GR-303 MIB BOF (gr303)

Monday, November 8 at 1300-1500

CHAIR: David T. Perkins <>


Create a MIB to manage devices called RDTs that implement the GR-303 
specification. A remote digital terminal (RDT) is part of a DS1-based 
Integrated digital loop carrier (IDLC) system. An IDLC consists of an
RDT connected to a local digital switch (LDS) (which is also called a 
'class 5' phone switch) containing an integrated digital terminal (IDT). 
Telcoria Technologies (previously named Bellcore) publishes the "GR" 
series of technical specifications. GR-303 defines the interfaces
between an IDT and RDT. (See the Tellcordia WEB pages for additional 
information on GR-303.
Included in the interface is support for a limited amount of management 
of an RDT, which is defined in GR-303 supplement 3 and includes a CMIP 
MIB module.

The SNMP GR-303 MIB module will be a translation of a subset of CMIP MIB 
module for those objects found in RDTs that support analog lines. There
will be no duplication of objects found in existing SNMP standards MIBs 
such as the Entity MIB or DS1 MIB.


1) Agenda Review/Update 
   (5 minutes)

2) Description of the devices that would be managed with the GR-303 MIB 
   (5 minutes)

3) Overview of the CMIP GR-303 MIB 
   (10 minutes)

4) Description of the existing IETF MIBs that can be used to manage some 
   aspects of the devices such as DS1 and IF MIBs (10 minutes)

5) Description of any existing proprietary MIBs for devices that implement 
   GR-303 interfaces
   (5 minutes - TollBridge)
   (others (maybe Anda Networks) - 5 minutes each)

6) Proposal for and discussion of work plan for GR-303 MIB working group 
   (20 minutes)