^^^^^^^^^^^ aLL sLOWER bOARDS pLACE yOUR aDVERTS aBOVE pLEASE ^^^^^^^^^^^^ I dONT lIKE aDVERTS iN fILES. tHEY aRE dANGEROUS! lEARN fROM tHE bUSTS!!!! _ __ ___________ __________ _ __ __________ .___/__ ________ \ __/__ _________ _ _/_ | / _ /__ ______ __\__ / / __ /________/ /____/ /_____ \ \__________/ /_____/___/ / _ __ ____________/ / \_ _ __ _______\ /_____/ _ __ _____________/ _ __ __________ ___________ /__ / \ ______._______ ___/__ _/ | \_ | _/_ \ / -M-\_______________/ | /__________/ _ __ _____________/ _________ ¦_) (_¦ ______ _ ___ _________ ____ | | ___\ ___|//_______\ / / \ |____________ a4ooo/o6o/5omhz! |_______ | __/ __/¯¯ | | cdrom,scsi·fastline! | | | \ \ | | 4gb hd!,dat! |___ | |______\ \____ ! ________! |_ _| )___________! \_________/ )________ _ ¦ )_______( ¦ ____ ____________ ___ _________ ______ _ _____________ ___\ |_ ___\ ___ |__\ | | |__\ ___/// ___\ _ / | ___|------| | | |_| | ____/--------| / / |_ | | | st! | | | | | | _ (_¦ |)___ ! |___ ! |_____ ! ____!___ ! |____| | ! )__________! )___________! )_________ _ )___________! !_________| · [enzo!] · [mandrake/hf] · [camilla/psx·nation!] · · [colonel/qtx] · [-tcb!-/qtx] · [fury/psg] · [ hellf¡re ehq! · crux ehq! · corrupt ehq! · bad karma ehq · ¡nsane schq! ] [amiga!] [pc!] [console!] .----- -[·4! asskicking nodes are just waiting for you abusement!! ]- -----. | | `--- -syspw!: yes- -------- -nup!: ask!- ---- -+45-738-¡SDN (2N ISDN)- ----' \|/ _____ @ @ ______________/T\ 3.50_____ |____oOO_(_)_OOo_ ___ ______ __ ___ ____| |\_ _ \\ _\\_ _ \\ _\\_ _ \ / // __\/ __/| |_/ __// _ \/ _ // _ \/ // // / \ \ / _/_ | |\_/ /_//_/_/ \_\_//_/____//_/\_/_/ \___/ | |:::::::::::: D.R.E.A.M.S.:::::::::::::::::| + ----------- p-r-e-s-e-n-t-s ------------ + RaNked One Of The Fastest Systems On Amiga +------------------------------------------+ Uploaded at: 21:17:21 on: 06-04-96 +------------------------------------------+ 28.8k USRobotics Powerd ! 115.2k locked +------------------------------------------+ Node0 -{++39}-{###} Private Node1 -{++39}-{###} Private Node2 -{++39}-{###} Private Node3 -{++39}-{###} Tel-Net +------------------------------------------+ /\ / \ ____ ___________ __________ / \\ ____________/ |______ ___\____ \_ __|__/__ \\/ _/ |_ | .--- -| / / _| / \\ | _/ |- ---. | |______________/_______________\ \\_________| |______| | | / \\÷e÷ /________| | | /______________\ | | _________ | | _____________ ___________ _______|_ / | | ___\____ / \ / | | `--------- -| _/ _/_ | \ _/\ |- --------------' |______\ /_____________/______________| \ / hOOdLUM WhQ! \ / ShAdOWER/[hLM/sNK/iNS/dLM/n&B] INSaNE USHQ \ / /\utopsy[hLM],ExOcEt[AtX/ARCLitE] SNEaKERS TRHQ \/ LiNebACkeR/[nUT&bOLt] ARCLitE ASCii WhQ NUT & BOLT WHQ nODE 1: +1-8o1-476-9o68 nODE 2: +1-8o1-479-4678 nODE 3: +1-8o1-476-8916 nODE 4: +1-8o1-479-o267 nODE 5: + <TELNET> dEViOUS dEZiGNS /X eNGiNEERiNG dEVELOPMENT aND diSTRiBUTiON siTE ___ ______ _____ ___ ____ _______ _|___| ______ /\__________ / __/_\ \| _| | _ \_/ __/_\ _\/ / __/__ | _| \ \ \ | / / _| \ \/ / _| | |_________/____/___|____|__/ /_ ________|\____\ /|_________| \______| | | /____/ ______ _______ ____ ___ ___| _/\______ __ ____ _____ _|___ | _ \_/ __|__| |/ / \_____ \_ |/ ___|_/ __/__ | |/ | / / _| \_ | /| | |/ / | \ | _| | | _____/|__/ /_ _______| |________|________/ |_______|_______| |___| \______| \____| |____| dr!/at fAAST 0-3 dAY aMiGA wAREZ oNLY · cD-rOM · rEQUESTS · aSC² oRDeRiNG rUNNiNG tHE bEST /X 4.xx · bLAZiNG aLONG aT 28.8K vFC sYSOP: RoaDRuNNa/dEViOUS^dECiSiON · CoSYSOP: kHUFU/uLTiMA nODE 0: +61(0)8-LOCAL-NODE · nODE 1: +61(0)8-3477735 · cONTACT uS oN iRC fOR tELNET aDDRESS · *2 cREDZ fOR mAJOR uPLOADS · *3 cREDZ fOR oWN gROUP mAJORS WHERE EVEN THINKING ABOUT A PC IS PUNISHABLE BY DEATH !!!! -« uPLOADED oN: 03-Jun-96 aT: 17:04:14 »-----------------« rOAD-aDDER V1.0 »- [- this colly stayed at these fine boards before returning back to me -] @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ______ _____ .........______ ________.... \ _/___| (____`:...___| |_____ (_ : .\__ _ _ __ ____ sh! __ \____/7 : |________(____| (____( |______|_____ | : |_____\ (* pRESENTS *) )____| : .----------------------------------.----------+ [- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS! -]<_._<:::::::| |----- -- --- ---- ----- -------' \_______| `--------[ hIS fIRST aSCII cOLLY '96! ]-------' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ ... ..., ..:::::::::.. ,... ..:::::::: :::::: :::::: ::::::::.. ::: `:::::: :::::: :::::: ::::::' ::: ::: `::::: :::::: :::::: :::::' ::: ::: `::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::' ::: `:: .::::::: :::::::. ::' ::: |::::::: :::::::| .. ... ::: :::: ... .. |::::::: :::::::| : :::: :::: : |::::::: :::::::| : :::: ::: : |::::::: :::::::| ::: :::: |::::::: :::::::| . :::: :::: : |::::::: :::::::| :::: :::: |::::::: :::::::| : :::: `::: : |::::::: :::::::| :::' ...:::::.. |::::::: :::::::| ..:::::... :: :::::::::: ::::::::::: :: ::::: :::|::::::: :::::::|::: ::::: ::::: :::: |::::::: :::::::| :::: ::::: :::::::::::' `:::::::::::::::::::::::::::' :::::::::::' sh! ::::-- -- --- --- -- --:::: ... ... ::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::: ::::: .. ... ::: ::: :::: ... ... :::: :: :: `::: ::::: ::::: ::: : : : ::::: ::: : . . : :::' :: . . :: : . : : : . . : . . . : : . . . ______ . ______ ______ ________ ______ / _7____________:________/ /______/ /_____\_____ \_| |___ / /__ \ Y / / / / / \____/7 ____/ /____________________.__________________ ____________ __________ _______| : |/ |/ \| ............... ________ `:... ________ _______ ______\ |______| |_ _/_____ / /\ : \_ _/ __ / /_______/\_____________|________|_____\ / \ / ______ . _ __ _______ __\/__ ________________ / _7___________:_______ |_|_ _|_\_____ \_______ \_ ____//____ / /__ \ Y / _____ ___ / \____/ \____/7 \___\\____\ /_____________\_____._____/|______| |____________________/ | : . /______| ________________________ ______:______ \ ____________ /_\ Y / \ ____/ / / \___ | ___/ \_____\ /____________/ \ sh! /_______\ .................. ___________ `:.... . _____________________ ______\ .::|_______________:______ / ___________ ____/_________ / /\ : / ^\ \_____ \_____ ...:| /_______/\________________/________|___________________/ _______________| \\\\\\ [ - p r e s e n t e d b y - ] _____________________ ._\ /_|_ _\_____ |___. __ ____ ___. | ____ \ _/_._\ _|/ ).\ /__) |__ ._) _/_ .___\ | \._ | \ \. __/__| _/___|_ l |\ l |/ | l \| l \| | )___/ |)___/ _|____|)____\ |)____\ | /____|. /____\ +sD+ /___| /___| |_ // _| /_____________________\ [ - t h i s i s m y f i r s t c o l l y - ] [- s o d o n t h a s s l e ;) -] * bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS * . . _|___________________________________________________________|_ : The world is a vampire, sent to drain : * : secret destroyers, hold you up to the flames : S : and what do i get, for my pain : M : betrayed desires, and a piece of the game : A : even though i know-i suppose i'll show : S : all my cool and cold-like old job : H : despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage : i : then someone will say what is lost can never be saved : N : despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage : G : now i'm naked, nothing but an animal : : but can you fake it, for just one more show : P : and what do you want, i want to change : U : and what have you got : M : when you feel the same : P : even though i know-i suppose i'll show : K : all my cool and cold-like old job : i : despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage : N : then someone will say what is lost can never be saved : S : despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage : : tell me i'm the only one : 9 : tell me there's no other one : 5 : jesus was an only son : ' : tell me i'm the chosen one : * : jesus was an only son for you : : despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage : : and i still believe that i cannot be saved : _:___________________________________________________________:_ | | . . .................... ::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: ......................... ::::::::::::: .::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::: `:::::::::. .::::: `::::::::::::.. ;::::::::' :::::: `::::::::::::::::::::::' ::::::: `::::::::::::::::::::' ::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::::::::::::::: ::::::::::::::: ::::::::::: ::::::: ::: : _______ _ ___ ____ _\_ /________ __________ ________ /_\__ \_ _ ________\__ /__\__ \_ ____ ___ _ / / / _ / / __/ / _ ___ ____ _______/ / / \_____/ _ \_ / /______/______/ \ \______\ /__________ ____ ___ _ /_________\ \ /rpd! \ / \/ well, you're maybe thinking, who the fuck is shi7e.. anyway, this is my first ascii pack..i hope ya like it and i hope people like the logos i did.. my aim is that someone will like this and invite me into an ascii group <ha!> so well, enjoy. ___ _ _ __________________\ / ._\ / _\ \ /_. | \/ \ T·H·E \/ |_ | _________ \/ __________ | _ __\____ / | ______ _ _____\_ ____ \_·______ / _/_ ·_ __\____ \_ / \ /_\____ \ / \_ _______ _/ /______ _ _ _______/ \__/ __ \_ /_\_ ___/___ \___/ / \_ \ /________/ \ \_ \______ / / \ /______________ _ \/_ ________/ / . _ __________/ _ _ | . _ _ ___)\)\_______|__ _ _ _ _ __|_________/(/(__ ___) ¦ ¦ (___ ._\ : : /_. ¦ boheme-boheme rave phobia-axetro __ ¦ ¦__ _ smug-speed racer battlefield-flozzy _\/__ _ ¦ /_/\ (_) food-speed racer booya-booya \/\ ((/ ¦ \_\/__ braindead-style style-booya nasa-shelter\/ ¦ ¦ /\_\ o undercover-demax bumble bee-baffle coldslam-inter ¦ ¦ \/_/ fame-wild thing baffle-baffle escape-seen ¦ ¦ wildthing-wt hell-enemyx randomheaven-swim ¦ ¦ · dixie-wt superunknown-spookm o ¦ ¦ wildtools-wt scarface-scarface rosco-rosco _ ¦ ¦ internet-wt twisted-scarface crux-shane (_) ¦__ ¦ corrupt-wt boondocks-scarface __ /_/\ ¦ axetro-axetro shelter-shelter · /\ \ \_\/ ¦ master race-rosco \/_/ ¦ ¦ · spookm-spookm · the beyond-dmg ¦ ¦__ : franky-franky : __¦ /__ ¦ bad karma-franky ¦ __\ _)_ _______|__ _ _ _ _ __|________ _(_ )/)/ | __ __ | \(\( ¯ ¯ | -[ \/ oF cONTENTS ..\/ ]- | ¯ ¯ |___________________________| ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -]..... _ __ _______. ... .. : : : . : .-------------------' : : .--: :........^.....:...: | : : | : : : aSCii::> bOhEmE ^ :......:.. . `--:----------------' : fOR::> bOhEmE : :........: :........:...................: .---------//---------. | | _______ . ________ . _________ _________ \ _7____________________\ _7______\_____ 7_____ _______\_____ 7_ \ \__ __ \\ _ // \_____/ \/ // \_____/\ \__________\\__________________| ________ ___\/ _________ \ . sh!|____/. \_____/ |____/ \_____/ | | `--------//----------' ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -]..... _ __ _______. ... .. : : : . : .-------------------' : : .--: :........^.....:...: | : : | : : : aSCii::> sMUG ^ :......:.. . `--:----------------' : fOR::> sPEED rACER : :........: :........:...................: . ______:_ . . \ ___7______________:_________ . _________:_ . ___\_________ Y \__________:__________\ ____7____:_ \___________________|_____| _\ | /_ \___ _7 sh!|_________________ ___________________ | [- sMUGGLERS '96! -] Y /_____| : ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -]..... _ __ _______. ... .. : : : . : .-------------------' : : .--: :........^.....:...: | : : | : : : aSCii::> fOOD ^ :......:.. . `--:----------------' : fOR::> sPEED rACER : :........: :........:...................: . ________________:_ . ______ \ ___________7__________:________________________\__ \sh! \ _____ _ __ _ __ ___7 \ \_____\ /________________:/________________/______________\ : ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -]..... _ __ _______. ... .. : : : . : .-------------------' : : .--: :........^.....:...: | : : | : : : aSCii::> bRAINDEAD ^ :......:.. . `--:----------------' : fOR::> sTYLE : :........: :........:...................: ______ .-------//------. _______ _________ _________\ \ _________ | \ _7_______\_____ 7____\_____ \\ \______\ / | \ \__ / \_____/\_ __7 \ _ \\ / | \________________/ ________________ \_____\ / . /______/sh! ______ _\ \ .\__/_____ _______ _____\__ \\_____ \____\_____ \_____\__ | / ___7 _ \_____/\ __7 __7 | /____________/_____ \_______________________| \______/ . . | | `-------//------' ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -]..... _ __ _______. ... .. : : : . : .-------------------' : : .--: :........^.....:...: | : : | : : : aSCii::> uNDERCOVER ^ :......:.. . `--:----------------' : fOR::> dEMAX_dLT : :........: :........:...................: _________ \ | . .-------//---' . ______ ___________________ ______:_____________________________\__ \\______ \______ \_ / | __ __ __7 __ \_____/ \______/\ /_______ _______\______7______/_______________\_____ ____/ \ Y sh! . _\_____/___\ _/ :__________ ___________________:________\_____ \______ \_ /. _____/__/ _ \ | _ \_____/ \_____/\ /___________________________\______ _______/_____ ____/ \ . . Y \_____/ \_____/ | | : `-------//-----------' ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -]..... _ __ _______. ... .. : : : . : .-------------------' : : .--: :........^.....:...: | : : | : : : aSCii::> fAME ^ :......:.. . `--:----------------' : fOR::> WiLD THiNG : :........: :........:...................: .------------//-----------. : | ________________:___________________ _________________ \ ___________:________ \_ \/ _/\_____ \_ \ ______7 /: __7 \/ 7_______/\ \______\ /_:___________________|| _________ \ : sh!|____/ \_______/ : | `-----------//------------' ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -]..... _ __ _______. ... .. : : : . : .-------------------' : : .--: :........^.....:...: | : : | : : : aSCii::> WiLD THiNG ^ :......:.. . `--:----------------' : fOR::> WiLD THiNG : :........: :........:...................: .------------------//-----. _____________ ________ ________ : _______ __________\ // // /________ ___:_\__ \ \ /\ _ _ / // : __7 \ \________/\________// //______________________:__________\ ______________/ _/_____ _______ sh! : ______________ \_ _/ _ \\_\_____/_________:_______\ ________/ | /_______/ _ _ _ \__ \ |__________| /__________\\_____//________|________\\______ \ | : \______/ | : `----------//-------------' ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -]..... _ __ _______. ... .. : : : . : .-------------------' : : .--: :........^.....:...: | : : | : : : aSCii::> DiXiE ^ :......:.. . `--:----------------' : fOR::> WiLD THiNG : :........: :........:...................: _______ _______ ______ | .:|_______ _______|:. |_________ ______\__ \|_ \ \/ / _|\_____ \_ / __7 .:|) (|:. \_____/\ /________________ /_______/\_______\ ________ \ |_______|sh! |_______| \______/ ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -]..... _ __ _______. ... .. : : : . : .-------------------' : : .--: :........^.....:...: | : : | : : : aSCii::> WiLDTOOLS ^ :......:.. . `--:----------------' : fOR::> WiLD THiNG : :........: :........:...................: _______ ________|_ _|______ ______ _______\ .|_____________\__ \ \ /\ _ _ :| / __7 \ \_____/\_____/| .|____________ _______________\ | :|sh! \/ . _| :|_ ______: _______ . \_ _/_______________________| .|_____\ ___/_______: | :| _ /_ _ /_ :| \______ :| |_______.___________ .__________ .______.___________________| \| \| : : . . ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -]..... _ __ _______. ... .. : : : . : .-------------------' : : .--: :........^.....:...: | : : | : : : aSCii::> iNTERNET ^ :......:.. . `--:----------------' : fOR::> WiLD THiNG : :........: :........:...................: ________ _________________________________ _______________________ | ___|__\ /_ _______ \______ \_______\ \_____ \_ _/ | | \ | | \_____/ \_____/\_ \ | \_____/ \ | |_____|\_______.______|_____ ____/ ____\_____|___ /_______\ |________| sh! \______/ /_______| \_______/ ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -]..... _ __ _______. ... .. : : : . : .-------------------' : : .--: :........^.....:...: | : : | : : : aSCii::> cORRUPT ^ :......:.. . `--:----------------' : fOR::> WiLD THiNG : :........: :........:...................: .------//------. | : . . _________ _____________________________________:______________________ | __/_____/ __ \_ ________ ______/ | \ ,_____/ _/ |________________________________\sh! /_____\ /______ ______\____\ |______| . Y | : | | `------//------' ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -]..... _ __ _______. ... .. : : : . : .-------------------' : : .--: :........^.....:...: | : : | : : : aSCii::> aXETRo ^ :......:.. . `--:----------------' : fOR::> aXETRo : :........: :........:...................: . __________ ________ __________________ _______: _________ ______ __\_____ \\_ \/ _/\______ \__| |_\______ \_/ _ \ / __7 \/ \_/ \______/\_ _/ \______/ / \ /______________________/\____________ ________||______| ________/ \_________| : sh!|_____/ . ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -]..... _ __ _______. ... .. : : : . : .-------------------' : : .--: :........^.....:...: | : : | : : : aSCii::> RAVE PHOBiA ^ :......:.. . `--:----------------' : fOR::> aXETRo : :........: :........:...................: .-----//----. __________| : ___________ ________________\______ \___________:__________\______ 7_ \_ ________ __7 \ V / \______/\ /_____\ /_________________________._______________ \ | : .....\________/ _________ ______ . ___:____ ::..' __________ \_____ \_/ _/________________\ . __/____________.__\______ \ / \_____ _ _ \ \___ \ / __7 \ /_______\ /______\ _____________\___________ /_______________\ \______\| . |______|sh! | : `--//-------' ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -]..... _ __ _______. ... .. : : : . : .-------------------' : : .--: :........^.....:...: | : : | : : : aSCii::> bATTLEFiELD ^ :......:.. . `--:----------------' : fOR::> fLOZZY : :........: :........:...................: . . ________ : _________ ______________________:________ __________ \ __/_____:_\_____ \\_ _/\_ _/ /_____\_______ \_ \ \___ : __7 | | | | / / \_____/\ \__________:____________.________.__.________._____________/____ \ : ........ .. . . : sh! \________/ . `::.. . . ________________________________________:_ . ______ \ __________ \______ \_ |______:_____\__ \ \ ____/ / \______/\ | __7 \ \_____\ /______________ \___________._____________\ \________/ : . ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -]..... _ __ _______. ... .. : : : . : .-------------------' : : .--: :........^.....:...: | : : | : : : aSCii::> bOO-YA ^ :......:.. . `--:----------------' : fOR::> bOO-YA : :........: :........:...................: .------//---------. . _____ : | : ________ / _7_______:________________________________________:________\____ \ / \__ . _ \_ _ \__ | __/ __7 \ /______________:.________________/________________/ . \____________\ : . sh!/______:______\ . | : `-------------//--' . ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -]..... _ __ _______. ... .. : : : . : .-------------------' : : .--: :........^.....:...: | : : | : : : aSCii::> bAFFLE ^ :......:.. . `--:----------------' : fOR::> bAFFLE : :........: :........:...................: .---///---------. | : _____ _________.______________________:______ __________ / _7_____._\______ \ ________ _____.__ \____\______ \_ / \__ __7 ___\ \ ___\ : \ \ \_____/\ /_____________._________________\ sh!\_____\ : \_______________ \ . : \______/ | : `---------///---' ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -]..... _ __ _______. ... .. : : : . : .-------------------' : : .--: :........^.....:...: | : : | : : : aSCii::> sTYLE ^ :......:.. . `--:----------------' : fOR::> bOO-YA : :........: :........:...................: .---------//---. ________ _____________ _____:_____________ | __________ \ ___/___________\_ _// Y \ /____\______ \_ \______ | |/__ | __\ / / \______/\ /__________________.____________.____._____\_____ /____ \ sh!: /______/ \________/ . . | | `--//----------' ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -]..... _ __ _______. ... .. : : : . : .-------------------' : : .--: :........^.....:...: | : : | : : : aSCii::> bUMBLE bEE lAND ^ :......:.. . `--:----------------' : fOR::> bAFFLE : :........: :........:...................: ______ . ______ _____ ________ / __7____.________:________._____ ________/ __7__\__ \__\_____ \_ / \__ \ | / \/ \__ \ \ \_____/7 /______________.______.______._______\/ ________________\_______ | : | |sh! \______| ______ ________._ _________ | | / __7_____\_______ \_\______ \__| | / \__ / \_____/// \_____/// | /_________________ _____ | | \________| \_______| | ______ ________ | . ______ / /________\____ \_________| :______\__ \ / / / __7 _ _ \ | __7 \ /____________/______________/ \______.______________\ /_______\ : ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -]..... _ __ _______. ... .. : : : . : .-------------------' : : .--: :........^.....:...: | : : | : : : aSCii::> hELL ^ :......:.. . `--:----------------' : fOR::> eNEMYX : :........: :........:...................: . . _______:_ _________:_ _______. _______. / _7_______\______ 7_/ /______/ /______. /_______ / \_____/ / / / / /_______________ ___________._____________/ \________\sh! ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -]..... _ __ _______. ... .. : : : . : .-------------------' : : .--: :........^.....:...: | : : | : : : aSCii::> sUPERUNKNOWN ^ :......:.. . `--:----------------' : fOR::> sPooKM : :........: :........:...................: _______ .___________________ ________ \ ___/__________._______| ___ /_ ___ /_ \_ ___ \_ . ___\_______ | \_____/ \_____/__/ \_ _/_:_ \__________________ ______________\ \_________ /____/ l Y . \/ /______| : ____:_ ________ ______.______.::... | l_____ .::... _ __ ___________\ _/_________ / | \::::::::. _ __/___:::::::::. _ \ /\ _ / /_______ _______\::' `::::_|\ /:::' `::::________\____/\________/ / Y :::: ::::. \____/:::: ::::. sh! /____/ : `:::::' `:::::' ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! 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'96! -]..... _ __ _______. ... .. : : : . : .-------------------' : : .--: :........^.....:...: | : : | : : : aSCii::> bAD kARMA ^ :......:.. . `--:----------------' : fOR::> fRANKY : :........: :........:...................: ______ _________ ______ / __7____ __\_____ \ _____\__ \ / \__ \/ __7 \/ __7 \ /____________ ____________ _____________\ sh!\/ \/ ____ _____ ________ ________ | |/ /__\_____ \___________________ ____ __\_____ \ | _ ( __7 \_ _________ \/ \/ __7 \ |____|\____ ________________\ /______\/ ______________\ \/ /_______\ ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -]..... _ __ _______. ... .. : : : . : .-------------------' : : .--: :........^.....:...: | : : | : : : aSCii::> tHE bEYOND ^ :......:.. . `--:----------------' : fOR::> dMG : :........: :........:...................: ______ tHe ________ _______ ______ _____ / _7____ \_____ \_\ |_______________________\ \ ____\__ \ / /__ \/ \____/\\__ | __/ _ \ \ \/ __7 \ /_____________\__________\/_________\___________________\____ ____________\ \/ - thats it! hope ya liked it! ............. . _______________ ___________________ ________`::::. ::::: \ _________/_____________\______ \_______ \__| |_....,::::' . . \ \_ _____ ____________ \_____/ \_____/\_ _/:::: ......: : \________\ /_____\ sh! /_____________________|________|:::::..:::::' [- fLY oUT tO! -]-------------------------------------------' rosco ^ speed racer ^ wild thing ^ boo-ya ^ baffle ^ shane speed devil ^ psyche ^ roadrunna ^ spookm ^ fungus ^ canaan boheme ^ u-man ^ count zero ^ baserevil ^ str ^ arcane + some messies to : rosco - thanks for everything man speed racer - thanks for the help in the scene boheme - thanks for the inspiration :) boo-ya - thanks for encouraging me :) baffle - thanks for that long chat, it was cool spookm - i'll send ya a sheep in the mail :) psyche - can i get an account on ya board man? speed devil - thanks for the logo man! all - if you think i may have something to offer a group, invite me in :) i want to be in an ascii group, i just need someone to give me the chance. . . ___ ___ ___|__ ___ ___ |__ .-------- l___,l__/l /l__;l__/|l___,l__; sh! -----------------------------. `--------------------------------------------------------------------------' if you want an ascii done you can find me on these boards : bumble bee land - shi7e! the tribe - shi7e! masturbation station - kurious uzi suicide - kurious i'll be called shi7e! from now on tho so look for me on other boards a that :) or email me at - kurious@ihug.co.nz or catch me on irc at - #amielite _|_ _|_ ____ ___ ___ ____ _|_ _|_ _ <- -- -2F- ---------+- ---- ------ -\__,\ )\__/, \__,\ '\__/,(__/|\__,`--.> /__| 2fAST - for this credits ascii h2o - for the contents ascii i think rapid - for the intro ascii speed devil - for the shite ascii [- c y a a l l a n o t h e r t i m e -] [- this colly stayed at these fine boards before returning back to me -] _______ _____ _____________________ _______ ____ ____ _______ \_ ___ \_\__ | __/____ ________ \_\_ ___ \_\_ Y _/ \_ ___ \_ _/ \____/__ . \_ | |_/ / _/ \____/__ \_/ \_ \____/__ \_________ /___|_____/ l___|\____\ \________ /__|_____/_______ / \_/ adk! \____/ \_/ \_/ dEViOUS dEZiGNS /X eNGiNEERiNG dEVELOPMENT aND diSTRiBUTiON siTE - -------------------------------------------------------------------- - fAAST 0-3 dAY aMiGA wAREZ oNLY · cD-rOM · rEQUESTS · aSC² oRDeRiNG rUNNiNG tHE bEST /X 4.xx · bLAZiNG aLONG aT 28.8K vFC sYSOP: RoaDRuNNa/dEViOUS^dECiSiON · CoSYSOP: kHUFU/uLTiMA nODE 0: +61(0)8-LOCAL-NODE · nODE 1: +61(0)8-3477735 · cONTACT uS oN iRC fOR tELNET aDDRESS · *2 cREDZ fOR mAJOR uPLOADS · *3 cREDZ fOR oWN gROUP mAJORS - -------------------------------------------------------------------- - WHERE EVEN THINKING ABOUT A PC IS PUNISHABLE BY DEATH !!!! _______________________ __________.____________ _____ _______________ _\_____ \___ \__ ___ \___\_ _/\_ | _/\_____ \\___/ \_ ___/__ ___ \_ | _____/ / _/ \____/__ | \_ | \_ / \_ \_ l \_ \____/__ l____| \____\ \_______ /_______/________/________/____/________/______ / \____/ \_/ \_/ -« uPLOADED oN: 03-Jun-96 aT: 17:04:14 »-----------------« rOAD-aDDER V1.0 »- /\ / \ ____ ___________ __________ / \\ ____________/ |______ ___\____ \_ __|__/__ \\/ _/ |_ | .--- -| / / _| / \\ | _/ |- ---. | |______________/_______________\ \\_________| |______| | | / \\÷e÷ /________| | | /______________\ | | _________ | | _____________ ___________ _______|_ / | | ___\____ / \ / | | `--------- -| _/ _/_ | \ _/\ |- --------------' |______\ /_____________/______________| \ / hOOdLUM WhQ! \ / ShAdOWER/[hLM/sNK/iNS/dLM/n&B] INSaNE USHQ \ / /\utopsy[hLM],ExOcEt[AtX/ARCLitE] SNEaKERS TRHQ \/ LiNebACkeR/[nUT&bOLt] ARCLitE ASCii WhQ NUT & BOLT WHQ nODE 1: +1-8o1-476-9o68 nODE 2: +1-8o1-479-4678 nODE 3: +1-8o1-476-8916 nODE 4: +1-8o1-479-o267 nODE 5: + <TELNET> [A¡RaDDer v3.4 By A¡Rcø] _______________ _______ _______ __________/\_____________________ __\___ /\__ \_\___ \_\__ \_____ _ // / ____/__ ____/ / _____/ // _/ // / // /\_ \// ____/ /__ /__ /___/____/___/__ /___/____/______ /____/________/\_______/ \/ \/ \/ _________ _______ _____________________________________ /____ _ /_\___ \/__ _____\__ \_______ / ____/ / / /// _// ____/ // / / /\_ \ /_____ /____/__ /\_______/___/____/___/__/__/________/ \/ \/ RaNked One Of The Fastest Systems On Amiga ----------------------------------------------------------- Node0 -{++39}-{###} Private US Robotics Dual Standard 16800 Node1 -{++39}-{###} Private US Robotics Dual Standard 28800 Node2 -{++39}-{###} Private US Robotics Dual Standard 28800 .-- ----- ------------------------------------------------- ------- ---. ===WEEKDAY===, DD-MM-YY, HH:MM this textfile passed Sky Tower #1 ·- ---- ----------------------------------------------------- ---- -- -· . _ _ . . ( Y ) Without a guy called something like UFOk . : \|/ this file would never have made it and you wouldn't : | (º) be watching it right now.... | | ¯ | `-------------------------------------------------> Call Sky Tower! <--' @ ____ __________ __________ ______ __________________________ __________ ___ __\____ _ / ___ \__\ \ __ / ________/ __ \ / _/ \/ ___|_\ \ \ \ \/______/______/_______ ___|\_ \_ / \ \ \\_________/ /_\ \ \/ \\ / \ / / mR!___________/_____| \_____\\______/_______________________//_\\________m'S _ _________________ _____________ ______ _____________ ________________ _ _\ ___ / /____ \ _ \ s P A C E / _/ / / \ \\ \ D O U t / \\__ / /_\ \ \______/ _ _______________\_____________\______//_____/_______| ____________________ _ .-----------------------------------------------------. : THIS FILE WAS DROPPED OFF AT 20:38:16 ON 06-05-1996 : `-----------------------------------------------------' ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ vvvvvvvvvv tHiS bBS hAD iT lONG bEFORE aLL tHE BoARDs lISTED bELOW vvvvvvvvvv