_____ _____ _____ ________ _____ _____ _____ __ __ ___________ _______
   \____Y  _  Y  _  Y  _  _  Y  _  Y  ___Y  _  Y  Y  Y  ____/ _  Y  ____/=.
   | \__|  |  l__|  |  |  |  |  |  |___  |  |__|  ¦  |  ___|  |__|  ___|  |
   |   \|  _  | .|  |  |  |  |  ¦  |  |  |  |. |  _  |  |  |  _  \  |  |  |
   |·hJ·l__l__|.:l__l__l__l__l_____l_____l__|:.l__|  l___  ¦__l__/___  ¦  |
   |                                                                      |
   |                       [*] DELiTE/LPS/CRY/Fi [*]                      |
   |    [*] TAKE/iNDY [*] SCAN/SL/CRY [*] SADUS/NO/CRY [*] HAWK/EFT [*]   |
   |   [*] RADAVi/EFT/Fi [*] PYROMANiAC M.C/PTL [*] DEATHFLOWER/iNDY [*]  |
   |                                                                      |
   |UL : dIABLo         / THe PaYoFF/2NDZ/28 ON: 03-15-95/01:40:02 NODE 01|
   |    «·» ++31-(0)340-889-039 «·» 144oo-288oo «·» 1o32MB oNLINE! «·»    |
                           - --(· FastAdd v2.0 By Nike/Craze^Del!ght -95 ·)-- -

  _._________________      .__ __        ______________________________.  .
 _____:______________\      ~¬Y¬       ./   ______ _________________________
 T   ·+-·     ¬\    ¬\\               //   /     ¬\T             ¬/      ~¬/
 |    ·         \     \\             //   /        \      .      / .      /
 |.        \ .   \     \\           ·/   /    __    \     \\____/  \\____/
 |:         X    /___   \\__      __/   /.   /~¬.    \        ¬/       ¬/
 |!     .  °    /   ¬   .\T       ¬T___//   /.   \   .\    ___/     ___/
 |.     \______/  ____   \\       :|~¬//    \\   /    \\   ¬T       ¬T
 |       T        ¬/ ~    \\      !|__\\      . ·     //    |        |
 |       |        /        .\     ·|   \             //     |        |
 l_______l_______/___________\_____|    \____________/______l________|[PAF]
-  - --[· NODE1 +31-703-205418 »28K8«  NODE2 +31-703-271427 »28K8« ·]-- -  - 

                       [· 15-Mar-95/01:00:51 ·]

               ________   _____                     _____
             __\___   /___\    \  __________ ___   /    /______ _
           __   __/ _/__   \_   \__   ___  //  _ _/    /    __///
            __  \_      \_____   _/   \___/    \\\_________ \
               __/       _/ l___/       \_ _     _  _ _/     \_ _
                l_______/_  _  _ __ _____/// _          _ _ __///
 _  _ ____ _\      \_________   _________    _____________________
_  ___       \      \______  \__\___    /_ __\  ______   /______  \__
  _  ___    _/\_     _/  _/   \__ _/   /________ \______/  / _______/_ _  _
       \__   /\_____/_ __\    __ _\            /____      /  \       __ _  _
        l___/             \    _ __\    mD!   /   l______/ \_____
                           \___/    \        /               l__________
                                     \      /
                                      \    /
                                       \  /
       -[oOo] .bUt.4.wAREz. [oOo]--     \/     --[oOo] +31^70^3639760 [oOo]-
       -[oOo] 0-2^wAREz ~ nO^nUp [oOo]-    -[oOo] 288oo^bLAZiNg^sPEED [oOo]-
       -[oOo] sKYZo:^=zEn= ~ X-fiLEz ! [oOo] PCE-cONFERENCE^fREe^dOWn [oOo]-
       -[oOo] -^- tHe vANDALz aFFILIATED -^- aZCiiZ cOLLiEz fREE dOWn [oOo]-

                             ####    ####
                            ####    ####
 :%%%%         %           ####    ####     %
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 :%%%%%% :%%%%%%   :%%%%       #### :%%%%%%%% :%%%% % :%%% %% :%%%%%%%  :%%%%%%

    .-----------------------=[ G^O~~~B^L^U^E^S ]=--------------------------. 
    | maGic: +31-70-3639760^~^nuP: aSk arOund^~^rUnniNg PCE 1.1x^~^0-2 dAy |
    | watChdOGs: =zEn=/indepenDent <+> Boldy/Zombies <+> CASTRo/Bladez '94 |
    | sUppOrt aReaz: PCE 1.16 + 1.18^~^PCBoard^~^speCial: X-fiLEs^~^aZciiZ |


                 /   /\
                    /  \
                   /    \
__________________/     \\      /\
                          \    /  \____________________________________________
 satan's fire's third      \  /
 pack is about to pop       \/       stop those adverts dudez, youll get your
 up yer screen...                    fame...

           :                                                        :
    -  - --:--------------------------------------------------------:-- -  -
  _________:   _______   _____     _______  ______  ______ \/ ______¦___
  \   _____/___\____  \ |    _|____\____  \_\____ \|    _/    \   _____/_
_  \______   \_   _/   \|   _____/_   _/   \     \ \    \   _  \______   \_
\_      \/    /   \     \   \     /   \     \     \ \    \_ \_      \/    /
_ ___________/_____\_____\___    /_____\_____\_____\______/ _ ___________/
           :                \___/                                   :
           :           _________ ____  ________                     :
           :          _\  ___  /____/__\___   /   _________         :
           :      _  /   _\___/     |    _/  /____\  ___  /         :
    -  - --:----- \_        \_|     |    \      /    \___/__ _ -----:-- -  -
           :      - -_______ /|_____|_____\    /__ ____    /_/      :
           :               \/              \  /      \____/iM       :
           :                                \/


           `-----------------   sATAN'S FIRe  ---------------.
                                     . ----------------------'



        _   _   ________________________________
             _ __ __________   ________________/
                          /     |   __________  ___________________
            /\  _______ //     _|__/________  \_____  ____________/ //
        /  /  \/        /     /______________    \/  ________//
____      /            /________|/      |________/      |                 /\__
    \    /                      /_______|    sF!/       |  ________      /
     \ //                                      /________!          \    //
      \/                                :               :           \  /
                                        .                            \/


           .------------ tAF -----------'
           `----- tHE aMAZING fAMILY -------------------------,
                                  his 3rd
                              ascii collection


             \                                :   _     _____________________
  _ ___________          _____________________      _  _____  _______________/
___________)   \       _/ ____________________)__________/     ______l___
 / /     _/    \\_____\_________    \/        |_______   \__  |       __/
( /      \      \\        \_    l   \\        |     |/     \______    /
 /________\      \_________/__       /________|     |      /sF!\_____/ //
.        \\\______|         \_______/        \__    :     /
                  :             :             -\_________/

                  .                  .                 /


                               -  P A R T -



            _   __________________________
     /\       __ _ _______    ___________/       ____________
    //\\             sF!/   ___|________        _\           \_
___//  \\              /    \______ _   \_      \ \________    \ ___      /\___
___/    \\  /\_____  _/_       |\       / \______\___     \|    \ __\   //
         \\//\_____ //_________|\\   __/ /\\        /__    |    /   \\  /  /\__
          \/                      \_____/  \\__    /  \________/     \\/  /
                                            \_____/                   \  /


         .------------------- -----------------------------------'
                                    / \
                                __//   \___
                               /\__\   /\__\
                               \/__/   \/__/
                                \         /
                                 \       /
                                  \     /
                                   \   /
                                    \ /




            _  _  ___________________________
 _____________  __ _________    ____________/ //
_\            \_          /      |
\ \_________    \    :___/___    |     iNSiDE PART ][ : ·O U T S i D EÖ
 \___     |/    /____|  ____/    |
  //___   /    /     |    \______|        "taking out whats inside"
      \_______/      |     \     :                     _____________________
          //_________       \  __________            \ \___   _____________///
                     |_______\ \_________)___            /   _____|____
          :          :   _____________|     _\__________/_  |         //
          |          . _/  ___________|     \___________  \___       /
          |         __\____________   |________\/     |/    \_______/
          |         \              |     /  sF!/      /     /
          +--------- \\           ______/     /____  /     //
          :           \____________//            \________/

               Ö--  -  - a (NOTHER) word from mr. fire dude -   - --·
               |                                                    |
                  hiya... this is already my third pack, and as it
                  is  supposed to be,  again hopefully better than  |
               :  the  last  one,  but hey,  thats  up to  you  to         ___
                  decide...  as  usual, only a  lot of rekwests in        /\_/\
                  this pack, but if you  think you can use it too,        \/_\/
               |  feel free to use  it... well  what more is there  |
                  to tell  yah...  erm...  oh..  well,  the title,
  ___             inside  part  ][  :  outside  "taking out  whats
 /\_/\            inside" i think is clear  enuf, and  doesnt need
 \/_\/         |  further information... well... ok, maybe it does  .
                  but i just dont wanna explain... if you want  me
                  to make an pieze for ya, look at  the bottem  of
               :  this pack and see where you can contact me...  i  :
               |  also would like  to dedicate this pack to insane
                  madman and  ofcoz  his  bro, fire  flood,  happy
                  birthday dudez !!! .. time to take a look at the
                  pack...                                           |   ___
               ÓÄ-   Ä       -   -   -         -      sATAN'S FIRe  ½  \/_\/

               ________ __     _       '___  _____________//
     __ __ ___(_______/                  /    ______/_      :__________
       // /      |____    _ ____________/_     |     _\_____|    _____//
         /      _/  __\    \_____________ \______    \      |     \
        /_______\     \\_______/____   |/   \sF!______\__   |  ____\___
                \\_____\\__      __/   /    /       /                  \
                        \________/__  /    //      /________|           \\\
                                   \______/                 |____________\



  Äo1Ä          Öthunderdome                    Ógee and akira            Äo1Ä
  Äo2Ä          Öaltar of sacrifice             Ózack                     Äo2Ä
  Äo3Ä          Ökaoz landz                     Órigor mortis             Äo3Ä
  Äo4Ä          Ödeath date                     Óhomey                    Äo4Ä
  Äo5Ä          Ölandz of doom                  Ósubzero                  Äo5Ä
  Äo6Ä          Önailbomb                       Óvirago and slackjaw      Äo6Ä
  Äo7Ä          Öbody count                     Ómicky zombie             Äo7Ä
  Äo8Ä          Öpirates with attitude          Óblackcat                 Äo8Ä
  Äo9Ä          Önosferatu                      Óblackcat                 Äo9Ä
  Ä1oÄ          Öcrap                           Óthe kiefdevil            Ä1oÄ
  Ä11Ä          Öwareznet                       Órigor mortis             Ä11Ä
  Ä12Ä          Ödeadnet                        Órigor mortis             Ä12Ä
  Ä13Ä          Öelitenet                       Órigor mortis             Ä13Ä
  Ä14Ä          Öpcboard utilz                  Órigor mortis             Ä14Ä
  Ä15Ä          Öhpa                            Órigor mortis             Ä15Ä
  Ä16Ä          Öim                             Óinsane madman            Ä16Ä
  Ä17Ä          Öconfs                          Ómr. menor                Ä17Ä
  Ä18Ä          Öconference joiner              Ómr. menor                Ä18Ä
  Ä19Ä          Öother                          Óthurlog                  Ä19Ä
  Ä2oÄ          Öbut 4 warez                    Ózen                      Ä20Ä
  Ä21Ä          Ödark star                      Óthe reaper               Ä21Ä
  Ä22Ä          Öinzeen metmen                  Óinsane madman            Ä22Ä

  Äo1Ä          Óbossnuke                       ·ashton                   Äo1Ä
  Äo2Ä          Ómenace                         ·mr. menor                Äo2Ä
  Äo3Ä          Óttab                           ·rigor mortis             Äo3Ä
  Äo4Ä          Óthe mod                        ·the mod                  Äo4Ä
  Äo5Ä          Ónlb                            ·virago and slackjaw      Äo5Ä
  Äo6Ä          Ócla                            ·thurlog                  Äo6Ä
  Äo7Ä          Óunt                            ·the reaper               Äo7Ä

    ________   _________                                           _ ___ _
    \  ____/_ _\ ____  / - -- ------ -------- ------- ---------- -:-  -  -:--
 _ __\_____  \_ _\____/       title : "thunderdome"               :       :
 \_\_     /   /    \_ _         for :  gee & akira                :  o1   :
  iM/    /  _/______/_/   _ __ _ ______ ______ ____ ____  _   ________    :-
                                                                  :       :
                                                                  `-- ----'

        .      ____:        .
    ____      /    |             _____  __  _
___/_ __|____/  ___|_       :   _\____\                  ______
\___ _  ____/__ ____ \__     ___\     \\              __/_____ \_ _________
 _/     |  ___/   /     \___|    \\    \\_______     \\_________/_________ \_
 \      |    \___/      /   |     \_____\\_  __/_______/    |   __ _________//
  \___________///______//   |      /     \__/________   \__ |    \_/   |   \
        :             \__   | ____//       sF!/    |/      \______/____|    \_
                        \______/             /____ /       //          |_____/
        .          __ _______________            \________/
                 _  __  __________   \\__         _______              :
               __________/      \|      //     __//_____ \_
            __________   \_____  |   __/_      \__________/___  __ _  _
              /     |/      \ \_____/  __\  ____/__   |   _ __/        .
           ///_____ /       /      \     \\/ __    \_ |    \_
                  \________//       \_____\_/       /_______/ /


    ________   _________                                           _ ___ _
    \  ____/_ _\ ____  / - -- ------ -------- ------- ---------- -:-  -  -:--
 _ __\_____  \_ _\____/       title : "altar of sacrifice"        :       :
 \_\_     /   /    \_ _         for :        zack                 :  o2   :
  iM/    /  _/______/_/   _ __ _ ______ ______ ____ ____  _   ________    :-
                                                                  :       :
                                                                  `-- ----'

                             ________:                      \ \__________ \__
                   ________ /____    |   _______       ________  /  ________/
              ____/_______ \__ /     |_//______/______/_______ \/     |    \\
          // /___________     \      |____  _________________  /______|     \_
                /     |________\     |/      |______/     |________\sF!______/
               /______|     /________/____   |     /______|
     ______________                      \________/            Ö OF ·
   _/ ____________/_________ __________
__\\____     \_/__  ___________/_______)____________________    _______________
\       |     / //   |   __/_______/     \___   ___________/   /___  _________/
 \___________/_/____ |   \________ \_     |/  ______/ __________/    ____/__
        ___/______  \_____// _______/_____/  ___|___ /__  _____/__  |      /
     / /__________    \   /    |   \    //  /_______)_/    |     \___     //
         /     |_______\ /_____|    \_  /_______|/   /___  |      //\____/
        /______|               |_____/          /      | \_______/
                               :             / /_______|
               :               .                       :

    ________   _________                                           _ ___ _
    \  ____/_ _\ ____  / - -- ------ -------- ------- ---------- -:-  -  -:--
 _ __\_____  \_ _\____/       title : "kaoz landz"                :       :
 \_\_     /   /    \_ _         for : rigor mortis                :  o3   :
  iM/    /  _/______/_/   _ __ _ ______ ______ ____ ____  _   ________    :-
                                                                  :       :
                                                                  `-- ----'

                _______  _________________________________
              //____  /__\_________ \_______  \__________ \_
           /\__ /   \______/  ____/   /   |/    \/   _______//
____      /    /____/    \/____/     /___ /     /___ |     /_______
    \    /        //_____/    /_____/   \______/   \______/        \
     \  /  ______________________________________________________   \    /\___
      \/   ___   \_____________ \______   \________  \__________ \_  \  /
            /     /____/  ____/   /   /     /    |/    /   ________/  \/
         / /___  /    /____/    //___/    //____ /    /___ |      /
              \______//   /_____/sF!/_____/    \_____//  \_______/ /
    _____                                                            ______
________/\              RiGOR MORTiS  /  MR. MENOR                  /\________
      __\/          TTAB / DD-STYLE / ZOMBIES / MENACE              \/___

    ________   _________                                           _ ___ _
    \  ____/_ _\ ____  / - -- ------ -------- ------- ---------- -:-  -  -:--
 _ __\_____  \_ _\____/       title : "death date"                :       :
 \_\_     /   /    \_ _         for :    homey                    :  o4   :
  iM/    /  _/______/_/   _ __ _ ______ ______ ____ ____  _   ________    :-
                                                                  :       :
                                                                  `-- ----'

           ____________ ________________________________   /    /__
           \_________  \__   _______________ \_______   \_/   _/_  \_
              /    |/    /   ___/___/  ____/   /   /     /  ____/   /
             /____ /    /___ |     /____/     /   /     /____/     /
                 \_____/   \______/    /_____/   /_____/ sF!/_____/
                 \_________  \_________ \_______   \__  ________/
                    /    |/    /  ____/   /   /     /    ___/__
                   /____ /    /____/     /   /     /____ |    /
                       \_____/    /_____/   /_____/    \_____/

    ________   _________                                           _ ___ _
    \  ____/_ _\ ____  / - -- ------ -------- ------- ---------- -:-  -  -:--
 _ __\_____  \_ _\____/       title : "landz of doom"             :       :
 \_\_     /   /    \_ _         for :     subzero                 :  o5   :
  iM/    /  _/______/_/   _ __ _ ______ ______ ____ ____  _   ________    :-
                                                                  :       :
                                                                  `-- ----'

      ________    ________
     /____   _|__/_______ \_         _     _   ____________________
        /   /__________     \______     _    _ __________________  \_
     ///      |/     |_______\  ___\        __________/_    ________/__
      /       /______|      \______\\______/___________ \_ |           \
     /________|                     \\___   __/      |/   \___         / ..
              :     - O F -        \ \______/_____   /    / /_________/
             _.       _   _ ______________         __________
    / ____________ _     __ ___________   \_____ // ________/ //
     /___________ \__________/__     |/  _/ ____\/ /    \_
        /      |/   \________   \_   /   \      \_/      /
   -/  /       /    /      |/    /_______/\      |______/
      /____   /    /\___   /    /         \\_____|
         \________/sF!\________/ /
                                /                :


    ________   _________                                           _ ___ _
    \  ____/_ _\ ____  / - -- ------ -------- ------- ---------- -:-  -  -:--
 _ __\_____  \_ _\____/       title :    "nailbomb"               :       :
 \_\_     /   /    \_ _         for : virago & slackjaw           :  o6   :
  iM/    /  _/______/_/   _ __ _ ______ ______ ____ ____  _   ________    :-
                                                                  :       :
                                                                  `-- ----'

                      _________        \____   |
      ____       ____/________ \__   ____/__   |
    _//   \      \__________     _\_(______/   |   -/
   \      \\_______/__    |_____|     \/       |
   \\______\\      __/____|   sF!      \_______|                   .
            \______/  ____      |_______\
                     /    |     :___________   :       _____   ____:
               _____/_____|______\________  \_ _____  /___  \_/    |
            \\ \____________   /___     \|   _/  __ \//   ___/_____|____
                  /       |/    / \      |   \     \_/   \___________   \_
                //_____   |    /   \_________/\     |______//      |/    /
                     \________//               \____|     /_____   |    //
                                                    :         \________/


    ________   _________                                           _ ___ _
    \  ____/_ _\ ____  / - -- ------ -------- ------- ---------- -:-  -  -:--
 _ __\_____  \_ _\____/       title : "body count"                :       :
 \_\_     /   /    \_ _         for : micky zombie                :  o7   :
  iM/    /  _/______/_/   _ __ _ ______ ______ ____ ____  _   ________    :-
                                                                  :       :
                                                                  `-- ----'

                ____:             \_____________  \_       :___
              //    |               //       |/    _\______|   \
     __ _ ____/_____|___ _ _________/______  / ___/________`    \ --\
          \___________  \___________  \\_______\           |     \
            /       |/   /        //     /      \\         | ____/
           /_____   |    \_______ /     /        \___________/
                \________/    \________/      ____
                                   _____:   _/    \       ______________
           ___________           _/     |___\     \\ ____/___________   \_
         _/  ________/__        \       |    \_____\\_        / //       /
     // /   |        ___/________\_     |       /sF!\________/  /       //
       /________    /____________  \\____      /               /_______/
            \_________/        //     / |_____//
                      \_______ /     /
                           \________/   .

    ________   _________                                           _ ___ _
    \  ____/_ _\ ____  / - -- ------ -------- ------- ---------- -:-  -  -:--
 _ __\_____  \_ _\____/       title : "pirates with attitude"     :       :
 \_\_     /   /    \_ _         for :       blackcat              :  o8   :
  iM/    /  _/______/_/   _ __ _ ______ ______ ____ ____  _   ________    :-
                                                                  :       :
                                                                  `-- ----'

             ________                                      / ________  _   _
          ___\______ \_  _______  _ __             _  ______/_  ____/_
        \ \____ ______/_(__________ _  _     _______/ _______/____    \_
            /     |//   ___\______ \________/_  _/__   ____\_     |   _/ //
           /______|/    \___  ______/____ \_  _____/____     \_______/
        _____     /________|___| \________  \ |      \ |______\
    ___/_____\_   _____        |____\__|     \________\          _________
  \\\________  \_/_  _/__ _____:       |______\      ___________/ _______///
     /____|    \_  ______/_  _/______- with -  _____/_______  \__  ____\_
          |_____/  |   \_  _____/_ __)_  _____/   _/__\__  \|   \___     \\
              \_________/  |      \   _|/_  _/__  \   __/   |   /sF!______\
          :           \\___________\  \_  _____/_  \   \_______/
                              /________/  |      \______\   :
          .                           \___________\\
                            /                               .

    ________   _________                                           _ ___ _
    \  ____/_ _\ ____  / - -- ------ -------- ------- ---------- -:-  -  -:--
 _ __\_____  \_ _\____/       title : "nosferatu"                 :       :
 \_\_     /   /    \_ _         for :  blackcat                   :  o9   :
  iM/    /  _/______/_/   _ __ _ ______ ______ ____ ____  _   ________    :-
                                                                  :       :
                                                                  `-- ----'

   ___                                                              _____
__/___\  __________       /                                   _____/   _/_____
\__   \\_\_______  \_____                                  __/_  _/__  \   __/
  \____\\_   \ |/   /___/_ _________                   ____\_  _____/_  \   \
        \____/ |   /__    \_   ____//______ _________//____ \_ |      \______\
    \\     \______/   |   _/  ___/ _______/_\_____ \________  \________\
               \_________/     \__  ____\____  _____/____|     \\
               :     // /______|/____     \ |___|     \sF!______\
                                    |______\    |______\
               .                    :                             \
                                                :                  .

    ________   _________                                           _ ___ _
    \  ____/_ _\ ____  / - -- ------ -------- ------- ---------- -:-  -  -:--
 _ __\_____  \_ _\____/       title :    "crap"                   :       :
 \_\_     /   /    \_ _         for : the kiefdevil               :  1o   :
  iM/    /  _/______/_/   _ __ _ ______ ______ ____ ____  _   ________    :-
                                                                  :       :
                                                                  `-- ----'


                -                                     :
           _ __ ___________-_____:_________________________
        /\      \_______   \_______   \________ \_______   \_ __ _   _
      //  \  ____ /   |/____/_   |/____/  ____/  //   |/    /_______
     //    \//   /    |/     /___|    \____/     /    |____/ //     \  Ô
_____/  Õ       //__________/  sF!_____\  /_____/_____|              \   //\__
                                                      :              \\  /
                                 :                                     \/


    ________   _________                                           _ ___ _
    \  ____/_ _\ ____  / - -- ------ -------- ------- ---------- -:-  -  -:--
 _ __\_____  \_ _\____/       title :  "wareznet"                 :       :
 \_\_     /   /    \_ _         for : rigor mortis                :  11   :
  iM/    /  _/______/_/   _ __ _ ______ ______ ____ ____  _   ________    :-
                                                                  :       :
                                                                  `-- ----'

_____\      \________ \______  \__  ______\________ \______  \__  ________  \__
\_    \       /  ___/   /  |/____/   ___/___/   ______/   /    /   __/___/    /
  \  _/\_    /___/     /___|    \___ |     /___ |    /___/   //___ |    /    /
   \__/\____/   /_____/    |_____\ \______/   \_____/   /____/sF!\_____/____/

    ________   _________                                           _ ___ _
    \  ____/_ _\ ____  / - -- ------ -------- ------- ---------- -:-  -  -:--
 _ __\_____  \_ _\____/       title :  "deadnet"                  :       :
 \_\_     /   /    \_ _         for : rigor mortis                :  12   :
  iM/    /  _/______/_/   _ __ _ ______ ______ ____ ____  _   ________    :-
                                                                  :       :
                                                                  `-- ----'

____________ ___________________________________________ __________________
\_________  \__   _______________ \________  \______    \__  ____________  \__
   /    |/    /   ___/___/  ____/   /    |/    /   /     /    ___/__sF!/     /
///____ /    /___ |     /____/     /____ /    /___/    //____ |    /  /     /
      \_____/  \\______/   //_____/    \_____//  /_____/    \_____/  /_____/ /

    ________   _________                                           _ ___ _
    \  ____/_ _\ ____  / - -- ------ -------- ------- ---------- -:-  -  -:--
 _ __\_____  \_ _\____/       title :  "elitenet"                 :       :
 \_\_     /   /    \_ _         for : rigor mortis                :  13   :
  iM/    /  _/______/_/   _ __ _ ______ ______ ____ ____  _   ________    :-
                                                                  :       :
                                                                  `-- ----'

 ____________________ __________________________________ ___________________
\__   __________   //____________  \__   ______\____    \__  _____________  \__
/ /   ___/___/     /____/    / /     /   ___/___/   /     //   ___/__sF!/    //
 /___ |     /___  /    /    / /     /___ |     /___/    //____ |     / /     /
   \\______/   \______/____///_____/   \______/   /_____//   \______/ /_____///

    ________   _________                                           _ ___ _
    \  ____/_ _\ ____  / - -- ------ -------- ------- ---------- -:-  -  -:--
 _ __\_____  \_ _\____/       title : "pcboard utilz"             :       :
 \_\_     /   /    \_ _         for :  rigor mortis               :  14   :
  iM/    /  _/______/_/   _ __ _ ______ ______ ____ ____  _   ________    :-
                                                                  :       :
                                                                  `-- ----'


\________  \__  ________/_____ \_________  \__________ \_______  \________  \__
. /    |/    /  |    //     |/    \/   |/    \/  ____/   /   |/____/    |/    /
 /     |____/__ |    /______|/    /___ /    //____/     /____|    \____ /    /
/______|      \_____/     \______/// \______/    /_____//  sF!_____\  \_____//
       :       _____________________________________________ :            /\__
          /\__ ____   \_______  \_________  \______________ \_ _ __      /
_____    /      //     /    /     /    //    /____/   ________/    \    / /\__
     \  / /\__ _/___  /    /    //    /___  /    /___ |     //_____ \  / /
_____ \/ /        \\______/_____/____/   \______//  \_______/      \ \/ / /
     \  /                                                           \  /
    \ \/                                                             \/

    ________   _________                                           _ ___ _
    \  ____/_ _\ ____  / - -- ------ -------- ------- ---------- -:-  -  -:--
 _ __\_____  \_ _\____/       title :    "hpa"                    :       :
 \_\_     /   /    \_ _         for : rigor mortis                :  15   :
  iM/    /  _/______/_/   _ __ _ ______ ______ ____ ____  _   ________    :-
                                                                  :       :
                                                                  `-- ----'

                           ____   __________________
                         //  _/___\______ \________ \__         /\
               ________  /  ___    /  _|/   /  ___/   /        /  \\
              /         /___/     /  /_____/___/     //_______/    \
_______/\    /             /_____/____/    sF!/_____/               \  /\____
         \  / /                                                      \/

    ________   _________                                           _ ___ _
    \  ____/_ _\ ____  / - -- ------ -------- ------- ---------- -:-  -  -:--
 _ __\_____  \_ _\____/       title :     "iM"                    :       :
 \_\_     /   /    \_ _         for : insane madman               :  16   :
  iM/    /  _/______/_/   _ __ _ ______ ______ ____ ____  _   ________    :-
                                                                  :       :
                                                                  `-- ----'

                    _ _ __________ ___                        /  \
          /\____ _   _____________)   \  _____               /    \
         /                /     _/    \\/ __ \\__ __  _ ____/      \
        /               //      \      \_/      /                   \
_      /                /________\      |______//                    \  /\____
 \    /                          \\_____|sF!                          \/
  \  /                                  :

    ________   _________                                           _ ___ _
    \  ____/_ _\ ____  / - -- ------ -------- ------- ---------- -:-  -  -:--
 _ __\_____  \_ _\____/       title :  "confs"                    :       :
 \_\_     /   /    \_ _         for : mr. menor                   :  17   :
  iM/    /  _/______/_/   _ __ _ ______ ______ ____ ____  _   ________    :-
                                                                  :       :
                                                                  `-- ----'

__ __   _       __________________
        _ _  _  \____________ _   \_              ____________________
     ________________/  |           \\         ///    _______________/___
   _/  _____________/   |        ____\__       _/   _________/__   _____/____
  /     |          /    |  _____/    ___\      \        | /     |           /
 /      |          \_________///        \\ _____\       |/      |          /
/       :  __________/  :     /__________\\ _    \______/       |  _______/ //
\__________///                            \_________/sF!\__________/ //

    ________   _________                                           _ ___ _
    \  ____/_ _\ ____  / - -- ------ -------- ------- ---------- -:-  -  -:--
 _ __\_____  \_ _\____/       title : "conference joiner"         :       :
 \_\_     /   /    \_ _         for ;     mr. menor               :  18   :
  iM/    /  _/______/_/   _ __ _ ______ ______ ____ ____  _   ________    :-
                                                                  :       :
                                                                  `-- ----'

     _______            ____________________    _________       ______
  __:______/_  ___     /   _______/________ \__/  ______/    __|______/_______
_/  _ ______/_/_ _\  _/  ____/  _____/_______/  ___|____  __/  ________/_____/
__  |    /___\__  \\_\_____|/  ___|__|___|  \   |  _/  _\ \__  |   /  ___|___
 \______/_____  \__\\_  __/|\  |    /  sF!___\_____\    \\__\______\   |    /
      \____\|   /   \___/    \_____/     :          \____\\_   __/  \______/
         \_____/                                           \___/
               _  _____      - CONFERENCE JOiNER -
            _  ________)____         _____          ___________
                 __|       /      __(____/__      _/ __________/    //
       __  _ ___/  |      /______/    |_/___\    /    __|_________
           _  ___  |     /_____  \    \     \\___\___|   \_______ \_
                \_______/__ \|   /____|\_____\\_  __/_____/________/
                   :      \_____/     :       \___/        /  |   \
                                                          \\__|    \
                                      .                       |_____\ _  _

    ________   _________                                           _ ___ _
    \  ____/_ _\ ____  / - -- ------ -------- ------- ---------- -:-  -  -:--
 _ __\_____  \_ _\____/       title : "other"                     :       :
 \_\_     /   /    \_ _         for ; thurlog                     :  19   :
  iM/    /  _/______/_/   _ __ _ ______ ______ ____ ____  _   ________    :-
                                                                  :       :
                                                                  `-- ----'

                 _______:         .                  ________________
                /___   _|__________               / /_______________ \_
                  /     __________/                     /  ____________/ /
                _/      |      \__:   _________________/_     |     \
      __________\________       \ | //___   _____________/____|      \
   \\ \___________   \_ |________\|____/     _______/_      sF!_______\
          /      \|    \ \__________ _/      |        \
         /_____   |     \ /       |/ \_________        \
            \\__________//        |       /  |__________\\\
                        /_ _______|      //
                                /_______/    :

    ________   _________                                           _ ___ _
    \  ____/_ _\ ____  / - -- ------ -------- ------- ---------- -:-  -  -:--
 _ __\_____  \_ _\____/       title : "but 4 warez"               :       :
 \_\_     /   /    \_ _         for ;      zen                    :  2o   :
  iM/    /  _/______/_/   _ __ _ ______ ______ ____ ____  _   ________    :-
                                                                  :       :
                                                                  `-- ----'

     ____:              _______                         _________
    /    |      _______|   ___/                     \\ \___      |_____
 __/_____|_____/       |    _\______:                    /       |     \
 __________   /        |    \___   _|__________         /        |      \
 /       |/  /_________       /     __________/        /__________       \
/______  |     /       |_____/      |      \                     |________\
      \_______//       :    \________       \                    :

                              ____________                       .
                              \___________ \_          ________________
         _______________       /   __________/         \______________ \_
         \         ____/______/     |      \_______________/___   _______/_
_________/\     ____/__________\____|       \_   _____________/  |         \\
\      _//\\   \______________    \ |________\    ___/___\________          \
 \      /  \______/       |________\        /    |        /    sF!___________\
\ \____/         /________|                /_____        /
                          :                     \_______///


    ________   _________                                           _ ___ _
    \  ____/_ _\ ____  / - -- ------ -------- ------- ---------- -:-  -  -:--
 _ __\_____  \_ _\____/       title : "dark star"                 :       :
 \_\_     /   /    \_ _         for ; the reaper                  :  21   :
  iM/    /  _/______/_/   _ __ _ ______ ______ ____ ____  _   ________    :-
                                                                  :       :
                                                                  `-- ----'


                                                 /    |__________
                        __________              /     |    _____//
                   ____/__________\____________/_          _/__
                  \______________   \___________ \_   |        \
    ________________ /       |_______/   __________/__|         \
\\ \______________  /________|      /     |      \    |__________\\\
         /      |/       /   :     /______|       \   :
        /       /       /    ________     |________\     _____________
       /     __________//    \___   _|__________         \___________ \_
      /_________|              /     __________/          /   __________/ /
            ________________ _/      |      \   _________/     |      \
          _/  _____________/_\________     __\_/__________\____|       \
      ___\______________      /    sF!____\______________    \ |________\\
      \                 |    //              /       |________\
      \\                ____/               /________|
        \_______________|                            :

    ________   _________                                           _ ___ _
    \  ____/_ _\ ____  / - -- ------ -------- ------- ---------- -:-  -  -:--
 _ __\_____  \_ _\____/       title : "inzeen metmen"             :       :
 \_\_     /   /    \_ _         for ; insane madmannnnnnnnnn      :  21   :
  iM/    /  _/______/_/   _ __ _ ______ ______ ____ ____  _   ________    :-
                                                                  :       :
                                                                  `-- ----'


              _____              _ __ _________________          \
__________  _/   __\ \\               \___   _________/       _____
_ ________)_\__    \\___________________/     ____|____     _/   __\ \\
       |       \____\\    \___________ \_    | _______/_____\___   \\_______
       |        \   \\_______/ _________/\____ \___   _________/____\\      \_
_   _ _|_________\       \\   |           /  \___/     ____|____     \_______/
       :                   \____         ///    \_    |        /
                              \_________/         \____       //
       .                                              \______/
              _   __ ___________________________ __  _
   ___             _ _ ___________  ____ _ _  _               _____
/ /   \  ______________________/      |                     _/_  __\ \\
_/    \\/ __  \___   _________/      _|_   __ _____________/___    \\_______
\      \_/     _/     ____|__/______/   \  ___\___    _________\____\\      \_
 \______|      \_    |        /   _/    \\/ __    \_   ___|____      \_______/
        |______/ \____ __    /    \      \_/       /  |       /
                   \\\______/    \ \______|       /____ _    / //
        :                              __ |______/ sF!\_____/
        .                                 :


    ___,__ |_ ,_  __  __  ___, - -- ----- ------ ------- --  - _ _  - -- -
   `--.(__|l____)(__||  )`--.       "bossnuke" -> ashton      _\/_       o1
 `- --'   f  i  r  e   `- --'  _ __ ____________________ __ _ \/\/iM _ __ _

// ___ -B-O-S-S-_:__   _ __:_____ __________
 _/_  \\   _____\   \______|    _/  _______/
\___ __\___\___  \_ \____  |  _/___   __|__
 //____\\      \_ /    / \_       /  |    /
|     sF!_______/_____/____|____/\\______///
|                          :              |
|                                         |
`--------------------------=<< ASHTON >>=-'

    ___,__ |_ ,_  __  __  ___, - -- ----- ------ ------- --  - _ _  - -- -
   `--.(__|l____)(__||  )`--.       "menace" -> mr. menor     _\/_       o2
 `- --'   f  i  r  e   `- --'  _ __ ____________________ __ _ \/\/iM _ __ _

.-------------<< BLABLABLA >>--------------.
| /\  _   /\____       /\   /\_____   /\___|
_/  \/ \_/  ___/\    _/_ \_/  _____/_/  ___\
_  \_/  \   _|__ \__/____  \  |    /    _|__
 \__|   /_ |   /_\\   /_|   \___  //__ |   /
|   |__/ \____/   \__/sF!____\ \___/ \____/|
|                                          |

    ___,__ |_ ,_  __  __  ___, - -- ----- ------ ------- --  - _ _  - -- -
   `--.(__|l____)(__||  )`--.       "ttab" -> rigor mortis    _\/_       o3
 `- --'   f  i  r  e   `- --'  _ __ ____________________ __ _ \/\/iM _ __ _

\_______  \______   \________ \\________ \__
     //     /   /     /  ____/   /    |/    \
.--- /     /-- //    /____/     /_____|/    /
:// /_____/   /_____/ sF!/_____// \ \______//
|                                     :
|                                     |
|                                     |

    ___,__ |_ ,_  __  __  ___, - -- ----- ------ ------- --  - _ _  - -- -
   `--.(__|l____)(__||  )`--.      "the mod" -> the mod       _\/_       o4
 `- --'   f  i  r  e   `- --'  _ __ ____________________ __ _ \/\/iM _ __ _

_/  _\the_______________________
\    \\/ ___ \_______ \________ \_
 \    \_/     /    |/  //    |/   \
\\\____|    //___  /   /____ /    ///
 |     |____/sF!\_____/   \______/ |
 |     :                           |
 |                                 |
 |                                 |
 |                                 |

    ___,__ |_ ,_  __  __  ___, - -- ----- ------ ------- --  - _ _  - -- -
   `--.(__|l____)(__||  )`--.   "nlb" -> slackjaw & virago    _\/_       o5
 `- --'   f  i  r  e   `- --'  _ __ ____________________ __ _ \/\/iM _ __ _

    ___nail_  _ _________/___|___
  _/   \bomb _ ________________  \_
 \     \\_______/_   |/      |/    \\
\\\_____\\     /   __|_____  |     /
         \____/_  |       \_______/
             /_______    /
               sF!\_____/ -/

    ___,__ |_ ,_  __  __  ___, - -- ----- ------ ------- --  - _ _  - -- -
   `--.(__|l____)(__||  )`--.        "cla" -> thurlog         _\/_       o6
 `- --'   f  i  r  e   `- --'  _ __ ____________________ __ _ \/\/iM _ __ _

           \ \___    |
   __:_______  /     |
/// ________/_/      |
 /   |        \      |__________
/_______       \_____/________  \__
     |__________\/_____________    \\
     :          sF!/      |_________\
.----'            /_______|
|                         `-------.
|                                 |
|                                 |
|                                 |
|                                 |

    ___,__ |_ ,_  __  __  ___, - -- ----- ------ ------- --  - _ _  - -- -
   `--.(__|l____)(__||  )`--.        "unt" -> the reaper      _\/_       o7
 `- --'   f  i  r  e   `- --'  _ __ ____________________ __ _ \/\/iM _ __ _

   ______|  ____//        ________:
 //      |    \        \\ \___   _|__________
 /       |     \____        /     __________/
/________      _\_ _\     _/      |      \
  :    sF!____/     \\ ___\________       \\
  |          /_______\\__     ___/|________\
  |                   \________/      :
  |                                   |
  |                                   |
  |                                   |
  |                                   |
  `--------------------[ THe ReaPeR ]-'


     _____________       ___________________           :    __/____________   /
   _/____________/_     \\__  _____________/   ________     \       _________//
/ / /_________     \      /    ____|_____      \__    _|_____\___  |        \
 /           /   ___\____/    |   _______\_______//_  ___________/__         \
/___________    \_______/________ \__  ____________//  |        \  |__________\
          //______/  _________/____/    ____|__/_________        \
                 /   |       \    /    |         \     |__________\\
                /____|        \\ /________        \    :
                   sF!_________\       |___________\\

            rigor mortis :    " jowwwwww... treeeeeeeeedin' timeeeeeh =] "
           insane madman :     " hejjjj jowjowjowjw.... heppy beursday "
                blackcat :       " CENTREREN ROELS! did this for you "
              the reaper :  " hejj reapah... HD's SUCK... now you know too "
                   akira ;          " friday 1800h ..... RITE ! "
                    zack :      " mmmz, youre on yer own now i heard ? "
                  labiel ;         " ... still not tired of DT ? "
                  vertex ;      " hejj mon, whenz your pack comming up "
           the kiefdevil ;      " NUP ? SP ? dont do that stuvv (yet) "
                 thurlog :     " more will follow, rest in my next pack "
                 bulldog ;        " im gonna watch ya on teevee dude "
             dark savant :        " US rulez, send me some postcardz "
                 the mod :     " beverly hills 90210 FANCLUB (bahahaha) "
                  sysgod :      " delite I, delite II, delite III, ... "
             the creator :          " wow, tapes rule dont they :) "
                     fox :             " you died or something? "
                     zen :                    " but 4 me ? "
                   homey :                 " jooo reetveeg :) "
             jester king :       " geezzz, still no usa calls for me "
               mr. menor :        " bit late, i know, but hey, ... "
                  ashton :      " i know, you took the othah diz ..."
              fire flood : " heppie beurzdee dude ... you a BROMMERTJE too ? "
            micky zombie :    " next time, ill be FIRST to call voice :) "
                 subzero :      " c ya saturday in tha gold fingah :) "
            super grover :         " ajjjj still feeling sickkk ? "

                     you :   if i forgot yah, sorry, forgot... lemme know

____________________________________    /
              _  _______            \  /
                _ ______)__  _____   \/     __________________
                     |     \/     \ \       \___   __________/ /
                     |      \     \\__________/  _______/__  \__
                     |_______\_____\\        /     /__    /    //
                     :              \_______/       |_________/
                         /\                /________|sF!
                     .  /  \                        :
_______________________/    \  _______________________________________________

              dude : satan's fire
             group : the amazing family & ttab
          location : the netherlandz
               age : 17
               sex : male
 headaz & sF! logo : insane madman [iM]
      release date : 15/03/95
      release time : 0000h
          requests : 29,95 :)
     or. file size : 56.969
         or. lines : 1545
         computers : 486, 286
              keys : urmmm all i guess
             modem : 28k8 some japanese foney :)
              food : hamburgahz, pizza, tacoz, etc
           liquidz : beer, tequila, milk, passoa, whiskey, bacardi, vodka
             muzak : bigtime non-commercial hardcore
                     the witsjh doktah
                     the rite type o mood
                     club bizarrrrre
                     kabbh houzz...

                Ö--    -   some more info from mr. fire -     -    --·

                   thatz it  for this  time... i hope  you  enjoyed  :
                |  watching my work... if you  did, and like  me to
                   make an  ascii  for ya,  try contacting  me at :
                   +31.4192.15288,  or  mail me through wareznet...  |
                :  or, the slow  way, leave  me a messy on  a board
                   i  sometimez  call... i hope there will soon  be
                |  another pack, and its gonna be a combo pack, but  |
                   with who or when or what, youll see ..... 'till!
                ÓÄ -      -      -   --        -       sATAN'S FIRe  ½

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ                 ____ __ _   ________________
    satan's   __(___________\__  ___________/
    _________/___ \________ \_/    ___/___
///  ___________/  | /   _ __/___ |      /
 /    _____/_______|/   |      /\_______//
 \      |          /____|     //
 \\_____|   [tAF!]    sF!____/
        :               `------------.
.-------'  satan's fire [sF!] of taf |
| presents his 3rd ascii pack called |
|                                    |
|     iNSiDE PART ][ : OUTSiDE       |
|                                    |

                           /   /  \
                              /    \ -\
_     _  ______ _____________/      \
                                    \\      /\____________________________  __
                                      \    /
        when are they gonna stop...    \  /
                                        \//     well, this pack was also at :
_   ___ ___________________________________________________/  \
                                                               \      /\
      .     .        _______   _ _________   ____.   ___        \    /  \___  _
     _|_____|______ _\____  \____   _____/ |   __|__/   \__      \  //
    _\________     \_  ___     \     |_______ _ ___  _____/       \/
    \       |/      /   |      /     |      /    |/   \__ -----.
     \______       /____      /|_____      /_____/      /      |
            \_____/     \____/       \____/      \_____/       |
                                 ____________     _______  _ _________
      sATAN'S FIRe [tAF/TTAB]   /  ________/ \__._\____  \____  _____/
          THe ReaPer [UNT]     /   _____/ ___ _ |   ___  __/    ___/_____
                              ù     |      |    |    |    \_     |      /
       [+31.(0).419.215.288]   \    |      |    |____|     /_____      /
        /\                      \___|      l____|    l____/gZ!   \____/
_  ____/  \
           \      /\ \
            \    /  \__________________________________________________  _   _
           \\\  /

        -[oOo] gO^bLUEs ~ jOin^tHe^oRDiNAiRy ~ iTz^gODz^(lASt)^wiLL! [oOo]-
               ________   _____                     _____
             __\___   /___\    \  __________ ___   /    /______ _
           __   __/ _/__   \_   \__   ___  //  _ _/    /    __///
            __  \_      \_____   _/   \___/    \\\_________ \
               __/       _/ l___/       \_ _     _  _ _/     \_ _
                l_______/_  _  _ __ _____/// _          _ _ __///
 _  _ ____ _\      \_________   _________    _____________________
_  ___       \      \______  \__\___    /_ __\  ______   /______  \__
  _  ___    _/\_     _/  _/   \__ _/   /________ \______/  / _______/_ _  __ _
       \__   /\_____/_ __\    __ _\            /____      /  \       __ _  __
        l___/             \    _ __\    mD!   /   l______/ \_____
                           \___/    \        /               l__________
                                     \      /
                                      \    /
                                       \  /
       -[oOo] .bUt.4.wAREz. [oOo]--     \/     --[oOo] +31^70^3639760 [oOo]-
       -[oOo] 0-2^wAREz ~ nUp:??? [oOo]-   -[oOo] 288oo^bLAZiNg^sPEED [oOo]-
       -[oOo] sKYZo:^=zEn= ~ X-fiLEz ! [oOo] PCE-cONFERENCE^fREe^dOWn [oOo]-
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                       [· 15-Mar-95/01:00:51 ·]

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