Underscore 2k1 res

sammansatt av

deadguy / premutos [ deadguy@linuxbitch.net ]

4CHANNEL                                                             Score
1 - distilled illusions - psycho / session                              97
2 - analogi'que - qwan / up rough!                                      85
3 - rockers galore - skope / up rough!                                  81
4 - sniper at 31st floor - megaman & cobra attack                       70

CHIPTUNE                                                             Score
1 - polska ninjor - bliss / fairlight music                             99
2 - min mobil e paj - zalza                                             93
3 - pappersballong - goto80 / ht                                        73
4 - sambal öllek - wasp / powerline                                     67
5 - life expired - timbral / parzek                                     50
6 - underthescore - qwan / up rough!                                    50

MP3                                                                  Score
1 - 24h bedroom - bliss / fairlight music                              100
2 - heaven - dragonfly / starlight                                      60
3 - into the darkness - mr death                                        55
4 - fist of faith - psycho / session                                    46
5 - private eye - qwan / up rough!                                      41
6 - cosmic breeze - fox / starlight                                     38
7 - powertrip - phlow / xmp                                             29

MULTICHANNEL                                                         Score
1  - the far away land - zalza feat. emma                               74
2  - turn back time - dragonfly / starlight                             58
3  - the wildjazz style! - qwan / up rough!                             50
4  - lergökar on acid - psycho / session                                40
5  - world of dreams - fox / starlight                                  37
6  - journey - mr death                                                 36
7  - dansgolvsdunder - phlow / xmp                                      35
8  - wares - kung                                                       27
9  - the knark dream - upbeat mix - noname / inka                       19
10 - make me one with the wind - badvoc                                  2

HIRES                                                                Score
1  - Spike - Archer babe                                               100
2  - Louie/keso,tmb,cncd - Little girl                                  70
3  - Prof - v.h.b with a double d                                       57
4  - Aeroba - Fishy                                                     43
5  - Dash/Premutos - Split personality                                  43
6  - Tomic/bypass - Sweetcub                                            35
7  - Timbral/pzk - Most significant bit                                 31
8  - Lex/Anx - Vital                                                    29
9  - ApaHB - Underscore2                                                22
10 - Axewell - srappy g-girl                                            15
11 - Zerom - Black Caped Warrior                                        14

OLDSCHOOL                                                            Score
1 - Malmis & Pipe of Nature - She's got balls                           74
2 - Dash/Premutos - Tidälag                                             70
3 - Lex/Anx - Winnie the borg                                           70
4 - Prof/Comic bakery - Mario                                           61
5 - RazorGB - B&W                                                       59
6 - Melker/KESO - Nerd                                                  41
7 - Zerom - Gatsu                                                       21

RAYTRACE                                                             Score
1 - Pukka/evil inc - labyrint                                          112
2 - Pman/evil inc/parzek - spacefighter                                 83
3 - Bumbi/Goto 10 - Mechadragon                                         70
4 - Nitzze - Gatlinggun                                                 47
5 - Cbus - kompo?                                                       44
6 - Lobo/beavers.h - HD                                                 28
7 - Pipe/Nature - Minimalistic                                          20
8 - Macmania - Mac?                                                     10
9 - RazorGB/SolidChaos - GAZ                                             9

WILD                                                                 Score
1  - d4rkn3ss - the pirate handbook                                    143
2  - thiesen - ingen aning                                             103
3  - prof - le sacre singe bleu - le sil...                             97
4  - bliss - fighting blyboy deluxe                                     35
5  - keso - do the keso                                                 27
6  - tulou - bubbles                                                    24
7  - razordb - halla har du sett min havre...                           24
8  - velocity & wenne - julpop                                          22
9  - arc-crew - plocka peron beta 3                                     17
10 - underscore el-crew - 220 V                                         11
11 - keso - tanz zusammen                                               11
12 - Axewell - midnight accident                                         8

PC DEMO                                                              Score
1 - Rebels PC - Twenty4                                                 82
2 - Hemulianerna - _bsp                                                 71
3 - Animatronix - Terjak                                                41
4 - Unifox - Al CaTesticle                                              34
5 - Approximate - elsewhere                                             31
6 - Plastic - Go Around                                                 20

PC INTRO                                                             Score
1 - Deus ex Machina - True Mental Excession                             83
2 - Noice - Goatitude                                                   65
3 - Ector och Zalza - Paradise                                          63
4 - Das seX Machina - flum gosuben och guido dallasen                   41
5 - replay - richard come home                                          27

AMIGA DEMO                                                           Score
1 - Nature - Dentisty                                                  123
2 - Traktor - Baah!                                                    109
3 - Killar i cykelbyxor - Bigscreen                                     47

AMIGA INTRO                                                          Score
1 - Session - Out Of Space                                              77
2 - The Blue Locomotive - PC64K                                         71
3 - 3le - Drama                                                         64
4 - Sublime - Wasted                                                    58
5 - KESO - Cat                                                          27

ANIMATION                                                            Score
1 - Comic Bakery - Godzilla vs. Underscore                              74
2 - Goto10 - Saftkalas                                                  66
3 - Session - Car wreckin'                                              40

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