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  .---------------==<    DEMOBIT '98 results    >==--------------.
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  Demobit '98 was held on Nov 21-22nd 1998 in Bratislava, Slovakia

  More info & productions are on http://www.demobit.sk

  These are full party results, send your comments & bugfixes to

        ------==< PC Demo >==------

                Name            Group|Person            Points

  1. (5)        Cage            Zircon                  118 pts
  2. (1)        Why             7 Gods                  113 pts
  3. (2)        XLAT            ReDox                   112 pts
  4. (7)        Minimal         Zden                    105 pts
  5. (3)        The Bolt        Softek                   44 pts
  6. (6)        Negative        Mr. Destiny              20 pts
  7. (4)        Noc a den       Silique                didn't run

        ------==< 64k Intro >==------

                Name            Person/Group            Points

  1. (4)        Level I         Twinsen/Peon            247 pts
  2. (2)        Those Who       Dement/Downtown         121 pts
                 Give Sunshine
  3. (3)        Underground 2:  D.Ment/Broncs            82 pts
  4. (1)        Vanhakoulu      Britelite/Alpha Design   46 pts

        ------==< 4k Intro >==------

                Name            Person/Group            Points

  1. (4)        FEI No More     Olli3                   217 pts
  2. (5)        Orange Mind     fh                      161 pts
  3. (1)        Calm            Fire/Softek              91 pts
  4. (3)        Reflection      Bravos Star              25 pts
  5. (2)        Flying          Farpoint                 19 pts

        ------==< 256b intro >==------

                Name            Person/Group            Points

  1. (3)        dr()pz!         -baze-                  215 pts
  2. (1)        Skullz          Beetle/3SC               95 pts
  3. (4)        SAT256B         Twinsen/Peon             80 pts
  4. (2)        Fuzzy           Astex/3SC                70 pts

        ------==< PC Music >==------

                Name            Person/Group            Points

  1. (12)       Singing Piano   Tren/7 Gods             101 pts
  2. (14)       Coralio         Gurun/MiST               58 pts
  3. ( 1)       77              Hudis                    51 pts
  4. (13)       Tech            JMC                      48 pts
  5. (15)       Princess        Johnko/MiST^Cryogen      41 pts
                 of Persia
  6. (10)       2Beat           Sparkie/Dwarfpine        39 pts
  7. ( 2)       Steel Dawn      Panter/Peon              37 pts
  8. (16)       Crying Rain     Bobo                     36 pts
  9. ( 9)       DEMOSHIT'98     Charon ME                33 pts
 10. ( 8)       Interaction     Photon                   28 pts
 11. ( 6)       Rytmus98        NoroSoft                 25 pts
 12. ( 7)       Stars of Joy    Bluezone/Sequence        21 pts
 13. ( 3)       And when the    Ma Reuter                15 pts
                 winds are calling...
 14. ( 5)       Moonrise        -baze-/3SC               13 pts
 15. (11)       Dubova hlava    Sputn!k                  10 pts
 16. (18)       Green Rain      Robo                      7 pts
     (19)       Slap Dance      Emzet                     7 pts
     (20)       1441            Imp                       7 pts
 19. ( 4)       Alive           Shadow/Peon               6 pts
 20. (17)       Missies         Daniel Bahna              5 pts

        ------==< PC Pixel GFX >==------

                Name            Person/Group            Points

  1. (7)        Dig Your Own    Scape/MiST              193 pts
  2. (6)        PIC480          David Bennar            159 pts
  3. (5)        Sexcalibur      Temny alias El Brutalo   94 pts
  4. (3)        Jozifek         Akeer                    37 pts
  5. (4)        ..po 7 pivach.. Stynger/Peon             35 pts
  6. (2)        Luna            sHTiF                    22 pts
  7. (1)        Voodoo          Fire/Softek              21 pts

        ------==< PC Raytraced GFX >==------

                Name            Person/Group            Points

  1. (2)        Topierr         Nelo                    155 pts
  2. (3)        Morden          Peter Gerhat            138 pts
  3. (1)        Kava            Voomie/Mist             134 pts
  4. (4)        Kola            FlashG                   69 pts

        ------==< C64 Music >==------

                Name            Person/Group            Points

  1. (2)        Back To Melody  Orcan/React             201 pts
  2. (1)        Joockie         Lunatic/Cult             69 pts
  3. (5)        For Tiffany     Sad/Anubis               68 pts
  4. (4)        Falling To      Manex/Anubis             63 pts
  5. (6)        Catch That      CreamD/DMagic            54 pts
  6. (3)        Wotnau Comes    Greatrix/Cult            17 pts

        ------==< C64 GFX >==------

                Name            Person/Group            Points

  1. (4)        Stylish House   Havran/Studio Style     206 pts
  2. (2)        It (Will-O'-    Reekol/React            123 pts
  3. (1)        Black Death's   Sam/Cult                102 pts
  4. (3)        Dready          Sign/Anubis              41 pts

        ------==< WEB Design >==------

                Author                                  Points

  1. (4)        David Bennar <bennar@internet.sk>        47 pts
  2. (2)        Mondo <vaskovic@tuke.sk>                 27 pts
  3. (1)        Mac <lenobel@pluto.elf.stuba.sk>         16 pts
  4. (3)        Alladin <aladin@podvodnik.cz>            13 pts

        ------==< Piskvorky >==------

  1.    Hoven
  2.    Stanley
  3.    Charon ME


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