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\   __\  |  \/    \_/ ___\   __\  |/  _ \ /    \ 
 |  | |  |  /   |  \  \___|  | |  (  <_> )   |  \
 |__| |____/|___|  /\___  >__| |__|\____/|___|  /  :  2  0  1  8 
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                 2018.09.07-09. budapest hungary www.function.hu


    1.  #14   251 pts    heatwave - nagz
    2.  #01   246 pts    Arpeggio is underrated - Vincenzo
    3.  #16   236 pts    DESTRONNAUTH - Necropolo
    4.  #15   229 pts    Matangi - Teo
    5.  #17   223 pts    The Devil's Butcher - Suby
    6.  #04   198 pts    Cloud Fortress - Cly Suva
    7.  #07   197 pts    Hungover Superheroes - Alpa (once ALPAidUS)
    8.  #09   192 pts    Dawn On Mars - Helguli
    9.  #02   189 pts    Better Summer - phazze
        #18   189 pts    ászok világos - Spiikki
   11.  #06   178 pts    Robofunk (Function 2018 edit) - Carlos
   12.  #05   176 pts    Echoes - Shaman
   13.  #10   172 pts    Global communication - DSH
   14.  #19   167 pts    NemStromanAz - nEmZeTi dJentRy feat. PRK
   15.  #03   163 pts    Control - RiaN Tune
   16.  #13   154 pts    Between - Werdy
   17.  #08   145 pts    Acid BearS - Laccci
   18.  #12   141 pts    Giants - inanisomnium
   19.  #11   131 pts    Ending - Vanguard


    1.  #06   339 pts    Mayhem Maniacs - GAMELAB
    2.  #08   329 pts    Trap runner - Night Owl Design & Retroguru
    3.  #05   288 pts    Roxor - musk
    4.  #07   267 pts    XXV - Viza / Hokuto Force
    5.  #04   239 pts    Flock You - Nyaki, kynu, Fiko
    6.  #03   227 pts    Namewoting - Wadember
    7.  #02   204 pts    Parallaxes - Feryx
    8.  #01   144 pts    Maguli a Zsiguli's Mission - 66Gramms (Ricsi)
    9.  #09    98 pts    CATCH THE PHRASE - BitFellas


    1.  #03   294 pts    Kitana - GeriJ
    2.  #05   226 pts    Whalair - Rascy / Dilemma
    3.  #04   211 pts    Luna - Laila
    4.  #06   195 pts    Doom25 - inanisomnium
    5.  #01   177 pts    Message to modern computing - Viza / Hokuto Force
    6.  #02   131 pts    Färjunction - Spiikki


    1.  #03   361 pts    Deceive - Dorcyy
    2.  #05   341 pts    Searching for Three Laws - Leon
    3.  #02   268 pts    888 - Willy/GGS
    4.  #01   160 pts    Wanna Fly with me? - Lightning Everett


    1.  #19   279 pts    Facets - Vanguard
    2.  #15   235 pts    Tunnel effect - archee
    3.  #21   228 pts    The Champion - Travis
    4.  #24   225 pts    Creases - Rascy / Dilemma
    5.  #06   214 pts    RTX OFF - Citrus
        #13   214 pts    Jumpstart - Ben Cee
    7.  #23   205 pts    The Joy - inanisomnium
    8.  #17   204 pts    A pretty much f*ck*d up painting - pasy feat.
                           Evelyn & Hundfrau
    9.  #22   203 pts    family idyll - outlook
   10.  #12   194 pts    The Path - AA-Ray / BitFellas
   11.  #18   192 pts    King Lizard - Bobic / 4Sceners.de
   12.  #09   185 pts    cookie apple fixer - d3tox > dt
   13.  #20   178 pts    The Rose Shipwreck - Pista^eXtrait
   14.  #16   174 pts    towering - kami68k^l0p
        #08   174 pts    Durdle Door - 66Gramms (Ricsi)
   16.  #14   172 pts    Pink circles - Zolist
   17.  #07   160 pts    Christianshavn Stickerpole -
   18.  #11   155 pts    People of Noordzee - Martin
   19.  #04   146 pts    The warrior - GeriJ
   20.  #10   136 pts    Abduction - Gergoo
   21.  #03   115 pts    This is a Spectrum party - Haluttu, maksullinen /
   22.  #01   101 pts    Ett?l fáj a hátam - Feryx
   23.  #05    98 pts    The coffee may be with you! - Roza
   24.  #02    86 pts    JEWGARIANS - SHLMFSZ


    1.  #04   369 pts    Pixel Cube - LokkoLori
    2.  #02   320 pts    Minus School - Cybernetic genetics
    3.  #03   108 pts    Li Nikui - Laila & Musk
    4.  #01   106 pts    Gates of Hell - Fei


    1.  #01   237 pts    The boat has sailed - Jumalauta


    1.  #14   447 pts    Pyrit - ?r?ola
    2.  #05   430 pts    No sleep! - TomCat and ern0
    3.  #10   402 pts    Volumi - Kümmel
    4.  #15   389 pts    into a new era - hellmood/DSR
    5.  #11   367 pts    Deadbull - Gopher / Alcatraz
    6.  #08   352 pts    Benoit's Flashback - jazzkutya
    7.  #09   324 pts    id_diz - sensenstahl
    8.  #03   317 pts    scant256 - nap/dilemma
    9.  #04   310 pts    256th Reality - iONic/AstroideA
   10.  #13   304 pts    Quantum Tunnel - Undefined Behavior
   11.  #12   285 pts    Elite256 - Digimind
   12.  #07   276 pts    aperture - unlord / xylem
   13.  #02   230 pts    Spherical gibberish - polar
   14.  #06   218 pts    Patterns - Harekiet
   15.  #01   183 pts    PD8 - g0blinish


    1.  #07   429 pts    posle - jetlag
    2.  #04   356 pts    Iowa - Genesis Project & Rebels
    3.  #06   351 pts    luxo jr. 4k - tifeco & teo
    4.  #05   350 pts    stage - Dilemma
    5.  #02   267 pts    stormy night - w0lf & Gondusz
    6.  #03   235 pts    Signal progression - HarDread
    7.  #01   161 pts    World Peas - Spenot / Enpera


    1.  #09   443 pts    Openoids - archee
    2.  #13   406 pts    Along For The Ride - Ümlaüt Design
    3.  #06   356 pts    Archeoptical - Musk & Parsec
    4.  #12   352 pts    Believe Me, It All Has a Meaning - United Force
                           vs. Digital Dynamite
    5.  #11   312 pts    September Symmetry Under The Red Tent - eXtrait
    6.  #10   302 pts    Ló. - Teszkó Gazdaságos Demócsapat
    7.  #07   288 pts    Alone - Netro
    8.  #08   263 pts    WHEN TOMORROW COMES - United Force
    9.  #04   150 pts    ndir - blob
   10.  #02   144 pts    I Voted For The Duck - nikin
   11.  #05   131 pts    Monumentalne zabytki MMMMMMMDX - Ajna
   12.  #01    91 pts    Rock for Färjan - Jumalauta


        145 votes were cast by 162 registered voters.

        Made possible by Wuhu - http://wuhu.function.hu