::::::::::::::::::                       ::::::::::::::::::
         ::               :                       :               ::
         ::               :                       :               ::
         ::               :                       :               ::
         ::          :::: : ::::             :::: : ::::          ::
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         ::...............:    :      .      :    :...............::
                     ..      ..:..         ..:..      ..
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                             :...: ..: :.. :...:
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            __       :                                 :
     _:_____\//\_    :                                 :
      |_)   \/  /_:_ :                                 :
      |           |  :                                 :
 ___. ___ _____   | _____ _____   ___. ___ _____  ::  _____    _____ ___. ___
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\  _/  / _  _/   _   /   _   \   _  _/  / _  _/\   _   /   _   _/ / _  _/  / /
<--- -_           _- ---------------------------------------------------dKS!->
     _|__        _|  :       . k . l . o . c . k . w . e . r . k .
      : /_  /\__(_|_ :                                 .
          \//\   :   :                                 :
                     :                                 :
                     :                                 :
                     :                                 :
                     :  a production  by the glorious  :
                     : - --------------------------- - :
                     :                                 :
                     :                                 :
                     :                 _ _._           :       _._ _
                     :                    |/-------------------\|
                     :                    |                     |
         ___      ___       _____      diP|   _____             |
        /  /_____/  /____ _\\_   \_ _ ____: _/    /             |
      _/   _    / _//   /    /    / _/    | \     \_            |
      \____/___/__\_____\ __\_____\ \_____|__\_____/   BLACK... |
  __  __    _____     _     ____   __     :  _____              |
._\_\/_/_ _\\_   \_ _\/_____\   \ / //____:_\\_   \_            |
|   \/  (_   /    //   (\   _    \  _/    |   /    /            |
|___||___/__\_____\ ____/___\_____\ \_____|_ /_____\  ...MAIDEN |
                     .                    :                     |
                     :                    |                     |
                     :                _  _|_                   _|_ _
                     :                    |/-------------------\|
                     :                    .            :        .
                     :                                 :
                     :                                 :
                     :                                 :
                     :  black maiden - ascii section!  :
                     : - --------------------------- - :
                     :                                 :
                     :                                 :
                     :                                 :
                     :                                 :
                     :           . ....... .           :
                     :           ..:     :..           :
                     :..         :         :         ..:
                     . :........ : ....... : ........: .
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                           A  N  :  O T H  :  E  R
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
          ____    ____     _____ :_     ___:    ____   ___    _   ____  ____
 ___ ___._\_  \_ _\_  \_ _/    // /___._\_ /__ _\_  \_/  //_ \/_ _\_  \_\_  \_
_) _/   |  /   /   /   / \    /  _/   | _/   /   /   /    _/   (_  /   / /   /
\  \    |     /       /   \__/   \    | \    \_ _   /     \     /     / /    \
/___\___|_____\_______\ ____\ ____\___|__\____/_\___\ _____\ ___\ ____\_\_____\
- -------------------------------:---------:--------------------------------- -
                           c o - : o p e r : a t i o n
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                            B E  : T  W  E :  E N
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
 __ ____ ___ ___ ____ ____ _______ ___ _   :
  __\  (_  __\__)_  __\  (_ _    .         :
 _)   _ /__)     /__)   _ / /    :         :
/     /  /        /     /   \    :         :
\___  \  \___     \     _____\   :     DIP : SWITCH
 c!\______\ \ _____\ ____\mSs    :  - ---- : ------- -
             \/     \/           :         :
             _ ___ ____ ___ ____ _____ ___ _____ ___ _____ ____ ____ ____ ___
                 __\_ (_ _ _)  /__   __\__)_  ___\ (_   ___\_ (_  ___\  (_
                _)  /__/__/   /  /___)     /__)    _/___)   /__/__)  _\  /_
               _\____    /   /  /  /        /      \  /    /    /    \_   /
                    /    \   \  \  \___     \___      \___      \ __  /   \
             _ ___________\ ________\ \ _____\ \_______\ \ ______\ /_/_____\
                           \/    .     \/  .              \/
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                                 :  A N D  :
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                       _  . .....:          _
                   _ ._)                    (_.
                   (.|                        |
   _________________ :____________     ___    | _                      
._/ _       /._  _  \.\_        _/_____\_ \_  |.)                      
|   /      / |   /   | /        |       ___/__:                         
|  /______/  |  /    |/         |       \ |  (.                         
|      \_|_  |      _|         _|        \|   |                         
|_______/ /_________\:_________\|_____________|                         
.                    .       /      / _________ _____________           .____
| [ pOTZkOTEN ]      | ___. /      /./  ._  _  \\_         _/  ______   |   (.
|                     /   |/     _/ |   |   /    /        _\._/     _\  |    |
|                    /    |\      \ |   |  /    /         \ |       |\\ |    |
|                  _/     | \      \|   |                  \|       | \\|   _|
|                  \______|  \        ______________________________|  \____\ 
|                    .        \______/        .                     `don.
:                                             |                         
.                    |_                       |                         
        _   _ _  _  _ / _ _   _               :
        \_\\\ \  \_ \/ _/ /  _/            ...:
                                 .         :
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                                 :         :
                                 :   ...   :
                                 :.. : : ..:
                                 . :.:.:.: .
                                     : :
       .____.                        : :
 ______|    |_______.  ______     ______.     _______  ___  _______ ______.
 \     /    |      _|_/_    /____/     _|____/       \    \/      /      _|___
 /    /\    |    _|    /   /    /     |     /        \\     /    /     _|    /
/___  /\____|__________\________\___________\_________/   \/_____\___________\
    \/                               . .           _ ______\÷e÷
                                     : :
                                     : :
          first words from dipswitch : : first words from potzkoten
          - ------------------------ : : ------------------------ -
                                     : :
   long time passed after i released : : no time passed after i released
  an ascii colly... but nevertheless : : an ascii colly, because this is
  i have been active the whole time, : : my first one.
drawing ascii requests and releasing : : in fact i've been drawing ascii 
 some logos in pc artpacks. now it's : : for many years now  but i never
  time for another colly production, : : had the  motivation to  release 
      and therefor i team up with my : : something.
    groupmate from black maiden, the : : the supernatural dipswitch came
                    great potzkoten. : : up with  the idea  of  making a 
 what happened to dream theatre, you : : colly together  and of course i
  might ask ?  nothing. i don't know : : liked the idea.
  if it's dead now or not, it's just : : i hope you enjoy the result and
  that nothing goes on in the group, : : if you want  to see more  don't
   so hereby i decide to concentrate : : forget to request. punkt.
    my colly releasing activities on : : 
    black maiden, the demo/art-group : : 
     with roots deep in the textmode : : 
        art scene and that i am very : :
  honored to be a part of. alongside : : 
        great ansimakers, musicians, : : 
hires artists and coders, bm carries : : 
    a line-up of skilled amiga ascii : : 
artists, namely avenger, lord chaos, : : 
mother and potzkoten, so expect more : :
    collies to come out under the bm : :
                 label in next time. : : 
 and what are my near future plans ? : :
   well i will go on promoting ascii : :
  art and doing logos. expect to see : :
   a colly dedicated to the pc demo- : :
  scene from me coming out soon, and : :
 some ascii-related articles from me : :
  in the upcoming issues of pain and : :
                      jurassic pack. : :
            now over to the logos... : : 
                                     : :
                                     : :
              . .....................:.:..................... .
              ..:                    : :                    :..
              :                      : :                      :
              :                      : :                      :
              :                      . .                      :
              :  _    _                                       :
              :  \ __ /              . .                      :
               _ __\/_                                        :
               \)) /\/        ______   __ __ _ _              :
              ___\/__     _ __\____ \ \\        _____  ____________ __ _
       _ __ __\_ \/ / ______ ___ /   \_     __ _\_   \/
                   /__\____ \  //     /_____\/__    _/
        _ __ ____ /\     /   \       /_\____\/ /    \   I  N  D  E  X
                \/  \_  /     \ ____/    _/   /_     \
  _ __ ______________/ /       \         \___/  \_ __/\____________ __ _
              .  _ ___/         \                /            .
              :      /___________\  _ _________ / H2o!        :
              :                               \/              :
              :                                               :
              :   logo says                             for   :
              : - ----------------------------------------- - :
              :   bypass                              marek   :
              :   apathy                             strife   :
              :   farbrausch                        chaotic   :
              :   bandidos                            krash   :
              :   galza                               galza   :
              :   cru                                   cru   :
              :   intense pattern              bm+bps+kolor   :
              :   hacktrain                           scamp   :
              :   knickerbocker                   chroscher   :
              :   moods nfo                            zito   :
              :   marek                               marek   :
              :   otiz                                 zito   :
              :   park nfo+diz                      netpoet   :
              :   procyon                          ********   :
              :   raketenbrot                        myself   :
              :   strife                             strife   :
              :   renoise                            pulsar   :
              :   the cut                               ***   :
              :   sweet nfo                           *****   :
              :   we don't care                      strife   :
              :   thuglife                            pogue   :
              :   total kaos                         sargor   :
              :   violators nfo                       *****   :
              :   first division                     hamlet   :
              :   language lab nfo                 sicknote   :
              :   scene.org                          melwyn   :
              :   mutter butter                        mama   :
              :   slengpung                         sixpack   :
              :..                                           ..:
              . :...........................................: .

                  N  O  W   L  E  T   U  S   S  T  A  R  T

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          bypass                 marek            potz
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

          __                                    _:____________:_    __
  __:_____\/_____:__ __\\\  B Y P A S S  ///__ __|_          _:_____\/_____:__
  \_|_    \/    _|_/___________________________\_|_          _|_    \/    _|_/
    :            :     ...               ...     :            :            :
      ______     .____.____. __________  _______   _______      _______
    ._\__  /_____|    |    |_\ ._     /__\__   /_._\   __/____._\   __/____.
    |   /_       |    |    |   |/    /     ._    |  \___      |  \___      |
    |    /       |__  '  __|_    ___/|     |/    |    |/      |    |/      |
    '---/________| |_____|  |____|   '-----/_____|----/_______|----/_______|

  __:_    __    _:____ ::: _____________ ::: ____:_          _:_    __    _:__
  \_|_____\/_____|_/   :::               :::   \_|_  pzk+BM! _|_____\/_____|_/
    :     \/     :     :::...............:::    _|____________|_    \/     :

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          apathy                 strife            dip
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

                    _ _._ __       _        __ _._ _
                       |                        |
                       |                        |
                       | -  A  P  A  T  H  Y  - |
                       |                        |
           _____       |       _____            :_____.
        __\\_   \_  ___|____ _\\_   \_ _____  __|     |   ________
       _)   /    /_\\_     /    /    //    //_  |     |__\\_     /
       \   _    /    /    /    _    //      _/  _     |    /    /
       /___\____\   /____/_____\____\       \ __\_____|   /    /
    - ---diP-_ ________\---------_ __________\--|--_ ___    __/-- -
                       |                        |      /___/
                       |                        |
                      _|_ __ _            _ __ _|_

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          farbrausch             chaotic          potz
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

        .          .           ________ _______   ________   ______
       _|__________|________ ._\      /_\__   /_._\ ._   / ._\__  /______
        |          |         |  \____/    ._    |   |/ _/__|   /_       /
        |          : pzk+BM! |_   __\|    |/    |    \     |    /       |
        |          |          |____| '----/_____|----/_____|---/________|
        | ________ :  _______ |    |---. _______     _______      ._____.
        ._\ ._   / .__\__   /_|    |   |_\   __/__.__\     / .____|     |
        |   |/ _/__|    ._    |    |   |  \___    |   \___/__|    |     |
        |    \     |    |/    |    |   |    |/    |    \|    |    _     |
        '----/_____|----/_____|    '   |----/_____|----/_____|----|_____|
        :          .          |____/---'                                .
        |          |                   * * *  F A R B R A U S C H  ***  |
        :          :                                                    :

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          bandidos               krash             dip
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

       _ _._ _              _ _._ _
          |                    |
          |                    |
   ___    |           _____    |          __               _____
  /  /____|_  _____ _\\_   \_  |  ___   _\\_)_      ___ __\\_   \_ ___
 /  _      /_\\_   \_  /    /__|__\  \ /     (_ ____\  \    /    //  //_____
/   \     /    /    / /     \\     _  \       /      _  \       / \__      /
\________/    _    /__\______\     \   \ _____\      \   \ _____\   /     /
- ---_ _______\____\-diP--_ ___________/----_ ___________/----_ __________\- -
          |                    |
          |                    |
          |                    |
          |                    |
          |                    |
      _  _|_ _              _ _|_  _

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          galza                  galza            potz
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

              _:__________:_                       _:__________:_
          __   |          |         pzk+BM!         |          |   __
       ___\/___|_        _:_________________________|_        _|___\/___
  __.._\  \/   |          |                         |          |   \/  /_..__
  \_||    \/   |          |          .___.          |          |   \/    ||_/
     |         : _______  :  _______ |   |  _______ :  _______ :         |
     |         ._\  ___/__.__\__   /_|   |__\__   /_.__\__   /_.         |
     |         |    \     |    ._    |   |    .__/  |    ._    |         |
     |         |     \_   |    |/    |   |    |/    |    |/    |         |
     |         '------/___|----/_____|   |----/_____|----/_____|         |
     |         :          .          |___|          .          .         |
  _ _|__  __   |          |                         |          |   __  __|_ _
     |_/__\/___|_        _|_________________________|_        _|___\/__\_|
          \/   |          |                         |          |   \/
              _|__________|_  ***  G A L Z A  ***  _|__________|_
               :          :                         :          :

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          cru                    cru               dip
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

 ___ _____.  ____ _ ___\\_     /  http://www.1oo-percent.de
_) _/     |_\\_ /___     /    /  http://superiorartcreations.dk
\  \      |  _/    /    /    /  http://www.toxxin.org
/___\_____|  \     \_ _______\   mailto: cru@1oo-percent.de
- ----_ ______\_____/-diP---------------------------------- -  -

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          intense pattern        bm+bps+kolor     potz
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

             :                         :                            .
         . ..:. .  I N T E N S E   . ..:............................:.. .
             :                         :                            :
             :        .___.            :                   pzk+BM!  :
        ___. : _______|   |_ _______   :   _______. _______     _______
      ._\__|___\     \_   _/_\  ___/___.___\      |_\   __/___._\  ___/___.
      |    |    \     |   |     _/     |    \     |  \___     |    _/     |
      |    |     \    |   |     \      |     \    |    |/     |    \      |
      |____|---\______|   |-----/______|---\______|----/______|----/______|
             :        |___|  .___.___. .                            .
        __________  _______ _|   |   |_ _______     _________     _______.
      ._\ ._     /__\__   /_\_   _   _/_\  ___/___._\ ._    / .___\      |
      |   |/    /     ._     |   |   |     _/     |   |/  _/__|    \     |
      |_    ___/|     |/     |   |   |     \      |    \      |     \    |
       |____|   '-----/______|   |   |-----/______|----/______|---\______|
             :               |___|___| :                            .
             :                         :                            :
         . ..:. .  P A T T E R N   . ..:. BYPASS+KOLOR+BLACKMAIDEN .:.. .
             :                         :                            :

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          hacktrain              scamp             dip
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

           . ...................... .
           ..:                    :..
           :    aLLE eiNSTEiGEN!    :
           :  - ---------------- -  :
           :_____.   _____          :     ___
        ___|     |__\\_   \_ _ _____:___ /  (_
       _)  |     |    /    / _/     |  _/    /
       \   _     |   _    /  \      |  \     \_
       /___\_____|___\____\ __\_____|___\_____/
- -diP-----:------------------------:-------- -
   _____   : ____      _____    _   :  _____
 _/    //_ :\\_ /___ _\\_   \_ _\//_:_\\_   \_
_)      _/   _/    /    /    //    (_   /    /
\       \    \     \_  _    /       /  /     \
/________\ ___\_____/__\____\ ______\ _\______\
- ---------:------------------------:-------- -
           :                        :
           :   h a c k  t r a i n   :
           : - ------------------ - :
           :..                    ..:
           . :....................: .

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          knickerbocker          chroscher        potz
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

                  __                                        __
         _ __:_\  \/                                        \/  /_:__ _
           \_|    **   k   N  i CK  ER    b O   C   K E R   **    |_/
             :                                                    :
             ._____   _____. __. _______   ._____  ______   ________
          .__|    /.__\    |_\_|_\     /.__|    /._\  __/_._\ ._   /
          |  |  _/_|   \   |   |  \___/_|  |  _/_|   _/   |   |/ _/_.
          |  \     |   |   |   |   \|   |  \     |   \    |    \    |
             . ___________________________                        .
             ._\                         /_.           pzk+BM!    |
     ______  |                           __|____   ._____  ______ : ________
   ._\__  /__|____                     ._\     /.__|    /._\  __/_._\ ._   /
   |   /_        /          _.         |  \___/_|  |  _/_|   _/   |   |/ _/_.
   |    /        |          \|         |   \|   |  \     |   \    |    \    |
   '---/_________|                     '---/____|--/_____|---/____|----/____|
             |_                           _|                      .
              /___________________________\                       |
             .                                                    |
         _ __|_   KNiCKERBOCKER FTP SERVER  ****  +o CHROSCHER   _|__ _
           \_|__  __                                        __  __|_/
             : /__\/________________________________________\/__\ :
                  \/                                        \/

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          moods nfo              zito              dip
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

               _ _                 _ _                 _ _
               _ /____   _ _       \ _____      _ _   __ /
          ____\//    (_  \ _____ __\\_    \_    \ __ /  //_______
         _)   \/      /__\\_    \_   /     /_____\  \\___       /
... .....\    ||      \    /     /        //      _  \  /      /..... ...
::: :    /____||_______\        /_________\       \   \ _______\    : :::
....: - --------diP-_ __________\------_ _____________/-bM------- - :....
:                                                                       :
:      M O O D S  -  M U S i C  F O R  Y O U R  i N S T i N C T S       :
: - ----------------------------------------------------------------- - :
:                                                                       :
:................  title................FREE YOUR MIND  ................:
............... :  artist.........................MAZE  : ...............
::  ......... : :  tune.size...................437.822  : : .........  ::
::  ::::::::: : :  tune.format.....................MOD  : : :::::::::  ::
::  ::::::::: : :  duration.......................2:48  : : :::::::::  ::
::  ::::::::: : :  release.no......................174  : : :::::::::  ::
::            : :  release.date...............06.04.02  : :            ::
::::::::::::::: :                                       : :::::::::::::::
_._____________ : _  _   _                     _   _  _ : _____________._
 |              :                                       :              |
 |         - -- . ---------- C O M M E N T S ---------- . -- -         |
 |                                                                     |
 |  ...                                                                |
 |                                                                     |
 |  _   .                                                       .   _  |
 ...... :   _ ___  __   _ __ _      __     __      ____   __    : ......
 : . :: :__\//  (_/ //___.  \\/___ / /____/ //___._\_ /__/ //___: :: . :
 : : : _)  \/    /  _/   |   \/  (_  _   /  _/   | _/   /\__    / :: : :
 : :   \___||____\ _\____|___||___/__\___\ _\____|_\____\ _/____\ :: : :
 : : - -:-------------------------------------------------------:- - : :
 :   :: :        C U R R E N T  M O O D S  M E M B E R S        : ::   :
 :::::: : - ------------------------------------------------- - : ::::::
        :                           :                           :
 :::::: :                  Blakkhar : musician                  : ::::::
 : . :: :                     Blasa : musician                  : :: . :
 : : :: :                      Dael : musician                  : :: : :
 : : :: :                    D!ri!e : musician / organizer      : :: : :
 : : :: :                  dOC miKE : musician / gfx            : :: : :
 : : :: :                      Dr.K : musician                  : :: : :
 :...:: :                    elapse : musician                  : ::...:
 ...... :                    Esemgy : musician                  : ......
 : . :: :                    Psycho : musician                  : :: . :
 : : :: :               seveneleven : musician                  : :: : :
 : : :: :                   Tripper : musician                  : :: : :
 : : :: :                      Maze : musician                  : :: : :
 :   :: :                      Zito : founder / organizer       : ::   :
 :::::: :                  ACiDRAiN : coder                     : ::::::
 ...... :                           :                           : ......
 : . :: :                     maybe : you ?                     : :: . :
 : : :: :            .              :              .            : :: : :
 . : :: : - ---------+------------- : -------------+--------- - : :: : .
   . :: :..          |            ..:..            |          ..: :: .
     .: . :..........|............: . :............|..........: . :
        ____   __    | ___    __    :  ____   __   |  __      __
      _\\_ /__/ //___:/  /___/ //___:_\\_  \_/ //__|_/ //___./ //____
     _) _/   /  _/   | _//  /  _/   |   /   /\__    /  _/   |___    /
     \__\____\ _\____|_\____\ _\____|__\____\ _/____\ _\____|__/____\
   - ----------------|-----------------------------|----------------- -
: :: ::::::::::::::: | M O O D S   R E L E A S E S | ::::::::::::::: :: :
- ------------------ : --------------------------- : ------------------ -


_ _____________________________________________________________________ _
. .. ............................................................... .. .
: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :
- --+---------------------------------------------------------------+-- -
... | __       ____   __      __      ___    _    ____   __      ___| ...
: : |/_//____ _\_ /__/ //___./ //___./  //_ _\/_ _\_  \_/_//____/  //___:
:  _) \_    /  _/   /  _/   |  _/   |    _//   (_  /   / \_    /__     /.
:  \___/____\ _\____\ _\____|__\____|____\ _____/_/____\ _/____\ /_____\
: : |---------------------------------------------------------------| . .
: : |        T H A N K S  A N D  G R E E T I N G S  G O  T O        | : :
:.: | - --------------------------------------------------------- - | :.:
... |                                                               | ...
: : | ...                                                           | : :
: : |                                                               | : :
: : |                                                               | : :
: : |                                                               | : :
: : |                                                               | : :
:.: |                                                               | :.:
... |                                                               | ...
: : |                                                               | : :
: : |                                                               | : :
: : |                                                               | : :
: : |                                                               | : :
: : |                                                               | : :
:.. | ........ .                                         . ........ | ..:
 _ _|_ __    :..                                         ..:    __ _|_ _
.............. :  ____    _____   ____     _____         : ____  ........
: ..... ___ _:_:_\\_  \__\\_   \_/   //_ _\\_   \____ ___:/   //_  .... :
: :::: _) _/   |   /   /   /    /     _/    /    /  _/   |     _/ ::::: :
: :::: \__\____|_______\ _/_____\ ____\____\_____\ _\____|_____\ :::::: :
: :: - ------:-:-----------------------------------------:-:------ - :: :
: :::::::::: : :     H O W  T O  C O N T A C T  U S      : : :::::::::: :
: :::::::::: : :- ------------------------------------- -: : :::::::::: :
: :::::::::: :                                             : :::::::::: :
: :::::::::: :  D!rt!e (organizer, musician)               : :::::::::: :
: :::::::::: :  hullabaloo_machinery@yahoo.com             : :::::::::: :
: :::::::::: :  c/o Thomas Siegel                          : :::::::::: :
: :::::::::: :  Mariannenstr. 101                          : :::::::::: :
: :::::::::: :  D-04315 Leipzig                            : :::::::::: :
: :::::::::: :                                             : :::::::::: :
: :::::::::: :                             Zito (founder)  : :::::::::: :
: :::::::::: :                                zito@uni.de  : :::::::::: :
: :::::::::: :                                       Zito  : :::::::::: :
: :::::::::: :                                  PF 100155  : :::::::::: :
: :::::::::: :                            D-04005 Leipzig  : :::::::::: :
: :::::::::: :                                             : :::::::::: :
:.. :::::::: :                                             : :::::::: ..:
. :..........: - --------------------------------------- - :..........: .
_ _____________________________________________________________________ _
. .. ............................................................... .. .
: :: :::                                                        :::: :: :
: :: :::  logos & design by dipswitch/dcs - dipswitch@kaoz.org  :::: :: :
: :: :::.                                                      .:::: :: :
: :: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: :: :
- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          marek                  marek            potz
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

              __              ...................               __
           ___\/___________ _ ::  _ _______ _  :: _ ____________\/___
       __:_\  \/  ..........  ::               ::  ...........  \/  /_:__
       \_|  ...............:  ::  . pzk+BM! .  ::  :................  |_/
         :  :...............  ::  ...........  ::  ................:  :
    . .. . ................:  ::  ...........  ::  :................. . .. .
           ________      _______   _________   _______        .______
         ._\_    _/__.___\__   /_._\ ._    / ._\  ___/____.___|     /
         |           |     ._    |   |/  _/__|    _/      |   |   _/__.
         |   \  /    |     |/    |    \      |    \       |   \       |

    . .. . .................  ..  ...........  ..  .................. . .. .
         .  ...............:  ::  ...........  ::  :................  .
         |  :...............  ::               ::  ................:  |
        _|__  __  .........:  ::  B Y P A S S  ::  :..........  __  __|_
         |_/__\/___________ _ ::  _ _______ _  :: _ ____________\/__\_|
              \/              ::...............::               \/

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          otiz                   zito              dip
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

                  _______              ___
             ____\\_     \_ _______  _(__//__          ___
            _)     /      //      //_       (_ _______\\  \
. ......... \            /         _/        /          __/......... .
..:         /____________\         \ ________\          \_         :..
:   - --diP--------- _ _____________\     _ _____________/ ----- -   :
:                                                                    :
:                                                                    :
:                                                                    :


:                                                                    :
:..                                                                ..:
. :................................................................: .

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          park nfo+diz                            potz
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

       __            __|_  .................  _|__                 __
 _:____\/____:_ .... \_| ..::.  pzk+BM!  .::.. |_/ ..... _:________\/________:_
  |    \/   _|_________|_  ::.............::  _|__________|_       \/        |
  |          :         :                       :          :                  |
  |__  __      __________  _______   _________     ._____       __ __ __   __|
 _|_/_ \/ _  ._\ ._     /__\__   /_._\ ._    / .___|    /    _ _\_ \/ _/___\_|_
  |    ><    |   |/    /     ._    |   |/  _/__|   |  _/__.        ><        |
 _|__  ><    |_    ___/|     |/    |    \      |   \      |     __ >< __   __|_
  |_/_ \/ _   |____|   '-----/_____|----/______|---/______|  _ _\_ \/ _/___\_|
  |                                                                          |
  |    __   _:_________:_  .................  _:__________:_       __        |
 _|____\/____|_ .... __| ..::.  P A R K  .::.. |__ ..... _|________\/________|_
  :    \/    :       \_|_  ::.............::  _|_/        :        \/        :
                       :                       :

 __________  ______ ________    ._____
.\ ._     /__\_   /.\ ._   /.___|    /
|  |/    /   ._    |  |/  /_|   |  _/_.
|_    __/|   |/    |   \    |   \     |
 |____|  '---/_____|---/____|---/_____|
+--:--- PARK ----------------------:--+
.__|__ _ __ _ _____________________|__.
|  :                               :  |
|                                     |
|__                                 __|

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          procyon                *********         dip
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

       .                                    .
        .: .............................. :.
         ..:                            :..
         :    tHiS fiLE pASSED...         :
         :                                :
    _____:___             _____           :    ________           _____
 __\\_      /  ____ _____\\_   \_      _ _:___\\_     /  _____ __\\_   \_
_)   /     /__\\_ /___     /    /___ _____:     /    /__\\_   \_   /    /
\   /_____/    _/    /         /   _/     |    /    /     /    /  /     \
/______\       \     \_ _______\   \      |__    __/          /___\______\
- --_ __________\_____/-diP-_ ______\_____|--\___\ _ _________\-bM------ -
         :                                :
         :                                :
         : 0dAY/mP3/sVCD/pDA/iSO/dOX/aRT! :
         :                                :
         :   CYGNUS/AMOK/CYGiSO/HAZE/DH   :
         :  HSiSO/HS/DRUM/EMP/KrbZ/MS/PSi :
         :                                :
         : - -------------------------- - :
         :..                            ..:
         . :............................: .

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          raketenbrot            myself           potz
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

     _:____________________:_  ......... ......... .... .. .  _:_________:_
    __|_                  _|__ :........ ::     :: ......... __|_       _|__
    \_|                    |_/ ......... ::     :: ........: \_|         |_/
      |                   _|__ : ______________ .___. _________|_        :
      : ________   _______ :   ._____   ______ _|   |_ ______  :   ______.
      ._\ ._   /.__\__   /_.___|    /.__\  __/_\_   _/_\  __/__.___\     |
      |   |/ _/_|    ._    |   |  _/_|    _/    |   |    _/    |    \    |
      |    \    |    |/    |   \     |    \     |   |    \     |     \   |
      '----/____|----/_____|---/_____|----/_____|   |----/_____|---/_____|
      : ______        ________   _____________ _|   |_ .....   .         .
      ._\__  /______._\ ._   /.__\           /_\_   _/......   |         |
      |   /_        |   |/ _/_|       ._        |   | .....:   |         |
      |   |/        |    \    |       |/        |   | ......   |         |
      '---/_________|----/____|_________________|   | ____ : __|_        |
      :                    .   ......... ..     |___| .....:   |         |
      |                    |   :........ ::     .. .........   |         |
    __|                    |__ . .. .... ::.....:: ........: __|         |__
    \_|_                  _|_/                               \_|_       _|_/
     _|____________________|_  rAKETENBROT! ,,, .. . pzk+BM!  _|_________|_
      :                    :                                   :         :

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          strife                 strife            dip
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

                      . ........................... .
                      ..:                         :..
                      :                             :
                      :  s T R i F E / a P A T H Y  :
                      :                             :
          ___         :      ____               ____:_
         /  //_____ __:__  _\\_ /___   __  __ _/     /__
         \__      //    //_  _/    /__(_//_   \    _// //_____.
          _/     //      _/  \     \_     (_   \___\   _/     |
          \______\       \ ___\_____/      /______\    \      |
     <--------_ __________\------_ ________\-----_ _____\_____|-diP-->
                      :                             :
                      :                             :
                      :      Torgeir  Amundsen      :
                      :     Blahblahb Str.  123     :
                      :      XX-12345  Country      :
                      :                             :
                      :..                         ..:
                      . :.........................: .

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          renoise                pulsar           potz
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

            _:___________:_                          _:___________:_
      __     |      - -- | -------------------------- | -- -      |     __
 .____\/_____|_       .__|________   ____________   __|__.       _|_____\/____.
 |    \/     |        |__|_______/  .\          /.  \_|__|        |     \/    |
 |    \/     :           |          |            |    :           |     \/    |
 : _________   _______   :   _______|            | ___. _______   : _______   :
 ._\ ._    / ._\  ___/___.___\      |     __.    |_\__|_\   __/___._\  ___/___.
 |   |/  _/__|    _/     |    \     |     \ |    |    |  \___     |    _/     |
 |    \      |    \      |     \    |      \|    |    |    |/     |    \      |
 '----/______|----/______|---/______|            |____|----/______|----/______|
 :    __     .        .__.________  |_           |  __.__.        .     __    .
 |____\/_____|_       |__|_______/   /___________|  \_|__|       _|_____\/____|
      \/     |           |                            |           |     \/
            _|___________|_ *** **  R E N O i S E  * _|___________|_  pzk+BM!
             :           :                            :           :

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          the cut                ***               dip
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

                 . .......................... .
                 ..:                        :..
                 :     .: t H E  c U T :.     :
        _____    :       __                   :   ________
      _/    //_  :_____./ //_____.         _ _:__\\_     /_____
     _)      _/__|     |  _/     |   ___ _____:    /    //    //_
     \       \   |     |  \      |  _) _/     |   /    //      _/
     /________\  _     |___\_____|  \  \      |________\       \
 <----diP-_ _____\_____|------------/___\_____|----_ ___________\-bM->
                 :                            :
                 :       10mBiI / 640gB       :
                 :                            :
                 : 0dAY/iSO/diVX/iSOGAMES/dOX :
                 :                            :
                 :    ElilA / iPA / CRYmXXX   :
                 :..                        ..:
                 . :........................: .

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          sweet nfo              *****            potz
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

      __________\/_______:__ _                   pzk+BM!    _ __:_________
 __.._\         \/      _|______________________________________|_       /_..__
 \_||           \/       :                                      :          ||_/
    |                           ._____.                         .___.      |
    |         _______    .---.  |     | _______      _______   _|   |_     |
    |       ._\   __/____|   |__|     |_\  ___/____._\  ___/___\_   _/     |
    |       |  \___      |   |  |     |    _/      |    _/      |   |      |
  + | ++++  |    |/      |   |  |     |    \       |    \       |   |  +++ | +
    |       '----/_______|   '  '     |----/_______|----/_______|   |      |
    |                    '------\_____|                         |___|      |
    |                                                                      |
 _ _|__         __      _:________________\((  S W E E T  ))/___:_       __|_ _
    |_/_________\/_______|__ _                              _ __|________\_|
                \/       :                                      :

  __:_                  _:__
  \_|   RELEASE INFO ++  |_/____________________________________:__________:_
    |                                                           |          |
    |                                                           |          |
    |   *    release no: 3778                        * rating:  |   0      |
    |                                                           |   9      |
    |   *        artist: Lali Puna                              |   8 ÛÛ   |
    |   *         title: Scary World Theory                     |   7 ÛÛ   |
    |   *  record label: Morr Music                             |   6 ÛÛ   |
    |   *         genre: Drum & Bass                            |   5 ÛÛ   |
    |   *  release date: XXXX/XX/XX                             |   4 ÛÛ   |
    |   *   street date: XXXX/XX/XX                             |   2 ÛÛ   |
    |                                                           |   1 ÛÛ   |
    |        media type: vinyl [x] tape [ ] cd  [ ] radio [ ]   |          |
    |                    cover [ ]  sfv [x] m3u [ ] cue   [ ]  _|__________|_
    |                                                           :          |
    |                    [02 tracks]  [13:35 min]  [ 18.7 mb]              |
    |                                                                      |
 _ _|__                                                                  __|_ _
                         |                                      |
                         |                                      |
  __:_                  _|__                                  __|_
  \_|   TRACK LISTING +  |_/__________________________________\_|__________:_
    |                                                                      |
    |   ...                                                                |
    |                                                                      |
    |                                                                      |
 _ _|__                                                                  __|_ _
                         |                                      |
                         |                                      |
  __:_                  _|__                                  __|_
  \_|   RELEASE NOTES +  |_/__________________________________\_|__________:_
    |                                                                      |
    |   ...                                                                |
    |                                                                      |
    |                                                                      |
 _ _|__                                                                  __|_ _
                         |                                      |
                         |                                      |
  __:_                  _|__                                  __|_
  \_|   DISCLAIMER ++++  |_/__________________________________\_|__________:_
    |                                                                      |
    |   ...                                                                |
    |                                                                      |
    |                                                                      |
 _ _|__                                                                  __|_ _
                         |                                      |
                         |                                      |
  __:_                  _|__                                  __|_
  \_|   GREETS ++++++++  |_/__________________________________\_|__________:_
    |                                                                      |
    |   ...                                                                |
    |                                                                      |
    |                                                                      |
 _ _|__                                                                  __|

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          we don't care          strife            dip
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

                         . ............................. .
                         ..:                           :..
                         :                               :
                         :       wE  dON'T  cARE!        :
                         :     - ---------------- -      :
       ________          :         ___               ____:
     __\___   (_ __      :   ______\  \     _____ __\\_   \_ _____
    _)    /    // //_____:   \      _  \ __\\_   \_   /    //    //_
    \    /     \  _/     |    \     \   \    /    /  /     \      _/
    /____/\_____\ \      |    /_________/        /___\______\     \
 - ---------_ _____\_____|----------_ ___________\------_:_________\-- -
                         :                               :
                         :    _____     ____     __      :
               ____ _____:___\\_   \_ _\\_ /___ / //_____:
              _)  _/     |     /    /   _/    /   _/     |
              \   \      |    _    /    \     \_  \      |
              /____\_____|____\____\ ____\_____/___\_____|
          - ---------diP-:-------------------------------:----->
                         :                               :
                         :..                           ..:
                         . :...........................: .

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          thuglife               pogue            potz
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

     .....                                                  ...............
    .:  .:........ .. .  . .. ............ .. .   . .. .....:.         . .:..
     :   :                                                  :             :
     .___.          .____.                .___.             :  pzk+BM!    :
    _|   |_   ._____|    |---. _______    |   | ___. _________ _______    :
    \_   _/___|     |    |   |_\  ___/____|   |_\__|_\       /_\  ___/____.
     |   |    |     |    |   |    \       |   |    |  \_____/     _/      |
 .__ |   |    _     |    |   |     \_     |   |    |_    __\|     \       | __.
 |   |   |----|_____|    '   |------/_____|   |____||_____| '-----/_______|   |
 |   |___|          |____/---'            |___|             .             .   |
 |   .   .           ________                               :             :   |
 |  .:  .:........  .\      /. __________   _______   ......:.         . .:.. |
 |   :...:          |        |_\ ._     / ._\  ___/____.    :.............:   |
 |__          .__.  |   _.   |   |/   _/__|    \       | .__                __|
 |_/______ _  |__|  |   \|   |    \       |     \_     | |_/_ THUGLIFE.ORG _\_|
                    |_       |----/_______|------/_____|

                       y o u   a r e  w a t c h i n g

                          _    _      _   _    _
                        ._)     \\\\  ////     (_.
               ______   |           \/           |              _______
        .___. /     / __.           _________    ___           /      /
  -:--- |   |/     /_/  |  ______ _/  ._ _   \__/ _/  ______. /      /
   |    |   |\     \|  _|_/     (.|   |  /    |   |  /      |/      /
   |    |   | \     \  \ |       ||   | /     |   | /       |\      \
   |    |___|  \        \|       ||_  |      _._  |/        | \      \
   |            \      __________| /_________\:/____________|  \      \_
   |             \     \                                    ____\______/
  -:--------------\     \ ----___-------____________-------/      / -------.
              _____\     \ ._/ _/   ___/   _       /____. /      /         |
             /     /\     \|  _\ ._/      _/     _/|    |/      /          |
            /      /\         \  |        \       \|    |\      \          |
           /      /  \         \ |        |\            | \      \         |
          /      /    \______   \|        | \        ___|  \      \        |
   <---- /______/------------\____________|--\       \_-----\      \_------'
                        .                     \_______/      \______/`don
                        |     [ klockwerk ]      .
                        |                        |
                        .                        .

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          total kaos             sargor            dip
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

                      . .................................. .
                      ..:                                :..
                      :                                    :
          _____       :    _____              ___          :
        _/    //_  ___:_ _/    //_   _____   /  /______    :
       _)      _/_\\_   \_      _/__\\_   \_/ _//     /    :
       \       \    /    /      \     /    /  \      /     :
       /________\       /________\   _    /____\_____\     :
     - -----_ __________\------_ ____\____\----------- -   :
                      :                                    :
                      :                       oLDSCHOOLERS :
            ___       :     _____                          :
       ___ /  (_   ___:_ __\\_   \_ ___            hANGOUT :
      _) _/    /__\\_   \_   /    //  //______             :
      \  \     \_   /    /       / \___      /           ! :
      /___\_____/  _    /________\    /     /              :
    - ------_ _____\____\-----_ ____________\------------------>
                      :                                    :
                      :                                    :
                      :  W W W .  T O T A L K A O S . D E  :
                      :..                                ..:
                      . :................................: .

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          violators nfo          ***              potz
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

 .________.                                                      .____________.
 |   .____|____ _________ _________________ __________ __________|________.   |
 |   |____|___/_ ______ _ \_______________/ _ ______ _ \_________|________|   |
 |    __ _|_                                                     |            |
 :        :     ________                     ________           _|_ ____ _    |
     .____.    .\      /.___.           .___.\      /.           :            :
 .---|    | ___|        |   |  _______ _|   |_       | _________   _______
 |   |    |_\__|   __.  |   |__\__   /_\_   _/  __.  |_\ ._    / ._\   __/____.
 |   |    |    |   \ |  |   |    ._     |   |   \ |  |   |/  _/__|  \___      |
 |   |    |    |    \|  |   |    |/     |   |    \|  |    \      |    |/      |
 |   '    |____|        |   |----/______|   |        |----/______|----/_______|
 '---\____|    |_       |___|           |___|       _|
                /_______|     VIOLATORS     |_______\   pzk+BM! _:_ ____ _    :
 :    __ _:_                                                     |            |
 |   .____|____ _ _____ _ _________________ _ ______ _ __________|________.   |
 |   |____|___/ _________ \_______________/ __________ \_________|________|   |
 |________|                                                      |____________|

     .                                                                    .
 .___|____.                     ._________________________________________|___.
 |___|____|   RELEASE INFO ***  |_________________________________________|___|
    _|_/                                                                \_|_
     |                                                                    |
     |        artist .......... Fogel                                     |
     |        title ........... Muss Fliegen                              |
     |        record label .... Zomba                                     |
     |        genre ........... Krautrock / Breakbeat                     |
     |        release date .... 2002-10-23                                |
     |        street date ..... 2002-11-16                                |
     |                                                                    |
     |        vinyl [x]      tape [ ]        cd [ ]     radio [ ]         |
     |        cover [ ]       sfv [x]       m3u [ ]       cue [ ]         |
     |                                                                    |
     |        [ 13 tracks ]      [ 13:35 min ]      [ 107.4  mb ]         |
     |                                                                    |
    _|__                                                                __|_
     |_/__:_ _________________ _:_______________________________________\_|
          |                     |
          :                     :
     .                                                                    .
 .___|____.                     ._________________________________________|___.
 |___|____|   TRACK LISTING **  |_________________________________________|___|
    _|_/                                                                \_|_
     |                                                                    |
     |        ...                                                         |
     |                                                                    |
    _|__                                                                __|_
     |_/__:_ _________________ _:_______________________________________\_|
          |                     |
          :                     :
     .                                                                    .
 .___|____.                     ._________________________________________|___.
 |___|____|   RELEASE NOTES **  |_________________________________________|___|
    _|_/                                                                \_|_
     |                                                                    |
     |        ...                                                         |
     |                                                                    |
    _|__                                                                __|_
     |_/__:_ _________________ _:_______________________________________\_|
          |                     |
          :                     :
     .                                                                    .
 .___|____.                     ._________________________________________|___.
 |___|____|   DISCLAIMER *****  |_________________________________________|___|
    _|_/                                                                \_|_
     |                                                                    |
     |        ...                                                         |
     |                                                                    |
    _|__                                                                __|_
     |_/__:_ _________________ _:_______________________________________\_|
          |                     |
          :                     :
     .                                                                    .
 .___|____.                     ._________________________________________|___.
 |___|____|   GREETINGS ******  |_________________________________________|___|
    _|_/                                                                \_|_
     |                                                                    |
     |        ...                                                         |
     |                                                                    |
    _|__                                                                __|_

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          first division         hamlet            dip
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

     ______  __    ____     ___        _____
 _ _/     /_(_/_ _\\_ /___ /  //_____ /    //_
_) \    _/     (_  _/    //___      //      _/
\   \___\       /  \     \_  /     /        \    F i R S T  D i V i S i O N
/______\ _______\ __\_____/________\ ________\
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -
    After 5 years offline, the ultimate hideout is back. The place where
      friendship still rulez, First Division. All accounts are intact.

        - Amiga Elite - The Worlds LArgest /X Conf - DayDream Utils -
           - GBA - PC - Golden Games and Utils - Modules - Demo -

         Royal Swedish HQ - DC Skandinavian HQ - Uprough Swedish HQ
                    Crude European HQ - Moods European HQ

                  - Running DD/Linux with FTP/FXP Support -

             -* First Division - Not just a regular hangover *-
       ___    __      ________ __    ___        __     _____     _____
_______\  \ _(_//_ __\\_     /_\_)_ /  //_____ _\_)_ _\\_   \_ _\\_   \_
\       _  \     (_    /    //    (_\__      //    (_   /    /    /    /
 \      \   \     /   /    /       /  /     /       /       /    /     \
 /__________/_____\ _______\ ______\ _______\_______\ ______\____\______\
- -diP--------------------------------------------------------------------- -

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          language lab nfo       sicknote         potz
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

 .___.                               .___.
 |   |  _______     ______. _______  |   |---.  _______   _______    _______
 |   |__\__   /_.___\     |_\  ___/__|   |   |__\__   /_._\  ___/__._\  ___/__.
 |   |    ._    |    \    |    \     |   |   |    ._    |    \     |    _/    |
 |   |    |/    |  \  \   |     \_   |   |   |    |/    |     \_   |    \     |
 |   |----/_____|---\_____|------/___|   '   |----/_____|------/___|----/_____|
 |___|                .___.          |___/---'                                .
 .                    |   |  _______   ______                                 |
 |     pzk+BM!   .    |   |__\__   /_._\__  /______                           |
 |               :    |   |    ._    |   /_       /                           |
 | :::::::::::::::::: |   |    |/    |    /       | ::::: lANGUAGE lAB :::::: |
 |__             :    |   |----/_____|---/________|                         __|
 |_/_____________|___ |___| ________________________________________________\_|
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 | end++++++++++ |    (c)  1999-2OO2 language lab. all rights reserved.       |
 |               |    infofile by potzkoten. text by tyree+realsmokers.       |
 |__  __         |                                                          __|
      \/         |
      \/         :

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          scene.org              melwyn            dip
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

 ___               __                  __                    ____
/  //_____    _ __/ //_____.  _____ __/ //_____.     _____ _\\_ /___ ___
\__      /_ _____.  _/     |_\\_   \_   _/     |   _\\_   \_ _/    // _//_____
 _/     / _/     |  \      |   /    /   \      |  /   /    / \     \_ \_     /
 \______\ \      |___\_____|  /     \ ___\_____| /        /___\_____/  /    /
- ---_ ____\_____|-diP-_ _____\______\-----------\________\-----_ __________\-

           ftp.scene.org - 'elektronik free art' since 11 March 1996

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          mutter butter          mama             potz
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

          _:_________ _ .____. _ _________________. : ._____________:_
        __ |            |    |___.              \_| : |_/           | __
      __\/_|_           |    |   |___.___.          :              _|_\/__
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    |      |            |    |   |   |   |     _/   .  |   |/   _/__.      |
    |      |   \  /     |    |   |   |   |     \    :  |    \       |      |
    |      '----\/______|    '   |   |   |-----/_______|----/_______|      |
    |                   |____/---|___|___|          .                      |
    |      .            .____.                      :               .      |
  . | .. ..:......... . |    |___.  .. HAST DU EiNE - HAST DU iMMER :.. .. | .
    |      :            |    |   |___.___.          :               :      |
    |        ______     |    |  _|   |   |_ _______ :    __________        |
    |      ._\__  /_____|    |  \_   _   _/_\  ___/____._\ ._     /        |
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    |      |    /       |    |   |   |   |     \    :  |    \       |      |
 _ _|__ __ '---/________|    '   |   |   |-----/_______|----/_______| __ __|_ _
    |_/_\/_:_           |____/---|___|___|          .              _._\/_\_|
        \/ |                                    __. : .__  pzk+BM!  | \/
          _|____________________________________\_| : |_/___________|_
           :                                        :               :

       ___    ________
 ____ /  (_ __\___   (_ - --------------------------------------------------- -
_)  _/    /      /    /    says:                   for:              by:
\   \     \_    /     \          slengpung              sixpack           dip
/____\_____/____/\_____\ - -------------------------------------------------- -

                               _ _._ _
      ___                 __      | diP       ___
     /  //_____ ___   _ _/ //_____:  _____ __/ _//_____
     \__      //  /______  _/     |_\\_   \_   \_     /
    _ _/     // _//     /  \      |   /    /    /    /
  \ \\\______\  \      /____\_____|  /     \ ________\
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   - ---------------------------- _)  /    /_\\_     /   /    // _//_____
                                  \  /____/    /    /   /     \  \_     /
W W W . S L E N G P U N G . C O M /_____\     /    /____\______\  /    /
                                  .   _ ___________\       _ __________\
                                  :/----- -   -    -

                      -  E N D  O F  L O G O  P A R T  -

                 :::::::::::                      :::::::::::
                 ::        :                      :        ::
                 ::   . .............................. .   ::
                 ::   ..:  .                      .  :..   ::
                 ::.. : ...:                      :... : ..::
                      :                                :
                      :       T H E  G R E E T S       :
                      :                                :
      _______.     ___:___________   _______   ________:_______
      \     _|_____\_      _/   _|___\_   _|___\_         /  _/______
       \    \_      /      \    )     /   )     /.      _/\_        /.
     - ---------------:--------------------------------:--------------- -
                      :                                :
                      :   dipswitch sends regards to   :
                   - -:- ---------------------------- -:- -
                      :                                :
                      :    abductee abhorrence acorn   :
                      :   acryl arcane avatar avenger  :
                      :  azzaro b badpeon barock bhead :
                      :  bud chromag crb cru crusader  :
                      :   cybergod cyclone d0n daeron  :
                      :   dairos dalezy darkus desert  :
                      :   dhg digiman dino dixan dmg   :
                      :  don_rapello droid eidis elend :
                      :  evan exon extasy faxe fingus  :
                      :    gargaj ghandy gilligan h7   :
                      :  h2o hamlet hawkwind igor jazz :
                      :  junk kami kaneel kempy kojote :
                      :  laxical leia lord_chaos macaw :
                      :   marek marisa matt mc_laser   :
                      :   melkor melwyn miracle mool   :
                      :  moolok mortimer mother mystic :
                      :   native netpoet neurodancer   :
                      :    noize nomad optimus p-rat   :
                      :    pandur paniq pesti pigpen   :
                      :    pixman poti positive_pain   :
                      :    potzkoten prymer ps raver   :
                      :    ramses robotriot rkr ryg    :
                      :   saint scamp sekret shallow   :
                      :   shaolin shape shiva siegel   :
                      :  sixpack skope skyrunner sobec :
                      :    sonic spot stv stezotehic   :
                      :   supah thg threaz tmb tomcat  :
                      :  tommy trivial unlock virgill  :
                      :   visualice warp xenon xhale   :
                      :    xxx zaner zinko zito zone   :
                      :    and the forgotten ones...   :
                      :                                :
                      :                                :
                      :    potzkoten's greets go to    :
                   - -:- ---------------------------- -:- -
                      :                                :
                      :    some from the list above    :
                      :    some others                 :
                      :    some i forgot               :
                      :                                :
                      :                                :
        _______       :     _____.______               :
_____.__\_    /____   :_____\    ||    /______________ :
\    |   /   /.  _/___\_    -   _||___/.|        /  _///___
 \  _|___\____|  )     /        \_     ||_     _/\_       /.
--\____/ ---- |_________|________/_____|-|_____\___________|ave'dTr ----------
                      :                                :
                      :    C   R   E   D   i   T   S   :
                   - -:- ---------------------------- -:- -
                      : logo <-                  -> by :
                      : klockwerk 1         darkus/asl :
                      : dipswitch              mess/c! :
                      : potzkoten      don rapello/sac :
                      : welcome             exocet/al! :
                      : index                  h2o/al! :
                      : klockwerk 2    don rapello/sac :
                      : greets              avenger/bm :
                      : credits             avenger/bm :
                      : klockwerk 3          tommy/p^a :
                      : bm file_id       lord chaos/bm :
                      :                                :
                      : all other logos      potzkoten :
                      :                      dipswitch :
                      : colly design         dipswitch :
                      :                                :
                      :                                :
                      : pzk@gmx.net                    :
                      :             dipswitch@kaoz.org :
                      :                                :
                      :                                :
                      :     www . blackmaiden . de     :
                      :   - ---------------------- -   :
                      :                                :
                      :                                :
                      :                                :
                      :                                :
                      :                                :
                      : Y O U  H A V E   W A T C H E D :
                   - -:--------------------------------:- -
                      :                                :
                      :                                :
                      :                                :
        :: ...        :                   _\ __________:
   _!____..: :   _____:   _ _____.  _!____  \      _ _/:___________   _!____
.___|   /:   : ./  __  \._\\\_   |___|   /.__\__ ._\\\_________   /.___|   /
|  _|  /_:   :.|   \    |    /___|  _|  /_|    / |    _/__|  _/  /_|  _|  /_
|  \_    \   : |   _\   |   /_   |  \_    |   /\ |   _\   |  \_    |  \_    \
|___|_____\  : |________|________|___|    |___/\ |________|___|    |___|_____\
         :.......:    :              |______\t0!\/     :      |______\
                      :                                :
                      :                                :
                      :   K  L  O  C  K  W  E  R  K!   :
                      :                                :
                      : (c) 2002 potzkoten & dipswitch :
                      :         of black maiden        :
                      :                                :
                      :     ::::::::::::::::::::::     :
                      :..   ::   .............   :   ..:
                      . :...::...:...........:...:...: .
                            ::   :...........:   :

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ   b  l  a  c  k     ______         (lo!/bm)
   m a  i d  e n   _/   _ /________  .     .
 . a  s  c  i  i _/     /    _/    \/-----/:
-:----------------\----------\_    \/    /_:
 : " k l o c k w e r k "    ·-/----/_______)
 : - ---------------------- -              .
 : potzkoten & dipswitch in a cooperation! :
 : o2.o1.2oo3           www.blackmaiden.de :