- Mind ReSources 2001 official rezultats -

 - 128B Intro

 o1  Stratium                   by Pyrodex                           with 4,57
 o2  AcidRain                   by SerzhSoft                         with 3,18
 o3  Chekers                    by Galen /MAXTER                     with 3,13

 - 512B Intro

 o1  Refulgence                 by Pyrodex                           with 4,45 
 o2  Worm                       by Asman /Proxium                    with 4,07 
 o3  ZX love                    by SerzhSoft                         with 3,37 
 o4  Clouds                     by Cheshire Cat /Mortal Antibiotic   with 2,67 
 o5  Zooming Scroll             by Mr.Dsteuz /Proxium                with 2,57 
 o6  Привет,мой друг!           by Fanat /TeC                        with 2,40 
 o7  PSHH                       by Rumik                             with 1,56 

 - 4K Intro

 o1  Probe                      by Pyrodex                           with 3,919
 o2  Debut                      by BSL /ZCS                          with 3,905
 o3  MetaZlo                    by Upi /Throb                        with 3,797
 o4  Radial                     by Galen /Maxter                     with 3,297
 o5  Привет, мой друг!          by Fanat /TeC                        with 3,203
 o6  Wodka                      by Cheshire Cat&Udaleator /Mor Ant   with 2,716

 - 64K Intro

 o1  Euphoria                   by Sunman /Throb                     with 3,42
 o2  Pas                        by Olegnet                           with 2,98
 o3  Debut                      by BiTL                              with 1,92

; Насчет второго места конечно ;) но так решил voting...


 o1  Demoscene karaoke          by Upi /Throb                        with 4,36
 o2  Sadness                    by Neonray /Throb                    with 4,23
 o3  Ride                       by Phantom Lord /Accept Corp         with 3,38
 o4  angree aliens eat our pets by Nasta                             with 3,26
 o5  X-bytes                    by Sigma Group                       with 1,66

 - Real-Time Coding

 o1  Boozing Resources          by Ramzai /T-Rex                     with 4,21
 o2  Peyote                     by Upi /Throb                        with 4,11
 o3  TT12                       by Sunman /Throb                     with 2,75
 o4  Texty                      by Arvi the hacker                   with 2,49

 - GFX Rendered

 o1  Mida                       by Shark                             with 4,49
 o2  Death                      by Lomix /Mortal Antibiotic          with 3,76
 o3  Car                        by Lomix /Mortal Antibiotic          with 3,51
 o4  Horror                     by 1000FaceS /HBG                    with 3,35
 o5  Pacific Ocean              by Steve Gibson /Gibson Brothers     with 2,80
 o6  Polar Base                 by GolTeR /TeC                       with 2,78
 o7  Everybody'd left too party by Netrat                            with 2,33
 o8  Reflect                    by Steve Gibson /Gibson Brothers     with 2,24
 o9  Android                    by BiTL                              with 2,18

 - GFX Photobased

 o1  Roof                       by Лихоконь Д.В.                     with 4,03
 o2  Technomancore              by Kelli Shaver /HBG                 with 3,82
 o3  Танец красных кров.. телец by Vinsent /CPH                      with 3,30
 o4  visual73165351             by Demiurge Ash                      with 3,13
 o5  Timelapse                  by Kelli Shaver /HBG                 with 2,87
 o6  The Drugs Are Killing Us   by The Nur /HBG                      with 2,52
 o7  Say goodbye for yesterday  by drk/ex-CiA                        with 2,27
 o8  Splinters                  by Steve Gibson /Gibson Brothers     with 1,96
 o9  Квизац Хедерах             by Steve Gibson /Gibson Brothers     with 1,55

 - GFX Vector

 o1  Again                      by Yoyo /HRG                         with 3,73
 o2  Зимняя киска               by Laire                             with 3,30
 o3  Love4ever                  by B-reeZe /FishBone                 with 3,15
 o4  Time                       by Asf1r                             with 3,10
 o5  Astroman                   by Ice Drugon /HBG                   with 2,65
 o6  Moon                       by Наумова Н.Н.                      with 2,23

 - GFX Handdrawn

 o1  Baby Elf                   by The Nur /HBG                      with 4,32 
 o2  Take a fish                by GDM                               with 4,26 
 o3  Хренотень                  by Лихоконь Д.Ю.                     with 3,76 
 o4  City                       by Dimand                            with 3,71 
 o5  5 fingers                  by Paracels /Placebo                 with 3,64 
 o6  Оса                        by Лихоконь Д.Ю.                     with 3,58 
 o7  Подъезд                    by Yoyo /HRg                         with 3,51 
 o8  Закат                      by Tambu                             with 3,41 
 o9  Ibiza                      by Demiurge Ash                      with 3,39 
 10  Hexen                      by Demiurge Ash                      with 3,29 
 11  Anger                      by Mario /MAXTER                     with 3,27 
 12  Paper                      by Dimand                            with 3,16 
 13  Oldage                     by Sprocket /HRg                     with 3,14 
 14  Лунный цветок              by Laire                             with 3,12 
 15  Glufplace                  by GolTeR /TeC                       with 3,07 
 16  Замок на горе              by FatCrazer /Storm Studios          with 3,05 
 17  Spiders in my head         by HellCyberCannibal                 with 2,89 
 18  Penguin                    by l0d^CL                            with 2,42 
 19  coding iz life             by V.exeR AKA L.Umer /Sigma Group    with 2,32 
 20  ReWWWolution               by l0d^CL                            with 2,30
 21  Kill your future           by normal /just-x                    with 2,23 
 22  Born stubborn              by weIrd /Psycho                     with 2,20
 23  Cannabis Depression        by V.exeR AKA L.Umer /Sigma Group    with 2,07 

 - MP3 (without vocal)

 o1  Lamp Bisquit               by Mic /Pentatonica                  with 3,92
 o2  The night as long as life  by Madminder /ex-DDT                 with 3,59
 o3  A trip to nowhere          by Temezo                            with 3,23
 o3  Ambience                   by Sven booT /TeC                    with 3,23
 o4  in odette mirror hate      by Hykler                            with 3,12
 o5  Dead Jungle                by Alx'K                             with 3,11
 o6  Green eye                  by Gruz /Infinite                    with 2,89
 o7  Dreams of Solo             by DJ Freax /Psycho                  with 2,77
 o8  The shadow of shade        by ED'ART                            with 2,76
 o9  Looking for something      by Striker                           with 2,64
 10  Virtual Dreams             by Psycho                            with 2,50
 11  Gleaming small lights      by Sumano /Infinite                  with 2,46
 11  NoName                     by ANOMALIA & De-Factus              with 2,46
 12  Life Activity              by Lasoft /Excess team               with 2,40
 13  Breeze                     by Melted Snow                       with 2,35
 14  Man with...                by Dioxide                           with 2,15
 15  Appearence of the satan    by kristoph                          with 2,07
 16  Beatintro                  by djshlang                          with 2,01
 DQ  Dream Theme                by Sven booT /TeC

; дисквалифицировано. Вторая работа от автора. Превышен лимит размера файла

 - MP3 (with vocal)

 o1  Хочу нажраться             by DJ Psych & DJ Freax //Psycho      with 3,391
 o2  Не хватает                 by Phantom Lord /Accept Corp.        with 3,386
 o3  Хочу чтоб меня колбасило   by Mitchell                          with 3,243
 o4  Black-white                by Kroshka.Ry                        with 2,80
 o5  Дом                        by Orion and MoHax                   with 2,54
 o6  Кулинарная шиза            by FatCrazer /Storm Studios          with 2,49
 o7  Ажитация                   by Aux/Жнива /LittleGreenGluka       with 2,41

 - 4 channel

 o1  Highland Traveller         by Tangerine /T-Rex                  with 3,93
 o2  Agent                      by Phantom Lord /Accept Corp.        with 3,51
 o3  Gazeta                     by DJ MoHaX /Psycho                  with 3,34
 o4  partbiletnatotsvet         by Amgorb /T-Rex                     with 3,31
 o5  Martian People             by XPEh & GDM //Looker House         with 3,26
 o6  Mod tune #01               by Mumifikator /Infinite             with 2,75
 o7  Quake theme                by Red /Storm Studios                with 2,44

 - Tradition multichannel

 o1  Courage and Honour         by Gruz /Infinite                    with 3,79
 o2  summer, which wasn'        by tone /CEG,DGTLS                   with 3,53
 o3  Funny Guys                 by Phantom Lord /Accept Corp.        with 3,46
 o4  TSTA                       by Serpent /HBG                      with 3,20
 o5  funk-o-man                 by keen                              with 3,13
 o6  Pain.                      by Mumifikator /Infinite             with 3,02
 o7  Good bye my Sun            by Dj.WLF /Accept Corp.              with 2,97
 o8  wicked goblin              by Dr. Dream /NRG                    with 2,90
 o9  Nocturne                   by Madminder /ex-DDT                 with 2,88
 10  Under sail                 by Sumano /Infinite                  with 2,86
 11  Limp Fate                  by Oleg Dunaev                       with 2,83
 12  Light Flow                 by Amgorb /T-Rex                     with 2,65
 13  Azure                      by SS /Infinite                      with 2,60
 13  Kamchatka                  by Raistlin                          with 2,60
 14  Этот мир, the a.o.n        by MJC Tosha                         with 2,04

 - Alternative multichannel

 o1  dumppunkdrumjunkfunk       by Slam /universal                   with 3,46 
 o2  Millennium                 by Madminder /ex-DDT                 with 3,25 
 o3  out of limits              by Lasoft /Excess team               with 3,06 
 o4  Broken Heaven 2:Lost Eq..  by HarvY /TeC                        with 3,04 
 o5  Satis-RST#7-MaxI-Slash     by Slash /AtD                        with 3,02 
 o6  Red warrior                by GDM /Looker house & Split Air     with 2,98 
 o7  Agression                  by Manu                              with 2,92 
 o8  synthetic mass reaction    by as-d /smr                         with 2,81 
 o9  WouldU come whith me?      by TemezO                            with 2,67 
 10  Smoth                      by Silicon /Infinite                 with 2,65 
 11  Anoxia                     by EA /Antares                       with 2,44 
 12  dream O! O!! O!!! O!!!!    by Popov A.V.                        with 2,35 
 13  HappY SHIT                 by Dr SCSI /Storm Studios            with 2,31 
 14  Industrial abyss           by Arsenium /Storm Studios           with 2,29 
 15  Steps INSIDE               by DjFLINT /HBG                      with 2,17 
 16  You are ready              by Sumano /Infinite                  with 2,15 
 17  Sun&Rain                   by Cyrax /Perm Trackers              with 1,88 
 18  Fuzzy Logic                by Jurassic /Perm Trackers           with 1,77

 - Работы показанные вне конкурса

 o1  mrs                        by Cheshire Cat /Mortal Antibiotic
                                   (показана по желанию автора)  :-)

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