Title                                Score 
 #1 - no time to think!               26 
 #2 - I can't believe                 24 
 #3 - the secret diary                22 
 #4 - mixture of messages             20 
 #5 - a night near the sea            20 
 #6 - hands and rythm                 19 
 #7 - listen to me                    18 
 #8 - looking at the rain falling down17 
 #9 - sweet, violent suicide          15 
 #10 - dissonance                     12 
 #11 - water of life                  11 
 #12 - always be mine                 11 
 #12 - l~ve                           10 
 #13 - trip-o-matic machine           9 
 #14 - fulcro antagonista             9 
 #15 ysbwriel                         9 
 #16 - camel senza filtro             6 
 #18 - second side                    6 
 #19 - notte blu                      6 
Others, with 5 points or less: 
anal submission 
colpa di alfroido 
into the fire 
junglistik dreamers 
lost in a dream 
nature's whispering 
rage in face 
sodomize 5:01 
tenth dimension 
the internal trip 
your dreams 
 Title                               Score 
 #01 - fa betonare                   75 
 #02 - wow! si impasta tutto         64 
 #03 - koyto                         30 
 #04 - panflute rulezzz              29 
 #05 - arabian nights                25 
 #06 - vaginal ashout o              20 
 #07 - stuff                         15 
 #08 - che palle ‘sta canzone        14 
 #09 - singing amplex                13 
 #10 - triprip                       10 
 #11 - ho sonno e pedro è omosessuale9 
 #12 - spice up your trip            6 
Others, with 5 points or less: 
a morte pedro 
se non dormo io, è il serpente che dorme 
fuck you samples 
4 channels compo 
 Title                  Score 
 #01 - Warm jazz soup   51 
 #02 - Compression      45 
 #03 - Planet of sorrow 36 
 #04 - Changing         34 
 #05 - Nov4compo        31 
 #06 - Taomus           27 
 #07 - Scratchin'       16 
 #08 - Deviazione conica13 
 #09 - The legend       11 
 #10 - 5 min compo      10 
 #11 - Vortex           8 
Gfx compo 
 Title                Score 
 #1 - evolution       79 
 #2 - mulino a vento  45 
 #3 - alita           43 
 #4 - merlin          32 
 #5 - One cow         16 
 #6 - soft spin       14 
 #7 - silver surfer   13 
 #8 - dinner          12 
 #9 - Mad             12 
 #10 - this is my tripLess than 5 
Amiga intro 
 Title                          Score 
 #1 - Long Trip / Darkness)     81 
 #2 - Kill Santa Claus / Darkage71 
 #3 - EarthQuake / Genesis      45 
 #4 - Past present future / Swap40 
Amiga demo 
 Title            Score 
 #1 - Side effects108 
 #2 - Ciucci      52 
 #3 - Brain Shock 48 
Amiga 4k 
 Title             Score 
 #01 - Juliet      119 
 #02 - Blured Stars66 
PC Intro 
 Title                                  Score 
 #1 - Shale / Chalice                   93 
 #2 - E se domani piove? / Friol the Oil65 
 #3 - Physica / Ritual                  64 
PC 4k 
 #1 and only - Piola / Ritual