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1    Exocet/Checkpoint - "Wabbit Wevenge"                                 (204)
2    moondog/.tscc. - "Little Romy"                                       (167)
3    Sarah/RG - "SSO"                                                     (165)
4    Zyps - "Queen of hearts"                                             (154)
5    Hermann Samso of BITS - "BITS42"                                      (98)

Render / Hi-res Graphics
1    farfar / loonies - "Bengt Learns to Swim"                            (242)
2    Zyps - "Initiation"                                                  (190)
3    Maali / Accession - "Swine Flu"                                      (158)
4    KKIMMI of NEXT EMPIRE - "Soldaat van Oranje"                         (134)

Atari ST demo
1    Checkpoint - "Suretrip 2 - Dopecode"                                 (249)
2    Dead Hackers Society - "Codein"                                      (189)
3    Bits - "Bits Demo 42"                                                (124)

PC combined intro/demo
1    Inque - "Scatterpillar"                                              (216)
2    Outbreak - "Compusphere 2009"                                        (182)
3    Parbo - "Redux"                                                      (169)
4    Maytz / Loonies - "Mekanik 1k"                                       (167)
5    Artificials & Projekt Carnival - "FarmFest 2009 Invitation"          (149)
6    flo - "the world must burn"                                          (129)

1    Solenoid - "Russian Olive"                                           (167)
2    Pittsburgh Stallers & friends - "100% KRACHT"                        (165)
3    Magneto - "Hokkie van Okkie"                                         (161)
4    discomeats - "blight your senses artpack"                            (147)
5    Discomeats - "Blight Your Senses"                                    (143)
6    Felice - "800"                                                       (121)
7    Felice - "Hey Hey 16K"                                               (120)

1    TomChi^NoExtra / Heavy Stylus^RGCD - "R0X"                           (163)
2    Calsoft/PHF - "xnAsteroids"                                          (161)
3    Simon Sunnyboy / Paradize - "Attackwave"                             (139)
4    pea - "Professor Laydown and the Surious Spillage"                   (138)
5    Cyrano Jones / D-Bug - "Jetpac (Jaguar)"                             (123)

Atari bootsector
1    lsl / Checkpoint - "IferBoot"                                        (163)
2    baah/(Arm's Tech + Positivity) - "DLA"                               (152)
3    Cyrano Jones / D-Bug - "Ol09"                                        (130)

Streaming Music
1    cosmiq / fmc - "Drum and boobs"                                      (133)
2    Dma-Sc - "Shoot It Up!"                                              (131)
3    D-Force / Lineout - "Martine"                                        (130)
4    D-Force / Lineout - "Rays Of Light"                                  (130)
5    505/checkpoint^paradox - "zamba"                                     (129)
6    Eatme - "After Progression"                                          (125)
7    Cyrex / FMC - "Perspectives"                                         (125)
8    izard / inque - "Detox"                                              (124)
9    lotek style / tscc^ym rockerz - "Look at the sky"                    (124)
10   Eatme & Numtek - "Objurgate"                                         (120)
11   m0d - "Bag of Cocks (mag ik een biertje?)"                           (120)
12   cosmiq / fmc - "Demomuziek"                                          (116)
13   The Match / Lineout - "Not Done"                                     (112)
14   Wa'qee Special Investigation - "Dream 'Til Tomorrow"                 (111)
15   nosfe/f - "a message frm our master"                                  (96)

Oldskool/Executable Music
1    4mat & Malodix - "Despair"                                           (179)
2    505/checkpoint^paradox - "EGZACUTABLE"                               (175)
3    Gasman / AY Riders / Hooy-Program - "Snakebite"                      (172)
4    Dma-Sc - "Happy Dancefloor"                                          (160)
5    Puryx / TBC - "Planet Awesome (2.2kb)"                               (157)
6    gwEm / PHF - "Good Old Fashioned Blip Blopper"                       (150)
7    Response / Darklite - "Boiled head anyone?"                          (139)
8    CiH - "Dave Says Hi!"                                                (108)

Realtime/Wild demo
1    DR.MO & SHARKY - "canon fodder"                                      (128)
2    Chuck Steak / Limp Ninja - "Chuck Steak"                             (124)
3    Graga & Nosfe / AWESOME - "Leather Pleasure"                         (116)
4    Gasman / Hooy-Program - "Ode To Claire (first ever scene poetry in 12
                                                               8 bytes?)" (116)