^^^^^^^^^^^ aLL sLOWER bOARDS pLACE yOUR aDVERTS aBOVE pLEASE ^^^^^^^^^^^^


                              _  __ ___________
       __________     _  __ __________    .___/__ ________
       \      __/__ _________   _   _/_   |     /  _     /__ ______
      __\__       /         /  __     /________/   /____/  /_____  \
      \__________/   /_____/___/     /  _  __ ____________/     /   \_
           _  __ _______\     /_____/             _  __ _____________/
                                        _  __ __________
                    ___________                        /__
                   /           \ ______._______       ___/__
                 _/      |      \_     |     _/_      \    /
              -M-\_______________/     |       /__________/
                           _  __ _____________/

                                                        ¦_)       (_¦
   ______  _       ___   _________ ____                 |           |
___\  ___|//_______\    /        / \  |____________    a4ooo/o6o/5omhz!
|_______       |     __/      __/¯¯   |           |   cdrom,scsi·fastline!
|     |        |     \         \      |           |      4gb hd!,dat!
|___  |        |______\         \____ !   ________!     |_         _|
   )___________!       \_________/ )________ _          ¦ )_______( ¦
   ____           ____________   ___  _________   ______ _       _____________
___\  |_       ___\ ___       |__\  | |        |__\ ___///    ___\ _         /
|    ___|------|     |        |     |_|        | ____/--------|    /        /
|_    |        |     |    st! |     | |        |    |         |    _       (_¦
|)___ !        |___  !        |_____  !    ____!___ !         |____|         |
!   )__________!  )___________!   )_________ _    )___________!    !_________|
          ·  [enzo!]  ·  [mandrake/hf]  ·  [camilla/psx·nation!]  ·
             ·  [colonel/qtx]  ·  [-tcb!-/qtx]  ·  [fury/psg]  ·

 [ hellf¡re ehq! · crux ehq! · corrupt ehq! · bad karma ehq · ¡nsane schq! ]
    [amiga!]                      [pc!]                       [console!]

 .----- -[·4! asskicking nodes are just waiting for you abusement!! ]- -----.
 |                                                                          |
 `--- -syspw!: yes- -------- -nup!: ask!- ---- -+45-738-¡SDN (2N ISDN)- ----'

                _____   @ @    ______________/T\ 3.50_____
               |____oOO_(_)_OOo_ ___ ______   __ ___  ____|
               |\_ _ \\ _\\_  _ \\ _\\_  _ \ / // __\/ __/|
               |_/ __// _ \/ _  // _ \/ // // / \ \ / _/_ | 
               |\_/  /_//_/_/ \_\_//_/____//_/\_/_/ \___/ |
               |:::::::::::: D.R.E.A.M.S.:::::::::::::::::|
               + ----------- p-r-e-s-e-n-t-s ------------ +
		RaNked One Of The Fastest Systems On Amiga
                  Uploaded at: 21:17:21 on: 06-04-96
                 28.8k USRobotics Powerd ! 115.2k locked
                Node0 -{++39}-{###} Private
                               Node1 -{++39}-{###} Private
                Node2 -{++39}-{###} Private
                               Node3 -{++39}-{###} Tel-Net
                                     /  \                ____
          ___________ __________    /   \\  ____________/    |______ 
       ___\____      \_       __|__/__   \\/          _/     |_     |
.--- -|       /       /     _|       /    \\          |      _/     |- ---.
|     |______________/_______________\     \\_________|      |______|     |
|                               /           \\÷e÷   /________|            |
|                              /______________\                           |
|                                                 _________               |
|               _____________ ___________ _______|_       /               |
|            ___\____       /            \        /      |                |
`--------- -|      _/     _/_      |      \     _/\      |- --------------'
            |______\        /_____________/______________|
                    \      /
hOOdLUM WhQ!         \    /  ShAdOWER/[hLM/sNK/iNS/dLM/n&B]
  INSaNE USHQ         \  /       /\utopsy[hLM],ExOcEt[AtX/ARCLitE]
    SNEaKERS TRHQ      \/            LiNebACkeR/[nUT&bOLt]
      ARCLitE ASCii WhQ
        NUT & BOLT WHQ      
                          nODE 1: +1-8o1-476-9o68
                          nODE 2: +1-8o1-479-4678
                          nODE 3: +1-8o1-476-8916
                          nODE 4: +1-8o1-479-o267
                          nODE 5: + <TELNET>

       ______ _____  ___ ____ _______   _|___| ______  /\__________
      /   __/_\    \|  _|    |   _   \_/   __/_\    _\/     /   __/__
     |   _|    \    \  \     |   /    /   _|    \    \/    /   _|    | 
     |_________/____/___|____|__/    /_ ________|\____\   /|_________| 
                                \______| |   |      /____/
        ______ _______   ____    ___  ___|   _/\______ __  ____   _____
      _|___   |   _   \_/  __|__|   |/   /   \_____   \_ |/ ___|_/  __/__
     |   |/   |   /    /  _|   \_   |   /|   |   |/    / |  \    | _|    |
     |  _____/|__/    /_ _______|   |________|________/  |_______|_______|
     |___|       \______|      \____|               |____|  dr!/at

      fAAST 0-3 dAY aMiGA wAREZ oNLY · cD-rOM · rEQUESTS · aSC² oRDeRiNG
            rUNNiNG tHE bEST /X 4.xx · bLAZiNG aLONG aT 28.8K vFC
          sYSOP: RoaDRuNNa/dEViOUS^dECiSiON · CoSYSOP: kHUFU/uLTiMA
             nODE 0: +61(0)8-LOCAL-NODE · nODE 1: +61(0)8-3477735
                   · cONTACT uS oN iRC fOR tELNET aDDRESS ·
          *2 cREDZ fOR mAJOR uPLOADS · *3 cREDZ fOR oWN gROUP mAJORS


-« uPLOADED oN: 03-Jun-96 aT: 17:04:14 »-----------------« rOAD-aDDER V1.0 »-

  [- this colly stayed at these fine boards before returning back to me -]

______    _____    .........______ ________....
\   _/___|    (____`:...___|      |_____  (_  : 
.\__     _    _   __    ____  sh! __  \____/7 :
|________(____|    (____(  |______|_____    | :
              |_____\  (* pRESENTS *)  )____| :
[- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS! -]<_._<:::::::|
|----- --  ---   ----  ----- -------' \_______|
`--------[ hIS fIRST aSCII cOLLY '96! ]-------'

         ...,                    ..:::::::::..                    ,... 
      ..::::::::              ::::::       ::::::              ::::::::..
    :::      `::::::         ::::::         ::::::         ::::::'      :::
  :::            `:::::    ::::::             ::::::    :::::'           ::: 
 :::                `::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::.::::'               :::
 `::                     .:::::::             :::::::.                    ::'
  :::                    |:::::::             :::::::|       .. ...      :::
  ::::       ... ..      |:::::::             :::::::|            :     ::::
  ::::       :           |:::::::             :::::::|           :      ::::
   :::        :          |:::::::             :::::::|                  ::: 
    ::::                 |:::::::             :::::::|         .       ::::
     ::::       :        |:::::::             :::::::|                ::::
      ::::               |:::::::             :::::::|       :       ::::
       `:::        :     |:::::::             :::::::|              :::'
     ...:::::..          |:::::::             :::::::|          ..:::::...
    ::                 ::::::::::             :::::::::::                ::
    :::::             :::|:::::::             :::::::|:::             :::::
       :::::        :::: |:::::::             :::::::| ::::        :::::
          :::::::::::'   `:::::::::::::::::::::::::::'    :::::::::::'
                      sh! ::::-- -- --- --- -- --::::          ...
            ...           :::::::::::::::::::::::::::         :::::
           :::::              ..                ...            :::
            :::              ::::   ...   ...  ::::            ::
            ::               `:::  ::::: :::::  :::             :
             :                 :   :::::  :::    :              .
             .                 :    :::'   ::    .              .
                                     ::    :
                               .      :    :
                                      :          .
             .                        :    .                    .
                               .      :                          
                                      .    .


    ______            .         ______       ______     ________   ______
   /    _7____________:________/     /______/     /_____\_____  \_|      |___
  /    /__    \       Y       /     /      /     /      /   \____/7     ____/
 /____________________.__________________ ____________ __________ _______|
                      :                 |/           |/          \|        

        ________ `:...  ________ _______
  ______\       |______|        |_    _/_____
 /      /\      :     \_        _/   __     /
/_______/\_____________|________|_____\    /
                                       \  /
    ______           . _ __ _______   __\/__  ________________   
   /    _7___________:_______      |_|_    _|_\_____ \_______ \_  ____//____
  /    /__    \      Y      /    _____    ___ /  \____/   \____/7 \___\\____\
 /_____________\_____._____/|______| |____________________/     |        
                     :                     .             /______|   
            ________________________ ______:______
            \     ____________     /_\     Y     /
             \    ____/     /     /   \___ | ___/
              \_____\      /____________/     \      sh!
         ___________ `:....         .        _____________________
   ______\       .::|_______________:______ /   ___________  ____/_________
  /      /\         :       /              ^\   \_____  \_____         ...:|
 /_______/\________________/________|___________________/   _______________|
                        [ -  p r e s e n t e d  b y  - ]
                           ._\                   /_|_
                  _\_____  |___. __  ____  ___.    | ____
                    \  _/_._\ _|/  ).\  /__)  |__  ._) _/_
                 .___\    |   \._   | \ \.    __/__|    _/___|_ 
                 l   |\   l    |/   |    l    \|   l    \|   |
                  )___/   |)___/   _|____|)____\   |)____\   |
                     /____|.  /____\      +sD+ /___|     /___|
                           |_        //           _| 

                [ -  t h i s  i s  m y   f i r s t   c o l l y  - ]

                  [-  s o   d o n t   h a s s l e  ;)  -]

                 *  bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS  *                   
   .                                                           .
   :  The world is a vampire, sent to drain                    :    *
   :  secret destroyers, hold you up to the flames             :    S
   :  and what do i get, for my pain                           :    M
   :  betrayed desires, and a piece of the game                :    A
   :  even though i know-i suppose i'll show                   :    S
   :  all my cool and cold-like old job                        :    H
   :  despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage      :    i
   :  then someone will say what is lost can never be saved    :    N
   :  despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage      :    G
   :  now i'm naked, nothing but an animal                     :
   :  but can you fake it, for just one more show              :    P
   :  and what do you want, i want to change                   :    U
   :  and what have you got                                    :    M
   :  when you feel the same                                   :    P
   :  even though i know-i suppose i'll show                   :    K
   :  all my cool and cold-like old job                        :    i
   :  despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage      :    N
   :  then someone will say what is lost can never be saved    :    S
   :  despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage      :
   :  tell me i'm the only one                                 :    9 
   :  tell me there's no other one                             :    5
   :  jesus was an only son                                    :    '
   :  tell me i'm the chosen one                               :    * 
   :  jesus was an only son for you                            :
   :  despite all my rage i am still just a rat in a cage      :
   :  and i still believe that i cannot be saved               :
   |                                                           |
   .                                                           .
        :::::::::::::   .........................
        ::::::::::::: .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::
        ::::::::::::: `:::::::::.          .:::::
        `::::::::::::.. ;::::::::'        ::::::
         `::::::::::::::::::::::'       :::::::
          `::::::::::::::::::::'       :::::::::

    _ ___ ____ _\_    /________             __________  ________
                     /_\__     \_ _ ________\__      /__\__     \_ ____ ___ _
                    /    /      /  _      /   /   __/     /
 _ ___ ____ _______/    /      /   \_____/   _     \_    /
                /______/______/     \ \______\      /__________ ____ ___ _
                           /_________\        \    /rpd!
                                               \  /

    well, you're maybe thinking, who the fuck is shi7e.. anyway, this 
    is my first ascii pack..i hope ya like it and i hope people like
    the logos i did.. my aim is that someone will like this and invite 
    me into an ascii group <ha!> so well, enjoy.

                                            ___  _
                        _ __________________\    /
                      ._\  / _\              \  /_.
                      |  \/  \     T·H·E      \/  |_
                      |        _________          \/
          __________  |    _ __\____   /          |    ______
   _ _____\_ ____   \_·______     /  _/_          ·_ __\____ \_       
             /  \    /_\____ \   /      \_ _______       _/   /______ _
   _ _______/    \__/    __   \_         /_\_ ___/___    \___/
           /      \_     \     /________/     \      \_      
           \______ /          /                \      /______________ _
                 \/_ ________/                       /
                      .                 _ __________/
           _ _        |                           .          _ _
        ___)\)\_______|__ _  _             _  _ __|_________/(/(__
      ___)            ¦                           ¦             (___ 
    ._\               :                           :                /_.
    ¦         boheme-boheme    rave phobia-axetro            __      ¦
    ¦__   _   smug-speed racer battlefield-flozzy           _\/__ _  ¦
    /_/\ (_)  food-speed racer booya-booya                  \/\ ((/  ¦
    \_\/__    braindead-style  style-booya         nasa-shelter\/    ¦
    ¦  /\_\ o undercover-demax bumble bee-baffle   coldslam-inter    ¦
    ¦  \/_/   fame-wild thing  baffle-baffle       escape-seen       ¦
    ¦         wildthing-wt     hell-enemyx         randomheaven-swim ¦
    ¦     ·   dixie-wt         superunknown-spookm                 o ¦
    ¦         wildtools-wt     scarface-scarface   rosco-rosco    _  ¦
    ¦         internet-wt      twisted-scarface    crux-shane    (_) ¦__
    ¦         corrupt-wt       boondocks-scarface                __  /_/\
    ¦         axetro-axetro    shelter-shelter               ·  /\ \ \_\/
    ¦                          master race-rosco                \/_/ ¦
    ¦                 ·        spookm-spookm      · the beyond-dmg   ¦
    ¦__               :        franky-franky      :                __¦
      /__             ¦        bad karma-franky   ¦              __\
        _)_    _______|__ _  _             _  _ __|________    _(_
           )/)/       |    __               __    |        \(\(
           ¯ ¯        | -[ \/ oF cONTENTS ..\/ ]- |         ¯ ¯


  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> bOhEmE          ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> bOhEmE          :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

                   |                    |
 _______           .        ________    . _________              _________
 \    _7____________________\     _7______\_____  7_____  _______\_____  7_
  \   \__            __      \\   _      //  \_____/    \/      //  \_____/\
   \__________\\__________________|     ________     ___\/    _________     \
                   .           sh!|____/.      \_____/   |____/       \_____/ 
                   |                    |

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> sMUG            ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> sPEED rACER     :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

      ______:_             .                                        .
      \  ___7______________:_________           .          _________:_   .
    ___\_________          Y         \__________:__________\    ____7____:_
    \___________________|_____|      _\         |         /_    \___    _7 
                           sh!|_________________ ___________________    |
     [- sMUGGLERS '96! -]                       Y                 /_____| 

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> fOOD            ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> sPEED rACER     :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

      ________________:_         .                        ______   
      \    ___________7__________:________________________\__   \sh!
       \     _____       _       __        _       __    ___7    \  
        \_____\ /________________:/________________/______________\ 

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> bRAINDEAD       ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> sTYLE           :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

                                     ______            .-------//------.
 _______       _________    _________\     \       _________           |
 \    _7_______\_____  7____\_____   \\     \______\       /           |
  \   \__      /  \_____/\_    __7     \     _     \\     /            |
   \________________/     ________________    \_____\    /             .
                   /______/sh!   ______ _\     \    .\__/_____      _______
                            _____\__   \\_____  \____\_____   \_____\__    |
                           /    ___7   _   \_____/\     __7         __7    |
                          /____________/_____      \_______________________|
                                            \______/   .               .
                                                       |               |

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> uNDERCOVER      ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> dEMAX_dLT       :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

                           \        |
         .     .-------//---'       .  ______ ___________________
   ______:_____________________________\__   \\______  \______   \_
  /      |      __             __      __7    __  \_____/  \______/\   
 /_______ _______\______7______/_______________\_____     ____/     \
         Y     sh!                        .        _\_____/___\    _/ 
         :__________   ___________________:________\_____  \______  \_
        /.    _____/__/     _     \       |       _   \_____/  \_____/\
       /___________________________\______ _______/_____     ____/     \
               .                    .     Y            \_____/   \_____/
               |                    |     :

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> fAME            ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> WiLD THiNG      :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

                          :                         |
          ________________:___________________  _________________ 
          \    ___________:________   \_      \/      _/\_____   \_ 
           \     ______7 /:     __7           \/          7_______/\
            \______\    /_:___________________||    _________       \
                          :                 sh!|____/       \_______/ 
                          :                         |

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> WiLD THiNG      ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> WiLD THiNG      :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

           _____________ ________ ________            : _______
 __________\           //       //       /________ ___:_\__    \
 \         /\         _        _        /        //   : __7     \
  \________/\________//       //______________________:__________\
       ______________/      _/_____   _______  sh!    :       ______________
       \_          _/      _       \\_\_____/_________:_______\    ________/ 
        |          /_______/         _       _                 _    \__    \
        |__________|      /__________\\_____//________|________\\______     \
                            |                         :              \______/
                            |                         :

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> DiXiE           ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> WiLD THiNG      :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

                        _______                  _______
                ______ |     .:|_______  _______|:.     |_________
          ______\__   \|_      \       \/       /      _|\_____   \_
         /      __7          .:|)              (|:.          \_____/\
        /________________      /_______/\_______\      ________      \
                       |_______|sh!             |_______|     \______/

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> WiLDTOOLS       ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> WiLD THiNG      :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

        ________|_     _|______              ______
 _______\                     .|_____________\__   \
 \      /\      _       _     :|       /     __7    \
  \_____/\_____/|      .|____________ _______________\
                |      :|sh!        \/                  .
               _|      :|_                        ______:     _______       .
               \_       _/_______________________|     .|_____\  ___/_______:
                |      :|      _    /_     _    /_     :|      \______     :|
                |_______.___________ .__________ .______.___________________|
                                    \|          \|      :                   :
                                                        .                   .

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> iNTERNET        ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> WiLD THiNG      :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

  ________   _________________________________        _______________________
 |     ___|__\      /_      _______  \______  \_______\    \_____   \_     _/
 |    |       \      |      |   \_____/  \_____/\_     \    |  \_____/     \
 |    |_____|\_______.______|_____     ____/      ____\_____|___    /_______\
 |________|                 sh!  \______/ /_______|            \_______/   

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> cORRUPT         ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> WiLD THiNG      :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

                                       |              :
                                       .              .               
  _________      _____________________________________:______________________
 |      __/_____/    __    \_    ________   ______/   |     \   ,_____/    _/
 |________________________________\sh! /_____\ /______ ______\____\ |______|
                                       .              Y
                                       |              :
                                       |              |

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> aXETRo          ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> aXETRo          :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

     __________ ________  __________________    _______: _________   ______
   __\_____    \\_      \/      _/\______   \__|       |_\______  \_/   _  \ 
  /     __7     \/              \_/   \______/\_       _/   \______/    /   \
 /______________________/\____________         ________||______|    ________/
                                     \_________|       :    sh!|_____/

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> RAVE PHOBiA     ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> aXETRo          :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

                   __________|           :          ___________
   ________________\______   \___________:__________\______   7_
   \_    ________      __7    \          V          /   \______/\
    /_____\    /_________________________._______________        \
                             |           :         .....\________/
    _________   ______       .        ___:____      ::..'    __________
    \_____   \_/    _/________________\  . __/____________.__\______   \
    /   \_____      _            _     \   \___    \      /      __7    \
   /_______\ /______\      _____________\___________     /_______________\
                     \______\|           .         |______|sh!
                             |           :

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> bATTLEFiELD     ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> fLOZZY          :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

               .                                 .
  ________     : _________ ______________________:________     __________
  \    __/_____:_\_____   \\_        _/\_        _/      /_____\_______  \_
   \   \___    :    __7     |        |  |        |      /       /   \_____/\
    \__________:____________.________.__.________._____________/____        \
               :     ........ .. .      .        :  sh!            \________/
               .     `::..                   .   .
     ________________________________________:_     .     ______   
     \     __________      \______   \_      |______:_____\__   \
      \     ____/  /           \______/\     |            __7    \
       \_____\    /______________       \___________._____________\
                               \________/           :

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> bOO-YA          ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> bOO-YA          :
            :........:                      :........:...................:
                .------//---------.                      .
    _____       :                 |                      :        ________
   /   _7_______:________________________________________:________\____   \
  /    \__      .        _       \_       _       \__    |    __/   __7    \
 /______________:.________________/________________/     .     \____________\
                :                 .            sh!/______:______\
                .                 |                      :
                `-------------//--'                      .  

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> bAFFLE          ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> bAFFLE          :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

                                  |               :
      _____       _________.______________________:______     __________
     /   _7_____._\______   \     ________   _____.__    \____\______   \_
    /    \__          __7         ___\ \     ___\ : \     \        \_____/\
   /_____________._________________\ sh!\_____\   :  \_______________      \
                                  .               :                 \______/
                                  |               :

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> sTYLE           ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> bOO-YA          :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

   ________           _____________ _____:_____________ |  __________
   \   ___/___________\_         _//     Y     \      /____\______   \_
    \______            |         |/__    |    __\    /      /  \______/\
    /__________________.____________.____._____\_____      /____        \
                                      sh!:         /______/    \________/
                                         .              .
                                         |              |

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> bUMBLE bEE lAND ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> bAFFLE          :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

    ______             .                         ______  _____   ________
   /   __7____.________:________._____  ________/   __7__\__  \__\_____  \_
  /    \__     \       |       /      \/            \__     \  \    \_____/7
 /______________.______.______._______\/     ________________\_______      | 
                       :               |     |sh!                   \______| 
    ______     ________._  _________   |     |
   /   __7_____\_______  \_\______  \__|     |             
  /    \__      /   \_____///  \_____///     |
 /_________________        _____       |     |               
                  \________|   \_______|     |               
       ______        ________          |     .      ______
      /     /________\____   \_________|     :______\__   \
     /     /      /    __7      _    _ \     |      __7    \
    /____________/______________/     \______.______________\
                               /_______\     : 

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> hELL            ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> eNEMYX          :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

                .                .
         _______:_      _________:_ _______.      _______.
        /      _7_______\______  7_/      /______/      /______.
       /_______         /   \_____/      /      /      /      /
             /_______________       ___________._____________/

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> sUPERUNKNOWN    ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> sPooKM          :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

    _______                  .___________________  ________
    \  ___/__________._______|    ___  /_  ___  /_ \_  ___ \_ .
  ___\_______        |            \_____/  \_____/__/  \_  _/_:_
  \__________________ ______________\  \_________  /____/     l
                     Y      .                    \/    /______|
                     :  ____:_                              ________
   ______.______.::... |    l_____  .::...  _ __ ___________\     _/_________
  /      |      \::::::::.  _  __/___:::::::::.   _   \     /\        _     /
 /_______ _______\::' `::::_|\      /:::' `::::________\____/\________/    /
         Y      ::::  ::::.   \____/::::  ::::.  sh!                 /____/
         :            `:::::'             `:::::' 

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> sCARFACE        ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> sCARFACE        :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

                        :                 |
 ________               .  _________    ________________ _____      _______
 \  ____/_____________  :__\_____  _\___\______________/_\_  _\_____\_____ \_
 _\____       _______/__/__   __7  \_    ___________\   __7 /     ___/  \___/
                        :                 .                                  
                        :                 |

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> tWiStEd         ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> sCARFACE        :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

  .-//---.                                   .-//---.
  .      .              ....... ..   .    .  .      .
 _:______:_     ______ `::.., ________      _:______:_________      _____
 \_      _/____|      |_______\   ___/______\_      _/\_____  \_____\__  \
  .      |    /\      |      \\\____         .      |_/  \_____/    __7  \\\
  |______.____/\_____________________________|______._____    _____________\
  :      :                                   :      : sh!\_______/
  :      :                                   :      :
  `---//-'                                   `---//-'

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> bOONdOCKS       ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> sCARFACE        :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

 __ ________                 .                _ __ _________
     /   __7_________________:_______________________\      \   
    /    \__         _       :        _        /     _\      \ 
   /_________________________:_______.________/_______\       \
        _ __ ________        :       :      _ __ _.____\_______\__          .
          _____\__   \_______._______:_______     :    |___\   __/__________:
         /     __7           _       :   ___/_____|__  ___/ \_____          |
        /____________________________:__________________    ________________|
                                     :            :    \____/sh!            :
                                     .            .                         .

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> ShELtER         ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> ShELtER         :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

  _______       ______   _________   ______    __________________
  \  ___/______|    _/___\_____   \_/     /____\_      _/\_____  \___________
 __\____           __        \_____/     /      |      |    \_____/  _______/
 \_________________/      _____      ___________:______:______    ____\  
                  /________\  \______/sh!       .      .     \______/

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> nASA            ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> ShELtER         :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

                 ___________________  ________           ________
          _______\       .__\_____  \_\  ____/________.__\_____  \
         /        \      |     __7     \____          |     __7   \

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> cOLDSLAM        ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> iNTER           :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

                      _ ________         _ _______
   _______     ___________\     \____________\__  \
  /  ____/_____\     _     \     \     \     __7   \
 /______________________________________\___________\______    _ __ ________
                 sh!\  ___/________\     \________\_____  _\_______ |      /
                   __\____          \     \     \    __7           \|     /
                   \_______________________________________________\/    /

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> eSCAPe          ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> sEEN            :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

  ________  ________                        _______  _________________
  \_____  \_\   ___/_______________       __\____  \ \_____  \_____   \_
  /  \_____/\\_______      /  ____/______/    __7   \/  \_____/  \_____/\
 /____       _____________________________________________________       \
     \_______/sh!                                                \_______/

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> tHE mASTER rACE ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> RoSCo           :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

                                     |         |
 [-tHE-]  ______  _________ ________ .     ____:______________
 ______  /    _/__\_____   \\  ____/_______\_  :    _/\_____  \______________
 \     \/            __7    _\______        .  :    |    \_____/   _________/
  \____\/___________________________________|__:____.______    _____\
                         __________  |         : _________\______/
       __________________\_____    \_._____    : \_____   \_
       \_    __________     __7    /  ____/____:_/_  \_____/\
       /______\sh!   /________________________________       \
                                     |         :     \_______/
                                     |         :

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> RoSCo           ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> RoSCo           :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

                                             |            :
                               ________      .            :
  _____________________________\  ____/_________________  :   _____________ 
  \_    _________       _       \______        /   ____/__.__/_     _      \ 
  /______\sh!  /____________________________________________________________\
                                             .            :
                                             |            :
                                             |            :

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> sPooKm          ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> sPooKm          :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

        _______      _________                      .....                   
        \  ___/______\______  \_____________________:::::.:::::_____  _____ 
 ________\_____          \_____/   _    ..     _    \::::`:::::     \/     |
 \____________________\_____\___________||___________\::: :::::_____\/     |
  _______________________________________________ . .. ...::::'__ _ /______|
 `-----[ hAS cOME fOR a cHAT wITH yOU ]------sh!---------------------------' 

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> cRUX            ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> sHANE           :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

                        |                  .                        
        ________     ______________________:_________________  ________
       /  _____/_____\    __________       |       ___       \/       /
      /____________________\sh!   /________ ________\/_______/\_______\
                        .                  Y
                        |                  :

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> rANDOM hEAVEN   ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> sWiM            :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

               ________         .            _____
 ______________\_____  \________:____________\__  \__________________  _____
 \_   _________   __7                   /    __7   \      _     \    \/     |
 /_____\    /____________\______|______/_____________________________\/     |
                                :                                     |_____|
       ________    ________     .   .       ________          .
       \_    _/____\_____  \________:_______\_____  \_________:________
       /    _      /   \____/       |       /   \____/\               /
      /_____/    ___________________.______/___________\______|______/
           /_____/sh!               :                         :
                                    .                         .

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> fRANKY          ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> fRANKY          :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

   ____________________    _________       .     _____: _____     .
   \   _______________ \___\_____   \______:_____\    |/    /_____:______
    \   ____\  |   \____/     __7                       ___/\_    |    _/
     \____\    |____|     _________________|__________|    \/___________\
                 sh!|______\               :          |_____\

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> bAD kARMA       ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> fRANKY          :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

                  ______        _________        ______
                 /   __7____  __\_____   \  _____\__   \
                /    \__    \/     __7    \/     __7    \
               /____________  ____________  _____________\
                         sh!\/            \/
        ____  _____  ________                              ________
       |    |/    /__\_____  \___________________  ____  __\_____  \
       |    _    (      __7   \_   _________     \/    \/     __7   \
       |____|\____  ________________\     /______\/    ______________\
                  \/                             /_______\

  ![- bULLET wITH bUTTERFLY wINGS -]![- SHi7E! '96! -].....  _ __ _______.
     ... .. :        :       :              .   :    .-------------------'
     :      :     .--:       :........^.....:...:    |    
     :      :     |  :                :     :   aSCii::> tHE bEYOND      ^
     :......:.. . `--:----------------'     :     fOR::> dMG             :
            :........:                      :........:...................:

    ______ tHe ________  _______                        ______       _____ 
   /    _7____ \_____  \_\      |_______________________\     \  ____\__  \ 
  /    /__    \/   \____/\\__   |   __/      _     \     \     \/    __7   \ 
 /_____________\__________\/_________\___________________\____  ____________\

 - thats it! hope ya liked it!
                                                             ............. .
  _______________             ___________________    ________`::::. :::::
  \    _________/_____________\______  \_______  \__|        |_....,::::' .
 . \   \_   _____   ____________  \_____/   \_____/\_        _/:::: ......:  
 :  \________\ /_____\ sh!    /_____________________|________|:::::..:::::'  
 [- fLY oUT tO! -]-------------------------------------------'

    rosco  ^  speed racer  ^  wild thing  ^  boo-ya  ^  baffle  ^  shane
    speed devil  ^  psyche  ^  roadrunna  ^  spookm  ^  fungus  ^  canaan
    boheme  ^  u-man  ^  count zero  ^  baserevil  ^  str  ^  arcane

 + some messies to :   rosco - thanks for everything man
                       speed racer - thanks for the help in the scene
                       boheme - thanks for the inspiration :)
                       boo-ya - thanks for encouraging me  :)
                       baffle - thanks for that long chat, it was cool 
                       spookm - i'll send ya a sheep in the mail :)
                       psyche - can i get an account on ya board man?

                       speed devil - thanks for the logo man!


 all - if you think i may have something to offer a group, invite me in :)
       i want to be in an ascii group, i just need someone to give me the 

                        .             .
            ___  ___ ___|__  ___  ___ |__
 .-------- l___,l__/l  /l__;l__/|l___,l__; sh! -----------------------------.
   if you want an ascii done                              
   you can find me on these boards : bumble bee land      - shi7e!
                                     the tribe            - shi7e!
                                     masturbation station - kurious
                                     uzi suicide          - kurious

                                     i'll be called shi7e! from now on tho   
                                     so look for me on other boards a that :)

         or email me at -   kurious@ihug.co.nz

  or catch me on irc at -   #amielite 

                                    _|_ _|_ ____   ___ ___ ____  _|_ _|_  _
<- -- -2F- ---------+- ---- ------ -\__,\  )\__/,  \__,\  '\__/,(__/|\__,`--.>
   2fAST - for this credits ascii
   h2o - for the contents ascii i think
   rapid - for the intro ascii
   speed devil - for the shite ascii

                 [-  c y a  a l l  a n o t h e r  t i m e  -]

  [- this colly stayed at these fine boards before returning back to me -]


     _______  _____ _____________________  _______  ____ ____ _______
     \_ ___ \_\__  |  __/____ ________   \_\_ ___ \_\_  Y  _/ \_ ___ \_
   _/   \____/__   .    \_ |   |_/   /   _/   \____/__ \_/   \_  \____/__
   \_________  /___|_____/ l___|\____\    \________  /__|_____/_______  /
            \_/ adk!                  \____/      \_/                \_/

  - -------------------------------------------------------------------- -
     fAAST 0-3 dAY aMiGA wAREZ oNLY · cD-rOM · rEQUESTS · aSC² oRDeRiNG   
           rUNNiNG tHE bEST /X 4.xx · bLAZiNG aLONG aT 28.8K vFC          
         sYSOP: RoaDRuNNa/dEViOUS^dECiSiON · CoSYSOP: kHUFU/uLTiMA     
            nODE 0: +61(0)8-LOCAL-NODE · nODE 1: +61(0)8-3477735          
                   · cONTACT uS oN iRC fOR tELNET aDDRESS ·              
         *2 cREDZ fOR mAJOR uPLOADS · *3 cREDZ fOR oWN gROUP mAJORS     
  - -------------------------------------------------------------------- -
 _______________________    __________.____________ _____ _______________
_\_____  \___   \__ ___ \___\_  _/\_  |  _/\_____  \\___/ \_  ___/__ ___ \_
|    _____/ /   _/  \____/__ |    \_  |    \_   /   \_   \_   l   \_ \____/__
l____| \____\    \_______  /_______/________/________/____/________/______  /
             \____/     \_/                                              \_/

-« uPLOADED oN: 03-Jun-96 aT: 17:04:14 »-----------------« rOAD-aDDER V1.0 »-

                                     /  \                ____
          ___________ __________    /   \\  ____________/    |______ 
       ___\____      \_       __|__/__   \\/          _/     |_     |
.--- -|       /       /     _|       /    \\          |      _/     |- ---.
|     |______________/_______________\     \\_________|      |______|     |
|                               /           \\÷e÷   /________|            |
|                              /______________\                           |
|                                                 _________               |
|               _____________ ___________ _______|_       /               |
|            ___\____       /            \        /      |                |
`--------- -|      _/     _/_      |      \     _/\      |- --------------'
            |______\        /_____________/______________|
                    \      /
hOOdLUM WhQ!         \    /  ShAdOWER/[hLM/sNK/iNS/dLM/n&B]
  INSaNE USHQ         \  /       /\utopsy[hLM],ExOcEt[AtX/ARCLitE]
    SNEaKERS TRHQ      \/            LiNebACkeR/[nUT&bOLt]
      ARCLitE ASCii WhQ
        NUT & BOLT WHQ      
                          nODE 1: +1-8o1-476-9o68
                          nODE 2: +1-8o1-479-4678
                          nODE 3: +1-8o1-476-8916
                          nODE 4: +1-8o1-479-o267
                          nODE 5: + <TELNET>

                                                     [A¡RaDDer v3.4 By A¡Rcø]

      _______________  _______  _______ __________/\_____________________   
    __\___   /\__    \_\___   \_\__    \_____  _ //   /    ____/__  ____/   
   /   _____/       //       _/       //    /  //    /\_     \//   ____/
  /__  /__ /___/____/___/__  /___/____/______  /____/________/\_______/
     \/                    \/                \/
           _________ _______  _____________________________________ 
          /____  _ /_\___   \/__  _____\__    \_______   /    ____/
          /   /  ///       _//   ____/       //   /  /  /\_     \ 
         /_____  /____/__  /\_______/___/____/___/__/__/________/      
               \/        \/                                                   
                RaNked One Of The Fastest Systems On Amiga
        Node0 -{++39}-{###} Private US Robotics Dual Standard 16800
        Node1 -{++39}-{###} Private US Robotics Dual Standard 28800
        Node2 -{++39}-{###} Private US Robotics Dual Standard 28800

 .-- ----- ------------------------------------------------- ------- ---.
    ===WEEKDAY===, DD-MM-YY, HH:MM this textfile passed Sky Tower #1 
 ·- ---- ----------------------------------------------------- ---- -- -·
 .   _ _                                                                .
 .  ( Y )  Without a guy called something like UFOk                     .
 :   \|/   this file would never have made it and you wouldn't          :
 |   (º)   be watching it right now....                                 |
 |    ¯                                                                 |
 `-------------------------------------------------> Call Sky Tower! <--'
____ __________ __________   ______ __________________________ __________ ___
   __\____ _  /     ___   \__\     \    __       /   ________/     __    \
  /     _/  \/   ___|_\    \  \     \   \/______/______/_______ ___|\_    \_
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_ _________________ _____________ ______     _____________ ________________ _
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        s P A C E /      _/     /     /     \     \\       \ D   O U t
                 /      \\__   /     /_\     \      \______/
_ _______________\_____________\______//_____/_______| ____________________ _

          : THIS FILE WAS DROPPED OFF AT 20:38:16 ON 06-05-1996 : 
vvvvvvvvvv tHiS bBS hAD iT lONG bEFORE aLL tHE BoARDs lISTED bELOW vvvvvvvvvv