.---------( This File Came From G^Style European Headquarters )---------. | | _|______________________ _________________ _____. _______/\ ._______. /\|_ \\_ _ / _ ___ _ \/ _______ _ / \_ | \_ _ \| __ |/ \\ |/ \__/_ | \ |__ \____ \ \__/ / |_/_ | \ \ _/ _/ / ! \ ! \ ___/ \ \ \ \ / _/ \ ¦ \ \ \ \_ \_________/______/__| \______/____/dZG\__________\_:____\____/__\ / | l_____/ · \ / | 68030/68882 25MHz Power - 460Mb Online - USRobotics HST/DS 16800bps\/| | Registered User of AmiExpress BBS v3.x - Running AmiXnet (@ SWE002) | | Sysops: Danzig - Sal-One / Trsi - Jeddin / Vision - Kain / Majic 12 | | | `------------------------( Node.1 +46-17680568 )------------------------' ____/\ /\_______ __________/\ /\_______ /\________ \___ _\__/ \__ \/ _____/__\__/ \__ _\/ \_ ____/\ .---/ / / /\___ _\/ / \/ // ___/__\/-------------. | // // / /¯¯ / /// // / // / /\ Taurus | | // // / // / // // / // / / / Amiga HQ | `/ /_ / // / / /_ / / / / /----------------' /______ /___/___ /\________/______ /_______ /\_______ / /-----------------. \_____\/\___\__\/ /\_______\_____\/\______\/ /______\/ / A 12oo / o3o | | __\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ | | /\_\ CoMe AnD See The HoRNeD GoDs _____ 16.8 dS | | \/_/ /\______ / /_____/\_________ | | +46 - 346 - 56897 /\ / \__ \/ / / \_ _____/\ | | /X 3.9 - Fast Amiga - ASC¡ CNF // \// \/ // / // /\____\/ | `-------------------------------// \ / // / // / /--------' .------------------------------/______\ / / / / /---------. | MaSTeR oF HuMaNiTY ^ CaTeYe \_______ /\________ /____ / / | `-----------------------------------\_____\/ /\______\/\___\/ / ----[EaZ]-' \/ \/ \/ È ¹ 9 9 ³ a . . . . _ __¡_ _ _______/\_________/\_________/\_________/\_________/\__ ! . \ ___ ________ ________ ________ __ _____/ _ ___/\____ \/\/ | \/ _ \/ |_____/ __)______ _ \\__ \ ! \ | \ ! \ ! __// / \ ______/ | \ \ \ \_______ \_ | \______| \___ \___ \ _ _¡__ _ \_______/ \| l_______/ \_______/ \_______/ ! ! ____ . ____/ \____ · / \____/ \ _ __\____/ \____/__ _ / \____/ \ \ / \ / . ..::. \__/ \__/ \______/ ..::... . |¡ || || _ _ _____________!!_______________ _ _ ¦| :¦ ·: · s p a c e f l o w e r r e l e a s e f r o m : v i n z i _ _(_)_ (_(_)_) (_) _ _ _ _ _______________________________________________!_ _ ...::. /( ¡ __/\/ \/\__/\ | (_ \_ / \_ \___ _ _ | /\/ _ __/ | _ __/ / b e l i e f w a s a f a t h e r | _ _/ ___!_ _ h o p e w a s a m o t h e r (__ ¡ ______)| f r e e d o m w a s a s o n (_______!_ .___¡_) b u t h e h a d a b a s t a r d b r o t h e r | ¡ | | - - ------¦---O · : : f r e e d o m t r o u b l e s f r e e d o m : : · ¦ : w h e n a w i l l ' s i m p o s e d · | ¦ : - -|---|-- - m a y b e h u m a n n a t u r e ¦ `---O--- - | | t h a t t h e " I " s t a y s c l o s e d | | | `-------- - - - - ------------o---' ² | serious c o n s t i t u t i o n d r a f t e d | ? `------o b u t d r a f t y c o n s t i t u t i o n s | 777777 | |o-o-| m e a n s t h e w i n d o f c h a n g e . | | u | /|-- - _! _ l_-_ | w i l l c r e a t e c o n f u s i o n / !____ _ / ¡ T l________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _____________/ \__/ !__ _ | ________ _ _ - --\ __ /¡ ¦ (__ -\ ¡- \____/_| _ : ______) a l l i a n c e s k i n d a s h a k y \|- - | ¦(___ ! ¦ _ _!____) a n d c o v e r i n t h e s t o r m : ¡ : | p o l i t i c a l m a n o e u v e r s | /\ ..::. | a n d o l d p r o b l e m s g e t r e b o r n __/\/ \ | (_ \_ \/\_ - -O----------- - - _ _ __/ / | _ __/ ¦ f l a g s s t a r t s h o u t i n ' n o w : : o f t h e n a t i o n s t a t e s w h a t ' s a n a t i o n a l c l a i m w h e n t i m e i s g e t t i n ' l a t e ? : ¦ ! ::::: _ ::... _ _____)\ ..::: \_ \/\ __ ::::. ..... _/ _/ \/ _) ::::: :.:.. // _/ \ - - -----..:.:-:::::--------- - _- _ _/ \__ _ _ .:... .. :·:·: :·:·: .. . : · · · · · · : :: _ __¦:_ ____¦¦_) what? you could ask yourself, (____!¦__ __!!__) but you probably won't. (__!!_______ _ _ ¡¡ ¦| another ascii collection by vinzi? :| :| yes indeed! i'm back! | - --O | well, guess i couldn't stop with thizz stuff yet. | - --O-- - | | so here i am with another collection entitled | | | `----------- - - - - ----------------' : 1 9 9 3 : ¦ ¦ | - w h a t i s g o i n ' o n ? - | . | | `-------------------- - - - - -------------' · · : think about it. : : :: ..... ::. .:.:: ::::............................ . . . . .......::::: : :o--- - - :.:.. ::. :¡ ______ _ _ ::::. ::::: :¦ (_ ..... _ _ __ _ _ _____________:::::__:::.. ¦: / ··· · \_______ _ _ :·:·: .:::: ¦ /\/_ _______ _ _ · · · :.:.. | / \_ ::::: _|_/ y o u r p r o b l e m i s m y p r o b l e m :·:·: | · · · ¦ s i n c e t h e e a r t h i s d y i n ' : : w i n d k n o w s n o b o r d e r s i f t h e o z o n e s t o p s t r y i n ' ... ...:::::::. .:::... ... ..::. .:::::::.... ...::. d o w e s i n g t o g e t h e r .:.. o r d o w e s w i n g a p a r t ? : : w e f l o w t h r u e a c h o t h e r ¦ ¦ l i k e b l o o d f l o w s t h r u t h e h e a r t : _ _(_)_ (_(_)_) - - --------------------- - - - - -- g a l l i a n o (_) : : : ¦ ¦ | | | | perhaps i've included too large blocks of lyrics? | | this is - after all - an >ascii< collection! | | perhaps not that long, but i have better things | | to do than making ascii. | `------------------------------------------------------------------------O : | : spaceflower! what on earth is that? | : | ¦ to put it short: it's a new ascii collective! | ¦ | | but that's not the truth, really! | | : | | it's more like a label, which a put out : | | ¦ | | my ascii work on. | | ! - - ---' | O------------------------------------------------------------------------' | : | but perhaps, someday , somehow : |: ¦ : |¦ it'll turn out like a collective anyway! | : || | ¦ |`--- - - ! | l_________________________________________________________________ | _____) l__ _ (__________ ______) : now, it's about time to start with the ascii! (_____ ¦ »- oO -> _______) l_ _ __ for a change it will include both description (__________ ¯ ¯ _____) and big logos, gr8 isn't it? (_______ /\___________) _ _ _________/\ / \/ _ _(_)_ - --o-------------------------- - (_(_)_) | (_) | t a b l e o f | ! ! ######################## ### ### #### ##### # ## # # # ## ## ## ## ## ## ## # # # # ## ## #### ## ## ## ## ## ## # # # ## ### ## ## ## ## ## ## ## ## # #### # ## ##### # ### ### ## ## ## ## # # ## ## ## ## ######################## ## ¡ ¡ ·| | :| 0-------- - - introduction |· ¦| |: || 1----------- - - big logos |¦ - - -----|| || || 2--- - - description logos ||----- - - ¦| || :| 3--------- - - information |¦ ·| |: | 4- - greets and final words |· | | O--------------------------------O-- - | ¦ : ___________ _ \ __ _ \/ | / | - ----/ |------ - the big logos / | _ \______|(_) ¦ : ¡ ¡ _ _ ______. ! | .______ _ _ - --|---> ² insideOUT ² <-!-|-- - `-¡---> basically two of the same <-----' here comes | ¡ the sun again. | | ! ! · · · : : · . . .......:. . 16.8k DST ¦ ________ __ _ _ ¦ : _ _ __ ___ : | __/ ____ _______________| ¦________ _____ _\_ : /X3.6 | \_ ¡\_ _\_ __ ___ /| |\____ \ \_ ____/ : | / |/ \_ |/\___ \/\| |/ l \/ _)____ :¡ a12oo/o3o |/ | ¡ | \ | \ \ :| |\____|____| |_____ \ |____ \___ \ :| - - --=-==|==-=-- - | ¦ \______/ l_ _\¡_____/ \______/ ::| | ¦ ___:____ ____| _/__/ |_ .::| ¦ : \_ ·_ \ \_ | \ \_ __)__ ..::::| . : . · / l \/ ! \/ l \ . ...::::::::::| · · .:.. · . / \ \ \ - - ----->vnz| . . ..:::::::.... . \_____ \___ \___ \ ¦ \______/ \______/ \______/ : · · · . .:...... . . : · . . .......:. . : ________ __ _ _ ¦ : _ _ __ ___ : : _ __ _/ ___ _______________| ¦ _______ ____ _\_ __ _ : ¡: ((_ ¡(_ _\_ __ ___ /| |(____ \ (_ ____// : |: / |/ \_ |/\___ \/\| |/ l \/ _)____ :¡ |: / | ¡ | \ | \ \ :| |: \____|____| |_____ \ |____ \___ \ :| |:: | ¦ \______/ l_ _\¡_____/ \______/ ::| |::. ¦ __:____ ___| _/ _/ |__ .::| |::::.. : (_ ·_ \ (_ | \ (_ __/__ ..::::| !::::::::::... .· / l \/ ! \/ l \ . ...::::::::::! <----------- - - / \ \ \ - - -----------> ¡:::·:·:· · \_____ \___ \___ \ · ·:·:·:::¡ `----------------->vnz\______/--\______/--\______/--------------' ¡ ¡ _ _ ______. ! | .______ _ _ - --|---> imagine&midgard <-!-|-- - `-¡---> another co-operation. <-----' here comes | ¡ the sun again. | apx. 10 minutes after doin' | ! this i heard that from now ! on it's just imagine, but i included the logo anyway _ /(_____ _ /_____/________ _______ _____ _ ____________ _______ / / _ _ \ \____ \ / \ /____/ _ \ / \ / / / / \/ \/ \/ / / \/ \ / / / / / / / / / / ______/\__ _ _ __/_____/____/__/____/________/\___ /____/____/____/____ / / \_____\____\__\____\_______/ /\____\____\____\____\____/ / - -->vnz/________/ / ____ ___ __ _ \___\/ \________\/ / // // ///\__ _ _ _ _ _ __/___//__//_/// / _ _____________ _ /(_____ _ \___\\__\\_\\\/ /(___ / _ _ \ _________/ /____ _______ ________ ____/ /\ / / / \/____/ / \ \____ \ / _ \/ / / / / / / / / \/ \/ /____/ / / / / / / / / / / /\___/ / / /_____/__/_____/____/________/\___ /________/____/ / /________/ / \_____\__\_____\____\_______/ /\________\____\/ \________\/ _ __/________/ / \________\/ ¡ ¡ _ _ ______. ! | .______ _ _ - --|---> artsofthemagic <-!-|-- - `-¡---> well, here IS another1 <-----' my spaceflower | ¡ | and then i heard you changed | ! names... not my lucky day... ! ._______ _ _ _ __ _____________________/\| |_ _____________ __ _ \\_ _ _ _ __ __)__\ ______// _ __/\ | _ | _ --<| | ¡\_____ ¡ \ ____| | | | | | | | |____/\ \/ | | | | | l | l | \ __ _ l_____| l_____| l_____ l_____ | \/ . ¦ | l_____| \_____| \_____| . . : ¦ ! . .· · : o f t h e ·. :: _ __ _____/\ ____________________________________________ __ _ :: :: \\_ _ Y _ _ _ _ _______(____| ._____// :: :: | \_/ | _ | \__ | | | ¡ :: :: | | | | | | | | | | :: ::. | | | | | | | | | | .:: `:::::::::| | | | | l | | l |::::::::'_ <=--:----:-l_____| l_____| l_____ l__ l_____ `----:--/\/ · . l_____| ¦ | \_____| \__|>vnz\_____ _ _·_/ . : ¦ Y · · : ! · ¡ ¡ _ _ ______. ! | .______ _ _ - --|---> theBlob <-!-|-- - `-¡---> just call it! <-----' take me | ¡ high. | | ! ! __. __/ |_ _______/\ _______/\_ welcome to: \_ __)__ \_ ! .\ \_ ____/ 14.4 DST / ! .\/ _ \\/ __)_/\ 2 NODES! / \\ | \\ ! \\ 675Mb HDD! \______ \\___| \\____ \\ sum200+juicers \______/ l______/ \______/ _ __ ___________/\ _ ________. _ __ ___________/\ _ ___________/\ __ _ \\ \ \\ | \\ .\ \\ \\ \__ _ \_ \__ | \__ _ \\ \__ _ \_ / _ ___/ / |_____/\ / | \\ / _ ___/ / | .\/ | .\/ | \\/ | .\ <=-/ ! \\ ! \\ ! \\ ! \\-=> / \\ \\ \\ \\ __/ \\ \\ \\ \\ \ \\_ \\_ \\_ \\_ \____________ /____ /____ /____ / \__________/ \___________/ \___________/>vnz\__________/ s y s o p : t c c c o s y s o p s : s n o o k y a n d p h a n t o m ¡ ¡ _ _ ______. ! | .______ _ _ - --|---> sodom <-!-|-- - `-¡---> call this 1 too! <-----' spaceflower | ¡ | | ! ! ____________ __________ ________/\ __________ _____ ______ \ ______) (_ _ \ (______ \ (_ _ \ (_ _ Y _ _/ /\_____ \_/ | \\_/ | \\_/ | \\_/ \ / \ / | \\ | \\ | \\ | \\ Y \\ / l \\ l \\ l \\ l \\ | \\ _/ \\ \ \ \ | \\_ \ \_ _ \_ _ \_ _ \_ | / \ _ _ _________________________________________ _ _ | / \_________ _ _ >vnz¦ _ ____/ |· t h e y o d e l : ·| |: · :| |¦ o-----> a m i g a - 6 4 h e a d q u a r t e r s <-----o ¦| || ¦ : || ¦| : ¦ |¦ :¦ O---- - - =) + 4 6 - 3 7 0 - 4 9 9 4 1 (= - - ----O ¦: ·: :· · · ¡ ¡ _ _ ______. ! | .______ _ _ - --|---> sodom <-!-|-- - `-¡---> another1! <-----' take me | ¡ high. | | ! ! ___ _ _ /_______________ // _____ /\__ _ _ ______ _ _ __ _ _ _____//\______ ¬\__/_/____________) __/\___________________\ _ _ __ / / \______ ¬\_____ \______ ¬\_____ _ ¬\\ ( / / / / / / / / / / / /\\__ _ // / / / / / / / // ·/ _______/_______ /_______ /_______ /____/__/ / / )_ ·/_____ /\______\_______\/\_______\/\_______\/\____\_/__ / /___ _ \_____\/ / ____ ___ __ _ \/ \/ \/ >vnz\__\/ // \/ /___//__//_///\________________________ _ _ \/ - - -----\___\\__\\_\\\/----- - - s t o p /\ / /\ /\ \ \ \/ \/ / \/ f a s c i s m hmm, well... guess I'm gonna take a break here... the school started two weeks ago -- not fun at all... and the "trend" this year seems to be ultima thule -- not fun at all... actually it's worse than last year, when everybody wore metallica t-shirts. wow! it's just soo cool to be a nationalist, don't you think? get real. by the way... _______________ ________/\ ._____________ ____________. ________ _ \_ ______ _ \/ . ___ \| __ _ / \____ \_ |___\____ \\ / ___) _/ _/ | \ \ \ \__/ / ____/ | / ____/_. / | \ \_ ! \ \ \ \ / / \____ / / | \______|____\ /_______/___\____/____/ \__________| | \__________| dZG/G^S!\ / ¦ : \/ : . released their new album some weeks ago . ! 0 5 : 2 2 : 0 9 : 1 2 O F F a true masterpiece. b u t n o w , l e t ' s g o o n w i t h t h e b i g o n e s . . . ¡ ¡ _ _ ______. ! | .______ _ _ - --|---> aftershave <-!-|-- - `-¡---> no comment, really <-----' själen kan | ¡ alla språk | by the way... | ! colour is only skindeep! ! __________________________________________________ _ _ __\_____ ¬\_____ ¬\_____ ¬\_____ ¬\______ ¬\__ _ _ / __ / /____/ / /____/ /____/ _ ___/ . . ·.:. / / / __/ / / / __/__/ / ¬\ .··:.:.·. .:: /____/ /____/ /____/ /___ /____/ / ..:' ·.. · `::.. / _/_____________ _ _ _ \ / /.::::. `::::::.\ \_______/ / `::...:. ..:.::::.. /\ ________________________________/ __/_______ ::. `:: / \___ ¬\__ _/ ¬\_____ ¬\_ / \_____ ¬\ `:.. . : / / / __ / __ / / / /____/ : : / / / / / / / / / __/____ : . / /____/ /____/ /_____ /___ / . /______ / /____/ /____/ \____/>vnz\ / \____/ \____/ ¡ ¡ _ _ ______. ! | .______ _ _ - --|---> ulcompo <-!-|-- - `-¡---> everybody <-----' let harmony | has 'em ¡ take the way! | | ! ! . . ______|\__________/| _ \_ | __ |_____ _(_)_ : _ ___/ | \ | \___ _ - --(_(_)_)-- - : \\__ ! \ ! __// (_) ¦ / \ \ | | \_______ \___ \ | l_______ _ _ \________/ \________/ ¦ | ___________________________ _________________________ : | \_____ __ _ ______ Y _ _________ __ _ _/_:___ ¦ / |_____/ | \ \_/ \ ! \ | \ ___) : / ! \ ! \ | \ _____/ ! \(_____ _ \_____ \___ \___| \__ | \_____ \ ___) _(_)_ \______/ \______/ l______/ \! >vnz\______/ (__ - --(_(_)_)--- - - _ _ ________________) (_) ¡ ¡ _ _ ______. ! | .______ _ _ - --|---> sodom <-!-|-- - `-¡---> yet another1 <-----' keep hope | ¡ alive | | ! ! ______ /\ \ _ _ ________________ ____________________________\_\ \_____________________________ ___) /\ _________ _ _______________ _ ___ _ _________ _ _ _ \ (_____ \_\_____ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ___) /\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ (__ _ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \\ \ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ __ _\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (____ \ \___________/\___________/\___________/\___________/\______\__\____/ __) \/__________/\/__________/\/__________/\/__________/\/______/__/___/ (____________________________________________________ _ _ >vnz ¡ ¡ _ _ ______. ! | .______ _ _ - --|---> fortress of fear <-!-|-- - `-¡---> -??- <-----' everyone's | ¡ a star | | ! ! ! e n t e r t h e f o r t r e s s o f _____ _ _ _ ____ _ _ ____ _ _ _ _____ _ _ /(_______________________/(_______________)\_________________)\ \\\\ \°° \\___ ______ __________________ _____ __ ____/ / __)/ __)______/ _ \/ _ \ °° / | / | / | / | \ OO / !/ ! / | / | \ / / / | / | \ oo / / / | / | \ \__________\___________ \___________| \___________| \ \ \ \____________/| l____________/ /l____________/ \__________\__________\ |l__| /__// / - - -->vnz\__________l/ l__________/ /____________/ ¡ ¡ _ _ ______. ! | .______ _ _ - --|---> topuploaders <-!-|-- - `-¡---> 4thesysops <-----' what is a | ¡ question? | | ! ! ___ _ _ . | (_) |_) _ ___/|_______________/| _ _________________________________________________ _ \\_ | _______ __ |_____ _________ ______ ___ __________ __ __ // / | \ | \ | \ | \ _ \ | \ __) \ __ _/___ \/\ / | \ ____/ | \ | \ | \ | \ | \ | \ | \ \____ \_ | \____ \_ \_| \_ \_ \_| \_ \ >vnz\_____/ \! \_____/ \_____/ l_____/ \_____/ \_____/ l_____/ \_____/ ¡ ¡ _ _ ______. ! | .______ _ _ - --|---> bulletins <-!-|-- - `-¡---> not much to <-----' and what is | say... ¡ earth | | ? ! ! . . . . _ _ ___ _ ____________/|______/|______/|______________/|_ ((___)________________ _ \\_ __ __ | ___ |____ |_____ ______ __)_ | |____ __ __ // / __ __/ | \ | \ | \ __) \ | \| | | \____ \/\ / | \ | \ | \ | \ | \ | \ | | \ | \ \____ \__ \_ \_ \_ \_ \ |___| \_ \ >vnz\_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ ¦ l_____/ \_____/ ¦ : : ¡ ¡ _ _ ______. ! | .______ _ _ - --|---> amigaelite <-!-|-- - `-¡---> not here <-----' clowns are always | either.. ¡ made of space | | ! ! . ____ . __/l____________ _____(____)_________________|\ \_____ ______ Y ____| | _____________ \ _ ___/ _ \ \ / \| | \_ \ _ \___ _ \\__ | \ Y \ | | \ | __// \_____| \___| \ |____ \___| \ l______/ l______/ | \______/ l______/ . . | | __. . _ ___/l____________/| | |_/ |__ _ _______|\___ _ _ __ ______ |_____| __ ___)___ _______ _ / __) \ | \ | | \ __) \ \_____ \___ \ |____ \___ \ >vnz\______/ \______/ | \______/ \______/ | ¦ ¦ : : ¡ ¡ _ _ ______. ! | .______ _ _ - --|---> pc-elite <-!-|-- - `-¡---> <-----' has it gone | »- oO -> ¡ to stay | __ | ? ! ¯ ¯ ! ______________________________ _ _ _____\_________ ________ /_____ _ _ / | \ |______/ / _______/ ! \ \_______ | \______ \ \! e l i t e \_______/ ¡ ¡ _ _ ______. ! | .______ _ _ - --|---> edgeofsanity <-!-|-- - `-¡---> don't u know <-----' there's a space | i'm loco ¡ in my head. | ?? | ! ! : _ ________________________________________________________________ _ ¦ _ __ ___________ __ _______ ___________ ______ _______ _ ! / __) \ | \ \_ \ __) \ / | \ _) o---\____ \___ \___ \___ \--\____ \___ |------o O---->vnz\_____/---\_____/---\_____/---\_____/-------\_____/---\!------O ° : __. .__ ° : _______________________________/\___: ¦_/ |_ _ ______| \ : : \ ______________ _________ ___¦ __ __)__ __ | \ : ¦ /\____ \ _ \ | \ | | | \/ | \ ¦ | / | \ | \ | \| | | \______ \ | | \____ \____| \____| \ |___ \ | | \_______/ l______/ l______/ ¦ \___________________/ | l_________________ _ _ ¦ : | : - - -----------' ¡ ¡ _ _ ______. ! | .______ _ _ - --|---> edgeofsanity <-!-|-- - `-¡---> theuglyone <-----' evil blocking | ¡ out the light | | ! ! _ ____________________________________________________________________ _ _ ____ __________ __ ________ __________ _______ ______ _ _ _/ __/__/ / / \_ / __/__ / / / ___/\_ _ / / / / / / / / /\ / / / /\_ / / / / / / / / / / / /_________/_________/_________/_________/ · /_________/____/ · \___ _ _ \__ _ \_ _ \__ _ _ \__ _ \_ _ ______ ____________________________/\ __________________________/ / \ ______________ _____ \/ / ____ ____ / / /\____ / __ / \ \ / // // / / / / / / / /\ / // // / / / / / / / / / // // / / · / / / / / / // //\_____ / /___________/_____/ /_____/ /_____//_____// / · \ \>vnz/_____/ /_____/ \ /___________/ · \____ _ _ \_ _\ \ _ _\ \ __ _ \__ _\ \ / \__ _ \/ \__ _ \/ \_ _ _ ___\/ ¡ ¡ _ _ ______. ! | .______ _ _ - --|---> zipper <-!-|-- - `-¡---> tired of <-----' love should be | comments ¡ out of sight | ?? | ! ! : _____________ : ¦__________________________________________________ \_______ \¦ |\_______ _________ __ _______________ \ : / _______/| |/ ! \ ! \ __) \ __ ___/ : / | \! / ______/ ______/ | \ | \ ¦ \______ \ \_____ | \_____ | \______ \____| \ | _ \_______/ ¦ \! \! \_______/>vnzl_______/ | _(_)_ ¦ : ¡ `-(_(_)_)--------:--- - is breakin' in for a chat - ----------------' (_) ¡ ¡ _ _ ______. ! | .______ _ _ - --|---> chaosAD <-!-|-- - `-¡---> readable? <-----' come and taste | hope so ¡ | | ! ! __________________ _________________________________________ o------\______ __ Y _________ ____ ________ ____ / ¼¼ ¼¼ ¦ / |_____/ _ \/ _ \/ | \/\_____ \/\ ¼¼ ½¼ : / ! \ | \ | \ l \ \ ¼¼ · / \ | \ | \ \ \ ¼¼ ½½ \________ \___| \___| \____ \____ \ ¼¼ ½½ \__ _ l_______/ l______ / l_______/ \______ / \______ / ¼¼ ¾¾ ________________/ \____________________/ \ Y . ¾¼ \ \ | : ¾¾ ¼¼ - ---\____________ _________________ \--- - ¦ ¦ ¾¼ ¼¼ / \ / | \ : | ¼¼ ¼¼ / ___ \/ | \ · | ¼¼ ¼¼ / | \ | \ · | ¼¼ ¼¼ ¼½ / | \ l \ : ! ¼¼ ¼¼ ¼¼ / | \ \---:------> / | \ \.::::...¡ - - ----\ | \ \-------O \______________| \________ \ | \ | /-->vnz\ / ¦ \____ _ _ l_______________/ \______________/ : | / / ¦ _ _ ____/ _ _ ____/ : ¡ ¡ _ _ ______. ! | .______ _ _ - --|---> fatalchaos <-!-|-- - `-¡---> 4cateye. <-----' this organic | ¡ fantasy! | | ! ! _________________________________________________________________ _ __ \_______ ¬\_______ ¬\_______ ¬\_______ ¬\_ _/ (__ _ / /______/ __ / / /______/ __ / /______ _// / ___/ / / / / / / / / / // / / / / / / / / / / // /______/ /______/ / /______/ /______/ /______ / __ _ _ _______ / /________ _ _ _ /______/ >vnz\_____/ __/________________/ /_______________________________________________ \_ \_______ ¬\__ _/ ¬\_______ ¬\_ _ _________ ________/ ( / /______/ __ / __ / / /\_____ ¬\ // / / / / / / / / / / // / / / / / / / / /______ /______/ /______/ /______ /______ / /__ _ _ \_____/ _ __/______/ _ __/______/ _ __ \_____/ _ __ \_____/ \/__ _ /__ _ /___ _ \/__ _ \/__ _ ¡ ¡ _ _ ______. ! | .______ _ _ - --|---> realmofchaos <-!-|-- - `-¡---> where do <-----' my spaceflower | they get ¡ | everything from? | ! ! ___________________________________________ _ _________________ ) _______) ______________ __ _/___________ ______/ \ __ ¬\ __) ¬\ __ \ \) ¬\ ¬\ \ ¬\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_____\ \___________\_____\ \___________\_____\_\ \ \_____\ \_____\ >vnz\_____\ _______________________ _ _ _____) ______________ ¬\_______ _ _ __________ \ \ ¬\ \_____\ __________ - --(/_/__/___/-----\ \ \ __\-----(/_/__/___/-- - ______ \___________\_____\ _____________) \___________________________________________________ ) _ __ \_ _________ __ _________ ________/ \ \_______/ __ \ __ \ \ ¬\_______ ¬\ \ \ ¬\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \_____________\______\ \______\ \_____________\_____________\ \______\ \______\ ¡ ¡ _ _ ______. ! | .______ _ _ - --|---> realmofchaos <-!-|-- - `-¡---> your /F-project is <-----' take me | shaping up nicely! ¡ high. | | ! ! . _ ____________________________________________/| _ ________ __/\ _ _________ __ _________ _ ____ |___________ Y _ \ / __ ___/ __) \ _ \ | \/ \ / \ / | \ | \ | \ | \ Y \ \______| \_____ \____| \_____ \____| \ l_______/ \_______/ l_______/ \_______/ l_______/ _ _________________________ _ ______ _ ___ _________ ________ _ ______ // / /\ / | \ _) /\ \ \\ _ ___//_/__/ \____/ | \ |________/ \__\_\\___ _ ~~\\_\__\__/~~~~\_______ \____|~~~~~~~~\__/__/_//~~ \_______/ ¦ _ ___________________._____________________________________________ _ _ ________ __ | ____ _ ___ _ __ _________ _ / |______/ _ \ _ \ | \_______ \ / ! \ | \ | \ | \ | \ \_______ \____| \____| \_____ \_____ \ >vnz\_______/ l_______/ l_______/ \_______/ \_______/ ¡ ¡ _ _ ______. ! | .______ _ _ - --|---> leech <-!-|-- - `-¡--->-- - - --<-----' spaceflower | for the ¡ | authorities? | ! ! . a n o t h e r . _ ____/| _ ______________________________________________/|______________ _ ____ |________ _________ ______________ __ | ______ ¬\ / | ¬\ __) ¬\ __) ¬\ |______/ _ \ ¡ ____/ / | \ | \ | \ ! ¬\ | \| | \_______ \_____ \_____ \_____ \____| l___| >vnz\_______/ \_______/ \_______/ \_______/ l_______l___| ¡ ¡ _ _ ______. ! | .______ _ _ - --|---> aceofspades <-!-|-- - `-¡---> <-----' take me | ¡ high! | | ! ! · _ _ _ _ _ : _______)\ ________)\ ________)\ ______)\ ______)\ - ---o : \_____ \ (_ ___ /(_ _____/ (_ _ \ (_ \ ¡ ¦ / _ \/ ! \/\/ __)___ / ! \/ _____\ ! <=|===/ | \ \ ! \==/ \ _)==========> | \_____| \____ \____ \ \______ \__ | ¡ | | \ | \ | \ >vnz| \ \| | - -|-- - - l_______/ l_______/ l_______/ l_______/ ! - - --|- - | _ _ _ _ _ _ | |_________)\ ________)\ ______)\ ______)\ ________)\ ________)\| |\ ___ /(_______ \(_____ \ (_____ \ (_ _____/(__ ___ /| !/\____ \/\/ ! \ _ \/ ! \/ __)___/ \__ \/\! / \ _______/ | \ \ ! \ \ \______ \__ | \_____| \____ \____ \____ \ ¡ | \ \| | \ | \ | \ | \ `-----l_______/--!--- - - l_______/ l_______/ l_______/ l_______/ · · : : ¦ ¦ and now.. | | | | No2 | ############### | | #### ### ## ## ### # ¦ t h e | ## ## ## ## ## ### # # #### : ¦ ## ## ##### ## ## ##### ## ¦ d : ## ## ## # # #### # | e ¦ #### #### ### ### ## ## ## | s | ############### ## | c | | r `------------------------------------- - - `-- - i - --------------------------------------- - - p t i not much to say really... o i don't >exactly< feel n like doin' a logo for s every little group i've ever heard about, so it will do with o n l y tha >very< biggest... 0 1 2 3 4 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234 ------------------------------------------------ - - ___________________/\____________/\ 1 · \ ______ ! (____)_____ \ 2 : \_____ | _ --<| | | \ 3 ¦ ¡ ! | | | | ! \ 4 | | | | | | \ 5 ! | _ _ l____| l__ l____ \ 6 ¦ \_____| | | \__|vnz\_______/ 7 s k i d : __________ _ | ¦ _ __ _ __ · 8 ¦ \_ _ _)_ ¦ _ : _ Y Y \ : 1 r o w | | _ \| : | · | | | \ ¦ 2 | | | | · ! | ! ! \ | 3 ¡ `--| | | | \-' 4 | l____| l____ l____ \ 5 ¦ l_____| \_____| \_______/ 6 : - p r e s e n t s : - 7 · - x x x x x x x x x x x - 8 ------------------------------------------------- - - 0 1 2 3 4 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234 ------------------------------------------------- - - ___________________________________________1 · \_ _ __ _ __ _ ) _ _/2 : | | _/ _ _/ _ ¯¯¯7 _ | 3 ¦ | ! | | | | | | | 4 | | ____| | | | | | | 5 ! | _ | l____| l____| l____| | 6 | \__| - - --l____|----| |>vnzl_ _ | 7 p a r a - ¦ _________/\__________! |______ ¦ 8 : \______ __ _ i__ ! ___/ : 1 d o x · | | _/ | _/ _ 7 · 2 _ /\_| ! | ! | | |_ /\_3 ¡ \/ | | | | | \/ 4 | l____ l____ l____| | 5 ¦ \____| \____| l____| 6 : 7 · presents : ×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X 8 -------------------------------------------------- - - 0 1 2 3 4 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234 ------------------------------------------------- - - · 1 ___. : · 2 · _ ___/ |__ ____________________¦ : 3 : _ __ ___)__/ _ __ _____/[_ _ ¦ 4 ¦ / | \ . \____ \| | 5 | / ! \ |_____/ ! | | 6 ! / \ | / |\ | 7 / \ | / | \ | 8 t r s i \_________ /_| \________ | / | 1 \_______/ ¦ >vnz\_____¦/ | 2 ¡ : : ¦ 3 | t r i s t·a r a n d · : 4 | r e d s e c t o r i n c 5 ¦ p r e s e n t s : 6 : · -------------------------------------------------- - - 0 1 2 3 4 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234 ------------------------------------------------- - - /\_______________________________________ _1 / \ 2 · \_______ \ _ ______ _ ______ _ _______3 : | _____/ | | | | | | 4 ¦ · | | ¡ | | | | | | 5 | : | ¦ | ¦ | ¦ | ¦ | 6 ! : | ¦ | ¦ | ¦ | ¦ | 7 ¦ | | | | | 8 2 o o o a d ¦ | | | | | 1 | l_____ l_____ l_____ l_____ | 2 ¡ l__ _ \ | \____| \____l \____| 3 | | \ l_______________________/\ ¦ 4 | |presents\_______ _ ________ \ : 5 ¦ | / _ \ | \ ¦ 6 : | ×X×X×X×X×X× \_____| \____ \ | 7 · l_______ _ _ >vnzl______/- --\______/-' 8 -------------------------------------------------- - - 0 1 2 3 4 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234 ------------------------------------------------- - - . : : vinzi1 ¡ _/|___¦ _:________________ : _¦presents2 ! / | __|_ ¦____ _______ \¦_ | ¹99³3 / | \| | | \ ____/| | 4 g u e s s ? / | \ | | \ | \ | a5 \____ \ |___| \__ \ | new6 ¡ \____/ ¦ l_____/ \_____/ ¦ ascii7 | : : : collection8 ¦ : -------------------------------------------------- - - 0 1 2 3 4 12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234 ------------------------------------------------- - - . . 1 ¡ _______________|\____________________/| 2 ! \___ ____ __| __ _____ ____ __ | 3 / |___/ _ _/ | \___ \| | _ \ |__ 4 c r y s t a l / ! \ | \ | \ | \ | | \ | \ 5 \_____ \| \_ ___ \ |__| \__ \6 ¡ >vnz \___/l__________/ \___/ ! l____/ \___/7 | p r e s e n t s : x x x x x x x x x x x x 8 | | -------------------------------------------------- - - | | | _ _ ___!_ _|_) (_!_ _|_) (_!___ _ _ | | · ° o | : ()_ | o ° · ¦ (_) | _() : n | _ _ ___|_ _ (_) _ __¦ r |_______________________________________!___ _ _ | 3 | | | l___!__l____|_____ _ _____ __________ _ _ ¡ | | | | ___)| | | ¡ | | | | | | | ! | | ¦ | | | | | | | ¦ : l____|____| l____| l_________| : · l____| · - - --- 01101001010101011010010101010111001 --- - - most work by . ............ . vinzi last spaceflower-logo . ... . karma f242-logo . .............. . danzig original filesize . .. . 60000bytes releasedate . ....... . 00:21:09:93 - - --- 100101011010101101001010100101010100 --- - - _____. / |______. / | | / | | \________ | | | _ - -------l______|(_)--- - g r e e t s a n d f i n a l w o r d s yes indeed, you have finally reached the end of this first - maybe last - spaceflower prod- uction! it was made during the first weeks of the autumn ¹99³... i haven't yet made up my mind. shall i continue with the ascii or not? i probably will! there are always moments(even !! _ __ __ _) though they're rare!) when you don't have better (____ __) things to do than makin' an ascii or two... (____ _ _ but now i don't have any plans of releasing a new collection in the perspiciuous future, only time can tell when i release anotherone... and now - for the very first time - i ¡¡ ---- will include a list of the >greatest< ascii-artists in the world... _°°_ k a r m a ÷ d a n z i g ÷ g o d h e a d s y - k l o n e ÷ s h a p e c h a n g e r 9 1 1 ÷ s k i n a n d a m b l i n ermm... i just remembered that i haven't »- oO -> seen >too< many collections! sorry for __ ¯ ¯ this one! the above is probably the only painters which i've seen any ascii from, actually! (apart from some of very low quality) but there seem to be >a number< of good artists which i've missed, like > splatt, red devil, redskin etc. < perhaps i should get more involved in oo the ascii-scene, but i don't think it's ---- worth it(because of the phonebill, that is) ! well, guess i'll have to write down some ordinary greetings instead! all yodel-members(ofcourse) ÷ laski ÷ zorbas ÷ sulk -ØØ no more scene-greets... but a special thanks must _) -- go to karma and danzig for the guestart! and to everybody who voted for us at the little ecc- party in örebro, >thank you<! peace is the way that we're gonna survive! and now... a top-ten-greatest-bands-on-earth list! yep. everyone should be allowed to have his/her own taste. here's mine: 1 . ........................ . front242 2 . ......................... . theCURE 3 . ........ . rage against the machine 4 . .............. . frontline assembly 5 . .......... . einstürzende neubauten 6 . ..................... . depecheMODE 7 . .................... . skinny puppy 8 . ......................... . laibach 9 . ........................... . kmfdm 10 . ......................... . diLeva >very< difficult! there are just >too< many good bands out there! ok, enough of this boring stuff now! have fun! and here's a last piece of lyrics... _ _ _ _ .\/. ...::. _ __/l__|\__ .::... \__ _ \ ______ _ _ _ ____ _ _/ \/ _ _ _______/\ \/ (___ _ __/ _ _/\ \/\__/\ _/ \__ _ \__ _ _ _ ____/ \ _ / __ \/(_ /\/ \__/ \ / \_ _ no escape from the mass mind rape \__ _ _ __/ play it again jack and then rewind the tape play it again and again and again until ya mind is locked in believin' all the lies that they're tellin' ya buying all the products that they're sellin' ya t h e y s a y j u m p y a s a y h o w h i g h ? y a b r a i n d e a d y a g o t a f u c k i n ' b u l l e t i n y a h e a d - rage against the machine : : ¦ | | wisdom? | _ _¡_________. l___ ¡ | ----- | _________) |°| ½¾¾¼½¼¼ | (_____________ |°| ¼½¼¾½¾¼ | ______) l_|_________|_ _ (____________________|__ _ _ | | ¦ : r e a l i t y ? ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ º º º º º º º º º ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ° ° ° ° ° | | ½¼ .½ ½. | ½¾ ¼¾ ¾¾ ¾¾ ¼¾ ¡^¡ o r j u s t d e e p o n t h e s u r f a c e ? w i l l t h e ._ ________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______________ __/\__ | \\_____ ¬\_____ ¬\_____ ¬\_____ ¬\_____ ¬\_ ______________\ OO / | / /___/ _____/ _ / /___/ /___/______________ / \/ \ | /\___ \/ / / / / / / ___/_ ¯¯\/¯¯ | / / / / / / / / / / / : |/ / / / / / / / / / / ¦ /___ /___/_ /___/ /___ /___ / | | /___/ / / / /___/ /___/ | l_____________ ___/___/ ______ ________ ____/\_ _______ _______| _ ________________\_____ ¬\__ / \__ _ ¬\__ / /¬\_____ ¬\_____ ¬\_ __ _ | / /___/ /¬\_/ / / / / / /___/ _ __/// ¦ / ___/ / / / / / / / / ___/_/ / \| :_ / / / / / / / / / / / / / /| _(_)_ / / / / / / / / / / / / / | (_(_)_)-------/___/kRm/___ /___ /___ /___ /___/ /--' (_) / /___/ /___/ /___/ /___/ /___/ f a d e a w a y ? >vINZI/yODEL and by the way... the following pieces of ascii is not part this collection, miZta! · · · . .:...... . . : · . . .......:. . : ________ __ _ _ ¦ : _ _ __ ___ : : _ __ _/ ___ _______________| ¦ _______ ____ _\_ __ _ : ¡: ((_ ¡(_ _\_ __ ___ /| |(____ \ (_ ____// : |: / |/ \_ |/\___ \/\| |/ l \/ _)____ :¡ |: / | ¡ | \ | \ \ :| |: \____|____| |_____ \ |____ \___ \ :| |:: | ¦ \______/ l_ _\¡_____/ \______/ ::| |::. ¦ __:____ ___| _/ _/ |__ .::| |::::.. : (_ ·_ \ (_ | \ (_ __/__ ..::::| !::::::::::... .· / l \/ ! \/ l \ . ...::::::::::! <----------- - - / \ \ \ - - -----------> ¡ +46-346-58697 \_____ \___ \___ \ +46-346-58697¡ `----------------->vnz\______/--\______/--\______/--------------' USR 16.8 DS * A1200/030/25MHz * Amiga Elite 0-1 Days warez! * Asc² Conf [A¡RaDDer v3.1 By A¡Rcø]