S C E N E   E V E N T   2 0 0 1
Held at 18-21th of July
in Harridslev, Denmark.

 Party archive @ scene.org


Music Tracked
Place Points Title Credit 
1 478 cocio & finsprit Reflex of Loopit 
2 311 Tribute to the scene Punqtured / Fnuque 
3 309 REENTERiNG ORBiT-X x-otic^phobic 
4 281 syk KO! prOpAN^ / tbc 
5 254 Baked Beams DRAX Maniacs of Noise / sh0dan of VoxPod 

Place Points Title Credit 
1 437 Medusa... -Eller noget Trenox of JUNK 
2 374 Beetle Thomas Suurland 
3 361 Dragon Cave DFeKT 
4 229 EVE Waltari 
5 116 The Clown Johs. 
6 70 What a nasty little pet Devil 
7 48 Fishbone's Caine~ 
8 44 corridor mlykke 

Place Points Title Credit 
1 418 Swimming with dolphins oRaNGe 
2 253 Insomnia Reflex of Loopit 
3 193 Arne og Benny leger med klodser prOpAN^ / tbc 
4 169 Vi Banker På BUDDA-X ( Grimme Mænd ) 
5 157 Another Visitor hornet/loopit 
6 120 i.m.p.u.l.s.e x-otic^phobic 
7 93 Så du ham.... Michael & Morten Jensen 

Place Points Title Credit 
1 686 catch ya' clean macaw, p-rat, supah, tomic - la BYPASS familee 
2 502 Hero64 mainloop 

Place Points Title Credit 
1 852 "" Alien Prophets 
2 621 demo purple 
3 501 Hero mainloop 
4 172 DEEF'DH DIES! New Bits On The Block 
5 131 I lost my source code, this is all I have left mortenp and stopher 

Place Points Title Credit 
1 394 Genetic Lume 
2 307 WOTBOTS Flunkium 
3 272 Try no. 9 Waltari & Johs. 
4 239 #Fq32b loopit 
5 201 TBC Trsac Invitemo TBC with help from Iris, Loonies and TBL 
6 105 Plain cycron 

Fast Music
Place Points Title Credit 
1 424 Tetris Crackhead Orange 
2 349 Sinus Clouds Punqtured / Fnuque 
3 313 Cremet Kina Polka Reflex of Loopit 
4 294 Lad være at gå, den er god nok (det er ikke min skyld) Propane 

Fast Web
Place Points Title Credit 
1 237 MF Tuning Works oRaNGe & prOpAN^ 
2 196 DK Osteimport Webdesign SGI-Wannabe's 
3 192 BillyBoB mainloop 
4 111 Tractor Webpage Caine~ 

Party archive @ ftp.scene.org