Total votes cast       :   242
    Results file generated :   1998.02.08. 23.41.50


  Place  Title                  Author                                Votes

   1.    Angel Devoid           Black Rainbow                         98
   2.    Axioma                 Axioma                                65
   3.    Demo                   TDC                                   45


  Place  Title                  Author                                Votes

   1.    Pina                   Exceed                                100
   2.    Wanda in 64K           Byteam                                39
   3.    Rize                   Dinasty                               36
   4.    Undersea               Pascal Line                           23
   5.    The Final Experience   United Force                          18
   6.    Revolution             Priority                              7


  Place  Title                  Author                                Votes

   1.    Rappa                  Dilemma                               73
   2.    Pure                   Hooligans Crew                        62
   3.    Codeless               Atomik                                31
   4.    Blobz                  GyikSoft                              20
   5.    Sins                   Autopsy                               13
   6.    KKKK                   Damian                                1


  Place  Title                  Author                                Votes

   1.    Intro                  Frame18                               115
   2.    Torque                 Scoopex                               66

  C-64 DEMO

  Place  Title                  Author                                Votes

   1.    The Last Reactor       React                                 128
   2.    Meat Krest             Breeze                                46
   3.    Trip to Nepa(l)        Cascade                               23

  C-64 MUSIC

  Place  Title                  Author                                Votes

   1.    Schyzophrenic          Orcan                                 50
   2.    Sonata Syntenique      da Blondie                            32
   3.    Much Room              Zyron                                 23
         Aars Poetica           Carlos                                23
   4.    Love's                 GregFeel                              11
   5.    Missing You            CreamD                                9

  C-64 GFX

  Place  Title                  Author                                Votes

   1.    Summon Elf             Poison                                46
   2.    Psylocke               Sebaloz                               36
   3.    Spawn                  AMN                                   21
         Creature               Gerync                                21
   4.    Kriss                  Katon                                 17
   5.    Worms                  Izzy                                  10
   6.    Eyesight               Splash                                7
   7.    Sonic                  ASN                                   6
         AutoCAD                BRK                                   6
   8.    Kawaii                 Zyga                                  4
   9.    Bunny                  TGM                                   2
         Lost Soul              Bleze                                 2


  Place  Title                  Author                                Votes

   1.    Painted Lady on Rose   Unreal                                79
   2.    To Give Evidence       Ward                                  29
   3.    Eternity               Beast                                 27
   4.    Das Metal              Blackhand                             17
   5.    The End                Vizsla                                13
   6.    Sargent Pepper         Warpig                                10
         Critical Mass          Enok                                  10
   7.    Stamp!                 SE                                    8
         Dragonhead             Piszur                                8
   8.    Instinct               Immortal Rat                          6
         Juice                  Omule                                 6
   9.    Tower of Pain          Autopsy                               2
   10.   Hard times             HP                                    1
         End of the Trail       Zozo                                  1
         Fate                   Grass                                 1


  Place  Title                  Author                                Votes

   1.    Tekaii                 Zyne                                  51
   2.    Ms Daisy               Gaf                                   49
   3.    Roses                  Szothisz                              29
   4.    The Happiest Barrack   qvas                                  23
   5.    Lenin                  Ren                                   20
   6.    Dreams                 Grass                                 12
   7.    By Csati               Csati                                 10
   8.    Logo                   Neurop                                2


  Place  Title                  Author                                Votes

   1.    Finall                 Myrel                                 123
   2.    Chapel                 Narn                                  12
   3.    Army Move              Zooo                                  10
   4.    Labirintus - Az elet   Z_the_XTZ                             8
         Tai                    Reidl Romeo                           8
         Tower of Damn          Warpig                                8
   5.    Advanced Gravis        Carnival                              7
   6.    Cosmetics              Kolchkhy                              6
   7.    Dragon                 Avion                                 5
         Bottle                 BBD                                   5
   8.    The Voyager            Lolka                                 2
         Blood                  Skin & Dark                           2
         Obligation: OBEY!      Marshall                              2
         Xionc                  Max                                   2
   9.    Autooo                 United Force                          1
         Loading                BestHyper                             1
         Fireworm               GuyProg                               1
         The Clerics Study      Phoenix                               1
   10.   Dungeon                Bali                                  0
         Full Moon              Walter                                0
         Pad                    Vapro                                 0


  Place  Title                  Author                                Votes

   1.    I Feel It              Rian                                  39
   2.    Geza ferjhez megy      Illegal                               32
   3.    Eshu's Tales           Ainu                                  23
   4.    Garden of Slaugh       Jabberwock                            17
   5.    My Moon                Generic                               13
   6.    In da Jungle           Deansdale                             12
         At the Speed of Light  Imode                                 12
   7.    Pukk                   HP                                    9
   8.    Az illegalis tanc      Trajic                                8
   9.    Mindflow               Net                                   1


  Place  Title                  Author                                Votes

   1.    Taste of Power         Therion                               57
   2.    The Borning Level      Paco                                  34
   3.    Friday Afternoon       Carlos                                31
   4.    Zebra Skies            Teo                                   21
   5.    Ravin' with Amiga      Norm                                  17
   6.    Happy Hardcore         Andromeda                             6
   7.    Morzsi                 Gomba                                 2
         Formal de Hide         Trajic                                2
   8.    On the Sand 2          Shaman                                1
   9.    2Force                 Slowhand                              0


  Place  Title                  Author                                Votes

   1.    Firg                   Nosk                                  78
   2.    Zero                   Enok                                  55
   3.    ?                      Blackdog                              7
   4.    ?                      ?                                     5

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