<WEB4096> - round#2 - WEB-ART contributions ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- >>>>>>>>> - http://web4096.message.sk ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 - this page / ugri (IE + NS) 2 - BitDeeJay / Mefi (mefi@poczta.fm, http://www.kran.prv.pl) (only IE) 3 - clouds / tryhuk (tryhuk@zoner.com, http://come.to/tryhuk) (only IE) 4 - go find the message / meri (m@m13.sk) (IE + NS) 5 - contrasts / robotriot (robotriot@cd32.de, http://www.o-m-r.de) (IE + NS) 6 - scooter / daniel (aka wolfie) (chocowolfie@aol.com, http://members.aol.com/chocowolfie) (only IE) 7 - 3d balls / Glen Murphy (gmurphy@riot.com.au, http://riot.com.au) (IE + NS) 8 - color loop / kliemann (j.kliemann@eduhi.at, http://home.eduhi.at/member/j.kliemann) (only IE) 9 - dollyazoo / biozen (glassonice!hotmail.com, http://www.minotauro.com) (IE + NS) 10 - beauty behind black lines / filipes (fschneider@geodispraha.cz, http://filipes.hyperlink.cz) (only IE) 11 - a-maze-ing / Daron Walls (daronwalls@netzero.net, http://dewdrops.org) (IE + NS) 12 - advanced * / raist (raist@email.cz, http://www.raist.cz) (IE + NS) 13 - sunshine2 / raist (raist@email.cz, http://www.raist.cz) (IE + NS) 14 - Silhouettes / milov (milo@milov.nl, http://milov.nl) (IE + NS) 15 - welcome to paradise / durko (juro@memo98.sk, http://www.memo98.sk/durko) (IE + NS) 16 - <<<< / jeden (jurko@internet.sk) (IE + NS) 17 - oldskool / milov (milo@milov.nl, http://milov.nl) (IE + NS) 18 - boing. / Schill (scott@schillmania.com, http://www.schillmania.com) (only IE) 19 - Simon / chris nott (chris@dithered.com, http://www.dithered.com) (IE + NS) 20 - Fridge Pomes / chris nott (chris@dithered.com, http://www.dithered.com) (IE + NS) 21 - make your own mondriaan / chris nott (chris@dithered.com, http://www.dithered.com) (IE + NS) 22 - 3t / dhg (guido.L@gmx.net, http://dhg.debox.de) (only IE) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party archive @ ftp.scene.org