:: fyanica 2001 . summer edition
:: a.d. 2oo1.july.14-15. 
:: budapest . hungary
:: official results

:: 4channel music                              points  

1. freestate :: teo / kangooroo ^ exceed           35 
2. sandhill and sunstroke :: vincenzo / mcl        18 
3. tales from crypt . remix :: thomass             13
4. way back :: sensor / dunkers                    12
5. happy time :: thomass                            9
5. i hate infrared :: farfar / loonies              9
7. give me what i need :: nemechek / kangooroo      5

:: multichannel and mp3 music

1. the perfect timing :: teo / kangooroo ^ exceed  31 
2. ??? :: werdy                                    23
2. nasheed :: teo / kng ^ exd                      23
4. bob's asteroids remix :: farfar / loonies       11

:: 8bit gfx

1. 2002 :: unreal / kangooroo                      44
2. dragon :: dan / x-faces                         29
3. fight 4 budi	:: buzk halaj                      17
4. buzzer :: emeric / spacehawks                   14
5. torony :: luigi / x-faces                       11
:: 24bit gfx

1. dog :: willy                                    31
2. the army :: murder / new wave                   23  
3. surreal :: willy                                18
4. ink :: laika / loonies                          13
5. 2000 osztva 21 :: psn                            8
5. now!n :: luigi / x-faces                         8
7. awakening :: poison / singular                   6
8. emma :: farfar / loonies                         4

:: amiga 64k intro

1. late nite trip :: kangooroo                     52

:: amiga demo 

1. fast-tro :: kangooroo                           41
2. demo :: brutal                                  19

:: c64 compos remain in secret, there was 
:: the arok-party invitation released, but
:: can't remember more, and the c64 guys 
:: left before counting the votes, so sorry...

:: eof ::