- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - __________._____. _ ___________. __\____ | ___|_______.______ |__. GENETiC WORLD HEADQUARTER! / / | \__ \_ / | | _/ /______| \ / /_____| | EFFECT DUTCH HEADQUARTER! \____________/_______|\ /_____________| .----------------------\____/---------------------------------------------. | _______ ._______ ___ _ _________ ________ _______________ \\ | ¦ / \ | .___ _ /__/ \ . _______ /___ \ | : / \| | \______/ \_ \| _/ _/ / | / \ | \_ / / \ \ / | /_____________\_____________/ /________/___________\______\ / ø| - -- --- ---- ----- ----------------------------------------\____/--------' * RUNNiNG HYDRA * 2 NODEZ RD! * +31-47-463321! * ZACK/GENETiC/EFFECT - HELLCAT/OUTLAWS - ANALYZER/OUTLAWS/SCOOPEX THE RAVER/EFFECT - DAZZ/OUTLAWS/ROYAL - SPACE FOR RENT !!! .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | 1.6 GiGS * A2OOO/68O4O/68882 5OMHZ POWER * 2 NODEZ * AMiGA O-DAY ONLY | | REGiSTERED USER OF AMiEXPRESS BBS V4.X! * ONLiNE SiNCE AUGUST '1991!. | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' ______ \ __|________ Ö«É +31.(0)4192.15288 - 28k8 »«· ____\_______ / __________ ÉÖÉ +31.(0)4192.ZOEN! - 28k8 »·» \ \/ __/___…_______ \__ ___________ .-\\____ \ ___/ _\_____________ \__ _____|________ _ | \_______/\ \_______\ ________/__/_ \ ___/ //---. | \________\ sF!\ \/ /____\ \ | | \ ____/ \________\ | | -(«BACk fIRE!«)- \________/ | | | | sATAN'S FIRe [rDZ/ttAb] ÖMAJOR 0-2 DAY ASCII PACK SUPPORT! ¦ | THe ReaPeR [rDZ/uNT] Ö1.5 GIG ONLINEÖASCII REQUESTS ¦ | RiGOR MORTiS [rDZ/ttAb/sCS] ÖNO NUPÖHUGGING SYSOP CREW ¦ | =zEn= [rDZ] : | ______________________ Ö2* CREDZ FOR MAJOR UPLOADS | _\ _________________/ Ö3* CREDZ FOR MAJORS OF YOUR OWN GROUP . ¦ // ____________/ _________ ___________________ | / _|______\_______/ _\ ____________/ `--/___________| _\_______________ \ _______/_____ |__________\____________ / \ \/ // rOadhOgz! CHQ / \_________/_____\__ ____/ ttAb WHQ! /______| /_______/ |_____________/ _______________ |· \______________ | ·| ____________ _________________ | ________ ______________/ \__\_________ \___________|_ | _____\___ / \\ _ \ _/ | | |/ _/ \__________________/\ | | | / \________________/ \_________________| | \__________/ . . | | | · rOadhOgz · | __________ | |________ ____________ _________\ \ | |_ |/ \ ________________\__ ________/_ | _/ / \\/ / | | | | / / |_ /\__________________| l________| \_______________\_________/ / . l________| . l____________________/ | | | iT'S iN aRT wE tRUST! l_______________ Mo!/aC! | \______________| Ö=zEn= ÖsATAN'S FIRe ÖsAL-1 ÖRiGOR MORTiS ÖGML ÖjABBAH ÖqUBE ÖWiDGET ÖjOPiTER ÖEiNSTEiN ÖTHe ReaPeR ÖnOSFERATU ÖDiABLO ÖASHTON ÖCASTRO ÖlUCiFUGE ÖThe Doctor ÖbUT^4^wAREZ ÖbACk fIRe ÖBooNDoCKS ÖX-Treme BBS ÖkAOZ lANDZ ÖMATERiAL WORLDS ÖvIRTUAL dREAM ÖCENTRAL STATiON ÖtHE cOFFEE sHOP ÖCORRUPTiON ÖDiSCONNECTED ÖDaRK STaR ÖtHE nECRONOMICON ÖtHE pAYOFF ÖpLANET gROOVE ÖwANNA jOIN, cALL +31.4192.15288· -( [ bOONDOCKS! ] [ oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE ] )- ________________________________________________________________________ __/ __ __/ _ __/ _ __/ _ __/ ___ __/ _ __/ ____/ / __/ ____/ \_ _ \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ / \_ _ \_____ \_ / / ¯¯/ _/ / _/ / / / _/ / _/ / _/ / / ¯¯/ _/ / /___ \__ \__ \__/ \__ \__ \__ \__/ \__ \ sAl1 \/______\/ \/______\/ \/______\/ \/______\/ \ / \ /________\ / \ /________\ / / \ / \ / [tRIStAR aND rED^sECTOR ¡NC!, lSD!, oRIGIN!, hELLFIRE! & iLLUSION aMIGA eHq!] [·tRIStAR & rED^sECTOR ¡NC! cONSOLE·&·gERMAN cONSOLE sYNDICATE wORLD hQ!·] [·tRISTAR & rED^sECTOR ¡NC! /X-iNNOVATION wORLD dISTRIBUTION sITE!·] [·sUNFLEX iNC. & dEVIOUS dEZIGNS dUTCH hQ!·pRO·ARTS & rOADHOGZ eUROPEAN hQ!·] sYSOP: [-s/\L-oNE!-] cOSYSOPS: [mARIO/tRSI!] [sECTORCHARGER/tRSI/tRSI/tRSI&fTH!] [aPOLLO/pDX!] [eCS/tRSI/tRSI!] [aSTRO/mOVEMENT!] [aRTIC cAT!/sNK/eDGE/oTT!] 2 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS! 3 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP! --»> lATEST aMIEXPRESS vERSION 4.xX! <«-- ---»> nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORD! <«--- -[ +31-(0)-548-540-653 ]--[ +31-(0)-548-521-716 ]--[ +31-(0)-548-521-848 ]- -[ 16k8 dUAL ]- -[ 16k8 dUAL ]- -[ 16k8 dUAL ]- [-[[ uPLOADEd bY: =zEn= ]]-] [-[[ nODE: 2 ]]-] [-[[ tIME aND dATE oF tHE uPLOAD: ]]--[[ 00:34:18 ]]--[[ 29-mAY-95 ]]-] å WELCOME TO THE SECOND ASCII COLLECTION OF MINE : ( in the land of lost legends ) another masterpiece by V-cut/Classic release date : 28/5 1995! This collection is dedicated to those computer pioneers who created the actual scene many years ago. /\____________ /\__________ ______________ /\__________ __ / ___________/___/__ _______/______\____ ____ _/_____ __/__ ________//_/ \_ \___________ / _____/___ ________/ __/ \ __ /_____/_____ .-/ \ / __/ / _______) | \ \_____/ /-. |/________\ \ \_______ / \_______|______\ \________ / | | |______|\_____\[V-c!]\/________________________________\ \/ | | | | p r e f a c e | | ------------------- | | Hi everyone and welcome to my second ascii-collection. This one I chosed | | to call : In The Land Of Lost Legends. Still , I do not yet consider my- | | self as an ascii artist. There are a lot of wannabees out there, and the | | competition is very hard . I always read through every little collection | | I get over , and fact is that very much is crap ( and then I mean real | | pure fucking JUNK). The reason I released this second collection is that | | my hd got crowded with requested logos , and I mixed up WHO requested | | WHICH logos . Now I guess I'll just have to refer to this collection! | | Anyway , I hope that there are somebody out there who likes my piece of | | art. If you do so I would realy like you to get in touch with me so that | | I know that there is someone who appriciates it! All notes are welcome. | | | | - * - | | | | I have updated my ascii style very much since last collection , and I | | guess it's to the better only . I am trying to improve my technic daily, | | but it's very easy to be stuck with the same old style . It feels anyway | | like I succeded with the updating in some areas , as this collection is | | frankly much better than my first one . I guess the third will be GREAT! | | | | - * - | | | | Ok, this is the ending of the begining . Stay with this text file right | | through to the end! Feel free to use any of the logos included in this | | collection, and if you want me to draw you a personal one , get in touch | | and I will do it for you . Have a nice day , with girls & booze & sun! | | | | Signed [V-cUT!/cLASSiC] | | __ | `---------------------------------------\----------------------------------' . . : `-----------. : _ .----' \: _ \/ __ /_//\ ________ _______ // \ __________________|__ \| /___._______ / _ \/ \ ________/ \ / | _/ .--------/ \ _ \ ______)____ \ / _| \------------. : /______\/________\ /____|\____/ \\ __ : : /___________ /[V-c!] /________________\\_\ . . \/ . : : : p a r t < o N E > - [ b i g g r o u p l o g o s ] . . : : p a r t < t W O > - [ b i g c o n f e r e n c e l o g o s ] : : : : p a r t < t H R E E > - [ b b s l o g o s ] : . . : p a r t < f O U R > - [ m i x e d l o g o s ] : . _|: `--------------------------------------------------------------------------' the show is about to begin, so fasten your seatbelts and let the art fill your soul! .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. : p a r t < o N E > - b i g g r o u p l o g o s : `----------------------------------. . : . .----------------------------------' : . 1. [ c l a s s i c ] . : 2. [ d e l i g h t ] : . 3. [ d e z i g n ] . . 4. [ h e l l f i r e ] : : 5. [ o r i g i n ] : . 6. [ s u b u r b a n b a s e ] : . . 7. [ t r i s t a r ^ r e d s e c t o r ] . : . : : `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' cLASSIC ' | lOGO : 1 | oRDERER bY: cANT REMEMBER! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' __ _____/\ _______/\ ____________ ________/\ /_// _ \____ / _____ \_________/__ _____/______/__ _ \ // \____/ |/ \_ / \ ______/____ \__________/ \_____/ / \ |/\___ \/ \____ \ | \ / \ __ /___________\ / \________\ | \__________\ /____________\\_\ \ ____________________________\[V-c!] \ // \/ \/ .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' dELIGHT ' | lOGO : 2 | oRDERER bY: aGRESSOR/dLT! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' .____. ______.______ __ ________/\__________|_ | ____________ \_ | _/_______/\\_\ / ___ \ _________) | (____________)_/__ | \ \ __ / ___/ \ ___)___ |/\___/ \ ____ / _ \_ _|_____\ /_// ____________\ / / \_____\ _/ /___|______/ | \_____________________ /_____________________ /[V-c!] |______| \/ \/ .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' dEZIGN ' | lOGO : 3 | oRDERER bY: sCHAPECHANGER! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' __ /_//\__________ ________________ ________ / __ \_______\_________ __/________/ ______/_____ _______ / _ / \ ______/ ___\_________________ / \| / \ \ __/ / _____/___ / \ / / / \ // \ \__________/ /____________\ /_________ / \ /__ \___________________ / \ /[V-c!] | \/ |\____//_/ \/ d e z i g n \/ |_______| .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' hELLFIRE ' | lOGO : 4 | oRDERER bY: cANT REMEMBER! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' __ /_//\_:___ ..... /\_______ / | \___________: :..../ _______/_____________/\_______ / | \ _______/: : : ________________ / _______/ _/ _ \_ ____)___ : : \ / / _/ ___)___ \ ____|______/______ / : :_____|\ / \ \_______ /__ \/ \/:.....: : \ /_____|\___\[V-c!]\//_/ :.....: \/ .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' oRIGIN ' | lOGO : 5 | oRDERER bY: hOTWIRE/oGN! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' __ /_//\_____ _________ _________ ____/_____ \_________/__ \_______/__ \____ _______ \______ / \\ __ /_______/ ______/_______/ \| / / \/ \ _ __/ \ \___ / \ \ // /_____________\ \ \_________\ _/ /_______\ \ /__ \ ___|\_____\[V-c!]\ ________/ | |\____//_/ \/ \/ |_____| .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' sUBURBAN bASE ' | lOGO : 6 | oRDERER bY: sHAPECHANGER! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' ____ __ ___________ | | ___________ ______/\ \_\\ _____/___ __|__ _|_________|___ __ /__ | ___ \____ ______ \___ \ | / \__ / | / _ / _|__|__ ___/ \ \| / / \ \ _| / |/ \ |_ / \ \ \__ / | \ \ // / /\_______\ /_________\ /____|\___\ |/ \___|_____\ \ /__ \_______________/[V-c!] \__________________________\ |____|\ //_/ \/ s u b u r b a n b a s e __ ______ _____________ \_\\_ __|_____________|_ ______/___________ / \___ / __ \_____ \ ______/ // |/ \ ___/ \ \ \ ____/____ \____________\ | \_________\ /__ |______|________________________ ///_/ \/ .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: 'tRISTAR ^ rEDSECTOR' | lOGO : 7 | oRDERER bY: nIKE/tRSI! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' __ /_//\______ _____ ______/\ __________ // \___(_____)__/___ \___\_____ / .-/___ ____\ / \ ___/ _____\ _\| \ __/------------------------. : |____| \ __/_____\___ \____| __/ \__|\__\ `---. : |___|\__\ /_______\ /___|____\[V-c!] tristar ^ redsector : : : : __ : : / \ __________ ___/\ _______ _____/\ __________ : : /_/\_\ \_____ /___/_ __\______/_ ___/____/__ \\___\_____ / : `--------------| \ __/ ___/ __/ \ ___/ __)__ _ / _____\ _\| \ __/--' |__|\__\ __)________\___ \____ / \___/____| __/ \__|\__\ /_____ /__ /_______\ \/______\ /________\ \//_/ .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. | -*- END OF SUB MENU -*- | read on! | -*- END OF SUB MENU -*- | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' . . : `-----------. : _ .----' \: _ \/ .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. : p a r t < t W O > - b i g c o n f e r e n c e l o g o s : `----------------------------------. . : . .----------------------------------' : . 1. [ a m i g a ] . : 2. [ a s c i i & a n s i ] : . 3. [ c o n f s ] . : 4. [ s n e s & s e g a ] . : . : : `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' aMIGA ' | lOGO : 1 | oRDERER bY: cANT REMEMBER! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' _ / //\______: :_____/\ / ____ |_____ ________________ | ___ \ / ____/ | _ \_____\______________/___ ___/ \ / | | \ _ / |\____ / | \ _ \_____| | |\/ /______| _/ / |_____// / `---------' |____/[V-c!]\______ /-----' \/ .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' aSCII & aNSI ' | lOGO : 2 | oRDERER bY: cANT REMEMBER! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' .___________ _ _________: _____/___________________ / // _____ |____ \ /________/________ / _____/ | \ \ \_____/ |________/ / | |__________/ \________| | \______| | \___________\[V-c!]| | `-----' `--------' & _________._____ _______ / _____ | \| /__________________ / _____/ | \ \ / _______________/ / | | |\______/_____ \ | \______| |___| / \ \_______| `-----' \__________ /_ \// / .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' cONFS ' | lOGO : 3 | oRDERER bY: cANT REMEMBER! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' _ / //\________ :___________ / /_______/\ ____ _______ : ______/ / \______/ __ \ \| /______:_______ \ / \ __/ \ \ \ / ________/ \ \ _ \ _________\__________/ |\_____/ ______/___________// / \/ |____|[V-c!]| | |_______| .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' sNES & sEGA ' | lOGO : 4 | oRDERER bY: cANT REMEMBER! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' _ / //\______ / ____/________ :________________ /____ \ \| / ________/_______ / \ \ \ \ / _______)__ ____/_ \____________/ |\____/_________ /___ \ |______|[V-c!] /\/ \ \ \____________/ & /\______ __________: / ____/____________________ / ___ | /____ \ ______________/___/_ ____/ | / \ \ ______)___ _____ / | | \____________/________ / / /_____| | \/_______ /_ `-----' \// / .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. | -*- END OF SUB MENU -*- | read on! | -*- END OF SUB MENU -*- | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' . . : `-----------. : _ .----' \: _ \/ .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. : p a r t < t H R E E > - b b s l o g o s : `----------------------------------. . : . .----------------------------------' : . 1. [ a c e s h i g h ] : : 2. [ a s y l u m ] : . 3. [ c r y o z o n e ] . . 4. [ c r y p t ] . : 5. [ d i a l h a r d ] : . 6. [ f a r o u t ] . . 7. [ f a r o u t ] no.2 : : 8. [ t h e l a s t i n n ] : . 9. [ m e l l o w i l l u s i o n ] . :1o. [ p r o p h e t s h o l d ] : .11. [ s l i m e w o r l d ] . :12. [ s p o r a d i c l i n e ] : . . .13. [ u n d e r c o v e r ] . : . : : `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' aCES hIGH ' | lOGO : 1 | oRDERER bY: cANT REMEMBER! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' __ _____ ___________ _____._____ /\_____ /_// __\_______/__ _______/_________ \_ | __/____/______/______._____ // ___/ \ / ___/____ ____/ / | \_______________ \ | _/ / | \ \____/ /___ \ / _ \ / / / | \ / ____|_____\ \_______ / \ \ /_____|_____\ /______ / _ \\ \__________________\[V-c!]\/__________\ \ /__ \/____|_____\ a c e s h i g h \//_/ .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' aSYLUM ' | lOGO : 2 | oRDERER bY: jUAN/tRSI! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' __ /_//\________ _______.____ ____._____ / __ _/________\__ | \_____ / | _/___ // __/ \ _______/____ \ | / _| \ \ ________ / | \_____ \ | / |/\____ \ \/ / /_____|_______\ \ \_______ / / /________\ _ //__ \______________\[V-c!]\/___________/ | \/_____//_/ |______| .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' cRYOZONE ' | lOGO : 3 | oRDERER bY: cANT REMEMBER! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' __ c r y o z o n e /_//\_______ ______.___ _____________ ._____ _____ // /______\ | \_____/_______ /______| \| /_______ / \_____/ __ \____ \ __ \ ____/ _ \ \ / _____/ / \ _ __/ | / __/ \ / \ __/ \ \ / ___/___ /___________\ \ \_______ / \________\ \__|\ / / \______|\____\[V-c!]\/_____________________________\ \/_______ //__ \//_/ .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' tHE cRYPT ' | lOGO : 4 | oRDERER bY: tOPFLiGHT/tSN! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' t h e c r y p t __ /\_________ _______.____ ______________/\\_\ // /_______\__ | \_____/______ \ / \_____/ __ /____ \ __ / \______\ __ / \ _ / | / ____ / \\ /_//_____________\ \ \________ / \\/________\ |______|\____\[V-c!] \/_________\ .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' dIAL hARD ' | lOGO : 5 | oRDERER bY: cANT REMEMBER! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' __ /_//\________ ___________ // _ _/______|________ _/____ / / \/ _______/ \ | _________/ __/ \______/ | \ |/\___ \_ __________________/ \____|______\ / \__________ / / /________\[V-c!] /___________________ _/ _/ /__ >dial hard< \ \ \____ \_________._____ _____________ __\ \_ \_______ | _/________\______ /_____________/ ____/ / | \ ___ \ / __/ _ ______/ / _ \ ____/ \ \ \ / \ /_____|_____\ | \___|\____\ __/ \\_ /______|______\ /__________ /__ \//_/ .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' fAR OUT ' | lOGO : 6 | oRDERER bY: cANT REMEMBER! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' __ /_//\__________ ______________ /\____ ___________/\ / __________/___/_ __ __/ /_____ \_________/______ \\ / _______) _____\___ __ \ / \_ / \ / _/ _______\ // \ /________/ \ / / \/ \ __/ / /__ /__________\ | \____|\ / / __________\ /_____//_/ /_______|______\ \/ \___________________ /[V-c!] \/ .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' fAR OUT ' no.2 | lOGO : 7 | oRDERER bY: cANT REMEMBER! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' __ /_//\______________ _________________ // _____________/_____/\ ___ ____/ __________/ _______/ _____ \ \ \_________ \__ ________________\ ______/ \_____|\___________ __/ \ \ /_________|_______\ / / / / \ \ _/ / __ \ \_ \ \________________/\\_\ /\__________________/ / \ ______ ____ \______.___/__ _____________ / \/ / ____/ \ | \ | \/ /_______________\ _| \\_____| /_________________\[V-c!] .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' tHE lAST iNN ' | lOGO : 8 | oRDERER bY: cANT REMEMBER! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' __ /_//\______ ___________ ____ ______ // \______/\/ ________/ ________|___ \| /_ ______ / \__|__ \ __/____ \__________/ \ / \| / /_____ _________/ \_ / L A S T \ / / \ / | | _ /______ / \ / \ / / |___________|____ / \__/ \ /____|\ / \ / \/ \/[V-c!] \______|\ //__ \//_/ .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' mELLOW iLLUSION ' | lOGO : 9 | oRDERER bY: cANT REMEMBER! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' __ /_//\_______ .____. ____/\ // _/______|_ | .____. / __ \____ _____ .-------/ _ \ ______/ |/\_|_ | / __/ \ |/\| _/ : / \ _ \ ___)___ / \ |/\___ \ / \ \------. : /_____\/_____\ /_________\ / \________\ \_ `----. : /_______ /[V-c!] |_________________ ___________/ : : \/ \/ : : >mellow Illusion< : :________________________ ___________ ____/\ : :\______________________/ _____.__/__ ____/______/______\______ _____: : \ / | | |/\__\_ | _/___. \____________ ____/ \| /: `---\ / |/\_|_ / \ _| \ | \ / \/ \ \ //-' \ / / \__________\ \_________\ /__________\ \ /__ \/|______________________________\ \ / | |\___//_/ \/ |____| .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' pROPHETS hOLD ' | lOGO : 1o | oRDERER bY: cANT REMEMBER! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' __ /_//\______ _____._____ _______/\ /_______/__________/\_______\__ | _/______/___ \_______ / \\_____ / __ \ ___ / | \ _______/ _____\ ____/ ____// | / __/ __/ \ \____/ _ \_ ____)___ |____ \ \_ ______| \ \__________\ |_____|___ /_______ / | \ \_______ \ \ |____|\__________________|[V-c!] \/ \/_________________ _/ \ \__ >prophets hold< __/ / \__ \ / ___/ \ \___________._____ _____________________/ / \_________ | _/_______/\____ \_ __ ____________/ / | \ __ \ | / / \ _/ _ \_ __/ \ |/\___ __/ \\ \ ___|_____/__________\ / \_______ /__ \/ |___________________//_/ .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' sLIME wORLD ' | lOGO : 11 | oRDERER bY: cANT REMEMBER! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' __ /_//\____ _____ / ___/_ ____ ____|_ \ _____________ /___ \| | (______) _ \/ / _____/ ___________/ \ \ |/\___ \ \ _ / ____)___ \_ ___________________\ / \_____\ \/___/ / \ \ |____________________| /________ /_____________ / / \___________ _/ _/_/ \_\_ \ \_____________ ______ ____________ __________________/ / \ _______ |/\| /_____\_____ /__ / __ _______ / \/ \ / \ / __ \ / __/ | / _ / \ \/ \ ________/ __/ \ \ \ |/\___ \/ \ \/ / \__|\____\ / \_______ /__ /_______________________________\[V-c!]\//_/ .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' sPORADIC LiNE ' | lOGO : 12 | oRDERER bY: viRUS/aRISE! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' __ /_//\______ ____/\ /\_____ _______/\ // _____/______/__ __\_________/__ ___\_____/_ \\___________ /___ \ __ / / ________ / ___/ \ ___\_______/ _ / / | \ \_____/ \/ \ / ___/ | \ _ / \ \ \_____/ /___________\ |___________\ \ \___|_____\ \/ \______\ \ __ | | | |\____\ /____________\ /___________\\_\ `---------------------' s p o r a d i c l i n e /\_. ______ ____ // | /\____|_ \| \___________ __ / |/\___/ \ \ \ _______//_/ __ / _/ \________/ \ / ___/___ /_//_____________\ \____|\____/ / [V-c!]/__________\ /_________ / \/ .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' uNDERCOVER ' | lOGO : 13 | oRDERER bY: cANT REMEMBER! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' __ /_//\____ ______/\ ____________ // / \______ ____/_______ \_________/__ __ _/ / _/ \ \| ____ / \ ________/ ____ \ / \ \ / \/ \ ____/____ \ \\ __ /____________\ \_____/_________ / /__|\_____\\_\ |_______| \/________ /[V-c!] \/ u n d e r c o v e r /\_______ ______ _____ ____________ __ / _ /_____\_ \ / /_____/__ __ _//_/ / \_____/ _____\___ \/ / _______/ ___ \\ __ // \ \ _____/ \ / ___/____ \ \ /_//___________\ \/ \____ / /__|\_____\ /_____________\ \__________ / \/ .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. | -*- END OF SUB MENU -*- | read on! | -*- END OF SUB MENU -*- | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' . . : `-----------. : _ .----' \: _ \/ .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. : p a r t < f O U R > - m i x e d l o g o s : `----------------------------------. . : . .----------------------------------' : . 1. [ g r e e t i n g s ] : . 2. [ h a l l o f f a m e ] . : 3. [ s y s o p ] : . 4. [ v - c u t ] . . : 5. [ v i r u s ] . : . : : `-------------------------------------------------------------------------' .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' gREETINGS ' | lOGO : 1 | oRDERER bY: cANT REMEMBER! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' __ /_//\____ /\_______ ________/\_______ ._________ __/_____/________/_ ______/_____/__ \__ \ ___________| _______/ \______ \____ / ___)___ ______/ _______\ \ \| ___/____/______ \ / _/ / / __/ / ___)___ |\_____/ \ \ \______ / \ \ /_______ / \ \_____ / /____|/ \___|\ __/ _/ /________\ [V-c!]\/____|\___\ \/______ / /_______\ \_________ /__ \/ \//_/ .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' hALL oF fAME ' | lOGO : 2 | oRDERER bY: mANTA/oUTLAWS | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' ____.____ __ ___ ______ ___ _____ \_ | _/___| |--___--------/ _ \_______------/ ____/__-| \/ /_____. :/ _ \ __\ |/\_ | / \_ \ ____/ / _/ _\| _ / ___/: /___|___\ \________\ |/\_ /_______\ _/ /____| _/ \ \/__/ __/_ : [V-c!]|_______\--|_______\-------|___|----------/_____|___\__|-/_____ /-' \/ .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' sYSOP ' | lOGO : 3 | oRDERER bY: cANT REMEMBER! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' _ / //\______ _________ / _____/__________/ _____/__________/\ /______ \ | \_____ \ __ \____________ _ / \ \____ \ \ \ __/ \ ____ // / \____________/ | /________ /__________/ \______/ \_______ / \/[V-c!] / | \/ \________| .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' v-CUT ' | lOGO : 4 | oRDERER bY: mE!mE!mE!mE! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' __ ______ /\_____ __________________ \_\\ \ / / /\_____\_____ / /________________ \\ \/ / _______ / / _/ / / \ \ / /______/ / \________/ /______ ______/ \ / / \_______ // | /__ \ _____/ /_______________\[V-c!]\/ |_______//_/ \/ [ V-CUT of the untouchable CLASSIC ] .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. |nAME: ' vIRUS ' | lOGO : 5 | oRDERER bY: vIRUS/aRISE! | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' __ _______._______ \_\\_ | _/ _______________ /\_____________ / | \____/_____ ____ /______/_ _______/ \ |_ / _/ \ ___/ / \_____ \ \ /________/ \ \ _/ \ \ \\ __ \_____ / \____|\_____\ \_ \__________\\_\ \/___________\[V-c!] /______________\ .----------------------------.-----------.-------------------------------. | -*- END OF SUB MENU -*- | read on! | -*- END OF SUB MENU -*- | `----------------------------`-----------`-------------------------------' -*- T H E E N D -*- (ascii respects and greetings will follow!) ascii and ansi respects goes out to these mega cool dudes : -------------------------------------------------------------------- sYz - TRE! - Z! - sc - tGo - /Y\ - dZG - jedi - MLT - jRo - skZ - xCz - bIS <eLv!s> - Sea - fckw - sLa - nUp!zS! - -yuk - c0! - ånG - HTW - fTL - -yuk cASE - eVs - rd - nK - GoTE - Mo! - uMn - eXC - cDr - -mNT - HrP! - czar personal greetings goes out to these phenomenal cool dudes: -------------------------------------------------------------------- aGRESSOR/dELIGHT - aRAGORN/tRIAD - aRMANDO/hOODLUM - bIOTECH/iFFTIC bLACK sHADOW/fAIRLIGHT - bLIZZARD/tDS - cENTURION/pREMIERE - cHRIST/cLASSIC dAMAGE/fAIRLIGHT - dEMAX/dELIGHT - dIMENSER - eLEGENCE/CLASSIC - fUZE/tENSION hARPOON/sKID rOW - hIJACKER/cLASSIC - hOTWiRE/oRiGiN - iCE/tDS - jEDI jUAN/tRSI - kID cURRY/cLASSIC - lAZER - mANO - mANTA/oUTLAWS&aRTCORE mARIE (mY gIRLFRIEND) - mFM/iNVASION - nERO/pARADOX - nIKE/dELiGHT&tRSI nORAD/lED - oZONE - rEBEL/fAIRLIGHT - rENKO - rILLE/eQUINOX - rIOTER/eQUINOX rOB!/cLASSIC - rOHAN - sEAWOLF - sHAPECHANGER - sLASHER/CLASSIC sTIX^wINTERMUTE - sY-kLONE/pROGRESS - sTALKER/cLASSIC - tARZAN/cRYSTAL tASTE/cLASSIC - tOPFLIGHT/tENSiON - tROOPER/tRIAD - tWISTER/dCS&oGN&iNV viRUS/aRISE - vITAL/hONEY - zCANDALER - zYCH/cLASSIC -*- LOOK OUT FOR MY NEXT PIECE OF ASCII COLLECTION! -*- [V-CUT/CLASSIC SIGNING OFF!] @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ.------------------------------------------. : -*- THE LAND OF LOST LEGENDS! -*- : `----. : .---.: the second ascii collection by : : :: : `---': [V-cUT of the untouchable Classic!] : .----' : : gROUP / cONFERENCE / bBS / mIXED - lOGOS : `------------------------------------------' [%::::::::::::%] rOadhOgged [%::::::::::::%] @END_FILE_ID.DIZ ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ -( [ bOONDOCKS! ] [ oNE oF tHE fASTEST iN eUROPE ] )- ____ ____ ____ _ _____|_ __|__| __|__ _____________| __|__ _________/| ____________ / _ \\___ \ \___ \/\__ \ __ \ \___ \_/ _ / |/ / _ / / _/__/ |/ \ |/ \ \ \_/ / \ |/ \ /___/ _/ __/\ \_/ / / \_ / \ / \ / / / \ / \ / \ \ \__\_ \ / _/ /_/ /_/ / / /_/ /_/ /_/ / \ \_ / \ \ ________/_______/_______/_/____/_______/_______/______/____|\ /______/ \/ \_/-rS! [tRIStAR aND rED^sECTOR ¡NC!, lSD!, oRIGIN!, hELLFIRE! & iLLUSION aMIGA eHq!] [·tRIStAR & rED^sECTOR ¡NC! cONSOLE·&·gERMAN cONSOLE sYNDICATE wORLD hQ!·] [·tRISTAR & rED^sECTOR ¡NC! /X-iNNOVATION wORLD dISTRIBUTION sITE!·] [·sUNFLEX iNC. & dEVIOUS dEZIGNS dUTCH hQ!··tHE oRGANIZED cRIME aMIGA dIST!·] sYSOP: [-s/\L-oNE!-] cOSYSOPS: [mARIO/tRSI!] [sECTORCHARGER/tRSI/tRSI/tRSI&fTH!] [aPOLLO/pDX!] [eCS/tRSI/tRSI!] [aSTRO/mOVEMENT!] [aRTIC cAT!/sNK/eDGE/oTT!] 2 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS! 3 * cREDITZ fOR mAJORS fROM yOUR oWN gROUP! --»> lATEST aMIEXPRESS vERSION 4.xX! <«-- ---»> nO nEW uSER pASSWORD aND/oR sYSTEM pASSWORD! <«--- -[ +31-(0)-548-540-653 ]--[ +31-(0)-548-521-716 ]--[ +31-(0)-548-521-848 ]- -[ 16k8 dUAL ]- -[ 16k8 dUAL ]- -[ 16k8 dUAL ]- ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ -[hANSA^ADD·SCoPE/CAF]- ______ \ __|________ Ö«É +31.(0)4192.15288 - 28k8 »«· ____\_______ / __________ ÉÖÉ +31.(0)4192.ZOEN! - 28k8 »·» \ \/ __/___…_______ \__ ___________ .-\\____ \ ___/ _\_____________ \__ _____|________ _ | \_______/\ \_______\ ________/__/_ \ ___/ //---. | \________\ sF!\ \/ /____\ \ | | \ ____/ \________\ | | -(«BACk fIRE!«)- \________/ | | | | sATAN'S FIRe [rDZ/ttAb] ÖMAJOR 0-2 DAY ASCII PACK SUPPORT! ¦ | THe ReaPeR [rDZ/uNT] Ö1.5 GIG ONLINEÖASCII REQUESTS ¦ | RiGOR MORTiS [rDZ/ttAb/sCS] ÖNO NUPÖHUGGING SYSOP CREW ¦ | =zEn= [rDZ] : | ______________________ Ö2* CREDZ FOR MAJOR UPLOADS | _\ _________________/ Ö3* CREDZ FOR MAJORS OF YOUR OWN GROUP . ¦ // ____________/ _________ ___________________ | / _|______\_______/ _\ ____________/ `--/___________| _\_______________ \ _______/_____ |__________\____________ / \ \/ // rOadhOgz! CHQ / \_________/_____\__ ____/ ttAb WHQ! /______| /_______/ |_____________/ _______________ |· \______________ | ·| ____________ _________________ | ________ ______________/ \__\_________ \___________|_ | _____\___ / \\ _ \ _/ | | |/ _/ \__________________/\ | | | / \________________/ \_________________| | \__________/ . . | | | · rOadhOgz · | __________ | |________ ____________ _________\ \ | |_ |/ \ ________________\__ ________/_ | _/ / \\/ / | | | | / / |_ /\__________________| l________| \_______________\_________/ / . l________| . l____________________/ | | | iT'S iN aRT wE tRUST! l_______________ Mo!/aC! | \______________| Ö=zEn= ÖsATAN'S FIRe ÖsAL-1 ÖRiGOR MORTiS ÖGML ÖjABBAH ÖqUBE ÖWiDGET ÖjOPiTER ÖEiNSTEiN ÖTHe ReaPeR ÖnOSFERATU ÖDiABLO ÖASHTON ÖCASTRO ÖlUCiFUGE ÖThe Doctor ÖbUT^4^wAREZ ÖbACk fIRe ÖBooNDoCKS ÖX-Treme BBS ÖkAOZ lANDZ ÖMATERiAL WORLDS ÖvIRTUAL dREAM ÖCENTRAL STATiON ÖtHE cOFFEE sHOP ÖCORRUPTiON ÖDiSCONNECTED ÖDaRK STaR ÖtHE nECRONOMICON ÖtHE pAYOFF ÖpLANET gROOVE ÖwANNA jOIN, cALL +31.4192.15288· : . _|_______ ______________________________________________:_ _ ___|_______/\__________ _________ _____________|____ \___ ___/ / / ___/\ / / /\ / ___/ \___ /\ \_/ /\_/ / / ___/\/ / / / /_// /\_/ / / / / / / / // //. /\/ / ./ / / / // ./ ./ / / / // / .// / / / / // / / / // / // / // / /__/ //__/__/_____/ / /__/__/\____/__/ //__/__/__/__/ / \__\/ \__\__\_____\/ [sK!N] \__\__\/\___\__\/ \__\__\__\__\/ _|_______________________________________________________|_ : | : * RUNNiNG HYDRA * 2 NODEZ RD! * +31-47-463321! * GENETiC WORLD HEADQUARTERS AND EFFECT DUTCH HEADQUARTERS! ZACK/GENETiC/EFFECT - HELLCAT/OUTLAWS - ANALYZER/OUTLAWS/SCOOPEX THE RAVER/EFFECT - DAZZ/OUTLAWS/ROYAL - SPACE FOR RENT !!! .-------------------------------------------------------------------------. | 1.6 GiGS * A2OOO/68O4O/68882 5OMHZ POWER * 2 NODEZ * AMiGA O-DAY ONLY | | REGiSTERED USER OF AMiEXPRESS BBS V4.X! * ONLiNE SiNCE AUGUST '1991!. | `-------------------------------------------------------------------------'