.---------( This File Came From G^Style European Headquarters )---------.
 |                                                                       |
_|______________________  _________________ _____. _______/\ ._______. /\|_
 \\_ _    /  _  ___  _  \/  _______  _    / \_   | \_   _   \|  __   |/  \\
 |/   \__/_  |   \   |__ \____   \    \__/  /    |_/_   |    \   \  _/  _/
 /    !    \ !    \ ___/  \  \    \    \   /    _/   \  ¦   \     \ \    \_
 \_________/______/__|     \______/____/dZG\__________\_:____\____/__\    /
 |                   l_____/                            ·             \  /
 |  68030/68882 25MHz Power - 460Mb Online - USRobotics HST/DS 16800bps\/|
 |  Registered User of AmiExpress BBS v3.x - Running AmiXnet (@ SWE002)  |
 |  Sysops: Danzig - Sal-One / Trsi - Jeddin / Vision - Kain / Majic 12  |
 |                                                                       |
 `------------------------( Node.1 +46-17680568 )------------------------'

   ____/\    /\_______  __________/\    /\_______  /\________
   \___ _\__/  \__    \/    _____/__\__/  \__   _\/  \_ ____/\
 .---/     /     /    /\___   _\/     /    \/   //    ___/__\/-------------.
 |  //    //    /    /¯¯  /   ///    //    /    //   /    /\      Taurus   |
 | //    //    /    //   /    //    //    /    //   /    / /     Amiga HQ  |
 `/     /_    /    //   /    /     /_    /    /    /    / /----------------'
 /______ /___/___ /\________/______ /_______ /\_______ / /-----------------.
 \_____\/\___\__\/ /\_______\_____\/\______\/ /______\/ /   A 12oo / o3o   |
 |    __\/       \/                \/       \/        \/                   |
 |   /\_\  CoMe AnD See The HoRNeD GoDs            _____       16.8 dS     |
 |   \/_/                               /\______  /    /_____/\_________   |
 |             +46 - 346 - 56897   /\  /  \__   \/    /     /  \_ _____/\  |
 | /X 3.9 - Fast Amiga - ASC¡ CNF // \//   \/   //   /     //    /\____\/  |
 `-------------------------------//   \    /   //   /     //    / /--------'
 .------------------------------/______\      /    /     /     / /---------.
 | MaSTeR oF HuMaNiTY  ^  CaTeYe    \_______ /\________ /____ / /          |
 `-----------------------------------\_____\/ /\______\/\___\/ / ----[EaZ]-'
                                            \/         \/    \/

                                 ¹   9   9   ³


         .             .                                .
                                    .                               _ __¡_ _
            _______/\_________/\_________/\_________/\_________/\__     !
   .        \    ___  ________  ________   ________     __   _____/
       _ ___/\____  \/\/     |   \/    _    \/    |_____/    __)______ _
        \\__           \     !    \    |     \    !     \    !     __//
          /             \   ______/    |      \          \          \
          \_______       \_ |   \______|       \___       \___       \
   _ _¡__ _      \_______/ \|          l_______/  \_______/  \_______/
      !                     !        ____
                .               ____/    \____           ·
                               /    \____/    \
                           _ __\____/    \____/__ _
                               /    \____/    \
                               \    /    \    /
                . ..::.         \__/      \__/
                                   \______/       ..::... .
                    _  _ _____________!!_______________ _  _

                    s   p   a   c   e   f   l   o   w   e   r

                            r   e   l   e   a   s   e

                                  f   r   o   m


                                v   i   n   z   i

               _    _   _  _ _______________________________________________!_ _
  ...::.      /(                                                            ¡
         __/\/  \/\__/\                                                     |
        (_   \_ /  \_  \___ _  _                                            |
      /\/  _ __/                                                            |
 _ __/ /            b e l i e f   w a s   a   f a t h e r                   |
   _ _/                                                                  ___!_ _
                      h o p e   w a s   a   m o t h e r                 (__ ¡
                      f r e e d o m   w a s   a   s o n             (_______!_
           b u t   h e   h a d   a   b a s t a r d   b r o t h e r      |   ¡
                                                                        |   |
                                                             -  - ------¦---O
    ·                                                                   :
    :          f r e e d o m   t r o u b l e s   f r e e d o m          :
    :                                                                   ·
    ¦   :         w h e n   a   w i l l ' s   i m p o s e d             ·
    |   ¦                                                               :
 - -|---|-- -        m a y b e   h u m a n   n a t u r e                ¦
    `---O--- -                                                          |
        |     t h a t   t h e   " I "   s t a y s   c l o s e d         |
        |                                                               |
        `-------- -  -                             -  - ------------o---'
     ²                                                              |
  serious          c o n s t i t u t i o n   d r a f t e d          |
     ?                                                              `------o
               b u t   d r a f t y   c o n s t i t u t i o n s             |
   777777                                                                  |
   |o-o-|      m e a n s   t h e   w i n d   o f   c h a n g e   .         |
   | u  |                                                       /|-- -    _! _
   l_-_ |         w i l l   c r e a t e   c o n f u s i o n    / !____ _ / ¡
     T  l________________ _  _   _      _   _  _ _____________/      \__/  !__ _
     |     ________ _  _                                  - --\   __      /¡
     ¦    (__                                                 -\ ¡- \____/_| _
     : ______)    a l l i a n c e s   k i n d a   s h a k y     \|- -      |
     ¦(___                                                       !         ¦ 
  _ _!____)      a n d   c o v e r   i n   t h e   s t o r m               :
     ¡                                                                     :
     |             p o l i t i c a l   m a n o e u v e r s                 
     |                                                                  /\ ..::.
     |      a n d   o l d   p r o b l e m s   g e t   r e b o r n  __/\/  \   
     |                                                            (_   \_  \/\_
  - -O----------- -  -                                     _  _ __/        /
     |                                                                _ __/
     ¦         f l a g s   s t a r t   s h o u t i n '   n o w
     :             o f   t h e   n a t i o n   s t a t e s

                w h a t ' s   a   n a t i o n a l   c l a i m

            w h e n   t i m e   i s   g e t t i n '   l a t e   ?

              :::::                              _ 
              ::...                       _ _____)\
              ..:::                           \_   \/\  __
              ::::. .....                    _/   _/  \/ _)
              ::::: :.:..                   //       _/   \
    -  - -----..:.:-:::::--------- - _- _ _/               \__ _  _
     .:... .. :·:·: :·:·: .. .
      :       · · · · · ·
  _ __¦:_
  ____¦¦_)              what? you could ask yourself,
    __!!__)                but you probably won't.
   (__!!_______ _  _
      ¦|             another ascii collection by vinzi?
      :|                    yes indeed! i'm back!
       |                                                           - --O
       |       well, guess i couldn't stop with thizz stuff yet.       |
   - --O-- -                                                           |
       |         so here i am with another collection entitled         |
       |                                                               |
       `----------- -  -                          -  - ----------------'
       :                        1   9   9   3                          :
       ¦                                                               ¦
       |           -   w h a t   i s   g o i n '   o n ?   -           |
   .   |                                                               |
       `-------------------- -  -                    -  - -------------'
   :                           think about it.
   ::                                                      .....
   ::.                                                     .:.::
   ::::............................ .  .       .  . .......:::::  :
   :o--- -  -                                              :.:..  ::.
   :¡      ______ _  _                                     ::::.  :::::
   :¦     (_  .....    _  _ __           _  _ _____________:::::__:::..
   ¦:     /  ··· ·            \_______ _  _                :·:·:  .::::
   ¦   /\/_ _______ _  _                                   · · ·  :.:..
   |  /  \_                                                       :::::
  _|_/       y o u r   p r o b l e m   i s   m y   p r o b l e m  :·:·:
   |                                                              · · ·
   ¦           s i n c e   t h e   e a r t h   i s   d y i n '
   :              w i n d   k n o w s   n o   b o r d e r s

              i f   t h e   o z o n e   s t o p s   t r y i n '
  ...:::::::.                                         .:::...   ...
             ..::.                                            .:::::::....
 ...::.             d o   w e   s i n g   t o g e t h e r
                  o r   d o   w e   s w i n g   a p a r t ?
   :            w e   f l o w   t h r u   e a c h   o t h e r
   ¦    l i k e   b l o o d   f l o w s   t h r u   t h e   h e a r t
(_(_)_)  -  - --------------------- -  -       -  - -- g a l l i a n o

   |            perhaps i've included too large blocks of lyrics?
   |              this is - after all - an >ascii< collection!
   |             perhaps not that long, but i have better things
   |                        to do than making ascii.
        :                                                                   |
        :              spaceflower! what on earth is that?                  |
        :                                                                   |
        ¦         to put it short: it's a new ascii collective!             |
        ¦                                                                   |
        |               but that's not the truth, really!                   |
        |                                                                 : |
        |           it's more like a label, which a put out               : |
        |                                                                 ¦ |
        |                      my ascii work on.                          | |
        !                                                         -  - ---' |
   |                                                             :
   |                    but perhaps, someday , somehow           :
   |:                                                            ¦     :
   |¦               it'll turn out like a collective anyway!     |     : 
   ||                                                            |     ¦
   |`--- -  -                                                    !     | 
   l_________________________________________________________________  |
                                                                _____) l__ _
                                                                    ______) :
                  now, it's about time to start with the ascii!    (_____   ¦
   »- oO ->                                                       _______)  l_ _
      __          for a change it will include both description  (__________
     ¯  ¯                                                              _____)
                         and big logos, gr8 isn't it?                 (_______
                                              _  _ _________/\  /  

                  - --o-------------------------- - (_(_)_)
                      |                               (_)
                      |     t  a  b  l  e     o  f     |
                      !                                !
                 ###   ###  #### ##### #   ##    #      #    #
                ## ## ## ## ## ##  ## #  #  #  #  ##  ##  ####
                ##    ## ## ## ##  ## #     #  #  ##  ###   ##
                ## ## ## ## ## ##  ## #  ####  #  ##  #####  #
                 ###   ###  ## ##  ## ##    #  #  ##  ##    ## ##
                                      ######################## ##
                      ¡                                ¡
                     ·|                                |
                     :|  0-------- -  -  introduction  |·
                     ¦|                                |:
                     ||  1----------- -  -  big logos  |¦
           -  - -----||                                ||
                     ||  2--- -  -  description logos  ||----- -  -
                     ¦|                                ||
                     :|  3--------- -  -  information  |¦
                     ·|                                |:
                      |  4- -  greets and final words  |·
                      |                                |
                      O--------------------------------O-- -

                            ___________ _
                            \     __ _
                             \/   |
                             /    |
                      - ----/     |------ - the big logos
                           /      | _

                     ¡                                   ¡
        _  _ ______. !                                   | .______ _  _
               - --|--->         ² insideOUT ²         <-!-|-- -
                   `-¡---> basically two of the same <-----' 
       here comes    |                                   ¡
     the sun again.  |                                   |
                     !                                   !

              ·                          ·                              ·
              :                          :   ·              .  . .......:. .
    16.8k DST ¦    ________ __  _   _    ¦   :     _  _  __ ___         :
              | __/  ____ _______________|   ¦________  _____ _\_       :
      /X3.6   | \_  ¡\_ _\_   __   ___  /|   |\____   \ \_  ____/       :
              | /   |/   \_   |/\___  \/\|   |/   l    \/   _)____      :¡
    a12oo/o3o |/    |    ¡    |          \   |          \         \     :|
              |\____|____|    |_____      \  |____       \___      \    :|
   -  - --=-==|==-=-- -  |    ¦    \______/  l_  _\¡_____/  \______/   ::|
              |          ¦ ___:____  ____|   _/__/ |_                 .::|
              ¦          : \_ ·_   \ \_  |   \ \_  __)__           ..::::|
        .     :      .   · /   l    \/   !    \/   l    \ . ...::::::::::|
     ·    ·  .:.. ·    .  /          \         \         \ -  - ----->vnz|
   .    . ..:::::::.... . \_____      \___      \___      \              ¦
                               \______/  \______/  \______/              :

        ·                              ·                              ·
     . .:...... .  .                   :   ·              .  . .......:. .
        :        ________ __  _   _    ¦   :     _  _  __ ___         :
        : _ __ _/   ___ _______________|   ¦ _______   ____ _\_ __ _  :
       ¡:    ((_  ¡(_ _\_   __   ___  /|   |(____   \ (_  ____//      :
       |:     /   |/   \_   |/\___  \/\|   |/   l    \/   _)____      :¡
       |:    /    |    ¡    |          \   |          \         \     :|
       |:    \____|____|    |_____      \  |____       \___      \    :|
       |::             |    ¦    \______/  l_  _\¡_____/  \______/   ::|
       |::.            ¦  __:____   ___|   _/ _/ |__                .::|
       |::::..         : (_ ·_   \ (_  |   \ (_  __/__           ..::::|
       !::::::::::... .· /   l    \/   !    \/   l    \ . ...::::::::::!
     <----------- -  -  /          \         \         \ -  - ----------->
       ¡:::·:·:· ·      \_____      \___      \___      \    · ·:·:·:::¡

                     ¡                                   ¡
        _  _ ______. !                                   | .______ _  _
               - --|--->        imagine&midgard        <-!-|-- -
                   `-¡--->   another co-operation.   <-----'
       here comes    |                                   ¡
     the sun again.  |    apx. 10 minutes after doin'    |
                     !    this i heard that from now     !
                          on it's just imagine, but
                          i included the logo anyway

           /(_____ _
          /_____/________  _______    _____ _ ____________    _______
         /     /   _  _  \ \____  \  /     \  /____/   _  \  /       \
        /     /    /  /   \/       \/       \/    /    /   \/         \
       /     /    /  /    /        /        /    /    /    /    ______/\__ _
  _ __/_____/____/__/____/________/\___    /____/____/____/____      / /
      \_____\____\__\____\_______/        /\____\____\____\____\____/ /
                        - -->vnz/________/ /   ____ ___ __ _    \___\/
                                \________\/   /   //  // ///\__ _  _
                                 _    _  _ __/___//__//_/// /         _
        _____________ _         /(_____ _    \___\\__\\_\\\/         /(___
       /    _  _   \  _________/    /____  _______    ________  ____/    /\
      /     /  /    \/____/        /     \ \____  \  /   _    \/        / /
     /     /  /     /    /        /       \/       \/    /____/        / /
    /     /  /     /    /        /        /        /    /\___/        / /
   /_____/__/_____/____/________/\___    /________/____/ /  /________/ /
   \_____\__\_____\____\_______/        /\________\____\/   \________\/
                          _ __/________/ /

                     ¡                                  ¡
        _  _ ______. !                                  | .______ _  _
               - --|--->        artsofthemagic        <-!-|-- -
                   `-¡--->  well, here IS another1  <-----'
     my spaceflower  |                                  ¡
                     |   and then i heard you changed   |
                     !   names... not my lucky day...   !

                                      ._______ _  _
          _ __ _____________________/\|     |_   _____________ __ _
              \\_     _    _     _   __     __)__\     ______//
   _ __/\       |     _    |     _ --<|     |    ¡\_____     ¡
         \  ____|     |    |     |    |     |    |     |     |____/\
          \/    |     |    |     |    |     l    |     l     |      \  __ _
                l_____|    l_____|    l_____     l_____      |       \/
     .                ¦     |    l_____|    \_____|    \_____|          .
    .                 :     ¦                                !           .
    .·                ·     :  o  f     t  h  e                         ·.
    ::  _ __ _____/\ ____________________________________________ __ _  ::
    ::      \\_   _ Y _  _     _    _   _______(____|     ._____//      ::
    ::        |    \_/   |     _    |   \__    |    |     |     ¡       ::
    ::        |     |    |     |    |     |    |    |     |     |       ::
    ::.       |     |    |     |    |     |    |    |     |     |      .::
    `:::::::::|     |    |     |    |     l    |    |     l     |::::::::'_
   <=--:----:-l_____|    l_____|    l_____     l__  l_____      `----:--/\/
       ·    .       l_____|    ¦     |    \_____| \__|>vnz\_____ _  _·_/
       .                       :     ¦                          Y    ·
                               ·     :                          !

                         ¡                            ¡
            _  _ ______. !                            | .______ _  _
                   - --|--->        theBlob         <-!-|-- -
                       `-¡--->   just call it!    <-----'
              take me    |                            ¡
               high.     |                            |
                         !                            !

               __/  |_    _______/\  _______/\_
   welcome to: \_   __)__ \_   !  .\ \_   ____/          14.4 DST
               /    !   .\/    _   \\/    __)_/\         2 NODES!
              /          \\    |    \\    !    \\       675Mb HDD!
              \______     \\___|     \\____     \\    sum200+juicers
                    \______/   l______/   \______/
  _ __ ___________/\ _ ________.   _ __ ___________/\  _ ___________/\ __ _
      \\            \ \\       |       \\           .\  \\            \\
        \__    _     \_ \__    |         \__    _    \\   \__    _     \_
        /      _   ___/ /      |_____/\  /      |     \\  /      _   ___/
       /       |     .\/       |      .\/       |      \\/       |     .\
   <=-/        !      \\       !       \\       !       \\       !      \\-=>
     /                 \\               \\               \\              \\
  __/                   \\               \\               \\              \\
  \                      \\_              \\_              \\_             \\_
   \____________           /____            /____            /____           /
               \__________/    \___________/    \___________/>vnz\__________/
   s y s o p : t c c    c o s y s o p s : s n o o k y   a n d   p h a n t o m

                         ¡                            ¡
            _  _ ______. !                            | .______ _  _
                   - --|--->         sodom          <-!-|-- -
                       `-¡--->  call this 1 too!  <-----'
            spaceflower  |                            ¡
                         |                            |
                         !                            !

     ____________   __________    ________/\    __________    _____ ______
     \     ______) (_    _    \  (______    \  (_    _    \  (_  _ Y _  _/
     /\_____     \_/     |    \\_/     |    \\_/     |    \\_/    \ /    \
    /      |     \\      |     \\      |     \\      |     \\      Y     \\
   /       l      \\     l      \\     l      \\     l      \\     |      \\
 _/                \\             \             \             \    |       \\_
 \                   \_ _          \_ _          \_ _          \_  |         /
  \            _  _ _________________________________________ _  _ |        /
   \_________ _  _                                             >vnz¦ _ ____/
        |·                      t h e   y o d e l                  :   ·|
        |:                                                         ·   :|
        |¦  o-----> a m i g a - 6 4   h e a d q u a r t e r s <-----o  ¦|
        ||  ¦                                                       :  ||
        ¦|  :                                                       ¦  |¦
        :¦  O---- -  - =)   + 4 6 - 3 7 0 - 4 9 9 4 1   (= -  - ----O  ¦:
        ·:                                                             :·
         ·                                                             ·

                           ¡                        ¡
              _  _ ______. !                        | .______ _  _
                     - --|--->       sodom        <-!-|-- -
                         `-¡--->   another1!    <-----'
                take me    |                        ¡
                 high.     |                        |
                           !                        !

                ___ _  _
              //      _____   /\__ _  _     ______             _  _ __
   _  _ _____//\______   ¬\__/_/____________)  __/\___________________\
    _  _ __  /       /     \______  ¬\_____    \______  ¬\_____  _   ¬\\
          ( /       /      /    /    /    /    /    /    /    /  /    /\\__ _
          //              /         /         /         /    /  /    / //
         ·/       _______/_______  /_______  /_______  /____/__/    / / )_
        ·/_____  /\______\_______\/\_______\/\_______\/\____\_/__  / /___ _
         \_____\/ / ____ ___ __ _ \/        \/        \/  >vnz\__\/ //
                \/ /___//__//_///\________________________ _  _   \/
         -  - -----\___\\__\\_\\\/----- -  -

                              s   t   o   p
                                   / /\
                                  /\   \
                                  \   \/
                                   \/ /
                         f   a   s   c   i   s   m

               hmm, well... guess I'm gonna take a break here...

             the school started two weeks ago -- not fun at all...

    and the "trend" this year seems to be ultima thule -- not fun at all...

       actually it's worse than last year, when everybody wore metallica

    t-shirts. wow! it's just soo cool to be a nationalist, don't you think?

                                  get real.

                                 by the way... 

   _______________  ________/\ ._____________    ____________.   ________ _
   \_  ______ _   \/  .  ___  \|  __   _    /    \____   \_  |___\____   \\
   /    ___) _/  _/   |   \    \   \    \__/     /   ____/   |   /   ____/_.
  /      |   \    \_  !    \  \     \    \      /    /   \____  /    /     |
  \______|____\    /_______/___\____/____/      \__________| |  \__________|
       dZG/G^S!\  /                                          ¦   :
                \/                                           :   .
                    released their new album some weeks ago  .


            0   5   :   2   2   :   0   9   :   1   2      O   F   F

                             a true masterpiece.

                    b u t   n o w ,   l e t ' s   g o   o n

                    w i t h   t h e   b i g   o n e s . . .

                        ¡                            ¡
           _  _ ______. !                            | .______ _  _
                  - --|--->       aftershave       <-!-|-- -
                      `-¡---> no comment, really <-----'
           själen kan   |                            ¡
           alla språk   |        by the way...       |
                        !  colour is only skindeep!  !

      _  _ __\_____   ¬\_____   ¬\_____   ¬\_____   ¬\______  ¬\__ _  _
             /   __    /    /____/ /  /____/    /____/   _  ___/  .    .
     ·.:.   /    /    /    __/    /    /  /    __/__/    /   ¬\ .··:.:.·.
    .::    /____/    /____/      /____/  /___      /____/     /   ..:'   ·..
   · `::..     /   _/_____________ _  _   _  \         /     /.::::.
       `::::::.\                              \_______/     /    `::...:.
   ..:.::::..  /\    ________________________________/   __/_______ ::.
       `::    /  \___    ¬\__  _/  ¬\_____   ¬\_    /    \_____   ¬\ `:.. .
        :    /      /     /   __    /   __    /    /     /    /____/  :
        :   /      /     /    /    /    /    /    /     /    __/____  :
        .  /            /____/    /____/    /_____     /___        /  .
          /______      /    /____/    /____/     \____/>vnz\      /
                 \____/                                     \____/

                           ¡                        ¡
              _  _ ______. !                        | .______ _  _
                     - --|--->      ulcompo       <-!-|-- -
                         `-¡--->   everybody    <-----'
             let harmony   |        has 'em         ¡
            take the way!  |                        |
                           !                        !

                                 .            .
                           ______|\__________/|                    _
                           \_    |    __      |_____             _(_)_
         :            _ ___/     |     \      |     \___ _  - --(_(_)_)-- -
         :             \\__      !      \     !      __//         (_)
         ¦               /               \            \            |
         |               \_______         \___         \           |
         l_______ _  _           \________/   \________/           ¦
         |   ___________________________ _________________________ :
         |   \_____     __   _   ______ Y _ _________  __   _   _/_:___
         ¦   /    |_____/    |    \    \_/   \      !   \   |    \  ___)
         :  /     !     \    !     \    |     \    _____/   !     \(_____
         _  \_____       \___       \___|      \__ |  \_____       \  ___)
       _(_)_      \______/   \______/   l______/  \!    >vnz\______/ (__
  - --(_(_)_)--- -  -                              _  _ ________________)

                           ¡                        ¡
              _  _ ______. !                        | .______ _  _
                     - --|--->       sodom        <-!-|-- -
                         `-¡--->  yet another1  <-----'
               keep hope   |                        ¡
                 alive     |                        |
                           !                        !

                               /\     \               _  _ ________________
   ____________________________\_\     \_____________________________   ___)
  /\    _________ _  _______________  _ ___ _  _________ _  _  _     \ (_____
  \_\_____     \      \     \      \     \      \     \      \  \     \   ___)
  /\      \     \\     \     \\     \     \\     \     \\     \  \\    \ (__ _
  \ \\     \     \\     \     \\     \     \\     \     \\     \  \\    \
   \ \\     \     \      \     \      \     \      \     \      \  \     \
    \ \      \     \      \     \      \     \      \     \      \  \     \
     \ \            \            \            \            \      \  \     \
  __ _\ \            \            \            \            \      \  \     \
 (____ \ \___________/\___________/\___________/\___________/\______\__\____/
    __) \/__________/\/__________/\/__________/\/__________/\/______/__/___/
   (____________________________________________________ _  _          >vnz

                         ¡                          ¡
            _  _ ______. !                          | .______ _  _
                   - --|--->   fortress of fear   <-!-|-- -
                       `-¡--->       -??-       <-----'
            everyone's   |                          ¡
              a star     |                          |
                !        !                          !

                  e n t e r   t h e   f o r t r e s s   o f
        _____ _  _   _           ____ _     _ ____     _   _  _ _____
   _ _ /(_______________________/(_______________)\_________________)\
    \\\\                                                              \°°
       \\___     ______     __________________      _____     __  ____/
         /       __)/       __)______/       _       \/       _       \
     °° /        | /        |       /        |       /        |        \ OO
       /         !/         !      /         |      /         |         \
      /          /                /          |     /          |          \
  oo /          /                /           |    /           |           \
     \__________\___________     \___________|    \___________|            \
      \          \          \____________/|  l____________/  /l____________/
       \__________\__________\           |l__|           /__//            /
                   -  - -->vnz\__________l/  l__________/   /____________/

                          ¡                        ¡
             _  _ ______. !                        | .______ _  _
                    - --|--->    topuploaders    <-!-|-- -
                        `-¡--->   4thesysops   <-----'
              what is a   |                        ¡
              question?   |                        |
                          !                        !

                ___  _   _
       .         |  (_) |_)
 _ ___/|_______________/| _ _________________________________________________ _
  \\_  |  _______  __   |_____  _________  ______  ___  __________   __ __  //
   /   |   \    |   \   |   \   |   \   _   \   |   \   __) \  __   _/___ \/\
  /    |    \   ____/   |    \  |    \  |    \  |    \  |    \  |    \  |    \
  \____      \_ |  \____      \_      \_|     \_      \_      \_|     \_      \
   >vnz\_____/ \!       \_____/ \_____/ l_____/ \_____/ \_____/ l_____/ \_____/

                           ¡                       ¡
              _  _ ______. !                       | .______ _  _
                     - --|--->     bulletins     <-!-|-- -
                         `-¡--->  not much to  <-----'
              and what is  |         say...        ¡
                 earth     |                       |
                   ?       !                       !

                 .       .       .               . _ _ ___
  _ ____________/|______/|______/|______________/|_  ((___)________________ _
   \\_  __   __  |  ___  |____   |_____  ______  __)_ |   |____  __   __  //
    /   __ __/   |   \   |   \   |   \   __) \   |   \|   |   |   \____ \/\
   /    |    \   |    \  |    \  |    \  |    \  |    \   |   |    \  |    \
   \____      \__      \_      \_      \_      \_      \  |___|     \_      \
    >vnz\_____/  \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \_____/  ¦   l_____/ \_____/
                                                      ¦   :

                           ¡                        ¡
              _  _ ______. !                        | .______ _  _
                     - --|--->     amigaelite     <-!-|-- -
                         `-¡--->    not here    <-----'
        clowns are always  |        either..        ¡
          made of space    |                        |
                           !                        !

                   .                   ____                  .
                __/l____________ _____(____)_________________|\
                \_____   ______ Y ____|    |   _____________   \
           _ ___/    _    \    \ /   \|    |   \_    \     _    \___ _
            \\__     |     \    Y     \    |    |     \    |     __//
               \_____|      \___|      \   |____       \___|      \
                     l______/   l______/   |    \______/   l______/
                  .             .     |    |  __.             .
            _ ___/l____________/|     |    |_/  |__  _ _______|\___ _
             _ __    ______     |_____|    __   ___)___    _______ _
               /     __)   \    |     \    |    |     \    __)   \
               \_____       \___       \   |____       \___       \
                 >vnz\______/   \______/   |    \______/   \______/
                                      |    ¦
                                      ¦    :

                            ¡                       ¡
               _  _ ______. !                       | .______ _  _
                      - --|--->     pc-elite      <-!-|-- -
                          `-¡--->              <-----'
              has it gone   |       »- oO ->        ¡
                to stay     |          __           |
                   ?        !         ¯  ¯          !

                _  _ _____\_________    ________       /_____ _  _
                          /        |     \     |______/
                         /        _______/     !      \
                         \_______ |     \______        \
                                 \! e l i t e  \_______/

                         ¡                        ¡
            _  _ ______. !                        | .______ _  _
                   - --|--->    edgeofsanity    <-!-|-- -
                       `-¡--->  don't u know  <-----'
        there's a space  |        i'm loco        ¡
          in my head.    |           ??           |
                         !                        !

    :  _ ________________________________________________________________ _
    ¦ _ __   ___________   __   _______    ___________   ______    _______ _
    !   /    __)  \    |    \   \_    \    __)  \   /    |    \     _)
    o---\____      \___      \___      \___      \--\____      \___ |------o
    °                                            :  __.           .__      °
    :   _______________________________/\___:    ¦_/  |_  _ ______|  \     :
    :   \   ______________   _________   ___¦    __   __)__ __    |   \    :
    ¦   /\____    \      _    \      |    \ |    |    |    \/     |    \   ¦
    |  /     |     \     |     \     |     \|    |    |     \______     \  |
    |  \____        \____|      \____|      \    |___                    \ |
    |       \_______/    l______/    l______/    ¦   \___________________/ |
    l_________________ _  _                 ¦    :                         |
                                            :              -  - -----------'

                         ¡                        ¡
            _  _ ______. !                        | .______ _  _
                   - --|--->    edgeofsanity    <-!-|-- -
                       `-¡--->   theuglyone   <-----'
          evil blocking  |                        ¡
          out the light  |                        |
                         !                        !

      _ ____________________________________________________________________ _
     _ ____    __________    __  ________    __________   _______   ______ _
      _ _/    __/__/    /    /   \_    /    __/__    /    /    /   ___/\_ _
        /    /    /    /    /    /    /    /    /\  /    /    /    /\_ /
       /         /         /         /         / / /         /    / /
      /_________/_________/_________/_________/ · /_________/____/ ·
      \___ _  _ \__ _     \_ _      \__ _  _      \__ _     \_ _ ______
      ____________________________/\  __________________________/     /
      \    ______________     _____ \/     /   ____    ____    /     /
      /\____      /    __     /    \ \    /     //     //     /     /
     /     /     /     /     /     /\    /     //     //     /     /
    /     /     /     /     /     /     /     //     //     /     /   ·
   /           /     /     /     /     /     //     //\_____     /   
  /___________/_____/     /_____/     /_____//_____//           /   ·
  \           \>vnz/_____/     /_____/       \     /___________/   ·
   \____ _  _  \_ _\     \  _ _\     \  __ _  \__ _\           \  /
                    \__ _ \/    \__ _ \/            \_  _  _ ___\/

                          ¡                      ¡
             _  _ ______. !                      | .______ _  _
                    - --|--->      zipper      <-!-|-- -
                        `-¡--->   tired of   <-----'
          love should be  |       comments       ¡
           out of sight   |          ??          |
                          !                      !

     _____________ :    ¦__________________________________________________
     \_______     \¦    |\_______   _________   __     _______________     \
  :  /     _______/|    |/      !    \      !    \     __)   \     __   ___/
  : /      |      \!    /      ______/     ______/     |      \     |      \
  ¦ \______        \    \_____ |    \_____ |    \______        \____|       \
  |    _   \_______/    ¦     \!          \!           \_______/>vnzl_______/
  |  _(_)_         ¦    :                                                 ¡
  `-(_(_)_)--------:--- -   is breakin' in for a chat   - ----------------'

                         ¡                       ¡
            _  _ ______. !                       | .______ _  _
                   - --|--->      chaosAD      <-!-|-- -
                       `-¡--->   readable?   <-----'
         come and taste  |        hope so        ¡
                         |                       |
                         !                       !

          __________________ _________________________________________
   o------\______     __    Y   _________   ____    ________   ____  /  ¼¼  ¼¼
   ¦      /     |_____/     _    \/     _    \/     |    \/\_____  \/\  ¼¼  ½¼
   :     /      !     \     |     \     |     \     l     \           \   ¼¼
   ·    /              \    |      \    |      \           \           \  ¼¼
  ½½    \________       \___|       \___|       \____       \____       \   ¼¼
  ½½     \__ _  l_______/   l______ /   l_______/   \______ /   \______ /   ¼¼
    ¾¾           ________________/  \____________________/  \          Y     .
    ¾¼           \                                           \         |     :
  ¾¾  ¼¼     - ---\____________      _________________        \--- -   ¦     ¦
  ¾¼  ¼¼          /                    \  /          |         \       :     |
    ¼¼  ¼¼       /          ___         \/           |          \      ·     |
    ¼¼  ¼¼      /            |           \           |           \     ·     |
  ¼¼  ¼¼  ¼½   /             |            \          l            \    :     !
  ¼¼  ¼¼  ¼¼  /              |             \                       \---:------>
             /               |              \                       \.::::...¡
    -  - ----\               |               \                       \-------O
              \______________|                \________               \      |
               \             |                /-->vnz\                /      ¦
                \____ _  _   l_______________/        \______________/       :
                             |              /                       /
                             ¦   _   _ ____/              _  _ ____/

                         ¡                        ¡
            _  _ ______. !                        | .______ _  _
                   - --|--->     fatalchaos     <-!-|-- -
                       `-¡--->    4cateye.    <-----'
           this organic  |                        ¡
             fantasy!    |                        |
                         !                        !

     _________________________________________________________________  _ __
     \_______     ¬\_______     ¬\_______     ¬\_______     ¬\_     _/     (__ _
     /      /______/     __      /  /   /______/     __      /      /______ _//
    /      ___/   /      /      /  /      /   /      /      /      /      //
   /      /      /      /      /  /      /   /      /      /             //
  /______/      /______/      /  /______/   /______/      /______       /
     __ _   _ _______ /      /________ _  _   _   /______/   >vnz\_____/
  __/________________/      /_______________________________________________
  \_ \_______     ¬\__    _/    ¬\_______     ¬\_ _   _________    ________/
   ( /      /______/     __      /     __      /      /      /\_____     ¬\
   //      /      /      /      /      /      /      /      /      /      /
  //             /      /      /      /      /             /      /      /
  /______       /______/      /______/      /______       /______       /
 /__ _ _ \_____/  _ __/______/  _ __/______/  _ __ \_____/  _ __ \_____/
        \/__ _       /__ _         /___ _         \/__ _        \/__ _

                        ¡                            ¡
           _  _ ______. !                            | .______ _  _
                  - --|--->      realmofchaos      <-!-|-- -
                      `-¡--->      where do      <-----'
        my spaceflower  |          they get          ¡
                        |      everything from?      |
                        !                            !

  ___________________________________________ _ _________________
  )    _______)    ______________    __    _/___________  ______/
  \     __   ¬\      __) ¬\     __    \     \)   ¬\    ¬\ \    ¬\
   \     \     \     \     \     \     \     \     \     \ \     \
    \_____\     \___________\_____\     \___________\_____\_\     \
           \_____\                 \_____\               >vnz\_____\
               _   _ _____)    ______________   ¬\_______ _  _
            __________    \     \    ¬\     \_____\    __________
       - --(/_/__/___/-----\     \     \      __\-----(/_/__/___/-- -
                ______      \___________\_____\
   _____________)     \___________________________________________________
   )     _        __   \_     _________     __     _________     ________/
   \      \_______/     __     \      __     \      \     ¬\_______     ¬\
    \      \     ¬\      \      \      \      \      \      \      \      \
     \             \      \      \      \      \             \             \
      \_____________\______\      \______\      \_____________\_____________\
                            \______\      \______\

                        ¡                            ¡
           _  _ ______. !                            | .______ _  _
                  - --|--->      realmofchaos      <-!-|-- -
                      `-¡---> your /F-project is <-----'
             take me    |     shaping up nicely!     ¡
              high.     |                            |
                        !                            !

     _ ____________________________________________/|  _ ________ __/\
    _ _________     __    _________    _    ____    |___________ Y _  \
       /    __   ___/     __)   \      _     \      |     \/    \ /    \
      /      |      \     |      \     |      \     |      \     Y      \
      \______|       \_____       \____|       \_____       \____|       \
             l_______/    \_______/    l_______/    \_______/    l_______/
                          _ _________________________ _
               ______    _ ___    _________   ________ _  ______
              // /  /\      /     |     \      _)        /\  \ \\
        _ ___//_/__/  \____/      |      \     |________/  \__\_\\___ _
           ~~\\_\__\__/~~~~\_______       \____|~~~~~~~~\__/__/_//~~
                                  \_______/    ¦
     _ ___________________._____________________________________________ _
    _ ________      __    |    ____    _    ___     _    __     _________ _
       /     |______/     _     \      _     \      |     \_______     \
      /      !      \     |      \     |      \     |      \     |      \
      \_______       \____|       \____|       \_____       \_____       \
         >vnz\_______/    l_______/    l_______/    \_______/    \_______/

                          ¡                         ¡
             _  _ ______. !                         | .______ _  _
                    - --|--->        leech        <-!-|-- -
                        `-¡--->-- -         - --<-----'
             spaceflower  |         for the         ¡
                          |       authorities?      |
                          !                         !

          .                      a n o t h e r                .
   _ ____/|  _ ______________________________________________/|______________ 
  _ ____  |________    _________    ______________      __    |    ______   ¬\
    /     |    ¬\      __)  ¬\      __)  ¬\      |______/     _     \ ¡  ____/
   /      |      \     |      \     |      \     !     ¬\     |      \|   | 
   \_______       \_____       \_____       \_____       \____|       l___| 
      >vnz\_______/    \_______/    \_______/    \_______/    l_______l___| 

                          ¡                         ¡
             _  _ ______. !                         | .______ _  _
                    - --|--->     aceofspades     <-!-|-- -
                        `-¡--->                 <-----'
               take me    |                         ¡
                high!     |                         |
                          !                         !

      ·           _            _          _            _          _
      :    _______)\   ________)\ ________)\     ______)\   ______)\ - ---o
      :    \_____   \ (_   ___  /(_   _____/    (_   _   \ (_       \     ¡
      ¦    /    _    \/    !  \/\/    __)___    /    !    \/    _____\    !
    <=|===/     |     \          \    !     \==/           \    _)==========>
      |   \_____|      \____      \____      \ \______      \__ |         ¡
      |         |       \  |       \  |       \  >vnz|       \ \|         |
   - -|-- -  -  l_______/  l_______/  l_______/      l_______/  !  -  - --|- -
      |         _          _         _          _            _          _ |
      |_________)\ ________)\  ______)\   ______)\   ________)\ ________)\|
      |\    ___  /(_______   \(_____   \ (_____   \ (_   _____/(__  ___  /|
      !/\____  \/\/      !    \    _    \/    !    \/    __)___/  \__  \/\!
      /           \    _______/    |     \          \    !     \          \
      \______      \__ |     \_____|      \____      \____      \____      \
      ¡     |       \ \|           |       \  |       \  |       \  |       \
      `-----l_______/--!--- -  -   l_______/  l_______/  l_______/  l_______/

             ·           :
             :           ¦
             ¦ and now.. |
             |           |
             |    No2    |                  ###############
             |           |   ####   ###   ##  ##   ###    #
             ¦   t h e   |   ## ## ## ## ## ###  #  #  ####
             :           ¦   ## ## #####  ## ##  #####   ##
             ¦     d     :   ## ## ##         #  #  ####  #
             |     e     ¦   ####   #### ### ###   ##    ## ##
             |     s     |                  ############### ##
             |     c     |
             |     r     `------------------------------------- -  -
             `-- - i - --------------------------------------- -  -
                   i      not much to say really...
                   o      i don't >exactly< feel
                   n      like doin' a logo for
                   s      every little group
                          i've ever heard
                          about, so it
                          will do


                          tha >very< biggest...

0        1         2         3         4
------------------------------------------------ -  -

  ___________________/\____________/\       1              ·
  \     ______    !    (____)_____   \      2              :
   \_____    |    _ --<|    |    |    \     3              ¦
   ¡    !    |    |    |    |    !     \    4              |
   |         |    |    |    |           \   5              !
   | _ _     l____|    l__  l____        \  6
   ¦    \_____|   |     | \__|vnz\_______/  7           s k i d
   : __________ _ |     ¦ _ __ _ __     ·   8
   ¦ \_    _  _)_ ¦  _  : _   Y Y  \    :   1            r o w
   |  |    _   \| :  |  · |   | |   \   ¦   2
   |  |    |    | ·  !    |   ! !    \  |   3              ¡
   `--|    |    |         |           \-'   4              |
      l____|    l____     l____        \    5              ¦
           l_____|   \_____|   \_______/    6              :
            - p r e s e n t s : -           7              ·
          - x x x x x x x x x x x -         8

------------------------------------------------- -  -

0        1         2         3         4
------------------------------------------------- -  -

 ___________________________________________1              ·
 \_      _  __   _    __   _   )     _    _/2              :
  |      |  _/   _    _/   _ ¯¯¯7    _    | 3              ¦
  |      !  |    |    |    |    |    |    | 4              |
  |     ____|    |    |    |    |    |    | 5              !
  | _   |   l____|    l____|    l____|    | 6 
  |  \__| -  - --l____|----|    |>vnzl_ _ | 7           p a r a -
  ¦   _________/\__________!    |______   ¦ 8 
  :   \______    __   _    i__  !  ___/   : 1            d o x
  ·    |    |    _/   |    _/   _    7    · 2 
 _  /\_|    !    |    !    |    |    |_  /\_3              ¡
  \/   |         |         |    |    | \/   4              |
       l____     l____     l____|    |      5              ¦
            \____|    \____|    l____|      6              :
                                            7              ·
       presents : ×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X×X      8

-------------------------------------------------- -  -

0        1         2         3         4
------------------------------------------------- -  -

                                     ·      1
       ___.                          :    · 2              ·
 _ ___/   |__    ____________________¦    : 3              :
  _ __    ___)__/       _ __   _____/[_ _ ¦ 4              ¦
    /     |     \    .     \____    \|    | 5              |
   /      !      \   |_____/   !     |    | 6              !
  /               \  |  /            |\   | 7 
 /                 \ | /             | \  | 8           t r s i
 \_________        /_| \________     | /  | 1 
          \_______/  ¦     >vnz\_____¦/   | 2              ¡
                     :               :    ¦ 3              |
            t r i s t·a r   a n d    ·    : 4              |
         r e d   s e c t o r   i n c        5              ¦
              p r e s e n t s :             6              :

-------------------------------------------------- -  -

0        1         2         3         4
------------------------------------------------- -  -

 /\_______________________________________ _1
/          \                                2              ·
\_______    \  _ ______  _ ______  _ _______3              :
  |    _____/    |    |    |    |    |    | 4              ¦
· |    |    ¡    |    |    |    |    |    | 5              |
: |    ¦    |    ¦    |    ¦    |    ¦    | 6              !
: |    ¦    |    ¦    |    ¦    |    ¦    | 7 
¦ |         |         |         |         | 8         2 o o o a d
¦ |         |         |         |         | 1 
| l_____    l_____    l_____    l_____    | 2              ¡
l__ _  \    |    \____|    \____l    \____| 3              |
|       \   l_______________________/\    ¦ 4              |
|presents\_______    _    ________    \   : 5              ¦
|              /     _     \     |     \  ¦ 6              :
| ×X×X×X×X×X×  \_____|      \____       \ | 7              ·
l_______ _  _    >vnzl______/- --\______/-' 8

-------------------------------------------------- -  -

0        1         2         3         4
------------------------------------------------- -  -

     .   :                         :   vinzi1              ¡
   _/|___¦  _:________________ :  _¦presents2              !
  /  | __|_  ¦____  _______   \¦_  |    ¹99³3 
 /   |  \|   |   |   \    ____/|   |        4         g u e s s ?   
/    |   \   |   |    \   |    \   |       a5 
\____     \  |___|     \__      \  |     new6              ¡
     \____/  ¦   l_____/  \_____/  ¦   ascii7              |
         :   :                 :  collection8              ¦
-------------------------------------------------- -  -     

0        1         2         3         4
------------------------------------------------- -  -

                .                      .    1              ¡
 _______________|\____________________/|    2              !
 \___   ____  __| __  _____  ____ __   |    3
 /  |___/ _  _/ |  \___  \|  |  _  \   |__  4        c r y s t a l
/   !   \ |   \ |   \ |   \  |  |   \  |  \ 5
\_____   \|    \_    ___   \ |__|    \__   \6              ¡
>vnz \___/l__________/ \___/ !  l____/ \___/7              |
  p r e s e n t s : x x x x x x x x x x x x 8              |
-------------------------------------------------- -  -    |
                                                   _  _ ___!_
                                                         (_!___ _  _
                    · ° o                                  |
                   :     ()_                               |
          o ° ·    ¦      (_)                              |
       _()     : n |                               _  _ ___|_ _
      (_)  _ __¦ r |_______________________________________!___ _  _
               | 3 |  |    |
               l___!__l____|_____    _    _____    __________ _  _
                   ¡  |    |    |    |    ___)|    |    |  ¡
                   |  |    |    |    |    |   |    !    |  |
                   ¦  |    |    |    |    |   |         |  ¦
                   :  l____|____|    l____|   l_________|  :
                   ·            l____|                     ·

             -  - --- 01101001010101011010010101010111001 --- -  -

                      most work by . ............ . vinzi

                      last spaceflower-logo . ... . karma

                      f242-logo . .............. . danzig

                      original filesize . .. . 60000bytes

                      releasedate . ....... . 00:21:09:93

             -  - --- 100101011010101101001010100101010100 --- -  -

                             /     |______.
                            /      |      |
                           /       |      |
                           \________      |
                                   |      | _
                          - -------l______|(_)--- -

                 g r e e t s   a n d    f i n a l   w o r d s

                 yes indeed, you have finally reached the end             

                of this first - maybe last - spaceflower prod-           

                uction! it was made during the first weeks of             

                   the autumn ¹99³... i haven't yet made up               

               my mind. shall i continue with the ascii or not?  

                i probably will! there are always moments(even       !!  
  _ __                                                               __
     _)        though they're rare!) when you don't have better   
       __)        things to do than makin' an ascii or two...    
      (____ _  _ 

                 but now i don't have any plans of releasing a 

                   new collection in the perspiciuous future,  

                only time can tell when i release anotherone...        

                     and now - for the very first time - i        
     ----            will include a list of the >greatest<            

                         ascii-artists in the world...                     

                    k a r m a ÷ d a n z i g ÷ g o d h e a d           

                   s y - k l o n e ÷ s h a p e c h a n g e r             

                       9 1 1 ÷ s k i n a n d a m b l i n           

                    ermm... i just remembered that i haven't   
    »- oO ->         seen >too< many collections! sorry for     
      ¯  ¯          this one! the above is probably the only    

                    painters which i've seen any ascii from,   

                actually! (apart from some of very low quality)   

                    but there seem to be >a number< of good      

                        artists which i've missed, like 

                      > splatt, red devil, redskin etc. <           

                     perhaps i should get more involved in              
                    the ascii-scene, but i don't think it's      ----

                  worth it(because of the phonebill, that is)          


                   well, guess i'll have to write down some  

                         ordinary greetings instead!                       

             all yodel-members(ofcourse) ÷ laski ÷ zorbas ÷ sulk 

    -ØØ       no more scene-greets... but a special thanks must         
     --            go to karma and danzig for the guestart!                  

             and to everybody who voted for us at the little ecc-      

                        party in örebro, >thank you<!        

                 peace is the way that we're gonna survive!

              and now... a top-ten-greatest-bands-on-earth list! 

          yep. everyone should be allowed to have his/her own taste.        

                                 here's mine:                                 

                    1 . ........................ . front242  

                    2 . ......................... . theCURE                                                 

                    3 . ........ . rage against the machine        

                    4 . .............. . frontline assembly                 

                    5 . .......... . einstürzende neubauten

                    6 . ..................... . depecheMODE                                                        

                    7 . .................... . skinny puppy                                                       

                    8 . ......................... . laibach                                                      

                    9 . ........................... . kmfdm                                                       

                    10 . ......................... . diLeva                                                      

                  >very< difficult! there are just >too< many                                   

                            good bands out there!                                                     

               ok, enough of this boring stuff now! have fun!      

                     and here's a last piece of lyrics...            

              _ _  _ _
                .\/.                          ...::.
           _ __/l__|\__      .::...
              \__ _    \  ______ _  _                  _ ____ _
             _/         \/             _  _ _______/\     \/
            (___    _ __/ _ _/\                      \/\__/\
            _/  \__ _          \__ _            _  _ ____/  \  _
           /                                            __   \/(_
        /\/                                               \__/   \
       /  \_ _        no escape from the mass mind rape           \__ _
  _ __/
                play it again jack and then rewind the tape

                     play it again and again and again

                         until ya mind is locked in

               believin' all the lies that they're tellin' ya

               buying all the products that they're sellin' ya

                          t h e y   s a y   j u m p

                       y a   s a y   h o w   h i g h ?

                          y a   b r a i n   d e a d

     y a   g o t   a   f u c k i n '   b u l l e t   i n   y a   h e a d

                                              - rage against the machine

                |             wisdom?
                |        _ _¡_________.
                l___      ¡ |  -----  |
           _________)     |°| ½¾¾¼½¼¼ |
          (_____________  |°| ¼½¼¾½¾¼ |
                  ______) l_|_________|_ _
                 (____________________|__ _  _

                               r e a l i t y ?                         

                              ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤
                              º º º º º º º º º
                              ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷ ÷   ÷ ÷ ÷
                              ° °   ° °   °
                                |     |
                              ½¼   .½   ½. | ½¾
                              ¼¾   ¾¾   ¾¾   ¼¾


                                o r   j u s t

                   d e e p   o n   t h e   s u r f a c e ?

                                   w i l l
                                    t h e
      ._ ________ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______________ __/\__
      | \\_____ ¬\_____ ¬\_____ ¬\_____ ¬\_____ ¬\_ ______________\ OO /
      |   /   /___/  _____/  _    /   /___/   /___/______________ / \/ \
      |  /\___  \/   /   /   /   /   /   /  ___/_                 ¯¯\/¯¯
      | /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /                    :
      |/   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /                     ¦
      /___    /___/_  /___/   /___    /___    /                      |
      |  /___/   /       /   /   /___/   /___/                       |
      l_____________ ___/___/ ______ ________ ____/\_ _______ _______|
   _ ________________\_____ ¬\__   / \__  _ ¬\__ / /¬\_____ ¬\_____ ¬\_  __ _
      |               /   /___/   /¬\_/   /   / / /   /   /___/  _  __///
      ¦              /  ___/ /   /   /   /   / / /   /  ___/_/   /  \|
      :_            /   /   /   /   /   /   / / /   /   /   /   /   /|
     _(_)_         /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   /   / |
    (_(_)_)-------/___/kRm/___    /___    /___    /___    /___/   /--'
      (_)            /       /___/   /___/   /___/   /___/   /___/
                                   f a d e
                                   a w a y



and by the way...
the following pieces
of ascii is not part
this collection, miZta!

       ·                              ·                              ·   
    . .:...... .  .                   :   ·              .  . .......:. .
       :        ________ __  _   _    ¦   :     _  _  __ ___         :   
       : _ __ _/   ___ _______________|   ¦ _______   ____ _\_ __ _  :   
      ¡:    ((_  ¡(_ _\_   __   ___  /|   |(____   \ (_  ____//      :   
      |:     /   |/   \_   |/\___  \/\|   |/   l    \/   _)____      :¡  
      |:    /    |    ¡    |          \   |          \         \     :|  
      |:    \____|____|    |_____      \  |____       \___      \    :|  
      |::             |    ¦    \______/  l_  _\¡_____/  \______/   ::|  
      |::.            ¦  __:____   ___|   _/ _/ |__                .::|  
      |::::..         : (_ ·_   \ (_  |   \ (_  __/__           ..::::|  
      !::::::::::... .· /   l    \/   !    \/   l    \ . ...::::::::::!  
    <----------- -  -  /          \         \         \ -  - ----------->
      ¡ +46-346-58697  \_____      \___      \___      \ +46-346-58697¡  

  USR 16.8 DS * A1200/030/25MHz * Amiga Elite 0-1 Days warez! * Asc² Conf
                                                     [A¡RaDDer v3.1 By A¡Rcø]