File taken from

               -+-- raww.orgy 2009 results --+-

Well then, this would be the very quickly put-together-before-my-tea Results
file for this years raww.orgy!  The event took place in St4vs house in wintery
Exeter, in South West England.  Attendance was low, with only 5 voters for the
competitions, but the entries were, as usual, of a high standard.

The party took place from 6th to 8th of February 2009.

We had in total 6 music entries (lower than usual), and 6 graphics entries...
sadly the graphics entry by BITS arrived late.  Also arriving late was their
rather nice 256b intro, leaving 9 participants in the compo.

But enough scribbling... the results...
Format is: Place, Score (out of 50), title/author/group.

1 : 43 : ZX Cyber                               / Trixs       
2 : 38 : Biplane                                / Prof^4d     
3 : 37 : Moriturus                              / Dimidrol    
4 : 30 : Death                                  / SAG         
5 : 28 : Exit                                   / SAG         
6 : 25 : MARe                                   / Blaz & Shade
- : -- : Untitled                               / BITS        

1 : 37 : Deep Down Under                        / z00m    
2 : 36 : Rising Force                           / Karbofos
3 : 34 : throughTheGod'sLove                    / Riskej  
4 : 32 : SQ-Tracker                             / Factor6 
5 : 28 : Haus-Haus                              / Slip    
6 : 21 : Neverhood                              / JeRrS   

 256b Intro
1 : 43 : Mangy3                                 / tiboh/debris   
2 : 36 : Brainwasher                            / dox            
3 : 34 : Starlet Guitarlet                      / Gasman         
4 : 28 : No Signal                              / Shiru          
5 : 27 : RGB                                    / dox            
6 : 24 : Alone Pixel II                         / Tygrys / AYLand
7 : 23 : There's no any ideas, just some greets / bfox           
8 : 15 : Where is my gas?                       / Tygrys / AYLand
9 :  0 : zerodivide                             / skrju          
- : -- : BITS3000                               / BITS           

Congratulations to the winners.  The organisers (myself and/or LaesQ) will
contact you shortly to sort out prizes (there will be some delay with prizes as
they're not yet ready).

v1.0 - First version of results, no known errors.