<------------------/ Boring adds above \---------------------------------->

      Turbulence presents The Kestrels first ascii collection called:

                          ::::  ____    ______
                          :::: | __ |  |   ___|  T
                          :::: |  __|  |___   |
                        F :::: |    |  |   |  |
                          :::: |_|__|  |   |  |   
                          ::::         |______|
                          `::'                  :::::::   __
                                                ::   ::  (__)    ___ __
                                                ::        __    |   |  |
                      /\             ___        :::::::  |  |   |   |  |
             /\      /  \           | __|            ::  |  |   |  .   |
            /  \    /    \    P  R  | _|_       ::   ::  |  | O |  |   |
           /    \  /      \         |    |  S   ::   ::  |__|   |__|___|
      I   /      \/        \        |____|      :::::::
         /                  \

              (I hope every one understood the irony in that one)

     | This is my first collie ever... so... don't expect |
     | high-quality stuff :)  well this one is made after |
     | 3 weeks of askee drawing in my whole life...       |
     | now i will shut up and only show u the art.....    |
     | no more babbling....                               |
     |                     ///The Kestrel                 |
         `-----------------------------> here we go... >--------.
                      `----------> down the toilet...



      `-------------------> i've changed my mind..... i WILL babble :)






      Here comes the...
        /(_______________________ __________________________________)\
        \  __  __   ____     __  |  __   ____     ___   _ _  \   ____/
        /   __/ /   _|_/  .  \/  |  \/   _|_ \____   \_// \\_/___   \
       /  .   \/   |   \  |   \  |   \  |   \/    |   \/   \/    |   \
      /   |    \   :    \ :    \ :    \ :    \    :    \    \    :    \
      \___|____/________/____  /______/______/_________/____/ThK______/
                            \_/                             ...requests
         here comes all the req's... ok... maybe not every one..
         fuck.... i'm boring you out with stupid bullshit.....
         but when i think of it.... i think i'll continue with
         it JUST to make you bored so you'll quit watching  ;)
         naah.... no more bullshit..... (i like the expression
         BULLSHIT 'cause it reminds me about YOU! ;)
         well here's the req's, enjoy them while ya still can...
         this collie will selfdestruct in 10 secs......9.....8
         mohahaha ;)

         (BTW.... the slinglers... well my english isn't the best)
         are taken from a maddress i slept on when i was on vacation...
         that was interesting, wasn't it???? ;)

                       /_  _\
                       \ /\ /
                   Whaddja like it?

               "Whaddja" is Copyright (c) by WooFee.
  All rights of the producer of the owner of the work reprodused reserved.
  Unauthorised copying, hiring, lending, public performance and broadcasting of
  this record is prohibited. (whooops the last part didn't fit in... it was
  taken from a Metallica record ...And justice for all ;)



                                |     |
                           _____|     |____
                          /                \
                          \ Down the drain /
                           \_____    _____/
                                 |  |
                             __  |  |  __
                             \ \_|  |_/ /
                              \        /
                               \      /
                                \    /
                                 \  /

                                  > at last <

                                > the askee's <

 _______________________    _______     ___        _
   __________/  #1: PleXus
     ______/    Req'd by: TaMzA
     \____________________________________ __     _         _  _________
                         first one for TURBULENCE WHQ!         ___________\
                 _         __      _____    ________ _______________________\

          /(_____ /(___    /(______ /(___ ___    /(_ _    /(_______
          \____  \\    \   \       \\    |   \   \  | \   \        \
          /   /   \>   /ThK \  \___/ \_  :  _/   /  |  \  /   :____/
         /   /    /   /___  /   _|_  /       \  /   |   \ \____   \
        /    \___/    \   \/   |   \/    .    \/    :    \/    |   \
       /     |  /          \        \    |     \          \    :    \
       \_____|  \__________/________/____|_____/__________/_________/

 _______________________    _______     ___        _
   __________/  #2: PleXus
     ______/    Req'd by: TaMzA
     \____________________________________ __     _         _  _________
                            second one...                      ___________\
                 _         __      _____    ________ _______________________\

                                   _______|       /
          ____                  ___\      |      /             ____
         /    \__ ____     ____/   \\     |     / ___     ____/    \
         \  \_   \\   |   /        / \    :    /  \  |\  /         /
          \  /    \\  |   \   ____/   \_     _/   /  | \ \    \___/
          /  \____//  |___/  __/__    /       \  /   |  \ \____   \
         /     \  /   |   \  \    \  /    :    \/    |   \/    \   \
        /       \/    |    \       \/     |     \    :    \         \
       /    ____/\_____     \__     \     |      \___      \____     \
       \___/ ThK/TRB   \____/  \____/     |_______\  \_____/    \____/

 _______________________    _______     ___        _
   __________/  #3: PleXus
     ______/    Req'd by: TaMzA
     \____________________________________ __     _         _  _________
                            third one...                       ___________\
                 _         __      _____    ________ _______________________\

     .......   ....     ..        .     ___
     :::'                              /   |                            .
     :' /\_______ /\___     /\_______ /    |___  /\___ ___  /\_______
        \        \\    |    \        \\    |   \ \    |   \ \        \
         \    )   >\   |     \   ____/ \_  |  _/  \   |   / /   _____/
     :   /     __/ /   |___  /    _)_  /       \  /   |   \ \____   \
        /      \  /    |   \/    |   \/         \/    :    \/    |   \  :
       /        \/     :    \    :    \    |     \          \    :    \
       \___     /\____      /\__      /\___|     /\___      /\__      /\
     .  \__|___/ /____|____/ ThK|____/ /___|____/ /___|____/ /__|____/ /.
            |___/      |____/    |____/     |____/     |____/    |____/::
                                              .      ..    ...   ....::::

 _______________________    _______     ___        _
   __________/  #4: PleXus
     ______/    Req'd by: TaMzA
     \____________________________________ __     _         _  _________
                            fourth one...                      ___________\
                 _         __      _____    ________ _______________________\

                                      /    |___
               /(_____________________\    :   \___ _____________
               \___    __   ___   _______     ___  |  __    ____/
               /  /    \/  |__/   _)_  /       \/  |  \ \___   \
              /   \____/   |  \  |   \/    :    \  |   \/   |   \
             /     |  /    :   \ :    \    |     \ :    \   :    \
             \_____|  \________/______/____|     /______/______  /
                                        ThK|__  /              )/

 _______________________    _______     ___        _
   __________/  #5: TaMzA
     ______/    Req'd by: TaMzA
     \____________________________________ __     _         _  _________
                         Well, one for the chat i hope ;)      ___________\
                 _         __      _____    ________ _______________________\

          /\___________  /\_    /\___  ___ /\________     /\_
          \            \/   \   \    \/   \\         \.../   \....
           \__/\   /\__/  :  \   \        /:\_/      /::/  .  \::::::..
               /   \  / __|   \::/        \  /      /  / __|   \  `:::::.
              /     \/  \__    \/          \/      /-\/  \__    \     `:::.
             /       \    |     \   \  /    \     :   \    |     \      `:::
             \__     /____|     /___|\/|    /__       /____|     /        :::
                |___/     |____/       |___/ThK|_____/     |____/          ::.
              .:::'                                                         ::
           .::::'                                                            :
         .:::'           Is breaking in for CHAT!

 _______________________    _______     ___        _
   __________/  #6: TaMzA
     ______/    Req'd by: TaMzA
     \____________________________________ __     _         _  _________
                         oops, i forgot i did another one ;)   ___________\
                 _         __      _____    ________ _______________________\

              ..::::::::...                        .::::::'    `:::
           .::::::'     ::::::.                  .:::'            ::
          ::::'             ::::                :::'               : 
         :::'                  ::               ::'
        :::        /(_________________  _________________)\      ....
        ::         \       _     __   \/   _         __    \   .::::::. 
        :   .:::.   \_/ \_//  |_ \/        \\_/     / /  |_ \ :::'  `:::
           :::'      /   \/   _/  \         \/     /\/   _/  \:'     `:::
          ::'       /     \   |    \ \  /    \    /  \   |    \      ::::
          :::       \_____/___|____/_|\/|____/_______/___|____/    .::::'
           :::..    .:::'                               `::::..  .::::' 
            `:::::::::'  ...iS DOiNG SOMETHiNG NASTY...   `:::::::::'

 _______________________    _______     ___        _
   __________/  #7: UNiVERSE PC
     ______/    Req'd by: Froggis
     \____________________________________ __     _         _  _________
                          ok hope ya're pleazed with it...     ___________\
                 _         __      _____    ________ _______________________\

                  ____  _                ____                ____      ____
    __ _    ____ |    \/ \   _ _    ____/    \ _____________/    \____/    \
   /  | \  /    \|    //  \ / | \  /         //    __  \         /         /
   \  |  \ \     \   /\___//  |  \ \    \___/ \     ___/    \___/\    \___/
   /  |   \/        /  / \/   |   \/    _>__  /       \\____    \/    _>__
  /   :    \        \ /   \   |    \    \   \/    :    \    \    \    \   \
 /          \  \     \     \  :     \        \    |     \    \    \        \
/     ______/__|\     \_    \  _____/____     \___|     /___       \___     \
\____/           \____/ \___/_/          \____/   |____/    \______/   \____/
                             ____ ThK/TRB _____
                            /    \__  ___/    /
          O N L Y           \  \_   \/       /            O N L Y
                             \  /    \   |__/
          0 - 1 0            /  \____/   |  \             0 - 1 0
                            /     \ /    :   \
       i N  H E R E !      /       \          \        i N  H E R E !
                          /    ____/____       \
                          \___/         \______/

                    P U M P E R : x?x?x?x?x?x?x?x?x?x

 _______________________    _______     ___        _
   __________/  #8: UNiVERSE
     ______/    Req'd by: Froggis
     \____________________________________ __     _         _  _________
                              another one for ya ;)            ___________\
                 _         __      _____    ________ _______________________\

     /(_ ________  ______________ ______________________________________)\
     \  |  __    \|    __    __  |  __   ______   __   _    _______   ___/
     /  |  \ \    \   /  \__/ /  |  \/   _)_  /    ___/ \___   \  /   _)_
    /   |   \/        \  /  \/   |   \  |   \/       \  /   |   \/   |   \
   /    :    \         \/    \   :    \ :    \   :    \/    :    \   :    \
  /           \  \      \     \       /       \  |     \          \        \
  \  _________/__|\_____/_____/______/________/__|_____/__________/______  /
   \(                                                           ThK/TRB  )/
                               ·-> UNiVERSE <-·

         ·-> SYSOP: FROGMAN <·> COZ'S: ??????????? <·> ????????? <-·

                       ·-> AMiGA: 0-3 <·> PC: 0-10 <-·

 _______________________    _______     ___        _
   __________/  #9: UNiVERSE AMiGA
     ______/    Req'd by: Froggis
     \____________________________________ __     _         _  _________
                                Phuh the last one...           ___________\
                 _         __      _____    ________ _______________________\

           _                                                      _
          /(_ ______  ___  /\  _ _________________________________)\
          \  |  __  \|   \/ \\/ |  __   ______  __  _  ______   ___/
          /  |  \/   \   /\__/  |  \/   _)_  /   __/\___   \/   _)_
         /   |   \       \/  \  |   \  |   \/  .   \/   |   \  |   \
        /    :    \ \     \   \ :   /  `    \  |    \   :    \ '    \
          `:::       _________  ______/\________________       :::'
           `:::     /    __   \/   __    __   ______    \     :::'
             `::::./  .  \/        \ \__/ /  |  \  /  .  \.::::'
                `:/  _|   \         \/  \/   |   \/   |_  \:'
                 /   \_    \ \  /    \   \   :    \   _/   \
                /     |____/_|\/|____/___/________/___|     \
                \  ___|                               |___  /
                 \(         ...S.E.C.T.I.O.N.!...         )/

                       ...???? iS THE RULER IN HERE...


 _______________________    _______     ___        _
   __________/  #10: Whiskey Bar
     ______/    Req'd by: GreedySnitch
     \____________________________________ __     _         _  _________
                      first one for yar inofficial board ;)    ___________\
                 _         __      _____    ________ _______________________\

_________                     __        _____     ____       _________ ______
\        |    _____    _____ / \\______/    /____|    \_____/     /   |     /
 \       |/\ |     \__|     /   \\         /\    |    /\         /    :    /
  \      /  \|     /  :    /_____/    \___/  \      _/  \   \___/ \___    /
   \         \    /       / /   \ \____   \  /   .   \  /  ___)_  /   |   \
    \            /        \/     \/    \   \/    :    \/   \    \/    :    \
     \          /     :    \      \         \    |     \         \          \
      \___/\   /      |_____\_____/____      \___|      \___      \____      \
      :     \_/\______|      :    :    \_____/   |______/   \______\   \_____/
      :      |       ______               :______  :    :      :           :
             :       \     \___      /\_   \     \___
                      \        \  : /   \   \        \  :
      :      :         \    >   \  /  .  \   \   >   /         :           :
                       /        / /  _|   \  /   ___/_
                      /         \/   \_    \/         \
                     /      >   /     |     \          \.
             .      /      ____/      |_____/____\      \      .
      .            /______/   /_______|ThK/TRB    \______\                 .

 _______________________    _______     ___        _
   __________/  #11: Whiskey Bar
     ______/    Req'd by: GreedySnitch
     \____________________________________ __     _         _  _________
                       the Second & last one...                ___________\
                 _         __      _____    ________ _______________________\

       .:/(:::._______ _____/\_______________ ________________ __)\
      .:/  |::|  __   |   _  \ __    _____   |   _   _____    |   /
     .:/   |/\|  \ \      /\__/  \___   \ \   __/ >   _)_ \___   /:
    .:/    /  \   \/      \/  \  /   |   \/     \/   |   \/   |  \:.
   .:/             \  |    \   \/    :    \  :   \   :    \   :   \:.
   ::\             /  |     \   \         /  |    \        \       \:.
   :: \_____/\____/___|_____/___/\_______/___|____/________/_______/::
   ::    `:'           /(_________ThK/TRB______)\      `:'          ::
   :                   \        __     __    __  \      :           ::
          .             \   >   \/  .  \ \    ___/      .           :
   :                    /       /   |_  \/      \                   .
                       /        \   _/   \  :    \
                      /     >   /   |     \ |     \     .
   .      .           \________/____|_____/_|_____/                 .

 _______________________    _______     ___        _
   __________/  #12: SysInfo
     ______/    Req'd by: TaMzA
     \____________________________________ __     _         _  _________
                       first one for yar door...               ___________\
                 _         __      _____    ________ _______________________\

            /(__________ ____________________  ______________)\
           /    ____    :   __   _____   _   \|   _    ____    \
           \___   \ \___    /\___   \ \_/\    \   /\  ___|/  :  \
           /   |   \/   |   \/   |   \/ \/        \/    \/   |   \
          /    :    \   :    \   :    \  \   \     \     \   :    \

 _______________________    _______     ___        _
   __________/  #13: SysInfo
     ______/    Req'd by: TaMzA
     \____________________________________ __     _         _  _________
                       second one...                           ___________\
                 _         __      _____    ________ _______________________\

    .:::::::. :::   ::: .:::::::. :::: :::.::.   .:::::.  .:::::::.
    :::' `::: :::   ::: :::' `::: :::: ::::::::. :::'`::: :::' `:::
    :::.      :::. .::: :::.           :::' `::: :::  ::: :::   :::
    `:::::::. `:::::::: `:::::::. :::: :::   ::: :::.     :::   :::
         `:::      `:::      `::: :::: :::   ::: :::::.   :::   :::
    :::   ::: :::   ::: :::   ::: :::: :::   ::: :::      :::   :::
    :::. .::: :::. .::: :::. .::: :::: :::   ::: :::      :::. .:::
    `:::::::' `:::::::' `:::::::' :::: :::   ::: :::      `::ThK::'

 _______________________    _______     ___        _
   __________/  #14: SysInfo
     ______/    Req'd by: TaMzA
     \____________________________________ __     _         _  _________
                       guess what?!?!?!? third one ;)          ___________\
                 _         __      _____    ________ _______________________\

         _____       ____       ____  _____       _____      ____
   _____/     \____ /    \_____/    \/    /_____ |     \____/    \____
  /           /    |     /          /\___//     \|     /         /    \
  \     \____/\         /\     \___/  / \ \      \    /\    ____/  :   \
   \_____    \ \____    \ \____    \_/   \ \          \/   ___/    |    \
   /     \    \/    \    \/    \    \     \/           \    \/     |     \
  /            \          \          \     \    \       \    \     :      \
  \_____        \__        \___       \     \   |\       \    \____       /
        \_______/  \_______/ThK\______/\____/___| \______/____/    \_____/

 _______________________    _______     ___        _
   __________/  #15: Atlantis 2001
     ______/    Req'd by: WooFee
     \____________________________________ __     _         _  _________
                             actually 4 Rape...                ___________\
                 _         __      _____    ________ _______________________\

           /(_________________   ________  _____________/\__________
           \    _        _   /  /    _   \|   _       _    _    ___/
           /  .  \_/> <\_/  /__/  .  \>   \   /_/> <\_/\__/\___   \
          /  _|   \/   \/   \  \  |_  \       \_/   \  /  \/   |   \
         /   \_    \    \       \ _/   \ \     \     \/    \   :    \
        /     |____/____/_______/_|____/_|\____/_____/\____/ThK_     \
        \_____|                                                |_____/

 _______________________    _______     ___        _
   __________/  #16: Atlantis 2001
     ______/    Req'd by: WooFee
     \____________________________________ __     _         _  _________
                             actually 4 Rape... (wow again)    ___________\
                 _         __      _____    ________ _______________________\

         /\_/\_____________       /\_  /\___  _____________/ \/\_____
        /   \           \  |     /   \ \    \|    /        \  \      \
       /  .  \__/\  /\__/  |ThK /  .  \ \    \   /_/\  /\__/__/   ___/
      /  _|   \  /  \  /   |___/  _|   \/        \  /  \  /   \___   \
     /   \_    \/    \/    |   \  \_    \         \/    \/     \  |   \
    /     |     \     \         \  |     \ \       \     \      \      \

                                 / >2001< \

         |To bad.... hope you like hospital food....|
          (c) Copyrighted by WooFee.
All rights of the producer of the owner of the work reprodused reserved.
Unauthorised copying, hiring, lend.. whoops... getting bored??? mohaha ;)

                                 /| | |\
                                __/_ _\__
                               | | | | | |

 ok, don't ask me what it does there, it just splats there and looks ugly ;)

               \    _____  __  __   ____   ___        _  _____/
               /   /__  /   __/ /   _)_/   _)_\_/> <\_/___   \
              /   </  \/  .   \/   |   \  |   \_/   \/    |   \
             /         \  |    \   :    \ :    \     \    :    \
             \_________/__|____/________/______/_____/_______  /
                                                  ...greets! )/

                 some boring greets ;)


WooFee - for being my CoSysop and 4 his awesome ascii's:

    _|||||||||_   _||||||||_    _||||||||_
    \         /   \        /   /        O|
     \__    _/ \_/ \_   __/   |   /\   _ \
       |    \  /_\  /   |     |  |  \_/ \/
        \    \// \\/    /     \  \_____
         \    (___)    /____ __\_  ____\______
          \  _______  /     /    \  \ __ \ __ \
          /  \_____/ (     (      )  \  \/\  \/
          \___/WF \___\_____\____/ \__\___/\___/

ClawBreaker - converting this shit to amiga format (And The Fugitive Sysop)

TaMzA - for being Sysop at PleXus, TRB WHQ! (and all the interesting mezz ;)

Mr.Saint - for the free-leech account on his board.

Uggeboo - b-cause the kewl handle (it's pronounced uggebooooooo :)

Coma - for being drunk in the middle of the day...

...and all the members of TRB (+ the rest i've forgot :)


         | the ones that works 03.00 in the night with this collie: | 
         |  ------------------------------------------------------  | 
         | The Kestrel......WooFee......+no-one else but the ghosts |
         |  ------------------------------------------------------  |
         | Mashine support:                                         |
         | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                                         |
         : i486-50 6/528Mb                                          |
         .  ------------------------------------------------------  :     
           Music support:                                           .
         : ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
         | Metallica - OffSpring - Dia Psalma - Onkel Ksnkel :)     :
         |  ------------------------------------------------------  |
         | Food support:                                            |
         | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^                                            |
         | A ultra slimy, red, green shelled, soapy watermellon :)  |
         |  ------------------------------------------------------  |
         | Guest artists:                                           |
         | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^                                           |
         | The one and only... WooFee (the one in the greets :)     |

           oh i forgot..... wanna req an ascii? 
           Call either PleXus (TRB WHQ), Atlantis 2001 or my own
           board Demons Hole and mezz me.

           Plexus         Sysop: Tamza        Number: +46-26-192008

           Demons Hole    Sysop: The Kestrel  Number: +46-26-82309   

           Atlantis 2001  Sysop: Rape         Number: +46-651-41447

 _ ___  /\___  _______    _______    ___ 
_ ____\/____/__\___  ¼\___\___  ¼\_ |  ¼|
   |  \/  ¼\_  » \/   _/   _/_   _/ |   |
   |        /____/    ¼\___\ /   ¼\_|   |
   l___    /=====\_    /====Y      /l___j
   |  l___/        \__/[VLe]l_____/ (___)
   |             Turbulence!            |
   |The Kestrel/TRB  presents his  first|
   |      ASCii collection called:      |
   |       -> FiRST iMPRESSION <-       |
[%:::::::::::%] rOadhOgged [%::::::::::%]

-------------------------> quit yar editor... adds ahead! <----------------