... _ _ _ _ ... :::: \\\ sTAGE 1 cOMPLEtED <> pAsSED tHRoUGH TY /// :::: :::_ .___. \ / _::: :://-- | |-----\ 24h Static Telnet on 768/128k ADSL /--------// :: |. .___. _:____ _ ___ _: _ _| |_ \_ // // /____ __ _ cONSOLES/aSCII/aMIGA/gRAFF/=C64 \: \\\_ _/__/ /___ _ /__||/// mOD/mP3/hANDhELD aRCHIVE ____ | |_ \_\ \ /____/ _ _____ _ _____ ./ _/ . . /_ \________\________\\ ._) _ \\______\__ \____| \_ _ _: _ : \______\\t^/lp! ____ | _/ / / \ _| _////__\\ / /___ \ \ __ \\ _/__\| \ :/ tHE hOTTEST sCENE sPOT! _ / / __//__\______\\_\ /_____/ \ \ : : _ //_____\\: \ /___| \_________\ _. -.----\\-----------------------| |----- .-----------||-------- ----/: | tHE iDEA oF sTYLE iS tHE kEYl___|tO aLL fORMs oF rOCKiNG - TY 9602 |_ -@----------------------------._____.---------------------------------@ [*BK/rYL/LFC/pHT/OS/dS!/dTR/LP!/aSL/UP!/bS/MVP/aHs/sOIA/dKN/bM/b-gIRL*] - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - ______ _ __ _______ ___________ ___.______ ____ ._____ __ / / :__.______ _________ /__ \_ ___/_ | _/_ \| _/_ / _/_ | :_ /__ __/__ ___/__ -M- _____/ | / \ \ / / | |/___/ /_ / \ _________\ __________/____\______/ \_____/ |_________/_________/_________ _ __ _______\ : : funkiest, the place with the funk. lots of modules by different artists, from different groups with different styles. allso lots of great painted graffitis from all around the world, by all famous/unfamous painters. funkiest has got lots of ascii collys too, all available for download. we support allso lots of funky groups. sysop is hash, and the other guys are phane, strode, darkman _ ________________________________________________________________________ _ _ _____________________________ \._ _ _./ \/// \/ | | _ _| |_ _ __ _._ __ _________///_/ (_\\\__________________(_// |//_/// "We used to hate people, now we just make fun of them..." / _ __/ ___________________________________/ | (____________ . . ___________________________) | \___ : : _________________) -Nicole Blackman (KMFDM) | . \____________________ DOGMA off of XTORT _._ _____________________ __. / _ __\| \\\_) _/ "...It's more effective that way." \\\_\\__ _ | \______________________.__ _ . /_/// | | | | | . | | __ _| |_ _ \\_\\|_ _|/// _____________________._) (_.________________________ ._\ /_. | Mark Ryder of Mo'Soul was so entheusiastic after seeing a couple of | | Hiro Protagonist's collies, that he just HAD to tell everyone how | . cool we actually were. Read his heartfelt praise! | |______________________. ._________________________| | _ ___ _ _ | _.|_//__/// \_|. __ _ cUtHeRe.............. \_| ....................... |_\\_\\\\ ..........cUtHeRe *---------------------------------------------------------------------------* d | | a | I am here to tell you a little secret about how to keep your filelistings | s | C L E A N of ascii-shit/wanna-be/lame/ripper/low_quality collections | t | | a | N U : K E | r |_______________ ............... | ___________................. | d ___ /... ::::::::::::::: |/ /:::::::..... | l |/ /:::: ::::::::::::::: / /:::::::: ............! y / /::::: ::::::::::::::: ___ _____/_:::::::: ::::::::::::: d / /:::::: ::::::::::::::: \ \::::::: ::::::::::::: e ___________/:::::::.::::::::::::::' _\\\ \::::::.::::::::::::: e | | \_____________\ | d | N U K E T H I S S H I T | : | z | : it has come to my attention that a n e w | d | ascii crew has started. or maybe it isn't new, it's just old but too lame | a | to remember? that certainly would explain a lot. who am I talking about ? | s | | t | "WU-TIGER.TXT" ÷÷ "WU-FDTD.TXT" | a | | r | download those for a quick introduction to the "DAMN!!, I'VE SEEN MOST OF | d | THESE STYLES BEFORE!" experience. what'r they called ... wu-trank? w h y | l | not call it WU-WANKER? that's what it is. a bunch of WANKERS who think it | y | is cool to be ripping people off. dammit, is it so cool to rip people off | d | like certain AZKINESS and SAVE OUR SOULS member(s) have done? are t h e y | e | the role-models for the future generation of ascii wanna-be's? then we | e | surely all are fucked. hm, did PIONEER DESIGN have some ripper too? can't | d | say I remember, but is that really a problem? it sucks like t h e rest of | z | the mentioned groups so why not auto-nuke it? | d | | a | IF I HAD AN AUTO-NUKE SCRIPT | s | | t | P^D#?.TXT ÷ AZK#?.TXT ÷ WU#?.TXT ÷ SOS#?.TXT | a | | r | I'D N U K E ' E M ALL | d | | l | now I can say no more because I havn't downloaded much since last. all I | y | know is that what HAS sucked, STILL sucks and that the future looks like | d | the bottom of a sheep after mr.farmer has had his way with it. to put it | e | in another way, it's fucked. | e | | d | ·FUCK SAVE OUR SOULS! FUCK PIONEER DESIGN! FUCK WU-TRANK! FUCK AZKINESS!· | z | | ! *--------------(you thought this colly would be opinion-free? what a shame)-* ! cUtHeRe...............................................................cUtHeRe Mark Ryder, "You're living in a state of denial and rage motherfucker!" In other words, look through my colly, my reply to your praise is at the end! Anyone else interested in k-rad ascii bickering can read my reply also! _ ___ ______ _____ _._ _._ ____ ____ _______ ((____//\\| |//\___\\___)) : /__\| . \/___/ : . | | | . Ö | "It's a crack!..." | . | | | | | | Ö | "I'm back!..." | . | | | | | | Ö Ö "Yeah I'm standing on the rooftops shouting out" . . | | | | | | | | Ö | "Baby I'm ready to go!" | . | | | | Ö | "I'm back and ready to go!" | . | | | | _ ___ _ /\ _|_ | )_________////__\\| | . | _|_ /\ _ __ _ |//__\\\\_______________) __________ ________ . _ __ ________\ /_\ \______________ __ _ \\\_\\ ._ / .|\ \ ._ //_/// \ .|/ /_ .|/ /\ .|/ \wH0!tK _\_____| __ / /_ \ .|___ \__ _\ .| / ___/_\/_\___| / /__ __ .| / \/ / ___ / .| \ .\ __ /. \ / | \ .|\ \ /_| \ : :::::::::::'/ _____________\____|/__________\_____________ \`::::::::::: : : : `---- - - ----' : : : : tRANK!aSCII.cOLLY.sQUAD : : : : aCkÖCarnifexÖDeepÖEnigmaticÖFahrenheitÖFear : : : : Hiro ProtagonistÖLord NitroÖMisfitÖOmicronÖTripÖWhodini : : : : : : : :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: : .IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR TRANK MEMBERS AT THE END OF THIS FILE. _ _____ ____ _ __ _._ _._ ____ __ __ _____ ____ _ (_____( \\\\_\\| |//____\\// )) | | | | | Ö | presents... | . | | | | | | | | Ö | "My girlfriend sucked 37 dicks" | . | | | | | | | | | | Ö | "In a row?" | . | | _ ______________ _ ___ _|_ | ((_\\__\\| _|_ __ _ __________________ _ . |//_//// . __ ................. _\(___ /\___ ..........:... : \ \/ /_ ___________:____ :..:............:______ __ \ __ \ _____\ / __/________:_____________\_ /__\(_____\________\(__\__ _/ . /\ _/ \ \_ _ . \_ / . \_\ \_ _ \_\ \_/ \ /___/\ \_____/ . /________\ /__________\ /_\ /____\ /_\ / \/ \ /. :\_____\ /. : \/ \/ \/ /____ /. \/ \ // wk!/sOS \// : \ \// / \/ : : - w h o d i n i ! \ \ / :............: · \/ _._ __ ________ _ __ __________ _ ____ _._ |//__)) /___________ _ \\\\___\\| | | | | | | | | | | Ö | "There's nothing wrong with fucking a dead guy..." | . | | | | | | Ö | "My mom's been fuck'n a dead guy for 40 years..." | . | | | | | | Ö | "We call him Dad." | . | | | | | | Ö | an ascii colly called... | . _|_ _____ ___ ___ __________. _ _______ ___ __ _____ _|_ |//____//___\\__)) : : ((__//__\\____\\| . : : . : ______ _________ ______._ ____________________ ___. ______ _\ \____) / | __/___) _. /\ \__| | ______. /___. | _ __/__| | _ |_ /_ |/ |_ / | |____________________ ____|\__________|\____/_____________/________/______| cG/_____/ : ______ _____ ______ _______ _________ : : ._\ \__ __/_._____| __/_._____\ \__ \ / : : | \ ___| ___| \____\_ / : : |___________\ _________________________________ _____/ : : \______\eD : : dASTARDLY dEEDZ ._ __ _ ____ ____ : : ____ _____ __ _._ _|//_//_\\___\\___))_________: :______((___//____//__\\| | | | | | Ö | "One more day on a roller coaster" | . | | | | Ö | "If I scream they spin me faster" | . | | | | | | .__________ __ ._ ____ _| |_ __ ____. __ _____________. : ____ \\_||_\\___\\| .-. |//__\\___||_// : : )__/ .:: ::. : : ._____._______._______._______.: ::: ______. _____.______ ._______. : : | ._ ._ _. |: :::_\___ |__\ ___/_| ._ |__ _ : : | |/ .___|/ \|___|: ::: |/ /\ \| .___|/ (__ _ : : | _. _/ | _/ \_ ::: ::: | _/ | : +-|____\|__\____|--\____.____/-`:: ::'_______._______._______|--\____|©hP!----+ : `-' : : I never realized how hard it is to write an intro. =) Even though I've : : written a few of them, this one seems to be the hardest ever. Probably : : because this is my biggest colly as of yet, and its hard to put something : : down that gives this colly the respect it deserves. So I won't try to : : put any dazzling intro information here. I just want to tell everyone that : : Trank!Ascii is growing, and we're having a fun time doing it. Releasing : : independent collies is very new to the PC scene, and I am glad people are : : taking the time to spread the collies like they do other packs. The name : : of this colly, Dastardly Deedz, is a catchy phrase I thought of that : : explains a small portion of my life. Although I don't ____ .-. : : recommend my lifestyle to anyone, I think its important )__/.:: ::. : : that the name of the colly reflects the artist's ._____.: :::_______. : : personality. Have fun looking at the colly. I _ __|_ |: ::: ._ | : : hope you like it. Whodini/Trank!Ascii _ __/ |: ::: |/ | : : | _|: ::: _/ | : +--------------------------------------------------------|____\:: ::'__\____|-+ :astardly deedz dastardly deedz dastardly deedz dastardly deedz dastardly deed: :_________ ___ _ _ ___ _. ._ ____ __ _________________: \\_((_\\\\__\\| |//___//__)) | | | | Ö | "Your T-Shirt," | . | | | | | | | | Ö | "Dish Dirt," | . | | | | Ö | "You always love the one you hurt!" | . | .______ | _|_ ______ __ ______ | \ ____ __ __ _|_ |//_____//__)) /\ | \\__//_//__\\| . __/__\ | \ . \/ _______ \_______ ________ _________________ ___________/_ _ __ _\_____/_ _\____ /_ _\____ \__\_____ / /__ //_\\\\_| / / / \/ / / ___/ / __/ \ | _/ / / _/ _/ _/ \_____/_ \_ \ | \__________\____/ \__________\____________/___/ \ | . /_________\©fAh!/tRANK /_________\ _____ ____ _. | | | 001: Seven Eleven Ú Lord Nitro/Trank | | 002: Anton's Corner Ú Anton the Pimp | . 003: Acetone Ú Misfit/Trank . | 004: Aphid Ú Cesspool/Aphid | | 005: Another Step Ú Rasta/Epsilon^Design Ö | 006: Awards '96 Ú Fractal/Trank "Leave Work" . 007: Bleak Ú DS/CiA . | 008: Cannibal Ú Cannibal/Trank | | 009: Corwin of Amber Ú ??? | | 010: CON Ú ??? Ö . 011: Corlean Ú ??? "Happy Hour" 012: CyberGod Ú CyberGod/Epsilon^Design . 013: Dimension X Ú Secret Agent Man/OiL | Ö 014: E.Coli Ú Prong | 015: Extreme Dimensions Ú ??? Ö d 016: Enigmatic Ú Enigmatic/Trank "Too Drunk" 017: Epsilon Design Ú Any Member . a 018: Eurotrash Ú Ewheat/Trank | 019: Fatal Ú Fatal/Epsilon^Design | s 020: Gas Chamber Ú The Silent Killer Ö 021: HYBRID File Description Ú The Calibre "By Far" t 022: Infinet Confusion Ú ??? . 023: Introduction Ú Hiro Protagonist/Trank | a 024: Legion Ú ??? | 025: Lord Nitrogen Ú Lord Nitro/Trank Ö r 026: Malice Ú ??? "Bus full" 027: Mindless Ú Misfit/Mindless . d 028: Misfit Ú Misfit/Mindless | 029: Modemland Ú Hiro Protagonist/Trank | l 030: Omicron Ú Omicron/Trank Ö 031: Rasta Ú Rasta/Epsilon^Design "Waterloo" y 032: SnowB Ú SnowB . 033: Solace Ú ??? | d 034: Stats Ú Nevarre | 035: SystemX Ú Flygu Ö e 036: The Ascii Colly Called Ú Anyone "Fall Asleep" 037: The Dunes Ú Deep/Trank . e 038: Tis! Ú ??? | 039: Trank File Description Ú Fear/Trank | e 040: The Process Menu Ú Wizy Ö 041: The Specialist BBS Ú Gunda "On the Tube" d 042: Whale Ú Misfit/Mindless ___ _. 043: Wise-K Ú Wise-K/sOs \\__\\| z 044: Wu-Trank Ú Fahrenheit/Trank \ : . ._ __ ___ __ _____\ |______________ ___ _. |//_/\\__\\// ((___\\| | \_\/ | | | | | _|_ __ _____ __ ___ ___ _____ | |//__))___//__\\__||___\\ | _|_ Ö : ____ __ __ ___________\| . | ((__\\_\\ Ö "From the rooftops shout it out!" __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Seven Eleven ____ For: Lord Nitrogen / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ ____ ___ _ :_) ________ .__________ ______ _________ __ | \ ___/_| _/ / _ / _/ / \_____. : ._\__ | \____/.\ //. \____/. \\ | . |_________|_________| \ / |_________|____\____| ______ __ _ ._________ _____ _________ _\/___ _________ __ // // | _/ / | _/ / _ / _/ / \_____. ____//_// | \____/. |_ \____/.\ //. \____/. \\ |wH0 |________|_______/_______| \ / |_________|____\____| _\/_ \ / \/ __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Anton's Corner ____ For: Anton the Pimp / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ ....... : ....:................. ...................:.:...: : : : : :..............: : : ______. :.....:...... .__ . ______ ______ ___\ |_ ______________ ____ |_/______ / _\ \ \_ __/__._\__._ \_ \ \_ ____/_. .___ / \\ \ \ / \ | |/ | \ \ /______ | __________. | //__________\ \____/________|__________| \____/ /________| (_| | . \ . ANTON'S CORNER \ . | | : : : : | |_ : .________ ________ ________ ____ ____ _________ _________ | |_)_______ | .__/_ _\__._ \___\___ / \ \_ ___ /.__\___ //__| . | | \_ |/ | _/_. \ \ / \___/ | _/_. : |__________/_________|____/ | \____/_________|_____/ | : . /______| \wH0 . /______| :..................: . : :...........: __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Acetone ____ For: Misfit/Trank / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ _______._________ ___________ ______________ _________ ___________ ___ /_ | _____/_. ___ / _/ .__/_. ._ \_ ___ / _____ _) // | \ | \___/. | | | |/ | \___/.wH0 | | /_________|__________|_________|______|_________|____|____|_________| | | . | | _ /| __ __ _,_ __ __ __ | | \/-|(__'(_/_ | (__)/ )(_/___ _ _| |___________________________________________________________________________( __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Aphid ____ For: Cesspool/Aphid / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ . ________ ._______ ______ ._____ _______ __._______ ._\__ |_|____ | __/__ |_____)_\__. \. . \_: | _ | \_____| \_ \| \ | | wH0 : | // |____/____|____| . |____/____|______\________| / . . / :... ... . // |__ |_____________________________________________________________:_/ __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Another Step ____ For: Rasta/ED / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ ________ ___ .________________.______ __________ .________ ._\__ | \_____._|___ | | __/__ | _/ /_|___ / | _ | \\ | | | \__| \_ \| \____/. _ _/. -+ |____/____|____\____|__________|_____\ |____/____|_________|____/____| | _________ ________.__________ ._______ : \ ____/_| | _/ /_|____ | Another Step | .\__ | \__| \____/. \_____| : |_________|_____\ |_________|____| -------------------------------------+ __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Awards '96 ____ For: Fractal/Trank / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ _________ _ : __________ ___ _ _ / ._) __ _ // | ___) ______ _ ___________/ | ________| /_____ ________ .________ _____._______ . ._\___ | /\ |_\___ |_|____ /___\__ | ____/_. . | | _ |____/\\ | _ | _ /. ___/ |_ | . . |____/____| _ _\\____|____/____|____/____|________|________| | wH0|_ . ....... ....... _|/ ___ | :::: :::: :::: :::: \|_ _ __( _| ::::.:::: ::::..... _|/ _ _ ___ _______( . .... :::: :::: :::: \| : ::::.:::: ::::.:::: \ . __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Bleak ____ For: DS/CiA / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ _________ ________/__ __ /____ __ _ _ _) . _/ \| .: bleak _ _ _ . : sysop: dScIA / | _____ ______ __________ ________.____ _____/ . : | __/___| | ___ /_\____ | | / . | \___ | |_ \___/. _ | _ /. : |________|_______/________|____/____|____/____| | /wH0 . . _ __/ ___________ .:: _|\ _ ___ _____/ ____ ___/_______(_ /_ __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Cannibal ____ For: Cannibal/Trank / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ . _ _ _ _ _ /\\ .________ / ____________ \__ ___ \__ ._________ /__\ ________ ______ | _____/_._\___ | \_____| \_____|_____) _/_____._\__ | | | \ | _ | \\ | \\ | \ \_ | _ | |_ |_________|____/____|____\____|____\____|______\_______|____/____|_______/ .____________ ____ ___ _ _ _ _._ ___ _\_ Cannibal/Trank!Ascii |// / (_____________ _____ ____ __ _ _ _ __//__/wH0 __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Corwin of Amber ____ For: ???? / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ __ __ __ . ' __ __ __ _____ (__'(__)/ '|/|/ / / ) (__) /- '___________________________________ _) (_ | | | __ | | ______._____\/_____._____ _ ___________ __________ | | /_ | \/ | ___|____ ___ /_\__._ / | | // | | \__._ \_ \___/. |/ __/. | |_ / | | |/ | | _ | _________________| /_________|_____\/ |___________|_________|____/ | / |wH0 / | __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: CON ____ For: ??? / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ .______. __________ ___________________ | | ./ .___/__._\____._ \. \| | ._____ _ | | | |/ | \ | __ ____. | | | | | | \ | : : |_____________|_____________| .\______| | |________________________________ _ |______| _ _____________: __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Corlean ____ For: ??? / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ .______ ________ ______ _________ _____._______________ ____ | _// _ ____/__.__\_. \._\____ / .| ___ / _\| _\____ _____. | _/ \\\__ | | | _ __/. ||_ \___/. \\ \\ \\_ | | \____________|_________|____/ |_______/________|_______\____\____| | |_ / |wH0 _| :/____________________________// :|_____________________________________\: . . : __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Cybergod ____ For: Cybergod/ED / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ . .________ _____ ___ _____ ___________ .________ . __._ __ | ____/_| / | _/____. _/ /_|___ / \_: / | \ |______ | \_ | \____/. _ _/. wH0 : | // |_________|/________|_________|_________|____/____| | . // ________ ._______ _______ // . | | _____/_._|__. |_\__. \. // |_ : | \___ | | | | | /__ _:_\ . |_________|_________|_________| __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Dimension X ____ For: Secret Agent Man/OIL / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ _____ ______ ___ __ _ __________ __ _ ___ _____ ____\_ |______) \\ ____| _/ / \_____. ____ _ _ _ )_ | _/ | \ \\/ | \____/. \\ | ___/// _ __/ ./ |_________|_______\___\/ |_________|____\____|wH0 | . _______/_____|___ ._______ ___ _____ _____ _| _ _ \ ___/_|______)_|__ | \_____. \ | / \__ \__ _ .\_ | \ | | \\ | .\_ _ _/. (___ ___ _ |_________|_______\________|____\____| |____/____| __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: E.Coli ____ For: Prong / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ _________ _____ ____ _ . \ wH0 \ ._________ ________ ________._______ _______ _ _ / \ | ___ // | ____/_._\__ | |_______) ) ) / | \___/./\| \ | | | |_ \ / |________/ \\_________|_________|________/_______\ / /_ _ \\___ __ _ / _ ___ ____ __________/ __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Extreme Dimensions ____ For: ??? / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ __ __ /\_\ __ _ . \/_/__ ________\\ |____._______. _________________ ___ ____._________ _ _ | __ /\_ | _/_ _ |_\___ / __ / \/ | __ // :::: | \___/. _ | \\__| . _/_ \___/. | \___/. :::::: :: |________|____|____|_____\ |____| _\______|____\/_ |________| :: :: _ _| \\_ _ _ _// |_ _ :: :: __ __ :: :: _\/_ EXTREME DIMENSIONS _\/_ :: :: \/\/ \/\/ :: :: _____.____ ___ ___ __________ _ _______ _____ ___________ _ _______: :: _\___ (____) \/ | __ / \___. __/_.____)_\_._ \_ \___. __/_. ::: | ___/ | \ | \___/. \ \ |_____ | \ |/ | \ \ |_____ | |______|_____\__\/_ |______|___\___| /_____|_____\_______|___\___| /_____| _ _// |_ _ _ __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Enigmatic ____ For: Enigmatic/Trank / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ .__________ __ ._____ ________ _ __ ___ _______ _ | _/ / \_____|_____) ____/_. ... (_ | \____/. \\ | \ \___ | :.: | |_________|____\____|______\________| . . _ ___ ________ _______._____ ________ | . ... ____\ / |_\__ | |_____) ____/_. |_ :.: | \/ | _ | \__| \ \ | _ __)____ __ _ | \/____|____/____|_____\ |______\________| | \wH0 __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Epsilon Design ____ For: Epsilon Design / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ ___ _ ___ _ .__________ .________________ ._____ ______. ._______.___ \_ _ _ _) wH0| _/ /_|____ \ ___/_|_____) |_|__. | \_________. | // | \____/. \_____|\_ | \ |_ | | \\ | . / |_________|____| |_________|______\______/________|____\________| | . : _____.__________________ ._______________ .___ | .________\_ | _/ \ ___/_|_____) ____/_| \_____. . . | _/ | \____/.\_ | \ \___ | \\ | .:: _| |_____________|_________|_________|______\_________|____\____| _ _______( __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Eurotrash ____ For: Ewheat/Trank / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ __________ ._______________ ________ _______ _______ __ _ | ___ /----| ______ /_\__. | _ / _:_) | \____/. | | _ _/. | | // \|_ // |_________|_________|____/____|_________| ____/ |/ / . . | /| _._ _ ______/ ._____ .________ ._______._______________ / \|_ \ _ / | /__. __|___ /_|___ | ______. __/____. // _|/ \\ . | ___|_| _ _/_ _ |______ | \__ | _ _____( : \____ |______________/____/____/____| /_______|____/____|wH0 __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Fatal ____ For: Fatal/ED / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ . ____________ _______ ___ _ . :_) ._________. ________._______. ________.______ | | ____ |_\___ | |_\___ | | : : | ___/_| _ | \__| _ | |_ ____ __ _ . . |____|wH0 |____/____|_____\ |____/____|_______//___//_// _| _ __ ______ ________( : __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Gas Chamber ____ For: TSK / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ .... ... : .. : . : . _.______ ______.______ : :.. ..... .... \| ___/_._\__ | ___/_._ . : : ... .. | \__ | _ |____ |/ ..... .:. ... :... ...... .... ...... . |_______|___/ |_______| . .. : : / | : . . ... . _.______ _____ ______.__ __ _ _____ ________ _______ _ . : : : \| ___/_| _/___._\__ | \\ ___.__\__ |__ __ /_\__ // : : . | \ | \_ | _ | \/ | __// |\_\\__/. _ _/_ . . : |_______|___/___|___/___|___\/ |_______|_______|___/___/ . :...:.. ...... ..... ......... ... / |wH0 ....... ..... ........ .: . __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Hybrid FILE_ID ____ For: The Calibre / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ _________ ____ __ _______ ___ _____ _/ __/_ \/ /__/____\___ /____)__\__ \_ \ \_ \_ \ _/ \__ \ _ _/_ \ __/ / \___/___|____|_______/___/___/_____\______/ ___ __ _ . :_) | : : _| . _ __ ___( : __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Infinet Confusion ____ For: ??? / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ . .. .............. ... .. . ............... : : : ........... : _____ ____ .____________ ____ .. _____ _______._________ ... : : ... (_____) \____| ____(____) \____(_____) | ___ /wH0 : : : : | \ \ \ | __/ | \ \ \ | \ \__| \___/. : : : : |______\___\____|___|. |_____\___\____|______\____\ |________| : : : : : . . . . : : : :........................:........:.....:....:....................:.....:...: : _______ ______.____ : ._______.___ _________ ____ ______.____ : : | ___/_._\_. | \____| ____| |__\ _____/_(____)_\_. | \____. : | \ | | | \ \ | __/ | | \______ | \ | | \ \ |.: |________|_______|____\____|___| . |________\ /_____|_____\______|____\____| . : . . . . :........: :....: :.....: __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Introduction ____ For: Hiro Protagonist/Trank / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ ___ _ ( ________ _______. _______ _______ (____) \____. |_\__ /_\_. | ______________________________·_ / | \\ | \__| _ _/. | | _i_n_t_r_o_d_u_c_t_i_o_n__ (_|/ _·___ /_____|____\___|____\ |___/___|_______| _)___:_ \|_) _|/ _: \:_ \|_ _|/ _:/ \:_ \|_ _|/ _:/ \:_ \|_ |/ _:/ _____ .__________ _______.____ __________ _:_ \| ._\__ \.___| | ___/_. |____)_\_. | \____. _(_|/ _:_ | | | | | \ | \__| \ | | \\ |wH0 · \|_)_____________ |_______|_______|_______|____\ |_____\______|____\___| · __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Legion ____ For: ??? / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ ______ \_ |__________ _______ __________ ________ ____ ____ | | ___ / ____/_._________) ___/_. \ \_ ___________ ____ | | \____/. \___ | | | | \ \ /wH0 | _) |____|_________|_________|_________|_________|____\____/ | | | | / __ __ '__ __ | | /_(_/_(__)/(__)/ ) _| | .__) ______________________________________( |_________________________________ \ /__\ __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Lord Nitrogen ____ For: Lord Nitrogen/Trank / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ _______ ._______ .________ _______ . | |_|__. |_|___ /_\__. \. _ __ _____ ______ | |_ | | _ _/. | | . (_: |________/________|____/____|_________| wH0 \\ ::. | \ : ___ ______ _______. .________ ._______ ________ .____________ . | \_____|______) |_|___ /_|__. | _ ____/_| ___ / \_____. | \\ | \ \__| _ /. | | \\\___ | \____/. \\ | |____\____|_______\____\ |____/____|_________|_________|________|____\____| __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Malice ____ For: ??? / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ : : | _________ ______._______| _|________ _______________________ _____. \ \/ | _\ _________) ____/_. ___ // | .______ _\ | \\ | \ / | \____/. | | \\________\/ |_________\ |_________\__________|__________| | | / |wHO | : | |__ : __| |__)_______________________________________________________________________(__| __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Mindless ____ For: Misfit/Mindless / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ ____________________________________ \ _ / .___ __ _ _____ __\\ _____ _ ___ __ / . | \\ _____|_____) \_____.____\_ | (_ _\ /_ : | \/ | \ \\ | _/ | ... | \ _ / . |____\/ |______\___\____|_________| :.: . \ // | _/ |__________________ _________ | wH0 \/ . ... | | _/ \ ___/_\ ___/_. : |_ :.: | |_ \____/.\_ |\_ | . )__ _ |________/________|_________|_________| __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Misfit ____ For: Misfit/Mindless / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ _ _ ____ __ _ / __) / | _______ __ _ ______________/.________ ______ ________. . \______\\ _____(______) ___/_| ___ (______) _ | . | | \\/______/ \__ | __/_| \ \__| | | |______\/ |_______\_______|____|wH0|_______\_____\ | . %%%%%%%/ |%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% . / _| / _ __ __(_ . / __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Modemland ____ For: Hiro Protagonist/Trank / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ . _________ ._______ _______ _____________ :_) \ ____._|__ |_\__ \| _/ / \ ___________ . | __ \\/ | | | | | \____/. \/ (_: | |____\/ |_________|_________|_________|____\/ _ | : _/ | ________.___ wH0 _______ /_____| | . | |_\___ | \_____._\__ \. : | |_ _ | \\ | | | / . _/ |_______/___/____|____\\ |_________| // \________________________________ \___| // \_________________ ______ __ _ _ __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Omicron ____ For: Omicron/Trank / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ :.: ________. __ ____.______ _______ ________ ________.____ \ :.: .___ _\__. _|_____\//____|______) _ ___/__._\___ / _\__. | _\____ ___. | _// | \______\// | \ \\\__ | _ __/./ | | \\ \\_ | | |__________| \/_____|_______\________|___/ |__________|_____\____| | | ... |______\ /_____|wH0 ... | | :.: ___\ /__ _ :.: | |______,__ _ _ __._______| _|______________________________________________________________|_ __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Rasta ____ For: Rasta/ED / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ _____ __ _ .________ _________________ ._______ ________. _ __ _____ ._) ... ._|___ /_\___ \ ___/_| |_\___ | ... (_. | :.: | _ _/. _ |\_ | \__| _ | :.: | . |____/____|____/____|_________|_____\ |____/____| wH0 . |________________ ____________| /___________________________________________\ __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: SnowB ____ For: SnowB / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ . :__________________________________________________ __ __ |__) __(__)_/_ .________ ___ ._______ _____ _____ \__(_)__/ | ____/_| \_____._|__ | /____| __/____ (_|__\ |__ | \\ | | | /\ | \___ | _| |_________|____\____|_________|___/\\ |_________| \|_ . \___| __|/ |__________________________________________________(__: : . __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Solace ____ For: ??? / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ : . ____________ __________ | : _________ __________ .____________ _/ _________/__._\___._ \. |_\____ \_/ .____/_| __ / \_______ | |/ | | | _. | | | \_____/. ___ / | | | : | \| | | | | _ _) /_____________|____________| |___________|____________|___________| | | | |wH0 | | : | | | . : | | . | | . | |____________________________________________________________________________| __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Stats ____ For: Nevarre / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ /\ / \ /\ / \ / \ ___ /_ /\ _\/____\ / /__ / _\ /\ / // \\ \ /_____// \\ _\ / \ / \ ___________ ___________________________ \ _____________________________ _/ ________/___ / __\ _/ ________/___ \______ \_ _ / \\ _ \______ \_ / /__/ \____/ \____/ \____/ / / / /_ / \ / \ / \ _ / / /______________////_________\/_______________\/_________\\\ /______________/ _// \\_ \/ / \ \/ /____________________________\ __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: SystemX ____ For: Flygu / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ . _ ___ _____ \ _ ____ __________\ |_ _________ ______ \_________ _______.__________ __ __ _ _____._____/ \ ____/_| /---\ _____/_| _ | \ / _\\ ____\ | / _\____ |_____ |\____ | \__| \____/. \\/_ |\_ _ _/. |_________| /_______|_________|_____\ |_________|____\/ |____/____| |_ systemX /_____|wH0 /___________ ___ _ / /________ _ / . __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: The Ascii Colly Called____ For: Anyone / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ ...| :..|.... .. .__________. .________ __ _ _ _ . . ... ...|. ....: | _ | _|___| __ //_//// | _.. | \__| \_ | \___/. ................................................_ \:_ |____\ |___/ |_______|______ _______ _______ . _:/ _:/ /_ | ___/_. ___/_.______).______)__ _ _ |\THE \:_ \:_ _ _ _ __ // |_____ | \ | \| \\_\\\\ _|_\ASCII _:/ _:/ ////_//______| _|_______|_______\_______\__.___. \_ \\COLLY \:_ \:_ __. | ___/_._\_. | .| .| | .| _|___\CALLED _:/ _:/ \_| | \ | | | ||_ ||____ || \| \:_ \:_ |_______| _|_______/_______/______|_______ _____ _:/ _:/ | ___/_. _\ | .| .| __ /_\_. \. \:_ :......wH0............... | \ | \\| ||_ ||_\___/. | | .: |_______|_______\_______/_______/_____|_______| |... .. ....|..: :.... .|... ... . . | __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: The Dunes ____ For: Deep/Trank / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ . ___ __ _ :_) . _______._______ ._________ | .:: | _ | ___/_ | \ / -------------------------------------- . | \__| \_ \| \___/. -------------------------------------- | |_____\ |____/____|________| . The Dunes . /wH0 / \ . _____________ ___\ _________ _______ ___\___ | /___| _ \_____| \ / _____/__. . ---------------- | / | / | \ \_ | \___/.__ | | ---------------- |_____/___|_________|____\_____|________|__________| . . .:: _| _ __ ___( : . __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Tis! ____ For: ??? / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ _______ _ _ .__________. / __________ | |___________/ ______/__.__________ |____/ |_________)________ | / +------------------+ +------+ / | \ / |________/ tis! | | wH0/_______|__________\_____________(________) | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Trank FILE_ID ____ For: Fear/Trank / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ .______ ._______ _______.___ ___ _____ | |_|__ /_\___ | \____| | / | \__| _ _/. _ | \\ | _ _/. |____\ |___/____|____/___|____\___|___/____| _ _ . :_) tRANK!aSCII pRESENTS : | fEAR iN hIS tRANK dEBUT: _| : _ _( : . __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: The Process Menu ____ For: Wizy / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ _/_ /_ __ / / )(_/_ .______ .________ ._______ _______ _________ _______ _________ . ___ _ .__|___ |_|___ /_|__ | ____/_| _/ / ____/_\ ____/_. :_) | \_____| _ _/. | | \ | \____/.\__ |\__ | | // |____| |____/____|_________|________|________|_________|_________| . / | : . . : | / . // _| _ _ __ ____ ____( : . __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: The Specialist BBS ____ For: Gunda / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ _ . _______. / ________ ___ | | __/__ | ___ / :_) | \__| \_ \. \___/. | / |_____\ |____/____|_______| ___ _ _ | // __/ : / . / ______ ______.________ _____ /_____ _______ _____ _____ ______ ______. | ___/_._\___ | ___ / ___//._____)_\___ | |_____) ___/_. | _|_ | ___| \___/. \ / | \ _ | |_ \_ | \__| /_________|___| |_______|____/__|______\___/___|______/_____\______|____\ / wH0 _ _ . / . / . / ________ // | __/ | __/___ | __/___ | _____/_. / _| _ _ ____/ | \____ \| \____ \|__ | __( : |_________|_________|_________| . __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Whale ____ For: Misfit/Whale / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ ____ \ / _ _ _\/_ _ _ \ \\\__/// / _____.____. _____ .______._______ _______. .______ ____/\ | _|____| _. \| | ___ \\_ | | _// / \ | \_ | \| \ |_ \___/. | | \ / /\____|____/ |___.___\______/_______| | | \ /wH0 /_____| wHALE!aSCII | |________\/_______________________________________________| __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Wise-K ____ For: Wise-K/Sos / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ ..... .. . _ _ . .. ... : ._______ ___\ .______________ .________ ___.___ _______. : : _|_ _ _// /\ |______) ____/_. ___ / ____| | \\_ _ _|_ : . \|_ | / \ | \_____ | \___/./___/| _ _/. _|/ _|/ |____/\____|_______\_______|_______|wH0 |___/____| \|_ \|__ _|/ |__)_________._ wISE-k/sOs _\|_ . |_______________________________________________(__| . :... . . ...: __________ ___________ __ \ \ \ \omi __ +--\/---- dastardly ---_____\____ \ _____\____ \-- deedz -------\/--+ \ / /_ / /_ \ / \ / ______/ ________\ / \ /------------' /-------------' / \ Title: Wu-Trank ____ For: Fahrenheit/Trank / -\-----------------------------\ /---------------------------------/- \/ _ __ _____ / . | /____.______/ _ _ ___. | /\ | /___. _ _ _ _ (_:_ |___/\\ | / | ___/_/// |/ \___|___/_____| : _: /wH0 ._______. .________ ________.___ .____ _____ \|_ / | |_|____ /_\___ | \_____| | / :_)_ _ _ / | \__| __ _/. _ | \\ | _ _/. . /_ _ |_____\ |____/____|____/____|____\____|____/____| . . : ___________ ____ ___ _. ____. _ ____________: \\___))__\\| ._ __ /\\___||_)) | |//_//__\ Ö | "This colly is dedicated to a great man," | . | | | | | | | | Ö | "me." | . . | | | | _ o | | (_) __ ___ _. ._ __ __ .______ ___((__\\__\\| |//__))__\\____________. /____ ______ | /\ | /___. _ __ _ this is impotant infro! | .____/\\ | / | ___/_// read it or suffer the quences! | | \___|_________|wH0!tK | | | /____ _______.____._____ ________ .______________ | | | /\ |__\__ | | / _/ /__|__ \ ___/_| | |____/\\ | _ | _ _/. \____/. _ _/.\_ |______ ___ _ __\\___|____/____|____/____|________|____/____|________ ______) \____. ___ |_\__._ \_ / / wu-wankers.. err. | \ \\ | __/_| |/ /_____/______/_ tRANK!aSCII | ._______\___\___|____| |_________/______)______))___________________| Ok, in the last month trank has gone through many changes. I'm going to try and list them, including as much info as possible for alot of people who need it. 1. CHANGES: Kaleidas runs the pack division, I run the colly division. Don't bug me about the pack, because it won't do any good. Kal handles newskool apps, i handle oldskool apps. it is as it should be. 2. COLLY DIVISION: all collies must start with tk-, not tk!-, not wu-, but tk-. All collies must have FILE_ID's & Titles. Thats about it. Not hard rules. Send them to Hiro P or I and we'll make sure the colly gets put in the pack. There is no minimum work requirement, but try to make sure i hear from you every 3-4 months so I don't take you off the member list. 3. PACK DIVISION: do not ask me the rules. all i know is you mail your work and shit to kaleidas@linex.com. Might as well not send apps, you can only get in trank if we know you. 4. RIPPING RULES: Anyone caught ripping gets booted from trank and never to be heard of again! The final judge on wether a style is ripped or not is either a) they guy it is supposedly ripped from and b) Hiro Protagonist or I. 5. EMAIL: My whodini@epit.ganet.net is dead. epit.ganet.net is dead. ganet.net is dead. and i'm working on making .net. dead also. 6. CANUCKS: Making fun of eskimos is only allowed by Trank senior members. Making fun of Virago is only allowed by Ewheat, Chex, & I. Making fun of Trank is only allowed if it is done by me. The consequnces are very strict on this one, because Virago can kick your ass bigtime! ._ ___ __ _________________ _ _ ______ ____ __ ____ _. |//__//__)) ((___//__\\___\\| | | | | | | | | | Ö | "and Holly wouldn't be so tragic" | . | | | | Ö | "When everybody trips the light fantastic" | . | | Ö | "In Hollywood!" | . | | | | | _ __ ___ _| |_ ///_// ._\\__\\| |/// /_. : : - -÷------------------------------------------÷- - : : __________ _________ _________ _________ __________________ _ _\____ ·/_\___ /_\___ /_\___ /_\__ /_____ / /___/_ _/ _/ _/ /_ _/ /_ \ / ______/_ _ _ / . | \ \_ \___/ | \___/ | \__/ \ · | \ / | | \ \ \ _ _ __ : |_ __\ / _ ________|_________|______\ \__________ _ _ / : ¦ \/ · / : : : H2o! ______·_______________________________________ __·______ ______\ : \/ : /______ | : /_ · | | // · ( nO sPECIAL oRDER! ) / : \\ | | / \ | !_____________________________________________________________________! FahrenheitÖHiro ProtagonistÖOmicronÖCypherHexÖKaleidas DeepÖEnigmaticÖLord NitrogenÖFearÖEwheatÖMisfit/TrankÖSpear PoskgubbeÖFungusÖCesspoolÖBaserÖWise-kÖCyberGodÖRastaÖMisfit/ML H2oÖTripÖWizyÖTinyZÖShockGÖCyberKidÖViragoÖTMÖDaisyÖRemorse ._ ___ __ __ ___________ __ _ _ __ _____ ____ _ ____ _. |//__//__))_\\ ((___//_\\___\\| | | | | | | | | Ö | "Thats not half as embaressing as how my cousin died" | . | | Ö | "How'd he die?" | . | | | | Ö | "Broke his neck." | . | | Ö | "So what?" | . | | | | Ö | "He broke it trying to suck his own dick." | . _ ______ ____ ___ ____ _| | \\___))__\\___\\| |_ ___ ________ __ _______ _ . |//__//_______//__)) . __. _._ _ _____ _____ ____ ___ ___ __) l__ ______ _ _._ (_. ___/ ___/_____\__ \___\__/_ _______/ (__)_/___\__ __/ \ __/____ ._) | \ \/_ / _/ _/ ___/__\ _/ . . _l______\___ / | -Ra!\___/\/ /\___\ \___\/ /\ \_____l_____l____\ \___l/ /e^D .---- /____/ ---- \____\ /____/ \___/ -------------- \____\ /____/ --. | __ _ __ __ | :--/_/-\\\_) -----. . .-\ /----: | -.. ... ... . Cred|ts . ... ... ..-' \//_ | : | . Introduction... Nuke This Shit Text Ú Mark Ryder/Mo'Soul | tKa Logo Ú Whodini/Trank : d Beginning Whodini Logo Ú Wise-K/sOs . Dastardly Deedz Logo Ú CyberGod/Epsilon^Design a Introduction Logo Ú Hiro Protagonist/Trank Index Logo Ú Fahrenheit/Trank s Body... DD Header Ú Omicron/Trank t Conclusion... Credits Logo Ú Rasta/Epsilon^Design a Greets Logo Ú H2o!/Contra FILE_ID.DIZ Ú Fatal/Epsilon^Design r Music Support... Republica Ú Republica d Lush Ú Hipocrate KMFDM Ú NIHIL l ANGST XTORT y Tool Ú Undertow Rancid Ú ... And out come the wolves d Nas Ú Illmatic Ice Cube Ú The Predator e A Tribe Called Quest Ú Low End Theory Ú Midnight Marauder e The Cure Ú Wild Mood Swings Ú Wish d Violette Femmes Ú Violette Femmes Electric Hellfire Club Ú Kiss the Goat z Marilyn Manson Ú Smells Like Children Portraits of... . Curtis Mayfield Ú Sdtrk. to Superfly . | Quotes... . | Lyrics off of Republica . | Lyrics off of KMFDM/XTORT | _| _ _____ the movie Clerks | (_._ __________) _________________________________|_ __ _ _ ________________________________(____________________________ __ _._) /_//////_______ ______ _. \\_\\| \\_____\\| ._ ____ __ _____________| | |//___//__\\ | | Ö | Here it comes... | . | | | | Ö | My reply to Mark Ryder! | . | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Ö | GET READY! | . | | | | | | | | | | |__ __| _ __ / \ / / \ / / .\ . /. | \ / | | \ / | | \ / | | \ / | | \ Ö Ö | \ HERE IT IS! | \ . . | \ \ / | | \ \ / | | \ \/ / | | \ / | ___. ___________ __________ __ _____ _. \/ ._ _____ /\\__|| /_. ._\ ((__\\____\\| |//____//__\ | | | | Made you look! No childess bickering here! That would ruin my elite ass | | colly! HI MARK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Although I would like an explanation on how | | you know what a sheep's ass looks like after a farmer has his way with it!) | |____________ ____ __ _. ._ ___ __ ._ _______________| \\___\\_\\| |//__//__||_\\ | | | | : | . | : . . . o . _ (_) . @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ .___. ____ | |_ .______ ___ .________ __ / / .--|_ _/_| __/__\\__\| _ / _/ _/--. | /__\ |___\ / __/_|__/ /___\ \ | | \____\ /____\ /___/ \___\ | | | | TRANK presents Whodini's colly | | .__ .__ | | | /astardly | /eedz | | '/ '/ | `---------------------------------[fTL/eD]-' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ ----------------------------------------------------------------------[eOF] ______________________ _ _ ________________________________\\ sICK oF iT aLL fINHQ dA fUNKIEST · bLUNTSMOKAZ hANGAROUND ______________________ _ _ ______________________________________\\ · _____ ____¦______ ·__________ _ ___/\\_____· _____· _·_______ \ ¦ /______ ¦ / ·_____ \ ¦___/ ¦__ ¦ _ / _\\__¦ ___/ / ¦ ___/__¦ / \ ¦ / /¦ ¦ / __//_¦ /¦ \__ __//___ ¦ __¦ ¦ / \ ¦ / __/_¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ / \ \ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ / \_____¦ ¦ ¦____ _ ¦_____¦__/______ _ \ ¦_____¦¦ /_______\\ ¦______\ ¦_____¦ \\______¦dMG¦ \\______\ · ¦_________/ \_______\ · · · · ___________________________ _ _ ________________________________\\ nODE #1: +358-9-8552774 sTAFF: hASH, pHANE, sTRODE, dARKMAN ___________________________ _ _ ______________________________________\\ < this addy was added by Head Adder v1.0 - coded by phane of headbangers > ¡ fOR pLEASURE sINCE 1996 >> ¡ -------------------------------------- - |. - ----------------------- - .| w o r l d h e a d q u a t e r s || || aEROHOLICS/mO' pLAYAZ/dTR/aSL !| _ |! bAD kARMA/aGEEMA bLUES/uP rOUGH | ; | dIVINE sTYLERS/pHANTASY/tEQUILA | _ | | ; 7 g e r m a n & e u r o p e a n h q's | : lIGHTfORCE/lOW pROFILE/sICK oF iT aLL | ¡ oLDSKOOL/rOYAL/dRUNKEN/pUNGAS/100% | _ | | "...dON't pLAY uS cHEAP!" ; | aMIGA/aSCII/gRAFFITI/dRUGS/n64/gAMEBOY ! | gAMEBOY aDVANCE/wSC/nGPOCKET/sNES/cGB+ ___. ______. drn\lp! | pSX/pS2/dC/e-bEATS & hIPhOP/cHIP tUNES \\ !___ \ !__ _ _ ________ | =c64/aTARI8/mODULES/dANCEhALL/dAYDREAM \\ .__/--\\ ._ \ / ._ / | _\ ;/ \ !/ \ !/____/_ | rUNNING oN a pRIVATE sYSTEM w\ 8 nODES /___/ _____/ __ / __\ _! aVAILABLE oN 24/7 sTATIC tELNET @ ADSL `----' `----' `----' \\; . ______ ___ _ _ _________ _______ ¡ \ !/ __ /___\_ \ / _ __ /___\_ // t h E y A R d _______,| _\ _/ \ / _ / / \ / / /______________________\ ____|_ /_____); ______ ) __ \ ______ /_ ___,_________________________\ ! ,_____\ `----' `----\ `----' theyard2025@hotmail.com