_________________  /\    ____ the show here is it _____________/\  ____________
                 \/  \  /                                        \/

                  .d$$$$$p'                         `q$$$$$b.
                .d$$$$$p'                             `q$$$$$b.
              .d$$$$$p'                                 `q$$$$$b.
            .d$$$$$p'   .d$$$$$$$$$b.     $$$$$$$$$$$$$$  `q$$$$$b.
           d$$$$$p'   .d$$$$p' `q$$$$b.   $$$$$$$$$$$$$$    `q$$$$$b
           $$$$$$     $$$$$       $$$$$   $$$$$$              $$$$$$
           $$$$$$     $$$$$               $$$$$$              $$$$$$
           $$$$$$     `q$$$$b.            $$$$$$$$$$$$$       $$$$$$
           $$$$$$       `q$$$$$$$$$b.     $$$$$$"""""""       $$$$$$
           $$$$$$              `q$$$$b.   $$$$$$              $$$$$$
           $$$$$$                `$$$$$   $$$$$$              $$$$$$
           $$$$$$     $$$$$      .$$$$$   $$$$$$              $$$$$$
           q$$$$$b.   `q$$$$o. .o$$$$p'   $$$$$$            .d$$$$$p
            `q$$$$$b.   `p$$$$$$$$$p'     $$$$$$          .d$$$$$p'
              `q$$$$$b.                                 .d$$$$$p'
                `q$$$$$b.                             .d$$$$$p'
                  `q$$$$$b.                         .d$$$$$p'

                     s u o m i   f i l m i   e s i t t ä ä

                           the bold'n'the beautiful

       |      |_           ______                           ________
       |       /___.   ____\     \_______.      ________ ___\_     /
   _ _ |      |    |__|_   /     /\     _|____ _\_     /    ______/_. _ _
   \\\||______|    |_   |__\_______\  _|     /        /_____________||///
    \         |     /   |        \___________\  /_____\÷e÷             /
              |____|    |                _ _____\



                             +                .
                        .  ..:............... :.  .
                             :   p resents    :
                            .:................:..  .
                             +                :

                                   his fifth

                ___________/  _____/_         /_______/_______/:::..
            .../     _    \______    \_   ___/\       \_      \_+++::::.
        ..::::/______/     \__________/________\_______/_______/     +:::
      .:::+         \_______/                         _____.______    .:::
     :::+    ___________   _______  ______   ______ _/     |      \ ..:::
     :::.   /          /___\ _    \/     /__/_    /_\___   |   ___/:::++
      +:::./       ___/\    \/     \    /     \_ /     \________(+++

                            ..  e n t i t l e d  ..

         ..::::''''                                    ````:::::....
      .:::''   _____________________________._________________`````::::..
     :::'      \___      ___/\____     /    |     \     _    /       ```:::.
    :::          |        \     _/   _/_    |      \   /____/\           `:::
   :::           |_________\____\______/___________/__________\           `:::
   :::               ______  __________________ _________                  :::
    :::              \____ \/     /      _    /_\___     \_         :.    .::'
     :::.         .  /    \  /   /\     /____/\    /      /  :.      ::. .:::
      `:::...   ..: /______\/______\___________\__/______/   `::..   .:::::'
      .. ```:::::''                                           `::::::''::.
   .::''' _ __________  /\_ _______ __ _______________/\  /\_ _________  `::.
  :::                 \/                                \/                `:::.
 :::               __________   _______  ____________________              `:::
:::              ._)     _   \__\ _    \_\___    \__     ___/               :::
:::              |       /    /  \/     \   /     /       \                 :::
:::.             l___________/__________/__/_____/_________\                :::
 `:::..                                __                                  :::'
   ``:::::                            /\ \                                .:::
 :::'               ____  ___________________   ______          ...    .::::
::::.              /    |/    /_______/     /__/_    /____     :::::..::::'
:::::             /     /     \_      \_   /     \_ /     \_   ``::::'''
:::'___________   \_____\______/_______/__________/________/      ________
:' /          / _______                                __________/_  ____/_
  /       ___/\_\ _    \____.______   ________________/___   _    /____    \_
  \____________\ \/     \   |      \__\ _    \__      ___/  /____/\_________/
           |____________/_  |   ___/   \/     \        \___________\
                       /_________(____________/_________\             tR!

   )--->  t r u e    m e n    d o n ' t    k i l l    c o y o t e s !  <---(

        ..          .:        ..             ......                  .:
       +:::.        .::.. ...:::::...  ....:::::::::::..             .::      .
:..  ...::::::. ...::+::::::++ +:::::::::::++++  ++++:::::::::.....::::::. ..::
+::::::::++ ++:::::+   ++++       +++++++               ++++::::::++++ +::::::+
  +++++                                                                   +++


                              P R O H I B I T E D

                     PRODUCED, RECORDED & MIXED BY THREAZ!

                     OF RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS,  I PRESUME.

                                MADE IN FINLAND

                              (C) 1996 THE THREAZ

        ..          .:        ..             ......                  .:
       +:::.        .::.. ...:::::...  ....:::::::::::..             .::      .
:..  ...::::::. ...::+::::::++ +:::::::::::++++  ++++:::::::::.....::::::. ..::
+::::::::++ ++:::::+   ++++       +++++++               ++++::::::++++ +::::::+
  +++++                                                                   +++

              ____   ______  ______.______ _____  ______   ______.
            ._\__ \._\__   \_\ ____|  ___/_\_.  \_\ .___|._\ ____|
     .______|  ____|  _/   _/ __|___  _||   _|   \  |   \.  __|__________.
     |      |___| |___\____\___    /__| |___\_____\______|___    /       |
     |                        \___/Šmud!                    \___/        |
     |                                                                   |
     |   Hi pals! Well, I just wonder why almost every oldschool ascii   |
     |   dude says, that todays ascii scene sucks badly. Well, I don't   |
     |   think same way.  It is true,  that many oldschool  artist has   |
     |   quit ascii biz, but WHY SHOULD YOU DO THE SAME?                 |
     |                                                                   |
     |   Ok,  no more about that thing. If you like my asciis, I think   |
     |   you should ask me  to join your ascii crew. If you don't have   |
     |   one, then just request me something.. I need those damn reqs,   |
     |   'coz I'm _not_so_famous_artist_, you know..                     |
     |                                                                   |
     |   I changed my  style since  "two steps from the move",  to one   |
     |   row lower,  so I hope you like..  Ok,  enjoy this  colly, and   |
     |   remember, true men don't kill coyotes!                          |
     |                                                                   |
     |                                     - threaz@tombstone.fipnet.fi  |
     |                                                                   |

                  )---->  true men don't kill coyotes <----(

     _________\____    \_________________________.______
tR! _)_   _/.     /     /    _   \     _    /    |    _/
  _/        \____/_____/     /    \   /____/\    _     \
           t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s            +::
::+                                                                          ..
:: -num-    -logo-                                      -req-                ::
::  oo1     a n u s a u k k o                           mudpecker^diesel     ::
::  oo2     a r c l i t e   1                           exocet^arclite       ::
::  oo3     a r c l i t e   2                           exocet^arclite       ::
::  oo4     a s c i i   w o r l d                       malibu^bytegarden    ::
::  oo5     a z k i n e s s                             the founder^azkiness ::
::  oo6     b o m b   s q u a d                         brem^bombsquad       ::
::  oo7     b u t h a n o l                             mudpecker^diesel     ::
::  oo8     b y t e g a r d e n   p r o d u c t s !     malibu^bytegarden    ::
::  oo9     c a n n a b i s                             mudpecker^diesel     ::
::  o1o     c d r o m                                   bananator            ::
::  o11     c o m m o d o r e   6 4                     bananator            ::
::  o12     c o n f s                                   trooper^pta          ::
::  o13     d o w n l o a d                             malibu^bytegarden    ::
::  o14     d o w n t o w n                             dose                 ::
::  o15     d u m p y a r d                             dose                 ::
::  o16     e x o c e t                                 exocet^arclite       ::
::  o17     f e a r   f a c t o r y                     zeus^style           ::
::  o18     g r a b b i n g                             malibu^bytegarden    ::
::  o19     h a n g o v e r                             bananator            ::
::  o20     m u d p e c k e r                           mudpecker^diesel     ::
::  o21     o r g a z m                                 the founder^azkiness ::
::  o22     p . t . a .                                 trooper^pta          ::
::  o23     p r i m a r y   d e s i g n                 lion^primary         ::
::  o24     r e a l i t y   c o u r i e r s   9 6       captain freedom      ::
::  o25     s c e n e                                   trooper^pta          ::
::  o26     s c u m                                     the founder^azkiness ::
::  o27     s u l k   c i t y                           brem^bombsquad       ::
::  o28     t e c h n o                                 mudpecker^diesel     ::
::  o29     t h a n k s   f o r   u p l o a d i n '     brem^bombsquad       ::
::  o30     t h e   d e p t h s   o f   a   b l a c k.. trooper^pta          ::
::  o31     t h e   f o u n d e r   1                   the founder^azkiness ::
::  o32     t h e   f o u n d e r   2                   the founder^azkiness ::
::  o33     t r o o p e r                               trooper^pta          ::
::  o34     u s e r s                                   trooper^pta          ::
::  o35     v o i d   p a r r o t   s y s t e m         brem^bombsquad       ::
::  o36     w a r e   l a n d                           malibu^bytegarden    ::
::  o37     w a r e z                                   trooper^pta          ::
::  o38     w e l c o m e                               brem^bombsquad       ::
::  o39     w o r l d   o f   a r t n e s s             trooper^pta          ::
::                                                                           ::

                                               ... anything to say? -no ...

    .. let's go then ...

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #oo1   Ż     this one says: anusaukko             _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: mudpecker /díesel      _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

                           ____.____  ________
                  ________/    |    \/  _____/_
       ___________\___    \_   |     \_____    \_ ........:::::.....
      /    _    \    /     /_________/__________/:::::+++++++++++::::...
     /_____/     \__/_____/                                          ++:::.
    tR!  .\_______/                                                     +::.
      ..:::+++                                                           :::.
     ::::+        ______________._________  _________  _____  _______   ::::+
    ::::         /    _    \    |    \    |/   _/    |/   _/__\ _    \.::::+
    ::::.       /_____/     \_  |     \   /     \_   /     \_  \/     \:++

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #oo2   Ż     this one says: arclíte 1             _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: exocet /arclíte        _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

               ___________________________    _______________________________ 
    ___________\____     /         /     /____\_______/___      ___/   _    /
   /     _    \   _/   _/_     ___/\    /     \_      \_|        \    /____/\
  /______/     \__\______/__________\__________/_______/|_________\__________\
               .:::+      +~+  a r c l i t e !  +~+                
        tR!  .::::+                                            
           .:::::+    exocet  ./+  karma  ./+  sy-klone        
        :::::::+ green eyed monsta  ./+  hijack  ./+  u-man    ..+
       :::::::+                                              .::+
       +::::::.   shapechanger ./+  mogue  ./+  danzig    ..::+
         ++::::::...                               ....::::++
             ++:::::::::........         ......::::::++++

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #oo3   Ż     this one says: arclíte 2             _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: exocet /arclíte        _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

            ________________________/    ______                 ______
____________\ __________________   //____\  ___) A R C L I T E /__   /_____
______________)                /____________\                 /  /_____   /____
 .....  .        ___________                    ______       +        /_______
. :. ____________)____     /         _______   _)_  _/.____________    .  ....
.:.+/     _    \    _/   _/__________)    _/__/_      \__      ___/_________.:+
.:./______/     \___\______/       /      \    (_______/        \     _    /.:.
:..: ... \_______/     /       ___/\____________/      |_________\   /____/\:..
.: :+: :.:...  .       \____________\            ._______       \___________\.:
  ++++  + :  __________.                __________\  __ (______        .  . ..:
_____________\  ____  /_________________)  _________/ (_____   \______________+
________________\   \_______________________\           tR! \__________________
                 +                           \.              +

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #oo4   Ż     this one says: ascíí world           _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: malíbu /bytegarden     _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

     ..                     ___________________________________
     ::         ___________/  _____/_         /_______/_______/::::::
     ::......../     _    \______    \_   ___/\       \_      \_    :
              /______/     \__________/________\_______/_______/    :
       ........::   \_______/ tR!           .........::  __________ :......
       :: _______.________  _______  _______::________ ._)     _   \_     :
       :: \       \      /__\ _    \_\____     /     /_|__     /    /::::::
       ::..\     _/\_   /    \/     \   _/   _/_    /     \________/
                     ::                     ::

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #oo5   Ż     this one says: azkíness              _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: the founder /azkíness  _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

              ___________                  ________     ____________
   ___________\____    //.      ___________\___    \_   \     _____(__
  /     _   \\    _____/ |_  ___\_______/     /    //____\_______   //_______
 /______/     \__________| |/    /     \\____/_____/   _   //_______/  _____(__
  ..:::\_______/.--. /     /     \_______/.----.\     /____/\    \______     //
.:::++- --------'  Ś \_____\______/.------'    Ś \___________\ .-. /_________/
:::                `---------------'           `---------------' `----------- -
+:::.           a  .  z  .  k  .  i  .  n  .  e  .  s  .  s        ..:::::+
  +:::::.....                                                  ...::::::++tR!
     +++++:::::::::::................         ...............::::::+++

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #oo6   Ż     this one says: bomb squad            _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: brem /bomb squad       _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

            ._\                                                //_
            |ŻŻ       +   b  o  m  b    s  q  u  a  d   +       ŻŚ
            |    __________    _____________  ________________   |
           _|_ ._)       _/____\ _    \   _ \/     /        _/__ |
            _/ |         _/ /   \/     \   \  /   /\        _/ / |
            |  |___________/___________/____\/______\_________/  |
          \     _____(__   ._    \     |     \_    _    \      _   \_
           \______     /   (/     \_   |      /____/     \_    /    /
            |/________/____/_______/_________/    \_______/________/
            |                                                   _|tR!
            |/                                                  \_
          _ /         r e i l u p e l i   k u u s e e n !        |
          \/| .                                                 _|_
            +Ż)                                                 \Ż

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #oo7   Ż     this one says: buthanol              _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: mudpecker /díesel      _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

   ______________._____________________   __________
 ._)      _/__   |    \__     ___/    (__/___  _    \_________
 |        _/ /   |     \       \      _     /__/     \____    \_
 |__________/__________/________\_____l____/  \_______/  /     /_____
      ..::::'''                                   /_____/_____/\ _   \
     ::::''                                               |     \/    \__
    ::::        . b . u . t . h . a . n . o . l .         |___________/ /___
    ::::.                                                ..:::::'/     /    \_
     `:::::..                                      ...::::::'''  \___________/
       ``::::::::::......         ..........:::::::::::'''' tR!

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #oo8   Ż     this one says: bytegarden prods.     _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: malíbu /bytegarden     _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

          \ \ \\._)       _/__   |      \_      ___/    _    /
                |         _/ /   |   ___/        |     /____/\
  :                                                                         :
  :    __________            b y t e g a r d e n               ________     :
  :   /    _____/__________   p r o d u c t s !    ____________\___    \_   :
  :::/     \__    \_  _    \  ____________________/     _    /    /     /::::
     \_____________/__/     \_\____     /      _  ~\_  /____/\___/_____/
                     \_______/   _/   _/_      /    /_________\

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #oo9   Ż     this one says: cannabís              _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: mudpecker /díesel      _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

                /  .  /        ______________________________________________
               / /Ż  /       __\                                            (_
          ____/_____/       /  Ż     __________                             +/
 ._______/___  _    \______/_       /     _    \___________________         /
 /          /__/     \___    \_____/______/     \_      _/________/________/_
/       ___/\ \_______/ /     /___    \_ \_______/      _/ /      \_   _____(__
\____________\  //_____/_____/   /     /      |___________/________/_____     /
     tR! /     /       /  /_____/_____/                             /________/
        /     /       /                                                /
       /     / +  c  /  a  +  n  +  n  +  a  +  b  +  i  +  s  +      /
      /   / /       /_                                             . /
  .__/   Ż /        Ż/__________________                         _/ /
    /ŻŻŻŻŻŻ          Ż                 /___________________________/
   /                                   Ż

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o1o   Ż     this one says: cdrom                 _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: bananator              _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

                                                  ........................ ..
                                                  ::                     :.::
                                                  ::                       ::
           ___________ __________   ___________  _::__________  _____      ::
          /          /_)     _   \__\____     /__\ _    \     \/   _/      ::
      _  /       ___/\       /    /    _/   _/_   \/     \    \/    \_     ::
  \ \ \\ \____________\__________/_____\______/__________/____/______/     ::
        \                                         ::                       ::
         \ _                                  tR! ::    r o m p u t i n    ::
          \/                                      ::                       ::
                                                  :....                    ::
                                                  ::. :....................::

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o11   Ż     this one says: commodore 64          _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: bananator              _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

            ......::               ::...............................
            ::       _____________  __________  ______  _______   ::
        ____::_______\ _    \____ \/     /___ \/     /__\ _    \  ::
       /    ŻŻ    /   \/     \   \  /   /\   \  /   /\   \/     \ ::...
      /       ___/\__________/____\/______\___\/______\_________/    ::
      \____________\  __________    _______  ______________________  ::
            ::      ._)     _   \___\ _    \_\____     /     _    /  ::....
         ...::      |       /    /   \/     \   _/   _/_    /____/\      ::
         ::     tR! l___________/___________/___\______/___________\     ::
         ::       .........                                            ..::
         ::....   ::     ::          s i x t y - f o u r            ...::
             ::...::     ::                                  .......::


                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o12   Ż     this one says: confs                 _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: trooper /pta           _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

        _ _  ___________  _______  ______________________________    _  _
          / /          /__\ _    \_\____    \_     _____/  _____(__ /
      ...../       ___/\   \/     \    /     /    ____/______     /......
      :    \____________\_________/___/_____/______|    /________/  tR! :

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o13   Ż     this one says: download              _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: malíbu /bytegarden     _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

              /\     (_______________________   (______
             /  \   :+:.         ________   /_____    /____________________
            /    \    +.       __\___    \_      /_____________________   /____
           /     _\_____._____/__   /     /____            __________ /_______
  ________/_     \       \      /__/_____/   _/____  _____/_    _    \_______
._)     _   \_ ___\___  _/\_   /      /      \    (__\ _    \___/     \_ _   \_
|       /    /_\ _    \__/\___/ +:.  /_____________/  \/     \ \_______/ /    /
l___________/   \/     \         . :+    . .... |____________/   l___________/
  tR! /   |____________/ ______________          ...       ___________________
     /           / .. .____________   /____________________\    ____________ /
     \          /  .:.     . ..   /_____________________________\          \/
      \        /   + :.:.   ..:...   .     .
       \      /  :+++:..+. ..:.              dID yA kNOW tHAT tHErE iS
        \    /.  . ....:...:  +          Ś    cOMMaND cALLED upload tOO?
         \  /            :               `-------------------------------- -  -

--kut!---kut!---ansi colored version---kut!---kut!---kut!---kut!---kut!---kut!-

/\/_______________________   (______
/  \   :+:.________   /_____    /____________________
/    \    +.__\___    \_/_____________________   /____
/_\_____._____/__   //______________ /_______
  ________/_\\/__/_____/   _/____  _____/_    _    \_______
._)_   \_ ___\___  _/\_   //\    (__\ _    \___/\_ _   \_
|/    /_\ _    \__/\___/ +:.  /_____________/  \/\ \_______/ /    /
l___________/   \/\. :+    . .... |____________/   l___________/
  tR! /   |____________/ ______________...___________________
// .. .____________   /____________________\    ____________ /
\/  .:.. ..   /_____________________________\\/
\/   + :.:.   ..:...   ..
\/  :+++:..+. ..:.dID yA kNOW tHAT tHErE iS
\    /.  . ....:...:  +Ś    cOMMaND cALLED upload tOO?
\  /:`-------------------------------- -  -

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o14   Ż     this one says: downtown              _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: dose                   _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

          |                                                          |
  - ------|----------------------------------------------------------|-- --- -
      ____|_____   ____________.________ ________                    |
    ._)     _   \__\ _    \     \      /_\___    \_ groups: xxxxxxxx |
    |       /    /  \/     \   _/\_   /     /     / xxxxxxx, xxxxxxx |
    l___________/__________/____/\___/_____/_____/  xxxxxx, xxxxxxxx |
       tR!|                                                          |
          |  infoo infoo infoo infoo infoo infoo infoo infoo infoo   |
          |                ______________ ____________.________ _____|__
          | +358-0-xxxxxxx \___      ___/_\ _    \     \      /_\___    \_
          |                  |        \    \/     \   _/\_   /     /     /
          |   sysop: dose    |_________\__________/____/\___/_____/_____/
          |                                                          |
   -- ----|----------------------------------------------------------|----- -
          |                                                          |

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o15   Ż     this one says: dumpyard              _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: dose                   _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

  .    ______________.___________  _____   _______                        .
     ._)     _   \_  |     \_    \/   _/___\_     \_                      |
  :  |       /    /  |      \    \/    \_   /______/  d u m p   y a r d   |
--|--l___________/__________/____/______/____|----------------------------+-- -
  |                                                                       |
  |    infoshere!infoshere!infoshere!infoshere!infoshere!infoshere!       |
  |                      _____.________________  ____________________     |
  |   +358-0-xxxxxxx   _/     |      \    _    \_\____     /     _   \_   |
  |                    \___   |   ___/____/     \_  _/   _/_     /    /   |
 -|----------------------/_________(-----\_______/__\______/_________/----|- -
  : tR!                                                                   :

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o16   Ż     this one says: exocet                _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: exocet /arclíte        _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

                                _______  ___________
                ______._________\ _    \/          /___________
      __________\_    |    _/    \/     \      ___/\     _    /____________
     /      _    /    _     \___________/___________\   /____/\__      ___/
     \     /____/\____|______\                  tR!\___________\        \..
    .:\___________\                   .:+                      |_________\+:.
   ::::+             .:+            .:: ..      +:.  .:+                   .::
    :::..        ..:::::.         .::+ +:::..     :: ::.              ...:::+
     ++:::::...:::++  ++:::..   .:::+    +::::...::+  +::::.......:::::+++
          ++++++          ++:::::++         ++++++       +++++++++++

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o17   Ż     this one says: fear factory          _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: zeus /style            _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

___________\   ______________________  /_________________
\   ___________)         .  . ...   (________________   /___________
_\  \             ____________ .:... .  .           /___________   /________ _
_____\  __________)_    _    /  +     ___________  /           (_______________
      ._)     _____/   /____/\________)____     / +   f e a r   f a c t o r y
. :.  /      ____/____________\ _    \   _/   _/_
+.:  /________|     .    /______/     \__\______/   bLa blA Bla bLa blAh bLaa
.:. .          .....:+         \_______/   ...      bLa blA Bla bLa blAh bLaa
 :     .   . .:+ :  ___________        .:...:..   ___________ bLa bla bLa bla
 .  ____________ . /          /____________ : + __)____     /____.______
  ._)     _____/__/__     ___/\__      ___/____/__   _/   _/_    |      \
  /      ____/  _    \_________\        \__\ _    \__\______/_   |   ___/
 /________|_____/     \_       |_________\  \/     \    .   /_________)    ____
     .  .....  \_______/   tR!        |____________/ . .:+               __\  _
__________ +:..  .     +\___________                 + __________________\   _\
_______  (_______________\   ____   \__________________)   __________________\
      /___________________\__\  (__________________________\


                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o18   Ż     this one says: grabbíng              _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: malíbu /bytegarden     _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

                             _)                                  (_.
            ________        |  (/)                                 |
           /       /        |       .+...:                .:.. .+  |
          /       /         |      ..:  __________     +:....:.:.. |
         /    ___/_______   | . +.:.: ._)       _/_________ : + : _|________
   _____/_____\____    //   | .:______|___      _/ /______/______/_   _____/_
  /   _____/_    _/   _/____|___)       _/________/      \\____    \_ \__   \\_
 /    \__   \\___\______/ _   \\        _/ / .   \_________/  /    //_________/
 \____________/    /______/     \_________/:.:.:.. . . /_____/_____/
    /       /  tR!       \_______/:.+   :++   + :  +  :+..:.:+    _|_
   /       /                |.:.++                                \_.
  /_______/                 |       +  m A I L    g R A B  +  /    |
                          :.|_                               //  ._|
                            + )____________________________////__(
                                                        ./ /

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o19   Ż     this one says: hangover              _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: bananator              _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

       _____._______________  ___________________
      |     |    Ż(_   _    \_\____    \_  _____/_
  .-- |     _      /___/     \_   /     /  \__    \_-------------------------.
 _|_  |_____l_____/   \_______/__/_____/___________/  .  h a n g o v e r  .  |
 \_                                                                          |
  |      space for infos... add as many empty lines you wish                 |
  |                              ______________.______________ ___________   |
  |                           ___\ _    \     /    (_   _    /_\____     /   |
  +------------------------- |    \/     \   /      /  /____/\    _/   _/_---+
                         tR! |___________/_________/__________\___\______/

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o2o   Ż     this one says: mudpecker             _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: mudpecker /díesel      _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

                      ______  _________._____  __________
           :::::::::::\_    \/   _/    |     \_)     _   \_
           :         _/     \/    \_   |      \      /    /:::::::::::::::::::
  ::::::::::______   \______/______/__________/__________/    ___________    :
  :     ____\_    \________________________  _________________\____     /    :
  :    /     /_____/   _    /         /    |/    /     _    /    _/   _/_    :
  ::::/_______|:\     /____/\     ___/\    /     \_   /____/\____\______/:::::
           tR! : \___________\_________\___\______/__________\:
               :         :            :                       :
               :::::::::::            :                       :

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o21   Ż     this one says: orgazm                _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: the founder /azkíness  _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

                 ________________________________  ________________  _____
        _________\____     /    _____/_     _    \_\____     /.    \/   _/
    ____\ _    \    _/   _/_    \__    \____/     \_   _____/ |    \/    \_
   |     \/     \___\______/____________/  \_______/__________|____/______/
   |____________/tR!                                                +::::.
       .:::+                                                          +::::
     :::::.                  put sum fancy slogan here                 :::::
      :::::                                                          ::::::
        ++:::::.......                                       ....::::::++
            ++::::::::::.............         ..........::::::::::+++

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o22   Ż     this one says: perf. tradíng allíance_ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: trooper /pta           _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

      :                                                                 .
      |                                                                 |
 - ---|-----------------------------------------------------------------|---  -
      | _________________ ______________________________________________|_____
    __|_\_    \_   _    /_\____     /     _____/   _    /         /_      ___/
   /     /_____/  /____/\    _/   _/_    ____/    /____/\     ___/\        \
  /_______|  \___________\___\______/_____|  \___________\_________\________\
  ____|_____________________________ ___________________ _______________|__
  \___      ___/\____     /    _    \)     _   \_______/_\___    \_  _____/_
    |        \     _/   _/_____/     \_    /    /      \_   /     /  \__    \_
    |_________\____\______/   \_______/________/________/__/_____/___________/
  ____|____  ______   ______  _________________  _______________________|_____
 /    _    \/     /__/_    /__\_______/    _   \_\____    \_       /    _    /
/_____/     \_   /     \_ /     \_    \____/    \_   /     /   ___/\   /____/\
     \_______/__________/________/_____/  \______/__/_____/_________\_________\
      |                                                                 | tR!
      |     %   p e r f e c t   t r a d i n g   a l l i a n c e   %     |
      |                                                                 |
 -  --|-----------------------------------------------------------------|--- -
      |                                                                 |

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o23   Ż     this one says: prímary desígn        _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: líon /prímary          _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

......... .. .   .                      ..:            :......
:                                       :....................:...... .. .   .
:            _______________________  ______________  _______:_______._____
:...  _______\____     /______/     \/   _/    _    \_\____     /    |     \_
  _:__\_   \_   _/   _/_      \_    \/    \____/     \_  _/   _/__   |   ___/
 /     /____/___\______/_______/____/______/  \_______/__\______/_________(
/______|   _______________________________ ____________________   ________
   :     ._)     _   \_    _    /   _____/_\________/    _____/___\___    \_
   : tR! |       /    /   /____/\______    \_       \_   \__    \_   /     /
   :     l___________/___________\__________/________/___________/__/_____/
   :                                                         :
...:...     ........   p r i m a r y   d e s i g n !       ..:
.  :..:.....:      :                                       :...........
:.....:            :........         :+++:.......                  ...:
                           :.........:          :..................:

                      /  \
                     /    \         _______________________________/
                    /      \      ._\\                            /__.
                   /       /      |                                  |
                  /   ____/______ |                                  |
           ______/____)____     / |     __________                   |
         ._)       _/__  _/   _/__|____/__   _    \____  _____       |
         |         _/ /__\______/   _    /___/     \_  |/    /       |
         |___________//      \     /____/\  \_______/  /     \_      |
             /       /        \___________\      \_____\______/      |
            /       /      tR!    |                                  |
           /       /              |      just little statistics      |
           \      /               |_.                              __|
            \    /                  )______________________________)
             \  /

            did you know that 99,9% of true men don't kill coyotes?

                      /  \
                     /    \         _______________________________/
                    /      \      ._\\                            /__.
                   /       /      |                                  |
                  /   ____/______ |                                  |
           ______/____)____     / |     __________                   |
         ._)       _/__  _/   _/__|____/__   _    \____  _____       |
         |         _/ /__\______/   _    /___/     \_  |/    /       |
         |___________//      \     /____/\  \_______/  /     \_      |
             /       /        \___________\      \_____\______/      |
            /       /      tR!    |                                  |
           /       /              |          ... is over             |
           \      /               |_.                              __|
            \    /                  )______________________________)
             \  /

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o24   Ż     this one says: realíty couríers 96   _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: captaín freedom        _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

      :                                                                 |
- ----|-----------------------------------------------------------------|-- - -
      |        ____________________  ______  ________________________.__|___
     _|_______/_    _    /    _    \/     /__\_______/__      ___/   |      \
   __\____     /   /____/\____/     \_   /     \_    \_        \__   |   ___/
  /     _/   _/___________\  \_______/__________/_____/_________\_________(
 /______\______/                                                        |
      |      ___________._____  ____________________________            |
  ____|______\ _    \   |     \_\____     /______/    _    /__________  |
 /         /  \/     \  |      \   _/   _/_      \_  /____/\____     /  |
/      ___/\_________/_________/___\______/_______/_________\ _/   _/___|___
\___________\                                            /_____\______/ ___/_
   tR!|                                                          _\_____     \_
      |             r e a l i t y    c o u r i e r s    9 6      \____________/
      |                                                                 |
 -  --|-----------------------------------------------------------------|-- -
      |                                                                 |
      :                                                                 .

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o25   Ż     this one says: scene                 _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: trooper /pta           _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

                                 ____________ ________
          _    _________________/__    _    /_\___    \_________  _
          \\ _/  _____/_          /   /____/\    /     /  _    / //
            _\______    \_    ___/\__________\__/_____/  /____/\

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o26   Ż     this one says: scum                  _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: the founder /azkíness  _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

                           ________________.___________  ______
                 _________/          /     |     \____ \/     /     ....
   .....       _/   _____/_      ___/\     |      \   \  /   /\  .:::++:::..  .
.::::+::::..  _\______     \__________\___________/____\/______\::+  tR!+++:::'
++      +++:::\_____________/
.                            +/.  s  c  u  m  +/.                         ....
::.     ...:::..      ...               .......     ..:::..         ....:::++::
 +:::..:::++ ++::::.:::+:::....  ....:::::++++:::..::++ ++:::.. ..::::+++
    ++++         ++++     +++:::::::++         +::++        ++:::+++

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o27   Ż     this one says: sulk cíty             _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: brem /bomb squad       _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

                            ____._____  ______     ____  _____
        +          ________/    |     \/     /____/    |/    /         .
        |        _/  _____/_    |      \    /     \_   /     \_        :
  _ __ _Ś________\______    \__________/___________/___\______/_  /\___|__  _
        |:::+ + \____________/                                  \/     |tR!
        |::+                   S U L k   C i T Y  _____.______        +|
        |.+         _____________________________/_    |      \      .:|
        |+  /\     /          /_______/__      ___/_   |   ___/ . ..:::|
 Ż  Ż ŻŻ|ŻŻ   \/ŻŻ/       ___/\       \_        \ /_________(--ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŚŻŻ Ż Ż
        |         \____________\_______/_________\                     |
        +                                                              .

--kut!---kut!---ansi colored version---kut!---kut!---kut!---kut!---kut!---kut!-

____._____  __________  _____
+________/    |\//____/    |/    /.
|_/  _____/_    |\    /\_   /\_:
  _ __ _Ś________\______    \__________/___________/___\______/_  /\___|__  _
|:::+ + \____________/\/|tR!
|::+S U L k   C i T Y  _____.______+|
|.+_____________________________/_    |\.:|
|+  /\//_______/_____/_   |   ___/ . ..:::|
 Ż  Ż ŻŻ|ŻŻ   \/ŻŻ/___/\\_\ /_________(--ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŚŻŻ Ż Ż

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o28   Ż     this one says: techno                _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: mudpecker /díesel      _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

 __  _________________________________________       ________    _______
\\// \___      ___/    _    /          /     (_______\___    \___\ _    \tR!
 + _   |        \     /____/\      ___/\     _     /    /     /   \/     \  _
     \                                                                     /

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o29   Ż     this one says: thanks for uploadín'  _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: brem /bomb squad       _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

      ___________________   __________   ______________  _____________
      \___      ___/    (__/___  _    \__\___     \_   |/   _/  _____/_
    _   |        \      _     /__/     \_   /      /   /     \_____    \_  /_
  \ \\/ |_________\_____l____/  \_______/__/______/____\______/_________/ /|//
         :              _____________              :..............
.........:...........  /       _____/      ___________           :       .+
         :          :  \      ____/________\____     /           :  .+  .:
         :   .......:   \______|___\ _    \   _/   _/_           : .:.  +:.   .
         :...:                |     \/     \__\______/        ...: +::::.:::.:+
   ___.____               tR! |____________/       :..        :      +::::::
  /   |    \   ____________      _______:            :........:   +:. .::+:::.:
_/    |     \__\_    \_   /______\ _    \________ __________       +:::+   ++:+
\___________/   /_____/  /    \_  \/     \  _    \)     _   \_______
  .::::+ /_______| \___________/_________/__/     \_    /    /_____/_______  _.
 ::::+     ..::::..        ...          :  \_______/________/      \___    \_\|
 +:::. .::::::++::::::. .:::++:.        :                 \_________/ /     /
   +:::::::++    +++:::::++    +        :....................../_____/_____/...

--kut!---kut!---ansi colored version---kut!---kut!---kut!---kut!---kut!---kut!-

___________________   __________   ______________  _____________
\______/    (__/___  _    \__\___\_   |/   _/  _____/_
    _   |\_/__/\_   //   /\_____    \_  /_
  \ \\/ |_________\_____l____/  \_______/__/______/____\______/_________/ /|//
.........:...........  /_____/___________:.+
::  \____/________\____/:  .+  .:
:   .......:   \______|___\ _    \   _/   _/_: .:.  +:.   .
:...:|\/\__\______/...: +::::.:::.:+
   ___.____tR! |____________/:..:+::::::
  /   |    \   ___________________::........:   +:. .::+:::.:
_/    |\__\_    \_   /______\ _    \________ __________+:::+   ++:+
\___________/   /_____/  /    \_  \/\  _    \)_   \_______
  .::::+ /_______| \___________/_________/__/\_    /    /_____/_______  _.
 ::::+..::::.....:  \_______/________/\___    \_\|
 +:::. .::::::++::::::. .:::++:.:\_________/ //
   +:::::::++    +++:::::++    +:....................../_____/_____/...

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o3o   Ż     this one says: the depths of a bla..._ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: trooper /pta           _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

                _____.______   ______________
     __________|___  |     (_  \_________   (__________________
     \___      ___/  _     //________   /__________________   /____________  _
       |       \\____l_____/   _   //.:.... .             (__________________ _
....:. |_________\     \\     /____/\ ::. `______________      ____________
. :.....       __________\___________\:____\___      ___/__.___\__   _____(__
  `.:::::.   ._)     _  \\_____________\_   \(_      \\    |     (_____    //
: :::': `:   |       /    /   _   //    /_____/________\   _     //________/
::::..:      l___________/   /____/\______)          |_____l_____/   ... `:
 ::: `.:.    _______   \\___________\    .. .   .    . ..  ....       :'  :
.:::   : ____\ _   \\____________   ....:   __________  :   `:::::..      .
 ::::..:|     \/     \     _____/ ...:.    /     _   \\ : ...  ``::::.
 ::`:::'|____________/    ____/ ..:.  :. //______/     \_  :.. .  `::::.  .
 :..:__________ ///________|  ..:  ___________ \\_______/ ``:     .:::::
 . ._)       _/________   ________/_        //___  _____  ..: .  .:::::'
   |         _///    _/__/_    _   \\    ___/\   |/   //   :     `::::'
 //|___________/     \   /(____/     \________\  /     \_  .      `::::.
 ..`  ...... /_____________/  \_______/  . \_____\______/  :.  .    `::::.
 : .:::''   ...      ...   .::.     ____________    `:.  __________   :::::.
  ::::     :..:....:  `     `:::.   \     _____(________/__   _   \\   :::::.
 ::::.       . ..:... :    .:::::  . \______    //   _   //___/     \_  `::::
 `:::::...       `     ..::::::' ..:.  /________/   /____/\ \\_______/  .::::
   ``::::::::.......::::::::'     `:.....   . \\___________\  .   tR!   ::::'
       ```::::::::::::''''         .   .:...:.                `:..   ..::::'
                                        .   :                  `::::::::''

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o31   Ż     this one says: the founder 1         _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: the founder /azkíness  _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

            _______    ____________
___________|__    (___/__    _    / ..:::::....
\___      ___/    _     /   /____/\:::+++ ++:::::.....  .....::::::::..
  |        \______l____/___________\+         ++++::::::::::+++    +++::::.
  |_________\                                        ++++                ++::.
  _________________________.____  _____________________________ ___________+::.
 _)      _____/\ _    \    |    \_\___    \_    _   \_   _    /_\____     / :::
 \      ____/   \/     \   |     \   /     /    /    /  /____/\    _/   _/_ :::
. \______| |___________/_________/__/_____/_________/__________\___\______/.::+
::.                                                                     ..::+
 +::...        %  t h e   f o u n d e r  %                       .....:::++
   +:::::.....                              .......::::::....:::::::+++
       ++++::::::::........       ......::::::::::+++  +++::++++tR!

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o32   Ż     this one says: the founder 2         _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: the founder /azkíness  _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

     _______\  _______________________  (_________________
_____\  ________).. ... . +:. ....+  /_________________  /__________________
________\+... . ..:+ ____________ :. Ż     .    .   . (__________________  /__
 ..... .Ż: _____:___/__    _    /       :.  : ... . +:      .           (____ _
_:________|___  |     (_  /____/\      .   .. :.  .. . . .  +: +.. .:..  
\___      ___/  _     //_________\     +..  :. :    +  .     ..:   .+ .:. ...
 :|       \\____l_____/ tR!     .  . .. .:++: ________    .____________ :.+.:
.:|_________\ ____________ .    ______._______\___   \\_  /      _   //  .: :.
:..+.  .    ._)     _____/ _____)_    |    \\_   /     /__\___  /____/\ ..: + .
__________  /      ____/___\ _   \\   |      /__/_____/   _  \\________\_______
._____   / /________| |     \/    \\________/ . Ż. |      /    /  __\____    //
+   _/  /_____  . .:+ |____________/ . ... .:.. : .l__________/  /     _/   _/_
   (______   /_______ +  .:. .   ______  :  +  . +:  ________/ ./______\______/
         /_______   /___________/+ ____) tHE fOUNDER \____  /_________________+
         Ż      /_________________/                     .)_/___________________
                Ż                /                       Ż/Ż

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o33   Ż     this one says: trooper               _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: trooper /pta           _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

                ___________.                       _______
._______________)____    //            ____________\_   \(________
 \___      ___/    _/   _/_ ___________\ _   \\     /_____/ _   //.___________
   |       \\______\______/_\ _   \\    \/     \______)    /____/\_)____    //
   |_________\.    tR! |     \/     \__________/      \___________\   _/   _/_
 _ ________________.   |____________/ .______________________  /______\______/
_ _____________   (____________________)    _____________  //_______________ _
              /_____________________________\\          (________________  _

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o34   Ż     this one says: users                 _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: trooper /pta           _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

             ____.____  ____________________ ___________________
            /    |    \/  _____/_     _    /_\____     /  _____/_
       tR! /     |     \_____    \_  /____/\    _/   _/______    \_

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o35   Ż     this one says: void parrot system    _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: brem /bomb squad       _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

  .....       .......                ......
  :: ::.....  ::   ::......        ..::  ::
  ::...   ::..::         ::........::    ::......
 ____::__.____   ________________ __________   ::....             .......
 \      /    (___\ _    \_______/_)     _   \_  ...::       ......::   ::
  \    /      /   \/     \      \_      /    /  ::          ::         ::
   \_________/___________/_______/__________/   ::..........::         ::..
   ..::       _________________  ___________ ___________  _______________::___
 ..::    _____\_    \_    _    \_\____     /_\____     /__\ _    \__      ___/
 ::     /      /_____/____/     \_  _/   _/_    _/   _/_   \/     \        \
 ::... /________|        \_______/__\______/____\______/__________/_________\
  __::_____________.___________________________________________  _____   ::
  \     _____(__   |      \   _____(___      ___/   _    /____ \/    /   ::...
   \______     /   |   ___/_____     /        \    /____/\    \  /  /\      ::
    :/________/_________(  /________/|_________\__________\____\/_____\ ....::
    ::       .........           .........                   ......     ::
  ..:: tR!   ::     ::..         ::   ..::      ..........   ::  ::...  ::...
  ::......   ::...    ::..       ::   ::......  ::      ::...::     ::     ::
        ::......::      ::.......::         ::..::                  ::.....::

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o36   Ż     this one says: ware land             _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: malíbu /bytegarden     _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

        _______.________________  ______________________                   '
        \       \      /   _    \_\____     /     _    /                   :
       .:\     _/\_   /____/     \_  _/   _/_    /____/\:::::::::::::::::::::.
      ::' \_____/\___/ tR!\_______/__\______/___________\                  :
     ::                       ______   __________   __________________     :
     `:.                     /     /__/_    _    \__\___    \_    _   \_   :
      `::...               _/     /     \___/     \_   /     /    /    /   :
        ``:::::.........:::\_____________/ \_______/__/_____/_________/::::'
            ```````'''''''                                                 .

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o37   Ż     this one says: warez                 _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: trooper /pta           _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

                     __________  _________________________________
       _______._____/__   _    \_\____     /     _    /_____     /.
       \       \      /___/     \_  _/   _/_    /____/\    _____/ |..
       .\     _/\_   /tR!\_______/__\______/___________\__________|::::.
     .:::\_____/\___/                                                `:::
    ::::'              - add here something wonderful -               .:::
    `::::.....                                                    ...::::
      ``::::::::::::............              .............::::::::::::'

                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o38   Ż     this one says: welcome               _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: brem /bomb squad       _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

    .......................                 /\
    _)                    :..     _ __ ____/  \  ____________ _ __ ___________
   |                        :                  \/
___|__._____________________:__   ___________  _____________  ________________
\      \      /    _    /     /__/_         /__\ _    \_    \/   _/     _    /
 \    _/\_   /    /____/\    /     \_   ___/\   \/     \    \/    \_   /____/\
   |_                       : tR!                                     /\
   |/                       :   ___ __ _ ____________________ _ _/\  /  \___ _
\  /   +  tO sUlkciTy  +    :                                      \/
 \/|_                      _:


                 _______   /\                             /\
     __     _____\      \_ \/  ________/\  ______________/  \  _____________
 ____\/_____\    Ż       /____/          \/                  \/         .__(
 \__         \    #o39   Ż     this one says: world of artness      _ __|__
   )_ tHREAZ! \_______________.      made to: trooper /pta           _____/
  __/                         `--------------------------------------|--|---.
  `--------. t r u e   m e n   d o n ' t   k i l l   c o y o t e s \ |  |   :
           `--------/\--------._____________.-----------------------\|--' ..:..
                    ŻŻ                                                     +:+

  _______.________  _______  _________________     __________
  \       \      /__\ _    \_\____     /     /_____)     _   \_
   \     _/\_   /    \/     \   _/   _/_    /     \_     /    /
 tR!\_____/\___/____________/___\______/___________/_________/  . o f .
    ____________\____     /_      ___/___    \_    _    /  _____/_  _____/_
   /     _    \    _/   _/_        \    /     /   /____/\______   \____    \_
  /______/     \___\______/_________\__/_____/___________\_________/________/

                                                 ... end of asciis ...

          by the way, did you know that true men don't kill coyotes?

       .. the begining of quality part ...

                                      _ ___________                 tF!/aZk!
 _ ________________ ___________ ______       _____/___ __________ ___________ _
    __________     _\_______  /______      ____/      \_     ___/_____
   _\_ ______/____/_    ___/ /      /______(_/      .: \     Ź\  ____/______
  /    (_/Ż__       \___\        . / _____/___ _________\     .\__________  \
 /_________/      .: \   \________/____/     Ź\    /____________\     Ź\_).: \
          /___________\       /    (_/      .: \          /___________________\
 _ _________________________ /__________________\ ___________________________ _

                     the_founder       malibu                 gaze
     bananator                                  trooper
                immortal           jocke                           spot
 captain_freedom        swallow         caramon            illusion
   joykiller     brem            shape      dope_dood         squarepusher

    .:+  sOrry, iF yOU wErE mIssInG, bUT I mAdE tHiS lIsT qUItE fAsTlY  +:.

       true coyotes don't kill men, so why should true men kill coyotes

                             ________________ _ __ _ ____________
     ._______________________\   __________  _ _   _ ________   /___________
 _ ___\  ________________________\.....        .  ..        (___________   /__
_ __ _____\   .:...  ____________ .: +____________ :.  ______________  /_____ _
. .:. ___________+:. \     _____(__  /      _    /_____\___      ___/    :+...
.:+.__\____     /_____\______     /__\___  /____/\        /       \_________ :
 : /     _/   _/_   _    /_______/_\_    \________\   ___/\________\  _____(__
  /______\______/  /____/\ tR!/     /_____/   \____________\     \______     /
_ ___________ \___________\  /_______| ____.                  .___ /________/
 _ _ ____   (__________________________\  _| r E S pE C T S ! )_ /________ _ __
        /_________________________________\     in no-order    /_____________ .
        \+/   hAusfrAu   \+/   eXocEt   \+/  rEliEf  \+/   2FaSt   \+/        |
      \+/   pAszczAk   \+/   tHe foundEr   \+/   nUp   \+/   u-maN   \+/      |
      \+/   rANx   \+/   cHrombachEr   \+/   zEUs   \+/   xCluziWe   \+/      |
      \+/   bOo-Ya   \+/   tReaCh   \+/   cOco-poPs   \+/   dAnzIg   \+/      |
-  - -------------------------------------------------------------------------|

                   ___________       __________     ______________
       ____________)____    //     ._)     _   \____\___      ___/_______
      /         //    _/   _/______|__     /   //_   _/.      \\   _____(__   .
   __/       ___/\____\______/  _   //_________/      \\________\____    //__/
 ._) \____________\      \     /____/\       \__________\    tR!/________/ //_.
\|                        \___________\                               + +:::::|
 \ _                                                                      +:::|
 |\/            main artwork: ... threaz/looking for group                  ::|
 |              guest stars: .... exocet/arclite as threaz                   :|
 |                                mudpecker/diesel as preface                .|
 |                                the founder/azkiness as greetz              |
 |              musical support:  sonic youth, red hot chili peppers,         |
 |                                nofx, millencolin, the joykiller,           |
 |                                jimi hendrix, bad religion                  |
 |                                                                            |
 |   lenght, size, release date:  1892, 96028 bytes, 24.04.1996               |
 |_/.                                                                       ._|

           oh, have i ever said that true men DO NEVER kill coyotes?

              _________\___    \__     ___/  _    \         /__     ___/
  ____________\ _    \    /     /       \____/     \_   ___/\|       \........
 /         /   \/     \__/_____/|________\  \_______/________\________\     ::
/      ___/\__________/  ______  ________________                           ::
\___________\        tR! \_    \/   _/     _    /   ................        ::
 .....::                _/     \/    \_   /____/\   ::            ::        ::
 ::               ......\______/______/__________\  ::....        ::........::
 ::...............::         ::                         ::                  ::
                             ::.........................::                  ::
       fastest way to bitch me .......... cyberspace (+358-84-767583)       ::
       other places to hunt me .......... propaganda, sulk city             ::
                                          atomic park, anusaukko,           ::
                                          tombstone, hangover                         ::
       e-mail ........................... threaz@tombstone.fipnet.fi        ::
                    (this is fuckn good way to catch me)                    ::
  i'm intrested specially about ascii contacts. leave me mail to my e-mail  ::
  or one  of these  boards.  also snail mail  swapping  is intresting  me.  ::
  and,  if you  need ascii  to your board,  product,  mum or  even to your  ::
  grandmothers birthday cake, dont hesitate to contact me!                  ::

        ..          .:        ..             ......                  .:
       +:::.        .::.. ...:::::...  ....:::::::::::..             .::      .
:..  ...::::::. ...::+::::::++ +:::::::::::++++  ++++:::::::::.....::::::. ..::
+::::::::++ ++:::::+   ++++       +++++++               ++++::::::++++ +::::::+
  +++++                                                                   +++

__________ ___________ _____ _____ _____
\__  __/  '   |   _/ _)  .__)  o  |-- __)tR!
 tHREAZ / loOking for aSC2-group tO jOin `-.
   presents his 5th ascii colly named      |
   .:+ TRUE MEN DON'T KILL COYOTES +:. .   |

        ..          .:        ..             ......                  .:
       +:::.        .::.. ...:::::...  ....:::::::::::..             .::      .
:..  ...::::::. ...::+::::::++ +:::::::::::++++  ++++:::::::::.....::::::. ..::
+::::::::++ ++:::::+   ++++       +++++++               ++++::::::++++ +::::::+
  +++++                                                                   +++

    ....::::....  ....::::....        ......
 .::::++++ +++:::::::+++ +++:::::..:::::++:::::...
.:::+            ____________  ++++++       ++::::::::....         ....
:::  ____________)     _    /                    ++++::::::::.   .:::::::::.
::::.\     _____(__   /____/\___________               ++:::::    +::+++:::::
+:::::\______     /__________\    _    / .. .    .      +++++______._____+::::
 +::::::/________/ ......  \     /____/\ : _____.______     _)     |     \_:::.
   +++++++     ..:::::++    \___________\ /     |      \ ___\___   |      /::::
        ....::::::++                     /___   |   ___/_\ _    \________/.::::
    ..:::::::+++    ________   ...:....    /_________)    \/     \       .:::+
   ::::::++_________\___    \_ : .:. +:...          |____________/    ..:::+
  ::::::  _)_   _/.    /     /  .:.+  +  :       _____.______       .:::+
 ::::::+_/        \___/_____/  ..:  ______  ____/_    |      \     ::::
 ::::::.\__________\      .  ..: +  \____ \/     /_   |   ___/     ::::.
  ::::::.               + +   +     /    \  /   /\_________)        +:::::
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     ++:::::::......          +   :             ...:::::+
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                    remember, true men DON'T kill coyotes!

_________________  /\    ______ that's it? -yes. ______________/\  ____________
                 \/  \  /                                        \/