.  a  .  b  .  s  .  t  .  r  .  a  .  c  .  t  .
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                 \      //  __  \\     \    ___    /_
                 /--/______\ /____.--------/         \
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            .  a  .  b  .  s  .  t  .  r  .  a  .  c  .  t  .

                            official results


 multichannel alternative compo:

 01. (119pts) overhead - traymuss
 02. (100pts) temple of music - stilgar
 03. (048pts) ufo man - siatek
 04. (045pts) deesis - siatek
 05. (031pts) alone - crash
 06. (030pts) im gonna make it - emsi

 multichanel progressive compo:

 01. (102pts) scene - traymuss
 02. (088pts) distort waves - siatek
 03. (065pts) francuskie babeczki - borko
     (065pts) trombocyty - emsi
 05. (058pts) jome - grass
 06. (046pts) parking betoniarek - crash
 07. (037pts) juju2 - grass
 08. (030pts) galapagos - fedaykin

 mp3 compo (alternative & progressive merged):

 01. (089pts) electronic world - diomatic
 02. (081pts) nectarine - traymuss
 03. (071pts) warrior's history - diomatic
 04. (059pts) our sun - revisq&lester
 05. (033pts) sea ray - diomatic
 06. (028pts) dark step - blah
 07. (027pts) trip(hop) in rain - stilgar
 08. (023pts) alkaholiks - borko
 09. (015pts) paralysis agains - traymuss
 10. (013pts) under the parrots - 97-400 crew
 11. (005pts) realhouse - masa

 chip compo:

 01. (092pts) analog world - siatek
 02. (087pts) virtual love - stilgar
 03. (086pts) genuine - traymuss
 04. (083pts) fantastic galaxian - diomatic
 05. (062pts) marchewkowa aneta - lettique&rts
 06. (058pts) digital lady - siatek
 07. (039pts) swimming across you - lesnik
 08. (031pts) preek3 - hex
 09. (030pts) merry melodies 2 - karlos
 10. (013pts) stereophonik 2001 - unaware

 oldskool (8bpp) gfx compo:

 01. (154pts) lady of fog - ozon
 02. (124pts) i taw, i taw a putty tat... - mantra
 03. (117pts) may i suck your pretty ass, baby? for 100 bugs? - lester
 04. (109pts) dark window - biter
 05. (049pts) asia mist garden - kai
 06. (011pts) insekt automatik - tjahzi

 true color (24bpp) gfx compo:

 01. (134pts) green colour of borneo - mantra
 02. (125pts) pies - grass
 03. (071pts) bzzz - mime
 04. (061pts) my dream - lazur
 05. (058pts) abstract girl - neo
 06. (034pts) kolejny sen nocy letniej - mist
 07. (027pts) sigma - mime
 08. (026pts) heretycy diuny - deesis
 09. (024pts) ka$ka - bamboos
     (024pts) extasy - vany
 11. (023pts) infinity - piramix
 12. (009pts) partyka - lazur
 13. (006pts) bog byl syntetyczny - tjahzi

 image processing compo:

 01. (112pts) digital - sagat
 02. (109pts) misery - difuse
 03. (075pts) astral - sagat
 04. (063pts) no nature no future - neon
 05. (045pts) dimensionalspace - dron
 06. (034pts) roots - vorp
 07. (006pts) believe - lester

 raytracing compo:

 01. (117pts) golem - przemek
 02. (094pts) ? - io
 03. (074pts) turtle - biter
 04. (067pts) head of destiny - przemek
 05. (042pts) ? - io
     (042pts) slonik - campo
 07. (032pts) unicorn - xysiu
 08. (025pts) teleport - tomik
 09. (011pts) professional gun - klakkier

 demo compo:

 01. (216pts) fears - nahkolor
 02. (158pts) schism - zone51

 intro64kb compo:

 01. (170pts) leave gray reality - hdd
 02. (169pts) magica - spiral
 03. (129pts) shapes of the PCV - nahkolor

 VHS compo:

 01. (151pts) niezzly kanal - neon
 02. (138pts) fabrycznie nowe - vorp

 ascii/ansi compo:

 01. (114pts) pejzaz - mist
 02. (089pts) my name is 4o & 4 - podo
 03. (079pts) glue promo ansi - simonking&zeus
 04. (067pts) sex. drugs. rock&roll. i ascii kurwa no! - with
 05. (061pts) little goblin - simonking
 06. (036pts) witafekt - klocek
 07. (017pts) logz - druggy

 --------- --- -
 voting system:
 1st place: 5pts
 2nd place: 4pts
 3th place: 3pts
 4th place: 2pts
 5th place: 1pts

 overall number of counted votes: 44
 --------- --- -
 that's all! thanks for visiting our party! hope you enjoy it! abstract 2001