----------------------------=======SYNTAX 2017=======-------------------------

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----------------------------=======SYNTAX 2017=======-------------------------
                     DEMOPARTY : MELBOURNE 25-26 November 2017


01 - Tap Tap Tap-ip-tee-tap - cTrix                                 122 points
02 - Twice As Nice - Teledildonix                                   103 points
03 - 11_songs_in_22_seconds - JCO                                   101 points
03 - Nano Nexus 22 - Jeroen Tel (Wave)                              101 points
05 - Fix lag when a large amount of popping occurs - tommitytom      95 points
06 - trix on the run - retrovertigo                                  90 points
07 - Hydroxide - Jay Hammer                                          86 points
08 - 22 Seconds of Death - Archie Martin Vox                         83 points
09 - FroST - AD & PumP                                               82 points
10 - synctax midi party - Tom Foolery and the Family Jewellery       77 points
11 - Crunchy 4 Syntax - AtomicSource                                 75 points
12 - gotta go slow - Catchinashes                                    72 points
13 - C major scale - definitely not gaia                             69 points
13 - 22 Seconds of Hard Techno - Isildur                             69 points
15 - Under the Other Night Sky - V0yager                             66 points
16 - Thunder - wattlebird                                            63 points
17 - Happy Forest - Creonix                                          54 points



01 - Pomp - Tom Foolery and the Family Jewellery                     98 points
02 - Wonderflux FM Beta - cTrix vs Aquellex                          97 points
03 - cheeky chiptune party - DF0: BAD                                85 points
03 - Vector Jelly - iLKke                                            85 points
05 - uncommented code from 12 year old github - gigavolt             79 points
06 - tropidude - rico                                                77 points
07 - city of nothing - Catchinashes                                  74 points
08 - An Music - Visual Basic Bitch                                   68 points



01 - "traditional amiga music" - DF0: BAD                           100 points
02 - Hacked together at Party 2step - cTrix                          99 points
03 - eager 2 quit - DF0: BAD                                         87 points
04 - Winter in Obatem5 - Serkul                                      67 points



01 - Lord of Wild Things - Animal Bro & iLKke                        86 points
02 - Maryling - Almighty God                                         67 points
03 - International Karate Re-Imagined - JonEgg                       66 points
04 - Bura Hara - Rail Slave                                          65 points
04 - Predator - jojo073                                              65 points
06 - Terminator - jojo073                                            64 points
07 - leaving - retrovertigo                                          63 points
07 - Hovertown - Jimage                                              63 points
09 - TimeAndSpace - N3XU5                                            60 points
10 - Birdwang - cTrix vs. Jimage                                     56 points
11 - hail satin - retrovertigo                                       51 points
11 - obatem5 - Ray Manta                                             51 points
13 - Planet Sharku - Jimage                                          47 points
14 - 8-bit Salad - Dok                                               46 points
15 - Vodka Breakfast Bowl - Chicken Brittle                          44 points
16 - mornings for scotty - strongbird aka mimi's diner               43 points
17 - Bild - Princess Luna                                            34 points
18 - C64 Calibration Bars - cTrix                                    28 points



01 - Jag-Skall - Marq                                                79 points
02 - bugjammer - Ray Manta                                           78 points
03 - e5____ca - Deev                                                 74 points
04 - The Good, the Bad and the PETSCII - Dr.TerrorZ                  71 points
05 - Rekall_Inc. - Shine                                             70 points
06 - Syntax2017 - rEApZ                                              67 points
07 - From the Rift - Sumaleth                                        66 points
08 - Whom Are You Going to Call? (aka. Ghostbusta - Marq             63 points
08 - TrueToYourself - TomoAlien                                      63 points
10 - LookingToYou - Almighty God                                     59 points
11 - The Real Party Is Down Under - Lft                              58 points
11 - Cripper - man                                                   58 points
13 - Jedi Master - Shine                                             56 points
14 - The Last Sheila - The Knight                                    52 points
15 - Myyraelamaa (aka Mole Life) - Emil                              49 points
16 - The Syntax Arrow - Sylvao and Cleaner                           46 points
17 - Vesiliukumaki (aka Water Slide) - Emil                          42 points
18 - Jekkukuva (aka Trick Pic) - Emil                                29 points



01 - The official Syntax VR Super demo 9000 - aday                  103 points
02 - Sui Generics - pelrun                                          102 points
03 - Vandalism News #67 - Onslaught & Offence                        93 points
04 - 5kb Trance_House - cTrix                                        82 points
05 - "microcomputer" - Visual Basic Bitch                            78 points
06 - SAMEKUESUTO - Jimage                                            56 points
07 - TRAMSTEIN - TRAMSTEIN                                           54 points
08 - DEMOMEME - NOT ME                                               42 points



01 - isibae - Dandy & greybot                                        94 points
02 - All Hail the Torus King - Torus Maniac                          56 points



01 - 068A - monad                                                   113 points
02 - Sine City - nF                                                 107 points
03 - hack1.bas - Disaster Area                                       56 points



01 - Let there be light - Disaster Area                             124 points
02 - Deimos - Cydonia                                               113 points
03 - Eternal Sentinel - Onslaught                                    79 points



IK Ultimate Preview - Knightrider, JonEgg & Excess          (C64 Game Preview)
IndeflataBall+5 - Onslaught                                        (C64 Crack)
Modular Sounds 11 - Artstate                            (C64 Music Collection)
Squid Jump Preview                                          (C64 Game Preview)
Squid Jump Preview - Onslaught                                     (C64 Crack)
TMDC20 Invitation - Bawlz                          (Text Mode Demo Invitation)


                               ^nfo by jazzcat^

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