. . : . .: : * HTTP://WWW.SCENE.HU * .: .: _ __ ______________________________________ :: ____ __ _ /_::_\ .________ :: ._____ ____/\ _ ___/\ ________ __| _/______ _______. _ ___| \ .___/ _ //___ _ //___ ___/ \ | ___/ \_ |______ | \\ | \__ \/ \ \/ \ ___)____ \ | ___)____ _ | _ \ \ |_____________/________/______ /_|\_____|______ /(_)|_____| \\_ ______/ yop \/ \/ .. |________/ __::__ _ __ _____________________________________\ :: /___ __ _ :: .: Grafikusok, Zenészek, Programozók .: alkotói közössége : .: : . . . _ __ ________________________________________________\ :: /__________ ____ __ _ KÃœTYÃœSHOP.HU FREESTYLE GFX COMPETITON _ __ ________________________________________________\ :: /__________ ____ __ _ 1. Can anybody hear me? by Morci - 282 pts 2. Nibiru -a kÃgyóisten papja- by Bodnár Balázs - 272 pts 3. Falcon Reborne by FarkasÃdám - 244 pts 4. do you want to see the workstages? (y/n) by leon/sgr/chorus/rsc - 239 pts 5. Planet War by Török Tamás - tomket7 - 229 pts 6. Soul Thief by Mona - 220 pts 7. Kitchen race by Parrot - 216 pts 8. .conn.:.connections. by Slapec - 213 pts 8. Kütyüship by Grass - 213 pts 9. Miki by Poison/Singular Crew - 200 pts 10. A warm welcome by Mányi Zoltán - k0c0s - 183 pts 11. Destiny of cubes by Kozma Péter (Sitnyikk) - 182 pts 12. (human) nature by GerG - 181 pts _ __ ________________________________________________\ :: /__________ ____ __ _