Pre-results from Summer Encounter 1998 in Denmark
                                Scale / mango^bLaSM

  1.  Plastik by Purple                                 -  745 points
  2.  louis lane by Blasphemy                           -  608 points
  3.  Bazar by ImPACT DK                                -  434 points
  4.  Mono by Lost                                      -  171 points
  5.  noe overnaturlig grusomt som flyr! by ANUS        -  140 points
  6.  Trippers Delight! by Alien Prophets               -  133 points

64k Intro:
  1.  kill the clone by fudGe                           -  982 points
  2.  go pete go by prone                               -  826 points
  3.  swallow by macaw/jason/seffren - acid!            -  395 points
  4.  Anthrax by Scale / mango                          -  293 points
  5.  a flip in the woods by rECTUM cAUDA               -  195 points

  1.  Footloose by \\\ LiteWerx.                        -  867 points
  2.  Orgazm by Dize/Silents DK                         -  540 points
  3.  K;Jfo7)- by VoxPoed                               -  316 points
  4.  En værre gang HØ! by Dream Factory                -  277 points
  5.  Space Invaders by Impression                      -  218 points
  6.  Emphatic by sUBSCURe                              -  179 points
  7.  The tale of the rat lab by Flux                   -  148 points
  8.  Mixed up! by Projection                           -  107 points
  9.  Only 1 BOX by HeadRoom/3Difference                -   81 points
  10. 2D - SE98 by T-Bone                               -   63 points
  11. BeepCore II by BeepCore                           -   56 points

Tracked music:
  1.  System Override by Mystical/Purple/Analogue Music -  321 points
  2.  Dagli Brugsen by BOLLA PIGER                      -  182 points
  3.  slid specter by xhale/dcs^tlt^cmy                 -  175 points
  4.  Tides by Reflex/Projection                        -  175 points
  5.  la oss ha 6 by Lone Wolf / Beam                   -  166 points
  6.  baltic beach by he-man                            -  164 points
  7.  finalized creep texture by sinus/VoxPoed          -  153 points
  8.  Wild i Scuret remix by Dreyer/Blasphemy           -  147 points
  9.  Twicked by XET/Lsom                               -  142 points
  10. Alien Project by Dark/MetaBolic                   -  100 points
  11. Mr. Mamma by echo/fudGe                           -   97 points
  12. Solo Vintage by petee/sol                         -   64 points

Pixel graphics:
  1.  ? / Seth of fudGe                                 -    ? points

3D graphics:
  1.  Football by Thomas Suurland                       -  854 points
  2.  a day at the beach by droop of distortion         -  258 points
  3.  Rambosaurus by Ransom/IRIS                        -  257 points
  4.  Kill Your Darlings by Dize                        -  224 points
  5.  Bedside Body by Syl                               -  211 points
  6.  Karstens akvarium by Flux/Exposure                -  137 points
  7.  Bamse by Deckard/ImPACT DK                        -  134 points
  8.  The Wizard by Wario                               -  118 points
  9.  drop it by HeadRoom/3Difference                   -  111 points
  10. UFO by Armitage 374                               -   97 points
  11. After tHe rAin by XET/Lsom                        -   80 points
  12. Floppy Disk by Blobber/Guido Kaiser               -   51 points
  13. Drille tid by in-sect                             -   44 points

Fast music:
  1.  Nina er sexy by xhale and stalin                  - 1002 points
  2.  Poppen 1000 by cer and He-man                     -  762 points
  3.  Nina er soed by Bounty and Cpix                   -  720 points

MP3 music:
  1.  Bente by Tweak                                    -  582 points
  2.  Psynthesizer by Thorsten                          -  389 points
  3.  Boundless Universe by Tytte & BUDDA-X             -  249 points
  4.  The Invisibles by Orange                          -  211 points
  5.  U.F.O by Neongod                                  -  198 points
  6.  Muuuuuuuuuuh... by Lost Clusters                  -  171 points
  7.  nils by xhale/dcs^tlt^cmy                         -  169 points
  8.  Say Boom by Reflex                                -  113 points
  9.  Psionic by Zynchron                               -  112 points
  10. The Escape by Drayne                              -   83 points