LdAp Schema for E-mail Routing BOF (laser)

Tuesday, November 9 at 1300-1400

CHAIR: John Beck <jbeck@eng.sun.com> 


The use of LDAP is becoming increasingly popular, and the demand for
mail transfer agents (MTAs) to be able to extract relevant information is
increasing along with it. Of particular interest is settling upon a common
schema for local email routing. LDAP will *not* be contacted for routing
e-mail until the MTA first determines that it is listed as an MX or A record
for the host named on the right hand side of the email address. The primary
goal is to define which schema to use in requesting local routing information
(a.k.a. aliasing) from an LDAP directory service. Secondary goals include
the definition of schema to use in for mailing list and user forwarding.


* Background (see Charter below)
* Review draft (draft-lachman-laser-ldap-mail-routing-01.txt)
* Discussion of future direction, per Milestones and Goals (see below)