__________               |    |
  |    |sc\____________/  |    /      \     /   _    __/____________   |    |
  |    :           \__________/      \     /    _)___\      |      /   |    |
  |    .                     \_______|\___/     |     \_   _|    _/    |    |
  :                                      \____________/    \_     \_   |    |
  .____.                                            _/      |______/   |    |
   ___ |                                            \_______|          |    |
  |___||_______________________________________________________________|    |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:     sKIDROW      :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
                              .-----------------------------.               |
                              |   ... sKIDROW bRINGs ...    |               |
  __________ _______  _____ __:________  ___________ _______:___________    |
  \     ___/____    |/    /   |    .   \|    _     /        |    ||   _/    |
   \____.      /    /   _/    |    |    \    /   _/____.    |    ||   \     |
  s|    l    _/     \    \_   |    |     \   \    \_   l    :    ||    \_s  |
  c|_________\______|\____/   |__________/   |\____/________|___________/c  |
<----------------------- -----'         l____|              `--- ---------->| 
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:  sUBURBAN bASE!  :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
                   .---------· sUBURBAN bASe iN 95' ·-------------- ->      |
 __________ ___.___|________________________________________________  ___ __:
 \    ____/_   |   |   _    /   |   _____ _    /  _    /   ._____   \|     /:
  \___.    /   |   :   /  _/    |   \/    /   /   /  _/    l_  \/    \    / |
 s|   l  _/    l   |   \   \_   l    \_   \   \_  \   \_   _/ _/    \    /s |
 cl______\_________|________/_________/   |\___/_______/___|  \_____|\__/ c :
<- ----------------|----------------------'                `------------- ->:
                   |  ____________________________ ____________             |
                   | |  ___     /   .   \     ___/___   _     /             |
                   | |    /  __/    l_   \____.     /   _)___/              |
                   | |    \    \_   _/    \_  l   _/    l    \_s            |
                   : |__________/   l______/______\___________/c            |
                   `----------------'                                       |
                   pRESENTS: dANCE dIVERCE III ( 1OO dISKs! :) )            |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:     t.R.S.¡      :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
                     .----- ->  t . R . S . i  <- -------.                  |
           __________|_______________ _________ _________|_                 |
           \___      |_     _       /     ____/____      |                  |
              /      |/     /     _/______.       /      |                  |
           s_/       |      \      \_     l      /       |s                 |
           c\________|      |\______/___________/        |c                 |
         <- ---------|------'                  `---------|--- ->            |
                     :      · p R E S E N T s ·          :                  |
                     .                                   .                  |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:     e  N  D      :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
 __  ______________________________________________________________________.'  
|                 .-----------------------------------------..---.                                                                                    
|               __|___________________________ ___________  |l___|   
|              /  :   \     ___________.     /_\__       /  |____    
|             /   |_   \_____     /    |____/    _______/        |   
|          s_/    _/    \_  l   _/     |    \_   l     \_        |    
|          c\_____|______/______\____________/__________/        |   
|                 |                                              |   
`-----------------'                                              |s  
                   a · S · C · ²     t · E · A · M · S           |c  
.--------- ---------------------------------------------- -------'  
|        aRCL¡TE · aRTCORE · aRT · dEZ¡GN · f¡NE^dES¡GN · uPPERcLASS             
l____ ________________________________________________________________  ____
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:    aRCLITE       :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
 .                                                                          |
 .   ..tHE aNSI pSYCHOs aRE BACK wITH:     .           .                    |
 :  _________  ____________ ___________ ___|_ _________|___________________ |
 | /    .    \|     _     /    .      /    |_______    |_     __    _     / |
 |/     |_    \     /   _/     |_____/     |     _/    |/     |/    _)___/  |
_/      _/     \_   \    \_    |     \_    |     \_   _/     _/     |    \_ |
\_______l_______/   |\____/___________/___________/   \______\____________/ :
 `----------- l_____; -------------------------\_______|--------------sc--->: 
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:     aRTCORE     :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
                                                  .                         |
    ________ _ _________________________________ _|_ __________  _________  |
   /   .    \______________                       |         sc ||_________| |
  /    |     \     _      /_______                :            |__________  |
_/     _      \_   /    _/    ___/_________       .                       | |
\______l_______/   \     \_   |     .     /_______|                       | :
|           \______|\_____/   |     |____/        |____________           | :
:                      \______|     |    \_  _    |     _     /___________| |
|____.                        |___________/  /    |     /   _/    _      /| :
 ___ |     p R E S E N T s            \___________|     \    \_   _)____/ : : 
|___||___________________________________________ l_____|\____/   l     \_  |
                                                            \____________/  |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:       aRT        :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
                                              .                             |
 _____ _ _________________________ _________ _|____________________  _____  |
|        \_    .___________      /     ____/  |                    ||_____| |
|         /    |    \/    /    _/      |      :                    |______  |
|      s_/     _     \_   \     \_     |s        pART oF dA               | :
|      c\______l______/   |\_____/_____|c          ART iS:                | :
|____.          _/        |                                               | |
 ___ |          \_________:          eNF - rAT - rTX - fCKW - riP - rS!   | :
|___||__________________ _|_ _____________________________________________| :
                          |                                                 |
                          :                                                 |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:     dEZiGN!      :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
                                                                         ·  |  
                                                                         :  |
       Sk¡n - aMB - D! - RD - sc - bMR!      . ..tHE aSC² fACTORY ¡N 95' |  |
   __________  _____________ __________ _____|__________ ________  ______|_ |
  |    .     \|     _      /_\__      \_     |    _____/____     \|       / |
  |    |      \     _)____/     .______/     |    \_       /      \      /  |
 s|    |       \    l     \_    l    _/      :     l      /      \      /|  |
 c|____________/___________/_________\_______l___________/       |\____/ |  |
<------------------------------------------------------ \________| ------'  |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:   fINE dEZiGN!   :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
                      .                                      .              |
   _ _____________ ___|____  _______ __________ ___________ _|_ ____  __    |
  |  \_    .     /    |    \|      /   _      /              |      ||__|   |
  |   /    l____/     |     \     /    _)____/               ·      |___    |
  |  /     _) _/      :    \    _/     |     \_ ..f I N E               |   |
   _/      |sc\_______l____|\___\_____________/         d E Z i G N..   :   |
  .\_______|                                       .                    .   |
  :             .__________________________________|_____________  _______  |
  .             |    .    __    _     /____    /   |   _______   \|      /  |
  |___          |    |    \/    _)___/    .___/    |   \_   \/    \     /   |
   __ |         |    |     \    |   l_    l   \_   |    l    \_  \     /    |
  |__||________ |__________/_________/_________/___l__________/  |\___/     |
                                                          \______|          |
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:    uPPERcLASS    :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
         .                                                           .      |
 __ _____|______ ___________ ____________ ____________________ ____ _|_ __  |
|   \_   |    _/_\__.      /_\__.       /   ______/   .      /       |    | |
|    /   |    \/    |     /     |      /    _____)    |     /        ·    | |
|  _/    |     \_   _____/      ______/     l_   \_  _l _ _/\_s           | |
|  \____________/   |sc \_______|    \____________/___|\_____/c           | |
|            /      |         .                                           | |
|           / _ ____|_________|_ ______________________ ____________      | |
|          /        :     /   |_________.   \     ____/_\__   _____/__    | |
|         /         |____/    |    _/   |_   \_____.      /___.      /    | |
|       _/          l    \_   l    \_   _/    \_   l     /    l     /     | |
|_______\_________________/_________/   l______/________/|_________/______| |
                                \_______|                                   |
.------ --------------------------------------------------------------------'
|   · b¡G uN'S nUMBER f¡VE ->:     e  N  D      :<- bIG uN'S nUMBER fIVE ·     
l_________________________________________________________________ _____  __
 .--..----------------------------------------------------------------------'                                                                           |
 |     ___________________________________________  _____________   ..
 |    / _____/__  _    /  _    /  _    /  ._ _    \|     / _____/_.:··:.
 |   /  \_     /  /  _/   _)__/   _)__/   |   \    \    /  \_     ::¯¯/:'
 |s /    l    /   \   \_  l   \_  |   \_  |___/   \    /    l     `·:...
 |c \________/    |\___/_______/_______/__|   |___|\__/_________ .·_/  ::.
 `--------- \_____| -- .--------------. --l___|---------------- ::.   .:::-.
                       | Respects To: |                          `·::::::· |
                       `--------------'                                    |
        Sniffet, Randall, Skin, Twister, Princip, Hurricane, Desert        |
        Lacoste, Exterior, Jericho, Case, Red Devil, Rhys & Danzig         |
        Demax, Nightshade, S.M.M, Bilbo Baggins, Ill Catino, Tango         |
        B-Real & Raven, Amblin, Exocet, Stain & U-Man, Vegas, Nero         |
        Core & Godhead, 911, Juan, Disc, Rip, dHM, Sandman, Meleth         |
        Centurion, Hotwire, Splatt, Oep, Ozzy, Fix, Xstaz, Eracore         |
        Virus, Karma, Kain, Gem, Goblin, Redskin, Maz, Boomer, Zin         |
        Metalbasher, Zcandler, Elaka Fredrik, Energy, Karon, Konrad        |
        KingPin, Dr.Space, [KM], Passion ... & to all 4gotten ones!        |
                        .-----------------------.                          :
                        | Asc2/Ansi regards to: |                          |
                        `-----------------------'                          |
    Splatt, Metalbasher, RedSkin, RedDevil, Skin, Desert, Mascot, Maz      |
    Amblin, Boomer, Rip, Oep, Danzig, Rotox, Rat, Fckw, Karma, Exocet      |
   Gem, U-man, Enforcer, Masterbard, Metallikat, Tango, Hotwire, Cardinal  |
     Juan, Rapid, dHM, Seven M, Count-zero, 911, Sal-One, Zin, Sandman     |                
           And to all those who greeted me which i forgot! Sorry..         |
|                "Most blest believer he! 
|                 who in that land of darkness and blind eyes 
|                 thy long expected healing wings could see... "   
|                                       Henry Vaughan, the Night
|                     ..        ..
|   ____  ______ _  .:··:. _  .:··:._ ___________ _ __________________
|   \_  \/   _ _   ::   :'_  ::   :' _ ____.   __  ___   _    /  ____/___
|    /       \     `·:...    `·:...    /  _|   \     /   _)__/_____     /
: s_/  \  /   \ E .·    ::. .·    ::. /   \_    \_G_/    l   \_   l    /s
| c\____\/     \_::.   .:::::.   .:::/     l_____/ \__________/_______/ c
`------ -l______/`·::::::· `·::::::·\______|- -----------------------------.
Randall         :   Hum, Hope you enjoy your stay in the navy..            |   
Danzig          :   Yes yes.. Come back fast me friend!                    |
Exocet          :   Damn nice to see some really good stuff from u again!  |
                    Btw Please paint some Dezign banners & desc. ones too! |
Sniffet         :   Din gamle bock ... :)                                  |
Bilbo Baggins   :   Hullu friend! Goodluck with yare /X-Tools ! heeh       |
S.M.M ( MERCY ) :   Heavy drinker! heheh...                                |
Lacoste         :   Get yare bloody bbs online again ! :)                  |
Boomer          :   Sorry, But i think it's better this way ...            |
Hotwire         :   Hey man here it is .. Hope ya have enjoyed it! :)      |
Meleth          :   Battery acid is nice! I guess ya haven't heard that    |
                    before eh? eheh...                                     |
Redskin/Art     :   Would like more dezign ones from the best! You rule!   |
Maz/Uc          :   Cool stuff.. Keep 'em coming ...                       |
Princip         :   Pasta e gott! Trana ar bra ! Interchange rular ! Ciao  |
Tango           :   Yepp, buy me a couple of beers, please? :)             |
G.e.m           :   So where are your kewl releases ? We miss 'em! :)      |
U-man           :   Delicous & marvelous releases lately! Keep it up!      |
                    Btw what have happended with Final impact ?? ...       |
                         oK, eNUFF cRAP ...                                |
:                                               .---------------------------.
|                                               |         ..                |
|           ____________________________________|____ _ .:··:. _            |
|          /  .    /  _    /  _    /__.    __   |_   __::   :'_/            :
|         /   |___/   /  _/   _)__/   |    \/   |/   | `·:....              |
|       s/    l   \_  \   \_  |   \_  |     \  _/    |.·     ::.s           |
|       c\_________/  |\___/_______/________/  \_____::.    .:::c           |
`------ -------\______|-------------------------'    `·:::::::·             |
 Design & Banner Making 1oo% Done by:  ........... Shapechanger/Sub/Dezign  |
 Guess art by: ................ Desert/Dezign & Hotwire/Origin/Fine^Dezign  |
 Design Inspiration From: ... 911/ex.G^style, Karma/Arclite, U-man/Artcore  |
                                                ... And Godhead/ex.G^style  |
 Music Support from: .... All cool House/Breakbeat & Jungle records around  |
 Beer Support from: ............................................. Heineken  |
 Food Support from: ...................................... Ronald Mcdonald  |
 Quotes taken from: ............... Star of the guardians by Margaret Weis  |
|                    .
|      ______________|___  _________________________________
|     /  .    /      |   \|   \_   _____.   _____.  \_   __/
|    /   |___/___.   |    \    /   |/   |_  \/   |___/   |
|  s/    |   \_  |   :   \   _/    |    _/   \_  |   \_  | i · N · F · O
|  c\_________/______l___|\__\_____|    |_____/_______/  |
`------ -- - -- ------------------------'         `------|- ---------------.
                                                         :                 |
         ....   cALL tHE fOLLOWING sYSTEMS iF u wANNA rEACH                |
                mE fOR aSC2 oRDERING oR fOR aNY oTHER rEASON  ....         |
 iNTERCHANGE (3 nODES) +46-8-e-L-iTE!  sPELLBOUND (5 nODES) +46-e-L-i-T-E! |
 fLASHBACK   (2 nODES) +46-8-e-L-iTE!  fiNALiMPACT (1 nODE) +46-fIND-OUT-! |
                 eXTREME oVERLOAD (1 nODE) +46-8-7123378!                  |
             ... aND mAIL mE sH/\PECH/\NGER A lETTER aND I wiLL            |
                    gET riGHT bACK tO U aS fAST aS I cAN ...               |
.---..---- -- - -- --------------------------------------------------------'
|   ||
                                                                ||    |
                                                                  | __ 
   .                                                                  .
_ _:___________________________________@@@.@@@________________________:_ _ 
   |                                  @@@@@@@@@                       |
   | [ D · E · Z · I · G · N ]        ¶@@@@@@@P                       |
   |     [ I · N · 9 · 5 ]             ¶@@@@@P                        |
   |                                    ¶@@@P  .nµM@           .      : /
  ::::::::::::::::.                  @Mµm. .mµÆM@@@'           .      ./
  ::::::::::::::: :       ________   ¶@@@@@@@@@@@¤'      ______:      /
  ::::::::::::::: :       \_____  \   ¶@@@@@@@@ß°        \___  |     /|
  ::::::::::::::: :       _/   ___/   `@@@@@@@ß    __     /         / |
  ::::::::::::::: : · E · \       \_ · @@@@@@@  · / _ ·  /         /  |
  ::::::::::::::: :        \_______/   Æ@@@@@@@   \_/   /    |____/   |
  ::::::::::::::: :                   .M@@@@@@@µ       /     :HTW     |
  ::::::::::::::: :                  J@@@@@@@@Mµ      /      .        |
  ::::::::::::::::'                .æ@ߤ³°¤¶@@@Mðæ.  /                |
   |                                       °¤¶@@¤°                    |
_ _|_ _______________ _                     _ ______________________ _|_ _
   |                         A · R · E                                |
   :                                                                  :
   .    sK¡N & aMBL¡N & dESERT & rED DEV¡L & sHAPEcHANGER & bOOMER    .
    __ |

