Editor's note:  These minutes have not been edited.

  		    User Services Area Report
                       San Jose, California
		    Joyce K. Reynolds (USAD)

Six active working groups were held in the User Services Area (USV) of
the IETF in San Jose, California.


Humanities and Arts WG (HARTS) session chaired by Scott Stoner and
Janet Max.

This HARTS session specifically focused on the review of the
Internet-Draft, draft-ietf-harts-guide-00.txt, "Humanities and Arts:
Sharing Center Stage on the Internet".  The attendees reviewed each
section of the document, and identified any gaps or omissions.
Additional writing assignments were assigned/reassigned.  Janet Max
will update this draft on a month to month basis between now and the
April IETF in Memphis.  The new versions will be posted as updated
I-Ds in the Internet-Drafts repository.  The HARTS group will continue
to work the on document with Janet and also via the HARTS email list.


Internet School Networking (ISN) session chaired by Jodi Ito
and Sepi Boroumand.  Reported by Jodi Ito.	

The ISN Working Group was convened at 3:30pm by Sepi Boroumand and
Jodi Ito, co-chairs.  The on-line charter listed outdated goals and
milestones that needed amendments.  After much discussion regarding
specifics of each item (detailed in the minutes), the goals and
milestones were amended as follows:

- the Nov. 95 goal/milestone to establish a repository of documents
  was divided into several goals:

  Apr. 97	Identify organization to host the web site
  Aug. 97	Formalize initial web content and relationship of
		working group with the host organization
  Dec. 97	Have a draft FYI/RFC describing the web site

- the Mar. 96 goal/milestone to establish a directory of educational 
  was killed at the last ISN meeting. (Subsequently, John Clement, 
  CICnet is working to create a global registry of educational
  projects which is still in the development/planning stages.)

- the Mar. 96 goal/milestone to update RFC1578/FYI22 has been

Additions to the goals and milestones are:

-  Apr. 97	Create a draft FYI/RFC which describes how to set up
		a Help Desk in a school.

Two draft documents describing common pitfalls for educators and what
can be done once the network is installed will be written and
circulated to the list for review.


ISN2 BOF session chaired by Jodi Ito and Sepi Boroumand.  Reported by
Jodi Ito.

Due to the fact that this meeting was attended by two people (other
than the co-chairs), the meeting was conducted very informally.  The
original purpose for this BOF was to invite local educators to comment
on ISN's activities and provide feedback based on their "real"
experiences.  However, no local educators were in attendance.

Casual discussions included the purpose for the ISN web site and what
information would be useful to include, what are some of the common
problems that educators encounter, what technologies are emerging to
help educators get connected.  Much of the discussion covered what had
been previously discussed in the ISN WG meeting held earlier in the
day.  One interesting point was the demonstration of the wireless
technology that could possibly be used by schools in "underserved"
areas.  Hugh Daniel provided a pointer to David Hughes who has done
work in getting schools hooked up to the net in rural Colorado:


Responsible Use of the Network (RUN), chaired by Sally Hambridge and
Gary Malkin.  Reported by Gary Malkin and Phil Nesser.

The Responsible Use of the Network (RUN) Working Group met on
Wednesday, 12/11 from 1530-1730.  It was the first meeting of the
re-activated WG.  The major topic of discussion was the revival of the
group to produce a document dealing with the problem of unsolicited
mass email (or netnews postings) (commonly know as spam).

The group decided to leave the Netiquette FYI RFC alone for now; it is
too new to need updating.  A new document will be produced
specifically to deal with unsolicited mass mailing (spam).  The
document will have three basic sections.  The first is for senders,
the second is for recipients, and the third is for ISPs.  A timeframe
was decided which called for an initial draft by March 1997, and final
publication as an RFC by July, 1997.  It was decided to amend the
original charter of RUN, and accept the creation of this document.

A short discussion on advertising on the Internet resulted in a
decision to address the issue as soon as the SPAM document is
completed.  A timeframe of initial draft by February 1998, and RFC by
July 1998 was adopted.  It was also noted that there could be
significant legal consequences and issues regarding this issue.
Therefore, special review by the IESG and their legal council is


Site Security Handbook WG (SSH), chaired by Barbara Fraser.  Reported
by Gary Malkin.

The Site Security Handbook WG met on Thursday, 12/12 from 0900-1130.
Gary Malkin chaired the meeting for Barbara Fraser.

Phil Nesser gave a quick presentation of his Executive Summary, which
will be a 3-4 page overview of the work Security Handbooks.  He will
post an Internet Draft next week, but the final draft cannot be
completed until the other documents are completed.

There were no changes proposed to the SSH.  Barbara should post the
final Internet Draft next week.  A last call will then be issued for
the document.  After the IESG has approved the document, Gary Malkin
will create an index and submit the new document for a quick
re-approval prior to submission to the RFC Editor as an FYI RFC.

The USH Internet Draft was reviewed.  There were many comments and
suggested changes.  Volunteers were identified to write the missing
sections.  A start was made on The N Commandments section.  A new
draft will be posted prior to the Memphis meeting.


User Services Working Group (USWG) chaired by Joyce K. Reynolds.  

A report on IETF User Services Area activities was presented by Joyce
Reynolds, which included USV Area Working Group Status and related USV
Area FYI RFC publications and current Internet-Drafts.

Reports on related global liaison group activities and international
conferences were reported.  They included Tom Newell and Susan Calcari
providing updates of InterNIC and NetScout activities, the TERENA/IETF
ETINU joint working group endeavor, the upcoming JENC8/TERENA ISUS
meetings in May 1997, INET97 User Track sessions and panels, and the
IESG Retreat held last October.

Discussion/Participation of the continued USV Area Focus, which

            - liase with TERENA ISUS (e.g., ETINU),
            - update certain selected FYI RFCs (e.g., FYI 4,
              FAQ on "New Internet User" Questions),
            - continue to provide documentation for developing
              countries, and
            - liase with other IETF areas


Guide for Internet Standards Writer WG (STDGuide)

This WG is a combined endeavor of the USV and OPS Areas of the IETF.
Their summary report has been filed with the OPS Area Report.


Integrated Directory Services WG (IDS)

This WG is a combined endeavor of the USV and APPS Areas of the IETF.
Their summary report has been filed with the APPS Area Report.


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