IP Security Remote Access BOF (ipsra)

Tuesday, November 9 at 1700-1800

CHAIRS: Roy Pereira <royp@cisco.com>
        Sara Bitan <sarab@radguard.com>



 5 Mins Agenda bashing
10 Mins Reading of the Charter
40 Mins Discussion of Charter & Goals
 5 Mins Finalize Charter

If time permits:
 - An overview of IPSRA related IDs
 - IPSEC Remote Access Protocol Evaluation Criteria, Bernard Aboda 
 - DHCP Configuration of IPSEC Tunnel Mode, Bernard Aboda 
 - User-level Authentication Mechanisms for IPsec, Scott Kelly 
 - IKE Challenge/Response for Authenticated Cryptographic Keys, Dan Harkins 
 - Extended Authentication within ISAKMP/Oakley, Stephane Beaulieu
 - The ISAKMP Configuration Method, Roy Pereira 
 - Secure, Remote Access over the Internet using IPSec, Vipul Gupta 
 - IKE Base Mode, Sata Bitan
 - A Hybrid Authentication Mode for IKE, Tamir Zegman 