Official results from :                            

                              B i R D i E   2 o o 9

.--(4k / 64k / demo)-[6 entries]-----------------------------------------------.
 01:  1147 Etch-A-Sketch / Candela
 02:   646 Mining Colony 6C / Tomtebloss, fsFreak
 03:   593 Over 9000 penises / Retarded Lankids
 04:   583 e03: we love spheres / even
 05:   437 Prelude / Glass
 06:   324 VAFFELSTRUT / SKE

.--(Animation / Video)-[7 entries]---------------------------------------------.
 01:   477 På 3 Dagars Turné / BIT(Born In Trance)
 02:   450 Dill / SML
 03:   442 En nörd på Birdie / South Birdie Studios
 04:   439 Birdie 19 / M0onLight
 05:   342 Plasticity  / Nocturnal 
 06:   200 CpScenen / entoNf1sk
 07:   193 Poomaster / dunz0r & XenoDuck

.--(fast music 2h)-[6 entries]-------------------------------------------------.
 n/:    n/a Knatte Tjatte Dilba / Crawford
 n/a    n/a Fucktails / Dunz0r
 n/a:   n/a Tuck Dales / Joule
 n/a:   n/a Ohshitglomdeborttiden / Malmen
 n/a:   n/a Duck Madness (tomten tew REMIX - Puss... / Concept-P
 n/a:   n/a Hashuz / (who)

.--(Freestyle gfx)-[13 entries]------------------------------------------------.
 01:   236 Reflective Eye / Dennis Karlsson
 02:   229 Me As My Own Neighbour / Niklas 'Solstickan' Malmberg
 03:   228 Mushroom Kingdom / Mirmite
 04:   208 Warlock / Erik Ohlsson
 05:   198 Speaker King / _sajko
 06:   185 Fractal Headphase / dunz0r
 07:   169 Smart Bomb / Leif Waern
 08:   161 Blue Bird / alexian
 09:   156 roedluvan is hunted by soeta raeven w... / kalaspuff/even
 10:   155 Viagra / VJs
 11:   129 Birdie invader / M0onLight - Speedlineproductions
 12:   108 birdie is tha shit / 
 13:    97 tlund / bittin

.--(Freestyle photo)-[14 entries]----------------------------------------------.
 01:   285 Elgitarr / reebase
 02:   272 z0mbiey / scratch- 
 03:   247 Emma in Summer / Nicon
 04:   229 midsommarflickan / kalaspuff/even
 05:   220 Hoppspindel / Dennis Karlsson
 06:   218 Blue Lights / wlkr/nocturnal
 07:   204 Music Covers / Niklas 'Solstickan' Malmberg
 08:   199 Autumn Flower / _sajko
 09:   182 Insane Smiley / Dennis Karlsson
 10:   177 En natt vid kyrkan.. / Howken
 11:   174 The Fountain / wlkr/nocturnal
 12:   172 Birdies @ Greece 2009 / forze & KrokRos
 13:   157 Backsippa / Ohls
 14:   146 Valborg09 / Scrooge

.--(Streaming music)-[8 entries]-----------------------------------------------.
 01:   353 Storebror vet bäst / Magma och Gibzone
 02:   342 Paper Jet / malmen / even
 03:   335 R.O.B.O.T / algar
 04:   283 I Give You / M0onLight - Speedlineproductions
 05:   270 fetamin / the speedlover
 06:   265 Colossus Game / Dj Emol
 07:   251 You'll Love my Clowns  / The Cook
 08:   228 Girl ok (remake) / dent/nocturnal

.--(Tracked music)-[9 entries]-------------------------------------------------.
 01:   288 Compound 1080 (compo cut) / fsFreak
 02:   257 Chips Doodles / malmen / satanic kids enterprise
 03:   233 SPEED / Jallabert / tjc
 04:   231 Min comeback / algar
 05:   210 bed & breakfast / joule / satanic kids enterprise
 06:   206 manegera / dunz0r
 07:   178 Snow / dent&intregity/nocturnal
 08:   172 Sonic on drugs / Fredrik Lindroth (MaLICiouS)
 09:   122 emocore (expriment) / bittin