.                   .                             .
              .         .         .                             .
    ________ /____     /____     /_____           _____ _______/____| ____.
  ._\___   //  __/____/  __/____/   __/_______   /    /  ._   /     |/    |_____
  |   \|   /\_____   /\_____   /   _/    /\   \_/    //  |/  /__    |     |    /
__|    _    .   \|    .   \|   .   |    /:   _   _   /   ._    /    |____     /_
\      |    |    :    |    :   |   :          \_/        |/   /       /      / /
      /                    /                                             H7/dS!
 ----. ------------------ .  ----. .-----. -.   .-. ---------------------------
    .   ASSEMBLY SUMMER    .-----' |     |  | .-'-`-.
             2018          |     . |     |  | |     |
 ------------------------- `-----' `-----'  | `-----' -------------------------

Floppy disk throwing

1. iiKster  62 yards
2. Gardan   46 yards
3. Kie      38 yards    

CD throwing

1. Mika     67 yards
2. iikster  63 yards
3. Gardan   48 yards


1. Laatupojat
2. Karhuryhmä
3. Cherry Pickers

Scene Lounge: Tuplain

1.  716     Gotta Spin 'em all by Hervannan Demoscene-Akatemia
2.  572     Blade Runner vs. Conspiracy by mayday/hedelmae
3.  480     PC MASTER RACE!!1! by mayday/hedelmae
4.  468     Rölli by Adellan
5.  460     Downwards by Hervannan Demoscene-Akatemia
6.  416     Assemblyfärjan by Jumalauta Färjan Committee
7.  412     Ekspert's Perfect Demo Class by ♪Cirnofan♪ (≧◡≦)
8.  392     Abyss Chose The Impossible by Walop
9.  368     Finlandsfärja by Exca / Wide Load ^ Konvergence
10. 356     Gummo S by kalle
11. 324     puffball era by sooda
12. 256     Sid Elevated by poro / Wide Load ^ Konvergence
13. 244     Kaksin on aina tuplasti kivempaa by Tethys
14. 148     guess what by visy
15. 132     Vistorfanttimarssi by InsaneFinn
16. 128     Janos Valmunen - Tähti [Official Music Video] by JUSSI/REN
17. 112     Zoom3Hellmarch by AND & Frank Klepacki
18. 60      EBIN KAKKU by BJAKKE
19. 36      Rauhan Voima by oksaperseessä2^4 of iSO

Scene Lounge: Pixel Graphics

1.  5420    Ronsu by Partikle
2.  4300    One more minute by Kisu
3.  3068    un nouveau soleil by Surround Tekotuotanto
4.  1576    S P I C Y by jemu

Scene Lounge: Tracked Music

1.  1088    Straightbackward by Roz / Fit ^ Byterapers
2.  980     Arpeggiojörssiä kansalle by Paokala
3.  776     ignition by mayday/hedelmae mayday
4.  708     Very serious problems (Internet has problems) by la_mettrie/tsoi
5.  608     Let's party again by Buzzer/Zenon
6.  452     oodi.mod by beathawk
7.  416     Sloppy Ho by bitch/ATW
8.  356     NES Things by Jarsk1e
9.  288     Nonbassoon by Laurikka
10. 256     joonix f by dusthillguy

Scene Lounge: One Effect

1.  944     Kettu by Cenon
2.  928     hellyydenosoitin - endearment pointer by tArzAn / tAAt
3.  816     Void Garden by FractalPixel, Shiera & Jirah
4.  532     What is this I don't even by jnalanko
5.  404     ByteSpiral128 by BJAKKE
5.  404     Rezykled by qma
7.  328     Rainy Metaballs by JjyKs
8.  312     Färjan diskotek by Jumalauta
9.  272     Pink in Spaace by muffintrap
10. 264     kuution_neppaus by demo workshop people!
10. 264     tick tock by into
12. 224     Just a Bug by meincrab
13. 208     Aku Ankka by essobar/posers
13. 208     Quarreling cubes by Adellan
15. 164     Organic by Typo
16. 136     Killing time in the scene lounge by iiKster
17. 116     Humppasonni by Noirek
17. 116     Vaerisokeus by KoomaDot
19. 88      *screams in visible agony* by name
20. 36      happy bars by vohveli

Fast Music

1.  1312    Hietsu-84 by Ephmerix
2.  704     90 Minutes on Miami Beach by Yzi
3.  672     My Boat Is Faster Than Yours by Chipremacy
4.  616     MIAMI NICE by ihanalammas
5.  580     Miamian House by Dj Rakofobia
6.  572     Miamin Ranta by Mergente
7.  524     mielenkiintoinen anatomia - interesting anatomy by tArzAn
8.  520     Protein-infused Pineapple-Coconut Goddess by rawArgon
9.  484     Alley by Carrox
10. 392     sand_thrower.mid by Munakas
11. 384     Beach Party by Jarsk1e
12. 332     Vice old man by Old Moubit
13. 316     Juri Jänis by Oge ja Tsaari
14. 312     Murder mystery of the Miami beach by BQJ
15. 284     Beach Club by Jon Tardis
16. 276     Sandelinos by Sandelinos
17. 236     soundtrack to a beach party where nobody is having a good time by shinmai/McBurrobit
18. 224     Wax on fastlane by Yermungandor
18. 224     Kallio by Aikapallo & Rayjan
20. 208     Zebra by TURS0
21. 176     rantahillo by exla

Listening Music

1.  1204    Blood Moon 16kb by Byproduct / SceneSat
2.  1172    Inhumanae Chipremacy by Chipremacy
3.  948     The Derelict by Ephmerix
4.  788     Rise From the Ashes by Aikapallo
4.  788     Boot Up Your Retro Warrior Within by GRiMM
6.  664     Il Portabagagli by Jeff
7.  612     Distant Thunder by Buzzer/Brainstorm
8.  580     Isidatta by Zardax / Artline Designs
9.  560     kalja by ukimies
10. 512     Attack of the Mutant Projektbeschreibung by Yzi
11. 452     ITEKI by Mergente
12. 420     Blues at Alturis IV by Downgone / 242
13. 396     Synth Vice City by merlucin
14. 300     summer in hikikomero by ihanalammas
15. 256     Your Sunscreen Is Freezing by rawArgon

Dance Music

1.  2116    Let My NES NES Your NES So Your NES Can NES While You NES by The Man With Several Nicknames
2.  1480    Eolian by HBR
3.  1416    Let My NES Move You 4 - The Last Chapter, Cheers! by M.W.N.N.
4.  972     Love Machine by ohgreat
5.  952     Sleepless by Johanna & The Poppivehkeet
6.  940     TanssiMoppi by Buzzer/Brainstorm
7.  820     Summer Scorchin' (Supreme Heatwave Mix) by DJ Joge of Brainstorm
8.  792     Saat mun tuulettimet huutamaan by Yksikkö 303
9.  708     Throwback by Mafia Pineapple
10. 692     Dancing Halogens by Signal
11. 524     Happy Hour by ihanalammas
12. 520     Narwhal Robot Cavalry Adventure by rawArgon

Fast Graphics

1.  5788    Crossroads by Darkki
2.  3704    Sivuoireet by Neotheta
3.  3060    There is nothing at X by Surround Tekotuotanto
4.  2040    Pari milliä vasemmalle by Yermungandor
5.  1896    X-mas by maxon / HBC
6.  1580    I have your files by Felor
7.  1376    X lol by Valtteri
8.  1064    Ms X by @Nemuli_art
9.  624     Adventurers choice by -
10. 376     Is Not Happening by mmuruisa


1.  4920    Gateway to Assembly 2049 by Wode / Doomsday
2.  3224    Heartbeat by H7 TRSI & Accession
3.  2544    Real-time raytracing IV by biini / damones
4.  1624    Erasing memories by piimae / findori
5.  1180    Irregular Habitat by tug
6.  1124    Bohemian Rays by Foxmagon
7.  692     cxirkauxvojo by ted / TRBL
8.  688     It spawns by iiKster
9.  632     Bubbles of polarity by sieniesko/paranoidx
10. 544     1200 RPM by Exca / Wide Load ^ Konvergence
11. 520     Ball of Love by DJ Joge of Brainstorm
12. 516     Fire mage in Helsinki by Firesong
13. 476     Your Galactic Ãœber Is Here by malomaz
14. 364     Laundry Room Demo Party by mss_fly
15. 332     Gems for you by Tethys


1.  4528    SunBreeze Horizon by Darkki
2.  2760    Party Animal by Ukkis
3.  2648    Trolling by Partikle
4.  2108    First encounter by Valtteri Valtteri
5.  1560    Megaspore Mother Cell by Plasticbunny
6.  1192    Slice Dice by maxon / HBC
7.  952     Wabi-sabi by NinjaBaka
8.  824     Crabzilla by Surround Tekotuotanto
9.  788     Cable Factor by sssampo / pistoke
10. 468     Water danger noodle by Panicpony
11. 416     Night time library by -
12. 292     Going home by ME
13. 236     A new start by Yermungandor


1.  4180    Frog Out! by Team Magic Forest
2.  3112    Tanks With Hands: Armed and Treaded by Team Grappling Hook
3.  2084    C.L.A.Y. by Bit By Byte Creations & Red Nettle Studios
4.  1724    Planet A18 by Mipelius
5.  1472    City Bike Simulator by JjyKs & MakkaraHauki
6.  1440    Compose It! by Ask37
7.  1368    Hack The Planet by Urpojugend
8.  892     Victims of Gravity by Half Bent
9.  852     Medlab Terror by SirRandom feat. Taeaekkae
10. 496     Drone Race PC by Limba
11. 392     Spiduel by Haxax
12. 152     SummerSplash by McBurrobit

Real wild demo

1.  8912    EnO saa Saunoa by Utfart
2.  8716    Hacklab LED system by Hacklab.fi
3.  7680    Rave On by Satori + dA JoRMaS

Short film

1.  5596    Mainoskatko ii by Randomheads
2.  4424    Agent 404 - Gullseye by SBA
3.  3084    Assembly: Ole Ihmisiksi by Studio Menestys
4.  2688    NWO by DatafoxStudios / Melodïcore
5.  2592    FIDSGETS SPINNERS' CLUB V by TAMIA5G/Iivo Korhonen/Axel Solimeïs
6.  2260    Pop by TVH animation
7.  2076    Pullon henki by Elite Dekkerz
8.  1068    Tartu by Keuhkovammaistenliitto
9.  424     Assembly is tomorrow, this we must do by Lehikoinen ja Hevoset
10. 260     A Song for the assembly by TULIMERI

Oldskool Demo
1.  12584   Shattered Minds by Byterapers
2.  7144    SMagFX #1 by SMFX & Dead Hackers Society
3.  6112    Housed by Ivory Labs.


1.  4792    geelimanipulaatio by gib3, tix0
2.  4348    Screen Lit Vertigo by Fulcrum
3.  4224    goodbye by knl, Ishy
4.  3384    octave by FruitieX
5.  2808    1karkk1mat0 by rawArgon
6.  2472    Infiltration by Digimind
7.  1516    Dirigible by DSoM
8.  756     Splashing Some Art by oo
9.  724     Jazzy Scuba Adventure by Fiture Crew Lamer Section
10. 572     Saksalainen vitsi 1024 by Jumalauta
11. 440     Luola by ps
12. 392     Quine Greetings by Exca / Wide Load ^ Konvergence
13. 248     Sphere of Influence by y0bi / wAMMA


1.  9412    Core Critical by HBC
2.  5292    Final Territory by Prismbeings
3.  2792    Troubled Waters by fp (previously FruitieX & Pingviinituutti)
4.  2696    Fireflies by posers
5.  2512    flow by mystran
6.  1104    Optic Nerve by lucid
7.  1024    BR4096 by TDA feat. oo
8.  528     Dissolute Teriyaki by The Usual Suspects
9.  460     Sway by sndels
10. 456     Psychedelic Screensaver by oo
11. 308     CSSCity by Mielikki
12. 192     By the Pond by tkln
13. 52      Trippin' Through by fatsopanda


1.  6820    out of the box by adapt
2.  4700    100% by Macau Exports
3.  3764    Cassini by Faemiyah
4.  3604    Ottius Prime by Pyrotech
5.  3088    Hardwood by Saksalainen Laatu
6.  1040    Coercion by And You
7.  544     HEW, COOL MEME by McBurrobit


1.  8772    Number one / Another one by CNCD/Fairlight
2.  7672    For your love by Andromeda Software Development
3.  4956    Dying Stars by Orange
4.  1244    eXosteriacle by adapt
5.  1224    Rogue keyframes by Pyrotech
6.  772     kolme by mog/TRBL, dq
7.  672     Rakka by rustbloom
8.  644     Journey to Breadzembly: The Attack of The Low-Carb by U+1F35E
9.  428     Shimmer by Lasi Interactive
10. 348     Diamonds by jnalanko
11. 216     Flashbacks by Paraguay
12. 200     Stellar Explorer by Wide Load
13. 76      RBBS-MINUS-02: Plakbazaar by Royal Belgian Beer Squadron
14. 36      CubeText by BJAKKE
15. 24      Kouvostoliitto by The Crux