- ---------------------( 2 days before breakpoint 2003 )-------------------- -

                                   ¡ _______
                                  ¡|'    _  ¡
                                  |!      ¬ | drn\lp!
                             _____!__     __!_____________
                     ________\_     /     \     _.       /
              _______\        /    //     \\    \!      /________
    _ _ __ __(       _\      /    ·/_     _\·    \     /_        )__ __ _ _
     \\\\_\\_     _  /_____      _._\     /_.__   )_____\   _     _//_////
            /____ ¾ _ __,  `----' |.       .|  `----' ,__ _ ¾ ____\
                  ¾ ¾             |:       :| __.         ¾ ¾ _______.
    _____.        ________.       |:       :|_) l___   _______\ __   l_______
    \   _|________\      _|_______!_        !\  .__/___\  ._   \ /  ._      /
   _ )____.              /!\       _       _    !/        !/____(   !/     /_
   /____ /!    ____     / .      _.\       /.___/     ___  \   _____/     __\
        /-----'    `-----/!-----' |         |   `----'   `----'     `----'
                    ¾             |         |             ¾
                   _¾__________ _ | ._     ¡| _ __________¾_
                    ¾             !_______,|!             ¾

                       dipswitch of dcs ^ 1oo% ^ aerosol


       )   _|____ ______          _____ ______     ____. ____
      _\   \_   /_\    /__________\_  /_\   _/_____\   |/   /_ _______ _
   _  \     /    _   _/     _    __/   _    \     _   _/   / /  _ dKS!
   ///___________\___\______\____\|____\__________\___\_______\\\ _______ _
                ._____                     ._____
            ____|  _ (      _____ ____ ____|_   (  ______        ______
     _ ___ _\ _ | /  /______\_  /_\__/_\   _/   /__\  __/________\_   /_
        _  \   \_/    _    __/   _    _    \     _  __/     _     /    /  _
  _ ___ ///_____|_____\____\|____\____\__________\__\|______\____/______\\\

       [+]  B L A C K  M A i D E N  //  A S C i i  S E C T i O N  [+]

            avenger . dipswitch . lord chaos . mother . potzkoten

           p       r       e       s       e       n       t       s

                ...:                                     :...
        _______  :       ___________    _________________  :  __________
        \    _/__:_______\_   \   _/____\          /   _/__:__\       _/
        _\   )      \_    -    \__       \_      _/    )       \_     \
          :  _____      _______        _______        _____           :
         .:./   _/______\    _/________\    _/________\  _/_________..:.
          _/    )        \_  \_         \_  \_         \__          \_
             :   .                                         .      :
             :   :     e  A  S  T  E  R  *  e  G  G  S     :      :
             :...:                                         :......:
              ...     a bunch of ascii goodies for the      ....
                 :         p c  d e m o s c e n e          :

               i n s t e a d   o f  a  p r e f a c e ,  a . . .

                        . ........................... .
                        ..:                         :..
                        :        F .  A .  Q .        :
                        :______                     __:__
                     _ _/     /      _____       __\\_   \_
                    _) \    _/    __\\_   \_    _)   /    /
              - --- \   \___\ ---_)   /    / -- \        /_--- -
                    /_____\      \   _    /     /_________/

   Q: What is this all about ?  I don't get what this pile of slashes and
      dots is supposed to mean...

   A: Well, this is a thing called ASCII, some consider this as "art",
      some as "craft", but anyway, that stuff popped up in the late 80s
      and early 90's to get some funk out of the boring textmode,
      especially while designing bulleting board systems. Groups also
      started to decorate their informational textfiles with some kind
      of logos out of textmode chars, to give it an individual feeling.

   Q: Well, that's some story about old ages. How boring!  What has it
      to do with the modern days and the new-school scene?

   A: Some things changed, some things didn't. What did not, is the use
      of the textmode in infofiles and file descriptions. The things
      that did change indeed, is that these textfiles mostly look as
      dull and boring as they were before the up-coming of ascii art.
      But it is still possible to give infofiles a certain extra that way,
      as the ascii charset is used by all major operating systems
      and platforms. So why not revive the tradition when every demo group
      had some exclusive textmode art in their infofiles?

   Q: That's supposed to be logos and letters? I can't read a shit.

   A: If a hi-res graphician does a logo for you, can you ALWAYS read it
      at first sight? Just look more carefully at my different logos, and
      you will see a certain regularity in it, you will start to recognize
      the letters and perhaps even see a kind of "stylishness" in it...

   Q: Why isn't the stuff more readable?

   A: When you ask a pixel artist to do you a logo, you don't exactly
      ask him to do letters that look like times new roman font or something.
      The goal is to bring some recognition value and individual style
      into the ascii logos, while them still remaining consistant of
      letters and still more-or-less readable.

   Q: Ascii so called "art" got old and obsolete. Why I should bother
      about that old rubbish?

   A: Noone forces you to. Still, there is a steady interest for it all
      around. The requests me and other ascii logo makers get every week
      speak a clear language.

   Q: I don't understand this. Above you state that this is a collection
      for the PC demoscene. I've been around for quite a while and I know
      that this is no PC, but amiga ascii.

   A: True. This IS amiga ascii art. The PC ascii style, which
      uses so-called hi-chars like blocks, is quite problematic to view
      outside the MS-DOS. That's why amiga ascii, which consists only
      of "regular" chars like slashes and dots, can be viewed more or
      less properly on every major platform, including Windows and

   Q: The logos, that I just saw above, are certainly NOT from you, as
      the tags clearly indicate. You evil ripper and thief!

   A: Yes they are not from me, but drawn by some fellow artists for
      me to use exclusively. My logo will follow in the main part.

   Q: Hey, why my group got no logo ?

   A: Sorry, I can't keep all pc demogroups in mind, and don't have
      unlimited time to spare. Still, feel free to request at

   Q: I'm a member of the super-elite amiga/c64/console group <...> and
      I find it a scandal that you forgot to draw us a logo. Lamer!

   A: This is a colly with _pc demoscene only_ logos. Or at least logos
      for groups that do smth on PC too. So don't be jealous, feel
      free to request.

   Q: What the heck is this?  I thought this would be for PC demoscene,
      but where are logos for the alltime best PC groups like Future Crew,
      EMF, Iguana and so on?

   A: This is no PC scene hall of fame, but a collection of logos
      for actial _use_. That's why I didn't include groups that have been
      inactive for over a year.

   Q: Why there are always two logos for each group, one big and one

   A: The small logo is supposed to be used in a file description file,
      also known as file_id.diz. Known to the older ones as a format
      for bbs filelisters, today it's still in use, for example on

   Q: Why at the file_id.diz logos, there's some shit like "blablabla"
      or "perkele" or whatever written?

   A: That's what you're supposed to replace with your description text.

   Q: May I remove that annoying "diP/bM" shit out of my logo?

   A: NO. That's my signature and I want that to stay at my logos. If
      you'll use any of my logos without my signature, I'll find you and
      bite your head off at the next demo party.

   Q: Can I use the cute ascii doggy?

   A: No, it's Mortimer Twang's property.

   Q: I want some logos for my FTP/group/bbs/party/whatever. Do you
      charge for them? How can I request?

   A: What am I, Kimble? Of course I make scene stuff for free. The safest
      way to request is to write an email to dipswitch@kaoz.org, so
      I won't forget. Don't even try to request ascii logos at Breakpoint,
      as I'll forget the request in 5 minutes.

   Q: Still that shit looks ugly. Ascii art is so simple, everyone could
      do that.

   A: Well, then try and make it look good and individual, then I'll
      pull my hat infront of you.

   Q: Thank you very much for the logo. How can I show my gratitude?

   A: Just use the logo for packaging your productions, that'll be thanks
      enough. I appreciate beer gifts at Breakpoint too, though. :)

   Q: Why this stupid FAQ? Do you think the demoscene is so stupid?  I
      know all these facts alredy.

   A: Well, smartass, then jump straight to the logos.

   Q: I don't care what you say. You suck and you so-called "art" is
      retarded and of no use. Thanks for drawing my group a logo,
      idiot, but I won't use it anyway. Showe it up your ass!

   A: Then feel free to close this file right now. I don't care. All
      other who appreciate this work are welcome to continue...

                ...with the

         _                  ___               __________
        _\//_    _____ ____\\  \_  __  _ _____\____   _/
       /    (_ _\\_   \_     _  (_/ //_____.      /   \
      /      /    /    /     \   /  _/     |     /     \
      \______\   /     \ ________\  \      |____/\______\
- --diP--_ ______\______\---_ _______\_____|-----------------( i N D E X ! )-->

  aardbei . basshut . beepdealers . black maiden . bypass . byteam . calodox
     critical mass . downlords . downtown . ephidrena . epidemic . excess
   fairlight . farbrausch . fenomen . flo . freestyle . fuzzion . greenroom
         hardread . haujobb . headcrash . jumalauta . kewlers . kolor
         mandarine . marshals . mfx . moppi . psycho team . razor 1911
     salva mea . satori . scienide . scoopex . speckdrumm . smash designs
   spinning kids . taat . the silents . threepixels . throb . tpolm . t-rex
                            umlaut design . vantage

<---------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

                 n o w  l e t ' s  s t a r t  a l r e a d y !

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    o1. a a r d b e i
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

                        _   _
                   - -:-\\-//-:- -
                      | _____ |
                      | XXXXX |
          _____    diP| XX  __|_           ____                  _
       __\\_   \_  ___|_ __\\_ /___   ____/_  //____ __        _(//_
      _)   /    /_\\_   \_  _/    /__/     / _     // //_____./    (_
      \   _    /    /    /  \     \_ _    /  /    /   _/     |      /
      /___\____\   _    /____\_____/ \   /_______/    \      |\_____\
   <---------_ ____\____\-----|-\________\ ---_ _______\_____|--------->
                      | __XXX |
                      | XXXXX | a  A  R  D  B  E  i  !
                      | XXXXX |
                      |_ XXX _|

   ___   ___  ____    ____ ___    __    _
 __\_ \__\_ \_\_ /_ _/   //  /___/ /__. \/_
_)  /  /  /  /_/  // _  //  _   / _/  |/  (_
\  _  /  _  / \   \_ \  \   /  /  \   |    /
/__\__\ _\__\ _\___/_____\ ___/____\__|____\
- -diP---------------------------------bM- -
           blahblah demo lalalala
            at assembly whatever
- ---------------------------------------- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    o2. b a s s h u t
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

                            . ............... .
                            ..: ........... :..
                            : ..:         :.. :
                            : : - bASSHUT - : :
      ____        _____   __:     ___       : :_____.   ________ _____
    _/   /_____ _\\_   \_/  //___/_ //_____ __|     |__\\_     //    //_
   _)   _     /    /    /\__      /_      /   |     |    /    //      _/
   \    /    /    _    /   /     / /     /    _     |   /    /        \
   /________/_____\____\ ________\ ______\ ___\_____|________\ ________\
 - -diP---------------------:-----------------:---------------------bM!- -
              hARDCORE tiLL : :             : : yA dROP oUT!
                            : :..         ..: :
                            :.. :.........: ..:
                            . :.............: .

   ____          ._____. - ----------------+
  /   /_______ __|     |  - BASSHUT 2003 - |
_/   _       /   |     |                   |
\    /      /    _     | blahblahblahblahb |
:\_________/_____\_____| lalalalalalalalal |
| blalblablablablablalblablablalblablablab |
| blablablalbalblalbalblalbalblalbalblablb |

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    o3. b e e p d e a l e r s
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

    ____      ___        ___         _________
  _/   /_____/  //_____./  //_____. \\_      /
 _)   _     /   _/     |   _/     |   /     /......................... .
 \    /    /    \      |   \      |  /_____/                         :..
 /________/______\_____|____\_____|____\                               :
- -----____---___---diP:---_____---___--- -  ___         _____   ___   :
 _____\\   \ /  //_____: _\\_   \_/  /______/  //_____._\\_  /__/  //__:___
 \     _    \   _/     |/   /    / _//     /   _/     |  _/    /\__       /
  \    \     \  \      |   _    /  \      /    \      |  \     \_ /      /
   \_________/___\_____|___\____\ __\_____\ ____\_____|___\_____/________\
- ---------------------:-----------------------------------------------:-- -
                       :                                               :
                       :..      -  - B E E P D E A L E R S -  -      ..:
                       . :...........................................: .

 __     _     _     ______
/ /____///__.///__.\\_   /
  _   / _/  | _/  |  /  / .      .    .__._
  /  /  \   | \   | /__/__|.__ _,| .__|_/|_.
____/____\__|__\__|___\ \_||_//_)|_|_/| \ _|
- -diP-------------------- ` ----- ` ------+
:  texttetexetexttexttexttexttexttexttextt :
:.. blahblahlblahlblhlblhlhlbbvhvhlbahbl ..:
. :......................................: .

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    o4. b l a c k  m a i d e n
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

                                       _ _._                   _._ _
                                          |                     |
         ___      ___       _____      diP|   _____             |
        /  /_____/  /____ _\\_   \_ _ ____: _/    /             |
      _/   _    / _//   /    /    / _/    | \     \_            |
      \____/___/__\_____\ __\_____\ \_____|__\_____/   BLACK... |
  __  __    _____     _     ____   __     :  _____              |
._\_\/_/_ _\\_   \_ _\/_____\   \ / //____:_\\_   \_            |
|   \/  (_   /    //   (\   _    \  _/    |   /    /            |
|___||___/__\_____\ ____/___\_____\ \_____|_ /_____\  ...MAIDEN |
                                          :                     |
                                          |                     |
                                      _  _|_                   _|_ _
                                          .                     .

   ____        ___  ___
 _/   /______ _\__\/__//___________________
_)   _      /     \/                      (_
\    /     /      ||                       /
- -diP---------------------------------bM- -

- ---------------------------------------- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    o5. b y p a s s
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

          ___          ________  _________   _____   ___       ___
        _/  //______ _\\_     /_\\_      /__\\_   \_/  //_____/  //_____
       _)  _       /    /    /    /     /     /    /___      /___      /
       \   \      /    /    /    /_____/     _    /   /     /   /     /
       /__________\___    __\_______\ _ _____\____\_________\_________\
       - -diP---------\___\----------------------------------------bM- -

   ___             ___________ ___
 _/  //_________ _\\_        //  //________
_)  _          /    /       //___         /
\   \         /    /_______/    /        /
/_____________\_______\ _ _______________\
- -diP--------------------------------bM- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    o6. b y t e a m
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

     _____          _________ _____    __            ______     __  __
   _/    /_______ _\\_      //    //_ / //______.___\\_    \_ _\\_\/_//___
  _)    _       /    /     //      _/   _/      |     /     /     \/     (_
  \     /      /    /     /        \    \       |    _     /      ||      /
  /___________/___     __/__________\ ___\______|____\_____\ _____||______\

   __     ______ __    _      ___ __ _
  / /___ \\_   // //_ ///__._\\_ \_ \\/____
 / _   /   /  //   _// _/  |   /  /  \/   (_
/  /  /   /  /     \   \   |  _  /   ||    /
\_____\ _  _/_______\ __\__|__\__\ __||____\
- -diP---\_\------------------------------ -
- ---------------------------------------- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    o7. c a l o d o x
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

          .                           .
           .: ..................... :.
            ..:                   :..
            :                       :
            :           ___         :         _____             _______
  _____ ____:   _____  /  /______  _:___ _____\    \    _____ __\____  \_
 _)  _//    |__\\_   \_ _//     /_\\_   \\     _    \__\\_   \_     /   (_
 \   \      |    /    / \      /    /    /     \     \   /    /    /     /
 /__________|   _    /___\_____\        /____________/       /____/\_____\
- --diP-_ ______\____\-------_ _________\---------_ _________\------bM-- -
            :                       :
            :                       :
            :  C  A  L  O  D  O  X  :
            :                       :
            :..                   ..:
          ... :...................: ...
          . :                       : .

                     _____     __________
 ______ ______.______\    \ ___\____     \_
_)   _//      |\      _    \       /      (_
\    \        |       \     \     /        /
- -diP---------------------------------bM- -

- ---------------------------------------- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    o8. c r i t i c a l  m a s s
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

. ............... .  .   .     .      .
:          _____    _    ____     _            _____    ___
:____ ___._\_  /__ _\/_ /   //_ _\/_ ____ ___._\_   \_ /  /____
:) _//   | _/    //   (_     _//   (_  _//   |  /    // _//   /
\________|_\_____\ ____/_____\ _____/________|_\_____\ _\_____\
:___ __ ---- _____ - ___  --- ___  -diP--------------------------->
|   \\/___ __\_   \_/  //____/  //_____
|    \/  (_   /    /___     /___      /  C R I T I C A L  M A S S !
|____||___/__\_____\ _/____/___/______\
. :.............. .  .   .     .      .

                  _ _______ _______________.
 _____ ____._____\//      (_               |
_)  _//    |     \/        / cRiTiCAL mASS |
\   \      |     ||        \               |
.                                          |
|  blahblah another product russia rocks ! |
|                                          |
|_ _                                    _ _|

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    o9. d o w n l o r d s
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

                . ............................................. .
                ..:                                           :..
                :                                               :
                :   D    O    W    N    L    O    R    D    S   :
            -  -:- ------------------------------------------- -:-  -
     ____       :   _______          ___              ____      :     __
_____\   \_  ___:_ _\___  (_  ____  /  /_____ _____ _\\_ /___  _:__  / //______
\     _   (_\\_   \_   /   /_\\_  \_ _//    / \_   \_ _/    /__\   \_\___     /
 \    \    /  /    /  /    \   /   / \     /   /    / \     \_  _   (_  /    /
 /_________\      /___/\____\ /    \ _\____\       /___\_____/  \    /_______\
- -diP-_ _________\-----_ ____\_____\----_ ________\-----_ __________\----bM- -

          ____     ___       ___
__________\   \_  /  /_____ /  //___________
\          _   (_  _//    (_\__            /
 \         \    /  \       /  /           /
 /______________\ __\______\ _____________\
- -diP---------------------------------bM- -
       -  D  O  W  N  L  O  R  D  S  -

    "Catkin" - a 4k intro for 0a000h 2003

- ---------------------------------------- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    1o. d o w n t o w n
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

                          _ _._ _   _    _ _._ _
                             |              |
                             |  dOWNTOWN!   |
      ____             ______|_ - ----- -___|_            ________
______\   \    _____ __\__    /   _____ /    //_  _____ __\__    /   _____
\      _   \__\\_   \_   /    \ _\\_   \_     _/_\\_   \_   /    \__\\_   \_
 \     \    \   /    /  /\     \   /    /     \    /    /  /\     \   /    /
 /__________/       /___/\_____/  /     \ _____\       /___/\_____/  /     \
- ---diP-_ _________\-----_ _|____\______\--|_ ________\-bM---_ _____\______\-
                         _  _|_ _    _   _ _|_  _
                             .              .

      ____   _______
______\   \ /      //_----( DOWNTOWN )---- -
\      _   \        _/
 \     \    \       \  blabhbal 4k for ASM03
- -diP------------------------------------ -

- -------------(  p o u e t . n e t  g o s s i p  b r e a k  )--------------- -

          "Dipswitch bitches about ascii and how it's cool." -Shifter

   "...and every scener should know how to display ascii correctly!" -elend

        "And I always thought that ascii was supposed to be the scene's
                            h.i.v syndrome..." -kb

                  "ascii collections need a demofile" -droid

           "i think i'm known as an admirer of ascii art..." -dalezy

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    11. e p h i d r e n a
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

   __                 .____.          ___            __                 _____
 _/ //____.  _______ _|    |  __ _____\  \   _____ _/ //____.  _____ __\\_   \_
_)  _/    |_\\_    /  |    |_(_/_\     _  \_\\_  /__  _/    |_\\_   \_   /    /
\   \     |   /   /   _    |    (_     \   \ _/    /  \     |   /    /  _    /
/____\____|  /___/____\____|     /_________/ \     \_ _\____|  /     \ _\____\
- -diP-_ ______\--------_ _______\----_ ______\_____/----_ ____\______\---bM- -

   ___                             ._______.
 _/  //_________.  ____________ ___|       |
_)   _/         |_\\_         /    |       |
\    \          |   /        /     _       |
/_____\_________|  /________/______\_______|
- -diP------_ __________\--------------bM- -

       - E P H i D R E N A  2 0 0 3 -

- ---------------------------------------- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    12. e p i d e m i c
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

                .                                 .
                 .: ........................... :.
                  ..:                         :..
                  :       E P i D E M i C       :
                  :                             :
   __         ____:____  __       ___   __      :     _ _____   __
 _/ //_____._\\_      /_(_/_ _____\  \ / //_____:____\//    (_ _\_)_ ____ ____.
_)  _/     |   /     //    (_\     _  \  _/     |    \/      //    (_  _//    |
\   \      |  /_____/       /      \   \ \      |    ||      \      /  \      |
/____\_____|______\ ________\ _________/__\_____|____||_______\ ____\ ________|
- -diP------------:-----------------------------:-------------------------bM- -
                  :                             :
                  :       P R E S E N T S       :
                  :                             :
                  :..                         ..:
                 .. :.........................: ..
                . :                             : .

  _    _____ _   __   _      _ _  _
_///__.\_  /(/___\ \ ///__._\//(_ \/_ ___ _.
) _/  | /_/   \   _ \ _/  | \/  //  (_ _// |
\_\___|__\ ___/___\_/_\___|_||__\ ___/_____|
- -diP---------------------------------bM- -
             - E P i D E M i C -


- ---------------------------------------- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    13. e x c e s s
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

                         ::    ::
                  . .....::....::..... .
                  ..:    :: .. ::    :..
          __      :      :: :: ::      :           ___
        _/ //_____: _________ ____ ____: __       /  //_________
       _)  _/     |_\____   (_  _//    |/ //_____/___       /  //______
       \   \      |     /    /  \      |  _/     |  /      /___       /
       /____\_____|    /     \ ________|  \      |_________\  /      /
    - --diP-_ ________/\______\----_ ______\_____|-bM----_ __________\-- -
                  :      .. .. .:      :
                  :      :: :: ::      :
                  :..    :: :: ::    ..: e X C E S S !
                  . :....::....::....: .
                         ::    ::

 __    _____          __     __      __
/ /___.\___(_ ___ __./ /___./ /_____/ /_____
 _/   |   / // _//  | _/   |__     /__     /
 \    |  /  \  \    | \    | /    /  /    /
__\___|_/\___\ _____|__\___|______\ ______\
- -diP---------------------------------bM- -

- ---------------------------------------- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    14. f a i r l i g h t
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

                    __._ _                               _ _.__
              _ _._/  |     [+]  f A i R L i G H T  [+]     |  \_._ _
                 |    |                                     |    |
      ______  ___|_   | _   ____     ___        _     ___   |    :_____. ____
  _ _/     /_\\_   \_ |\/__\\_ /___ /  /______ _\/_ _/ _//__|__ _|     |/   //_
 _) \    _/    /    //   (_ _/    // _//     //   (_   \_     /  |     |     _/
 \   \___\    _    /      / \     \_ \      /      /    /    /   _     |     \
 /_____\ _____\____\______\ _\_____/__\_____\______\_________\___\_____|______\
- -diP-----------|----|-------------------------------------|----|--------bM- -
                 |    |                                     |    |
                _|____|_                                   _|____|_
                 :    :                                     :    :

       __________ ____           ________
  __ _/         //   /_________ /       //_
 _)  \       __//  _//        //         _/
 \    \______\     \         //          \
 /_______\ _________\________\____________\
- -diP---------------------------------bM- -
       (-) F A i R L i G H T  P C (-)

 blahblahb demo - 1st at lalalla party 2003

- ---------------------------------------- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    15. f a r b r a u s c h
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

          ______         ____
      _ _/     / _____ _\\_ /___ ___
     _) \    _/_\\_   \_ _/    //  /______
     \   \___\    /    / \     \_ _      /                     .
     /_____\     _    /___\_____/ \     /----------------------+- -
   - --|-_ ______\____\-----_ __________\-- -                  |
       |                                   - - - - - - - - - - |
       |       ____               ________ f a r b r a u s c h |
       |     _\\_ /___   _____ __\\_     /___  _ _____ ______  :______.
       |    _) _/    /__\\_   \_   /    //  //_____ _//     /__|      |
    - -+----\  \     \_   /    /  /    / \__      / \      /   |      |
         diP/___\_____/  _    /________\   /     /_________\   _      |
          - ------_ _____\____\------_ __________\------_ _____\______|-- -

_ ___ ______ _____________________________._
  _ _/     / ____                         |
 _) \    _/_\\_ /___  fr.40: hablabhlahha |
 \   \___\   _/    /      breakpoint 2003 |
 /_____\     \     \_                     |
- ---_ _______\_____/-diP-----------------+-

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    16. f e n o m e n
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

                         __._ _
                   _ _._/  |
                      |    | f E N O M E N !
                      |    | - ----------- - _ _
         _____ __     |  __|__     _____   __  /_    __        _____
     _ _/   _// //____:_\\_   \_ _\\_   \_ \_\/_//_ / //____._\\_   \_
    _) \____\   _/    |   /    /    /    /   \/   (_  _/    |   /    /
    \_____\ ____\_____|__/_____\_________\___||____/__\_____|__/_____\
    - -diP------------:----|-------------------------------------bM- -
                      |    |
                      :    :

                      _ _
     _____  _____   __  /_
 _ _/   _/_\\_   \_ \_\/_//_
_) \____\    /    /   \/   (_  FENOMEN 2003!
\_____\_____/_____\___||____/  - -----------
|                                          |
|                                          |
|                                          |

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    17. f l o
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

                           _ _._        _._ _
                             _|_ _    _ _|_
                             \|          |/
                          ____|__  fLO!  |   _____
                      _ _/      /___ _ __|__\\_   \_
                     _) \     _//  /______    /    /
                     \   \____\  _//     /        /
                     /_____\     \      /_________\
                  - ----_ ________\_____\:diP------- -
                              |          |
                           _ _|_   _    _|_ _

      __________ ____             ________
 __ _/         //   /________ ___\\_      \_
_)  \        _//  _//       (_     /       /
\    \_______\    \          /            /
/_______\ _________\_________\____________\
- -diP---------------------------------bM- -
 "vaihto runkkari voitamatton"
                     64k intro for asm 2003
- ---------------------------------------- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    18. f r e e s t y l e
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

     ______ ____     __      __      __       ___  ________ ___       __
 _ _/     /_\_ /___ / /____./ /____./ /_____ /  /__\_     //  /_____ / /_____.
_) \    _/  _/    // _/    | _/    |\_     //   _/  /    // _//    // _/     |
\   \___\   \     \_ \     | \     | /    /     \  /    /   \     /   \      |
/_____\ _____\_____/__\____|__\____|______\______\_   __\____\____\____\_____|
- -diP---------------------------------------------\__\------------------bM- -
                    F  R  E  E  S  T  Y  L  E   2  0  0  3
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

     ______ ____     __      __
 _ _/     /_\_ /___ / /____./ /____.
_) \    _/  _/    // _/    | _/    |
\   \___\   \     \_ \     | \     | sTYLE !
/_____\ _____\_____/__\____|__\____| - -----

 blahbl”ahba text hier rein jungs...


   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    19. f u z z i o n
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

          ______              ___           _                   _____
      _ _/     / ________ ___\\  \     ___ _\//__     _____ ___\\_   \_
     _) \    _/_\\_     /      __/____\\  \     (_ __\\_   \_    /    /
     \   \___\    /    /       \_       __/      /     /    /   /    /
     /_____\     /    /_________/       \________\         /___/_____\
    - --_ ____________\-diP-_ ___________/---_ ____________\-bM-------- -

     ______    ___    _____
 _ _/     /___\\  \ _\\_   \_
_) \    _/      __/    /    /
\   \___\       \_    /     \   FUZZiON 2003
/_____\ _________/____\______\



   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    2o. g r e e n r o o m
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

                                                                       _ __
   __        ____     __       __        ____   ____     ____   ____  __  /_
 _/_//_____ _\_ /___ / //____./ //____._\\_  \_ \_ /___ _\_  \__\_  \_\_\/_//_
_) \_     /  _/    //  _/    |  _/    |   /   / _/    /   /   /  /   /  \/   (_
\   /    /   \     \_  \     |  \     |  /    \ \     \_     /      /   :.    /
- -diP--------------------------------------------------------------------bM- -

                      _ _
  ___       ____    __  /_
_/ _/_____ _\_ /___\\_\/_/___
\  \_    /  _/    /   \/    /--------------.
/___/____\__\_____\___||____\ gREENROOM !  |
|                                          |
|                                          |
|                                          |

- -------------(  p o u e t . n e t  g o s s i p  b r e a k  )--------------- -

         "please stick your ascii where the sun don't shine" -stellan

                          "look, ma, it's art!" -reed

 "unreadable ascii art looks like a random collection of computer chars" -thom

 "sceners [...] rather draw lame logos instead of pretty pictures" -diamondie

        "good ascii and nfofiles full of text rocks in demos" -optimus

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    21. h a r d r e a d
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

       _ _:\                                             /:_ _
          |     .   H   A   R   D   R   E   A   D   .     |
          |                                               |
    ._____:  _____   ____        ___     _____    __      |  _____      ___
 ___|     |_\\_   \_\\_ /___ ___\\  \_ _\\_  /___/ //_____:_\\_   \_ __\\  \_
_)  |     |   /    / _/    //     _  (_  _/     /  _/     |   /    //    _  (_
\   _     |  _    /  \     \_     \   /  \      \_ \      |  _    /      \   /
- -diP----|-----------------------------------------------|--------------bM- -
       _ _|_                                             _|_ _

    ._____.     ___
 ___|     |____\\  \_- --------------------.
_)  |     |\     _  (_  "kedves lany"      |
\   _     |      \   /  4k intro           |
/___\_____|__________\  towel 2004         |
- -diP-------------------------------------'

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    22. h a u j o b b
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

              ______                _ ____             ____
    _ _______\\_    \_   _ ________\\\\___)__   _ ____/   //_______
    ._____.    |     /_   ________          (_  ______            /_ ___
 ___|     |    |      |__\\_     /           /_\\_    \_ _         |/  //_____
_)  |     |    |      |    /    /           /    /     / \         |  _      /
\   _     |    |      |   /    /__         /          /   \        |  \     /
/___\_____|    _      |________\ /        /___________\            |________\
- --_ _________\______|-diP-----/________/------_ _________________|-bM----- -

         [ + ]     H   A   U   J   O   B   B    2   0   0   3    [ + ]

- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

      ._________.     ____    ____
 _____|         |_ __\\___)__/   //_________
_)    |         |           /   _          /
\     _         |          /    \         /
/_____\_________|_        /_______________\
- -diP-----------/_______/------------bM!- -

- ---------------------------------------- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    23. h e a d c r a s h
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

    .____.           ____                               ____           .____.
 ___|    | __  _ ___\\_  \_   ___ _____ _____  ____ ___\\_  \_ __  _ __|    |
_)  |    |/ //____.   /   /___\  \_  _//    /_\\_ /___   /   // //____ |    |
\   _    |  _/    |  _   /\    _  (_ \     /   _/    /  _   //__     / _    |
/___\____|  \     |__\___\     \   /_______\   \     \_ \___\  /    /__\____|
- -diP_ _____\____|----_ __________\----_ ______\_____/---_ ________\-bM!-- -

          ._____.             ____
       ___|     |____ _____ _\\_ /___
      _)  |     |  _//    /   _/    /
      \   _     |  \     /    \     \_



   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    24. j u m a l a u t a
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

                                               _ _
                          _ ___     ________ __  /_      _____
.______________________ _\\\\__)_ _\\_     /_\_\/_//_ __\\_   \_
|                       \_      /    /    /    \/   (_    /    /
|                        /     /    /    /     :.    /   _    /
|                       /     /__________\_____||____\___\____\
|                      /_____/
|                ___         _____     ________ ____     _____
|              _/  /______ _\\_   \_ _\\_     //   //_ _\\_   \_
|             _) _//     /    /    /    /    //     _/    /    /
|             \  \      /    _    /    /    /       \    _    /
`-diP-------- /___\_____\____\____\_________\________\___\____\

             _ _
     _      _\  __     ___
 ____\/___ _\_\/_//_  /  /______
 \_      /    \/   (_/ _//     /
  /     /     ||    /  \      / -jUMALAUTA--
 /     /______||____\___\_____\



   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    25. k e w l e r s
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

                        . ............................ .
                        ..:                          :..
         ____           :       - K E W L E R S -      :          ___
    ___ /   (_  __      :  _______   ___       __      :  ____   /  //_____
 _._) _/     /_/ //_____:__\__   (_ /  /______/ //_____:_\\_ /___\____    (_._
  |   \      \   _/     |    /    // _//     /  _/     |  _/    /    |      |
  |    \      \_ \      |   /\    \  \      /   \      |  \     \_   |      |
  |_____\______/__\_____|___/\_____\__\_____\ ___\_____|___\_____/__________|
- -diP--------------------------------------------------------------------bM- -

       ____        ___________   ___
  ___ /   (_ ______\__       (_ /  //_____
._) _/     /         /        / \___     (_.
|   \      \_       /\        \    /       |
- -diP---------------------------------bM- -


- ---------------------------------------- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    26. k o l o r
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

                        .                      .
                     _ _|_         _          _|_ _
                        |                      |
                       _|____ - k O L O R -  __|___
              ___ _ __\\_    \_  ___ _ _____\\_    \_    ____
        ____ /  (_      /     (_/  /______    /     (_ _\\_ /___
       _)  _/    /             / _//     /           /   _/    /
       \   \     \_           /  \      /           /    \     \_
       /____\_____/___________\ __\_____\___________\_____\_____/
       - -diP-----------|----------------------|------------bM- -
                     - -|----------------------|- -
                        .                      .

     _____                        _____
._  /    (_ ____   __      ____ _\\_  /____.
| _/      /_\_  \_/ /______\_  \_ _/      /|
| \       \_ /   /_//    /  /   / \        |
|  \       /    / \     /      /   \       |
|___\_____/_____\ _\____\______\____\______|
- -diP---------------------------------bM- -


- ---------------------------------------- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    27. m a n d a r i n e
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

    _ _  ___             _____             ____            _____
    ___\/__/_    _____ _\\_   \_   _____ _\\_ /___  ___ __\\_   \_ __
 _._)  \/   (_ _\\_   \_  /    /__\\_   \_ _/    /_\\__)_   /    // //____
  |    ||    /    /    / /     \    /    / \     \_     /  /     \  _/   (_._
  |____||____\   _    /__\______\  _    /___\_____/    /___\______\ \      |
- ----diP-_ _____\____\-bM--_ _____\____\----_ ________\-----_ ______\_____|->

     _ _
diP _\  __       _____         ___
 __\\_\/_//__ __\\_   \________\  \_     man
_)    \/    (_    /    /\       _  (_     da
\     ||     /   /     \        \   /   rine



   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    28. m a r s h a l s
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

     _ _
   __  /__                                                            __
 _\\_\/__//_   _____   .  m   a   r   s   h   a   l   s  .  ___      / //______
_)   \/    (__\\_   \_ ____- ------------------- - _____   /  /______\___     /
\    ||     /   /    /\\_ /___ __         ._____._\\_   \_/ _//     /   /    /
/____||_____\  _    /  _/    // //______ _|     |   /    /  \      /_________\
- ----diP-/____\____\  \     \\___     /  |     |  _    /____\_____\-bM------ -
                  /_____\_____/  /    /   _     |__\____\

        __  __       ____     ___
      _\\_\/_//__ __\\_ /___ /  //____
_ __._)   \/    (_   _/    //___     (_.__ _
    |     ||     /   \     \_  /       |
diP |_____||_____\____\_____/__________|  bM

- ---------------------------------------- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    29. m f x
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

                    _ _
                 _ _\  __ _    . m . F . X .    ____________
             ____\\\_\/_///__      ___________ _\____     _/
             \_      \/     (_ _ _/          /      /     \
              /      ||      //  \          /      /       \
             /       ||      \    \      __/      /         \
            /________||_______\    \_____\_______/ \_________\
          - ---------diP-_ ____________\-bM-------------------- -

  __  __       ____  ________ __ _
__\_\/_//_ _ _/  _/__\__   _//_//// /  /   /
\   \/   /   \___\     /   \
/___||___\_____\ _____/\____\  m   F   X   !
- -diP------------------------------------ -


- ---------------------------------------- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    3o. m o p p i
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

      _ ___  ___ _      _______     __________  __________  ___ _
     _\)\__\/__/(/_ ___\\_     \_ _\\_       /_\\_       /_(__/(/_
    _)     \/     (_     /      /    /      /    /      /        /
    \      ||      /           /    /______/    /______/        /
    /______||______\___________\_______\ _ ________\ _ _________\
    - -diP---------------------------------------------------bM- -
                   M       O       P       P       i
    - ---------------------------------------------------------- -

    _                                   _
____\/___ _______ _ ________ ________ _\/___
\_  \/  (_  _   (_  \_     / \_     /     _/
 /  ||   /  \    /   /____/   /____/      \
- -diP---------------------------------bM- -


- ---------------------------------------- -

- -------------(  p o u e t . n e t  g o s s i p  b r e a k  )--------------- -

                         "ascii has to be..." -Fillbert

               "we always had and will have ascii nfo's" -styx^hcr

      "<insert anything lame and at the same time insulting here>" -stefan

      "i don't think pictures with elfs or homos are more interesting than
                        some twisted ascii logos" -raver

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    31. n o i c e
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

               _____ ___\\_   \_    _              __
           _ _\\_   \_    |    (_ _(//_ ____ _____/ //______ _
                /    /          |/    (_  _//    /  _/
               /     \          |      /  \     /   \
           _ __\______\         |______\________\____\______ _
           - ------_ ___________|-diP----------------------- -
                                      n O i C E !

   _____    _____    _            __
_ _\_   \_ _\_   \_ \/_ ___ _____/ //_____ _
    /    /   /    //  (_ _//    /  _/
   /     \       /     / \     /   \
_ _\______\______\_____\_______\____\_____ _

- ---------------------------------------- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    32. p s y c h o  t e a m
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

                                   .                .
                                _ _|_      _       _|_ _
                                   |  psycho team!  |
            _________           ___|____- --------  :_____.
         __\\_      /__   _ ____\_     /    _ ______|     |   _____
        _)   /     // //_____    /    /____ ______  |     |__\\_   \_
        \   /_____//__      /   /    /   _//     /  _     |    /    /
        /______\     /     /___   ___\   \      /___\_____|        /
        - ---_ ____________\---\__\ _ __________\---: _ ___________\- -
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                 /_______\  \      |___\____\    ||    /
                - ---_ ______\_____|------_ _____||____\-- -
                                   :                |
                                  \|                |/
                                   :                :

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- -diP----------\_\--------------------bM- -

pishite suda shto hotite lalalalalalallallal

- ---------------------------------------- -

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  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    33. r a z o r  1 9 1 1
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

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      |   \       \_         /       \                /    \        |
      |    \       /  _     /         \    _         /      \       |
      |_____\_____/___\_____\\_____________\ ________\_______\______|
    - -diP--------------------------------------------------------bM- -

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- -diP-----( rAZOR 1911 pRESENTS )-----bM- -

     chipdisk #4 - another pack'o'tunes

- ---------------------------------------- -

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  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    34. s a l v a  m e a
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

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                          _ _._/        |
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            _) //______ _\\_   \_/  /___|__ _\_     /__\\_   (_
         ___\____     /    /    / _//     /   /    /     /    /
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                  - ----------------------------- -

 ___        __           _____
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 _/      /   \      |    _    / sALVA mEA! |
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|                                          |
|                                          |
|                                          |

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    35. s a t o r i
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

         ___                                                _ ___
        _) //_______   _____   _____     _____     ____ _ __\\\_(_
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      |     /     /     /    /      _/    /    /   _/    /         |
      |    /     /     _    /       \         /    \     \_        |
      - -diP---------------------------------------------------bM- -

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    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    36. s c i e n i d e
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

                  . ....................................... .
                  ..:                                     :..
                  :      *  S  C  i  E  N  i  D  E  *       :
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 _/  //______ __ _:____ _\\_)_ / //_____._\\_   \_ _(_//_ __:_\\  \_ / //_____.
_\____      / _//     /      (_  _/     |   /    /      (_      _  (_  _/     |
\_   /     /  \      /        /  \      |  /     \       /      \   /  \      |
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|  \/     /     \      |  s C i E N i D E  |
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|                                          |
|                                          |
|                                          |

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  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    37. s c o o p e x
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

                 _ _._     \  /     _._ _
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\_    /     / _//     /        /    /     /  /______/   _/       |     /    \
 /   /     /  \      /        /          /      \       \        |    /      \
/__________\        /_________\         /________\       \       |___/ \______\
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                    |                |
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                 _ _|_- ---------- -_|_ _
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 ___                           ____________
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  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    38. s p e c k d r u m m
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

                                      . ..........
                                      ..:        :
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      \___      /    /     /   _/     |  _//      /  _/     /
        _/     /    /_____/    \      |  \       /   \      \_
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      - -diP--------------------------:----------:---------- -
            ___     _____       ______:_    _ ___:___ _
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      \      _  (_  _/     /     /    /    \/    |    \/    (_
       \     \   /  \      \_   /    /     ||    |    ||     /
      - ------------------------------:----------:-------bM- -

 __  _ ____\\ \_
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_/    /_________\

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    39. s m a s h  d e s i g n s
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

                        _ _._                              _._ _
                           |    S M A S H  D E S i G N S    |
                           |  - ------------------------ -  |
               __          |             _____              :_____.
              / //______   |_ _______ __\\_   \_ __  _ _____|     |
              \___     /___\//     _/     /    // //_____   |     |
                _/    /    \/      \     _    //___     /   _     |
                \_____\    ||       \____\____\   /    /____\_____|
              - -_ ________||_______/------_ __________\----|---- -
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       \     _  (_/ //_____:\____     /_\/_   \_     /_\\_   \_\___     /
        \    \   /  _/     |    /    //   (_   /    /    /    /   /    /
        /________\  \      |_________\     /________\   /     \ _______\
            _ _______\_____|     _ ________\    _ ______\______\

 ___                  ___    ___
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   /        /          \   /   /        /
- -diP-------------------------------bM- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    4o. s p i n n i n g  k i d s
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

                           . ................... .
                           ..:                 :..
                           :                     :
  ___         _________ _  :  _____     _____    : _    _____     ___
 /  //_____ _\\_      /_\/_:_\\_   \_ _\\_   \_ _\\/_ _\\_   \_ _/ _//_____
 \__      /    /     /    (_   /    /    /    //    (_   /    /    \_     /
  _/     /    /_____/      /  /     \   /     \      /  /     \     /    /
  \______\_______\ ________\__\______\__\______\_____\__\______\_________\
 - --------------------diP-:---------------------:-bM-------------------- -
                          _:_     _      ___    _:_
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                    _) _/    //    (_     _  (_\__      /
                    \  \     \_     /     \   /  /     /
                    - -----:---------------------:---- -

 ___            ______
/  //_____ ___ /     (_- ------------------.
\__      //  _/       /                    |
 _/     //   \        \_ blahblahblahblkah |
 \______\     \        /                   |
   _ __________\______/-diP----------------'

- -------------(  p o u e t . n e t  g o s s i p  b r e a k  )--------------- -

                  hmm, i ran out of quotes... well, never mind.

         be sure to check out www.evoke-net.de right after breakpoint !

                            evoke Z003 - yeah baby !

- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    41. t a a t
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

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                   /        /   /     /    /     /        \
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- --------------------------------- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    42. t h e  s i l e n t s
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

                                         _._ _
                                    _ _./ |
                                       |  | tHE siLENTS!
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                      _)     _/__|     |  _/     |
                      \      \   |     |  \      |
                      /_______\  _     |___\_____|
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       ___              ___            |  |  _____          ___
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        _/     //    (_ \      //  _/     |  /     \     _/   /     /
        \______\      /__\_____\   \      |__\______\    \__________\
      - ----_ ________\-----_ ______\_____|----_ _________\-bM------ -

   _____    ___       ___
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- ---------------------------------------- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    43. t h r e e p i x e l s
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

  ___    .___. ____   __      __      ________  ________ __      ___     __
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|    \   _   | \    \_ \    |  \    | /___/     /  /   \  \    | \    /  /   /
|_____\__\___|__\____/__\___|___\___|___\ _ ____\_/\____\__\___|__\___\______\
- -diP--------------------------------------------------------------------bM- -
                        T  H  R  E  E  P  i  X  E  L  S
- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- -

 _______          ___________  ____________
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- -diP---------------------------------bM- -


- ---------------------------------------- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    44. t h r o b
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

                     _ _._                  _._ _
                        |// t  h  r  o  b! \\|
                        |                    |
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             _)     _/__|     |  _/    /__\_   \_  _      /
             \      \   |     |  \     \_  /    /  \     /
             /_______\  _     |___\_____/      /_________\
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- ---------------------------------- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    45. t p o l m
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

                             . .......: .. :....... .
                             ..:      :....:      :..
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              _)      _/_\\_      /    /    //  /___:__   \/     \
              \       \    /     /         // _//     /   ||      \
              /________\  /_____/__________\  \      /____||______/
              - ---_ ________\-diP-----_ ______\_____\-bM-------- -

              T H E  P L A N E T  O F  L E A T H E R  M O O M i N S
              - ------------------------------------------------- -

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- ---------------------------------------- -

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    46. t - r e x
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

                                . ............. .
                                ..:           :..
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               _)      _//_//  _/     /  _/     |      /   \
               \       \   /   \      \_ \      |     /     \
               /________\  \____\______/__\_____|____/\______\
               - -diP------------------------------------bM- -
                     t-rex - the russian scene dinosaurs
               - ------------------------------------------- -

   _____     ____      __         _________
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- ---------------------------------------- -

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  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    47. u m l a u t  d e s i g n
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

          ________           ___                   ________
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     _)    /    /__\//_//_ / _//     /__\\_   \_    /    //    //_
     \    /    /   \/    (_  \      /     /    /   /    //      _/
     /_________\   ||     /___\_____\    _    /_________\       \
     - ---_ _______||_____\-diP-_ _______\____\------_ __________\
             ___              ___           ___
      ______\\  \_  __       /  //____  _ _/ _//_____  _____
      \       _  (_/ //_____.\__     /_\/_   \_     /_\\_   \_
       \      \   /  _/     |  /    //   (_   /    /    /    /
       /__________\  \      |_______\     /________\   /     \
      - -------_ _____\_____|---_ ________\-bM-_ ______\______\

     ________    ___
 ___\\_     /___\\  \_---------------------.
_)    /    /      _  (_                    |
\    /    /       \   /  umlaut design!    |
/________ \___________\  - ------------    |
- -diP-------------------------------------'

   __  ___                                                          _
  (_(__)_) - ----------------------------------------------------/-//- -
    )   \_               E A S T E R  E G G  F O R . . .
   /// _  \_  ©Mt
  /    /    \   __                    48. v a n t a g e
 (____/     _\ /_ \ - --------------------------- -  -
 /_/ | _ __(  \_/ /

         _________          _____             _____              __
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     _)   /     /_\\_   \_   /    //    //_    /    // _//_____   _/    (_
     \   /     /    /    /  /     \      _/   _    /   \_     /   \      /
     /________/    _    /___\______\     \____\____\    /    /_____\_____\
    - -diP-_ ______\____\-----_ __________\-----_ ___________\-bM!------ -

           ________ _____    ___
        ___\_     //    //_ / _//______
       _)   /    /       _//  \_      /
       \   /    /        \     /     /
- -diP---------------------------------bM- -

- ---------------------------------------- -

                            o k a y  e n o u g h .

  i f  y o u r  g r o u p  i s  m i s s i n g ,  f e e l  f r e e  t o  r e q

                 - >  d i p s w i t c h @ k a o z . o r g  <-

        _______             _____.______
_____.__\_    /____   ______\    ||    /______________ _
\    |   /   /.  _/___\_    -   _||___/.|        /  _///___
 \  _|___\____|  )     /        \_     ||_     _/\_       /.
--\____/ ---- |_________|________/_____|-|_____\___________|ave'dTr ----------

                       "dipswitch" by daeron/lp!^bypass

                      "black maiden" by darkus/asl^mangoo

                     "easter eggs" by avenger/blackmaiden

                 cute little doggie by mortimer_twang/lp!^dcs

                       "credits" by avenger/blackmaiden

                        "greets" by avenger/blackmaiden

                    "bm" file_id by lord_chaos/blackmaiden

                                rest by myself

         all involved ascii artists are also members of demogroups...
                              funny thing eh? =)

  _______.     _______________   _______   ________________
  \     _|_____\_      _/   _|___\_   _|___\_         /  _/______
   \    \_      /      \    )     /   )     /.      _/\_        /.
 ave\____/_______\______\__________\_________|______\____________|dTr --------

      abductee abhorrence abstrakt acorn acryl arcane avatar avenger axl
 azzaro b badpeon barock baze bhead black_jack blz boheme bud chromag chunnie
   crazy crb crusader cthulu cybergod cyberkid cyclone d0n d4s daeron dairos
             dalezy darkus desert dhg digiman dino dixan dmg doc-d
                don_rapello droid eidis elend evan exon extasy
          faxe fatal ferrex fingus flapjack fury fyzix gargaj ghandy
          gekko gilligan h2o h7 hamlet hawkwind igor irata iron_lung
           jar jazz jpv junk kami kaneel kempy kojote krash kreestaj
           lahve laxical leia lincoln lord_chaos macaw marek marisa
             matt mc_laser melkor melwyn mess miracle mool moolok
           mortimer_twang mother mr4tune mystic native nosfe netpoet
     neurodancer night ninja noize nomad optimus pandur paniq pesti pigpen
             pixman poti positive_pain potzkoten prymer ps rad_man
             raver ramses rawhed reed robotriot roodolph rotox rkr
              ryg saint sargor scamp sekret shallow shaolin shape
              shiva siegel sixpack skope skyrunner sobec spot stv
            stezotehic styx supah sycotic taxi the_hooligan threaz
                tiamad tomcat tommy trivial tumor unlock vickey
               virgill visualice warp wayfinder wayne_kerr xenon
                     xenusion xhale xxx yellowwater zaner
                                zito zinko zone

                    ...and anyone i might have forgotten...

                 o k a y ,  n o w  i  h a v e  t o  s l e e p

      s o  i c a n  s t a n d  u p  e a r l y  a n d  g e t  e n o u g h

                     b o o z e  f o r  b r e a k p o i n t

                            s e e  y o u  t h e r e

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ   b  l  a  c  k     ______         (lo!/bm)
   m a  i d  e n   _/   _ /________  .     .
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 : " e a s t e r  e g g s " ·-/----/_______)
 : - ---------------------- -              .
 : bunch of ascii goodies for the pc       :
 :   demoscene  --  pre-breakpoint edition :
 : 17.o4.2oo3           www.blackmaiden.de :

- ------(  d i p s w i t c h  a s c i i  l a b s  1 9 9 7 - 2 0 0 3  )------ -