.  ...
     _______              _____ :  _____ ____________________ ______ ________
  ___\___  /_.:::`::':::._\   /_:__\   /_\  __  /\_   __    /_\  __/_\  __  /
  \__  _|   |:::: :: ::::_   /_  _/     |_  ___/__|   \    /_|   |   _  ___/__
    |_______|::::.   ::::/_______|l_____||_______|-----\_____:_______|_______|
    ambience'01 held ý¦"'` in venlo from 2nd to 4th march  ! : slc
                                                             ...   .

       . |  Official Demoscene Results

  All results are in the following form:
  place  name  author  group

 4KB Intro

1.  Inopias mooie 4k in java deze keer werkt ie wel  Inopia
2.  Pulse  The Awakener  T3F
3.  The life of a pixel 

 64KB Intro

1.  FR-011 : Mekka & Symposium 2001  Chaos, KB  Farbrausch


1.  Stigma    Emotive
2.  Radon     T3F / Air
3.  SF2k Invitation
4.  Ambition  Thunderboy, Benjam, D.Fox, Fzool
5.  Bluemchen  Schoko  Kekse


1.  Legoland  Hanno Schafer  Parabyte
2.  No Attitude  Lone/Digistorm/Witsflow
3.  Star Whores 1: A new hopwjesvla    Rectum Cauda NL
4.  Extra entry  Electo  Oryx AVD
5.  Nul Vleugel    Rectum Cauda
6.  The Chair II    Chairkeepers

 Flash Animation

1.  Lego Intro mark 2  Redox  Lego UT clan
2.  Tranquility  Morphine  RBi Studios
3.  Der staat een muis op de weg  Joegi  Peer
4.  Ambience Project  Hydro
5.  Ambience Flash  Martien AMD
6.  Evolutions of lines  Santa and Master_PE  Dragons of Quraniton
7.  D-Coy's Voodoo Doll of Eternal Doom (+3)  Gasbag  D-Coy


1.  Elementz  Gasbag  D-Coy Interactive
2.  PAP-Group Homepage  mbb/pap  pap
3.  Digital Boy  PQ

 Hand-Pixelled Graphics

1.  Madonna  Mucky  Confine
2.  Water Zomer No Attitude
3.  Ein frischer Sonntag  Toaster  Seminar
4.  Face of Immorality (+2)  Gasbag  D-Coy
5.  All your base are belong to us rECTUM cAUDA!

 Raytrace Graphics

1.  Meine Mutter Hackt Holz  D.Fox  Digital Overflow
2.  Kaaabbdn  Wolfchen
3.  All your base are belong to us  Lawine  Rectum Cauda nl
4.  tasskaff  mbb/pap  pap
5.  Gebroken schilderijtje  BugBlue  Hell No!
 Photo-Based Graphics

1.  Feedback  Cybok
2.  Samu  Eface
3.  What do you need to build a network  Hier kunnen ze nog wat van leren  Ambience Network sucs
4.  stirb endlich  Der Denker  XoX
5.  All your IPv6 are belong to us  BugBlue & Rtek  Hell No!
6.  ben en monique van der ven  lawine  rectum cauda nl
7.  Meisje  Daxx909  D-Coy
8.  Jongetje  Gasbag  D-Coy
9.  Moby  Dabug  scenetrippers

 Ansi/Ascii Graphics

1.  Lamer  Don


1.  Woei 2 - avoozl/EFCh
2.  Pongkip 4KB  Inopia

 4 Channel Tracked Music

1.  Gijs drinkt wijn  Niwa
2.  De Vleesmolen  Xam  Revolution
3.  Convey  Phaeton  Blacktron Music Productions
4.  Baby, what (do you do)  Skyrunner
5.  15 % of the pie  Avalanche
6.  Wave  Da Bug  Scenetrippers  
7.  Ode to Hackwizzard  JoshX  

 House Music

1.  Aural Illusion  Trackx
2.  Rising Crystals  Cosmic Trance  Fusion Music Crew / Logic
3.  Trip to the percussion lounge  Mentz  Tokyo dawn rec.
4.  Just like this  Daxxman ft UK Sound
5.  Sinners in heaven  Anduril
6.  Take me higher  Skyrunner
7.  Project Wednesday  DiGiSTORM & Witsflow  Logic
8.  Let the Rhyme  Xam  Revolution
9.  essence  niwa  bmp
10. Phatt  Dabug  SceneTrippers
11. Nation#62  Ix lef+avalanche  dkny
12. 1 up (remix)  sandra  BMP/_rohformat
13. sci-fi overload  phaeton  bikkels mogen pijpen
14. No More Slowmo  DynAMikE  CRiTiCaL
15. Again  BezurK  Rewind Music

 Normal Music

1.  Among the stars  Cyrex  Fusion Music Crew / Logic
2.  Picknick in the Meadows  Kb
3.  Mystic Rockers  Skyrunner
4.  Pyramids of the sun  Cosmic trance  Fusion Music Crew / Logic
5.  Loewenzahn  Toaster  Seminar
6.  The sitback continuative  Mentz  Tokyo dawn rec.
7.  Ich lekk sie lecker  Fzool  Dialogos SUXX
8.  *clubby*  DeMo  Xox
9.  herbalized perception  phaeton  blowen met plezier
10. Ubi Dubium Ubi Libertas  Avlanche
11. Der Polkator  Pap  Access Denied

  All entries will soon be available at ftp.ambience.nl or at ftp.scene.org

 |  Logo            - Silence^Bmp
 |  Text and layout - ThunderStrike^Ambience

Party archive @ ftp.scene.org